ARW is ‘dark’ June, July, August—no general meeting · 2018. 9. 7. · ARW is ‘dark’...

ARW is ‘dark’ June, July, August—no general meeting Next Program: Wednesday, September 11, 2013 Our guest speaker will be Lisa Benson of Lisa Benson Consulting, LLC. Lisa Benson and the team with Lisa Benson Consulting has more than 25 years of experience in both major/principal and planned gifts, as well as expertise in grassroots mobilization and political fundraising. Lisa raises the money…that is the bottom line. Someone once said, “Lisa is like a magician; money appears.” Lisa is quick to say that, “raising money is a strategic process; however, we just make it look easy.” Monthly general membership meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at: Briarwood Country Club 135th Avenue & Meeker Blvd - Sun City West, AZ. Registration 10:45a.m. Lunch / Meeting Begins at 11:30am Note: Thank you for adhering to Briarwood’s dress code of NO JEANS . Reservation Deadline: noon on Friday before the luncheon. Event is for adults only - no children. Submitted by Bev Bair, ARW Newsletter Editor [email protected] -- phone: 623.255.5352 JUNE, 2013 NEWSLETTER ARW is an organization of Republican Women of various races, ages and creeds who believe in the Republican philosophy of smaller government, less taxation and more personal freedom.

Transcript of ARW is ‘dark’ June, July, August—no general meeting · 2018. 9. 7. · ARW is ‘dark’...

  • ARW is ‘dark’ June, July, August—no general meeting

    Next Program: Wednesday, September 11, 2013

    Our guest speaker will be Lisa Benson of Lisa Benson Consulting, LLC. Lisa Benson and the team with Lisa Benson Consulting has more than 25 years of experience in both major/principal and planned gifts, as well as expertise in grassroots mobilization and political fundraising. Lisa raises the money…that is the bottom line. Someone once said, “Lisa is like a magician; money appears.”

    Lisa is quick to say that, “raising money is a strategic process; however, we just make it look easy.”

    Monthly general membership meetings are held the second Wednesday of the month at:

    Briarwood Country Club 135th Avenue & Meeker Blvd - Sun City West, AZ.

    Registration – 10:45a.m. Lunch / Meeting Begins at 11:30am

    Note: Thank you for adhering to Briarwood’s dress code of NO JEANS.

    Reservation Deadline: noon on Friday before the luncheon. Event is for adults only - no children.

    Submitted by Bev Bair, ARW Newsletter Editor [email protected] -- phone: 623.255.5352


    ARW is an organization of Republican

    Women of various races, ages and

    creeds who believe in the Republican

    philosophy of smaller government,

    less taxation and more personal


  • A Message From our President — Bonnie Hochberg

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    Hello All,

    A few weeks ago, my friend’s 99 year old mother passed away. In the weeks that preceded Ger-tie’s death, Irene and her mom spent many hours together. Gertie talked about the miraculous events and inventions that she experienced during her lifetime. As an immigrant to the United States from Eastern Europe, she was able to enjoy the freedoms and liberty of raising her only child here instead of a country where she would not have had the same opportunities. A very religious woman, Gertie was able to observe the rituals of her religion and pass them down to her daughter. Gertie lived through two world wars, the Cold War, and terrorism in her beloved New York City in 2001. Gertie could not under-stand the modern computer age but was astounded that, in her last few days, she was able to video chat with her grandchildren and great grandchildren, expressing her final words of love to them, able to see their beautiful faces. She never drove, never obtained a driver’s license. A simple woman, Gertie under-stood that just living in the United States was reason enough to be satisfied. At the end of our lives, what will we have to say to our children and grandchildren about the world we’ve lived in? Will the United States offer us the same freedoms and liberties that Gertie experi-enced in her lifetime? Tuesday night at our dinner at Briarwood, Lyle Rapacki foretold a future for the United States and for the rest of the world that would not include liberty, a one world government, elite rulers, and very few freedoms as we know them today. Dr. Rapacki had no solutions other than to sup-port candidates who share our values and ideals. We need to RE-Think Republican. Work for a party that will offer us a United States that is strong, conservative, and tenacious. Let us not be fooled by politicians who speak conservative but who act pro-gressive. Let us continue to question, encourage dialogue, and keep informed. God bless the America we grew up to honor and love.

