are Hoarseness Sore - 13 THE BOURBON NEWS...

THE BOURBON NEWS PARIS KY R1DAY JANUARY 1 9 1900 J 13 3 Word to Doctors We the highest for the medical profession preparations lay it down as an established truth that internal remedies are positively injuri m te expectant mothers and discomfort during the tmooths preceding childbirth can be al- leviated ory by applying a liniment that softens and re- laxes the overstrained muscles We make and sell such a liniment com- bining the ingredients in a manner antherto unknown and call it Mothers Friend We know that ia thousands of cases it has proved more than a blessing to expectant mothers It overcomes morn It relieves the sense of tightness Headaches cease and dan from Swollen Hard and Rising acts is avoided Labor is shortened and shorn of most of the pain We know that many doctors recom it and we know that multitudes xrf women o to the drug stores and buy it because they are sore their physicians have no objections We ask a trial a fair test Dbere is no possible dance of the result be are Friend is scientific- ally compounded It is sold at i a bot and should be vied during most of the period of gestation although great relief is i only a short tine before childbirth Send for our il- 1m sated k aboUt Mothers Friend THE BRADF1ELD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA OA I m iudtbtwl to One Htnmto Cough Care for inv health sad life It oared of lung trouble following grippe Tfccnsaixls owe the prompt non of this never failing remedy It rt coojihe croup bronchitis HUUOLH grippe and throdtrxad fang duunblt Its early nee preen con inptioo It in the only dy that gives immediate matte f T Btooks- SHELLEI corn and oats Sac sale by the mgon or car load Gpo W Sraurr Dues lad says Kodol Dywpepcte Cwt i more good I rar took It di t asK what you eat om mot help tat cure dyspepsia gad to h W T Brooks Scrofula a Vile laherltanceEnro- fula U the most obstinate of blood and is often the result of an inherited taint in the blood S S S is the only remedy which goes deep enough to reach Scrofula It forces out every trace of the disease aad cures the worst Mr non atari was aaHoted from iafeacy- rUh Scrofola ad ht suffered so that it was anpoSEiU todraee kfaa His aid bode west a tta s of sores and his cyr ipht also oed No vus spared that would relieve biic out he grew worse V- imdt d I had sJtiost despaired el his V T when pare him 6 S f wift88pr ifle Ad- ed was result aad d ttt kf R a dozen bottles no one who knew Ls former dreadful condition would gnizpd him All the sots on his h healed his skis is perfeetly dear uvth be has Mea to perfect th Mas S S Qa For red Wood troubles it is a of tine to expect a cure from the do- ctors are beyond still Swifts Specific Teaches all deepseated ca s have no effect rpon is the blood remedy purely vegetable contains no pot mercury or other mineral Books mailed free to address bj Swift Specific Go Atlanta Ga ilTTFNTION FARMERS THOMAS STOCK MEDICINE cure Hoc Cholera The medicine can be wade at home for less than five M t onn Money refunded at any time withfci sixty days if not eatisfactory Prios of receipts 1 Call at 2xws office get them A T FORSYTH 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE P ATENTS TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS c H ktrh and mar TvfcUv f opinion m- onreouoa ts r for patent nt ten tbrooch Mann receive r wttboot cbanre lathe A BWiawtm ntaatnted weekly largest dr eatetion of any setenttee journal Terms a r f ar L by all 4 Co118 New York F St s not sold for the a them but rather an aid 5trC86 teTTta1 treatmentby P 1k jut iniurT b their live rto Lewis me troubles j CMeS three rots beeame elf ht t it his eoodttioR br the ol irked So the lat It ot aa J St Mama SSS eBIOOd other J I 1 1 sending decal Uon- rr r r free t tfJDtIlIt rteC Handbook OIl Patents sxt t alt eea k Co f antic Jnt rican rp MUII t6 F have are antago- ni rat We i oared Meters i cold harm Vim tbs any S gad trots I a 9 t Yor bead treats el f Me- et u ter was advice a w im lra bar am gad 3M en was the t or whi t girange l wi een Boun rue 1 r t dental tree Pare tai y f3 newedeslert esdx- eat 9 tle Wasbla tea la ii r ut e ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < > < > > = < > + + MILLERSBURG Mw Ella Thaston has been very ill Win Tarr and John Leer are both ill of rheumatism Mrs F A and Mrs Mary are still impruving Miae Nannie Peed of Maysliok is the brass of Miss Dorothy Peed Mies Minnie Campbell has returned from a visit to her sister at Nicholaaville- Miae Keele of Nepton is the guest of liar cousin Miss Minnie Campbell near town J G Allen and Addieon Turner were in CIncinua i Tuesday and Weduesdi y- on boeioeee Belle T Judy ie visiting tl Johnson her cousins on Second street in Paris lira John Powling and of Carl sle guests of relatives he e Tuesday and Wednesday At the Cincinnati Poultry Show this week J F Barbee won two first prem- iums on young ducks and drakes Mrs Rich Turly aged forty died Sat- urday near Headquarters She was Miss Fannie Florence She leaves husband and son L T Marshall of Avon formerly of ibis place has purchased of W L Hnhes his Ware farm of 198 acres at- T5 per acre DR LAJCDMAX of Cincinnati will be at the Fleming House Millarsb irg Ky on Wednesday January 34th 1900 He was called there specially and win retrain only one day Home Suckers Excursions seekers excursions at very 1 w rates to many points in the following territory Alabama Arizona Arkansas British Columbia Colorado Florida Georgia Idaho Indian Territory Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Mani- toba Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska New Mexico Dakota North Caroline Oklahoma Oregon South Dakota South Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Wash iagt n Wisconsin and Wyoming Fig Four Route Selling dates Feb- ruary S 90 March 6 and 30 April 8 sad 17 1900 For f il information null particulars M to rotes tickets limits stopover privileges etc call on agents Big Four Route or address the under cifcued WAJCKKK J LYNCH Gan Pass T Agent or W P PBFPX A a P T Agent Cincinnati 0 Tile Bourbon Steam I wiiidry- Iiaving secured office room James corner and Main will locate their office at that place Phone No 4 All calls or bundles to them will receive prompt at- tention Give your cow a little cotton meal with her other feed It costs little and she will give j on richer in return For sale by Geo W Stuart directly opposite L N freight depot- L T Travis Agent Southern R R Selina Ga writes I cannot say oauch in praise of One Minute Cure In my case it worked like oharm The only harmless that gives immediate results coughs cold croup bronchitis and throat troubles W T Brooks MY Mountain Ash jelhoo is by the best unicannal ever mined I the agent in Paris for this coal an i my prices for it are no higher they are jut what you will have to for other JeJlioo Geo W Stuart 4i Tttftl opposite ft N freight depot F B Thirlded Health Inspector Chicago says Kodol Dyspepsia can not be recommended too highly cured me of severe dyspepsia It di geese what you eat and cures heartburn and all forms of dyspepsia WT Brooks J L Berry Loganton Pa writes am willing to take my oath that I cured of pneumonia entirely by the of One Minute Cough Cure after failed It also cure my children whooping cough Quickly and cures coughs colds croup and throat and lung troubles all like it Mothers indorse it W T Brooks A Prominent Lawyer Of Greenville 111 Mr C E Cook writes I have been troubled billionsness sick headache sour stomach etc for several years I sought and tried many remedies but was dis- appointed until I tried Dr Caldweir Syrup Pepsin I can cheerfully recom- mend it to any suffering from complaints For sale by G S SCo August Flower It is a surprising fact says Honton that in niy travels in all part of world for the last ten years I have met more having uswi Greens August Flower any other remedy for dyspepsia deranged livtr and stomach and for constipation I find for tourists and salesmen or for persons filling office positions where headaches and general bad feelings frcra irregular habits exist that Green a August Flower is a grand remedy Jt does not injure the system by freqnet t nee and is excellent for soar stomach and indigestion Sample bottles free t J A Wilsons by dealers in ail civilized countries octTlyj