Arduino Tre reference

Arduino TRE Reference Documentation Beta Testing Program Version 0.5 Status: DRAFT Updated on 20th feb. 2015

Transcript of Arduino Tre reference

Arduino TRE

Reference Documentation Beta Testing Program

Version 0.5 Status: DRAFT

Updated on 20th feb. 2015

Product description

Overview Arduino TRE, the first Arduino board manufactured in the U.S. Thanks to the 1­GHz Sitara AM335x processor, Arduino developers get up to 100 times more performance with the Sitara­processor­based Arduino TRE than they do on the Arduino Leonardo or Uno. This performance opens the doors to more advanced Linux­powered applications. The Sitara­processor­based Linux Arduino can run high­performance desktop applications, processing­intensive algorithms or high­speed communications. The Arduino TRE is two Arduinos in one: the Sitara­processor­based Linux Arduino plus a full AVR­based Arduino. While leveraging the simplicity of the Arduino software experience, the integration of the AVR Arduino enables the Arduino TRE to use the existing shield ecosystem so that innovators can expand the Arduino TRE to develop a wide range of high­performance applications such as 3D printers, gateways for building automation and lighting automation, telemetry hubs that collect data from nearby sensors wirelessly, other connected applications that require host control plus real­time operations and much more. In addition, the Arduino TRE is partially the result of a close collaboration between Arduino and the foundation. These open hardware pioneers share a passion for expanding open source development and making technology accessible for artists, designers and hobbyists. The Arduino TRE design builds upon the experience of both Arduino and, combining the benefits of both community based boards.


Use only a regulated 5V, positive central power supply. Any other power supply can damage the board.

Do not exceed the current limits for the Sitara processor pins or the processor can

be damaged! See here for more details.

Incompatible shields can damage the board. For any shield that is not explicitly declared to be compatible with the Arduino TRE, cut or bend the shield VIN pin header before connecing the shield to the board.

Do not (un)plug any cable or shield while the board is powered on.

The Developer Edition board is a pre­production release: the final board may differ

in any degree from the Developer Edition one.

There is no password set for the root user.

Arduino TRE does not work without Sd inserted. Please note do not insert / eject SD Card when the board is ON. Be sure to switch OFF the board before insert or eject the SD card.

DO NOT shorts all the two power jumpers behind the 5v connector.


This document is work in progress. For any question or doubt please post your questions on the Basecamp project before trying to do something that can be harmful for the board.

Known Issues Please take a look here for the updated list.

Overview NOTE Known Issues Summary Block Diagram Schematics Pin mapping

Header pins (Sitara) Wireless module socket (Sitara) RTC (Sitara) Header pins (AVR) Sitara­AVR

Power Low power scenario

Memory Input and Output How to use pins

How to connect a button or a switch How to connect an LED to a Sitara GPIO pin

Communication Username Ethernet

USB Device port Host ports

Programming USB Overcurrent Protection Physical Characteristics How to flash the SD card with the Debian image

On Mac OS X On Linux On Windows

Web IDE, Compatible Browsers Board reconfiguration procedure Update procedure http://<board_name_or_ip_address>/update/ Access Arduino TRE as a Shared Disk (Samba Share)

From Linux From Mac OS X From Windows

How to use the Serial Monitor selecting one of the 5 available ports Desktop scenario:

How to check the software versions

LibArduino (Sitara Arduino Core) Appendix

USB hot plug temporary fix How to enable the fix How to disable the fix

CAN bus utilities How to install the package How to remove the package

Warnings Differences with other Arduino boards How to activate and use Web browser log System block diagram Notes

Summary Because the Arduino TRE has two processors, the summary section shows the characteristics of each one in two separate tables. AVR Arduino microcontroller

Microcontroller ATmega32U4

Operating Voltage 5V

Digital I/O Voltage 5V

Digital I/O Pins 20

PWM Channels 7

Analog Input Channels 12

Max DC Current per I/O Pin 40 mA

Max DC Current for 3.3V Pin 50 mA

Flash Memory 32 KB (of which 4 KB used by bootloader)



