ASAP Newsletter, 4th Quarter 2010

Adventist Southeast Asia Projects WAYS TO THE HEART FOURTH QUARTER, 2010



Transcript of ASAP Newsletter, 4th Quarter 2010

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Adventist Southeast Asia Projects









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ASAP is a registered §501(c)(3), non-profit organization and is fueled by faith in God and His provision through individuals’ financial support. Please note that 100% of your gifts go directly to the projects specified. All donations are tax-deductible.

ASAP publishes this newsletter quarterly. Please contact the office to receive your complimentary subscription, or for additional copies to give to family and friends.

ASI MEMBER ASAP has been a member of ASI (Adventist-layman’s Services and Industries) since 1996 and is grateful to be an ASI grant recipient.


ASAP BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chair: Bruce Bauer, Judy Aitken, Max & Linnea Torkelsen, Mary Ann McNeilus, Ralph & Beatrice Neall, Byron & Carol Reynolds, Trudi Starlin, Kenneth Straw, Steve Chang, and Denzil McNeilus.

All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the New King James Version® copyright ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by persmission. All rights reserved.

CONTACT USAdventist Southeast Asia ProjectsPO Box 84Berrien Springs, MI 49103 TOLL FREE 1-866-365-3541PHONE 269-471-3026FAX 269-471-3034EMAIL [email protected]

fourth quarter 2010 Adventist Southeast Asia Projects


Check out the Country Spotlight on page 15, to learn how you can join Ellissa Lo (pictured on the cover) and her family in reaching her people, the Hmong.

Ways to the Heart








* Names have been changed for the safety of God’s servants

4 SPECIAL FEATURE: God’s Media Tools

A Remote Place, A Tall Stranger, and Dramatic Conversions BY BEN SCHOUN

A Heart of Flesh BY ISAH YOUNG*

The Voice of Love BY SOPHAT SORN




Meet Nguyen Minh Hanh*LAY PASTOR—VIETNAM


14 COUNTRY SPOTLIGHT:Hmong in Southeast Asia


“Many of the honest in heart are gasping for a breath of life from heaven. They will recognize the gospel when it is brought to them in the beauty and simplicity with which it is presented in God’s Word,” (Evangelism, p. 66.3).

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“Then I will give them a heart to know Me, that I am the Lord; and they will be My people and I will be their God, for they shall return to Me with their whole heart” (Jeremiah 24:7).

Take a moment to think back to the pivotal time when the Lord was finally able to touch your heart in such a way that your life was never the same afterwards. Did He use an inspirational song, a friend’s compassionate word or a pastor’s stirring sermon? One thing I know for sure, someone in the world was undoubtedly praying that God would reach you. Read Martin Kim’s article on page 22 to understand in a clearer way the impact prayer has on the heart. This newsletter focuses on a variety of avenues that God, in his compassion and mercy, uses to reach the hearts of the unreached, lost people of this world. By no means do we cover all the methods God uses, but we touch on a few that have had a powerful impact in Southeast Asia.

Dr. Benjamin Schoun mentions in his article on page 5 how amazing it is that God chooses to use us humans (when possible) to reach the hearts of others. There is nothing more rewarding than being that tool in His hand. I will never forget the moment I entered a seminar room and heard one of the most persecuted Vietnamese youth evangelists I know of plucking on a guitar and humming the tune of “There is a place of quiet rest, near to the heart of God” that I had just taught him and the other missionaries. He looked up at me with tears in his eyes. I did not need to understand Vietnamese for him to communicate how God had used that song to touch the inner core of his heart.

Throughout this newsletter, meet the ASAP national missionaries who God is using to reach hearts by the thousands. Yes, I wrote thousands! This is no exaggeration because God has gifted visionary pastors like Isah Young (page 6), Sophat Sorn (page 7), and Saengthong Saengthip (page 8), to use media to reveal God’s character of love to the whole world. One lay pastor’s wife spends part of every day texting Bible verses and encouraging messages to her college-age children and their friends. We invite you to partner with us by being an avenue to the heart for Jesus. Your prayers are the most effective way to reaching hearts. Your financial sacrifices enable ASAP to continue supporting over 700 national missionaries and providing the technology needed to witness effectively via radio, Internet, and through DVD evangelism. I end this update with heartfelt gratitude for you, our faithful supporters but most of all for God, the one who never gives up on us and continually seeks avenues to our hearts.


Judy Aitken, ASAP Director

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P God’s Media Tools

DO YOU KNOW SOUTHEAST ASIANS WITH OPEN HEARTS? Direct them to these websites or contact ASAP for literature and DVDs to share!

For Vietnamese: www.peaceandhappiness.comFor Cambodians: For Laotians: For Literature:

SPeCIaL feature

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5Christ is Coming ASAP … Reach Asia Now!

S everal years ago Adventist World Radio (AWR) received an amazing and inspiring report. In one very restricted location

where no outsiders are allowed to enter, a story came to us that a tall stranger had appeared to some villagers and had given them a radio. Furthermore, this stranger gave the village chief instructions, not only on how to use the radio, but also how to find a particular program that he encouraged them to listen to. Then the stranger disappeared. That program turned out to be the Peace and Happiness program beamed in by Adventist World Radio. The people listened and all became Sabbath-keeping believers. This happened not just to one village, but to twenty villages in that area. These people now believe that this stranger was an angel.

