Artwork by… · You...

Artwork by Angelica

Transcript of Artwork by… · You...

Page 1: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I

Artwork by


Page 2: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I

Meet the team...


Ashley is a Year 10 student studying drama,

geography, ICT and Spanish. She enjoys the TV show Once

Upon A Time. She’s written about why TGS needs a


Serene , Year 10, studies art, graphics, history and technology. This issue fea-

tures her creative writing, PLUS her amazing art work!

Angelica , Year 10, is our resident artist as well as a vital part of the editorial

team. She’s created this issue’s beautiful front cover.

Interested in getting involved? Speak to one of our friendly

editors, or see Miss Kemp in Room 93!

Page 3: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I


Esme is in Year 7. She’s whipped up some delicious Halloween bakes to

whet your appetite for trick or treating!

Emily in Year 7 has broken the ice and told us all about her favourite pas-

time: Ice skating!

Sabika is in Year 7. She’s investigated Take Your Daughter to Work Day.

Barira is a Year 9 student. She’s written about the

history of Halloween.

Iman, Year 9, has shared her views on


Page 4: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I

Zoie, Year 7, is telling you all about her hobby: Judo.

Charlotte is in Year 7. In this issue she’s reviewed the popular horror come-

dy, Goosebumps.

Tamseela, Year 8, has shared her love of poetry in this issue.

Nazli, Year 7, tells us about her favourite ways to unwind.

Noor Year 13, is an A Level scientist. This issue, she kicks off her Science col-

umn with an article on Euthanasia.

Chloe Year 12, has contributed some beautiful art work.

Page 5: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I

In this issue… The Focus Four—P. 6-7

Halloween Art—P. 8

Trick or Treat? The History of Halloween—P. 9

Halloween Quiz—P. 10

The Mystery of Room 32—P. 11

Film Review: Goosebumps—P. 12

Recipe: Ginger witch biscuits—P. 13

Should Tolworth have a mascot? - P. 14-15

Recycle and Save Our Planet! - P. 16

Take Your Daughter to Work Day—P. 17

Science with Noor: Euthanasia—P. 18-19

Poetry Corner—P. 20

Cartoon by Chloe

Page 6: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I

Tamseela is Little Miss Poetry

Wherever I am, whatever I do, I love to express my life experiences through poetry. I find

that poetry can calm me of any worry I have in life, be it homework, short comings of any

type, or even the worry of grades. I find it even better than keeping a diary!

I know that some of you will disagree with what I think and others may strongly agree but I

find that poetry helps me have someone who I can talk to freely and at will.

I find that the beauty of words can crush all giants, be it physically or metaphorically.

Words can change the very way that a person thinks.

You may think of me as a geek. Many people have. But at the end of the day I feel proud to

call myself one. This is because I know that being a geek is better than being a person who

is unaware of the beautiful world surrounding them. And all the blessings that they have.

You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie…

In my free time, every Friday after school, I practise martial arts—Judo, to be precise!

Judo was created by Dr Jigoro Kano in 1882. Dr Kano had studied Jujutsu in his youth

and incorporated the best of these ancient techniques into the art of Judo. Judo is a

martial art that involves no kicking or hitting, only hold down positions and throws.

Surprisingly, the highest belt in Judo is not a black belt, but a white and red striped

belt. The black belt is actually the second highest! I started Judo in May 2016, and

whilst I’m a beginner I’m a fast learner. On July 9th I entered by first competition. I got

a small injury but I didn’t care—I’d won my first bronze medal and was very proud of

myself for persevering with Judo.

The Focus Four Each issue we ask four students what makes them tick...

Page 7: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I

Emily breaks the ice …

Sometimes, when my family have nothing to do (usually on a Sunday), I suggest going

ice skating. we get in the car, and begin the half an hour’s drive to Guildford. When

we finally get there we hire skates (which are extremely uncomfortable) and walk

down the stairs to the rink. On the ice rink, it is actually pretty cold, and you have to

start skating almost as soon as you get down there, otherwise you will freeze. When I

am ice skating, I am mostly falling over, but when I finally get the hang of it, I gradual-

ly begin to get faster. I sometimes watch other people while I’m skating, and I’m

amazed at how some of them skate backwards. I once tried it and ended up falling

over within about one minute of trying, so my advice is don’t try it unless you are re-

ally, really good! Which, I discovered after I fell over six times, I am not. Really good,

that is. My advice is: Don’t hold onto the

barrier surrounding the rink. It slows you down and it is generally easier just skating

free. I love ice skating and would recommend having a go this winter!

