arXiv:1904.08934v1 [cs.DS] 18 Apr 2019 · Convex Graph Invariant Relaxations for Graph Edit...

Convex Graph Invariant Relaxations for Graph Edit Distance Utkan Onur Candogan and Venkat Chandrasekaran ,‡* Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA 91125 April 22, 2019 Abstract The edit distance between two graphs is a widely used measure of similarity that evaluates the smallest number of vertex and edge deletions/insertions required to transform one graph to another. It is NP-hard to compute in general, and a large number of heuristics have been proposed for approximating this quantity. With few exceptions, these methods generally provide upper bounds on the edit distance between two graphs. In this paper, we propose a new family of computationally tractable convex relaxations for obtaining lower bounds on graph edit distance. These relaxations can be tailored to the structural properties of the particular graphs via convex graph invariants. Specific examples that we highlight in this paper include constraints on the graph spectrum as well as (tractable approximations of) the stability number and the maximum- cut values of graphs. We prove under suitable conditions that our relaxations are tight (i.e., exactly compute the graph edit distance) when one of the graphs consists of few eigenvalues. We also validate the utility of our framework on synthetic problems as well as real applications involving molecular structure comparison problems in chemistry. Keywords : convex optimization; majorization; maximum cut; semidefinite programming; sta- bility number; strongly regular graphs. 1 Introduction Graphs are widely used to represent the structure underlying a collection of interacting entities. A common computational question arising in many contexts is that of measuring the similarity between two graphs. For example, the unknown functions of biological structures such as proteins, RNAs and genes are often deduced from structures which have similar sequences with known functions [18, 20, 26, 35, 36]. Evaluating graph similarity also plays a central role in various pattern recognition applications [9, 30], specifically in areas such as handwriting recognition [12, 25], fingerprint classification [19, 29] and face recognition [38]. The notion of similarity that is the most commonly considered is the graph edit distance [33]. The edit distance GED(G 1 , G 2 ) between two graphs G 1 and G 2 is the smallest number of operations required to transform G 1 into G 2 by a sequence of edits or changes applied to the vertices and * Email: [email protected], [email protected]. The authors were supported in part by NSF grants CCF- 1350590 and CCF-1637598, by AFOSR grant FA9550-16-1-0210, and by a Sloan research fellowship. 1 arXiv:1904.08934v1 [cs.DS] 18 Apr 2019

Transcript of arXiv:1904.08934v1 [cs.DS] 18 Apr 2019 · Convex Graph Invariant Relaxations for Graph Edit...

Page 1: arXiv:1904.08934v1 [cs.DS] 18 Apr 2019 · Convex Graph Invariant Relaxations for Graph Edit Distance Utkan Onur Candogan yand Venkat Chandrasekaran;z yDepartment of Electrical Engineering

Convex Graph Invariant Relaxations for Graph Edit Distance

Utkan Onur Candogan† and Venkat Chandrasekaran†,‡ ∗

† Department of Electrical Engineering‡ Department of Computing and Mathematical Sciences

California Institute of TechnologyPasadena, CA 91125

April 22, 2019


The edit distance between two graphs is a widely used measure of similarity that evaluatesthe smallest number of vertex and edge deletions/insertions required to transform one graphto another. It is NP-hard to compute in general, and a large number of heuristics have beenproposed for approximating this quantity. With few exceptions, these methods generally provideupper bounds on the edit distance between two graphs. In this paper, we propose a new family ofcomputationally tractable convex relaxations for obtaining lower bounds on graph edit distance.These relaxations can be tailored to the structural properties of the particular graphs via convexgraph invariants. Specific examples that we highlight in this paper include constraints on thegraph spectrum as well as (tractable approximations of) the stability number and the maximum-cut values of graphs. We prove under suitable conditions that our relaxations are tight (i.e.,exactly compute the graph edit distance) when one of the graphs consists of few eigenvalues.We also validate the utility of our framework on synthetic problems as well as real applicationsinvolving molecular structure comparison problems in chemistry.

Keywords: convex optimization; majorization; maximum cut; semidefinite programming; sta-bility number; strongly regular graphs.

1 Introduction

Graphs are widely used to represent the structure underlying a collection of interacting entities.A common computational question arising in many contexts is that of measuring the similaritybetween two graphs. For example, the unknown functions of biological structures such as proteins,RNAs and genes are often deduced from structures which have similar sequences with knownfunctions [18, 20, 26, 35, 36]. Evaluating graph similarity also plays a central role in variouspattern recognition applications [9, 30], specifically in areas such as handwriting recognition [12, 25],fingerprint classification [19, 29] and face recognition [38].

The notion of similarity that is the most commonly considered is the graph edit distance [33].The edit distance GED(G1,G2) between two graphs G1 and G2 is the smallest number of operationsrequired to transform G1 into G2 by a sequence of edits or changes applied to the vertices and

∗Email: [email protected], [email protected]. The authors were supported in part by NSF grants CCF-1350590 and CCF-1637598, by AFOSR grant FA9550-16-1-0210, and by a Sloan research fellowship.













Page 2: arXiv:1904.08934v1 [cs.DS] 18 Apr 2019 · Convex Graph Invariant Relaxations for Graph Edit Distance Utkan Onur Candogan yand Venkat Chandrasekaran;z yDepartment of Electrical Engineering

Figure 1: An instance of a graph edit distance problem in which we wish to calculate minimumnumber of edit operations required for transforming graph G1 to graph G2. The edit operations areencoded by line style: The dashed graph elements are to be removed from G1 and the zigzaggedgraph elements are to be added to G1 for transforming G1 to G2. Assuming a cost of 1 for everyedit operation, we conclude that the graph edit distance between G1 and G2 is 5.

edges of G1. A particular sequence of edit operations transforming G1 into G2 is usually referredto as an edit path. For unlabeled graphs, the permissible set of edit operations are usually in-sertions/deletions of vertices/edges. For labeled graphs, the set of permissible edit operations canalso include vertex/edge relabelings. In some situations, certain types of edits are considered more‘severe’ than others and different edits have different costs associated to them; in such cases, theedit distance is the smallest cost over all edit paths that transform one graph to another, wherethe cost of an edit path is the sum of the costs of the edits that compose the path. See Figure 1for an illustration of a simple graph edit distance problem.

The problem of computing the graph edit distance is NP-hard in general [13], and in practiceexact calculation of the edit distance is only feasible for small-sized graphs. Thus, significant effortshave been directed towards developing computationally tractable heuristics for approximating theedit distance [1, 3, 10, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 39] or for exactly computing the edit distance for graphsfrom specific families such as planar graphs [28]. These methods are largely combinatorial in nature,and most of them aim at identifying an edit path that transforms one graph to the other. Conse-quently, much of the prior literature on this topic provides techniques that lead to upper boundson the edit distance between two graphs. In contrast, far fewer approaches have been proposedfor obtaining lower bounds on the edit distance. We are aware of three notable examples; in [22]and [32] the authors propose tractable linear programming relaxations of intractable combinatorialoptimization formulations of the edit distance based on 0/1 optimization and the quadratic assign-ment problem, respectively, while in [39] the authors propose a combinatorial algorithm based ona multiset representation of the graph that enables the efficient computation of upper and lowerbounds of the graph edit distance.

In this paper, we develop a computationally efficient framework for obtaining lower boundson the graph edit distance. Our contributions differ qualitatively from the prior literature in twoaspects. First, our approach can be tailored to the structural properties of the specific graphs athand based on the notion of a convex graph invariant. These lead to useful lower bounds on theedit distance if one of the graphs is ‘suitably structured’. Second, we give a theoretical analysis ofconditions on pairs of graphs under which a tractable semidefinite relaxation based on the spectralproperties of a graph provably computes the edit distance, i.e., our lower bound is tight.


Page 3: arXiv:1904.08934v1 [cs.DS] 18 Apr 2019 · Convex Graph Invariant Relaxations for Graph Edit Distance Utkan Onur Candogan yand Venkat Chandrasekaran;z yDepartment of Electrical Engineering

1.1 Our Framework

Much of the focus of our development and our analysis is on the edit distance between two unlabeledgraphs on the same number of vertices, with edge deletions and insertions being the allowed editoperations. We discuss in Section 5.1 an extension of our framework to settings in which thenumber of vertices in the two graphs may be different and in which vertex deletions and insertionsare also allowed. Let A1 ∈ Sn and A2 ∈ Sn represent the adjacency matrices of two unweighted,unlabeled, simple and loopless graphs G1 and G2 on n vertices. (Here Sn denotes the space of n×nreal symmetric matrices.) The following optimization problem gives a combinatorial formulationof the computation of the edit distance between G1 and G2:

GED(G1,G2) = minX,E∈Sn


1Eij 6=0

s.t. X + E = A2

X ∈ ΠA1ΠT : Π is an n× n permutation matrix.Eij ∈ −1, 0, 1 ∀ i, j ∈ 1, . . . , n.