Clock Speed 16 MHz

Linux system

Processor Texas Instrument Sitara AM3359AZCZ100 (ARM Cortex­A8)

Clock Speed 1 GHz


Networking Ethernet 10/100

USB port 1 USB 2.0 device port, 4 USB 2.0 host ports

Video HDMI (1920x1080)

Audio HDMI digital audio, stereo analog audio input and output

Digital I/O Pins (3.3V logic) 23

PWM Channels (3.3V logic) 4

Max DC Current per I/O Pin 6 mA (sink and source)

On board storage capability MicroSD card slot

LCD expansion connector FPD­Link

Block Diagram [...]

Schematics EAGLE files: [TODO] Schematics: [TODO]

Pin mapping

Header pins (Sitara) Pin Number Pin Name Mapped Pin Name Notes


U15 GPIO1_22 97, RED_LED


T15 GPIO1_23 99, BLUE_LED

U10 GPIO0_22 100 (PWM)

T10 GPIO0_23 101 (PWM)

U14 GPIO1_18 102 (PWM)

T14 GPIO1_19 103 (PWM)

U7 GPIO1_0 104

V7 GPIO1_1 105

R8 GPIO1_2 106

T8 GPIO1_3 107

U8 GPIO1_4 108

V8 GPIO1_5 109

R9 GPIO1_6 110

T9 GPIO1_7 111

T13 GPIO2_0 112

U6 GPIO2_4 113

T7 GPIO2_3 114

R7 GPIO2_2 115

T11 GPIO0_26 116

B12 GPIO3_18 117

C13 GPIO3_19 118

D13 GPIO3_20 119

U9 GPIO1_30 120

V9 GPIO1_31 121

T12 GPIO1_12 122

R12 GPIO1_13 123

V13 GPIO1_14 124

U13 GPIO1_15 125

A15 GPIO0_19 126

D14 GPIO0_20 127

A16 I2C1_SCL SCL1 4.75kOhm pull­up resistor connected to 3.3Vb internal


B16 I2C1_SDA SDA1 4.75kOhm pull­up resistor connected to 3.3Vb internal





C18 SPI1_CS1 SS1

U17 UART4_TXD TX1 Is it mapped?

T17 UART4_RXD RX1 Is it mapped?

L18 UART2_TXD TX2 /dev/ttyO2

K18 UART2_RXD RX2 /dev/ttyO2

Wireless module socket (Sitara) Socket Pin Number

Socket Pin Name Sitara Pin Name Notes

1 3.3V



4 n.c.


6 n.c.

7 n.c.

8 n.c.

9 DTR GPIO2_18

10 GND

11 n.c.


13 n.c.

14 GND

15 n.c.


17 n.c.

18 n.c.

19 SCL I2C2_SCL 4.75kOhm pull­up resistor connected to 3.3Vb internal rail

20 SDA I2C2_SDA 4.75kOhm pull­up resistor connected to 3.3Vb internal rail

RTC (Sitara) [...] MCP79410 chip [...] [...] I2C0_SDA I2C0_SCL Sitara pins [...]

Header pins (AVR) Pin Number Pin Name Mapped Pin Name

1 (INT.6/AIN0)PE6 7





11 (PWM)

18 (OC0B/SCL/INT0) PD0 3

19 (SDA/INT1) PD1 2 (SDA)

20 (RX D1/AIN1/INT2) PD2 0 (RX)

21 (TXD1/INT3) PD3 1 (TX)

25 (ICP1/ADC8) PD4 4

26 (T1/#OC4D/ADC9) PD6 12

27 (T0/OC4D/ADC10) PD7 6

28 (ADC11/PCINT4) PB4 8

29 (PCINT5/OC1A/#OC4B/ADC12) PB5

9 (PWM)


10 (PWM)

31 (OC3A/#0C4A) PC6 5 (PWM)