As I reflected on this story I was humbled to see the evidence of God directly using AWR and other supporting ministries of this broadcast (including ASAP) to reach the hearts of these people. True enough, it is really God who touches people’s hearts, but He always asks people to be His instruments if at all possible. God could have asked this angel stranger to tell these people everything they needed to know for salvation. Instead He did what humans could not do, and then made it possible for these humble villagers to be connected to a human agency. It tells me first, that Jesus is anxious to come soon and to see His work finished. Secondly, it tells me that we all are a very important part of God’s plan.

Radios, DVD evangelism, solar audio players (megavoices), and printed material are all tools used by God to reach the hearts of people without the knowledge and hope of salvation. Radio is still the most effective and most economical media to use in communicating the gospel. In Southeast Asia people are using radio, shortwave radio that can reach into countries that will not allow us to broadcast from inside the country. It can reach into apartments, cars, private and restricted places to touch hearts.

AWR now has broadcasts to every country in Southeast Asia. For many years Pastor Isah Young*, with his team of church members, has been preparing programs in the Vietnamese language, and many thousands of hearts have been reached. I know that God has led him in this very important work. We must continue to uphold his hands so this work can continue. Also, Pastor Sophat Sorn, for the past several years has faithfully produced programs in Khmer for the country of Cambodia. They have had their impact, and we hope to expand this outreach even more comprehensively. Recently AWR has begun broadcasts in Thailand and Laos, including the Hmong language. Not long ago we became acquainted with Pastor Jay Lo who is a Hmong-speaking recent convert to Adventism. We are exploring possibilities for his involvement to strengthen this ministry to Hmong and other groups in Southeast Asia.

I know you will praise God as you read the following reports and I urge you to pray for this work and support it generously. There are many opportunities that we would like to take advantage of. I appreciate the collaboration between ASAP and AWR. These are trustworthy ministries and guided by dedicated boards. Although my position has changed, I am the chair of the board of AWR and I work closely with ASAP. It is wonderful to work together to finish the work that God has given us to do.

—————————————————ABOUT THE AUTHOR—————————————————Dr. Benjamin Schoun is a general vice president of the General Conference of SDAs and chair of the board for Adventist World Radio. He has served as president of Adventist World Radio, president of the Atlantic Union Conference, and the Northern New England Conference. He also spent 13

years at the Seventh-day Adventist Theological Seminary, Andrews University, as a professor, program director, and associate dean. His specialties lie in church leadership, administration, and conflict management.

It tells me first, that Jesus is anxious to come soon and to see His work finished. Secondly, it tells me that we all are a very important part of God’s plan.

A Remote Place, A Tall Stranger, and Dramatic ConversionsBY BENJAMIN D. SCHOUN

SPeCIaL feature

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People say the way to the head is by means of the heart. In other words, people will not care what we know until they know that we

care. This is why it is necessary for loving, Christ-like ASAP national missionaries to connect with those who learn the truth from God’s Word via radio, DVDs, megavoices, the website, Peace and Happiness radio broadcast or television.

Take for instance, the spiritual journey of Vo Thi Thao*, a former president of a Sunday-keeping conference and pastor of seventeen Sunday churches. He and his wife happened upon a Peace and Happiness radio program that specifically spoke to his heart because it addressed the health problems he was struggling with. He became a regular listener. Vo shares, “The more I listened to the broadcast and studied the Seventh-day Adventist materials given upon my request, the more I became convinced that these teachings were in accordance to the Bible.” It was not until he connected with Thanh Vinh*, a young ASAP lay pastor, that his heart fully accepted the truth and he made the choice to leave the benefits of his high position behind and join the Vietnam house church movement.

Luke 8:5–8 tells the parable of the sower who went out to sow his seed among all types of soil (hearts). Vo Thi Thao’s heart can be likened to packed soil initially and it required time and various witnessing avenues, such as the radio broadcasts, DVDs and literature, along with connection to an ASAP lay pastor in order for it to be stirred up. The most important tool required

is prayer, prayer and more prayer, until the soil softens through the prompting of the Holy Spirit. This is why ASAP missionaries in Vietnam dedicate consistent time to united fasting and prayer. The Lord promises that He “will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh,” (Ezekiel 36:25) and that is exactly what He did for Vo Thi Thao and continues to do for many others in Vietnam.

The noble and good heart, represented as good soil in the parable is a blessing. This type receives the Word of God, springs up and yields a crop of a hundred fold. Since Vo Thi Thao allowed God to conduct surgery on his heart, God has used him to bring five hundred of his 2,700 former members to the truth and he is leading sixteen house churches with over 700 members today. May the Lord continue to daily mold and shape your heart and use you to help cultivate open, receptive hearts in others through your prayers and acts of loving service.

—————————————————ABOUT THE AUTHOR—————————————————Pastor Isah Young is speaker of the Peace and Happiness radio broadcast and leader of the house church movement in Vietnam which consists of over 300 ASAP lay workers and hundreds of volunteers. He, along with his supportive wife, Mai, shepherd three Adventist churches in Southern California.