Nazli: Bookworm and Water baby!

Something I like to do every week is go swimming. It’s a really enjoyable way to have

exercise. You can be competitive or you can freestyle. When I start swimming I leave

all my troubles behind and swim with no weight on me. It feels good to have a splash

with my friends.

I also like to read. I do it every night before I go to bed. When I read I forget about the

real world and think that I’m in the story watching it happen. I don’t know what I’d do

without books, they’re mind-blowing and brilliant.

Every book has a unique style.


Page 8: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I

by Chloe


By Serene



Art Attack!

Want to see YOUR art work in the next

issue? See Miss Kemp for details!

Page 9: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I

Trick or Treat? As you all know, Halloween

is just around the corner and people

are all choosing their scariest outfit

to wear. The shops are all filled with

sweets, decorations and terrific

outfits. Carved pumpkins at

people’s doorstep and bowls piled

with chocolates and sweets to

reward the little children.

Have you ever wondered what Hal-

loween actually is and why you do

things for Halloween? In this article

you will discover about Halloween

and why certain people don’t cele-

brate Halloween.

Halloween is celebrated on Octo-

ber 31st every year. The belief of

Halloween is that the souls of the

dead were supposed to revisit on

this day and children and adult

would dress up as fictional charac-

ters. For example… ghosts, witch-

es, goblins, black cats, clowns and

demons because they are believed

to be roaming around.

Many people think Halloween is a time

when you can have fun by wearing scary

costumes but it is not all about that. A

long time ago, almost 2000 years ago peo-

ple called the Celts believed that on Hal-

loween, evil spirits came to life and on

that night the barriers between the dead

and the living were broken. The Celts built

bonfires to frighten the spirits away and

sacrificed animals or gave food. They be-

lieved that in this way the spirits would

leave them alone. Some religions don’t

celebrate Halloween, such as Muslims,

because they believe that if you celebrate

Halloween you are letting down God and

believing in other things that are not part

of the teachings of the religion. This also

is stated in the Ten Commandments. Mus-

lims believe that if you start believing in

spirits and ghost you are letting down god

and lose true belief in god. Many individu-

als dislike the idea of little children going

up to the doors of people and asking for

sweets. This is also referred to “trick or


This is all about the history of Halloween

and a few reasons why people might not

celebrate Halloween. I wish you a very

spooky Halloween!

By Barira

Page 10: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I

HALLOWEEN QUIZ!HALLOWEEN QUIZ!HALLOWEEN QUIZ! 1. What day is Halloween usually celebrated on?

2. Give three examples of creatures adults and children might dress up as.

3. What do you give to children when they come on your doorstep?

4. What is the main reason why Halloween is celebrated?

5. What is the name of the people who believed in Halloween 2000 years


6. Why did the people build bonfire on Halloween?

7. Name one religion that doesn’t celebrate Halloween

8. Why do Muslims not celebrate Halloween?

How much have you learnt?

How much have you learnt?

Page 11: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I

The Mystery of Room 32 By Serene

If it weren’t for the constant smile etched onto Mr Skellington’s face, he would have

appeared to be one of the most unapproachable teachers of the school. He had blood-

shot grey eyes with a certain chill to them, pale skin, almost translucent skin, and sharply

trimmed goatee. His angular cheekbones cast dark shadows across his face, the dark

circles under his eyes and his bony limbs all gave him the impression of a hollowed out


Other than being renowned for looking like a vampire out of a gothic novel, Mr Skelling-

ton was also well known for leading his class through the winding corridors of the school

all the way to room 32. He always made sure to tell his students to meet him in the class-

room before lining up to go to that room.

