ARISE YOU MIGHTY - NorthStar CompassHitler has his own" beer" produced in Italy Page 18 Why the...


Transcript of ARISE YOU MIGHTY - NorthStar CompassHitler has his own" beer" produced in Italy Page 18 Why the...

  • EDITORIAL BOARD OF NSC Elected at the Third World Congress in 2011 - Canada

    Michael Lucas - Editor-in-chief Canada George Gruenthal - NSC Webmaster - USA Dr. Adelard Paquin, Antonio Artuso Editors of French NSC -Canada Victor Bourenkov, Editor of Russian NSC - Russia Eduardo Artes Brichetti - Editor of Spanish N S C - C h i l e Editors of Hindi NSC -Workers and Peasants Party of Nepal Helen Lucas, Financial Secretary. Maria Donchenko - Russia Harpal Brar - England Frank Trampus - Canada Ray-O-Light - USA Irina Malenko -Northern Ireland Galina Savchenko - ' Jkrqine Don Currie - Canada


    Michael Lucas - Chairman -Canada Michael Opperskalski -Germany Dr. Adelard Paquin - Canada Victor Bourenkov - Russia Maria Donchenko, Russia General Alexei Fomin -International Union of Soviet Officers -Russia Helen Lucas, Financial Secretary - Canada Eduardo Artes Brichetti -Chi le Ray Berbling - Australia Zdenek Novotny - Czech Rep. Manik Mukherjee - India Harpal Brar - England Galina Savchenko-Ukraine Representative of Nepal Workers and Peasants Party Dr. Angelo D' Angelo - USA George Gruenthal - USA Rose O. Light - USA Frank Trampus - Canada Alexei Malkov - Canada Antonio Artuso - Canada




















    CONTENTS Obama and US policy Where is Cuba heading? Page 3 Putin/Medvedev want to close Lenin Mausoleum Page 4 Ongoing protests and demonstrations in Russia Page 5-12 Great grandson of Stalin attacks lies against Stalin Page 13-14 ~ Who is this Hannan of the United Nations Page 16 Hitler has his own" beer" produced in Italy Page 18 Why the collapse of Socialism? Page 19-24 End racist terror in the US Page 25-26 Pages from the past Attack against CFSP-NSC Page 27-28 Obituary to common sense Page 28-29 Comrade Kim II Sung Day held in Nepal Page 30-31

    Friendship News Page 32-34 Special for NSC Page 35-38 Letters to the Editor Page 39




    Subscription rate for12 issues is only $25


  • E D I T O R I A L

    OBAMA AND U.S. POLICY On January 5, 2012, in a very

    extraordinary speech at the Pentagon, President Obama said the US military would not only be ready "to secure territory and populations" overseas, but to fight in the "USA" and provide "support to the civil authorities". In plain words-this means that the US troops will be deployed on the streets of American cities if anv civil unrest or

    demonstrations take place against the US government's policy.

    America is now a land of poverty and barbaric prisons - the consequences of American "market extremism" that under Obama has prompted the transfer of $14 TRILLION of public money to the criminal enterprises on Wall Street. The victims are mostly young and jobless, homeless, incarcerated African-Americans, betrayed by the first US Black President.


    Cuban President Raul Castro proposed a new Cuban Socialism for the 21at Century.

    This means allowing private businesses as well as real estate to operate all over Cuba - a mixed economy that was tried in Yugoslavia, then after in all other former Socialist countries, and finally, in the abolishment of socialism in the former USSR all in the name of Socialism for the 21st Century, In other words, Cuban version of "perestroyka."

    Socialism does not mean the State must own all the means of production. The Soviet model collapsed because the entire economy was state owned under the direction of Stalin and his totalitarianism."

    COMMENT Gorbachev's "perestroyka" was

    meant to abolish real Socialism, under the cloak of "21st Century Socialism". It certainly looks as if Cuba is heading down the same path to capitalism!

    IN NEXT ISSUE OF NSC You'll read an expose of Putin

    and his sell-out of the USSR, outright lying to the Russian people - from newspaper of Soviet War Veterans - by General Fomin who fought in the Red Army from Moscow to Berlin.

    Another in-depth expose of Putin and his secret agreement with NATO that allows them to outright dominate Russia in all aspects.- published in the newspaper "Sadovoye Kolco"



    Vladimir Kozhin is in charge of the upkeep of the Mausoleum and of the body of V.l. Lenin, told the Russian media that: "It's time to bury the stiff of Lenin, since idol worship has gone out of fashion/. Nobody likes this cemetery in the center of Moscow. Putin and Medvedev agree that Lenin should be reburied and the Lenin Mausoleum to be taken down!"

    But over 2,000,000 visitors -both Soviet and foreign - visit the Mausoleum each year and every morning people lineup early to pay their respects.

    But these two traitors are having second thoughts since there is a constant outcry against this plan by these anti-Soviets and bitter enemies of Socialism, Stalin and Lenin.

    Mr. Putin and Mr. Medvedev will be forgotten while Lenin and Stalin will live on forever n the minds and hearts of not only Soviet people, but of the whole of mankind.


    RIGA - the capital of Latvia was the scene last month of a march to commemorate the Latvian troops who were part of the German SS troops which fought on the German side against the Allies and the Soviet Red Army during WW II.

    This SS Parade is staged annually on March 16 to honor the 140,000 men who fought in the Latvian Waffen SS Legion.

    The President of Latvia - which is a member of NATO said: - "I consider it very careless to label our Latvian SS troops as criminals - we should honor them instead!"

    ESTONIA GAVE 100,000 EURO TO BELARUS OPPOSITION com-news&.yahoogroups. com

    The Estonian Foreign Ministry has allocated in its State Budget over 100,000 Euro to support anti Belarus opposition groups, in order to depose President Lukashenko. The Estonian government is also cooperating and funding the opposition groups in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, and Ukraine.

    (Gee, we wonder where all of that money is coming from?)

    Estonian government has even boasted to the media that: "We now have twice as much money for our work as ever before!"

    FOR A NEW UNIUN UF BROTHERLY PEOPLES Statement by the Communist Party of Venezuela

    On March 17 in 1991 a Referendum took place in the Soviet Union on whether to maintain the USSR as it is or not. The apparatus of the Soviet Union at that time was under the leadership of Yeltsin and Gorbachev - whose aim was to put an end to the existence of the Union ot Soviet Socialist Republics.

    These agents of Imperialism analyzed as to how to take advantage of some of the weaknesses in the USSR that were developing after Stain died in 1953 and the capitulation of Gorbachev's policy of "perestroyka" - then they attacked by using ethnic differences of the different nations that comprised the USSR - that started festering after Kruschev came to power. It was under these conditions that this Referendum took place.

    On that day over 148,000,000 had gone to the polls and over 77% voted to maintain the existence of Socialism and the USSR!

    The republics of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Moldova Georgia and Armenia had sabotaged this Referendum. Three out of the six former Soviet Republics are now members of NATO.

    Although the people voted overwhelmingly to have the USSR exist, Gorbachev and Yeltsin went ahead and dissolved the USSR, established capitalism with devastating consequences - with everything that belonged to the people had been virtually given as a gift to the greedy capitalists - both domestic and foreign.

    In March of this year, on the anniversary of that Referendum, representatives of the Communist Parties in the post-Soviet Union met and signed the Manifesto "For a New Union of Brotherly Peoples".

    Among many points there is: "Today history forces us again, to choose, like in 1917 and 1941, between two options; either to struggle for a unified country, powerful and socialist, or to accept slavery or death. Present history teaches us that one united State and Socialism are more urgent than ever."



    According to Italian Media, Mrs. Medvedev rented this whole large 5-Star Grand Hotel La Pace for a 14 day holiday with a 30 person entourage. The cost of her stay is 12,000 Euro per each day - and this does not include any meals, side trips, drinks or other services. Of course her public relations press stated that she paid for this 5-star Hotel herself!?



    Thousands viewers doI SICMÜSM IS BL8WIH8 IN TMI WIND!





