Are Week 2 Entrepreneurs Born or made?

1 Week 2 Are Entrepreneurs Born or made?

Transcript of Are Week 2 Entrepreneurs Born or made?


Week 2Are

EntrepreneursBorn or made?

The Entrepreneur’s Journey

Are entrepreneurs born or made?

The Personal Characteristics of an Entrepreneur

The Entrepreneur’s JourneyAn entrepreneur is anyone who launches and continues to run their own company

We are all potential entrepreneurs

it requires Intention + Commitment

Intention = your aspirations + perceived resources & skills + perceived opportunities & threats in the environment (context)

Commitment = dedicating most of your time, energy and resources to the start-up project at the expense of all other activities and concerns.


Week 2developing an

Entrepreneurial mindset

Part 1: Growth or Fixed?

The Entrepreneur’s JourneyCard sort exercise

17. I can learn anything if I really want to

22. When it all gets difficult , I persevere and see things through

5. When I’m struggling, I give up

8. I can’t do it, it’s not worth the effort

19. I get upset when I make a mistake

2. When I get stuck, I find a new strategy

21. Failure is an opportunity to learn

6. Success means that I’m learning

1. I’m either good at it or I’m not - it’s as simple as that

16. If you do well, I feel threatened

4. If you do well, I’m inspired

14. Failure signals the limit of my abilities

9. I can always improve

18. Trying hard is something you do when you’re not good enough

23. For me, feedback is a gift

12. Success is a relief11. If I don’t know, I ask

3. I avoid situations that may make me look bad

7. I am very self-critical

13. I like to try new things10. I stick to what I know

20. This is too hard for me

15. I like a challenge

24. I don’t like to speak out in class in case I look stupid

25. I have positive inner dialogues 26. There’s always a way - I just have to find it


The Entrepreneur’s JourneyCard sort exercise

Not like me Sometimes like me

Lke me

The Entrepreneur’s JourneyCard sort exercise

Not like meSometimes like meLike me

The Entrepreneur’s JourneyCard sort exercise

Like me

😟 😊Must work on this Very happy with this


The Entrepreneur’s JourneyCard sort exercise

Sometimes like me

😟Need to work on this

😊Happy with this


The Entrepreneur’s JourneyGrowth Mindsets

The Entrepreneur’s JourneyFixed Mindsets


The Entrepreneur’s JourneyFixed vs. Growth Mindsets


The Entrepreneur’s JourneyCard sort exercise

17. I can learn anything if I really want to

22. When it all gets difficult , I persevere and see things through

5. When I’m struggling, I give up

8. I can’t do it, it’s not worth the effort

19. I get upset when I make a mistake

2. When I get stuck, I find a new strategy

21. Failure is an opportunity to learn

6. Success means that I’m learning

1. I’m either good at it or I’m not - it’s as simple as that

16. If you do well, I feel threatened

4. If you do well, I’m inspired

14. Failure signals the limit of my abilities

9. I can always improve

18. Trying hard is something you do when you’re not good enough

23. For me, feedback is a gift

12. Success is a relief

11. If I don’t know, I ask

3. I avoid situations that may make me look bad

7. I am very self-critical

13. I like to try new things10. I stick to what I know

20. This is too hard for me

15. I like a challenge

24. I don’t like to speak out in class in case I look stupid25. I have positive inner dialogues

26. There’s always a way - I just have to find it