  • Page 3


    Heartfelt thanks to Lezlee Alexander, Judy Blackburn and

    Anna Morrison who answered the call for Nominating Committee

    volunteers. Now please do your part and answer the call to service

    if called upon to run for an office to keep our organization strong.



    by 3rd Vice-President— Jan Martinson

    Many part-time workers are getting slammed from Obamacare, loss of pay and denial of access

    to employer-sponsored healthcare insurance. The healthcare reform legislation passed into law re-

    quires large employers offering health insurance to include part-time employees working at least 30

    hours a week. Instead, a growing number of employers are cutting back part-time work hours to avoid

    paying for their insurance. An estimated 2.3 million workers nationwide are at risk of losing hours and

    therefore pay. Most employers are cutting back to only 27 hours a week. Large restaurant chains and

    retailers are also beginning to cut back hours, and colleges are reducing courses for part-time profes-


    The average annual premium for employee coverage was $6,540, in California last year, and

    family coverage was more than $16,000 a year. Nationwide, employee-only coverage cost $5,615 last

    year, and family coverage cost $15,745, the Kaiser Family Foundation reported. One consolation for

    part-time workers is that due to low salaries, many of them will qualify for government insurance or be

    eligible for discounted premiums on private policies beginning in January 2014.

    On the other hand it’s expected that some businesses will drop health coverage entirely and in-

    stead pay a penalty of $2,000 per worker, which will be cheaper for them, than providing the coverage.

    Ain’t Obama care wonderful? The companies have to survive to even have part-time 27 hour workers.

    The President is OH so good to us!

  • Ways & Means Update: by: Jan Martinson

    I am very happy to report that we do not have to have any more money making projects this year.

    Our Special Events and Fund raiser Dinner on May 21st. netted ARW a profit of $1,005.21 This, along

    with our Jewelry sales, will cover all our obligations. Thanks to all our good help we can say this is a job

    well done. The committee of 16 really knows how to work. A special Thank-you goes out to Marilyn,

    Peggy, Arlene, Judy Blackburn, Natalie, Jan B, Dorothy, Cynthia, Diane, Susan, Patty, Jan D., Mary, Nancy,

    Sandra,& Bev & Frosty, for making the Flyers. The papers cooperated and I was so glad to get Articles and

    Pictures in our local papers. Pat yourselves on the back. We’re all done till next season!

    by: Bev Bair

    The National Teen Age Republicans


    Teen Age Republicans (TARs) is a political youth organization that is an official auxiliary to the United States Republican Party. There are various TARs clubs throughout the United States, at county and state levels. TARs has a presence in all 50 states, as well as the District of Columbia, and has membership in the tens of thousands. Clubs are organized on and off campus into middle school, high school, home-schooled, county and city clubs. The oldest recorded Teen Age Republican Federation is in South Dakota. This Federation was formed in 1960. TARs provides support to the Republican party and its candidates. TARs members work across the United States to perform community service, develop leadership skills, gain first-hand knowledge of prac-tical political process and apply all these to sway elections in the favor of the Republican Party. One of the three official auxiliaries of the Republican Party, the Teen Age Republicans (TARs) is a national, youth-based organization challenging, training, and assisting teens to become involved in their local, state, and national political processes. TARs across the nation sway elections, gain first-hand knowledge of the political process, develop lead-ership skills, and perform community service acts. National TARs has clubs in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and abroad with members in the tens

    of thousands. Clubs are organized on and off campus into middle school, high school, homeschooled,

    county and city clubs. TARs is our nation's greatest hope for the future. ARW supports TARs financially;

    your Board recently voted to give Foster Morgan $100 to help defray his $1,500 cost associated with at-

    tending the July 15/20 TARs convention.

    Page 4

  • Page 5


    May 8, 2013 Briarwood Country Club

    Call to Order: President Bonnie Hochberg called the meeting to order at 11:30 A.M.

    Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance: Chaplain Gayle Salter gave the Invocation and LD/22 Representative David Livingston led the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America.

    Minutes: with no corrections, the minutes were approved as submitted.

    Programs: 1st Vice President Judy Blackburn advised 1st time visitors who the speakers would be for the rest of the year.

    Membership: 2nd Vice President Lezee Alexander welcomed members and guests. Clela Wannamaker and Gloria Donohue received a prize for having the most guests.

    Caring for America: Caring Chair Jan Buchkowski thanked all members who brought donations for UMOM. She announced 2 new mysterious projects for the Fall and asked members to collect toiletries for the Veterans. With regard to the Arizona stand Down, Jan was pleased to announce that as a result of this project, there are less homeless veterans. She also advised that due to her efforts one veteran found a home.

    Speaker: 1st VP Judy introduced the Honorable Jan Brewer, Governor of Arizona.


    Nominating Committee: President Bonnie explained the nominating process and asked for volunteers from the floor. There were four volunteers and Lezlee Alexander, Judy Blackburn and Anna Morrison were elected. Martha Ruggs received thanks for volunteering.