Bax- ter e- Mi ees dank ht r were Home North over- t e Park r tit remed 11 pa L P J lon the Jones Miss and S a alai s b mil t Con f a Cu indigesti w a docto l reliev grip tbildr wi abo Vand Pro n r o r o ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < THB gross earnings of the L and N for thetirsr w ek of January were 467 970 an increase of 65000 over the cor- responding week 1a t vevt Gen GrtKWaor join Texas Bidley in opposing tht seating of Gen Wheeler in the HoUfe i Ask your physician this ques- tion is the one great I remedy for consumption He will answer Codliver S oil Nine out of ten will answer the same way I Yet when persons have consumption they loathe all T fatty foods yet fat is neces I sary for their recovery and T they cannot plain cod T 3 liver oil The 4 the stomach and takes away the appetite The dis I agreeable fishy odor and T taste make it almost unen 4 durable What is to be done This question was ans- wered when we first made 1 1 EMULSION i of CodLiver Oil with I was nearly twentyfive years j ago yet it stands alone to j- S day the one great remedy j for all affections of the throat and lungs The bad taste and odor have been taken away the oil itself has been partly digested and the most sen 3 sitive stomach objects to it rarely t the plain oil Nine out of ten can j take SCOTTS EMULSION and di J- x it Thats why it cures so I many cases of early consumption T Even in advanced cases it brings s t oo all druggists S SCOTT BOWNE York L W W W H Mini H Ml I Free of Charge Any adult suffering eoM settl on the breast bronchitis Ina J A Wilsons will b6 presented w sample bottle of Syrup free of charge Only o given to one person sand dren without order tram pnrw No throat r IUUB remedy iair ba l such a sale as Boscheec Syrnji in all parts of the drilifwC world Twenty years ago millions wC bottle were given away yoar drttifRist will tell its sneers WHS marv Mw It i really the only Part nu l L AI Riu edy generally eudo vfl by yWiaauH One 7B oeu botO wtM nr rain Sold by dealer in- coniitriee et37ti A WONDERFUL DISOCh RY Not only euros but it Icope Wen Is sold by an organize comply of re iible business men and lies the endorse- ment of thousands of and noted people thrtnebont the country We speak of that wonderful loaCrnmimt- Electropoiae and ask voqfc careful examination into the caryad it has wrought Col A P Nnnalry of InterOoean Chicago wvitfft Nearly three years experience with only confirojR the truth of yom claims I eaf to my friends that this iaetxtimmtt is a most wonderful inrnntiou and T would not part with mine if I ironH iu t- et another addr e ant our book giving from vbo have been cured by Eectroppi E E TRO- POISfi CO Avenue Louis ELKHORN ROUTE LOCAL TIME CARD KfPBUT OCTOBER 6TII 19m EAST BOOMUt Lye Frantrort a 8 fern Lye Elkhorn 7 OJHCI 7 Oath Lye Stamping Qrnd iii ain Lve 7 20m Lve Johnson 73Hi Lve GeorcetowT 74Urn Lve O 8 Ry Depot b 7 Omit Lve own 0nm Lve Centra v lie s n Lve Elizabeth nm 8 tn w t 20pm J h 65pm i i Wym- WUST BOUND Lre Lv I v ContrevIIl Lv Newtorrn- LT C 8 Py Deoot Lv Georgu v- Lve Jobnso Lv Duval tamirfair 4 LV r Lv Elkhorn Frank KKNTI fKY- e 1142 A- f 100 A r GEO BHARP JOS R YEW ill ASI YOUR I I DOCTOR I i 1 C i I I 1 I I I 1 i i SCOTT S phosphites Although that i I I i I I Not one in ten can take and digest I Best comfort and greatly prolongs life throat or troubles of any nature Bosches r item I and I I tIt yhzt t l J Clet men ropoIM Send yule Frankfort Ry I I I Nl No 5 I PlifiS tlaed I m I Lye Switzer t s Hpm- lift R- An ParlR c t 11 r- I xed 1 I ii I em fit L if Nm wltz I I rn d Kv rEN TS- p 7io- f 10- of Iv 17 t 8101 PII II f 5 T It k l t I ct r l ri4 i r i d c T n I dis- turbs I I 9 I and frontal t who will calL r k Cie hvA its Hll Eheet iet ers y Cinciuuati l e r I R 8 Elizabeth s it lain r m t Dully sac a- N U aonnw n 700L 75o n m ¬ = = < > > ¬ > > = = = = = = = = = = = > < < > = = + > My agfnoy insures against fire viiicl jsiul storm host old reliable prompt paying companies non- union V O Agent cvs and Opinions of National Importance by Mutt 6 a year il V Sum ay by mail a year THE SUNDAY SUN- s the Grt Sunday SeAVS- ptt HM in flit World Jtc a