A Heart of FleshBY ISAH YOUNG*

Voice of Love recording studio. (See article on following page)Thousands of groups, too many to number, gather around radios to listen to the Peace and Happiness program

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T he Voice of Love (VOL) is the only program that broadcasts the unique SDA messages of God’s love and truth to the twelve to

fourteen million Khmer speaking people in Cambodia and around the world. Because less than 5 percent of the population is Christian, with most professing Buddhism, there exists an urgent need for this program. God blessed through the collaboration of AWR, ASAP, and the local Cambodian church family to make it possible for us to air our first program on October 27, 2002, and we have been able to continue broadcasting to this day.

After airing for several years with unsatisfactory results, I became discouraged. We received requests to broadcast daily, but had not seen many baptisms, the fruit of our labor. I went on my knees, pleading with God to show me whether I should continue. I felt impressed to draft a strategic plan for our radio program and finished it about midnight one night. I set it aside, prayed, and went to bed. That night, I dreamed that I was among a large group of people from many nations. A tall, handsome, well-groomed, middle-aged man dressed in grayish-white paced back and forth among the crowd. He stopped about ten feet away, pointed directly at me and said, “You!” I asked, “Me?” He said again, “You,” and signaled for me to come to him. He handed me a gift box topped with a shining cross. After I received it, I looked down at it and realized the box had turned into a heavy army knife made of solid gold, only about a foot long. I received it from him with gladness and said, “Thank You.” I abruptly woke up at 5:00 a.m., relieved! When I shared this dream with my wife, Mother Judy and some pastors, they all said the same thing. “That short sword is the Word of God via short wave radio” God be praised! Since then I work in my studio with more confidence.

When I visited Cambodia, God helped us discover the missing link…national missionaries. Pastor Lim Pheng, Mission Secretary, gave me the opportunity to meet with all the pastors and church planters to acquaint them with the radio broadcasts and encourage them in their important role of following up radio interests with Bible studies. Also, Pastor Nhean Thonsovan of Cambodia Adventist Mission passionately leads the missionary force in using the radio as a tool for witnessing and nurturing believers. Now, national missionaries travel into deep forests and all through Cambodia to meet with VOL listeners. A recent report from Cambodia tells that there are 56 known locations of listeners across 21 provinces. More than half of those contain whole groups gathering to listen. It is believed that even more are listening. In either October 31, 2010 or March 26, 2011, we will increase to four programs per week.

Now we praise God for the many testimonies of lives changed that we receive from the field. For instance, Mrs. Nhem Srey Tol was bleeding for over six months. She and her husband, Po Samol, felt hopeless. Samol tried his best to find a cure for his beloved wife but to no avail. Samol cried out, “If God is real, please heal my wife, and we will serve Him all our life”! Amidst their despair, Samol turned on the radio and heard a message from the Voice of Love sharing about Christ who miraculously healed a woman that bled for 12 years. Srey Tol thought to herself, “If this Jesus healed the woman with 12 years of bleeding, He can heal me.” And that He did. This couple has become VOL regular listeners and followers of God and are leading a group of believers in their village! Please keep the Voice of Love in your prayers (Col. 4:3-4). I thank God for the great opportunity and privilege to serve Him in this ministry.

—————————————————ABOUT THE AUTHOR—————————————————Sophat Sorn is pastor of the Stockton SDA Church in California. He is the current speaker of the Voice of Love radio broadcast and works closely with the Cambodia Adventist Mission in editing the translation of the SDA Lesson Quarterly into the Khmer language.

The Voice of Love BY SOPHAT SORN


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Within this past year Lao media evangelism has taken root in the hearts of Laotian communities throughout North America

via TV programs, internet, and the website. I love my Laotian community and am excited with how God is helping me to become better known among the people. Now I receive many more invitations to participate in Lao community events which allow me to mingle with the people and point them to Jesus. There has not been one community event I attended this year that someone did not approach me to say that they have watched LAMP’s TV programs or visited our website. Many of these people are not even Christians.

One of the most exciting current developments is the fact that other Lao Christians are using LAMP videos, audios, Bible lessons, and other resources on our website in their churches and as tools to reach out to their community. According to what I was told, the majority of Lao Christian churches are acquainted with our resources.

As of now we have completed sixteen sets of biblical video sermons dealing with different Seventh-day Adventist doctrinal topics such as the validity of the Bible, God & creation, sin & death, heaven & hell, the signs of the end time, etc. Our most recently completed project is the

Final Events of Bible Prophecy in Lao, which was adopted from the Amazing Facts version. The audio New Testament Bible has been completed in its entirety. LAMP is the first ministry group that is working on providing the Laotian Old Testament in audio. So far every book has been completed to the book of Second Samuel. The most amazing thing is that the reader for this project is a talented volunteer, a retired leader of the Buddhist Association for this community. He and his wife are currently attending our church and soon to be baptized.

Our next project is going to be dealing with the Sabbath and the worship issue. We have come to the point now that many in our audience have built trust in what we teach as being the solid Word of God. Sabbath is not a popular subject among other Christian denominations but we believe it is one of the most important Bible topics. For this reason we ask for the prayers of our supporters and partners in ministry.

