ardes ass 3

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  • 8/8/2019 ardes ass 3


    ambo, ambon 1. In early Christian churches, a

    pulpit for reading or chanting the Gospels or

    the Epistles. 2. In contemporary Balkan or

    Greek churches, a large pulpit or reading desk.

    pulpit An elevated enclosed stand in a church in

    which the preacher stands.

    sacristy A room in a

    church, near thechancel, where the

    robes and altar

    vessels are stored,

    where the clergy vest

    themselves for

    services, and where

    some business of the

    church may be done;usually a single room,

    but sometimes a very

    large one.

    nave 1. The middle

    aisle of a church. 2.

    By extension, both

    middle and side

    aisles of a church

    from the entrance to

    the crossing orchancel. 3. That partof the church

    intended primarily

    for the laity.

    belfry 1.A bell tower, either attached to a

    church or standing alone. 2. A timber

    framework in a steeple that supports a bell.

    baptistery A building or part of

    one wherein the sacrament of

    baptism is administered.

    aisle 1. A longitudinal passage between

    sections of seats in an auditorium or church. 2.

    In a church, the space flanking and parallel to

    the nave; usually separated from it by columns,

    intended primarily for circulation but

    sometimes containing seats.

    pew In a house of worship, one of a number of

    fixed benches with backs

    tabernacle 1. A decorative niche often topped

    with a canopy and housing a statue. 2. A church

    for a large Protestant congregation.

    lectern In a church or lecture hall, a stand with

    a slanting top to hold a book, speech, or music

    at the proper height for reading.

    triforium In medieval church architecture, a

    shallow passage above the arches of the nave

    and choir and below the clerestory;

    characteristically opened into the nave.

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    communion rail In a church, a low railing

    enclosing that part of an altar within which the

    communicants are provided with a place to

    kneel and receive Communion.

    altar 1. An elevated table, slab, or structure,

    often of stone, rectangular or round, for

    religious rites, sacrifices, or offerings. 2. The

    Communion table in certain churches.

    vestibule An anteroom or small foyer leading

    into a larger space.

    anteroom A room adjacent to a larger, more

    important one; frequently used as a waiting


    mihrab A niche in the mosque or any religious

    Muslim building indicating direction of prayer

    toward Mecca. Focal point of decoration with

    dome in front.

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    minaret A tall tower in, or contiguous to, a

    mosque with stairs leading up to one or more

    balconies from which the faithful are called to


    mosque A Muslim house of worship.

    narthex An enclosed porch or vestibule at the

    entrance to some early Christian churches.

    ablution room 1. A washing of the body, esp.

    as a religious ceremony. 2. The liquid used for

    such washing.

    baptismal font A basin or vase, serving as a

    receptacle for baptismal water in which the

    candidate for baptism is immersed, or over

    which he is washed, in the ceremony if

    Christian initiation. In the Church's present

    practice it is ordinarily a decorative stone basin,

    though metal or wood are used; supported on a

    pedestal or columns at a convenient height for

    receiving the water which is poured over the

    head of the person baptized, a form which

    marks the term of a development graphically

    illustrating the history of the mode of

    conferring baptism.