    Member of the Editorial Board of Northstar Compass

    5jc 5jc )|c 9jc

    February 4 - Protest in Voronezh March 2 - Meeting in Moscow -"Down with President's absolutism!" March 2 - illegal picket at the Embassy of Libya in Moscow March 4 -Illegal protest held by AKM in front of Russian Embassy in Kiev - " Putin is a Thief! Boycott Elections!" March 5 - Protest march held in Arhangelsk March 5 - Protest in Moscow the next day after presidential elections March 10 -Orange protests held in Moscow March 10 -Meeting of the Central Committee of "Communists of Russia" March 15-Unsanctioned action in support of Syria - within the world-wide campaign March 16 - Picket protest in support of Syria March 17 -Meeting in Moscow on the 21st Anniversary of the referendum for the USSR March 17 -Meeting held in city of Dnepropetrovsk - Ukraine March 17 - Protest held in Archangelsk March 18 - Protest against plans to dismantle the monument to great Russian Poet Alexander Pushkin -and the plans to build a church there instead March 19 - Meeting at the Cuban Embassy in Kiev, Ukraine March 24 - Conference against Ukrainian Fascism in Kiev, Ukraine March 24 -Congress held in Moscow to establish the "Slavic Movement of Russia" March 25- The 126th Birthday celebration of Comrade Kirov's Birthday

    The ongoing pages show the struggles of our Soviet comrades against the present illegal regime of Putin-Medvedev gang. They will be defeated thev are defeated!

  • The many activities of the Soviet people - both young and old -against the present capitalist, exploitive regime in former USSR are growing more effective and united in their struggles. There must come a United Front and led by Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist Communist Party!

    In these photographs you see more and more young people on the streets demonstrating for Socialism and the rebirth of the Soviet Union.

    Many thanks to Maria Donchenko for these photo reports of the future leaders of Socialism and of the USSR!

  • i

    More anti-Putin placards are being carried and protest are taking place all over Russia in spite of the daily pro-Putin media barrage.

    More and more former Soviet Officers are active at all the demonstrations!

  • These activities are international in scope -defending Syria- Slavic Unity- anti-Putin Dictatorship

  • YES! - these are the young people who will again hoist the Red Flag to fly proudly over the Kremlin. These are the future leaders who will give inspiration for united effort against US Imperialism, NATO, IMF WB!





    On March 18, 2012 there was organized a large demonstration of Russian people in Moscow on Alexander Pushkin Square, the world-renowned Russian Poet and writer, to protest the terrible decision by the Kremlin leaders to allow the building of a Monastery on the place where there stood a monument to Alexander Pushkin. The whole historical Pushkin Square, its historical buildings and the aura of history will be demolished!

    This is being done under pressure and conniving behind the scene of the powerful (both political and financial) Russian Orthodox Church. The demonstrators were not against religion, but against the forcibly implementing the destruction of historical square and trying to obliterate the memory of Pushkin in the life of not only the Russian people, but the literary world of Alexander Pushkin!

    Or is it the fact that Alexander Pushkin has also some Negro blood in his veins?

    YES! How low will Mr. Putin and Mr. Medvedev have to sink until they drown?


    The caption on the photograph reads: "They had a better life before!" More and more elderly people in present Russia now are forced to beg on the streets!

    From newspaper "Mysl"


  • flVUIKHKCKHrii


    Vladimir Putin as Prime Minister rejected calls from some "communists" to change the Russian Constitution to classify Russians as the nation's primary race. They demanded that Russia's population not be describes as a "multinational people" but to state that - "Russian people and those who have joined them"

    Putin replied that "We would create a section of our society consisting of first-class people and second class people. It is a question of principles."

    COMMENT: Who are these pretenders to be "communists"? Real Communists are dedicated internationalists, not nationalists!


  • FREEDOM TO THE POLITICAL PRISONERS -THE ODESSA HERO KOMSOMOLS From Workers-Peasants Pravda newspaper - Ukraine

    It is already over ten years that these Komsomol Heroes are behind bars in Odessa, Ukraine! These Komsomol revolutionaries were sentenced on the so-called "Odessa Trial". These are dedicated fighters for the resurrection of the Soviet Union. The present capitalist regime of Ukraine and Russia are doing all that is possible to keep these Komsomols in jail in order to try and break their will and dedication to the cause of Socialism and the USSR!

    The Ukrainian government has again upped the sentence to Igor Danilov and Alexander Smirnov to another 17 years in jail. The other 7 Komsomols are going to be retried again in order to increase their jail sentences.

    The movement of protests by people against this travesty of justice is growing. These Komsomol Heroes in Odessa jail are carrying out their revolutionary work by writing articles and letters, urging the people to struggle in unison against the present regimes which have usurped power and cooperating with Imperialism to the economic detriment of the Soviet people.


    In 2011 there left the country, looking for work, close to 7 million Ukrainians - according to the statistics published by the State Census Bureau. Ukraine had a population of 45 Million 664 thousand people - they had full employment, free heath care, free schooling and other benefits of Socialism. Experts predict that this figure in a couple of years will rise to over 10,000,000 immigrants.

    The population of Ukraine, due to lack of health care facilities and other help, therefore the death rate

    amongst the people is seven times greater than in the rest of Europe.



    In January of this year Communists of Mineralny Vody gathered around the monument to V.l. Lenin, and held banners: "Our Home is the USSR!"- "Russia will be saved only by a Socialist Revolution!" - "Stalin a Great Patriot of Russia - Putin - enemy of Russia!"- " Build Churches, not Planes" -stated Medvedev.

    Yeltsin and Gorbachev destroyed the USSR - Putin and Medvedev are destroying Russia. Lets remember what Putin said to the Russian people in 2004 - in his second term as President "Our Central Bank saved over $73 Billion Dollars! We have enough money now to pay for 12 months of all our imports!"



    That meant that President Putin undertook to finance the American, Germany, Turkey and Chinese economies - while at the same time he is devastating our economy! In our city Minarnly Vody airport, there is not one Russian built plane, only American and British made planes!

    Now Putin again is the President in the false elections!? This is his chance to finish and bury Russia !


  • ALL ANTI-STALIN LIES ARE DIRECTED AGAINST SOCIALSM AND THE SOVIET PEOPLE, NOT AGAINST JOSEPH STALIN Extract from an interview for the Kislorod Magazine with the Great Grandson of Joseph Stalin- Yakov Dzugashvili- artist and a public figure

    - Your grandfather Yakov, the oldest son of Joseph Stalin was taken prisoner by Germans...

    - Unfortunately, all our family like many other people was in the power of Goebbels and Khrushchev's propaganda stating that Yakov was in the German captivity.

    A few years ago I discovered for myself a historian Yury Ignatievich Mukhin who razed the Goebbels-Khrushchev lie about Yakov to the ground. You may find this material at: po gib yakov dzhuqashvili.html

    - How do you plan to struggle against this deep-rooted myth?

    - After studying the historian's arguments my elder brother Vissarion-filmmaker and script writer- agreed with them in full and currently nurtures the idea about making a new movie about Yakov. I think it will be a sensation as now we may prove and not just state that Yakov has never been in captivity

    but was killed in a battle in July near by Vitebsk. Legend about his captivation is a result of Nazi propaganda.

    - As far as it is known, you, like your father- Yevgenv Dzhugashvili, do not have the best relations with some of your relatives.

    - I support no relations with any of them.

    - Why?

    - They are not insulted with the lie about Joseph Stalin; some of them even spread this lie. We are going different ways as this lie offends me, I disclose it trying to convey the truth to the people by all means. At my site in the PRESS section, I place materials that any grown-up person, for whom words Justice, Motherland, People is not an empty phrase, should know. The fact is that lie about Joseph Stalin and USSR of that period was established with the purpose to undermine the prestige of

    the country's leader, so that any attempt to comprehend the nature of occurrences during his life and his role in those occurrences would push the people away. This lie is directed not against of Joseph Stalin or his relatives but in first turn against the Russian people. The lie about him is used to deprive Russians (and those people who built the first parasite-free society along with them) the ability to resist external and internal threats. Lie about Joseph Stalin - is a virus created by sub-humans, which destroys people's defence mechanism responsible for danger recognition. Finally, lie about him is an attempt of today's elites to justify plundering property that was preserved and increased by the Soviet people. These stinkers relaxed, feeling confident that they and their parasite-offspring will enjoy it forever. Something tells me that this «forever» will not last long... I am not sure why almost all relatives of Joseph Stalin support the anti-Stalin lie in either way. Probably each of them has own reasons...

    - How do the people treat Joseph Stalin in his motherland, in Georgia?