emir By mail S SiiCS THI NEW YORK InsurancefCo Of Hartford Conn Afiaet 07 4555727315 Surplus Jan 1 97 671150335 Paid policy holders since organization 9969780801T- he AETKJL LIFE Issues desir- able form of Life Term Endowment and Accident Insurance O W 2 1111027 Resident Agent Pans KY Fresfc Tested Reflate Produce Ute Best Crops Wherever Sown Hundreds of testimonials of customers prove this If you Seeds we feel certain of your orders for a lifetime TODAY we want to place in your hands our New Seed Book It val uable information about sowing cultiva- tion etc of for and Farm Write a postal and we will mail it FREE Prices of Grass and Clover Seeds Seed Seed Potatoes or other Field Seeds WOOD fi STUBBS Con Brook and Jefferson Streets LOUISVILLE KY HIN rON TBE ALONE COTS BOTH I t t oct ayear r c Sun The Aetna Life t t Llabwue Jan 1 1 OO WOOD STU S SEEDS and our thou- sands oncecommence at any time on request TTITI oily 1 fit San 97 8 4 quoted See sl en I ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ G W DAVIS FURNITURE CARPETS WALL PAPER ETC FUNERAL FURNISHINGS Calls for Ambulance Attended to Promptly Day Phone 1ST My agency insures against fire wind and storm best old reliable prompt paying companies non union W O HINTON Agent 2 WORTH OF PRESENTS for 50 2 worth of work We are giving aWRY VVutohss Bicycles SewingSMa chines Guns c c to introduce our paper PASTIME a high illustrated family piper of from 16 to 32 large pages i 64 to 128 columns of Choice Good Stories Literature Art Humor Letters of Travel In foreign Lands o c And all you haya to do to get 48 worth ot presents la to get 20 anbecribera at 10 j each Send lOc in stamps for full par- ticulars long lIst of presents and our paper PASTIME for 6 months Ad- dress THE PASTIME CO Louisville Ky aug80ly ThroatHoa- rseness sore throat and constant coughing indicate that the bronchial tubes are suffering from a bad cold which into pleurisy or inflammation of the lungs Do no waste health and strength wait ing but use Dr Cough Syrup at once This wonderful rem- edy cures all throat and lung affec- tions in an astonishingly short Cough Syrup Cures Hoarseness and Sore Throat Doses are small and pleasant to take Doctors recommend it 25 cts At ill druggfets LIME If yon want white buss lea your orders at my office on Main street All orders promptly attended to JACOB SCHWARTZ c1S1 Hoarseness Sore ti- meD Bulls pure Ye Nt hts 00 I < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Dyspepsia Ciire Digests what you ea oodEiifla Nature in strengthening and r eon structing the digestive m is the latest dimfe j ant and tonic No other a can approach it in ofilctency It hi relieves and permanently Dyspepsia Soar Stomach Nau a other results of imperfect OB Prepared by T BROCKS THE GREAT MAJESTIC HE GRE T MAJESTIC I a complete line of table tvMt Majestic ntagea For a flute house fnrakfciua- ptambing metal roofing moor AM- wtadow screens refriictrarrm ete can Rive the beet line tot tht awn BEXJ PERRY L A H B R afar Or TRAINS KhSBft m SJT- lhlO m Pros Lexxagton 511 ft m 7 i 41 p m Ct pm from H a m 7 l a 318 pm From Maysville 745 a m dl ft JiD- BTAJKT17KL v TKAIXSS ro Ciaciimnti 1M m M a ct To 760 a m Haft 4 m 545 m 1014 pi m To Richmond 1110 a mV43 p BL 1016 pm 7 0 a m ftJ5 p m F B CAMU Agent 1 Kodof t1- i I Itart1 rt- I exbusf pre I stan 11 ud- all E C DeWitt A Co- W liT PERRYS STOVR wt TIlmiKI I r I bays P1U ZY a a p J 380 p L TO i Sick HwtItsneM- i6 i6 At I 3ijl f act e 1t raoAmTime caxe t Trolls m 8 1 m > + The day you saw this special announcement of i TWIN BROS MENS and BOYS Overeoie Ulsters Suits Undterwoajr Boots and Shoes LADIES and MISSES Capes Dress Goods Dry Goods Blankets Comforts Flannels Outing Cloths Cal- ico Cotton Etc ladies Misses and Childrens Shoes and Rubbers Take this good advice and call at once and see these great 701 and 702 Main Street Ky fff I YOU WIll IJl JlK V r 1 f- h i o 3J d Ilia IS 4Ie 4 41 4P 4 I 4IP C i E E t 1- 4P 4IP 4E bar- gaIns TiVin Eros d Paris 4- 11uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuw iTt43i14gttt t tZ t ftlflttllttPttlt4tPt4t t ltli t iz t E 1 E E3 I y Jack- ets i t j r = = = = = > = = = = = = == = =

