Artificial Intelligence for Lawyers - Growing Law Firm Practice - Legal Research by Ross - Powered...

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Artificial IntelligenceandLaw

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Artificial Intelligence and Law





Artificial Intelligence – AI Wisdom

Artificial Intelligence – Big Data

AI and Law Firms - Example

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3Artificial Intelligence and Law

Artificial Intelligence – AI WisdomArtificial Intelligence, or AI as it is well known, refers to the use of technology to execute complicated tasks.

With rapidly evolving technology and boom of digital innovations, AI is on track to replace a majority of human jobs by next decade. Accordingly, significant changes are required in law and public policy to ensure adequate regulation for protection of human interests.


AI possesses decision making capabilities that are aimed at having a goal of making complicated tasks easy but the decisions taken by AI can impact businesses, consumers and citizens.

Accordingly, AI designs need to consider accountability before execution in real word. In use, AI mechanisms and outputs concern human limitations and biases, whereby divide between the humans and technology gets reduced to zero and that can make both our personal and professional life vulnerable to the side-effects to technology.

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Artificial Intelligence – Big Data

AI technologies are data driven and enormous amount of data needs to be analyzed and processed to execute complex tasks. Big Data plays a crucial role for AI to be successful as digital information from numerous sources is required to be in sync.


Digital Information Landscape includes data driven insights drawn from multiple sources to facilitate functioning of autonomous systems such as driverless cars, drones and weapons that are needed to be in complete sync with the physical world systems. Accordingly, safety & validity of all AI innovations is prone to regulation to ensure safety and sustainability.

Artificial Intelligence and Law

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Artificial Intelligence in Law Firms – Example

In January 2016, US law firm of Baker & Hostetler became the first law firm to employ the IBM Watson-powered lawyer ‘ROSS‘- the world’s first artificially intelligent attorney. The thinking behind invention fo ROSS is that legal research has always been an expensive and a time consuming process that affects law firm’s practice and its clients. Hence ROSS is an artificially intelligent attorney to help lawyers and law firms power their way through legal research.


Based on the principles of cognitive learning powered by IBM’s Watson supercomputer, ROSS improves upon existing alternatives by actually understanding the questions asked by lawyers and law firms in natural sentences like - "Can a bankrupt company still conduct business?". ROSS then provides lawyers and law firms with an instant answer with citations and suggestions including highly topical readings from a variety of content sources.Artificial Intelligence and Law

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Baker & Hostetler, a

law firm in US, is

using ROSS in the

firm’s bankruptcy

practice. ROSS is

designed to use a

“cognitive computing

system” to go through

the relevant

legislations and


pronouncements within

a matter of seconds.

IBM claims that ROSS

is capable of sorting

through more than a

billion text

documents each second

and it can further

learn from the

feedback to get

smarter over time.

At the same time, AI and tools like ROSS can

replace human resources that are presently

used for data analysis. However, in future, a

balance between the AI and lawyers will exist

that shall use the expertise of both

stakeholders to provide best possible

solutions in an efficient manner.

Legal market is bound

to face the impact of


intelligence based

tools like ROSS. On

one hand, AI based

innovations can

assist lawyers, law

firms and legal

professionals by

increasing prompt

access to relevant

information and by


client’s issue to

determine strategies

for solving legal


Artificial Intelligence and Law

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Artificial Intelligence and Law