The function 1· denotes the usual indicator function, the decision variable X is an adjacencymatrix representing G1, and the decision variable E specifies the edge deletions and insertionsmade to G1 to obtain G2. One aspect of the problem (1) is that its formulation is not symmetricwith respect to G1 and G2, although the optimal value remains unchanged if A1 and A2 are swappedin the problem description, i.e., GED(G1,G2) = GED(G2,G1); we revisit this point in the sequel.Unsurprisingly, solving (1) is intractable in general as calculating the graph edit distance is anNP-hard problem. Our approach in this paper is to obtain tractable convex relaxations of (1).Relaxing the objective to a convex function is a straightforward matter; specifically, as the absolutevalue function constitutes a lower bound on the indicator function in the range [−1, 1]; we replacethe objective of (1) with the convex function 1

2‖E‖`1 , where ‖ · ‖`1 denotes the (entrywise) `1 normthat sums the absolute values of the entries of a matrix.

The main remaining source of difficulty with obtaining a convex relaxation of (1) is to identifya tractable convex approximation of a set of the form ΠAΠT : Π is an n×n permutation matrixfor a given matrix A ∈ Sn. When A specifies an adjacency matrix of a graph, this set consists of allthe adjacency matrices that describe the graph, thus highlighting the structural attributes of thegraph that remain invariant to vertex relabeling. Consequently, we seek a convex approximationthat similarly remains invariant to vertex relabeling. We describe next a notion from [6] that aimsto address this challenge:

Definition 1. [6] A set C ⊂ Sn is an invariant convex set if it is convex and if M ∈ C implies thatΠMΠT ∈ C for all n× n permutation matrices Π.

Invariant convex sets provide a useful convex modeling framework to constrain graph propertiesthat remain invariant to vertex relabeling. In particular, suppose that CG1 ⊂ Sn is an invariant con-vex set that contains ΠA1ΠT : Π is an n×n permutation matrix and has an efficient description.Then, the following convex program provides a lower bound on GED(G1,G2):

GEDLB(G1,G2; CG1) = minX,E∈Sn

12 ‖E‖1

s.t. X + E = A2

X ∈ CG1 ,

(P )


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It is evident that this problem provides a lower bound on GED(G1,G2) as the objective functionhere is a lower bound of the objective of (1) over the constraint set of (1), and further the con-straint set of (P ) is an outer approximation of the constraint set of (1). Unlike the optimal valueGED(G1,G2) of (1), the optimal value GEDLB(G1,G2; CG1) of (P ) is not symmetric; specifically, ifCG2 is some invariant convex set containing ΠA2ΠT : Π is an n×n permutation matrix, then ingeneral GEDLB(G1,G2; CG1) 6= GEDLB(G2,G1; CG2). Therefore, in practice we propose computingboth GEDLB(G1,G2; CG1) and GEDLB(G2,G1; CG2) for some invariant convex sets CG1 and CG2 cor-responding to G1 and G2 respectively, and taking the larger of these quantities as both constitutelower bounds on GED(G1,G2).

This discussion leads naturally to the following question – which invariant convex set CG bestcaptures the structural properties of a graph G? Employing such a set in the relaxation (P )would provide better lower bounds on the edit distance. Letting A ∈ Sn be an adjacency ma-trix of G, the ‘tightest’ invariant convex set that contains the collection ΠAΠT : Π is an n ×n permutation matrix is simply the convex hull of this collection. However, this convex hull isintractable to describe for general graphs G (unless P=NP). As a result, it is of interest to obtaincomputationally tractable invariant convex relaxations that reflect the structure in G. In the nextsubsection, we give a list of invariant convex sets that are tractable to compute and that can be‘tuned’ to the structure of G. These invariants can either be used individually or combined (atincreased computational expense), thus yielding a flexible and powerful framework for obtainingbounds on the graph edit distance. The focus of the rest of the paper is on investigating the utilityof these invariants theoretically as well as via numerical experiments; we give a summary of ourmain contributions in Section 1.3.

1.2 Convexity and Graph Invariants

We list here a few examples of invariant convex sets that play a prominent role in this paper;we refer the interested reader to [6] for a more exhaustive list as well as additional properties ofinvariant convex sets.

Loopless and edge weight constraints Looplessness and edge weight bounds are not es-pecially powerful constraints, but they nonetheless serve as simple examples of invariant convexsets. Looplessness corresponds to the constraint set M ∈ Sn | Mii = 0 for i = 1, . . . , n, andbounds on the edge weights for unweighted graphs (for example) can be specified via the setM ∈ Sn | 0 ≤Mij ≤ 1 for i, j = 1, . . . , n.

Spectral invariants Let G be a graph represented by an adjacency matrix A ∈ Sn witheigenvalues λ(A) ∈ Rn. The smallest convex set containing all graphs that are isospectral to G isgiven by the following Schur-Horn orbitope associated to A [34]:

CSH(G) = convM ∈ Sn | λ(M) = λ(A).

This set consists precisely of those matrices whose spectra are majorized by λ(A). One can re-place the list of eigenvalues in this example with the degree sequence of a graph, and in a similarvein, consider the convex hull of all adjacency matrices representing graphs with the same degreesequence; see [6] for more details.

A prominent way in which invariant convex sets can be constructed is via sublevel sets of convexgraph invariants:

Definition 2. [6] A function f : Sn → R is a convex graph invariant if it is convex and iff(M) = f(ΠMΠT ) for all M ∈ Sn and all n× n permutation matrices Π.


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As with invariant convex sets, convex graph invariants characterize structural properties ofa graph that are invariant to vertex relabeling. The following convex graph invariants play aprominent role in our work:

Inverse of the stability number A stable set (also known as independent set) of a graphG is a subset of vertices of G such that no two vertices in the subset are connected. The stabilitynumber of a graph G is a graph invariant that is equal to the size of the largest stable set of G. Itwas shown by Motzkin and Straus [27] that the inverse of the stability number admits the followingvariational description, where A ∈ Sn is an adjacency matrix representing G:

inv-stab-number(A) = minx∈Rn

x′(I +A)x


xi = 1, xi ≥ 0 for i = 1, . . . , n.

As the stability number of a graph is NP-hard to compute for general graphs (the above programmay be reformulated as a conic program with respect to the completely positive cone), the followingtractable relaxation based on doubly nonnegative matrices is widely employed:

f(A) = minX∈Sn

Tr(X(I +A))

s.t. X 0, 1′X1 = 1, Xij ≥ 0 for i, j = 1, . . . , n.(2)

One can check that both inv-stab-number(A) and f(A) are concave graph invariants.Maximum cut The maximum cut value of a graph is the maximum over all partitions of the

vertices of the sum of the weights of the edges between the partitions. For a graph G specified byadjacency matrix A ∈ Sn, the maximum cut value is given as:

max-cut(A) = maxy∈−1,1n



Ai,j(1− yiyj).

As this value is NP-hard to compute for general graphs, the following celebrated efficiently-computablerelaxation is commonly used [14]:

g(A) = maxX∈Sn

14 Tr(A (11T −X))

s.t. X 0, Xii = 1 for i = 1, . . . , n.(3)

Both max-cut(A) and g(A) are convex graph invariants as they are each invariant under conjugationof the argument by a permutation matrix and they are each expressed as a pointwise maximum ofaffine functions.

1.3 Our Contributions

The invariant convex sets listed in the previous section when used in the context of the optimizationproblem (P ) all lead to valid lower bounds on the edit distance between two graphs. The questionthen is whether certain invariants are more naturally suited to particular structural properties ofgraphs. The main focus of this paper is on identifying attributes of graphs for which the invariantsdescribed above are well-suited, and evaluating in these contexts the quality of the bounds obtainedvia (P ) both theoretically and through numerical experiments. Specifically, we say that an invariantconvex constraint set CG is well-suited to the structure of a graph G if GEDLB(G,G′; CG) providesa tight (or high-quality) lower bound of GED(G,G′) for all graphs G′ that are obtained via a small


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number of edge deletions and insertions applied to G (here ‘small’ is interpreted relative to the totalnumber of edges in G).