Transcript of are Hoarseness Sore - 13 THE BOURBON NEWS...


3 Wordto Doctors

We the highest for themedical profession preparations

lay it down as an established truth thatinternal remedies are positively injurim te expectant mothersand discomfort during thetmooths preceding childbirth can be al-

leviated ory byapplying a liniment that softens and re-

laxes the overstrained muscles Wemake and sell such a liniment com-bining the ingredients in a mannerantherto unknown and call it

Mothers FriendWe know that ia thousands of cases

it has proved more than a blessing toexpectant mothers It overcomes morn

It relieves the sense oftightness Headaches cease and dan

from Swollen Hard and Risingacts is avoided Labor is

shortened and shorn of most of the painWe know that many doctors recom

it and we know that multitudesxrf women o to the drug stores and buyit because they are sore their physicianshave no objections We ask a trial

a fair test Dbere is no possibledance of the result beare Friend is scientific-

ally compounded It is sold at i a botand should be vied during most of

the period of gestation although greatrelief is i only a shorttine before childbirth Send for our il-

1m sated k aboUt Mothers Friend


I m iudtbtwl to One Htnmto CoughCare for inv health sad life It oared

of lung trouble following grippeTfccnsaixls owe the prompt

non of this never failing remedy Itrt coojihe croup bronchitis

HUUOLH grippe and throdtrxad fangduunblt Its early nee preen con

inptioo It in the onlydy that gives immediate matte

f T Btooks-

SHELLEI corn and oats Sac sale by themgon or car load Gpo W Sraurr

Dues lad saysKodol Dywpepcte Cwt i more

good I rar took It dit asK what you eat om mot helptat cure dyspepsia gad to hW T Brooks

Scrofula a VilelaherltanceEnro-

fulaU the most obstinate of bloodand is often the result of an

inherited taint in the blood S S Sis the only remedy which goes deepenough to reach Scrofula It forces outevery trace of the disease aad curesthe worst

Mr non atari was aaHoted from iafeacy-rUh Scrofola ad ht suffered so that it was

anpoSEiU todraee kfaaHis

aid bode west atta s of sores and his

cyr ipht alsooed No

vus spared thatwould relieve

biic out he grew worse V-

imdt d I hadsJtiost despaired el his

V T when

pare him 6 Sf wift88pr ifle Ad-

ed was result aadd ttt kfR a dozen bottles no one who knew

Ls former dreadful condition wouldgnizpd him All the sots on his h

healed his skis is perfeetly dearuvth be has Mea to perfect

th Mas S SQa

For red Wood troubles it is aof tine to expect a cure from the do-ctors are beyondstill Swifts Specific