32 (ICP3/CLK0/)C4A) PC7 13 (PWM)

36 (ADC7/TDI) PF7 A0

37 (ADC6/TDO) PF6 A1

38 (ADC5/TMS) PF5 A2

39 (ADC4/TCK) PF4 A3

40 (ADC1) PF1 A4

41 (ADC0) PF0 A5




Sitara­AVR Enable pins Check document posted by Biagio Montaruli TODO 32U4 reset echo 65 > /sys/class/gpio/export echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpio65/direction

echo 1 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio65/value echo 0 > /sys/class/gpio/gpio65/value echo 65 > /sys/class/gpio/unexport [...] Board/Sitara ON/OFF [...]

Power The Arduino TRE can be powered only via the DC plug connector with a 5V external power supply. The power management circuit on the board supplies power to the two processors on the board and all the other on board peripherals.

The input voltage for the power supply accepts only regulated 5V. Any different voltage can damage the board. To guarantee that the Linux system receives enough power to run correctly we suggest that you use a power supply that can provide at least 2A. If you want to use one or more of the on board USB ports, it’s best to use a 5A supply. The adapter can be connected by plugging a 2.1mm center­positive plug into the board's power jack.

Low power scenario DO NOT shorts all the two power jumpers behind the 5v connector.

Close to the DC plug there is a jumper that allows you to select the power supply method of the Arduino TRE

When in the default position (position A in the photo) the jumper is set to power up both the processors on the board, the Sitara running the Linux system and the AVR microcontroller. Because most of power consumption is due to the Linux system, you may want to power it off when you don’t need it.

Moving the jumper to position B the AVR microcontroller is always powered on and can switch on and off the Linux system.

The Arduino TRE can be powered by a LiPo battery. [TBV]

insert Image

The power pins are as follows: VIN. Unlike the other Arduino boards this pin isn’t an input pin. You should not

connect a power supply or a battery to this pin. Is an output pin for the the 5V provided by the external power supply. On the Arduino TRE this pin is internally connected to the 5V pin when the jumper is in the B position and to 5Va pin when the jumper is in the A position.

5V. This pin outputs a regulated 5V from the regulator on the board. On the Arduino TRE this pin is internally connected to the VIN pin.

3.3V. 3.3 Volt power supply pin. The output voltage is generated by the on­board regulator. Maximum current draw is [TBV]mA.

GND. Ground pins. IOREF. This pin on the Arduino board provides the voltage reference at which the

AVR microcontroller (ATmega32U4) operates. A properly configured shield can read

the IOREF pin voltage and select the appropriate power source or enable voltage translators on the outputs for working with the 5V or 3.3V.

BATT +/­. On these connectors you can solder the leads of a 3V coin backup battery for the onboard real time clock (RTC) chip (MCP79410).

BAT. This pin is the input pin where you can connect the positive lead of a LiPo battery [TBV]

BTS. This pin is the input pin for the temperature sensor of the LiPo battery [TBV] BSNS. This pin is the the input pin for a current sensor connected to the LiPo battery.



The ATmega32U4 has 32 KB of flash memory (with 4 KB are used for the bootloader) used to upload the sketches. It also has 2.5 KB of SRAM and 1 KB of EEPROM (which can be read and written with the EEPROM library).

The memory on the Sitara is not embedded inside the processor. The RAM and the storage memory are externally connected. The Arduino TRE has 512 MB of DDR3 RAM and doesn’t have flash memory. The Linux system and the storage memory are on the SD card. The Arduino TRE comes with a 8GB micro SD card with the preloaded Linux image based on Debian. Once inserted inside the micro SD card slot the Arduino TRE is ready to go. The Arduino TRE can’t run without the SD card preloaded with the Linux image.