Many who make contact with us are young people who want to commit their lives to God but do not know where to begin. I just received an e-mail this morning from a young lady who wrote, “I have just told God that I want to be a willing vessel and do God’s work and I have been praying that He show me the plan He has for me. I feel there is


Vo Thi Thao listens to the Peace and Happiness radio broadcast daily, comparing the messages to the Word of God.

Radio is one of the most effective tools in reaching Southeast Asia. Please pray for the speakers of the radio programs daily.

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You can pray and financially support these projects:

The Peace & Happiness Radio Ministry for Vietnam: $167,000

The Voice of Love Radio Ministry for Cambodia: $25,000

The Lao Adventist Ministry Project (LAMP): $30,000

The figures above reflect what is needed in one year. Give as you feel impressed and are able to.

Provide a solar-powered megavoice (packed with the Word of God): $65

Provide a believer with a radio to hear life-changing messages: $10

a strong need to spread the Christian Gospel to the Lao community here and I feel that this is the path that God has chosen for me. I was so touched when I found the Lao Christian website. When I saw it I started crying. I knew that this is the direction I needed to go. I know that with God all things are possible and we can accomplish anything. I will definitely share the DVD sermons.” Jessica K

Akrit Tantrarungrot (my LAMP ministry partner), and I, truly believe that what we are doing is the beginning of something greater. God is preparing a generation of young people to take the gospel to Lao people in North America and around the world. God is using LAMP to inspire many young people who want to serve God but do not know how to go about it. Now sermon CD/DVDs and other written resources filled with solid truth from the Word of God are in their hands. Because they are equipped, they are serving as our partners. In one effort, we reach out to both Christian and non-Christian alike.

I believe that every member of our church should have a part in God’s work in order to strengthen their faith, hence, all are active and supportive of LAMP. One of the big challenges this year is that we have lost church members due to several families having been forced to move out of Michigan because of the poor economy. But even though we may be few in number, God is still working through us in a mighty way. Gideon only had 300 men when he went into the camp of the enemy, but God granted him the victory because he trusted in Him. As we strive to reach the hearts of people with the everlasting gospel, let us never forget that our heavenly Father gently promises, “Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west” (Isaiah 43:5).

—————————————————ABOUT THE AUTHOR—————————————————Saengthong Saengthip is the pastor among the Lao in Holland, Michigan. He is also volunteer coordinator for ASAP’s evangelism among the Lao people in North America. Saengthong Saengthip received his Master of Divinity from Andrews University Theological Seminary. He is married to Meliecy and has a baby boy named Danian.



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Feed & Read Students in Cambodia

TURLEY: Hello! I am so happy to be here at your school and spend some time talking to you. Can you tell me a little about yourself?

REAKSMEY: Chom Reap Soul (Hello! in Khmer) My name is Reaksmey Phal. I am fifteen years old.

TURLEY: It’s nice to meet you, Reaksmey. What would you like to tell me about your school?

REAKSMEY: This is my third year here. My parents are very happy that I can attend this school. My teacher’s name is Mr. Chhoun Chheoun. He is also the principal. There are eighty other students in this school. What I like best about the school is that it teaches me how to know God and I like the food.

TURLEY: Tell me about the food.

REAKSMEY: Every lunch, we each get a tray with as much rice as we can eat and we also get some vegetables, different toppings for the rice, like tofu and a piece of fruit for dessert. I love it!

TURLEY: Everyone likes different things, don’t they? I’d like to know what some of your favorite things are. What is your favorite color, favorite Bible story, and favorite subject in school?

REAKSMEY: My favorite color is light blue like the sky. I am interested in the story in the Bible about Adam and Eve, our first parents. My favorite subject to study is Khmer (Cambodian language). When I grow up, I want to be a teacher.

TURLEY: These are your sisters, sitting beside you, right? What is your name? Can you tell me about yourself like your big sister did?

DOUNG: Hi! My name is Doung Chan Phal. I am twelve years old. I am in the third grade and my teacher’s name is Miss So Narin.

TURLEY: What is your favorite color, favorite Bible story and what do you want to be when you grow up?

DOUNG: My favorite color is red and I like the story of Jonah and the whale. When I grow up, I want to be a teacher, too!

TURLEY: It’s very nice to meet you, too! I am a teacher, and I think it would be a good occupation for you and your sister. Teachers can make a big difference in the lives of others, especially when they teach others about a God who loved us and created us. Now can you introduce me to this pretty little lady beside you?

DOUNG: This is my youngest sister, Chenda. She is seven years old. She is in the first grade, and her teacher’s name is Miss Prom Sorya

TURLEY: Chenda, what do you like to eat and study?

CHENDA: I like soup and my favorite subject is math.

TURLEY: Can one of you tell me about the rest of your family?







Susan Turley, an ASAP supporter, introduces you to Reaksmey and her two younger sisters, all of whom attend one of ASAP’s Feed & Read schools in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

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11Christ is Coming ASAP … Reach Asia Now!

Feed & Read Students in Cambodia

DOUNG: We have four brothers who are ages seven and five, and twins who are almost two years old.

TURLEY: What kind of work do your mother and father do?

