Arts for education

ARTS FOR EDUCATION Presented By Ashli Becker

Transcript of Arts for education

  1. 1. Presented By Ashli Becker
  2. 2. Some students find school frustrating, and the one thing keeping them in school is a classroom they enjoy. Often you find this with the arts, giving students a boost of confidence. On average, one-fourth of the students who are currently in our high schools will not graduate(Davis, 3).
  3. 3. Classrooms of the arts create a safe zone for students to explore themselves, new materials and create mutual respect for each others work.
  4. 4. Without classrooms that offer the arts, students will lose a place that they can belong in. Arts classrooms offer areas to create new friends and new groups to belong in. Examples of classes that foster creating friends out of similar interests: band, chorus and drama.
  5. 5. The arts create problem solving skills. The arts dont just have one right answer they have multiple options for students to explore.
  6. 6. In early elementary levels, even in preschool we are introduced materials and tools, commonly using the safety scissors. This cutting motion provides growth in fine motor skills. Simple things like using crayons, paintbrushes, and cutting with scissors will assist in the dexterity for students that is essential for writing.
  7. 7. Development in language by just making art and talking about it gives students the change to learn words for basic shapes, colors and actions. The arts provide decision making skills that will strengthen critical thinking, and problem solving skills. Involving students in an early age to arts encourages them take risks, experiment and express themselves as individuals.
  8. 8. When we look at history what are we looking at, we are looking at art. Everything from paintings, sculptures, and the large structures left behind. The art left behind by past cultures, culture is not only found in what was left behind but what is going on today.
  9. 9. There is no art form flourishing today, or that has flourished in the past, that has not done so on the wings of diversity-American musicians borrowing from African rhythms, South American architects employing Scandinavian ideas, German painters finding inspiration in Egyptian art, French filmmakers influenced by Japanese techniques. (Post, 79)
  10. 10. When you provide the arts for students you are giving them a new way to use their hands, their voices, and their bodies. Suddenly they are their own tools; they have the means to pull out all of the emotions. Giving students the confidence they may need.
  11. 11. Art is not solely reflecting culture and media but it is also looking into ourselves. Giving students art, music, theater, and dance you are exposing them to a way to have an outlet, speak out, and find themselves.
  12. 12. Dropout rates would sky rocket students would find no outlets in school and would have to seek out things like physical education and have limited ways to express themselves. There would be an overall lack of attendance in school because without any forms of art there is not much to speak to the students on a person level and retain interest.
  13. 13. Provide an expressive outlet for students A sense of freedom to express Help build self-esteem Can foster collaboration Empowers the students Introduce other cultures and history Create classrooms build out of respect and being part of something larger than yourself
  14. 14. Cantz, H. (2012). What is Art? Riehen/Basel: Beyeler Museum AG. Davis, J. H. (2012). Why Our High Schools Need the Arts. New York: Teachers College Press.