Input and Output The Arduino TRE has numerous inputs, outputs and interface pins broken out on the various pin headers present on the board. The standard Arduino I/O footprint is accessible in the area marked in white in the centre of the board. These pins are connected only to the Atmega32U4 and the pin layout on these headers is the same you find on the Arduino Leonardo or Yún. All the Arduino compatible shield are stackable on this pin headers. The new Arduino pins footprint format introduced with the Arduino TRE is composed by four double­rows pin headers distributed externally on two side of the board. On this footprint both the Atmega32U4 and the Sitara pins are accessible. The pins connected to the Atmega32U4 are grouped together and marked in white. All the other pins are connected to the Sitara processor. The Sitara pins operate at 3.3V and can source and sink a maximum of 6 mA. The Sitara pins must be handled with care because they are more fragile than the AVR pins.

Atmega32U4 pins details: see Arduino YUN Sitara pins details:

RGB LED The Red, Green and Blue LEDs are accessible as digital pins as 97, 98 and 99. The Green LED is also accessible as LED_BUILTIN.

SD LED The Yellow LED that generally indicates the status of the SD card is accessible as digital pin number 96.

PWM: Pins 100 to 103 Provide 8­bit PWM output with the analogWrite() function. The resolution of the PWM can be changed with the analogWriteResolution() function.

Digital I/O: Pins 104 to 127 Each of the 23 digital pins on the Arduino TRE can be used as an input or output, using pinMode(), digitalWrite(), and digitalRead() functions. They operate at 3.3 Volts. Each pin can provide (source) a current of 6 mA, or accept (sink) a current of 6 mA. They also have an internal pull­up and pull­down resistors (disconnected by default) of [TBV] kOhm.

Serial: RX and TX connected to the wireless module socket

Serial1: RX1 and TX1

Serial2: RX2 and TX2

TWI1: SDA1 and SCL1

TWI2: SDA2 and SCL2 connected to the wireless module socket

SPI1: MOSI1, MISO1, SCK1 and SS1 CAN BUS: CANH, CANL, CAN5 and CGND FPD­Link: CLK+, CLK­, Y0+, Y0­, Y1+, Y1­, Y2+ and Y2­ LRST: Stiara reset line (short to GND to reset the processor) BAT BTS BSNS ONOFF

How to use pins The pins on the Arduino TRE headers have limited current source and sink capability, so special care should be taken when external components are connected to the board. The following notes apply specifically to the header pins connected to the Sitara processor (lower current capability, 3.3V logic), but the same considerations are valid also for the pins connected to the AVR processor (higher current capability, 5V logic).

How to connect a button or a switch With the following circuit you can connect a button or a switch to a GPIO pin configured as an input (pinMode(…, INPUT)) and read the status of the button/switch using the digitalRead() function in your sketch. The digitalRead() function returns a LOW value when the button/switch is open and a HIGH value when the button/switch is closed.

In the following circuit the digitalRead() function returns a HIGH value when the button/switch is open and a LOW value when the button/switch is closed.

There is no big difference between the two circuits from an electrical point of view: just choose the one that best suits your needs.

How to connect an LED to a Sitara GPIO pin The AVR GPIO pins have enough current capability to drive a typical LED at its maximum current (e.g. 20mA), but the Sitara GPIO pins don’t. If you want to quickly connect an LED to a Sitara GPIO pin just to get an indication of some sort, you can use one of the two following circuits. With the first circuit, after the pin has been configured as an output (pinMode(…, OUTPUT)), the LED can be lit up by setting a HIGH value on that pin (digitalWrite(…, HIGH)):

With the following circuit, after the pin has been configured as an output (pinMode(…, OUTPUT)), the LED can be lit up by setting a LOW value on that pin (digitalWrite(…, LOW)):

If you need to drive the LED at its maximum current, then the previous circuits can’t be used. The following circuit uses a NPN BJT to drive the LED:

The R resistor value depends on the current that must flow through the LED, the saturation voltage of the BJT (use a high hfe BJT or, better, a Darlington one) and VIN pin voltage (5V on the Arduino TRE). The same considerations apply to the following circuit where a N­channel MOSFET is used in place of the BJT:

For both the previous two circuits, after the pin has been configured as an output (pinMode(…, OUTPUT)), the LED can be lit up by setting a HIGH value on that pin (digitalWrite(…, HIGH)).