Room 32 was always locked unless Mr Skellington’s class was in it. The more logical

students believe that he was the only one with the keys whereas the superstitious and

cruel elder students made up wild tales of horror to terrify the newer year 7s. Years

passed and Mr Skellington’s attachment to the room remained a mystery.

“I heard that there was a demon summoning in the room and Sir is the only one the

monster is scared of otherwise it eats anyone else who dares to enter without him.”

“I heard it belonged to a powerful magician who shielded it from the eyes of non-believing


The stories got more and more ridiculous annually. One year, when the headmistress was

questioned as to why Mr Skellington dragged them to room 32, she simply replied with,

“We don’t have a room 32,” and walked off rather dazed.

It was 2001 when they disappeared; the room and Mr Skellington. No teacher seemed to

recall either being there or they didn’t share whatever they knew if they did. Room 32

and Mr Skellington never existed. Students found it peculiar and confusing but over time

the story vanished. It was just a school myth…


Page 12: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I

Goosebumps is a horror comedy based on the book series by R. L. Stine. Starring Jack

Black, this action packed film is suitable for all ages from 11 years old. It is fun, frantic

and also a little spooky—perfect for a Halloween movie night!

When Zach and his mum move out of Madison, their new neighbours seem a little

out of the ordinary. Zach first meets Hannah (his new neighbour’s daughter) when

he is unpacking the car for his mum. They instantly get on well and soon become

friends. However, Mr Shivers (Hannah’s overprotective father) has other ideas. He

warns Zach to stay away or something very bad will happen.

Zach thinks Mr Shivers is hiding something, so he and his new friend Champ sneak

into the house. From the first step inside, it seems clear to the boys that something is

not right. Once inside the house, they find a book shelf containing many Goose-

bumps horror books. The odd thing is, all of the books are locked. Curiosity gets the

better of the two boys and leads them into a world of trouble when one of the books

gets unlocked…

Goosebumps is full of action,

adventure and cliff hangers, leaving

you on the edge of your seat. It is a

thrilling, exciting and moving film; I

would recommend it to anyone.

Film critic Charlotte reviews…

Want to know what

happens next?

Watch the movie!

Page 13: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I


Esme shares her ginger biscuit recipe…

Halloween Baking:

Ginger Witches You will need...

0.75 cups cooking oil

2.5 cups plain flour

1.5 tsp baking powder

0.75 tsp salt

1 tsp ginger powder

1 cup sugar

2 eggs

1. Preheat oven to 375 Fahrenheit.

2. In a bowl combine

sugar and cooking oil

4. In a separate bowl combine:

plain flour, baking powder, salt and

ginger powder

3. Add the eggs to this mixture

and mix well.

5. Add the dry mix to the wet mix

and beat well.

6. Once combined, roll out

the mixture to 0.5cm thick.

7. Cut to design of your liking,

(try using cookie cutters).

8. Bake for 20-25 minutes, until no longer

doughy—they should be firm biscuits.

Page 14: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I

Do we need a Tolworth mascot? Ashley investigates...

Mascots have always been an American thing, but according to a reliable source Coombe

Boys are having a discussion about getting their own mascot. What it will be is currently un-

known, but our source tells us it could be the start of mascots all over Surrey. What I want to

know is: How come Tolworth Girls’ School doesn’t have one already?

Why we need a school mascot? The school mascot is

typically a symbol of pride for the school. Having a

mascot that everyone agrees on can stay with Tolworth

Girls’ for many years to come. A school mascot repre-

sents the school, because the school is so multi-cultural

we need a mascot that displays that… And having a

mascot means also having cheerleaders!

Because Coombe boys don’t have a school logo which

can help create their mascot, they can choose anything! While Tolworth Girls’ do have a logo,

I don’t think any of us want to see a giant windmill parading our games during half time. So

that leaves us, the students of Tolworth Girls to decide what our mascot should be.

I recently asked a few students what they thought our school mascot should be. Lydia Wil-

liams, 10S, said that she doesn’t want a windmill but she

wants an animal. Another student who wishes to be

unnamed suggested an ant. A lot of the older students

suggested a seagull because seagulls are a frequent visitor

to our school. Miss Devoy (10 Sapphire’s form tutor)

suggested a unicorn because “why not?”. Jasmine Wood-

ley 7S also agrees with Miss Devoy and thinks it should be a

unicorn. Florence Povah 7S said she wants a fluffy pen.