    Attitude of people to Joseph Stalin is defined by their awareness about him and USSR of that period. These two subjects are the most besmirched. In order to clarify them you need to have access to the specific literature, which is mainly in Russian. For almost ten years power in Georgia expels Russian language achieving «good» results: young generation almost does not know Russian. But even the part of population that does not consider it the «occupants' language» and still have access to the world's culture by means of Russian language, is not very much interested in Stalinism. The majority of Georgian population today does not even want to look into these issues being depressed by their extreme poverty as well as monstrous in its meanness anti-Soviet (indeed-anti-Russian) and anti-Stalin propaganda coming from the TV. Georgia has only twenty channels for four million people! The people must have stable psyche and serious motivation to not give up and to resist. We must recognize that

  • - Congratulations with a little victory.

    - It is a great victory! It is not the social and political journalism but a


    Stalinists in Georgia do not affect the mood and andconsciousness of the people. Despite unfortunate state of things, positive image of Joseph Stalin - in articles, remarks, runs through the hearts and minds of people like a powerful light beam making them to think about this person and his deeds.

    Tverskoi Court of Moscow decided: Katyn tragedy - was a crime of Germans

    - You and your father Yevgeny Dzhugashvili often take part in the resonance courts to defend the honour and dignity of Joseph Stalin. One of the most important topics of trial proceedings is -Katyn tragedy, when the Soviet power is blamed in shooting Polish officers. However Tverskoi court of Moscow recently indirectly confirmed that Polish officers were shot in 1941 by Germans.

    document establishing the notoriety of this fact judicially. I congratulate all honest people, and, what is the most important, honest Polish people with the victory! And I recommend all mean people including Polish ones to have a stock of heart medicines.

    - Stalinization is an alternative to the current deadlock way, as another society development way, continues...

    - It is education of people, explanation of what Joseph Stalin was able to do, who and why some resisted his reforms. Stalinization is not possible without exposure of the lie about Joseph Stalin and USSR history of that time.

    CRIMEAN PROGRESSIVE SOCIALIST PARTY OF UKRAINE CONFERENCE In Simferepol, Crimea, there took place last month a Conference, with delegates coming from all parts of Crimea, who were greeted at the entrance to the auditorium by young activists of the party with flags and portraits of Lenin as they entered the Conference. The conference hall was decorated with photographic exhibit of all the activities of different sections of the

    party across Crimea. After the many reports of the

    work that was done, there took place elections for the new Executive Committee with Nadezhda Poliakova being elected as the Secretary. Concluding remarks were given by Eugene Dubrovnik, who thanked all of the participants who attended this very important Conference in Crimea.

    Information Department of PSPU

    - Indeed, the decision of the trial with the State Duma was sensational. Right, the claim was denied, but in his decision the judge wrote twice in black and white that Poles were shot in Katyn in 1941, that means by Germans.



    The present "Orange" regime of Timoshenko in the last while decided to put their terrible historical past on the streets of Kiev, and as a start, they renamed Commintern Street in the center of Kiev to Simon Petlura Street - the Ukrainian nationalist leader of Ukraine who, during the Civil War in the USSR - he bloodied all of Ukraine. There were thousands of people killed at the industrial complex "Arsenal" as well as over Ukraine.

    At the end of 1918, the Ukrainian nationalist "Rada" invited German troops to invade Ukraine with the Nationalist Polish troops -and Poland was given all of Western Ukraine.

    Petlura was assassinated in Paris in 1926 by a Jewish Anarchist, because of the terrible Jewish Pogroms and murder of thousands by the Petlura's Ukrainian nationalists.

    During WW II these followers of Petlura and Ukrainian nationalism, joined with German Nazi invaders and proceeded with genocide against their own people and all Soviet people, who fought a life and death battles against the German Nazis, as well as against the Ukrainian nationalist fascists.

    It was only at the end of 1940s that these nationalist-fascist bandits were defeated or chased out of the USSR.

    After 1991 when the USSR was liquidated that Ukraine became "independent" and the nationalists again took power and started on the path of Petlura and Ukrainian nationalism .

    And to do this more publicly they started to tear down Soviet monuments, rename streets, rewrite history to teach Ukrainian nationalism and try to make heroes of the war criminals.


    This satellite will then unite with the Russian spacecraft in orbit. Once in orbit, the two satellites will unite and form a unified system of a remote sensing satellite. Thanks

    to the information it will gather from space - new electronic maps will appear with real-time mode update information. A data bank with information from geography to telecommunications can be created using this information from space.




    Ukrainian nationalism-fascism is growing and being supported by United S t a t e s - I MF-WB- and NATO!

    Comintern St. to Petlura St. As years go bye, the present nationalistic government of Ukraine is more and more tied to US Imperialism.

    Our Anti-fascist Committee of Ukraine organized a demonstration and a picket in Kiev, together with the Communist Party of Ukraine-and with red flags and banners, protested against the renaming of

    Our banners read: "Rub off the name of Petlura from Kiev!" " Petlura was a murderer!" "Stop renaming the Streets!" "We shall return the country to the people!"" "Socialism is our future!"


    WHO IS THIS UNITED NATIONS HANNAN P This former Secretary General of the UN is just a front for Imperialist interventions. Nothing more -nothing less!

    After Russia and China at last used their veto regarding Syria. Washington and its allies then turned to Annan to fill their need.

    Hannan's rounds of shuttle diplomacy and calls for Syrian ceasefire and for outside "humanitarian aid" - are in reality a call for foreign intervention. This has so far provided support for Syrian rebel opposition.

    This is not the first time that Hannan was used by Imperialism. In 2004, as UN Secretary General, he bestowed a UN mandate of the US, French and Canadian troop intervention that deposed Haiti - a constitutionally elected Lavalas government of Jean-Bertrand Aristide. Hannan then, as he does now, stated there is: coming a humanitarian catastrophe.

    Hannan also provided a similar UN cover-up for French Imperialism to tighten its colonial grasp on the Ivory Coast in 2006.

    The Arab League's so-called "peace proposal" on Syria, is also designed to impose a pro-imperialist settlement on Syria. Leading this charge on Syria is Saudi Arabia - a very notorious violator of human rights, especially as it concerns the women. It's an absolute monarchy dictatorship and iron rule over the population - it has sent its troops and tanks in 2011 to help the Bahrain government to violently suppress demonstrations by the people against this government- who were demanding freedom and economic equity.

    United Nations and its former Secretary General puppet Hannan, ignore the abuses in Bahrain, Israel, Saudi Arabia and other lackey countries of Imperialism!

    MAN CONFESSES ABOUT WMD LIES THAT CAUSED THE IRAQ WAR http://www leaitgov. org April 2, 2012

    Man whose WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) lies led to over 1,000,000 deaths confessed on April 1, 2012. His name is Rafid Ahmed Awan al-Janabi -who lies led to invasion of Iraq - starting a nine-year war came clean on the British Television. His code name was "CURVEBALL" the Iraqi who defected to the USA , smiled to the TV cameras as he confirmed that he made up all of these lies and got paid handsomely for it.

    When the TV host asked him: "But the US went to war in Iraq on a lie - and that was your lie?" He simply answered, "Yes!"

    "US Pentagon officials "sexed up" . Mr. Janabi's drawings of mobile biological weapons to make them more presentable", admitted US Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson. General Powell's former Chief of Staff. The Colonel said- I brought the White House Team together to do the necessary graphics. Our intelligence people were being asked to fit around the US policy!"


    Another CIA-run prison in Poland was uncovered after a confession of a top-ranking Polish official blew the lid of the dirtiest secret in Eastern Europe. He was secret service Zbigniew Seimiatkowski, who is charged with establishing a secret prison for the CIA in as remote part of Poland.

    Foreign prisoners were tortured there on the orders of the CIA on their so-called war on terror. Although rumors about this CIS prison were circulated in Poland for years, the Polish government dismissed them as absurd.


    33 out of 53 US Nuclear Attack Submarines are on high alert all around the globe, including in all of the territorial waters of Russia -also off shore of the former Soviet Baltic Republics.

    COMMNENT: Did you Mr. Putin / Medvedev read this? If not, we'll send you the original news dispatch.


    Washington (President Obama to be correct - Editor) had launched last month over a dozen air strikes, supposedly targeting some "terrorist groups". However it risks getting drawn into another military operation abroad.

    However, Charles Schmitz, the President of the Institute on Yemen Studies, says that the US is playing a very dangerous game in making absolutely no distinction as to who they consider "terrorists" or the civilian population. Over 40 civilians were killed in these air strikes.

    Schmitz also questions whether the Yemen government asked for help - the American people and the people of Yemen want to know as to "What is the determination factor as to who is the legitimate target and who is not"?