Communication Status LED behaviour: while the board boots the status LED flashes green: the higher the CPU load, the brighter the LED is. After the boot, the LED starts to flash on and off.

Username Default username is arduinotre, password is the one set on the setup stage. root user has no password.

Ethernet The Arduino TRE is a Linux computer combined with an Arduino microcontroller, so you can use many different ways to communicate over TCP/IP networks to other computers or other networks of connected Arduinos using the Ethernet port.


Device port

The micro USB port is connected both to the Atmega32U4 and to the USB client port of the Sitara processor via an on board USB hub. Your computer will see the Atmega32U4 as a serial (CDC) communication over USB and appears as a virtual com port to software on the computer. The RX and TX LEDs on the board will flash when data is being transmitted from/to the Atmega32U4 via the USB connection to the computer.

The Arduino TRE will appear accessible as an external storage drive on your computer, and you can browse it to find the getting started and driver files. It’s not possibile to browse the linux’s Filesystem from here. you can just browse the FAT FS.

RNDIS ­ network over USB port

A third functionality of the USB client port of the Sitara is a virtual serial port, called gadget serial, which gives you access to a Linux terminal on the Sitara processor.

Advanced users can access this terminal using a serial terminal on your computer such as Putty or ssh on MAC OSX terminal window, ssh [email protected] The Sitara processor has 4 serial (UART) interfaces. Two of them are free and accessible from the pin headers. Another serial port is broken out on the wireless module socket, intended to be used for communicating with wireless modules plugged in that socket. The fourth serial port is used to communicate serially with the Atmega32U4 on its digital pins 0 and 1. Communication between the processors is handled by the Bridge library if the there is

an active Linux terminal on the Sitara. It can also be used as a plain serial communication port by disabling the Linux terminal. It operates at a maximum speed of [TBV]. On the board there is a wireless module socket that is connected to the Sitara using a dedicated serial interface.

A SoftwareSerial library allows for serial communication on most of the Atmega32U4 digital pins except for pins 0 and 1.

The ATmega32U4 also supports TWI and SPI communication. The Arduino software includes a Wire library to simplify use of the TWI bus; see the documentation for details. For SPI communication, use the SPI library.

The Sitara also supports TWI and SPI communication. The Arduino software includes a Wire library to simplify use of the TWI bus.

The Atmega32U4 on the Arduino TRE also appears as a generic keyboard and mouse, and can be programmed to control these input devices using the Keyboard and Mouse classes.

Host ports

The Arduino TRE has also four USB host ports where is possible to plug any USB device that can be attached to a computer.

Programming The Arduino TRE revolutionizes the way you can program an Arduino because the programming environment, called WEB IDE, is integrated inside the board, on the linux processor. The Arduino programming environment is inside the browser and you can access it by connecting the board to the local network through the Ethernet cable or either connecting the USB client port (micro usb connector) to your computer. The Arduino TRE Web IDE will let you select the target you want to program, the Sitara processor or the Atmega32U4. The Sitara processor will compile and upload the sketch directly on the board. Without the need of a phisical connected PC, you can can write a sketch, using the Arduino language, to control the pins connected to the Sitara processor. The Atmega32U4 can be also programmed with the traditional Arduino desktop IDE if the Arduino TRE is connected to the computer with the USB cable. The ATmega32U4 (the same found on Arduino Leonardo board) on the Arduino TRE comes pre­burned with a bootloader that allows you to upload new code to it without the use of an external hardware programmer. It communicates using the AVR109 protocol. You can also bypass the bootloader and program the microcontroller through the ICSP (In­Circuit Serial Programming) header; see these instructions for details.

USB Overcurrent Protection The Board has a protection if you draw more than 500mA per port. If you need to connect peripherals that need more than 500mA, eg. a webcam, use a powered USB hub.