In Section 2, we investigate theoretically the effectiveness of the Schur-Horn orbitope as aninvariant convex set in providing lower bounds on the graph edit distance via (P ). We consider astylized setting in which a graph G on n vertices is modified to a graph G′ by adding or removingat most d edges incident to each vertex of G. We prove in Theorem 3 (see Section 2.1) that theoptimal value of the convex program (P ) with a Schur-Horn orbitope constraint set equals thegraph edit distance between G and G′, i.e., GEDLB(G,G′; CSH(G)) = GED(G,G′) provided: 1) d issufficiently small, 2) G has eigenspaces with the property that there exists a linear combinationof the associated projection operators onto these spaces so that the largest entry in magnitude issuitably bounded, and 3) any matrix supported on entries corresponding to edits of G has onlya small amount of its energy on each of the eigenspaces of G; see Theorem 3 for precise details.Conditions similar to the third requirement appear in the authors’ earlier work on employing theSchur-Horn orbitope in the context of the planted subgraph problem [5]. However, the secondcondition is novel and is motivated by the context of the present paper on graph edit distance.Under the additional assumption that G is vertex-transitive, Corollary 4 provides a simple formulaon the maximum allowable number d of edge additions/deletions per vertex of G; we illustrate theutility of this formula by computing bounds on d for many graph families such as Johnson graphs,Kneser graphs, Hamming graphs and other strongly regular graphs. Indeed, for some of thesefamilies, our results are ‘order-optimal’ in the sense that our bounds on d are on the order of thedegree of G. The proofs of the main results of Section 2 are given in Section 3.

In Section 4, we conduct a detailed numerical evaluation of the power and limitations of convexinvariant relaxations based on the inverse stability number (via the tractable approximation (2)) andthe maximum cut value (via the tractable approximation (3)). We do not provide precise theoreticalguarantees due to a lack of a detailed characterization of the facial structure of the associated convexsets. Nonetheless, we identify classes of graph edit distance problems for which these constraintsproduce high-quality lower bounds. Specifically, we observe that a convex relaxation based on theMotzkin-Straus approximation of the inverse of the stability number provides useful lower boundson graph edit distance if one of the graphs has the property that the removal of any edge increasesthe graph’s stability number; graphs with such a property have been studied in the extremal graphtheory literature [21] and we refer the reader to Section 4.1 for further details. Similarly, in Section4.2, we observe that a convex relaxation based on the Goemans-Williamson approximation of themaximum cut value produces effective lower bounds on the graph edit distance if the addition ofany edge to one of the graphs increases that graph’s maximum cut value; windmill graphs are aprominent example that possess such a property. In both Sections 4.1 and 4.2, we present empiricalresults that corroborate our observations.

In Section 5 we demonstrate the utility of our framework in providing lower bounds on theaverage pairwise graph edit distance in two chemistry datasets consisting of a collection of moleculesknown as Alkanes and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH). The PAH dataset in particularconsists of large structures for which exact computation of graph edit distance is prohibitivelyexpensive. The best-known upper bound on the average graph edit distance over all pairs of graphsin this dataset is 29.8, and to the best of our knowledge, the exact value of this quantity is not known[3]. Indeed, much of the literature featuring the PAH dataset aims at providing an upper boundon the average pairwise graph edit distance. Our framework provides a lower bound of 21.6 on theaverage pairwise graph edit distance of PAH, which appears to be the best available bound to date.In obtaining these results, we combine invariant convex sets based on the Schur-Horn orbitope,the Motzkin-Straus approximation of the inverse stability number, and the Goemans-Williamsonapproximation of the maximum-cut value.


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Notation We denote the normal cone at a point x ∈ C of a closed convex set C by NC(x).The projection map onto a subspace E ⊂ Rn is denoted by PE : Rn → Rn. For a collection ofsubspaces Ei ⊂ Rn, i ∈ 1, . . . ,m, the operator Pij : Sn → Sn is defined as Pij := PEj ⊗ PEi ,i.e., Pij(A) = PEiAPEj . The restriction of a (usually self-adjoint) linear map f : Rn → Rn to aninvariant subspace E of f is denoted by f |E : E → E .

2 Theoretical Guarantees for the Schur-Horn Orbitope Constraint

In this section, we give theoretical guarantees that describe conditions under which employing theSchur-Horn orbitope as an invariant convex constraint set in (P ) leads to the associated lower boundon the graph edit distance being tight, i.e., the optimal value of (P ) equals the graph edit distance.Concretely, we consider conditions on a graph G and the structure of the edits that transform Gto another graph G′ so that GED(G,G′) = GEDLB(G,G′; CSH(G)). We begin with a description ofour main theoretical results in Section 2.1, some consequences of these results for specific graphfamilies in Section 2.2, and finally an experimental demonstration on the utility of the Schur-Hornorbitope on stylized problems in Section 2.3. The proofs of the results of this section are deferredto Section 3.

As the normal cones at extreme points of the Schur-Horn orbitope play a prominent role in theoptimality conditions of (P ), we state the relevant result here:

Lemma 1. [5] Let G be any unweighted graph with m eigenvalues. A matrix W is an extremepoint of SH(G) if and only if it has the same eigenvalues as G (counting multiplicity). Further,the relative interior of the normal cone relint(NSH(G)(W )) at an extreme point W consists of thosematrices Q that satisfy the following conditions:

1. Q is simultaneously diagonalizable with W ,

2. λmin(Q|Ei) > λmax(Q|Ei+1) ∀ i ∈ 1, . . . ,m− 1,

where Ei for i ∈ 1, . . . ,m are eigenspaces of W ordered such that the corresponding eigenvaluesare sorted in a decreasing order.

From Lemma 1 we observe that the relative interior of the normal cones of the Schur-Hornorbitope at extreme points are ‘larger’ if the underlying graph G consists of few distinct eigenvalues.This observation along with various properties of the eigenspaces of G play a prominent role in theanalysis in this section.

2.1 Main Results

We present here the statements of our main theoretical results concerning the performance ofthe Schur-Horn orbitope as a constraint set in (P ). In addition to various structural propertiesof G, our results are described in terms of a parameter d that denotes the maximum number ofdeletions/additions of edges that are incident to any vertex of G. Informally, we should expect theSchur-Horn orbitope constraint to be effective in exactly computing the graph edit distance if amatrix representing the edits from G to G′ has only a small amount of its energy on each of theeigenspaces of G. The reason behind this observation is that if the edits were largely concentratedin the eigenspaces of G, then the eigenspaces of G′ would be close to those of G. This would resultin an identifiability problem from the perspective of the Schur-Horn orbitope, which is based purelyon the spectral properties of G. To formalize this notion, we present the following definition whichplays a key role in our analysis:


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Definition 3. Let G be a graph on n vertices with m distinct eigenvalues. Let Pi, i = 1, . . . ,mrepresent projection maps onto the eigenspaces of G indexed by decreasing order of the correspondingeigenvalues and let Pii = Pi ⊗ Pi. Fix a positive integer d and α ∈ [0, 1]m. Define the parameterξ(α, d,G) to be the smallest value∥∥∥∥∥[I −


αiPii](W )


≤ ξ(α, d,G) ‖W‖∞ .

for all W ∈ Sn with at most d nonzero entries per row/column.

Remark 1. The maps Pi represent projections onto eigenspaces of an adjacency matrix representingG, but we simply refer to these as eigenspaces of G with an abuse of terminology. The reason is thatthe quantity ξ(α, d,G) is a graph parameter (for each fixed α, d) and does not depend on a specificlabeling of the vertices of G.

Remark 2. The parameter ξ(α, d,G) is a restricted version of the induced (entrywise) infinitynorm ‖I −

∑mi αiPii‖∞→∞, with the key difference being that ξ(α, d,G) computes the induced gain

of the operator I −∑m

i αiPii restricted to inputs that have at most d nonzeros per row/column.

The quantity ξ(α, d,G) helps quantify the idea described previously about the energy of theedits not being confined excessively to the eigenspaces of G. As the specific edit pattern is notknown in advance, this quantity is agnostic to the particular edits and is parametrized only interms of the maximum number of edge deletions/additions that are incident to any vertex. In ourmain results described next, larger values of ξ make it harder to satisfy our sufficient conditionson tightness of our lower bounds. As the value of ξ depends on the selection of the parameter α,our main results allow for flexibility in the choice of this parameter, and we describe in Section 2.2how specific choices lead to concrete consequences on the exactness of the relaxation (P ) with theSchur-Horn orbitope constraint for various graph families. We present next a result that establishesbasic optimality conditions of the convex program (P ):

Lemma 2. Let G be a graph on n vertices with m distinct eigenvalues, and let G′ be a graph thatis obtained from G via edge deletions/additions such that each vertex is incident to at most d edits.Let A,A + E∗ ∈ Sn represent the graphs G and G′, respectively; that is, E∗ consists of at most dnonzeros per row/column. Let Ω ⊂ Sn denote the subspace consisting of all matrices with nonzeroscontained within the support of E∗. Suppose a vector α ∈ [0, 1]m and a matrix Q ∈ Sn satisfy thefollowing conditions:

1. PΩ(Q) = sign(E∗),

2. ||PΩc(Q)||∞ < 1,

3. Q ∈ relint(NSH(G)(A)),

4. ξ(α, d,G) < 1.

Then we have that the convex relaxation (P ) with the Schur-Horn orbitope constraint exactly com-putes the edit distance between G and G′, i.e., GED(G,G′) = GEDLB(G,G′; CSH(G)), with the optimalsolution being unique and achieved at a matrix that specifies an optimal set of edits.

