Are free grammar checker tool reliable

There is often a debate whether the free grammar checker tool reliable or not. This question cannot be answered in binary without understanding certain subtle details of the English Language. In broader terms, the grammar tools are reliable in most of the cases, however, in certain cases they may not be. Here is an overview of certain aspects of the language and their correlation with the grammar tools. Grammar Tool is No AI Whether you are using a paid or free grammar checker tool, there is one thing you will always want to remember. It is not the Artificial Intelligence. This means that it works on certain set of rules based on the English Language. When it comes to correcting a piece of English writing within the scope of the rules, most of these free tools are quite effective at it. However, when you transcend the boundaries of the rules and emerge into the world of creativity where you are licensed to make certain mistakes for additional emphasis, these tools may prove to be ineffective. A writer sometimes makes deliberate mistakes while writing so as to add more creativity to the work. A grammar checker will still flag any mistakes which are not permitted by the laws of the language.

Transcript of Are free grammar checker tool reliable

Page 1: Are free grammar checker tool reliable

There is often a debate whether the free grammar checker tool reliable or not. This question

cannot be answered in binary without understanding certain subtle details of the English

Language. In broader terms, the grammar tools are reliable in most of the cases, however, in

certain cases they may not be. Here is an overview of certain aspects of the language and

their correlation with the grammar tools.

Grammar Tool is No AI

Whether you are using a paid or free grammar checker tool, there is one thing you will

always want to remember. It is not the Artificial Intelligence. This means that it works on

certain set of rules based on the English Language. When it comes to correcting a piece of

English writing within the scope of the rules, most of these free tools are quite effective at it.

However, when you transcend the boundaries of the rules and emerge into the world of

creativity where you are licensed to make certain mistakes for additional emphasis, these

tools may prove to be ineffective. A writer sometimes makes deliberate mistakes while

writing so as to add more creativity to the work. A grammar checker will still flag any

mistakes which are not permitted by the laws of the language.

Page 2: Are free grammar checker tool reliable

Spelling Mistakes

Just about any free grammar checker tool is good at pointing out the spelling mistakes in your

writing. It is not as much to their credit as it is to the database of words from English

language. There is a huge pool of words in the language which every grammar checker saves

in its database. When you write a word, the tool matches it with its database. If the word is

not there, it immediately flags it as incorrect. So, on that front, even the free grammar checker

tools are pretty reliable. But there are certain mistakes even the best tools will not be able to

detect. For instance, you make a mistake with a word and end up writing another word which

is the part of the language. For instance, you intended to write ‘My lover is the best in the

world,’ and you end up writing ‘My liver is best in the world’, the tool will definitely not

detect the mistake in the writing as both ‘liver’ and ‘lover’ are correct words and also fit

appropriately in the sentence.

They are Good at Pointing out Critical Mistakes

Although there the free grammar checker tool has certain limitations, it can still come quite

handy for detecting the critical mistakes and then correcting them. If there is a glaring

mistake in the sentence, the tool will immediately detect it and also tell you the suggestions.

For instance, if you write, ‘My uncle is most influential person in Camden.’ The grammar

tool will be quick in identifying that the article is missing. It will exactly underline the word

before which the article is needed. In this sentence, the article is missing before ‘most’. The

correct sentence would be ‘My uncle is the most influential person in Camden.’

Page 3: Are free grammar checker tool reliable

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