Physical Characteristics The maximum length and width of the Arduino TRE PCB are 4.2 inches (approx 10.67 cm) and 3.7 inches (approx 9.4 cm) respectively (some connector extends beyond the former dimensions).

Four screw holes allow the board to be attached to a surface or a case. Like on other Arduino boards, the distance between digital pins 7 and 8 of the pin headers connected to the AVR is 160 mil (0.16"), not an even multiple of the 100 mil spacing of the other pins.

Also the space between Vin and A0 (power and ANALOG IN section) as usual is 100 mil . space.

Weight of the board is 0.075 Kg.

How to flash the SD card with the Debian image

On Mac OS X For the following procedure you need to open a terminal window and use the command line tools. The purpose is to make an exact copy of the fresh Linux Debian image that you downloaded from your computer to the micro SD card. WARNING!!! THE DD COMMAND IS DANGEROUS. IF USED INCORRECTLY IT CAN WIPE OUT YOUR HDDs! BACKUP YOUR DATA FIRST! Instructions to flash the card:

Download the Linux Debian image for the Arduino TRE. Do not connect the SD card you want to flash yet. Uncompress the SD image file (for the .XZ extension you can download the free “The

Unarchiver” app from the Apple App Store) on your Mac HDD Login with a user that has administrator privileges Open a terminal window and type the following:

ls /dev/disk* and take note of the mounted disks; for example:

/dev/disk0 /dev/disk0s1 /dev/disk0s2 /dev/disk0s3 Now connect the SD card and run the ‘ls’ command again

ls /dev/disk* You should see now one new disk; for example (disk1):

/dev/disk0 /dev/disk0s1 /dev/disk0s2 /dev/disk0s3 /dev/disk1 /dev/disk1s1 /dev/disk1s2 /dev/disk1s3

Unmount every partition on the SD card, if any; in the previous example you should run diskutil umount /dev/disk1s1 diskutil umount /dev/disk1s2 diskutil umount /dev/disk1s3

Now ‘cd’ to the directory on Mac HDD where you unpacked the SD card image (e.g. arduinotre­debian­0.10.2.img), run this command: sudo dd if=./arduinotre­debian­0.0.2.img of=/dev/rdisk1 bs=1m

and wait… (you can check the progress by pressing CTRL­T). At the end, eject the SD card and remove it from your Mac/computer.

On Linux [TBV] (Tested on Ubuntu 13.04, but should work with little changes in other distributions) Preliminary notes The instruction here assume full root access to the system (sudo su) and not only sudo permissions. This matters because a command like

sudo xz ­cd ./ubuntu­13.04­armhf­minfs­*.img.xz > /dev/sdX is actually two commands in one, and thus the sudo is elevating only the xz command to root, which we don’t need, and executing the stdout redirect (> /dev/sdX) as unelevated shell (which will produce a permission error). So before executing this guide open a root terminal (open a terminal and run sudo su). WARNING: Please be really careful in executing these actions. Your are using a root shell to perform a low level binary copy onto a specific memory device, selecting the wrong device (for example your hard drive instead of the SD memory) will permanently erase your data and corrupt your drive. This tutorial is safe but be careful. Note: You cannot operate at low level on mounted device, so be sure to unmount SD device before continuing! 1 ­ Download the latest Arduino TRE build image 2 ­ Discover the SD card

First step is to understand at which device the SD card is located. Run in the terminal (before inserting the SD card):

ls /dev/sd* /dev/mmc* Now insert the SD and rerun the previous command. You should now see a new device appearing with 2 partitions; on Ubuntu will it be /dev/mmcblkX (device), /dev/mmcblkXp1 (partition 1), /dev/mmcblkXp2 (partition 2). X is a progressive number indicating the number of the device (so if you have three memory block device attached will be 2, counting from 0). We are interested in the device, so in the Ubuntu example you should use /dev/mmcblkX.