REAKSMEY: During the day, my mother collects discarded items to sell from the garbage dump behind our house. My father also does that, but sometimes he gets a job carrying a huge block of ice on his shoulders. After school, all of us kids go to the garbage dump and along the streets to collect discarded items for the family to sell. The dump is a huge, long mountain of trash and garbage. Parts of it are rotting and parts are on fire with smoke coming out so we have to be careful.

TURLEY: Thank you for talking with me. Would one of you like to pray before we say good-bye?

REAKSMEY: Yes, I would like to pray. Thank you, God for giving us this school, food to eat, and letting me come and study here. Thank you for the teachers who have good hearts. Thank you God so much for everything!

[Editor’s Note: Since this interview took place, the Cambodian government closed the garbage dump and now these children’s parents try to find things to recycle from shops along the busy streets but it is a very competitive market and it is hard for them to survive. Reaksmey had to drop out of school to help her parents work and watch her younger siblings. Pray that ASAP can provide this family and other families in this situation with gardening or other income-generating projects and training so they can embrace a better way to support their families.]

———————————————ABOUT THE AUTHOR———————————————Susan Turley is a nurse and an adult educator who writes college textbooks in medical language and pharmacology. She lives in Ellicott City, Maryland with her husband, Alfred and her two daughters, Lien and Minh. Currently, her daughter Lien is working

as a student missionary, teaching at the Vietnamese ASAP Feed & Read School in Cambodia.

PHOTO CAPTIONS TOP: (left to right) Chenda with her teacher, Miss Prom Sorya; The girls standing with her mother in front of their house; Prayer is an important part of their life now; Here are recyclables they found on the day Susan Turley visited, Reaksmey, the oldest, with much responsibility.

Would you like to sponsor these precious girls so they can continue learning about Jesus? It takes only $20 per month to help feed and educate one student at an ASAP Feed & Read school.


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Meet Nguyen Minh Hanh*

“We are followers of Christ who suffered persecution—and we will do the same.”

PoSItIon Lay PastorLoCatIon VietnammaIn goaL My goal is to lead more and more people to the you Can heLP Please consider partnering with ASAP to support a dedicated Vietnamese lay-pastor for only $70 per month. Prayer requeSt Please pray for more CDs and DVDs of Pastor Isah’s Bible teachings and sermons to distribute because we run out of CDs/DVDs often. The laborers are so strong right now; we really need more materials.

HOW GOD REACHED MY HEART I came to Christ through the Peace and Happiness radio program. I was CMA [Christian Missionary Alliance] before because my grandparents were first generation CMA. I listened to the program and had a lot of thoughts about the Sabbath, about clean and dirty food, and about the state of the dead; teachings which were totally different from Sunday churches. In 2003, I made a decision to leave the Sunday church and join a Seventh-day Adventist house church. Many people discriminated against me and shunned me. A lot of people thought I was following a cult, but I saw that the SDA church follows the Bible.

BOLD ACTIVITIES REACH HEARTS Every year in my area we distribute more than 10,000 CDs and DVDs and more than 1,000 books. There is no other denomination that evangelizes like the SDA house churches in Vietnam. We pass out CDs/DVDs in crowded market places and public places like schools and even government offices.

After witnessing in this way, the church members often report us to the government. The police interrogated me at least ten times last year. They send up to three “invitations” and if I do not show up by the third time, they arrest me and put me in prison. During one interrogation, the police asked about Pastor Isah’s CDs and DVDs. I told them, “You have heard and you have seen a lot of hours of CDs/DVDs and has Pastor Isah said anything against the government or anything immoral? They had to answer no. So I asked, “Why are you interrogating me?” They ordered me not to go and evangelize and said that whoever wants to believe in God can just go to a registered church and worship. I told them the Bible says that people can only believe if they hear the Word of God (Romans 10:14-17). Even with the difficulties we have from the government our house church still grows, adding about thirty souls per month. We are followers of Christ, who suffered persecution—and we will do the same.

workers VIetnam

People can only believe if they hear the Word of God.” ‘ ‘ *Name has been changed for the safety of God’s worker.

Learn more about the experiences of Nguyen Minh HanhVisit

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Meet Ko Win*

“Because of Christ working in me and through me, this village depends on me.”

PoSItIon Church PlanterLoCatIon Shan State, MyanmarPrayer requeStS Please pray that all the villagers in Shan State accept Christ as their Savior, that God provides water pipes to bring water for the villagers living on top of a mountain, that parents will not withdraw their children from my classes, and for peace in Shan State. Pray for protection of the people in this village and peace for them.

*Names and places have been changed for the safety of God’s worker.

FRIENDSHIP When I first arrived at Po* village, the villagers who are animist and spirit worshipers had strong reservations about me. I let them know that I am a teacher and am willing to teach their children how to read, write, and sing. I had to first learn Lahu, the language that the villagers speak. The people grow rice, sesame, vegetables, and opium. I sometimes help the villagers in their rice fields and with many other needs.

EDUCATION The villagers were illiterate and could not speak Burmese, the official and most commonly used language of our country. Each day before I teach the students, I pray for them. I teach the children not only how to read and write but also how to pray, and the Word of God. Even though their parents and the older generation villagers are very strong in their animistic beliefs, they allow their children to become followers of Christ if they desire to do so. This is a miracle, not how it used to be.

