Architecture of Big Social Networks

Architecture of Big Social Networks Group Members: BCSF13M032 BCSF13M063 Video Link:

Transcript of Architecture of Big Social Networks

Page 1: Architecture of Big Social Networks

Architecture of Big Social Networks

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Page 2: Architecture of Big Social Networks


1) WhatsApp is implemented in

a. Erlang

b. C++

c. Java

d. Python

2) Ejabberd is an XMPP application server, written mainly in the

a. Java

b. C#

c. Erlang programming language

d. PHP

3) Protocol is client/server program used to retrieve the





4) Output of XML document can be viewed as

a. Word processor

b. Web browser

c. Notepad

d. None of the above

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5) XML

a. Can be used as a database

b. Cannot be used as a database

c. XML is not a database, it is language

d. None of these

6) What is so great about XML?

a. Easy data exchange

b. High speed on network

c. Both A and B

d. None of the above

7) How many root element can an XML document have?

a. One

b. Two

c. Three

d. As many as the memory provides

8) The tags in XML are

a. Case insensitive

b. Case sensitive

c. Browser dependent

d. None of these

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9) Which of the following statement is true?

a. An XML document can have one root element.

b. An XML document can have one child element.

c. XML elements have to be in lower case.

d. All of the above

10) CIDR stands for

a. Classified Internet Domain Routing

b. Classless Inter Domain routing

c. Classless Internet Domain Routing

d. Classified Inter Domain Routing

11) Which of the following protocol is not used in the internet?

a. Telnet



d. Gopher

12) In HTML URI is used to

a. Create a frame document

b. Create a image map in the webpage

c. Customize the image in the webpage

d. Identify a name or a resource on the internet

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13) Namespace

a. Distinguishes one XML vocabulary from another

b. Provides the spaces in the names

c. Is a querying language

d. None of these

14) FDDI (Fiber Distributed Data Interconnect) is an example of

a. Token ring

b. Token bus

c. Star topology

d. Multipoint network

15) Hardware that calculates CRC uses

a. Shift register

b. Xor unit

c. Both A and B

d. Instruction register

16) www is based on which model?

a. Local server

b. Client server

c. 3 tier

d. None of these

17) BCC in the internet refers to

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a. Black carbon copy

b. Blind carbon copy

c. Blank carbon copy

d. Beautiful carbon copy

18) Which Layer is not present in TCP/ IP model?

a. Application Layer

b. Internet Layer

c. Transport Layer

d. Presentation Layer

19) Node in XML is

a. Any part of the document whether it is elements, attributes or otherwise

b. Referred only to the attributes

c. Referred to the top element in the document

d. None of these

20) Which of the following identifies a specific web page and its computer on the Web?

a. Web site

b. Web site address

c. URL

d. Domain Name

21) XPATH used to

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a. Address your documents by specifying a location path

b. Address the server

c. Store the IP of the server

d. None of these

22) Unlike Ipv4, Ipv6 does not include the following field in the base header

a. Next Header field

b. Field for Fragmentation information

c. Flow Label

d. Kind field

23) DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) provides _____ to the client.

a. IP address

b. MAC address

c. Url

d. none of the mentioned

24) The DHCP server

a. maintains a database of available IP addresses

b. maintains the information about client configuration parameters

c. grants a IP address when receives a request from a client

d. all of the mentioned

25) Which one of the following is not used to generate dynamic web pages?

a. PHP

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c. JSP

d. none of the mentioned

26) An alternative of javascript on windows platform is

a. VBScript


c. JSP

d. none of the mentioned

27) When a DNS server accepts and uses incorrect information from a host that has no authority giving that information, then it is called

a. DNS lookup

b. DNS hijacking

c. DNS spoofing

d. none of the mentioned

28) 4. Which one of the following protocol is used to receive mail messages?


b. post office protocol

c. internet message access protocol

d. all of the mentioned

29) If you have to send multimedia data over SMTP it has to be encoded into

a. Binary

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b. Signal


d. None of the mentioned

30) A session may include

a. Zero or more SMTP transactions

b. Exactly one SMTP transactions

c. Always more than one SMTP transactions

d. Number of SMTP transactions can’t be determined

31) Which of the following statements is false regarding “Cookies”?

a. Cookies are programs which run in the background of the web-client

b. Cookies have the potential of being used to violate the privacy of users

c. Cookies are very helpful in keeping track of users in developing online shopping cart applications, personalized portals and in advertising on web sites

d. Cookies cannot contain more than 4Kb of data

32) Cryptanalysis is used

a. to find some insecurity in a cryptographic scheme

b. to increase the speed

c. to encrypt the data

d. none of the mentioned

33) This lightweight protocol provides a way for programs to interact with each other, even if using different operating systems and located behind a firewall.

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c. RMI


34) What technology is being referred to as Web 3.0?

a. Open Source Technology

b. The Semantic Web

c. Read Write Web

d. Social Networking

35) This markup language is considered to be extensible because of its unlimited and self -defining markup symbols.



c. XML

d. W3C

36) This application program interface (API) from Sun Microsystems supports messaging between computers in a network.

a. write once, read man

b. Short Message Service

c. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

d. Java Message Service

37) This platform simplifies application development and decreases the need for programming and

programmer training by creating standardized, reusable modular components.

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b. JES2

c. J2EE


38) What technology is being referred to as Web 3.0?

a. Open Source Technology

b. The Semantic Web

c. Read Write Web

d. Social Networking

39) This term encompasses the plans, methods, and tools aimed at modernizing, consolidating, and coordinating the computer applications in an enterprise.

a. EAI

b. EDI

c. grasping plan

d. decision support system

40) Scribd is:-

a. email client

b. blog

c. chat server

d. file sharing repository