Proof. From the first three conditions, one can conclude that the pair (A,E∗) is an optimal solutionof (P ) by a direct application of the KKT conditions. Uniqueness can be established by standardarguments regarding transverse intersections of the subspace Ω and the invariant spaces of G; see[6, Proposition 2] and [8, Lemma 6].


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Conditions 1, 2, and 3 of this lemma essentially require that the subdifferential at a matrixspecifying the edits with respect to the `1 norm has a nonempty intersection with the relativeinterior of the normal cone at an adjacency matrix representing G with respect to the Schur-Hornorbitope. In papers on the topic of low-rank matrix completion and matrix decomposition [4, 7],a convenient approach to ensuring that such types of conic intersection conditions can be satisfiedis based on requiring that nullspace (the eigenspace corresponding to an eigenvalue of zero) ofthe low-rank matrix is suitably ‘incoherent’, i.e., that there are no elements of this nullspace withenergy concentrated in a single location. In our context, all of the eigenspaces of G play a rolerather than just a single distinguished eigenspace, and accordingly we describe next a weightedform of an incoherence-type condition:

Definition 4. Let G be a graph on n nodes with m distinct eigenvalues and let P1, . . . , Pm ∈ Sndenote the projection matrices onto the associated eigenspaces indexed by decreasing order of thecorresponding eigenvalues. Fix any γ ∈ Rm. We define the parameter ρ(γ,G) as follows:

ρ(γ,G) :=





Here the matrix ‖ ·‖∞ norm is the largest entry of the argument in magnitude. In the literatureon inverse problems involving low-rank matrices, one typically considers the infinity norm of theprojection map onto the nullspace as well as variants of this quantity. Thus, in this sense theparameter ρ(γ,G) is a weighted generalization that is more suited to our setup. We state next ourmain theorem in terms of sufficient conditions involving the two parameters we have introduced inthis section:

Theorem 3. Let G be a graph on n vertices with m distinct eigenvalues, and let G′ be a graph thatis obtained from G via edge deletions/additions such that each vertex is incident to at most d edits.Suppose the following two conditions are satisfied for some γ ∈ Rm and α ∈ [0, 1]m:

1. 2 ξ(α, d,G) + ρ(γ,G) < 1,

2. (αi+αi+1) (1+ρ(γ,G)) d1−ξ(α,d,G) < γi+1 − γi, ∀ i ∈ 1, . . . ,m− 1.

Then the convex relaxation (P ) with the Schur-Horn orbitope constraint exactly computes the editdistance between G and G′, i.e., GED(G,G′) = GEDLB(G,G′; CSH(G)), with the optimal solutionbeing unique and achieved at a matrix that specifies an optimal set of edits.

This theorem states that the relaxation (P ) with the Schur-Horn orbitope constraint set succeedsin calculating the graph edit distance exactly if 1) d is small enough, 2) there exists a vector αwith small entries such that ξ(α, d,G) is also suitably small, and 3) there exists an ordered vector γwith well-separated entries that yields a small value of ρ(γ,G). As discussed in the next subsection,graphs with a small number of well-separated eigenvalues offer an ideal candidate. Specifically, forsuch graph families, we give concrete consequences in terms of bounds on the maximum number dof edits per vertex via particular choices for α and γ in Theorem 3.

2.2 Consequences for Graph Families with Few Eigenvalues

Theorem 3 constitutes our most general result on the tightness of the Schur-Horn orbitope constraintin computing the graph edit distance when employed as a constraint set in the context of (P ). Thegenerality of the result stems from the wide range of flexibility provided by the vectors γ and α.In Corollary 4, we consider specific choices of these parameters to obtain concrete bounds in termsof graph parameters that can be computed easily:


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Corollary 4. Let G be a vertex-transitive graph on n vertices consisting of m distinct eigenvalues,and let κ denote the multiplicity of the eigenvalue with the second-highest multiplicity. Suppose G′is a graph on n vertices that can be obtained from G with the addition or removal of at most dedges incident to each vertex of G. Then there exists a constant c depending only on m so that theoptimal value GEDLB(G,G′; CSH(G)) of (P ) equals GED(G,G′) provided

d ≤ cnκ.

The particular dependence on the multiplicity of the eigenvalue with second-largest multiplicityis due to the choices of α and γ in Theorem 3 that we have employed in our proof; see Section3 for more details. In the sequel we give consequences of this result for specific graph families inwhich the number of distinct eigenvalues is small (for example, three or four). In the context ofsuch graphs, the relaxation (P ) is tight even when the number of edits per vertex is large so longas the value of κ is suitably small. Indeed, for several graph families we observe that Corollary 4produces ‘order-optimal’ bounds as the largest value of d that is allowed is on the same order asthe degree of the underlying graphs.

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 2: From left to right: Hamming graph H(3,4), 9-Triangular graph, generalized quadrangle-(2,4) graph.

Johnson Graphs A Johnson graph J(k, `) with ` > 0 is a graph on n =(k`

)vertices that

correspond to the `-element subsets of a set of k elements. Two vertices of a Johnson graph areconnected if the corresponding subsets of these vertices contain ` − 1 common elements. TheJohnson graph J(k, `) is vertex-transitive and contains ` + 1 distinct eigenvalues. For k ≥ 2` andj ∈ 0, . . . , `, the multiplicity of its j’th eigenvalue is



)for j > 0 and one for j = 0. For

small values of `, the multiplicity of the second most repeated eigenvalue is about k`−1. As a result,for small fixed values of `, Corollary 4 states that the convex relaxation (P ) is tight provided

d . n1` .

Kneser Graphs A Kneser graph K(k, `) with ` > 0 shares certain aspects with Johnson graphs.Specifically, the vertices of K(k, `) coincide with the `-element subsets of a set of k elements, as withJohnson graphs. However, two vertices of a Kneser graph are connected if the subsets correspondingto these vertices are disjoint. Kneser graphs are vertex-transitive, and their eigenvalues exhibit thesame multiplicities as those of the Johnson graphs J(k, `). As a result, for small fixed values of `,Corollary 4 implies that the relaxation (P ) is tight provided:

d . n1` .


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Hamming Graphs A Hamming graph H(`, q) consists of q` vertices (see Figure 2a for a depictionof H(3, 4)). Each vertex of H(`, q) corresponds to a sequence of length ` from a set with q distinctelements. Two vertices are connected if their associated sequences differ in exactly one coordinate,i.e., their Hamming distance is equal to 1. Hamming graphs are vertex-transitive, and the spectrumofH(`, q) consists of `+1 distinct eigenvalues with multiplicities


)(q−1)i, i ∈ 0, . . . , `. Therefore,

for a small fixed value of `, Corollary 4 states that the relaxation (P ) is tight provided:

d . n1` .

Vertex-Transitive Strongly Regular Graphs A strongly regular graph on n vertices withdegree r is defined by the property that every pair of adjacent vertices has da common neighborsand every pair of nonadjacent vertices has dna common neighbors. Such graphs are generallydenoted srg(n, r, da, dna). Due to their rich algebraic structure, strongly regular graphs have only

three distinct eigenvalues with multiplicities equal to one and 12

[(n − 1) ± 2r+(n−1)(da−dna)√



Furthermore, many strongly regular graphs are also vertex-transitive and as a result, our Corollary4 is applicable. We highlight two prominent examples:

• A k-Triangular graph Tk on n =(k2

)vertices is a vertex-transitive strongly regular graph with

parameters srg(k(k − 1)/2, 2(k − 2), k − 2, 4) (in fact, Tk is also isomorphic to the Johnsongraph J(k, 2)); see Figure 2b for the 9-Triangular graph. Corollary 4 states that the convexrelaxation (P ) is tight provided:

d . n12 .

Incidentally, the degree of Tk also scales as n12 ; as a result, Corollary 4 is tight for this family

up to constant factors.

• A generalized quadrangle is an incidence relation satisfying certain geometric axioms on pointsand lines. A generalized quadrangle of order (s, t) gives rise to a strongly regular graph withparameters srg((s+ 1)(st+ 1), s(t+ 1), s−1, t+ 1) denoted by GQ(s, t) on n = (s+ 1)(st+ 1)vertices – see Figure 2c for an illustration of the vertex-transitive graph GQ(2, 4). Consideringgeneralized quadrangle graphs GQ(s, s2) when they are vertex-transitive, Corollary 4 impliesthat the relaxation (P ) is tight provided

d . n14 .

In Section 2.3 we demonstrate the utility of our framework via numerical experiments on editdistance problems involving the graphs T9 and GQ(2, 4).

