Arvinoriginal Resume

 Arvin Luke D. Bernales Sardonyx st. Twin hearts Vill. Dayao roxas City, Capiz Contact No. : +639088103974 Email Address : arvinsmac!ernales" Objectives:  T o o!tain the position that wo#ld !est $t my %#ali$cations and develop &#rther my talents and s'ills &or contin#o#s career development. ers!nal "n#!r$ati!n: %ickna$e: Arvin &ei'(t: ( )* Date !# Birt( : April +, **( )ei'(t: -+ 'ilos lace O# birt(: San ose Del /onte 0#lacan A'e: * yrs old *eli'i!n: 1oman Catholic re$arital tatus: Sin2le %ati!nalit,: 3ilipino -ucati!nal Attain$ent: / ertiar, t aul niversit, "l!il!  0achelor o& Science in T o#rism /ana2ement  4eneral 5#na , 6loilo City  #ne 789 78  ec!nar, aint ar,2s Acae$, !# ai5  0#r2os St. 1oxas City  #ne 788- ;/arch 78 ri$ar, t. ar,2s Acae$, !# ai5  0#r2os St. 1oxas City, Capiz  #ne 7887 ; /arch 788- O/ /rainin':  !ut( -ast Airline < Tic'etin2  < Car2o  < Anno#ncer < Chec' in 0a22a2e  S#ccess&#lly completed 7 months =T )!rkin' -erience  irl, aterin' ervices  < >aiter  < C#stomer Care  < Che&?s Assistant kills:



Transcript of Arvinoriginal Resume

Arvin Luke D. BernalesSardonyx st. Twin hearts Vill. Dayao roxas City, CapizContact No. : +639088103974Email Address : [email protected]

Objectives: To obtain the position that would best fit my qualifications and develop further my talents and skills for continuous career development.

Personal Information:

Nickname: Arvin Height: 5 9Date of Birth : April 3, 1995 Weight: 73 kilosPlace Of birth: San Jose Del Monte Bulacan Age: 19 yrs oldReligion: Roman Catholic Premarital Status: SingleNationality: Filipino

Educational Attainment:

Tertiary St Paul University Iloilo Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management General Luna , Iloilo City June 2011- 2014 Secondary Saint Marys Academy of Capiz Burgos St. Roxas City June 2007 March 2011

Primary St. Marys Academy of Capiz Burgos St. Roxas City, Capiz June 2002 March 2007

OJT Training: * South East Airline * Ticketing * Cargo * Announcer * Check in Baggage Successfully completed 2 months OJT

Working Experience * Swirly Catering Services * Waiter * Customer Care * Chefs Assistant


Ability to work efficiently and keep calm, under pressure Stamina and enthusiasm Ability to work quickly but efficiently Good communication skills. Speaking and listening talking to face to face and on the telephone with individual and groups, colleagues ,manager and supplier Able to work varied shifts, including weekends and holidays. Excellent customer service skills Typing skills 60 word per minute

I hereby certify that the above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

_____________________________ Applicant signature