Personally I would love to have a tiger as our mascot

because the name Tolworth Tigers has a nice ring to it.

What is a mascot? Google

says it’s – “A person or

thing that is supposed to

bring good luck, especially

one linked to a particular

organization or event”.

The Rio Olympic Mascots

Page 15: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I

In America the most common high school mascots are Eagles, followed by Bulldogs, Tigers,

Vikings and Lions. Other examples of common mascots in the USA include Wildcats,

Cougars, Panthers and Warriors, Knights and Falcons.

We should hold a whole school vote. Each form should give one agreed upon suggestion

(animal and name) and then gives them in. Then each person votes on each form’s sugges-

tions. The winning mascot will be our schools mascot.

If we do get a mascot (which we will... hopefully) someone will need to dress up and attend

all our games. Who will it be? It could literally be anyone, but I recommend it being some

of the older years, year 9+ just because we need a general size for years to come. I think

our mascot’s costume should include the school blazer so it’s clearly a Tolworth Girls’

mascot, rather than a random animal with no clear link. We should give our mascot a name

like Tony the Tolworth Tiger or Sammy Seagull because giving it a name will make it more


How will we come up with the money to fund this? I feel like the school should contribute

at least 25% of the money towards the costume and as the students are the ones voting for

the school mascot, we should hold a fundraiser to raise the rest of the money. We can in-

clude a bake sale, a school disco for each year, mufti week, (which is where each day we

have a themed mufti day for a week) a talent show for all (teachers included), and a school

sleepover for every year.

In conclusion, I believe we should have a mascot as this will inspire our students and future

generations at TGS.


Page 16: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I


By Iman

Recycling is crucial for the human race to live sustainable lives. The earth has lim-ited resources, and we are using them up fast. Paper is fabricated from trees, mainly pulpwood, which takes 50 years on average to grow. This is quite unsustainable but not as un-sustainable as plastic. Plastic is made from crude oil, which are carbon life forms that have experienced high pressure for millions of years. Not much is left to sustain the earth’s growing population and it’ll take millions of years for more to be produced. As well as that, drilling into the earth is quite complicated and if the drill is on the ocean, then oil spills can occur, which cost millions to clean up and can vitiate sea life and cause their death. However,

Recycling reduces the risk of this happening, since we won’t be drilling for more oil, therefore causing fewer oil leaks. It is also a question of space. If plastic isn’t

recycled, it goes to land fill, which takes up space. Also, rain fills up in the hole and the toxins from the rubbish. This later goes into streams and rivers to harm the wildlife and our drinking water. Many plastics cannot be recycled yet. But for the ones that can be recycled, plastic bottles, bottle caps, food packaging, it’s essential that we do recycle them. For ourselves, for the environment, for wildlife and for

future generations.

Put your plastic in plastic recycling bins. The bins will be emptied into a truck, which will take the bottles to a recycling centre. The bottles will be methodised and cleaned. Then they’ll be compressed into a cube and melted. From that point, the plastic has endless opportunities; it could be anything.

About 500 billion plastic

bags are used every year

worldwide. Try to cut down

on them, bring your own bag.

Doing so will also save you

a few pennies.


Page 17: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I

Have you ever been to your mum’s office before?

No, this was the first time.

What job does your mum do and did you think your day at her office would

be interesting?

My mum does financial directing, and I thought it sounded quite boring. I

wasn’t really expecting it to be much fun.

What did you think it was going to be like?

I thought that it was going to be more formal, more like a serious office. I was

surprised by how casual it was.

Did you get to do any proper work?

Yes, I did do some work: I had to check all the PDF files and see if they were

in the correct order.

Did you speak to anyone you didn’t know? What was that like?

I spoke to some leaders and I was quite confused because they were speaking

a lot of formal language and there were some words I didn’t really know the

meaning of!

In the end did you think that it was fun?