    Ways & means: 3rd Vice President Jan Martinson announced the May 21st Dinner and fund raiser was coming along nicely, but more tickets needed to be sold.


    1st VP Judy spoke to those present regarding the proposed Bell/Grand overpass.

    50/50: the 50/50 was won by Charlotte Zeller and Susan Osborne.

    The meeting adjourned at 1:30 P.M.

    Gayle Salter, Secretary



    Current ARW newsletter editor, Bev Bair, is not wanting to totally stop from being

    editor but is looking for someone who has knowledge of MS Publisher (or some

    other desktop publishing program) who could assist her in sharing the monthly

    publishing duty. If you are interested, contact Bev (contact information on front

    page of newsletter).

  • Page 6

    Taking down the bird feeder! What a great analogy!

    Leave it to Maxine to come up with a solution for the mess

    that America is now in economically.

    I bought a bird feeder. I hung it on

    my back porch and filled it with seed. What a beauty of

    a bird feeder it was, as I filled it lovingly with seed. Within a week we

    had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the

    continuous flow of free and easily accessible food.

    But then the birds started building nests in the boards

    of the patio, above the table, and next to the barbecue.

    Then came the poop……….. It was everywhere: on the patio tile,

    the chairs, the table .....everywhere!

    Then some of the birds turned mean. They would dive bomb me

    and try to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket.

    And others birds were boisterous and loud. They sat on the feeder and

    squawked and screamed at all hours of the day and night and demanded that I fill it

    when it got low on food.

    After awhile I couldn't even sit on my own back porch anymore. So I took down the bird feeder and in three days the birds were gone.

    I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio.

    Soon, the back yard was like it used to be ..... quiet, serene....

    and no one demanding their rights to a free meal.

  • Hello, friends!

    It’s been a busy year with Membership! 2013 member numbers – 94 members + 14 associates for a

    total of 108. Delegate total for ARW will be 9. There were 28 new members from October 15, 2012 to May

    31, 2013, however, 4 were “renewals” as far as ARW is concerned (members renewing after March 15,


    Thanks to the Executive Committee’s understanding member concerns about paying new member

    dues in May 2013 when dues renewals begin in October 2013, we have no club activity for the next three

    months, and we held an amazing program at the May meeting. ARW will have 12 new members to admit

    officially October 15, 2013. One additional member in paying her 2013 “renewal” in May paid for 2014

    dues at the same time.

    Directories are flying out the door as there are only 14 remaining. In providing a Directory to new

    members as part of their New Member Welcome Kit, we may wish to consider printing more copies of the

    Directory. This officer notes that approximately 20 fairly regularly attending members have not received a

    Directory yet, and that leaves no extra for any new members that join us this fall. The Directory is a very

    useful tool for a new member as it contains Bylaws, member-only website information, contact informa-

    tion for club members and those at all levels of the Federation.

    Membership sponsored many programs this past year.

    Renewal Round-Up was HUGE. Membership would like to consider requesting luncheons as prizes at

    the August EC meeting – possibly 2-3 available to raffle for those renewing by December 31, 2013 and one

    to raffle for those that renew by January 31, 2014. The Membership Committee will discuss ideas this


    New Member Welcome Kit was updated with 2013 officer information. Response has been favorable

    to this as an introductory tool for new members.

    New Member Early Welcome seems to have been a smashing success with 12 ready to jump in with us

    this fall.

    Monthly prizes were awarded during luncheons, primarily to recognize Most Guests brought to a


    We Missed You program – thanks to the assist of the Membership Committee, ARW membership lists back to 2008 have been reviewed and these former members are being contacted to remind them we miss them and would love to see them again.

    A membership display board has been created to post at luncheons and events to hopefully grab at-

    tention of guests to consider membership in ARW.

    ARW brochures have been re-printed as necessary. We’re getting low on business cards – the Mem-

    bership Committee will review this tool over the summer and see about any changes to it to consider re-

    printing for the fall season.

    Membership now consists of a true “committee” boasting five members plus a Chairman. The committee plans to meet over the summer to more thoroughly review what’s worked and brainstorm additional membership ideas for ARW.

    Page 7

    By: Lezlee Alexan-der, 2nd V.-P. (Membership)

  • Bing, Jerry (Associate)


    21013 N. Carillo Trail

    Surprise, 85387

    Cummings, Natalie



    CHANGE OF E-MAIL – [email protected]

    Chmelka, Marolyn


    19303 N. New Tradition Rd.

    Sun City West, 85375

    Farrington, Shari (renewed)

    5727 E. Sharon Dr.

    Scottsdale, 85254


    [email protected]

    Grosskopf, Barbara – dropped membership

    Hillis, Mary Anne (now full member)

    7527 W. Ironwood Dr.

    Peoria, 85345


    White, Judi (renewed)

    6031 W. Evans Dr.

    Glendale, 85306


    [email protected]

    Directory — —please update your directory

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]

  • Page 9

    Photos from

    Our May General


    Governor Jan Brewer,

    Guest Speaker

  • Page 9

  • Page 10

    The Big 50/50 Winner!