3 ­ Flash the image

To flash the image you need the xz shell utility, install it with:

apt­get install xz­util Now you're ready! cd to the folder in which you have the downloaded image and run:

xz ­cd ./arduinotre­debian­0.0.2.img.xz > /dev/mmcblkX Please double check device name, this step can be REALLY dangerous This command will run xz in decompression mode and send uncompressed data to stdout; then we redirect stdout to the SD card device. No feedback is provided in whatsoever way, so you have to wait till the command ends executing. (or you can use a program to check io stats to follow the progress) When xz execution ends you have completed the process.

On Windows For those people having trouble with their SD Cards, use a tool called win32diskimager ( it's free to use and download. You will need administrative rights to run and use it. You will have to have your SD Card connected via an adapter or reader. The TRE image you download, extract it first using 7zip (http://www.7­ this step may not be necessary but I would advise it for making the win32diskimager software do less work.

Select the appropriate letter of your SD Card under “device” dropdown, select the TRE image downloaded and click on “write” button.

Web IDE, Compatible Browsers Desktop version Safari, 6.2 onward Firefox, 30 onward Chrome, 35 onward Not compatible with Internet Explorer (any version)

Board reconfiguration procedure ­ Eject the micro SD from your board ­ Place the micro SD in the SD adaptor ­ Insert the SD adaptor in your computer ­ You will see 2 partitions showing up in your File System: Arduino_Tre and Tre_Boot ­ Open Tre_Boot, you will find a file called configured.conf ­ Delete configured.conf ­ Eject both partitions ­ Place the micro SD back in the board ­ Plug the TRE into the power supply ­ Connect the TRE to your computer via the micro USB cable ­ After a couple of minutes the partition Arduino_Tre will show up in your File System ­ Open it and run TreSetup.html one more time

Update procedure You can update your board with the latest updates using http://<board_name_or_ip_address>/update/ press update to begin the process.

Access Arduino TRE as a Shared Disk (Samba Share) [...]

From Linux [...]

From Mac OS X [...]

From Windows [...]

How to use the Serial Monitor selecting one of the 5 available ports [...]

Install a WiFi dongle You can add to the Arduino TRE the capability to connect to a WiFi network simply connecting a WiFi dongle to one of the USB ports on the board.

On Linux there are only some WiFi dongles that are supported, on the Debian image for the Arduino TRE all the drivers for these dongles have been included. The following is the list of the working dongles: 1. TP­Link : TL­WN727N (V1 and V3) 2. D­Link : DWA­121 3. D­Link : DWA­125 4. Belkin : N150 Wireless Adapter (F9L1001 v1) 5. Edimax : EW­7811Un 6. Keebox : W150NU v1.0 7. Netgear : WNA1100 8. Ralink: RT5370 802.11b/g/n To connect and configure the WiFi network you want to connect to, there is a dedicated network configuration panel on the Web IDE. Once connected, the dongle will appear inside the available networking interfaces and you will be able to choose the SSID of the available networks and set the password to connect. If the Arduino TRE it’s not already connected with the Ethernet cable connect the PC to the board with the micro USB cable connection, go to and login using your password. if it’s connected with the ethernet cable, open your browser using the IP address assigned to the board. After logged in click on “Arduino TRE Settings” button.

Select the wireless network you want to connect to, write the password (if protected wi­fi)

wait some time for wireless connection and IP assignment (if DHCP server is on) and you are ready to connect to your board from the ip assigned.

Desktop scenario: If your Arduino TRE is connected to a display, keyboard and mouse you can configure the WiFi network with the network manager present on the Debian distribution.

How to check the software versions You can check the current version of different part of the Arduino Tre system in various way: SSH to TRE and launch cat /etc/arduino_version command. You should expect an output like this: root@rantolino:/home/arduinotre# cat /etc/arduino_version 0.0.12 where 0.0.12 is the current image version.

