Arrhythmias Consist of Cardiac Depolarizations That Deviate From the Above Description in One or...

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Transcript of Arrhythmias Consist of Cardiac Depolarizations That Deviate From the Above Description in One or...

  • 7/24/2019 Arrhythmias Consist of Cardiac Depolarizations That Deviate From the Above Description in One or More Aspects


    Arrhythmias consist of cardiac depolarizations that deviate from the above description in one

    or more aspects: there is an abnormality in the site of origin of the impulse, its rate or

    regularity, or its conduction.

    The macrolide antibiotics, also interact with the commonly prescribed anticoagulant warfarin,

    which, among other drugs is metabolized by the CYP!" system with predominant

    involvment of CYP#A.,$ As the therapeutic range of warfarin is narrow, warfarin treatment

    needs to be monitored carefully with dose reduction when concomitant treatment with

    macrolides is instituted.

    Ten percent of population on chronic digo%in therapy convert upto "& of ingested digo%in

    to inactive digo%in reduction products '()Ps* due to action of +ubacterium lentum, an

    anaerobic bacillus which is part of normal gut flora. t has been suggested that macrolide

    antibiotics, especially erythromycin and possibly clarithomycin alter the gut flora by

    decreasing +ubacterium -entum in the gut, thereby reducing the conversion of digo%in to

    ()Ps$/ and thus increasing serum digo%in level leading to to%ic effects and increased


    Another possible mechanism of clarithromycin and digo%in interaction is reduction of renal

    e%cretion of digo%in. t is suggested that Pglycoprotein plays an important role in the renal

    secretion of digo%in, and that clarithromycin can decrease renal digo%in e%cretion by

    inhibiting Pglycoproteinmediated transport.

    Almost all antibiotics can potentiate the effects of warfarin by inhibiting its hepatic

    metabolism. +rythromycinwarfarin interaction has shown that erythromycin can mar0edly

    elevate the prothrombin time by inhibition of CYP!" system. +rythromycin and

    troleandomycin have the highest affinity for CYP#A isoenzyme and therefore the strongest

    ability to inhibit substrate brea0down. Clarithromycin has a lower affinity for cytochrome

    system, leading to less significant interactions with substrates of CYP#A. 1ince

    clarithromycin potentiates the effect of warfarin, careful monitoring of 2) is warranted.

    The primary mechanisms by which antibiotic medications interact with warfarin to increase

    the ris0 of ma3or bleeding is through disruption of intestinal flora that synthesize vitamin

    4, and inhibition of cytochrome p!" isozymes which metabolize warfarin.

  • 7/24/2019 Arrhythmias Consist of Cardiac Depolarizations That Deviate From the Above Description in One or More Aspects


    5e found that the e%posure to any antibiotic agent was associated with a twofold increased

    ris0 of bleeding that re6uired hospitalization among older continuous warfarin users. All si%

    specific antibiotic drug classes e%amined 'azole antifungals, macrolides, 6uinolones,

    cotrimo%azole, penicillins, and cephalosporins* were associated with an increased ris0 of

    bleeding. 7ur finding that patients who were prescribed azole antifungals and cotrimo%azole

    had the highest ris0s of hospitalization for bleeding is consistent with previous studies.

    Cardiac glycosides have been used since the eighteenth century as a remedy for heart failure,

    a pathological condition in which the heart is unable to contract forcefully. These highly to%ic

    drugs depress 2a848ATPase activity in all cells, not 3ust those of the heart. 5ith depressed

    2a848ATPase activity, 2a8 builds up in the cytosol, and the concentration gradient for 2a8

    across the cell membrane diminishes. This in turn decreases the potential energy available for

    indirect active transport. n the myocardial cell, cardiac glycosides decrease the cell s ability

    to remove Ca98 by means of the 2a8Ca98 e%changer. The resultant increase in cytosolic

    Ca98 causes more forceful myocardial contractions.

  • 7/24/2019 Arrhythmias Consist of Cardiac Depolarizations That Deviate From the Above Description in One or More Aspects


  • 7/24/2019 Arrhythmias Consist of Cardiac Depolarizations That Deviate From the Above Description in One or More Aspects
