Are High Quality Women Really A Myth?

Find The Girl Of Your Dreams

Transcript of Are High Quality Women Really A Myth?

Find The Girl Of Your Dreams

Most guys think they need to become a shopping list to get girls.

They think they need a certain level of income, a certain amount of body fat, a certain type of clothing before a girl

gives them the time of day.

Then once they get all these things, they wonder why the princesses don't

suddenly fall into their lap.

Most girls, when asked about their "perfect husband" will give you a list of

things they THINK are important to them.

Pretty much anybody is asked about such an important thing as a life

partner, they tell you what they think they should say, rather than what

really floats their boat.

Does this mean that people are horrible liars? Not at all.

It's just that most times, we don't really KNOW what floats our boat.

Sure, we RESPOND to it when it comes around, but unless we're ultra honest

with ourselves (which is pretty impossible, btw), we're usually blinded

when it happens.

That's why girls tend to fall in love with guys that they "didn't think were my

type" all the time.

It's kind of like the difference between shopping for food when you're hungry,

vs. when you're full.

When you're full, you buy all the crap you THINK you should want.

Usually healthy stuff.

When when you're hungry, you buy stuff you REALLY want.

Usually not so healthy.

This isn't to say that what drives attraction is or isn't healthy, it's just an

illustration to see the difference between what we want, and what we

think we want.

So if you pay too much attention to conventional wisdom about what girls

want (decent income, nice clothes, sense of humor, likes changing diapers,

etc) you are going to be in for a HORRIBLE shock.

What do I mean?

She sees you coming along, with your personality based on her "consciously

chosen things."

Then because you fit the bill, she goes with you because on paper, you LOOK

like a good "catch."

She might even get excited about showing her friends and family her

good catch.

But her emotions won't get fired up. Not even close.

Which means once she feels she's got you on the hook, you'll be nothing

more than an ATM to her.

A provider, not a lover.

So forget about what girls TELL you what they want.

Forget about convention wisdom.

Trigger those deep desires that make her chase the man of her dreams

DESPITE what her friends and family might say.

When she thinks about you, she shouldn't think of you as some

"checkmark" in her box if things to do in life.

She shouldn't be able to get her mind off you.

Her heart should race when her phone vibrates.

She should be nervous as hell when getting dressed to meet you.

How do you create THOSE feelings?

Your language.

Your confidence.

Your energy.

How you talk to her, and then pull back.

How you demonstrate that you like her, but you don't need her.

How you build your life with or without her.

Learn to test for REAL attraction.

Unconscious attraction.

Deep and ancient desire.

The kind that makes it OBVIOIUS she can't live without you.

The girls that DON'T display this level of desire?

Not worth your time.

Unless you're content to be a trophy on her mantel.

However, don't expect these girls to come to you.

You've got to meet them, create, build and sustain attraction.

Real attraction.

Will it be easy?


Essential Mind