SSH to TRE and launch head /var/webide/package.json command. You should expect an output like this:

"name": "webide", "version": "0.0.34", "private": true, "engines":

"node": "0.10.26", "node­webkit": "0.8.4"

, "engineStrict": true, "dependencies":

SSH to TRE and launch dpkg­query ­l | grep arduino command. This command gives you more detailed information: root@rantolino:/home/arduinotre# dpkg­query ­l | grep arduino ii arduino­betatest 0.0.12­1 armhf Arduino Tre beta test ii arduino­bridge 1.5.1­1 armhf Arduino Bridge ii arduino­corelibs 1.5.8­2 armhf Arduino core libraries ii arduino­examples 1.5.8­1 armhf Arduino examples ii arduino­platform­avr 1.5.8­2 armhf Arduino AVR core ii arduino­platform­sam 1.5.8­1 armhf Arduino SAM core ii arduino­platform­sitara 0.0.3­3 armhf Arduino Sitara core ii arduino­process­talkie 0.0.3­1 armhf Arduino Process Talkie ii arduino­sketchcompiler 0.0.2­1 armhf Arduino sketch compiler and uploader ii arduino­tools­avr­armv7l 4.3.2­4 armhf Arduino AVR toolchain ii arduino­tools­sitara­armv7l 0.0.2­4 armhf Arduino Sitara toolchain ii arduino­webide 0.0.34­1 armhf Arduino Web IDE ii nginx 1.4.5­2 arduino armhf small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server

LibArduino (Sitara Arduino Core)

23 GPIO pins:



tempi di propagazione [TBV]

4 PWM pins:



features? possibility to change the frequency…?


list the supported functions, for example it can work only as a master


maximum supported speed?

how many SS pins can handle?

Serial ports:

supported speeds?

additional features in addition to the ones present for the AVRs?


particular care on connecting the H­bridge to the linux GPIO?




the library has been developed, but can’t be used on the Developer Edition board because of an hardware bug.


USB hot plug temporary fix We are now working on a fix for the USB hot plug issue, but it’s not active by default because we are investigating on an issue: if a device is quickly plugged/unplagged or if a connected device reenumerates (e.g. when programming an external Arduino Leonardo), the USB port or the entire board get unstable.

How to enable the fix Open a shell terminal, login as root and run the following commands:

mv /etc/init.d/ /root/USBTemporaryFix/ mv /boot/uImage /root/USBTemporaryFix/uImage.BAK cp /root/USBTemporaryFix/ /etc/init.d/ cp /root/USBTemporaryFix/uImage /boot/uImage chmod a+x /etc/init.d/ poweroff

When the board is powerd on again the fix is active.

How to disable the fix Open a shell terminal, login as root and run the following commands:

mv /root/USBTemporaryFix/ /etc/init.d/ mv /root/USBTemporaryFix/uImage.BAK /boot/uImage chmod a+x /etc/init.d/ poweroff

When the board is powerd on again the fix is not active anymore.

CAN bus utilities The CAN utilities package contains some utility that is helpful for debugging the CAN bus communication.

How to install the package

Run as root the following commands:

cd /tmp


dpkg ­i can­utils_0.0+git20140227­1_armhf.deb

How to remove the package

Installing the package breaks some dependency, so the board update process can’t run. Removing the CAN utilities package running this command as root

dpkg ­r can­utils

solves the issue. After the board update, the CAN utilities package can be installed again, if needed.

Warnings /etc/network/interfaces generated/overwritten by the Web IDE [...]

Differences with other Arduino boards Bridge serial port speed Pin 100­103 are configured and can be used as PWM output only The DC plug specifications (electrical) Vin pin Pin current limits [...]

How to activate and use Web browser log Chrome/Chromium [...] Firefox [...] Safari [...]

System block diagram [...]

Notes All the GPIO pins are automatically exported at boot Add an high level block diagram that represents the internal/external ports/connections

with the names used to access them from the Arduino sketches or from Debian Core/libraries/build versions: 1.5.5­r2 Motor shield Vin pin warning!!!