2.3 Numerical Experiments

We demonstrate the utility of the Schur-Horn orbitope as a constraint set in (P ) in obtainingbounds on the graph edit distance between graphs G and G′. In our experiments, we fix G tobe either the 9-triangular graph T9 (Figure 2b) or the generalized quadrangle-(2,4) graph GQ(2, 4)(Figure 2c) introduced previously. The graph T9 consists of 36 vertices and 252 edges and the graphGQ(2,4) consists of 27 vertices and 135 edges. Both of these are strongly regular graphs. In eachcase, the corresponding graph G′ is obtained by adding/deleting edges randomly (both additionand deletion occur with equal probability) to achieve a desired number of edits. When G is T9 we


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(a) (b)

(c) (d)

Figure 3: Performance of our framework (P ) with the Schur-Horn constraint. Left, empiricalprobability of discovering the true graph edit path. Right, ratio of average calculated graph editdistance to number of edit operations. First row corresponds to the 9-triangular graph and thesecond row to the generalized quadrangle-(2,4) graph.

vary the number of edits from four to 200 in increments of four, and when G is GQ(2, 4) we varythe number of edits from two to 100 in increments of two. For each number of edits, we consider1000 random trials and we report the probability that GED(G,G′) = GEDLB(G,G′; CSH(G)) andthe ratio of the average computed lower bound GEDLB(G,G′; CSH(G)) to the number of edits. Inparticular, we declare that GED(G,G′) = GEDLB(G,G′; CSH(G)) if the infinity norm (maximum

entrywise magnitude) of the difference between the optimal solution E and the true edit matrix E∗

is less than 0.01. The results are shown in Figure 3 and they were obtained using the CVX parser[15, 16] and the SDPT3 solver [37]. As these plots demonstrate, the convex relaxation (P ) witha Schur-Horn orbitope as an invariant convex constraint set is tight when the number of edits issmall and leads to effective lower bounds when the number of edits is large.


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3 Proofs of Results from Section 2

3.1 Constructing a Dual Certificate

We describe here a method for constructing a suitable dual certificate satisfying the conditionsof Lemma 2, and we prove that this construction is valid whenever certain conditions involvingthe parameters ξ and ρ from Section 2 are satisfied. Our proofs are presented in the context oftwo intermediary lemmas, which are then used to prove Theorem 3. Specifically, our approach toconstructing Q ∈ Sn that satisfies the requirements of Lemma 2 is to express Q as follows:

Q = R+ ∆.

Here R ∈ Sn plays the role of a ‘reference’ matrix that depends purely on the underlying graphG, while ∆ ∈ Sn is a perturbation that additionally depends on the specific edits that transformG to G′. We begin by stating an easily-proved result that serves as the basis for our subsequentdevelopment:

Lemma 5. Let G be a graph on n vertices with m distinct eigenvalues, and let G′ be a graphthat is obtained from G via edge deletions/additions such that each vertex is incident to at most dedits. Let A,A + E∗ ∈ Sn represent the graphs G and G′, respectively; that is, E∗ consists of atmost d nonzeros per row/column. Let Ω ⊂ Sn denote the subspace consisting of all matrices withnonzeros contained within the support of E∗. Let Pi ∈ Sn, i = 1, . . . ,m denote projection mapsonto the eigenspaces of A indexed by decreasing order of the corresponding eigenvalues. Supposea vector α ∈ [0, 1]m, a vector γ ∈ Rm, and a matrix ∆ ∈ Sn satisfy the following conditions withR =

∑i γiPi:

1. PΩ(∆) + PΩ(R) = sign(E∗),

2. ||PΩc(∆)||∞ + ||PΩc(R)||∞ < 1 ,

3. Pij(∆) = 0, ∀i, j ∈ 1, . . . ,m, i 6= j,

4. ||Pii(∆)||2 + ||Pi+1,i+1(∆)||2 < γi+1 − γi, ∀i ∈ 1, . . . ,m− 1,

5. ξ(α, d,G) < 1.

Then the convex relaxation (P ) with the Schur-Horn orbitope constraint exactly computes the editdistance between G and G′, i.e., GED(G,G′) = GEDLB(G,G′; CSH(G)), with the optimal solutionbeing unique and achieved at a matrix that specifies an optimal set of edits.

Proof. One can check that the conditions of Lemma 2 are satisfied by setting Q = R+ ∆.

This lemma highlights the role of the parameter γ, in particular demonstrating that largerseparation among the values of γ makes condition 4 easier to satisfy but may also increase thevalue of ||PΩc(R)||∞, thus making condition 2 potentially harder to satisfy.

We now move on to the perturbation term ∆. As this matrix must satisfy several of theconstraints discussed in Lemma 5, its construction is somewhat delicate. We build on the ideasdeveloped in [8] in the context of low-rank matrix recovery, but with certain adaptations that arecrucial to our setting. We construct ∆ as an element in the range of an operator Lα : Sn → Snthat is parametrized by α ∈ [0, 1]m:

Lα :=




[I −

(I −







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All of the operators here are as defined before. A point of the departure in the description of thisoperator relative to the ideas in [8] is that our version allows for ‘fractional’ contractions (as well asintegral ones) based on the choice of α. When it is well-defined (i.e., the term involving the inverseis indeed invertible), the operator Lα possesses a number of properties that lead to a convenientapproach for constructing a suitable dual variable:

(P1) PijLα = 0 ∀i, j ∈ 1, . . . ,m, i 6= j

(P2) PΩLα = PΩ.

In the context of Lemma 5, property (P1) ensures that that ∆ is completely contained in a desiredsubspace, as stipulated by condition 3 of Lemma 5. Further, property (P2) implies that condition1 of Lemma 5 is satisfied – in particular, we make use of this property to ensure that ∆ takes ona desired value when restricted to Ω. Conditions 2 and 4 of Lemma 5 require that the quantities‖Pii(∆)‖2 and ‖PΩc(∆)‖∞ to be sufficiently small – these conditions are satisfied by the operatorLα as well, as documented next:

Lemma 6. Consider the same setup as in Lemma 5. Fix any α ∈ [0, 1]m such that ξ(α, d,G) < 1.Then the operator Lα : Sn → Sn is well-defined (i.e., the term containing the inverse is indeedinvertible) and the following inequalities hold:

1. ‖[PΩcLα](X)‖∞ ≤ξ(α,d,G)‖X‖∞

1−ξ(α,d,G) ,

2. ‖[PiiLα](X)‖2 ≤αid‖X‖∞1−ξ(α,d,G) .

In addition to providing upper bounds that serve as a foundation for the proof of our maintheorem, Lemma 6 conveys the significance of the parameter ξ(α, d,G). Specifically, a suitably smallvalue of ξ(α, d,G) guarantees that Lα is well-defined, along with the conclusion that elements in therange of Lα have small infinity norm (when restricted to Ω) and small operator norm (restricted toeigenspaces of G). The lemma also suggests that the operator norm of the restriction of Lα(X) toany eigenspace of G scales with the corresponding entry of α. Consequently, one can adjust α andγ to ensure that every inequality in Lemma 5 condition 4 is satisfied. Identifying the best values ofα and γ to achieve this may be accomplished in special cases based on underlying structure in G, asdemonstrated by Corollary 4 and the many concrete consequences that are described in Section 2.2.In particular, in the proof of Corollary 4, we choose γ such that the separation between consecutiveγi’s is proportional to the sum of consecutive αi’s and we demonstrate that this approach yieldseasily-computable bounds based on properties of the underlying graph G on the highest number dof tolerable edits per vertex.

3.2 Proofs

3.2.1 Proof of Lemma 6

Our proof is analogous to that of [8, Lemma 8]. In order to avoid notational clutter, we denote(I −

∑mi=1 αiPii) as PT . Then from the definition of ξ(α, d,G), we have:

‖[PTPΩ](X)‖∞ ≤ ξ(α, d,G) ‖X‖∞ . (4)

Due to the assumption that ξ(α, d,G) < 1, we have that the series I + PTPΩ + PTPΩPTPΩ + . . .converges geometrically with rate 1

1−ξ(α,d,G) and equals (I −PTPΩ)−1. As such, the operator Lα iswell-defined.


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Next, we proceed to the upper bounds. First we have that:

‖[PΩcLα](X)‖∞ =∥∥[PΩcPTPΩ(I − PTPΩ)−1](X)


≤∥∥[PTPΩ(I − PTPΩ)−1](X)


≤ξ(α, d,G)∥∥(I − PTPΩ)−1(X)


≤ξ(α, d,G) ‖X‖∞

1− ξ(α, d,G).

One can check that the first equality holds based on a term-by-term comparison. The first inequalityfollows by dropping the projection PΩc . Bounding the resulting quantity from above using ξ(α, d,G)yields the second inequality. The last inequality follows from the geometric convergence of (I −PTPΩ)−1.

Next we bound the quantity involving the operator norm:

‖[PiiLα](X)‖2 =∥∥[αiPiiPΩ(I − PTPΩ)−1](X)


≤ αi∥∥[PΩ(I − PTPΩ)−1](X)


≤ αid∥∥[PΩ(I − PTPΩ)−1](X)


≤ αid∥∥[(I − PTPΩ)−1](X)


≤αid ‖X‖∞

1− ξ(α, d,G).