    This writers' opinion is (and we agree with it-Editor) - President Obama is taking such a keen interest in flexing his muscles now all over the world - Yemen is an example - is it to appear to be tough on al-Qaeda - even more so that the Republicans? Oh yes -Presidential elections are coming to the US this year!

    Stamps around the world For a small donation to NSC we

    shall send you a packet!





    A new bill - HR 347, the Federal Restricted Buildings and Grounds Improvement Act of 2011 - also known as the "Trespassing Bill" is going to be signed into law by President Obama.

    This Bill effectively criminalizes protests and will hurt all the protest groups and movements all over America.

    There are many problems with this Bill already as it does not define what "impending or disrupting the ordinary government business of official functions " - but it states that the "protestors will be punished with a fine or imprisonment for not more than 10 years, or both"

    This Bill allows the US Government to effectively stifle any protest and free speech - thus criminalizing such actions like the nation-wide "Occupy Wall Street' it also makes it impossible for Americans to exercise their First Amendment rights as is written in the United States Constitution.

    The fact that only three people in US Congress opposed this Bill, only shows just how both the Republicans and the Democrats are just two sides of the same coin.

    Free speech in America may very well soon be nothing but a distant relic of the past.


    The Syrian Government confirmed that they had restored security in Idleb that was besieged by armed groups and that sparked violence, chaos, anarchy and death in the capital of this province.

    Military and police forces cleared the city of the terrorist groups and in this process they seized large quantities of weapons, amongst them assault rifles, RPG rocket launchers, machine guns made in Israel, ammunitions of various caliber. They also seized military uniforms, computers, sophisticated communications equipment - including satellite phones, false license and plates for transport vehicles, plus medical equipment.


    DAMASCUS- Syrian authorities reported that 103 armed rebels were captured and surrendered their weapons to the police at Madaia, in rural Damascus, while at the same time a new bid by armed rebels from Turkey was frustrated, and after surrendering all of their weapons, these rebels said that they understand the reality now.

    These surrendered rebels asked to be returned back to their families so they could lead a normal life, and they also promised that they will not participate again in any sabotage or actions against the Syrian security forces.

    When another group of rebels from Turkey tried to cross the Syrian border- Security forces opened fire - one rebel was killed -the rest fled across the border to Turkey. They abandoned their military supplies, amongst them 1,500 electrical detonators to be used as bombs and other military hardware.


    U.S. BOMBS IN VIETNAM REVIVE FEAR AGAIN From Hanoi - March 7,2012

    The recent deactivation of the US bomb dropped by the US during the Vietnam War revived ghosts of all the bombs dropped by the US that crowd beneath the earth of one fifth of Vietnamese territory even now.

    The Vietnamese authorities found an unexploded 230-kilogram MK8a bomb in south of Gia Gia in the middle of a fresh water canal.

    The US dropped over 97,000,000 tons of bombs and explosives over Vietnam from 1965 to 1975 - over 110,000 people were killed or injured just by these unexploded bombs.

    It will take about 440 years and about $10 Billion dollars to find and defuse all of these bombs and devises that were dropped all over Vietnam

    THE WORLD WAR ON DEMOCRACY From "the Beacon" - Australia

    The America historian William Blum did now publish his "Updated summary of the record of US foreign policy". The United States of America has:

    1. Has attempted to overthrow more than 50 governments, most of whom were democratically elected

    2. Attempted to suppress the populist or national movements in 20 countries

    3. Grossly interfered in democratic elections in at least 30 countries

    4. Dropped bombs on more than 30 countries to "defend democracy "

    5. Attempted to assassinate more than 50 foreign leaders






    Thousands upon thousands of Afghan students participated in protests against the USA for the massacre by a US soldier who killed 16 civilians.

    "Death to America!" and "Death to US soldier who killed our civilians", chanted the students of the University of Jalalabad, in Nanahargar, - 125 km east of Kabul, as reported by APP news agency.

    Many protesters burned effigies of U.S. President Ooama and demanded a public trial by the United Nations and the Afghan government against this US soldier. The "Jihad (holy war) is the only was to get rid of the Americans out of Afghanistan!" were other posters carried by the students. The students also blocked the main road between Jalalabad and Kabul.


    The United State RepublicanRepresentative Walter Jones Jr. has now demanded Obama's Impeachment if the US attacks Syria without the US Congress authorization. This came as a reaction to the American Defense Secretary Leon Panetta statement, that U.S. needs only the permission to attack Syria from the UN and NATO alone.

    There are substantiated reports that the British, Quatar, CIA and Mossad troops are already operating inside Syria and helping the rebels.



    Prensa Latina - March 14 -2012

    Armed rebel group& supported by Western powers and Israel again massacred defenseless families in the community of Karm al-Louz, this time killing over 60 people, including women and children.

    Of course Western Media - like lap dogs - broadcast to the world media that this is done by the Syrian government. The Syrian government TV showed the horrifying images of the terrible crimes committed by these Western-Israeli sponsored killers. The Syrian government forces hunted these killers down and captured their arms - and lo and behold - all of them were made either in US-Israel or Britain!

    These crimes were committed after the UN Special Envoy visited Syria and saw with his own eyes the irrefutable proof of these crimes. These ongoing crimes really mock the UN mission to Syria.

    Question begs to be asked - are all of these Western media representatives blind as to who is committing these brutal crimes? When will they try to be objective and tell the truth?





    "Marxism no longer correspond to reality!"



    WHY THE COLIAPSE OF SOCIALISM BY MONI GUHA This paper was presented on behalf of

    Moni Guha at a 'study week' recently organised by the Indian Institute of Advanced Study at Shimla. "The Tribune" in its report on the deliberations dubbed this paper "blatantly pro-Stalinist" and we plead guilty. A welcome compliment for us.

    This paper has briefly dealt with the problem and we will take up the issue in detail in all its aspects in a series of articles in the subsequent issues of Proletarian Path.

    Introduction The subject matter of our study is

    "Collapse of Socialism". But socialism did never collapse it was usurped. This is a historical fact which is being denied. What collapsed in 1990 in Eastern Europe and in 1991 in the Soviet Union was market socialism of the revisionist regimes, not the Marxian socialism of the dictatorship of the proletariat. And everybody knows that market socialism and revisionism are bourgeois ideology and practice in Marxist garb. Of course, some self-styled Marxists, here and elsewhere, continued to consider the U.S.S.R. as a socialist state notwithstanding its revisionist leadership. They have, with aplomb declared against Khruschovite revisionism, but had kept a studied silence on the question of relation between the dictatoriship of the proletariat and revisionist leadership, identifying the revisionist ruled Soviet state and market socialism with Marxian socialism is nothing but prettifying both market socialism and revisionism or worse, playing into the hands of the bourgeoisie. When one speaks of problems of revisionist ruled Soviet Union and its market socialism as problems of Marxian socialism, he seeks to tar Marxian socialism with the same black brush by which Khruschov tarred Marxian socialism. Revisionist take over of the party and the state can mean nothing but the destruction of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Consequently, Marxian socialism is the logical casualty. The revisionist take over

    can only mean that bourgeios ideology and practice have gained the upperhand, proletarian leadership has been toppled. It means restructuring of the property relationships in favour of private property ownership and exploitation of man by man. As such, the subject matter of our study should have been named "Collapse of market socialism". It would have been scientific and in conformity with historical fact.

    However, I shall discuss here the economic policy of the Soviet Union of the two periods viz. the period of Marxian socialism and the period of market socialism keeping myself confined to the Soviet Union's relation with the world market and imperialism.

    I hope the question of collapse will be clarified in the course of our study.

    1. Socialism in One Country and the World market

    The October Socialist Revolution put an end to the undivided rule of the world system of capitalist economy. A new economic system, the socialist economic system came into existence. When the construction of the socialist economy in the very young Soviet state was in its initial stages, Lenin said:

    "We are now exercising our influence on the international revolution through our economic policy. Once we solve this problem, we shall have certainly and finally won on an international scale." (C. W. Vol. 32, P-439)

    Did Lenin's prophetic words come true? Was the economic policy of the Soviet Union "certainly and finally won on an international scale'?

    It really did win.

    What was the economic policy of Lenin?

