Architectural Thesis

Responsive Coexistence: our environment explored through systems design Erika Krueger Architecture Thesis 2012/13


Responsive Coexistence

Transcript of Architectural Thesis

  • Responsive Coexistence:our environment explored through systems design

    Erika Krueger Architecture Thesis 2012/13

  • Special Thanks To:

    Susan Frosten - for being a supportive instructor with critical and practical responses

    Alan Jalon, Eric Henery, and Sara Schue - for providing technical and organizational assistance throughout my design process

    Designed and Compiled by: Erika Krueger

  • Abstract 1

    Objectives 2

    Research Paper 3

    Position Paper 11

    Precedents 21

    Program 31

    Site 37

    Building Systems 45

    Passive Design 45 Water Cycles 47

    Piping 51 Program 53 Structure 57

    Entry 59

    Appendix 61

    Table of C


  • Architecture exists in the landscape, and the landscape exists in the environment. For

    architecture to connect with its context it needs to be able to address it. The green

    movement has started to nod toward this, but has remained in the realm of human

    interest. By focusing on energy savings and emission reduction, the general popu-

    lation has become more accustom with the idea of environmental awareness. This,

    however, is just the beginning of environmental architecture. Buildings which address

    a large and widespread issue, like water quality, can start to become more ingrained

    in the community, culture, environment, and also start to set a precedent for future

    projects. There are many different ways to address water treatment; bioremediation is

    a way to clean water. A reason that many people do not enjoy considering new ways

    to manage water quality is due to human preconceptions about water treatment. Our

    mental block about hygiene and etiquette has inhibited progress toward better water

    quality. Through different methods of bioremediation, it is possible to allow architecture

    to change human perception of waste treatment and thus allow the building to begin to

    morph in order to display or effi ciently utilize human waste through landscape, energy,

    and agriculture.


  • A

    bstract &


    Objectives:Educate people about water quality and contamination causesCreate methodology for future buildings to followContinue and embellish the work of othersProgram the building to function outside of the realm of water treatment Work locally to maximize project effectiveness


  • Poor sanitation is a leading cause of death in the world; it is ranks among AIDS, malaria, cancer, and hunger.1 One could wonder why then sanitation is not a

    more addressed issue. The quality of water is not only a developing world problem, but

    one that faces every population on the planet. Our health and environment are suffering

    from poor water quality. Even our innovative tenacity has neglected sanitation quality

    because people simply do not want to deal with it. People understand that sanitation

    affects the water supply which has direct implications on human health, but many places

    still do not value sanitation as a necessity. A reason that people are so reluctant to

    address human sanitation is because of a conversational taboo against defecation and

    menstruation. By understanding the infrastructure of the current systems and knowing

    options for how to improve them, we are able to talk about sanitation intelligently and

    can begin the conversation that will hopefully spread.

    For any group of people to begin understanding the fl aws of their sanitation

    system, it is imperative to know what kind of system their community uses. The two

    largest categories of sanitation systems are wet and dry systems. These can break down

    farther into urban, rural, large scale, and local. However, even though these systems

    have subcategories, they are both widely used and can be looked at according to their

    most basic categorizations. Wet systems use water to transport and dilute human waste

    such as feces and urine.2 Dry systems either use no removal system other than gravity

    or use ash, sawdust, or sand to disinfect and transport their waste.3

    Beyond Toilets: a background in sanitation

    1 Pneumonia and Diarrhoea: Tackling the deadliest diseases for the worlds poorest children, UNICEF. George Tchobanoglous, Franklin L. Burton, and H. David Stensel, Wastewater Engineering: Treatment & Reuse 4th Edition, (Boston: Metcalf & Eddy, INC, 2003).3 Sim van der Ryn, The Toilet Papers: Recycling Waste & Conserving Water, (Santa Barbara: Capra Press, 1978).