The first inequality holds by dropping the projection Pii. The second inequality holds due to thefact that the operator norm of a matrix with at most d entries per row/column can be boundedabove by d times the maximum element in magnitude of the matrix. The third inequality holds bydropping the operator PΩ. The final inequality follows from geometric convergence, as before.

3.2.2 Proof of Theorem 3

We prove that under the assumptions of this theorem the sufficient conditions of Lemma 5 aresatisfied. Set R =

∑mi=1 γiPi where Pi ∈ Sn is the projection matrix corresponding to the i’th

eigenspace of G. Denote the edits by a matrix E∗ ∈ Sn, and let the subspace of matrices withnonzero entries contained inside the support of E∗ be denoted Ω. Set M = sign(E∗)− PΩ(R) andnote that M ∈ Ω. Condition 5 of Lemma 5 is satisfied based on assumption 1 of Theorem 3. As aresult, the operator Lα is well-defined by Lemma 6. Set ∆ = Lα(M). We prove that Q = R + ∆satisfies the requirements of Lemma 5.

Condition 1 of Lemma 5: One can check that:

PΩ(∆) + PΩ(R) = PΩ(Lα(M)) + PΩ(R) = PΩ(M) + PΩ(R) = sign(E∗).

Here the second equality holds due to property (P1) of the operator Lα.Condition 2 of Lemma 5: We have that:

‖PΩc(∆)‖∞ + ‖PΩc(R)‖∞ ≤ξ(α, d,G) ‖M‖∞

1− ξ(α, d,G)+ ‖R‖∞ ≤

ξ(α, d,G) + ρ(γ,G)

1− ξ(α, d,G)< 1.

The first inequality employed assertion 1 of Lemma 6, the second inequality follows from the triangleinequality and the definition of M , and the last inequality holds by assumption 1 of the theorem.

Condition 3 of Lemma 5: Follows from property (P2) of operator Lα.


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Condition 4 of Lemma 5: One can check that:

‖Pii(∆)‖2 + ‖Pi+1,i+1(∆)‖2 = ‖[PiiLα](M)‖2 + ‖[Pi+1,i+1Lα](M)‖2

≤ (αi + αi+1)(1 + ρ(γ,G)) d

1− ξ(α, d,G)< γi+1 − γi, ∀ i ∈ 1, . . . ,m− 1.

Here the first inequality follows from assertion 2 of Lemma 6 and the triangle inequality, and thesecond inequality follows from the assumption of the theorem.

3.2.3 Proof of Corollary 4

For this proof we require the notion of incoherence of a subspace, which measures how well thesubspace is aligned with the standard basis vectors. This notion appears prominently in results onsparse signal recovery via convex optimization [11].

Definition 5. Let S ⊆ Rn be a subspace and let PS be the corresponding projection onto S. Theincoherence of S is denoted µ(S) and is defined as

µ(S) := maxi‖PSei‖2.

Here ei is the i’th standard basis vector.

For any projection matrix PS , one can check that the inequality ‖PS‖∞ ≤ µ(S)2 is satisfied.

Remark 3. For vertex-transitive graphs, the diagonal entries of a projection matrix associated toany eigenspace of the graph are identical. As a result, the incoherence of an eigenspace E of avertex-transitive graph on n vertices is equal to

µ(E) =



We now proceed to the proof of the corollary. Denote the eigenspaces of G by Ei for i ∈1, . . . ,m ordered by decreasing eigenvalue order. Remark 3 implies that µ(Ei) =


n .

Denote the second largest coherence of the eigenspaces of G by µ =√

κn , and denote the index of

the eigenspace with the highest incoherence by `. Set α` = 1 and the remaining entries of α to 0.Furthermore, choose γ such that:

γi+1 − γi = c1αi + αi+1

µ2+ ε, ∀ i ∈ 1, . . . ,m− 1, for some c1 > 0, ε > 0.

Here c1 and ε are positive constants that can be as small as desired. To establish condition 2 ofTheorem 3, we prove that the inequality below holds for all i ∈ 1, . . . ,m− 1:

(αi + αi+1) (1 + ρ(γ,G)) d

1− ξ(α, d,G)≤ γi+1 − γi − ε = c1

αi + αi+1

µ2, ∀ i ∈ 1, . . . ,m− 1.

Clearly, if αi + αi+1 = 0 for some i, then the corresponding inequality is satisfied. On the otherhand, all the remaining inequalities can be collapsed to a single one by dividing both sides of allsuch inequalities by αi + αi+1:

(1 + ρ(γ,G))d

1− ξ(α, d,G)≤ c1




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a sufficient condition for which is:

(1 + ρ(γ,G))c

1− ξ(α, d,G)≤ c1. (5)

In the remainder of the proof, we show that our particular choice of γ and α satisfy inequality (5)and Theorem 3 condition 1.

We bound ρ(γ,G) from above via a change of variable. Setting γ = γ1µ2

c1, we have that:

ρ(γ,G) =






[γ1 +


(c1(αj + αj+1)

µ2+ ε)





[γ1 +


c1(αj + αj+1)







ε ‖Pi‖∞ (7)

≤ c1



[γ +


(αj + αj+1)]Pi


+ εc3 (8)

≤ c1



[|γ +


(αj + αj+1)| ‖Pi‖∞]

+ εc3 (9)

≤ c1c2 + εc3. (10)

Here (7) follows by grouping all terms with ε and using the triangle inequality, (8) follows by thechange of variables described above and bounding all the terms in the right summand from aboveby one, and (9) follows from the triangle inequality. We choose the remaining degree of freedomγ to eliminate the contribution of the subspace with the highest incoherence parameter in the leftsummand. Consequently, (10) follows by bounding the infinity norms of the remaining projectionmatrices from above by µ2. Crucially, the fact that α ∈ [0, 1]m and m are viewed as fixed enablesus to bound the sum from above with positive constants c2 and c3 that depend only on m.

Next, we use our particular choice for α to bound ξ(α, d,G) from above. In particular, for anyW ∈ Sn we have:∥∥∥∥∥[(I −



](W )



∥∥∥∥∥∥∥∥m∑i=1i 6=`

(PiPΩ(W ) + PΩ(W )Pi − PiPΩ(W )Pi


m∑i=1i 6=`

m∑j=1j 6=i,`

PiPΩ(W )Pj


≤m∑i=1i 6=`

(‖PiPΩ(W )‖∞ + ‖PΩ(W )Pi‖∞ + ‖PiPΩ(W )Pi‖∞


m∑i=1i 6=`

m∑j=1j 6=i,`

‖PiPΩ(W )Pj‖∞

m∑i=1i 6=`


m∑i=1i 6=`

µ(Ei)2 +m∑i=1i 6=`

m∑j=1j 6=i,`



‖W‖∞≤ (c4µ

√d+ c5µ

2d) ‖W‖∞


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= (c4


n+ c5


n) ‖W‖∞

≤ (c4

√c+ c5c) ‖W‖∞ , (11)

for some positive real numbers c4 and c5 depending only on m. Here the first equality is obtainedby rearranging the sum in terms of the projection matrices Pi, the first inequality is due to thetriangle inequality, and the second inequality is a consequence of the following inequalities:

‖PiPΩ(W )‖∞ ≤ µ(Ei)√d ‖W‖∞ ,

‖PΩ(W )Pi‖∞ ≤ µ(Ei)√d ‖W‖∞ ,

‖PiPΩ(W )Pj‖∞ ≤ µ(Ei)µ(Ej)d ‖W‖∞ ;

which hold for all i, j ∈ 1, . . . ,m.Equations (10) and (11) assert that ρ(γ,G) and ξ(α, d,G) can lowered as desired by reducing

the constants c1, ε and c. Consequently, one can check that both condition 1 of Theorem 3 andequation (5) (which implies condition 2 of Theorem 3) can be satisfied by first choosing a sufficientlysmall c1 and ε (both depending on m) to bound ρ(γ,G) from above, and then suitably choosing asufficiently small c depending on m, c1 and ε.

4 Numerical Illustrations with Invariants based on Stable Setsand Cuts

In this section we evaluate the utility of two invariant convex sets based on (tractable relaxationsof) the inverse of the stability number and the maximum cut value, both of which are describedin Section 1.2. Our investigation is via numerical experiments rather than theoretical bounds as inSection 2. The primary reason for this choice is that we do not have a detailed understanding of theface structure of the invariant convex sets considered in this section; in contrast, we have a precise(and convenient for the purposes of analysis) characterization of the geometry of the Schur-Hornorbitope, which played a crucial role in the theoretical results of the previous section. Nonetheless,we pursue a systematic approach in the present section by identifying classes of graphs that are‘brittle’ in the sense that deleting / adding a small number of edges results in large changes intheir stability number / maximum cut value. Such graph families present excellent examples forwhich invariant convex sets based on the inverse of stability number and the maximum cut valueare particularly well-suited to obtaining useful bounds on the graph edit distance. More broadly,our discussion in this section highlights the larger point that our framework (P ) can be tailored tothe particular structural properties of the underlying graphs to yield useful lower bounds on theedit distance.