RESPECT I carefully approach the villagers in all matters. Seeing my respect for them and my dedication for their well-being, the villagers share their food and vegetables generously with me. When they celebrate New Year, every home kills a pig, but for me they prepare special food because they know I do not eat pork.

LOVE I teach the villagers how to be clean and live healthy lives as they used to be very dirty due to lack of awareness for personal hygiene. One day, I prayed for an old woman, gave her medicine, and took care of her as her son did not care for her. After three days she recovered from her sickness. Jesus put love in my heart for her and this made a big difference in her life. Now, because the villagers love me they do not want me to leave them nor their village.

MEDIATION The village where I am working is located between a government controlled area and a local ethnic army controlled area. Tensions arise from time to time between the two groups, at times almost erupting in fighting. The villagers live each moment in fear that fighting will take place. Whenever the Burmese soldiers come to the village, I translate for them so as to make sure that there is mutual respect and trust between them and the villagers. Because of Christ working in me and through me, this village depends on me.

workers myanmar

Each day before I teach the students, I pray for them.” ‘ ‘

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I f you were God and you needed to select someone to effectively communicate your important, urgent, life-transforming message to a certain tribal group of the world, who would you pick? Of course this person would need to be willing and humble in order to do your bidding. This

person would need to understand your message clearly and know how to represent you well. What if the person spoke the language and knew the culture of the tribe … even better, right? Please meet Pastor Jay and Panyia Lo, two individuals we believe God called to penetrate the hearts of the Hmong with God’s message of truth. Their life journey illustrates how God’s hand has led them, preparing them for a special assignment.

Jay and Panyia Lo were born in Laos, one of the Southeast Asian countries that the Hmong people call home. In 1978, Jay, along with 264 others, began a seventeen-day, 375 mile walk to find refuge. Jay was one of 96 people who arrived safely to Thailand. During his time in the refugee camp and after resettling in America, he providentially had the chance to study the Bible and accepted Jesus into His heart.

Panyia is the eighth child in a family of sixteen. It was out of desperation that her mother and father became Christian. Panyia was very sick as a baby. Because they had already lost four children, they resolutely sought a cure from the shaman and doctors but found none. Finally, they called on the Master Physician who answered their prayers and saved Panyia’s life. God miraculously brought Jay and Panyia together and prompted them to study in a Christian

Lo, I am With You AlwaysBY JULIA O’CAREY

Visit to view an interview with Pastor Jay and Panyia Lo held during the national ASI convention.


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P Did you Know?

❖ There are millions of Hmong who have yet to hear the gospel.

❖ The Hmong are a tribal people living predominantly in Laos, Thailand, Vietnam, China, the United States and France.

❖ The Hmong fought for the U.S. on the front lines in the Vietnam War. When the US pulled out, they were left at the mercies of the enemy. Many fled for their lives, but thousands died for OUR freedom. For this reason, over 200,000 Hmong have resettled in the United States.

❖ The two translations of the Hmong Bible are mere paraphrases and contain many doctrinal errors. It will take Pastor Jay Lo about five years to finish translating the Bible. He has already finished John and Mark and is halfway through Matthew.

Please pray for this important assignment from God.

❖ The Hmong have close-knit, large family clans and hold animistic beliefs.

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college where they were the only two Hmong attending. While there, they were interviewed separately for a special feature in the school newspaper and without having previously discussed their future plans with each other, they both expressed their desire to serve as missionaries to their people. They took this as a sign that God brought them together. They were first in the Hmong community to receive college degrees as a married couple. Jay received two B.S. degrees, one in business administration and one in religion, and Panyia received a B.S. in social work. After graduating, they started working and for a time lost sight of their dream for mission service.

Jay’s relatives from Thailand, which he keeps in close contact with, pleaded for a missionary to be sent to them. Jay sponsored one of his cousins to make three missionary trips there and through God’s blessing was able to win fifty people to Christ. Unfortunately, during his third trip, he was poisoned and passed away. The Holy Spirit used this tragedy to wake Jay and Panyia up so Jay quit his accounting job and began studying in a Lutheran seminary. He received his masters of divinity and became a pastor of a Hmong church in Minnesota,

a seminary professor of the college where he trained future missionaries, and was the advisor to Lutheran missionaries to Asia.

As Pastor Jay delved deep into the Word of God, he became troubled. The Holy Spirit showed him many errors in the Hmong translation of the Bible and he would find himself rewriting the Bible texts before teaching and preaching. It also troubled him that the fourth commandment read, remember the seventh day to keep it holy, but he was worshiping on the first day. About three months after he began asking his superiors many questions, he received a notice from the Lutheran Synod that his services were no longer needed. At this same time, he met Pastor Ko Saelee, a Hmong SDA pastor working as a church planter in Wisconsin and Minnesota. Pastor Saelee introduced him to the Seventh-day Adventist truth which confirmed what the Holy Spirit had been teaching him.

The Lo’s commitment to Christ and to the truth came with much testing and hardship. With losing his position in the Lutheran Synod, they lost their home and financial security. They have been tried in the fire through persecution

Hmong in Vietnam studying the Bible and listening to the radio broadcast.