  • R

    esearch Paper


    Wet systems require large scale infrastructure. They demand pipes to carry

    water to and from each toilet as well as each treatment system, which can range in

    size and scale.4 They can be as small as a septic system that has only one home

    feeding into it, or they can be large enough to manage the waste of a city. There

    have been subtle changes made to the master plan of the piped infrastructure, but

    none as profound on the environment as the way in which the water is treated before

    reentering a waterway. The conventional method, which is used in most wet systems,

    is to disinfect the water with chlorine (other chemicals). This removes the toxic

    microbes which can transmit diseases, but it does not inhabit the growth of algae from

    the high nitrogen and phosphorus levels. For this, suppressants and neutralizers such

    as (chemicals) are added at the fi nal stages of treatment.5 This removes the nitrogen

    and phosphorus, which would otherwise be responsible to large algae blooms. 6 Not

    all treatment facilities do this, and the ones that do are seen as progressive.

    Dry systems are typically only small scale operations. They work with gravity,

    so the waste is contained under the toilet (or latrine). There are many different versions

    of the latrine due to hygienic concern and sanitary measures.7 Perhaps the most

    successful iteration of the latrine is able to compost the solid waste that is produced to

    be used as fertilizer.8 In this system the liquid waste is separated and used directly

    4 George Tchobanoglous, Franklin L. Burton, and H. David Stensel, Wastewater Engineering: Treatment & Reuse 4th Edition, (Boston: Metcalf & Eddy, INC, 2003).5 Craig S. Campbell, and Michael H. Ogden, Constructed Wetlands in the Sustainable Landscape, (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1999).6 Algae blooms deplete dissolved oxygen levels and prevent sunlight from penetrating the waters surface; this inhibits animal life and submerged plant growth, thus causing the waterway to turn into an algae pond with no other life.7 Ventilated latrines were the beginning to the latrine innovation wave. They solved the problem of how to keep smell down, as well as manage fl ies carrying contaminated feces. By reducing the smell, people were more willing to use the latrine over a fi eld, which helped to contain feces. This development in dry systems was able to diminish the amount of contamination of preventable diseases among rural developing communities.8 Parliamentary Offi ce of Science & Technology, Access to Sanitation in Developing Countries, Postnote, Num. 190 (December 2002).

  • as fertilizer for its high nitrogen and phosphorus levels. Feces is not as benign upon

    excretion. The solid waste needs to cook so that all of the bacteria are burned off and

    the material is excretion.9 The solid waste needs to cook so that all of the bacteria are

    burned off and the material is able to rearrange its chemicals to become nutritional for

    soil and plants. In this particular dry system, called a composting latrine, the waste is all

    able to be reused, and consequently illuminates the negative environmental impact that

    is typically associated with dry systems.10

    Latrines are typically thought of as pungent and unhygienic; however this is only

    true if they are not properly maintained. Ventilated, composting, and standard latrines

    can all be safe and effective ways to manage waste. The key to preventing the spread

    of disease is by eliminating contact with feces. The way that diseases like cholera,

    dysentery, typhoid, and diarrhea are spread is through ingestion of contaminated feces.

    The easiest way to prevent ingestion is through regular hand washing after defecating

    and before eating.11 The latrine itself can play a key role in how easily a population is

    able to come into contact with feces. Public/community latrines must be cleaned every

    day to ensure that any feces that may carry a disease is not able to be stepped in or

    picked up and spread in some other manner.

    The health concerns are not nearly as obvious in wet systems. Here, we have

    effectively contained waste and been able to render it harmless; however, the way in

    which the water and waste is treated creates more subtle problems. The water which we

    send through waste treatment facilities eventually ends up back in the waterways,

    9 Sari Huuhtanen, and Ari Laukkanen, A Guide to Sanitation and Hygiene for Those Working in Developing Countries, Global Dry Toilet Club of Finland (2006).10 Sim van der Ryn, The Toilet Papers: Recycling Waste & Conserving Water, (Santa Barbara: Capra Press, 1978).11 Pneumonia and Diarrhoea: Tackling the deadliest diseases for the worlds poorest children, UNICEF.