Teaches all deepseated ca shave no effect rpon

is the blood remedypurely vegetable contains no pot

mercury or other mineralBooks mailed free to address bj

Swift Specific Go Atlanta Ga


THOMAS STOCK MEDICINEcure Hoc Cholera The medicine canbe wade at home for less than fiveM t onn Money refunded at any timewithfci sixty days if not eatisfactoryPrios of receipts 1 Call at2xws office get them





H ktrh and marTvfcUv f opinion m-onreouoa ts rfor patent

nt ten tbrooch Mann receiver wttboot cbanre lathe

A BWiawtm ntaatnted weekly largest dreatetion of any setenttee journal Terms ar f ar L by all

4 Co118 New YorkF St


not sold for thea them but rather an aid


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Mw Ella Thaston has been very illWin Tarr and John Leer are both ill

of rheumatismMrs F A and Mrs Mary

are still impruvingMiae Nannie Peed of Maysliok is the

brass of Miss Dorothy PeedMies Minnie Campbell has returned

from a visit to her sister at Nicholaaville-Miae Keele of Nepton is the guest of

liar cousin Miss Minnie Campbell neartown

J G Allen and Addieon Turner werein CIncinua i Tuesday and Weduesdi y-

on boeioeee

Belle T Judy ie visiting tlJohnson her cousins on Second

street in Parislira John Powling and of

Carl sle guests of relatives he eTuesday and Wednesday

At the Cincinnati Poultry Show thisweek J F Barbee won two first prem-iums on young ducks and drakes

Mrs Rich Turly aged forty died Sat-urday near Headquarters She was MissFannie Florence She leaves husbandand son

L T Marshall of Avon formerly ofibis place has purchased of W LHnhes his Ware farm of 198 acres at-

T5 per acreDR LAJCDMAX of Cincinnati will be

at the Fleming House Millarsb irg Kyon Wednesday January 34th 1900He was called there specially and winretrain only one day

Home Suckers Excursionsseekers excursions at very 1 w

rates to many points in the followingterritory Alabama Arizona ArkansasBritish Columbia Colorado FloridaGeorgia Idaho Indian Territory IowaKansas Kentucky Louisiana Mani-

toba Michigan Minnesota MississippiMissouri Montana Nebraska NewMexico Dakota North CarolineOklahoma Oregon South Dakota SouthTennessee Texas Utah Virginia Washiagt n Wisconsin and Wyoming

Fig Four Route Selling dates Feb-ruary S 90 March 6 and 30 April 8sad 17 1900

For f il information null particularsM to rotes tickets limits stopoverprivileges etc call on agents BigFour Route or address the undercifcued WAJCKKK J LYNCH

Gan Pass T Agent orW P PBFPX A a P T Agent

Cincinnati 0

Tile Bourbon Steam I wiiidry-Iiaving secured office room

James cornerand Main will locate theiroffice at that place Phone No4 All calls or bundlesto them will receive prompt at-tention

Give your cow a little cottonmeal with her other feed It costslittle and she will give j on richerin return For sale by Geo W Stuartdirectly opposite L N freight depot-

L T Travis Agent Southern R RSelina Ga writes I cannot sayoauch in praise of One MinuteCure In my case it worked likeoharm The only harmlessthat gives immediate resultscoughs cold croup bronchitis andthroat troubles W T Brooks

MY Mountain Ash jelhoo is bythe best unicannal ever mined Ithe agent in Paris for thiscoal an i my prices for it are no higherthey are jut what you will have tofor other JeJlioo Geo W Stuart 4iTttftl opposite ft N freight depot

F B Thirlded Health InspectorChicago says Kodol Dyspepsiacan not be recommended too highlycured me of severe dyspepsia It digeese what you eat and curesheartburn and all forms of dyspepsiaW T Brooks

J L Berry Loganton Pa writesam willing to take my oath that Icured of pneumonia entirely by theof One Minute Cough Cure afterfailed It also cure my childrenwhooping cough Quicklyand cures coughs colds croupand throat and lung troublesall like it Mothers indorse it W TBrooks