    With the inception of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics in 1922, Lenin formulated three basic guidelines, viz. (I) a comprehensive national economic plan, (ii) Socialist ownership of the means of production, and (iii) Independent growth with emphasis on heavy industries. After the death of Lenin, Stalin meticulously following these guidelines, concretised and implemented them. He pursued the policies of centrally planned economy which made progress depending almost exclusively on the domestic resources and the home market. Foreign trade sector, or, foreign market, it may be noted with special care, played a very subsidiary and therefore, a minor role, in the development activity, as trade was chiefly confined to importing some technology from the world imperialist market. Export was considered a sin for obvious reasons, while import was generally favoured, since it was conducive to improve the material balance and technological base of the Soviet economy. It may also be noted that there had been monopoly control of the socialist state over the foreign trade. In general, foreign trade was not at all a dynamic sector of the Soviet economy, even in the period of socialism in several countries, till the death of Stalin.

    Why the foreign trade sector or foreign market was not a dynamic one?

    It is well known that capitalism develops international economic relations of a capitalist character, that is of exploitative and coercive character. Such international relations of production, once they emerge, acquire a certain independence and exert anormous influence as an objective law, on the internal development of the countries drawn into their orbit, independent of man's will. In the capitalist world this intensifies the unevenness of the development of different states, some countries outstrip others, there emerge ruling and sub-ordinate countries, and the latter become, in one way or another, dependent on the former. This essentially coercive and exploitative process has produced international division of labour


  • under which the world is divided into industrially advanced and industrially backward and weak countries, and under which the backwardness of the latter is perpetuated. A socialist state cannot be the partner to this coercive and exploitative process of the international trade relations.

    Taking cognisance of this process the Soviet Union co-operated in a very limited way, but did not integrate itself into the imperialist dominated world market in the sphere of competition through imports and exports of goods or capital. That is why the economic policy of Soviet Union was independent but not autarkic. A state which takes part in the coercive and exploitative process of capitalism and world economy and whose leitmotif is earning profit from the competitive capitalist market cannot be a socialist state.

    Let me quote a policy statement of the Soviet Union, issued in 1938, on the objects of exports and imports. It said:

    "... Imports into the U.S.S.R. are planned so as to aid in quickly freeing the nation from imports....

    "... In the execution of the plan for socialist industrialisation, it is necessary to import most finished equipments and newest machines for the construction of "giants' for the organisation of our own production of these very machines to secure our economic technical independence from capitalist nations..

    "The basic task of Soviet exports is to earn foreign exchange reserves of the country.. The U.S.S.R. exports its goods only in order to pay for comparatively small quantities of imported goods, which are necessary for the speedy execution of national economic plan, therefore the dynamics of quantity of exports is defined by the plan which is constructed with the planned volume of imports.." (D. D. Mishustin. ed. Vneshniaia Torgovlia Sovietskogo Souza, U.S.S.R., Moscow, 1938, P-9).

    It logically follows from the above policy

    statement that the U.S.S.R. throughout the

    whole period of Marxian socialism and


    Stalin, upto his death, stressed ror a balanced trade with much limited quantities of exports and imports. The trade proved to be much less commercial in nature, since it did not exploit foreign trade for "profits". Thus, little did the question of importing or exporting capital arise in the Soviet economy.

    This was the Soviet economic policy during socialism in one country in relation to the world economy. Form this you can very well judge that the superiority of the socialist economy was not the superiority in commercial and trade competition in the world market. It was a political, economic and moral superiority of the socialist economic system over the capitalist economic system on the question of exploitation of man by man.

    2. Socialism in Several Countries

    The emergence of Peoples' Democracies in several countries necessitated their mutual co-operation on the economic field so that the socialist camp as a whole would be strengthened. Of course, that did not mean any change in the independent economic policy of the Soviet Union - the policy of non-integration with the coercive and exploitative process of the imperialist dominated world economy.

    In order to determine Soviet economic policy towards the countries of Peoples' Democracies, a conference of delegates from the countries of Peoples' Democracies of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union was held on January, 1949 and a Council for Mutual Economic Assistance or CMEA was formed.

    It was found in that conference that the member countries of CMEA differed greatly as to their levels of industrialisation. In a certain sense, only in a certain sense, the economic relations between the national republics of the U.S.S.R. were a prototype. The borderlands and colonies of Tsarist Russia, which before the revolution were backward in comparison with the central regions, had become powerful industrial-agrarian republics under socialism. It was

    the policy of socialist in content and national in form which was a guarantee to overcome the backwardness, to even out their levels of economic development and to reach the most advanced level, with enormous growth of the productive forces. Only this policy did inspire the trust and confidence for voluntary and conscious co-operation on the basis of equality.

    So, tne principal tasks of the CMEA countries was directed towards evening out of the crying disproportions of the countries of the socialist camp.

    The main achievements of CMEA during the period of 1949-1953 were:

    (1) The conclusion of long term bi-lateral trade agreements, which was approved at the second session of CMEA in August, 1949.

    (2) The provision of technical documents free of charge and the exchange of technical-scientific personnel between the member countries, so that experience would be exchanged, these countries would benefit from one another and the most backward ones would be helped to industrialise and develop their economics.

    (3) The trade and economic exchanges between any two member countries were carried out NOT ON THE BASIS OF WORLD PRICES, but on the basis of an estimated price reached after extensive analysis.

    (4) CMEA member countries refused co-

    operation with 'Marshal Aid' and agreed not

    to integrate into the coercive and

  • exploitative process of the imperialist dominated world market.

    As a result of this policy the volume of industrial production in 1954 as against

    I 1938 (pre-war) increased as follows: Poland-4.6 times; Czechoslovakia-2.3 times; Rumania-4.7 times; G. D. R.- nearly 2 times (against 1939); Bulgaria-4.9 times and Hungary-3.5 times (against 1939).

    Due to the blockade and non co-operation of the world economy a parallel world socialist market was then, a fact. We are not sure what would have happened had Stalin been alive. Stalin died in March, 1953.

    You have seen that the superiority of the socialist economy was not the superiority in trade competition in the world market, it was a political, economic and moral superiority of the socialist economic system over the capitalist economic system. Even in the 1930s when the capitalist world was submerged in a deep crisis, the Soviet Union went ahead with its five year plan without any crisis and had already solved the problem of the reserve army of the unemployed. That in the 1930s the Soviet economic policy did demonstrate its superiority over capitalist economy was proved by several examples:

    You know why and how Keynes hurried to amend and repair the bourgeois economic theory of automatic equilibrium of demand and supply, which Marx criticised in his Capital long, long ago. Keynes had to admit that state intervention in the management of economy was necessary. You know how and why the theory of 'Mixed economy' of the bourgeoisie became the order of the day. You know that the tremendous influence of the success of the five year plans of the Soviet Union, how the solid camp of the bourgeois-economists was disintegrated and disarrayed and various schools, viz. Keynesian, Robinsonian and Sweezy-Baran etc. emerged with some tinge of Marxian economy. Lenin said:

    "In the last analysis, productivity of labour is the most important, the principal thing for the victory of the new social

    system. Communism is the higher productivity of labour - compared with that existing under capitalism - of voluntary, class conscious and united workers employing advanced technique". (C. W. Vol. 29, P-427).

    Even bourgeois economists could not deny the relatively high rate of growth of labour productivity in the Soviet Union during the period of Stalin and Marxian socialism. Between 1930 and 1940 the average rate of growth of the gross industrial output of the Soviet Union was 16%. Whereas, during the period of industrialisation in the U.S.A. between 1870 and 1880, the average yearly rate of growth of manufacturing industry was 7% only.

    The growth rate of labour productivity was also higher in the U.S.S.R. In the U.S.A. labour productivity was 113% higher in 1949 than 1939, while, in the U.S.S.R. it was 137% higher in 1950 than in 1940 and 144% higher in 1953 than in 1950.

    What then? Marxian socialism and Stalin are not to be blamed for the collapse. Marxism Socialism and Stalin left the Soviet Union together with the Peoples' Democracies a great world power and victor over fascism. In Stalin's time industrialisation of the country and the collectivisation of agriculture were carried out, and a true multinational family of the Soviet family of the Soviet peoples were created. Marxian socialism and Stalin awakened the Soviet Union, pulled it out of poverty and hunger and made it an advanced country in all directions and thus awakened the world. The world people, together with the Soviet people have a vivid and indelible recollection of that period when there was neither unemployment or inflation nor crisis or social differentiation.

    So, the canard of collapse of socialism is a Goebblesian lie from interested quarters, who are bent on re-writing history completely erasing the period of market socialism in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe from the pages of history.

    Let us now, pass to economic policy of market socialism and its collapse.