    Dissolved Oxygen



    Saline Water

    Suspended Sediment


    Bacteria in Water




    Sewage Overflows


    Storm Water

    Waste Water

    Drinking Water

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    esearch Paper

    and taken into the water system once again to be used for drinking water. Potable

    water has to be disinfected with chlorine and other toxic chemicals. People then ingest,

    bathe in, clean with these chemicals which can cause long term problems. Chlorine

    ingestion has been linked with miscarriages in women; increased levels of fl uoride

    has been shown to wither bones and teeth; lead has been proven to decrease brain

    function in growing minds.12 13 14 These are all chemicals that end up in potable water

    due to disinfection and transportation practices.

    Even communities which do not rely on piped water for their drinking source have to

    be wary of contamination from treatment facilities. The chemicals and sludge15 that

    is produced is able to leach into the ground and ground water. Once a ground water

    supply is contaminated, it has devastating effects on the environment that range far

    beyond human health. The spring where the ground water emerges becomes the

    beginning to a long river of environmental degradation. Chemicals kill plants and

    animals in the river. Once the plants along the river die, there is no root system to

    hold back the river banks and erosion takes hold. After that, the water ways farther

    downstream are unable to cope with the surge of sediment and chemicals, and the

    process starts all over again, slowly creeping down the river. Eventually it will pose a

    problem to people, who now draw contaminated water up and must heavily treat it in

    order for it to be considered potable once more.

    12 David L. Sedlak, and Urs von Gunten, The Chlorine Dilemma, Science 7, 331, no. 6013 (2011).13 What are the long-term effects of ingesting fl uoride on our bones? online forum, Fluoride is a bioaccumulator and is toxic to bones, http://fl Oliver David, Barbara Mcgann, Stanley Hoffman, Jeffrey Sverd, and Julian Clark, Low Lead Levels and Mental Retardation, The Lancet, 308, no. 8000 (1976).15 Sludge is the resulting material from primary treatment. It is the solid waste that settles at the bottom of tanks and is cleared and dumped out to make way for more solid waste.

  • A way that people have found to change this cycle of chemical treatment is to

    reintroduce plant life and ecological forces into the treatment process. John Todd,

    a biological researcher, invented what he called a living machine. This system

    uses plants and animals to transform harmful microbes in human waste into helpful

    nutrients. This process has been further studied and refi ned into a more broad

    system called bioremediation. Bioremediation is basically a living machine, but it

    has been adapted in a way which allows it to function on large and small scales in

    all sorts of sites, including brown fi elds. How the system works is by using gravity

    to separate out the solid and liquid waste, just like a conventional system, but the

    secondary treatment does not involve chemicals.

    The secondary treatment uses the microbes that reside in plant roots to

    transform the hazards of human waste into a nutrient rich water source that is

    capable of supporting specifi c plant and animal life. The reason that this system is

    different from expelling primarily treated water directly into a river or lake is that the

    outfall environment was specifi cally designed to manage the toxins coming into it.16

    These systems act like natural wetlands, which purify water and provide habitat for

    a multitude of plants and animals. Constructed wetlands do the same basic function,

    but are created by people.

    16 Craig S. Campbell, and Michael H. Ogden, Constructed Wetlands in the Sustainable Landscape, (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1999).

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    esearch Paper

    Primary Treatment

    Secondary Treatment

    Tirchiary Treatment

    Bioremediation Treatment

    Requirements for Conventional Systems Requirements for Bioremediation Systems

    Land Requirement of: 1 acre/ 1000 people

    Electricity to run large machinery

    Sludge creation

    Ongoing dredging of sludge

    Ongoing chemical costs

    High operational costs + Moderate initial costs

    Land Requirement of: 2 acres/ 1000 people

    Electricity to run small pumps

    Sludge immediatly is reused as fertilizer

    Initial plant costs

    Attracts wildlife which has been losing habitat

    Low operational costs + Moderate/High initial costs

  • In order to safely manage waste water, constructed wetlands are engineered to

    treat up to a specifi c amount of water.17 By understanding this, water treatment facilities

    (which already know how much water is treated in a day/month/year) can accurately

    predict how much wetland space they would need in order to offset their chemical

    usage with bioremediation. Individual buildings can also determine how much space

    could be needed in order to manage their own waste water.