Here is one girl out of the millions of Hmong in Southeast Asia who need to hear about their loving Creator.


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17Christ is Coming ASAP … Reach Asia Now!

from family members who took their decision to accept God’s call to ministry as an act of betraying their Hmong identity. Before disowning them, they wrote death threats on their garage door, placed a car bomb in their driveway, robbed their home, and even tried to shoot down Jay’s professor. Panyia reflects, “Though Jay and I are poor in physical wants, we are rich in our faith in Christ. We know that if we still had our home and jobs, we may not have been open to serve God according to His plan. The tribulations we go through produces perseverance, character and hope in us just like Romans 5:3-5 promises. We feel strongly that our family members and our people need to know the truth. The way they fight against us clearly reveals their great need for God.”

Pastor Jay was sponsored by the Minnesota Conference, Mid America Union, and the North American Division (NAD) for one year to attend Andrews University Theological Seminary. He would like to continue advanced studies in Greek and Hebrew which would shed more light and aid him in translating the Bible. Panyia has been working as Data Entry Manager for ASAP and works alongside her husband in ministry. They, along with their three children, Emmanuel (7), Samuel (7), and Ellissa (3) are trusting God to provide for them day by day.

The Hmong need an accurate version of God’s Word ASAP! The Holy Spirit already prepared the hearts of thousands of Hmong in Vietnam, Thailand, and Laos especially. We

hear a Macedonian plea from the Hmong and we believe God chose the Lo family to deliver God’s special messages to them. The first and foremost project is for them to complete the translation of the Bible. As God opens the doors of opportunity, Pastor Jay would like to be a speaker for a radio broadcast for the Hmong and to open a training center in Thailand for Southeast Asian lay workers. His heart yearns for the Hmong in the United States as well.

Since he shared the truth of the Sabbath with Hmong pastors throughout the United States, two in Wisconsin and one in California have already led their congregations to become Seventh-day Adventist. Please partner with Pastor Jay and Panyia Lo in reaching the hearts of the Hmong. Ua Tsauj Ntau! (Thank you very much in Hmong).

Your prayers and donationshelp Pastor Jay and Panyia Lo to go therefore and make disciples of the Hmong, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that God has commanded of them (based on Matthew 29:19,20). As Pastor Jay Lo likes to quote tongue in cheek and heart in faith, “Lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.”

When giving, please indicate “Hmong Ministry” on your check or giving envelope.



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Your Support Provides Ways to the Heart

children attend Feed and Read schools in Cambodia where they learn of Jesus’ mercy and care for them. One school is for Vietnamese children who would not have access to education otherwise. Another reaches out to Laotian children, and the third is for Cambodian children.

Adventist refugee groups receive spiritual encouragement. (Five companies of Karen from Myanmar in North Carolina, a company in New York, two in Indiana, three in Illinois, two in Texas, and one each in Colorado and Minnesota.) Many vulnerable Southeast Asian refugees and immigrants find support for learning how to survive in the United States.



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19Christ is Coming ASAP … Reach Asia Now!

literacy schools give the poorest of society (adults and children) hope for a better life and hope for eternity.

infected church members receive food, safety and love at the SDA Center (AIDS hospice). Because of you, they live with dignity.

wells were provided to bring clean water and the Water of Life.




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20 fourth quarter 2010 Adventist Southeast Asia Projects

church planters and lay pastors share the Good News to those who have never heard of their loving Savior.


medical missionaries teach villagers principles of health. They pray for and treat the sick where there is little medical care available.



[Editor’s Note: This article does not include all the projects you donated to due to lack of space. Please forgive us if your favorite project was not included.]

learned that their Savior loved them when ASAP missionaries helped meet their real needs, such as rice during emergency situations.


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21Christ is Coming ASAP … Reach Asia Now!

“Blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, and whose hope is the LORD” (Jeremiah 17:7). IN MEMORY OF:Anna Bowers, by Judith Beeson

Dennis Harmuth, by Wayne Labins

Dorothy Ford, by Paul and Doris Arnold

Ida Kimmel, mother of Dr. Mary Ann McNeilus, by ASAP Board and Staff

John Reed, by Rosemary Reed

Keith Rashleigh-Berry, Valerie’s father, by Chris and Valerie Barr

My father, Barry Burton, by Michael and Alice Weakley

Wendell Horning, by Helen W. Lee

IN HONOR OF:15th Anniversary of ASAP on September 15, 2010, by ASAP Board and Staff

A Thank Offering for Ellen’s 55th Birthday, by Donald and Ellen Amador

A Thank Offering for Irmgard’s 93rd Birthday, by Irmgard Hooper

Bill and Patti Burns, by JK and Esther Martinez

Birthdays of Juanita Plummer and Shirley Bryson, our marvelous moms,

by Wayne and Sherri Labins

Gary McCormick, by Phillip and Cynthia Livingston

God’s Healing Power, by Nanette Haley

Monte and Michael Morris, brother and nephew, by Shirley Burton

Nathan Polk, by William F. Polk

Ralph E. Neall, my wonderful Dad on Father’s Day. Lots of love to you, Dad!