A Prominent LawyerOf Greenville 111 Mr C E Cookwrites I have been troubledbillionsness sick headache sour stomachetc for several years I soughtand tried many remedies but was dis-appointed until I tried Dr CaldweirSyrup Pepsin I can cheerfully recom-mend it to any suffering fromcomplaints For sale by G SSCo

August FlowerIt is a surprising fact says

Honton that in niy travels in all partof world for the last ten years Ihave met more having uswiGreens August Flower any otherremedy for dyspepsia deranged livtrand stomach and for constipation Ifind for tourists and salesmen or forpersons filling office positions whereheadaches and general bad feelings frcrairregular habits exist that Green aAugust Flower is a grand remedy Jtdoes not injure the system by freqnet tnee and is excellent for soar stomachand indigestion Sample bottles free tJ A Wilsons by dealers in ailcivilized countries octTlyj



Mi ees

dank ht rwere




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THB gross earnings of the L and Nfor thetirsr w ek of January were 467970 an increase of 65000 over the cor-

responding week 1a t vevt

Gen GrtKWaor join TexasBidley in opposing tht seating of GenWheeler in the HoUfe

i Ask your physician this ques-tion is the one great

I remedy for consumptionHe will answer Codliver

S oil Nine out of ten willanswer the same way

I Yet when persons haveconsumption they loathe all

T fatty foods yet fat is necesI sary for their recovery andT they cannot plain cod T

3 liver oil The 4the stomach and takes

away the appetite The disI agreeable fishy odor andT taste make it almost unen4 durable What is to be done

This question was ans-wered when we first made


1 EMULSIONi of CodLiver Oil with

I was nearly twentyfive yearsj ago yet it stands alone to j-

S day the one great remedyj for all affections of the throat

and lungsThe bad taste and odor have been

taken away the oil itself has beenpartly digested and the most sen

3 sitive stomach objects to it rarely

t the plain oil Nine out of ten canj take SCOTTS EMULSION and di J-

x it Thats why it cures so

I many cases of early consumption T

Even in advanced cases it brings s

t oo all druggistsS SCOTT BOWNE YorkL W W W H Mini H Ml I

Free of ChargeAny adult suffering eoM settl

on the breast bronchitis Ina

J A Wilsons will b6 presented wsample bottle ofSyrup free of charge Only ogiven to one person sanddren without order tram pnrw

No throat r IUUB remedy iair ba l

such a sale as Boscheec Syrnjiin all parts of the drilifwC worldTwenty years ago millions wC bottlewere given away yoar drttifRist willtell its sneers WHS marv Mw It ireally the only Part nu l L AI Riuedy generally eudo vfl by yWiaauHOne 7B oeu botO wtM nrrain Sold by dealer in-

coniitriee et37ti

A WONDERFUL DISOCh RYNot only euros but it Icope Wen

Is sold by an organize comply of reiible business men and lies the endorse-ment of thousands of andnoted people thrtnebont the countryWe speak of that wonderful loaCrnmimt-Electropoiae and ask voqfc carefulexamination into the caryad it haswrought Col A P Nnnalry ofInterOoean Chicago wvitfft Nearlythree years experience withonly confirojR the truth of yom claimsI eaf to my friends that this iaetxtimmttis a most wonderful inrnntiou and T

would not part with mine if I ironH iu t-

et another addr e ant our bookgiving from vbo havebeen cured by Eectroppi E E TRO-POISfi CO Avenue Louis




Lye Frantrort a 8 fernLye Elkhorn 7 OJHCI7 OathLye Stamping Qrnd iii ainLve 7 20mLve Johnson 73HiLve GeorcetowT 74Urn

