Arts 3 4


Transcript of Arts 3 4

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UNIT 3Colour

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1- What is the difference between value and a hue's pure value?

Value describes the lightness or darkness of a colour and when the values are not changed by adding any black or white, they are called pure hues

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2.- Write a definition of primary and secondary colours. List each and describe how we obtain them

Primary colours: These are the colurs that do

not come from a mix of colours but all others colours come from them.

Secondary colours: We obtain this colours by

mixing the same amount of two primary colours.

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2.- Write a definition of primary and secondary colours. List each and describe how we obtain them

Primary colours: These are the colurs that do

not come from a mix of colours but all others colours come from them.

Secondary colours: We obtain this colours by

mixing the same amount of two primary colours.

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Primary and secondary colours

How do we obtain them

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3- What are the warm colours? Why are they called this?

-Warm colours are the colours that convey a sensation of warmth.

-They are called like these because ther are many elements in natur that transmit the idea of heat, such as the sun, fire, summer dessert, etc. Their hues are yellows, oranges and reds with more than 50% of yellow in their mixture

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4- Give an example of how we can contrast colours in a composition.

This is a contrast of colours and here you can see that they contrast cool colours with warm colours.

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5- Choose a work of art from the links and anylise the meanings of its colours.

The colours are vibrating and express emotions that are asociated with the life of the sunflowers. The colours go from a bright yellow that express life, to a dark yellow that express the dead of the sunflowers.

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6.- Look for Claude Monet's "Notre Dame Cathedral" and Henri Matisse's "Sorrow of the king" or "The king's Sadness"1952. In one of the paintings there is analogy of colours and in the other one, there is contrast. Explain what you find in each one.

This is an analogy of colours because it is related to a primary colour and there are not big changes.

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This is a contrast of colours because the mixture have very little in common and there are warm and cool colurs in the picture.

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UNIT 4Geometric operations

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1.- Write a definition of a segment bisector.

A segment bisector is the perpendicular line that divides a segment into two equal parts.

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1.- What is an angle.An angle is the part of a plane defined by two straight lines that cross at the same point, called vertex.

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2.- Explain the steps we must follow to divide a segment into five equal parts.

1- From one extreme of the segment AB, for example A you do a straight line.

2- With any opening in the compas, you put 5 times over the S line.

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3- In the last point that you have, you join the other extreme of the segment with the B.

4- In the rest of the divisions, you have to do paralel lines to the las line you have done and now you have 5 equal parts.

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4.- Look for pictures in the links which include: acute angle, right angle,obtuse angle and a straight angle.

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5.- Draw a triangle, a square and a circle. Colour the space in between the lines using different colours.

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