4.1 Constraining the Inverse of the Stability Number

The function f(A) described in Section 1.2 is an efficiently computable lower bound on the inverseof the stability number of a graph, and further it is a concave graph invariant. Consequently,super-level sets of this function provide tractable invariant convex sets that may be employed inour framework (P ). Given a graph G, we denote the associated set by CIS(G):

CIS(G) := M ∈ Sn | f(M) ≥ f(A) = M ∈ Sn | ∃µ ∈ Sn, µ ≥ 0, I +M − µ− f(A)11T 0.(12)


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Here A is any adjacency matrix representing G. From this description, it is immediately clear thatfor any edit to G that corresponds to an increase in the value of the function f , the constraintCIS(G) is inactive. Adding edges to a graph can only reduce the stability number, and hence canpotentially only increase the inverse of the stability number. Although the function f is only alower bound on the inverse of the stability number, it satisfies a similar monotonocity property inthat the value of f is non-decreasing with the addition of edges to a graph. The following lemmaformalizes matters by describing the tangent cone at an adjacency matrix of a graph G with respectto the set CIS(G):

Lemma 7. For any graph G on n vertices and associated adjacency matrix A ∈ Sn, let α∗ = f(A),i.e., the value corresponding to the Motzkin-Straus relaxation of the inverse of the stability number.Then we have that:

TCIS(G)(A) = T ∈ Sn | ∃µ, Λ ∈ Sn, µ ≥ 0, Λ 0, T + I +A− α∗11T = µ+ Λ.

Proof. The proof of this lemma follows from a direct application of convex duality.

The description of the tangent cone in Lemma 7 is based on the dual of the cone of doublynonnegative matrices; see [2] for more details on this connection. In particular, this lemma im-plies that entrywise nonnegative matrices belong to the tangent cone at an adjacency matrix Arepresenting a graph G with respect to the set CIS(G); consequently, edits to G consisting purely ofaddition of edges are feasible directions with respect to the set CIS(G) and for such edits this setdoes not provide useful lower bounds on the edit distance. Thus, we investigate the utility of theconstraint CIS(G) in settings in which the edits consist mainly of edge deletions. Such problemsarise in the context of graph completion in which the objective is to add edges to a given graph sothat the resulting graph satisfies some desired property.

Building on this discussion, the constraint set CIS(G) is most likely to be useful for graphs G insettings in which the deletion of even a small number of edges of G results in an increase in thestability number. Graphs that have a large number of stable sets with cardinality equal to thestability number offer a natural prospect for further exploration. Fortunately, such graphs havebeen studied in extremal graph theory literature, from which we quote the following result [21]:

Theorem 8. [21] For s, n ∈ N with n ≥ 6, let

h(n) =

2× 3s−1 + 2s−1, if n = 3s,

3s + 2s−1, if n = 3s+ 1,

4× 3s−1 + 3× 2s−2, if n = 3s+ 2.

Let G be any connected graph on n vertices, and denote the cardinality of the set of all maximumindependent sets of G by φ(G). Then φ(G) ≤ h(n) with equality if and only if G is isomorphic toone of the graphs shown in Figure 4.

This theorem states that the graphs E(n) shown in Figure 4 are precisely the connected graphsthat have the largest number of distinct maximum independent sets. As such, they present anatural test case to investigate the utility of the constraint set CIS(G) in providing bounds on thegraph edit distance, at least in settings in which the edits are composed predominantly of edgedeletions. We illustrate here the results of numerical experiments conducted on the graph E(30),which is a sparse graph with 39 edges and 396 nonedges. The setup of this experiment is the sameas that described in Section 2.3 with one notable exception: in the present experiment, we assumeasymmetric edits rather than symmetric edits so that 80% of the edits are edge deletions while


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(a) (b) (c)

Figure 4: Left to right, E(n) for n = 3s, n = 3s+ 1, n = 3s+ 2. For n = 3s+ r, these graphs areformed by connecting (s− r)K3’s and rK4’s through edges connecting to a specific vertex.

20% are edge additions. We range the total number of edits from 5 to 45 with increments of 5,and for each number of edits we repeat our experiment 1000 times. In each iteration, we obtaina bound on the graph edit distance between E(30) and the modified graph using our framework(P ) with three different constraint sets: the Schur-Horn orbitope, the constraint set CIS(G), andan invariant convex set based on the Goemans-Williamson relaxation of the maximum cut value(which is discussed in greater detail in the next subsection). Figure 5 reports the ratio of theaverage computed lower bound on the graph edit distance to the number of edit operations foreach constraint set. (The number of edits is an upper bound on the true graph edit distance.) Asone might expect, the relaxation based on the constraint CIS(G) yields the best lower bounds ofthe three approaches. Specifically, even when a majority of the edges of E(30) are removed, theconstraint set CIS(G) continues to provide lower bounds that are at least 40% of the number ofedit operations. In contrast, the bounds provided by the Schur-Horn orbitope constraint are muchweaker, and those obtained using the Goemans-Williamson relaxation of the maximum cut valueare ineffective.

4.2 Constraining the Maximum Cut Value

In analogy with the inverse of the stability number, the function g(A) due to Goemans andWilliamson [14] that is described in Section 1.2 provides an efficiently computable upper bound onthe maximum cut value of a graph. As this function is invariant to conjugation of its argumentby permutation matrices, its sublevel sets are invariant convex sets. For a graph G, we denote theassociated set by CMC(G):

CMC(G) :=M ∈ Sn | g(M) ≤ g(A)

=M ∈ Sn | ∃D ∈ Sn diagonal, M −D 0,1

4Tr(M11′ −D) ≤ g(A), (13)

where A is an adjacency matrix representing G. Reasoning in a similar manner as in the previoussubsection, we observe that edits corresponding to a decrease in the value of the function g representfeasible directions with respect to the set CMC(G), and for such edits the constraint CMC(G) is inactive.Deleting edges from a graph reduces its maximum cut value, and one can check that directionsrepresented by entrywise nonpositive matrices belong to the tangent cone at an adjacency matrixA representing G with respect to CMC(G). Consequently, we should only expect the constraintCMC(G) to potentially provide useful lower bounds on the graph edit distance in settings in whichmost of the edits to a graph G correspond to edge additions. In some sense, this type of a graph


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Figure 5: Ratio of average computed lower bound on graph edit distance to number of edit oper-ations. Experiment conducted on E(30) graph. The edit operations are 80% edge deletions and20% edge additions.

(a) Windmill graph D(4, 7) (b) Windmill graph D(5, 5)

Figure 6: Two sample Windmill graphs

inverse problem – removing the smallest number of edges from a graph so that it satisfies a desiredproperty – is a complement of the graph completion problem discussed in the previous subsection.

Building further on the preceding discussion, we remark that the constraint set CMC(G) is mostlikely to be effective if adding even a small number of edges to G increases the value of the functiong. A prominent example of such graphs are the so-called Windmill graphs shown in Figure 6.The Windmill graph D(m,n) is constructed by taking m copies of the complete graph Kn andintersecting them at a single vertex. Due to the ample amount of symmetry in these graphs, thereare many partitions of the vertices into two sets that achieve the maximum cut value – the numberof such partitions is


)mfor even n and



)mfor odd n. Thus, Windmill graphs present a

natural test family to evaluate the power of the constraint set CMC(G) when the graph edits consistprimarily of the addition of edges. We present the results of numerical experiments on the Windmillgraph D(4, 7) in a setting that closely mirrors the one in the previous subsection. The Windmillgraph D(4, 7) is a graph on 25 nodes with 84 edges and 216 non-edges. The edits made to this


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graph consist mostly of edge additions – 80% are edge additions and the remaining 20% are edgedeletions. We vary the number of edits from 10 to 200 with increments of 5 and consider 1000random instances of perturbations for each number of edits. For each problem instance, we obtaina lower bound on the edit distance by utilizing our framework (P ) with the Schur-Horn orbitopeconstraint, the Motzkin-Straus relaxation from the previous subsection, and the constraint CMC(G).We report the average ratio of the computed lower bound on the graph edit distance to the numberof edit operations in Figure 7. (As before the number of edits is an upper bound on the graph editdistance.)

Figure 7: Ratio of average computed lower bound on the graph edit distance to number of editoperations. Experiment conducted on Windmill graph D(4, 7). The edit operations are 80% edgeadditions and 20% edge deletions.