Lve O 8 Ry Depot b 7 OmitLve own 0nmLve Centra v lie s nLve Elizabeth nm

8 tn

w t 20pmJh 65pm

i i Wym-


LreLvI v ContrevIIlLv Newtorrn-LT C 8 Py DeootLv Georgu v-Lve JobnsoLv Duval

tamirfair 4

LV rLv Elkhorn



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My agfnoy insures against fireviiicl jsiul storm host old reliable

prompt paying companies non-union V O Agent

cvs and Opinions of NationalImportance

by Mutt 6 a yearil V Sum ay by mail a year

THE SUNDAY SUN-s the Grt Sunday SeAVS-

ptt HM in flit WorldJtc a emir By mail S


InsurancefCoOf Hartford Conn

Afiaet 07 4555727315

Surplus Jan 1 97 671150335Paid policy holders since organization

9969780801T-he AETKJL LIFE Issues desir-

able form of Life Term Endowmentand Accident Insurance

O W 2 1111027Resident Agent

Pans KY

Fresfc Tested Reflate

Produce Ute BestCrops WhereverSown

Hundreds of testimonialsof customers prove this If you

Seeds we feel certain of your orders fora lifetime

TODAY we want to place inyourhandsour New Seed Book It valuable information about sowing cultiva-tion etc of for andFarm Write a postal and we will mailit FREE

Prices of Grass and Clover Seeds SeedSeed Potatoes orother Field Seeds

WOOD fi STUBBSCon Brook and Jefferson Streets






t oct

ayearr c Sun

The Aetna Life

t t

Llabwue Jan 1 1 OO


SEEDSand our thou-


at any time on request



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FUNERAL FURNISHINGSCalls for Ambulance Attended to

PromptlyDay Phone 1ST

My agency insures against firewind and storm best old reliableprompt paying companies nonunion W O HINTON Agent

2 WORTH OF PRESENTSfor 50 2 worth of work We are givingaWRY VVutohss Bicycles SewingSMachines Guns c c to introduce ourpaper PASTIME a high illustratedfamily piper of from 16 to 32 large pages i64 to 128 columns of Choice Good StoriesLiterature Art Humor Letters ofTravel In foreign Lands o c Andall you haya to do to get 48 worth otpresents la to get 20 anbecribera at 10 jeach Send lOc in stamps for full par-ticulars long lIst of presents and ourpaper PASTIME for 6 months Ad-dress THE PASTIME CO LouisvilleKy aug80ly

ThroatHoa-rseness sore throat and constantcoughing indicate that the bronchialtubes are suffering from a bad coldwhich into pleurisy orinflammation of the lungs Do nowaste health and strength waiting but use Dr CoughSyrup at once This wonderful rem-edy cures all throat and lung affec-tions in an astonishingly short

Cough SyrupCures Hoarseness and Sore ThroatDoses are small and pleasant to take Doctorsrecommend it 25 cts At ill druggfets

LIMEIf yon want white buss lea

your orders at my office on Main streetAll orders promptly attended to




ti-meD Bulls

pure Ye

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Dyspepsia CiireDigests what you ea

oodEiiflaNature in strengthening and r eonstructing the digestive m

is the latest dimfej ant and tonic No other acan approach it in ofilctency It hi

relieves and permanentlyDyspepsia

Soar Stomach Nau a

other results of imperfect OBPrepared by



HE GRE T MAJESTICI a complete line of table tvMt

Majestic ntageaFor a flute house fnrakfciua-

ptambing metal roofing moor AM-wtadow screens refriictrarrm etecan Rive the beet line tot tht awn



afar Or TRAINSKhSBft m SJT-

lhlO mPros Lexxagton 511 ft m 7 i

41 p m Ct p mfrom H a m 7 l a

318 p mFrom Maysville 745 a m dl ft JiD-

BTAJKT17KL v TKAIXSSro Ciaciimnti 1M m M a ct

To 760 a m Haft 4 m545 m 1014 pi m

To Richmond 1110 a mV43 p BL1016 p m

7 0 a m ftJ5 p mF B CAMU Agent




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E C DeWitt A Co-







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HwtItsneM-i6 i6

At I

3ijlf act


1t raoAmTime caxe







The day you saw this specialannouncement of

i TWIN BROSMENS and BOYS OvereoieUlsters Suits UndterwoajrBoots and Shoes

LADIES and MISSESCapes Dress Goods Dry

Goods Blankets ComfortsFlannels Outing Cloths Cal-ico Cotton Etc

ladies Misses and Childrens Shoes and


Take this good advice and callat once and see these great

701 and 702 Main Street Ky


I YOU WIll IJl JlKV r 1 f-





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