  • County Republican Party: 623-977-4532

    State Republican Party: 602– 957-7770

    If you ever are concerned about or want to know the details of any par-

    ticular bill you can find out at and get the information.

    For National Political Briefing as well as other information, log onto

    National Federation of Republican Women’s web site:

    Other Arizona Republican Party meetings:

    Legislative District 22 - Contact: or Eric Morganl [email protected]. Republican General meeting held every third Monday, at 6:30 PM, Westbrook Village Community Center, Peoria, 85382.

    Legislative District 21 - Meets every 3rd Thursday at 7pm Plaza Del Rio Community Center, 13215 N. 94th Dr., Peoria 85381. Contact Lisa Gray 623-322-5101, [email protected], Legislative District 4 - Meets 2nd Monday of mo., 6pm social, Mimi’s Café, Avondale. Contact Rhonda King 623-640-3742, [email protected].

    Sun City West Republican Club- President Jan Martinson 623--546-3753 or [email protected]; meet-ings first Saturday of each month, 8 AM-10AM, Quail Room of the Foundation Building, 14465 RH Johnson Blvd. Sun City Grand Republican Interest Group - Meets fourth Saturday of each month, 9AM, Chaparral Ctr.. Pima Rm. Their email is [email protected]. Contact President Dick Mayfield - [email protected]

    Sun City Republican Club - Meets the 3rd Monday of each month at 7pm, Sundial Recreation Center,

    14810 N. 103rd Ave. Contact Lisa Gray, 623.322.5101, [email protected]

    NFRW 37th biennial convention: Louisville, Kentucky; September 21-22, 2013 - see for more info. NFRW National Convention: Desert Ridge Marriott - Phoenix, AZ. Year - 2015

    For the latest Arizona Federation of Republican Women (AzFRW) Information, award forms, information club newsletters, event photos,

    candidate profiles:

    Web site Wisdom & Meeting Opportunities

    Arrowhead Republican Women 623-547-6776

    Web site Wisdom & Meeting Opportunities

    Page 12

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://


    President Bonnie Hochberg 623-547-6776 [email protected]

    1st V.P. Judy Blackburn (Programs) 623.544.4348 [email protected]

    2nd V.P. Lezlee Alexander (Membership 602.354.5224 [email protected]

    3rd V.P. Jan Martinson (Ways & Means) 623.546.3753 [email protected]

    Secretary Gayle Salter 623.975-0353 [email protected]

    Treasurer Marilyn Sage 623.975-1792 [email protected]

    Mem./Lrg. Bev Bair 623.255.5352 [email protected]

    Mem./Lrg. Peggy Moore 623-546.7822 [email protected]

    Mem./Lrg. Arlene Goldblatt 623-583-7738 [email protected]

    Parliamentarian Jan Hermsmeyer 623-584-6309 [email protected]


    Achievement Awards Jan Hermsmeyer 623.584.6309 [email protected]

    Americanism Debbie Lesko 623-878-9761 [email protected]

    ARW Auditor Pat Lutes 623.584.7326 [email protected]

    Budget Committee Jan Hermsmeyer 623.584.6309 [email protected]

    Bylaws Committee Jan Hermsmeyer 623.584.6309 [email protected]

    Campaign 2013—Off Election Year — position not required

    Caring For America Jan Buchkowski 623-322-1273 [email protected]

    Chaplain Gayle Salter 623.975.0353 [email protected]

    Correspd. Secretary Shirley McFerran 623.322.9336 [email protected]

    50/50 Drawing Nancy Margaritas 623.322.0108 [email protected]

    Historian/Photos Dora Sextro 623.214.3959 [email protected]

    Legislation Debbie Lesko 623.878.9761 [email protected]

    Luncheons/ Judi Bourd 623.433.9449 [email protected]

    Reservations Cindy Benson 623.547.2175 [email protected]

    Newsletter Editor Bev Bair 623.255.5352 [email protected]

    Parliamentarian Jan Hermsmeyer 623.584.6309 [email protected]

    Maricopa RW Publicity Frosty Taylor 928.684.1221 [email protected] Publicity Local Papers Bev Bair 623.255.5352 [email protected]

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