    3. Economic Policy of Market Socialism

    What is Market Socialism and what are its differences and similarities with Marxian socialism? From the ideo-political and economic standpoint, the theory the Market Socialism and its various variants, from the times of Proudhon and Duhring, is an open negation of the dictatorship of the proletariat and its role in the management of economy, a negation of socialist ownership over the means of production and the planning of the socialist economy.

    In their 'socialism' elements of private ownership, market freedom and competition in trade and commerce on the one hand, co-exist with elements of social ownership and planning on the other. Their 'socialism' is a hybrid society and economy which is regulated and functions through the co-operation, conditioning and mutual complementing of both the elements of spontaneous distribution of labour sources and material values and the elements of state regulation of reproduction process, of both the spontaneous operation of the market mechanism and direct state planning.

    These are the similarities and dissimilarities. It is an admixture of elements of capitalism and elements of socialism.

    The concept of Market Socialism in its fullest form was worked out and implemented in practice, with the so-called reforms in the countries where the modern revisionists came to power. This concept lies at the basis of entire retrogressive process of complete restoration of capitalism and the integration of the economy into the system of world capitalist economy, which took place in the Soviet Union immediately after the death of Stalin.

    The usurpation of the dictatorship of the proletariat by the market socialists may appear'"sudden" to someone, but it was a long drawn struggle inside the CPSU. In the 30 years between the death of Lenin and the death of Stalin, revisionism in the CPSU went through three definite phases of development : Trotskyism in the mid


  • twenties; Bukharinism in the late twenties and the development that ultimate took the form of Khruchovism. The eminent representative of the latter in Stalin's life time was N. Voznesensky.

    In the struggle against Trotskyism, the issue of market socialism was not central. Trotsky, however, belonged to the ranks of the market socialists. He joined them with his pamphlet "Soviet Economy in Danger" (1933), in which he made categorical statement that "Economic accounting is unthinkable without market relations".

    Market socialism was an issue in the struggle against Bukharin. Bukharin and his cohorts were for the free development of capitalist elements both in the city and in the countryside, for the free market as a regulator of the economy and against socialist industrialisation and


    In 1948, N. Voznesensky, the chairman

    of the state planning commission and

    member of the Politbureau of of the Central

    Committee of the CPSU, published his "War

    Economy of the USSR" where he stated


    "The commodity in socialist society is free of conflict between the value and use-value so characteristic of commodity capitalist society where it springs from private ownership of the means of production". (P-97)

    "The law of value has been transformed in Soviet Economy". (P-116), etc. He was for increasing the role of the law of value in the Soviet Economy whereas the problem on the agenda was progressive restriction of the sphere of the role of the law of value.

    Voznesensky instituted an "economic reform" in Leningrad area designed to bring industrial production increasingly within the market.

    In July 1950, the market socialists suffered a setback when Voznesensky was arrested and executed. But in 1953 after the death of Stalin, the market socialists once again raised their heads and managed to consolidate their position.


    This is a history of the usurpation of Marxian socialism and the dictatorship of the proletariat. Marx pointed out in his Capital (Vol.-l) that commodity is the basic economic cell of bourgeois society. And since Khurhchovite revisionists took the course towards this society and restored capitalism in the Soviet Union, they had to work out a 'theory' of the category of

    commodity which enabled them to get rid of all limitations which prevented the free and broad operation of the market in the Soviet economy. In the first place, they had to reject the Marxist-Leninist thesis on the restricted character of commodity production in socialism and to extend commodity production to all the products of labour. So, they had to include the means of production, the whole economic circulation of the country in the category of commodity. And this was done in order to realise their aim, for as Marx has written: "The commodity form of product of labour or the value form of commodity is the form of economic cell of the bourgeois society".

    Acceptance of this 'conclusion' that commodity production in socialism extends both to the sphere of production of consumption goods and to the sphere of production of the means of production would eventually lead, as it really did, to the other conclusion that the law of value operated directly in the sphere of production as well. The law of value is bound to operate without limitation whenever there is unrestricted commodity production.

    Acceptance of the thesis on the unlimited operation, outside any control, of the law of value, willy-nilly leads, as it really led, to acceptance of the other thesis on the role of law of value as a regulator of socialist production. The unlimited operation of the law of value in socialism,

    leads, in this manner, and actually led, to

    restriction of the sphere of operation of the

    law of planned, proportionately developed


    As a result, instead of production for the fulfilling the growing needs of the working people, production in the countries of market socialism had profit as its only motive like those of capitalist countries.

    What is the fundamental difference

    between the planned economy of Marxian

    socialism and market socialism?

    Industrial production takes place in a complex of factories. If production in the various factories is determined by a national plan of production, and, if the whole of complex of factories is directly allocated among various demands on it, then the production process - though it is physically broken up into various factories is NOT, from a social view point, private. But, if the various factories themselves decide what to produce, and if the total products of all factories is allocated among the various demands on it (among the various factories and its individual consumers) through the medium of market, then, from the social viewpoint, the production process is fragmented into private producers. The private character of production does not, in the least, depend on a little deed which formally vests the ownership of each factory in some individual.

    If we judge from the above view point, what were the relations between the factory and factory after the New Economic Reform in the Soviet Union by the market socialists? Was it private or socialised let us see.

    "Everything they produce, they sell either to other enterprises or to the population. The money thus received covers not only production costs, but ensures a certain margin of profit. The profit goes to finance the needs of enterprise itself and part of it goes to the state budget." (V. Dayachenko: "Econometry, the Market and Planning"; Novosti Press Agency Publishing House; Moscow; 1971).

  • The above quotation besides stating the private character of the factory, states also that the profit is earned enterprise wise and it goes to the needs of a particular enterprise. The enterprise profit does not and cannot represent allocation of total social profit of the total socially necessary labour. Hence, it is not social profit of a socialist society but profit of the individual enterprise, like that of capitalist profit.

    "Under the new economic system of economic management and planning each enterprise itself negotiates with its trading partners as the size and terms of deliveries of the goods, it manufactures and consumes". (Ibid; P-87)

    It means the production process is : private.

    Herein lies the difference between Marxian socialism and market socialism. And we should not present the problem of market socialism as a problem of Marxian socialism.

    This much so far as the internal economy of Market socialism of the Soviet Union was concerned. Let us pass on to its international relations.

    Stalin died in 1953. in 1954 U.S.S.R. put emphasis on the foreign trade sector. The official Political Economy published in 1954


    "Foreign trade under socialism is used

    for the fuller satisfaction of the growing

    needs of society. It serves as an additional

    resource base for the development of

    production and improvement of the supply

    of the population with the objects of


    This is an outright rejection of the policy of Marxian socialism pursued by Stalin ana leads to integration of the Soviet economy into the coercive and exploitative process of the world economy.

    N. N. Inozemtsev, Director of the Institute of world economy and International Relations of the U.S.S.R.

    Academy of Sciences, in his article entitled "Socialism and International Co-operation",

    concluded that the U.S.S.R. would gain "from developing external economic ties in general and with the capitalist countries in particular" (Pravda, Moscow; 16 May, 1973).

    The Soviet Union concluded trade and economic co-operation treaties with the U.S.A. in October, 1972 and with Federal Republic of Germany in May 1973.

    All this means a free entry of the imperialist capital in the U.S.S.R. against which the brave and valiant workers of the Soviet Union had fought tooth and nail.

    Have you ever thought why such stress was laid on foreign economic relations in a socialist country which had a glorious and historic development by depending on domestic resources, internal innovation, home market and which refused to avail of the Marshal Aid even after the great devastation it suffered during the second world war?

    This is because the Soviet Union was no longer a socialist country, because it was a country of market socialism.

    Let us now pass to U.S.S.R's economic relations with the COMECON countries and developing countries.

    "In no way whatever does the socialist international division of labour imply autarky on the side of socialist camp.. The more developed the socialist division of labour, the greater the opportunities for exchange between two systems. ..

    "The fact that world prices are used as the first basis for price formation on the socialist would market indicates that the socialist and capitalist market are part of a single world market". (World Marxist Review"; The International division of labour; December, 1958). It has always been held by Marxists that socialism would abolish the accursed division of labour. Marx said:

    "With the division of labour in which all these contradictions are implicit... is given simultaneously the distribution and indeed, unequal distribution, both quantitative and

    qualitative of labour and its product, hence property ... the division of labour implies the possibility, nay, the fact, that intellectual and material activity enjoyment and labour, production and consumption - devolve on different individuals and that the only possibility of their not coming into contradiction lies in the negation in its turn of the division of labour". (German Ideology)

    While Marx said that in order to end the contradictions inherent in the division of labour it was necessary to negate the division of labour itself, the market socialists say "the more developed the socialist division of labour, the greater the opportunities for exchange between the two systems". Not only that. That market socialist "theory" further says that the "socialist international division of labour" "frees the division of labour from the antagonistic from" ("World Marxist review", ibid).