Yes, surprisingly I thought it was fun. It wasn’t as boring as I’d expected.

When you grow up, would you be interested to do that job?

It was an interesting experience but probably not the job for me.

Thank you for speaking with me Nadine, and thanks to Mrs

Stansbridge Shaile for organising Take Your Daughter to Work Day.

Sabika Investigates…

Year 8’s “Take Your

DaughTer To Work DaY”

A quick-fire interview with Nadine Beckett about her recent work experience.

Page 18: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I

Euthanasia: dignified death or...


Diana Pretty desperately wanted her husband to help her die.

With only months to live and paralysed from the neck down by

motor neurone disease it is fair to say that Diana Pretty

(pictured right, with her husband) was in excruciating pain. Left

unable to communicate with her family she bravely fought for

her right to ‘die with dignity’ at the European Court of Human

rights. She insisted on making the 12 hour journey from her

home in Luton, Bedfordshire, through the Channel tunnel in a

private ambulance with paramedics and an intensive care

nurse in attendance. She lost this legal battle on the grounds

that it would be a slippery slope and many people who did not want to die could be

affected. Her story highlighted the devastating nature of MND and the need for people

with the disease to have the best in palliative and terminal care. It sparked national

outrage, initiating a chain of debates on whether euthanasia, voluntary or involuntary,

should ever be justified.

What exactly is Euthanasia?

Euthanasia is the termination of a very sick person's life in order to relieve them of their

suffering. These are usually people like Diana Pretty with incurable conditions. In many

cases it is carried out at the person’s request but there are times when they may be too ill

and the decision is made by relatives, medics or, in some instances, the courts.

Euthanasia is against the law in the UK where it is illegal to help anyone kill themselves.

Voluntary euthanasia can lead to imprisonment of up to 14 years.

Science with Noor... Our resident A Level scientist Noor gives us the facts.

Page 19: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I

It is such a moral dilemma because it conflicts with various ethical principles. Is there a

moral difference between killing someone and letting them die? Under what circumstances

can euthanasia be justifiable, if at all? Is it ever right to end the life of a terminally ill patient

who is undergoing severe pain and suffering?

Does an individual who has no hope of recovery have the right to decide how and when to

end their life?

In a civilised society everyone should be allowed to die in dignity and without pain.

Our bodies are our own and we should have the freedom of choice to decide what we do with them. It's wrong to make anyone live longer than they want. In fact making people go on living when they don't want to violates their personal freedom and human rights. It's immoral to force people to continue living in suffering and pain.

Suicide is not a crime, so why should a dignified death be?

Does it give doctors too much power? Some conclusions...

Often it’s argued that doctors are ‘playing God’ and deciding when people die. However, doctors do this all the time. Any medical action that seeks to extend life changes the time when a person dies and no one worries about that. However, while I understand that this is a different decision as it involves shortening life, doctors take this sort of decision all the time when they make choices about treatment. As long as doctors recognise the severity of euthanasia and take decisions about it within a properly regulated structure and with

proper safeguards, such decisions should be acceptable. In most pf these cases the deci-sion will not be taken by the doctor, but by the patient. The doctor will provide information to the patient to help them make their decision.


Page 20: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I

The sun shone over the mountain peaks

The sound of birds chirping from their little


A sweet melody in my ear,

That I will always love to hear.

The lake shimmered in the sun’s presence,

While the trees stood with elegance.

The smiles from people passing by,

Why would they want to destroy this, oh,

Why, oh why?

Poetry Corner Year 9’s Romantic Poetry Competition Winner—Hannah

The sky clouded up with polluted smoke,

As the people began to viciously choke.

The dark, gloomy buildings filled their land,

As people watched with their heads in their hands.

The once beautiful, picturesque scene,

Was now nowhere else to be seen.

The trees that stood tall with pride,

Watched the scene unfold in front of their eyes.

That sun shone over the mountain peak,

As the flowers stood all nimble and weak.

Nature has been blighted by mankind’s intrusion.

This my friend, is called the Industrial Revolution.

Page 21: Artwork by… · You wouldn’t want to mess with Zoie… In my free time, every Friday after school, I