From Figure 7 we see that the Schur-Horn orbitope constraint produces the best lower boundsfor the graph edit distance when the number of edits is small, whereas the constraint CMC(G)

produces the best lower bounds when the number of edits is large. On average, both of theseconstraints provide bounds that are consistently better than 50% of the total number of edits. Asthe edits consist mainly of edge additions, the constraint based on the Motzkin-Straus relaxationof the inverse of the stability number performs poorly.

5 Experiments with Real Data

In this section, we present experimental results that demonstrate the utility of our framework onreal data. We begin by introducing an extension of our framework to allow for edits that includevertex additions and deletions. We then describe the bounds obtained on two widely studieddatasets consisting of molecular structures.

5.1 Enabling vertex additions and deletions

In many situations, one wishes to obtain bounds on the edit distance between two graphs consistingof different numbers of vertices. In such cases one allows vertex insertions and deletions in addition


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to the usual operations of edge insertions and deletions that we’ve considered thus far. To extendour framework to this setting, we allow an adjacency matrix to take on nonzero values on thediagonal to denote the presence or absence of a vertex. Specifically, we consider a “vertex-indexedadjacency matrix” A ∈ Sn with entries equal to either zero or one and in which Aij = 1, j 6= iimplies that Aii = 1. In words, a value of one on the i’th diagonal entry implies that a vertexcorresponding to that index is ‘present’ in the graph, and an edge being incident on a verteximplies that the vertex must be present in the graph. (Note that a value of one on a diagonal entrydoes not represent a “vertex weight” but instead the presence of a vertex in a graph.) With thisnotation in hand, we are now in a position to describe a generalization of our framework that allowsfor vertex deletions and insertions. Let G1 and G2 be two unweighted and unlabeled graphs on n1

and n2 vertices, respectively, and let n := maxn1, n2. Letting A2 ∈ Sn specify a vertex-indexedadjacency matrix for G2 with zeros on the diagonal corresponding to those indices that do notcorrespond to a vertex (when n2 < n), consider the following convex optimization problem:

GEDLB(G1,G2; CG1) = minX,E∈Sn


|Eij |

s.t. X + E = A2 (Pext)

X ∈ CG1Xij ≤ Xii, Xij ≤ Xjj ∀i, j ∈ 1, . . . , n.

Here the set CG1 is an invariant convex set associated to G1, and the matrices X, A1 and A2 areto be interpreted as vertex-indexed adjacency matrices. There are two main differences betweenthe convex program (Pext) and the convex problem (P ). The first is in the objective function inwhich we only sum the upper triangular elements of the matrix E in the program (Pext), as wedo not wish to double-count the edge edits relative to vertex edits. The second modification arisesin the constraint in the last line of (Pext) based on the observation that if edges are incident to avertex, then this vertex must be ‘present’. Using a line of reasoning similar to that following thepresentation of (P ), one can conclude that the optimal value of the convex program (Pext) providesa lower bound on the graph edit distance between G1 and G2 with the permissible edit operationsbeing vertex additions/deletions and edge additions/deletions. Finally, we note that our frameworkcan also accommodate situations in which the cost of a vertex edit operation is different from thatof an edge edit operation.

5.2 Experimental Results on Chemistry Datasets

We employ the convex program (Pext) to obtain lower bounds on graph edit distance problemsarising in chemistry. Specifically, we conduct experiments on two datasets known as the PolycyclicAromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH) dataset and the Alkane dataset.1 Both of these datasets consist ofunlabeled, unweighted graphs representing chemicals, with the vertices of the graphs correspondingto carbon atoms in a molecule and edges specifying bonds between two carbons. These datasetshave been used as benchmarks for evaluating the performances of graph edit distance algorithms;for example, see [1] and [10] for comparisons of the performance of various algorithms on thesedatasets. For each dataset, we compare upper bounds on the average edit distance taken over allpairs of graphs (obtained using other procedures) with lower bounds on the average obtained usingour method.

The Alkane dataset consists of 150 unlabeled, acyclic graphs representing alkanes, with thenumber of vertices ranging from 1 to 10 vertices (the average is 8.9) and an average degree of

1Available online at


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1.8. As these graphs are relatively small in size, the average pairwise graph edit distance for thisdataset can be calculated exactly using combinatorial algorithms such as the A∗ procedure [17].The PAH dataset consists of 94 graphs representing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. As with theAlkane dataset, the vertices of the graphs in this dataset denote carbon atoms, and two vertices areconnected if there exists a bond between the corresponding carbons. Unlike the Alkane dataset,the chemicals in the PAH dataset represent large compounds: the smallest graph in PAH has 10vertices, the largest graph has 28 vertices, and the average number of vertices is 20.7. The averagedegree of the graphs in the PAH dataset is 2.4. Due to this larger size, calculating the exact averagepairwise graph edit distance of the PAH dataset is prohibitively expensive. In fact, to the best ofour knowledge, the exact average pairwise graph edit distance of the PAH dataset is unknown tothis date [3]. Consequently, obtaining guaranteed lower bounds on the average graph edit distanceof the PAH dataset is especially useful as a way to compare to known average upper bounds.

For each pair of graphs, we employ the convex program (Pext) twice by switching the roles of G1

and G2, and take the larger optimal value as our lower bound. In each case we utilize four differenttypes of invariant convex set constraints: the Schur-Horn orbitope (CSH), the Motzkin-Straus boundon the inverse of the stability number (CIS), the Goemans-Williamson bound on the maximum cutvalue (CMC), and finally the intersection of all these three constraints (CSH ∩ CIS ∩ CMC). In ourexperiments, we follow the convention adopted in the graph edit distance literature with these twodatasets, namely that the cost of an edit operation is equal to three.2 The average pairwise lowerbounds obtained using our convex program (Pext) on the Alkane and PAH datasets are given inTable 1.

Dataset Best known upper bound Lower bounds on the average pairwise GED via (Pext)Name on the average GED CMC CIS CSH CMC ∩ CIS ∩ CSHAlkane 15.3 (exact) [10] 4.66 6.12 9.58 10.72

PAH 29.8 [10] 12.01 14.52 20.29 21.60

Table 1: Average pairwise graph edit distances of the Alkane and PAH datasets. Edit operationsare limited to edge and vertex additions and removals. Every edit operation incurs a cost of 3.

There are a number of interesting aspects to these results. For both datasets, a constraint basedonly on the Goemans-Williamson relaxation seems to produce the worst lower bounds (4.66 and12.01), while the Schur-Horn orbitope constraint produces the best lower bounds (9.58 and 20.29)when only a single type of invariant convex constraint is employed. As expected, the combinationof all three individual constraint sets produces the best overall lower bounds (10.72 and 21.60).More broadly, these results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in producing useful lowerbounds for graph edit distance problems arising from real data in a computationally tractablemanner. Specifically, for the Alkane dataset the average lower bound 10.72 is obtained using ourconvex programming framework and the exact value of the average graph edit distance is 15.3(which is obtained via combinatorial approaches). Our results have more interesting implicationsfor the PAH dataset as it is prohibitively expensive to compute the exact average graph edit distancefor this dataset due to the large size of its constituents. In particular, the best-known upper boundon the average graph edit distance of PAH is 29.8 [10]. Our convex relaxation framework producesa lower bound of 21.6 on the average graph edit distance over all pairs of graphs in PAH, which

2The reason for this choice in that community is that vertex/edge deletions/insertions are considered more signif-icant edit operations than vertex/edge label substitutions which have a lower cost of one associated to them (in thispaper, we do not consider such edits based on substitutions.)


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provides a floor on the possible improvement that one should expect to obtain via better algorithmsfor computing graph edit distances.

6 Discussion

In this paper we introduce a framework based on convex graph invariants for obtaining lower boundson the edit distance between two graphs. Much of the literature on this topic provides methodsfor computing upper bounds on the edit distance between two graphs by identifying a feasiblesequence of edits to transform one graph to the other. Our approach is qualitatively different inthat it is based on convex relaxation and it leads to guaranteed lower bounds on the edit distance.Further, our approach can be adapted to the structure underlying the two graphs. We provide boththeoretical and empirical support for our method.

There are a number of potential directions for further investigation arising from our paper.First, our analysis of the performance of the Schur-Horn relaxation could potentially be tightenedin order to obtain sharper conditions for the success of our algorithm. For example, Corollary 4only utilizes information about the second most-repeated eigenvalue, and while this provides order-optimal scaling results for families such as triangular graphs, it may be possible to improve ouranalysis to obtain order-optimal bounds for other families as well. More broadly, a key step incarrying out a precise theoretical analysis of the power of an invariant convex constraint set is toobtain a full understanding of the facial structure of the set, and it would be of interest to developsuch a characterization for a larger suite of invariant convex sets than those presented in this paper.Finally, a commonly encountered question in many applications is to test whether a given graph isa minor of another graph, and it would be useful to extend the framework described in our paperto address this problem.


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