    This is the difference between Marxian and market socialism.

    And what are the world prices which were "used as the first basis for price formation" by the market socialists?

    According to Marxist economics, world prices pattern puts only developed countries in a position of exploiting less developed ones. The totality of exchange relations between a developed country, which exchange manufactured goods and a backward country, which exchange primary products, has been organized by the imperialists in such a way as to work systematically to the disadvantage of the backward country and to the advantage of the developed country. The difference in the level of productivity between two types of countries - less productive and less skilled on the part of backward country and more skilled and more productive on the part of developed country is a fact. As a result, more labour of the backward country is exchanged with less labour of developed country. This is what is called "unequal exchange". It is an unequal exchange between the developed and backward country by which the capitalist class (and the market socialists) of the developed

  • country gains at the expense of the people of the backward territory, even if it is sold cheaper by one of the developed countries than an other developed country. It is capitalist exploitation, pure and simple.

    Marx drew the attention to such unequal exchange:

    "Capitals invested in foreign trade are in a position to yield a higher rate of profit, because, in the first place, they come in competition with commodities produced in other countries with lesser facilities of production so that an advanced country is enabled to sell its goods above their value even when it sells cheaper than the competing countries". (Capital. Vol. 3) The market socialists of the Soviet Union, rejecting and repudiating the Marxian socialist economic policy of non-involvement and non-integration into the coercive and exploitative process of world market and following the capitalist international labour based on imperialist world market prices as the first basis for the price formation was gaining at the expense of COMECON and backward countries of Asia, Africa and Latin America capitalistically competing with the imperialist competitors.

    Thus, the Soviet Union lost its socialist character.

    Who, then, is to be blamed for the collapse?

    The blame lies squarely with all those revisionist leaders who have led the Soviet Union over these 40 years since the death of Stalin, the blame lies with the renunciation of socialism and Marxism-Leninism, and the restoration of capitalism, which were initiated by Khruschov at the notorious 20th Congress of the C.P.S.U.


    You have to admire Margot Honecker. Now in her eighties she is unyielding in her defence of the achievements of German socialism, completely intolerant of the bourgeois media and its values and highly critical of actually existing capitalism. She remains confident that the working class once gain exercise state power in Germany.

    "We laid a seed in the ground which will one day come to fruition," she said. "We just didn't have enough time to realise our plans."

    And the hapless Gorbachov r ust be smarting at her withering dismissal of him a s a traitor. Media coverage of a recent interview she gave is an exemplar of tabloid gutter journalism. Not that she cares. "What doesn't touch me is the critique of bandits" and "enemies of the GDR" who, she said, had brought about the 1989 "counter-revolution." "I have a tough shell against that criticism."

    It is interesting that the media glide wordlessly over the reasons why she lives in Chile. This is a country that happily gave asylum to both her and her husband Erich Honecker, the

    former leader of the GDR party and state. And why, because while the West gave support to the free-market fascist Pinochet the GDR provided refuge for the many workers, socialists, trade unionists and communists who fled the US-backed coup.

    We could construct a tale of two Margarets. Who might provide asylum for Thatcher, the active friend of the fascist murderer and responsible for the destruction of millions of jobs and hopes, if power would shift to the working class in our country?

    Margot Honecker joined the Communist Party of Germany as it emerged from 12 years of clandestinity and as her country lay in ruins. She spent the best years of her life in the socialist reconstruction of the German Democratic Republic on the unpromising soil of a defeated nazi state.

    In 1963 she became minister of education. The GDR's education system provides a model of what might be called affirmative action. Fully comprehensive, highly structured with a strong emphasis on humanitarian and collective values it played an important part in shaping a value system that stands in stark contrast to the individualistic ethos of the 'sharp elbow' society intro which GDR citizens were to enter after the dismantling of socialism.

    Its features included comprehensive child care facilities, small classes, a strong vocational orientation and very high academic standards.

    From kindergarten and throughout their education children were educated according to a highly progressive pedagogical model which emphasised all-round development and personal and collective responsibility. It was almost obligatory for women, upon leaving school to go into higher

    No. Socialism did not collapse, what

    collapsed was market socialism.

  • education or trade training and by the late 1980's over 91% of women were in work.

    Universities were closely linked to the school system and industry. From the very beginning of the socialist state entrance to higher education was discriminatory with students from working class and rural backgrounds given priority. This gave way in the second decade of the GDR's existence when a substantial cadre of professionals had graduated and the political necessity to replace the class biases inherited from fascism had been reduced.

    Margot Honecker deserves a full measure of credit for this and our admiration for her steadfastness.

    APRIL 11, 2012

    SYRIA WARNS ABOUT UNCOMPLIANCE WITH KOFI ANNAN'S PLAN DAMASCUS- Syria warned the UN that it will accept the plan made by Kofi Annan, only if Syrian sovereignty is accepted and the disarmament of the groups that are armed and that sparked off armed and terrorist violence in the country is agreed upon. Also that Turkey, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia promise to their promoting, financing and arming these groups now - said the issued Statement from the Syrian Foreign Ministry, which was publicized also by the local Syrian media.

    Special UN Envoy Annan promised this to the Government of Syria, but the question must be asked as to who is behind this proposal and whether Uncle Sam and Britain are just boxing in the dark, while preparing their real plans for the invasion by the West of Syria.

    While these terrorists are killing innocent civilians and being armed as well as financed by the West, the Syrian Government is accused by Western media that it is killing

    their own people. These Western reporters must follow their orders, otherwise they lose their jobs.

    So much for the objectivity or truthful reporting.



    The International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS) condemns the racist murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin in Sanford, Florida, on Feb. 27! The hearts of our members in 43 countries are with his family in their time of loss. We condemn the Sanford police for letting his killer walk free! We stand with the tens of thousands around the United States who are taking to the streets to demand justice.

    The police-sanctioned vigilante murder of Trayvon Martin cannot be separated from the daily, systematic and massive state violence - police harassment, false arrest, mass incarceration and murder - inflicted on Black, Latino, Native, Asian and all people of color in the United States, especially youth! Racist police and state violence in the United States constitutes a crime against humanity.

    Neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin to death in cold blood. He said he thought Martin looked "suspicious" because he wore a hooded sweatshirt. The unarmed young Black man was begging for his life. Yet police let Zimmerman walk free and acted as though Trayvon Martin, who carried only a can of iced tea and a bag of Skittles candy, was the criminal.

    Zimmerman's release has encouraged further acts of racist violence. On April 6 two white men drove into the Black community in

    Tulsa, Oklahoma, and shot five people at random, killing three. The Black Cultural Center at Ohio State University in Columbus was vandalized and painted with the words "Long live George Zimmerman." Neo-Nazis from the Michigan National Socialist

    Movement have begun armed patrols in Sanford, unhindered by police.

    People across the U.S. have taken to the streets to protest the outrage in Florida, and many have been violently attacked by the police. Cops attacked protesting high school students in Harlem, throwing one through a plate-glass window

    Many protesters have worn hoodies to show solidarity with Martin. Black Illinois Representative Bobby Rush was physically ejected from Congress when he put on a hoodie while speaking about the case.

    While Trayvon Martin's killer walks free, police around the U.S. are waging what amounts to a war against people of color. Armed police invade Black and Latino communities in the brutal manner that U.S. soldiers invade villages in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    Indeed, in the first three months of this year, at least 28 Black people have died at the hands of police, armed security guards or vigilantes. The majority were unarmed and even police admit that 11 were not involved in any illegal activity.

    Ramarley Graham, 18, was unarmed when cops kicked down the door of his grandmother's Bronx apartment and shot him to death in front of his family last Feb. 6. They said they thought he had marijuana. In New York City alone, police have gunned down 205 Black and Latino people since unarmed street vendor Amadou Dialo, 23, died in a hail of 41 police bullets in 1999. On Nov. ?6 2006. New York cops fired 50 shots when they murdered 23-year-old Sean Bell on his wedding day and wounded his friends Tent Benefield and Joseph Guzman. None of the three were armed.

