Art, political and society

art, poli*cs & society

Transcript of Art, political and society

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art,  poli*cs  &  society

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  Since  the  beginning,  my  work  has  been    always  focused  on  trying  to  "rethink"  social  context,  trying  to  ac*vate  the  viewer  gaze  for  

not  only  in  a  esthe*c  way,  but  also  in  a  ideological.  

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Hierarchy  of  needs  ephemeral  drawing  //chalk  Málaga  2009  

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shopping  cart  //  Video  04'34’’  2010  

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10'02'86  (produc*vity)  Video  //  12’24’’  2010  

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With  27  percent  of  the  popula*on  unemployed  and  hundreds  evicted  from  their  homes  every  day,  Spain’s  

economic  crisis  con*nues  to  deepen  

The  country’s  recent  an*-­‐austerity  protests  in  this  history  of  a  new  ac*vist  spirit  

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How  much  is  your  *me?  Video  //  2’47’’  2012  

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Formicidae  (showing  the  context)    Video  //  8’17’’  2012  

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 I  have  been  working  on  collabora*ves  projects  and  public  art  interven*ons    

“ar*vist”collec*ve  enmedio  (Barcelona)  


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advantages  just  for  you  Barcelona  2012  

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not  be  silent  by  the  caixa  Barcelona  2012  

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reflec*ve  army  /  /take  a  look  Barcelona  2012  

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•  A  few  days  before  the  25S  ac*on,  the  government  announced  that  over  2,000  police  would  barricade  the  Congreso  during  our  planned  protest.  The  move  made  it  impossible  for  us  to  achieve  our  goal,  at  least  by  land.  So  we  organized  the  Discongreso.  We  decided  to  turn  those  colorful  dots  into  discos  (Spanish  for  “Frisbees”)  and  see  if  we  could  try  by  air.  

•  Through  social  networking,  we  asked  people  to  get  Frisbees  and  write  their  own  ideas  for  our  democracy,  or  rather  for  a  poli*cal  system  worthy  of  the  name  “democracy.”  When  September  25  came  around  and  I  saw  hundreds  of  people  with  their  marked-­‐up  Frisbees  ready  to  be  tossed  at  the  Congress,  I  couldn’t  believe  it.  Boys  and  girls,  people  young  and  old:  all  types  were  there,  slinging  Frisbees  with  slogans  like  “People  first,”  “Ban  the  debt,”  and  “No  bankers  will  ever  govern  a  country  again.”  

•  Throwing  Frisbees,  hearing  people  shout  and  watching  them  launch  Frisbees  towards  the  Congress,  I  realized  that  my  own  problems  were  shared  by  many  others.  Seeing  those  discs  fly  over  the  police  was  a  perfect  metaphor  for  the  current  situa*on  in  Spain,  where  democracy  is  truly  in  the  air.  


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Discongress  //  Surrounding  Congress  //  Madrid  2012  

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Based  on  “The  Nameless  Force  Behind  the  Protests”  (Leonidas  Margn  2012)  h\p://  

How  to  carry  out  a  project  based  on  a  coherent  process  between  the  theore*cal  research  and  ar*s*c  prac*ce,  through  the  provision  of  a  par*cular  device  that  directly  affects  the  working  method,  at  the  same  *me  that  reflects  my  posi*on  in  certain  issues  which  are  strongly  influenced  by  the  current  context  as  the  essence  of  the  work;  

-­‐  the  (re)  presenta*on  of  the  informa*on  and  communica*on  society  through  the  direct  use  of  social  networks  for  the  project  gesta*on  and  development    -­‐the  importance  of  open  source  programs  

and  concepts  such  as;    -­‐the  denial  authorship    -­‐the  horizontality    -­‐the  democra*za*on  of  art  -­‐the  collabora*ve,  etc..