by Cheryl C. Johnson

Ruth Taylor, by Matthew T. Peterson

Sam, a boy we tried to adopt in the spring of 1966, by Marva Smith

Stephen Allred, by someone who cares

ln Loving Memory & HonorBY WAYNE LABINS

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I n my job as communication director of ASAP, naturally, I must communicate. I communicate with you, the donors, regarding the great

ministry opportunities and needs of our brothers and sisters in Southeast Asia. I communicate with the national missionaries in an effort to encourage, equip, and train them for their work, and most importantly, I communicate with God, the one who brings success in my communication with the former two groups mentioned. I wholeheartedly agree with E. M. Bounds who said, “Talking to men for God is a great thing, but talking to God for men is greater still.” Today, I prayed that God would impress upon my heart what to write in an effort to communicate the vital role prayer plays in reaching hearts with the Gospel truth.

In the book Evangelism it says: “Through much prayer you must labor for souls, for this is the only method by which you can reach hearts (p. 341). It is not your work, but the work of Christ who is by

your side, that impresses hearts.” Prayer is not one of many methods for reaching hearts. Nor is it the greatest method used to reach hearts. We are told that prayer is the “only method.” In other words, DVDs, wells, and radios cannot reach hearts. Church planters and medical missionaries cannot even reach hearts. But Christ is able to work mightily through our national missionaries and other various evangelism tools when we labor for souls through much prayer.

If we pray, Jesus will work. In fact that is exactly what He promises us in John 14:14, “If you ask anything in My name, I will do it.” What a wide promise! Anything! Jesus will reach hearts and so much more if we would pray. What a privilege and tremendous responsibility God has given to us. I pray the Lord will speak to your heart through the following paragraph taken from a message by James McConkey titled “The Omnipotent Power of Prevailing Prayer.” The following quote paints a picture of what God can do when we pray:


The Only Method







Have you joined the ASAP Prayer Team yet? Do not delay and join today! Sign up at: and you will receive a monthly prayer e-mail reminder, linking to specific prayer requests for daily intercession.

“God, the eternal God of the universe, stands, as it were, like an almighty servant and says, “If you, my child, will only pray I will work; if you will only be busy with asking I will see to the doing….” Thus to the child of God bowed in prayer that the gospel may be sent to the dark land, though he may not see it, yet as he prays God baffles the powers of darkness; as he prays God moves the hearts of kings; as he prays God breaks down the barriers to evangelization; as he prays God loosens the bands of superstitions; as he prays God opens up the pathways to forbidden lands; as he prays God unclasps the purses of His children; as he prays God raises up and thrusts forth the gospel messengers to the whitened harvests. As he is praying God is doing. This is explicitly asserted. “Search my word,” says our Lord. “Find out clearly in it what My will is concerning the world. Pray according to that will. Then as you pray, ‘Lord, thrust forth laborers into the harvest,’ I thrust them forth! As you pray, ‘Lord break down the obstacles,’ I break them down! As you pray, ‘Lord stir men’s heart to give,’ I stir them! Whatsoever ye ask in my name, I do.”

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web: | Phone: 1-866-365-3541 23





After we received the ASAP DVD, “Seekers of Truth” at an ASI convention, my wife decided to show it during our family worship. My wife, our two daughters, and I brainstormed ways to raise funds. What started as a family project became a church wide project. I played the DVD for my Junior Sabbath School class at Melbourne SDA Church and the decision was made to have a church-wide car wash. Our church family gladly supported this venture and enough funds came in to purchase 100 Bibles for the house churches in Vietnam. We were happy to find out about the matching grant which doubled it to 200 BIBLES … Praise God! This seems like such a small thing in comparison to the great need; but I’m reminded from the Bible how God can do so much with so little when we place ourselves fully in His hands. To God be the Glory, great things He has, is, and will do.


I just wanted to share with you the story behind this love gift from my thirteen-year-old daughter Stacey. While attending ARMe Bible Camp, she was touched as Martin Kim talked about the work of ASAP. When discussion came up in our home several weeks later about how to celebrate her completion of eight years of homeschooling, she had an idea. Instead of having a traditional graduation celebration with a party and gifts, she asked a group of her friends to canvass with her, donating their time and all the profits from the sale of Magabooks toward ASAP. Fifteen youth turned up to canvass, and after 2 1/2 hours of selling books (along with a few additional donations from families), they raised $400 for ASAP. Praise the Lord for all the youth who were willing to give of themselves to make a difference in someone’s life.


Thank you, Julia, for your recent e-mail. It is a pleasure for my wife and me to be able to contribute to the work of ASAP. May the Lord continue the blessed work your mother, you, and many others are doing to spread the Gospel in Southeast Asia. And as a result, may many people come to saving faith in our Lord, Jesus Christ, to share eternity with Him in His glorious kingdom. You can count on our prayers and support.


Thank you for the Lord’s work you do. May God bless you with even greater success in your efforts to reach Southeast Asia for Him. I am not a Seventh-day Adventist, but I believe the Lord is the one that directed me to support your ministry. God willing, I shall try to do this monthly, and to keep your great missionary work in my prayers.


P.S. We Love Hearing from You!P

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