    Not only the young are police targets. On Nov. 19, 2011, Kenneth Chamberlain, 68 years old and a former Marine and corrections officer living in White Plains. New York, accidentally pushed a medical-alert button he wore. Police kicked down his door, Tasered him and shot him to death. The cop who twice pulled

  • the trigger was being sued for brutally beating two Arab men in 2008 but was still on patrol with a gun.

    John Collado, 43, a grandfather, tried to restrain a man from beating a friend of his on his Upper Manhattan street. The assailant, an undercover cop, shot Collado to death. Manuel Loggins, 31, a former Marine sergeant was on an outing with his 9-and 14-year-old daughters when Orange County, California police shot him to death in front of them.

    These vicious killings are only the tip of an iceberg of abusive searches, traffic stops, beatings, stun gun torture and mass arrests that police commit daily on people of color. New York police "stopped and frisked" over 500,000 people, overwhelmingly Black and Latino males, in 2011. The U.S. Supreme Court recently authorized strip searches in the most minor arrests.

    Over 2 million people are in U.S. jails and prisons, 25 percent of the world's prison population. Millions more face charges, have criminal records or on parole, stripped of basic democratic rights. Most of those incarcerated are Black and Latino. One of every nine Black men between the ages of 19 and 34 is behind bars. The U.S. imprisons Black people at a higher rate than did apartheid South Africa. Among the imDrisoned are such political prisoners as Mumia Abu Jamal, Jamil Abdullah al-Amin and Native freedom fighter Leonard Peltier.

    This mass incarceration is carried out by the same state and system that deny young people in the United States the basic human right to a job. The record unemployment sweeping the United States is at genocidal levels in communities of color.

    The prison figures don't include the 30,000 immigrant workers and their families in detention and awaiting deportation on any given day in the U.S. Immigration and Custom Enforcement agents terrorize immigrant communities and break up families.

    Muslim communities have also

    become the targets of police and federal terror as the U.S. state concocts phony terror plots to justify its imperialist wars in oil-rich parts of the world. Secret police and federal agents infiltrate mosques and Muslim, Arab, African and South Asian communities to frame and entrap young people and justify their bloated national security expenditures. Anti-Islamic bigotry led to the March 25 beating to death of Shamia Alawadi, a 32-year-old Iraqi mother who was found dying in her home with a note calling her a "terrorist" beside her body.

    Police violence and spying are also on the rise against political protest. People taking part in the popular Occupy Wall Street and allied Occupy movements across the United States have been beaten, pepper-sprayed and arrested by police protecting the interests of the bankers and corporate tycoons.

    The International League of Peoples' Struggle, representing over 200 mass organizations in 43 countries, demands an end to police state violence in the United States. In particular we stand with the struggle of Black, Latino. Native and all people of color to live free of racist oppression and state terror! As our members in the United States march in the mass protests demanding justice for Trayvon Martin, we urge our member organizations around the world to stand in solidarity with people of color in the United States and demand an end to racist state oppression and police terror!

    Certified and Issued by the Office of the Chairperson: Prof. Jose Maria Sison, Chairperson International Coordinating Committee International League of Peoples' Struggle April 9, 2012

    The International League of Peoples' Struggle Is an international formation of more than 350 organizations from 40 countries promoting, supporting and developing the anti-imperialist struggles of the peoples of the world. It has a broad mass character and

    not subordinate to any political party, government or religion and affords equality to all participating organizations. It strives to realize the unity, cooperation and coordination of anti-imperialist and democratic struggles throughout the world. For more information, visit


    The Syrian Ministry of Defense announced that their Armed Forces are pulling out of the region after they defeated the armed rebels that were supported and armed by the Western powers, complying with proposed plan by Kofi Annan.

    But the Syrian forces will keep on alert to confront any new attacks coming from Turkey who support these terrorist groups against the Syrian civilians.

    COMMENT: So, Mr. Obama -what's your and NATO plans now?


    According to some members of the UN Observers now in Syria -they charged that this foreign financed revolution with using fake Videos and filing untrue accounts of the events on the ground, and, the Western media is willingly using these fake video's to spread these lies all over the world media.

    The one that pays the Piper • calls the tune - for Western journalists also!

    G E T Y O U R F R I E N D S TO S U B S C R I B E TO

    N O R T H S T A R C O M P A S S !


    Thousands vbwn dol





    The article was published in the Toronto Russi.-m newspaper Beseda (Conversation) in February 1 i)!J7. after NSC Editor received a request for an interviow by these Russian immigrants who just "found out" that there exists in Canada the Canadian Friends of Soviet People. After we saw this article in their newspaper, we had discussions by the Editorial Board of NSC and on the advice of our Solicitor, we wrote this letter to them as. well as publishing it in NSC, Vol. 5, #7, 1997.

    Dear Editor of Beseda: We recently agreed willingly to a request from two l

    your reporters - Andrei Belebanov and Gennudy Charodeev - to grant them an interview at Northstm Compass. Our hospitable reception has been abused by them and yourselves. This is a small thing, but thy associated slanders are not. The Shorter English Dictionary (Oxford 1973) defines this as: The dissemination of false statements... in order to defame oi injure... calumny... defamation...!" In plain English it cnn simply be called LIES! Even in capitalist law this h;ir. implications!

    It is only one member of the NSC Editorial Board who brought to attention this "article", printed in a Canadian newspaper and published by the new immigrants from former Soviet Union in Toronto, called "Besedu" (Conversation). NSC or the Canadian Friends of Soviel People has absolutely no dealings with "Beseda" and il surprises us that this so-called "interview" would appear in this newspaper.

    It is also of note, that these "visitors" who said that thoy represent "Beseda" and "Village Life" in Moscow and promised that thev will exchanqe publications with NSC never fulfilled their promise, but deemed it expedient to have the newspaper of these "New Russians" in Toronto, Canada publish it!

    Reading the translation into English of this article in "Beseda" here is our reply - point by point!

    We will not dignify your "report"; real gutter snipping -with a long waste of our time. We must however, bring to your attention and our own NSC readers some of the factual errors of your "report". We cannot imagine who, but you might even have some readers! Perhaps they would like to know that your "report" is fiction? Here are some of these lies, and the facts by which to correct those lies that you published:

    LIE #1: The "report" alleges that your reporters were "uninvited". FACT: They requested and received an invitation.

    LIE #2: You allege that Michael Lucas greeted the "reporters" as "comrades". FACT: Long experience teaches our editors not to lavish

    un-earned praise. Michael Lucas did not address the visitors as "comrades". LIE #3: You allege that your "reporters" had no chance to "look" around. FACT: Michael Lucas as a very good host had showed your "reporters" the offices, the Carpathian Ballroom and book and film library. LIE #4: You allege in your article that the Friendship House is "inconspicuous", stands by itself. FACT: We proudly advertise our existence and its mission in the front entrance. Our offices are in a block of buildings stretching from Beverley St. to John St. in a complete row of businesses, in downtown Toronto. I'm certain that Michel Lucas, an artist, gave both visitors his excellent drawing of the Friendship House to remember the visit. LIE #5: You allege that in the office there is a painting of Stalin and is titled "Our Father. FACT: This acrylic painting of Stalin done by Michel Lucas has no title at ail under the painting. It's interesting that hanging over Stalin's painting is a huge portrait of Lenin done in wood (5 ft. by 3 ft) but your visitors did not

    LIE #6: You allege that we hold "illegal meetings yearly". l-ACT: Our meetings are held very regularly and open to all Canadians judging by our Soviet film showings, lectures, concerts etc. to promote friendship and undferstanding with Soviet People. LIE #7: You allege that CSIS (Canadian Secre: intelligence Service) car ro t penetrate Northstar Compass or the CFSP. FACT: We can only smile at your being so naive! Dc you really think that CSIS has so l itt le power in s capitalist country? Our readers know much better. Our work is open and legal and we have a Charter given b\ the Canadian Government. Truth disdains to hide in a bolthole. As to request by your "reporters" for our membership and subscription lists - our membership is our business and not that of your "reporters". We strongly suggest that you get them a book on journalistic ethics. LIE #8: You allege we are linked to the Communis: Party of Canada and have received funds from them as was revealed by the "Toronto Star" newspaper. FACT: We should be so lucky! The reality is that we have monies generously donated by our readers in 56 countries of the world. We are fully independent organization to the CPC finances. Most of ou" Canadian readers or members are not members of the CPC. LIE #...WELL! This is tedious!

    There are so many lies, and then there are innuendoes in that article. Reality is that we are too damn busy tc reply to all of the lies and innuendoes, to the manv


  • ignorant and politically motivated attacks over these many years