    Water treatment is not the only way that current sanitation systems fall short; the

    user facilities also help to create a mindset of indifference, which impedes conversation

    and also technological developments.18 Populations have been exposed to facilities

    that negate human function in terms of womens menstruation and need for privacy.19

    This is another fact that is most easily seen in developing countries. Unrelated women

    and men are forced to share the same latrines, which can create serious problems in

    cultures with strict laws and traditions regarding purity.19 the same latrines, which can

    create serious problems in cultures with strict laws and traditions regarding purity.20

    Even where religion is not a heavy regulator of contact between the woman menstruating

    and the rest of society, women and men still need to have private space where they

    can use the toilet without worrying if someone will walk in and see them. A large reason

    that many adolescent girls drop out of school in developing countries is due to a lack of

    private toilet space.21 If the facilities that get built provided nothing else but separate

    17 John Todd, and Beth Josephson, Th e Design of Living Technologies for Waste Treatment, Ecological Engineering (1996).18 David Lane, Hierarchy, Complexity, Society, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia19 Miranda Farage, Kenneth W. Miller, and Ann Davis, Cultural Aspects of Menstruation & Menstruational Hygiene in Adolescents, Expert Reviews (2011).20 In many religions women are not allowed to touch anyone while menstruating. It is believed that during a womans period, that she is unclean and is able to contaminate others through touch and thus taint spiritual purity. Men in these cultures are forbidden to see any signs of menstruation for fear of contamination.21 Girls in developing countries do not have money to spend on disposable menstruation products and consequently use rags, leaves, sand, or other absorbent materials that can be found. Th is means that they need discrete places to clean and store their reusable cloth.

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    bathrooms for boys and girls the female students are more likely to remain in school.22

    In the United States, we have a pretty good grasp on providing privacy between

    the sexes, but there is still room to improve the experience of using the bathroom.

    Users can get an experience that allows the bathroom to feel much more luxurious

    than how it is currently portrayed. Many corporate organizations have already begun

    designing luxurious bathrooms in their offi ces or hotels. These groups have started

    to get people talking about the experience of the bathroom and have started to raise

    the bar for what people should expect. This concept of raising the bar is exactly what

    is expected to come from people talking more about sanitation and the solutions that

    can be put into place to eliminate chemical use and environmental degradation. With

    a new understanding of how sanitation systems work, how it affects water quality,

    and how we can make those systems better, it is possible to start changing our entire

    infrastructure. With a system that does not hide water treatment, and with user facilities

    that celebrate the bathroom then we can expect people to become more willing to talk

    about sanitation. By talking about sanitation, people are more educated and they can

    expect more from the systems that manage their waste.

    22 Julie Fisher, For Her its Big Issue: putting women at the centre of water supply, sanitation and hygiene, (accessed December 6, 2012).

  • Architects have considered new and effi cient ways to address many different building

    systems. There is a variety of unique ways to heat and cool a building; windows can be

    made to minimize solar radiation, or to embrace it. Materials have begun to be made

    from recycled goods; electricity is generated from the environment and is not as reliant

    on fossil fuels to run the building. It is now the time for architects, clients, and legislators

    to begin thinking of human waste as a resource rather than a useless byproduct. Through

    different methods of bioremediation, it is possible to allow architecture to change human

    perception of waste treatment and thus allow the building to begin to morph in order to

    display or effi ciently utilize human waste through landscape, energy, and agriculture.23

    In architecture programs, there is a deliberate effort for the students to understand

    the relationship between the building and the ground. It is up to the individual student

    to choose to what degree the ground will be engaged, but there is no denying that it

    is a consideration at the beginning of every project. Bioremediation spaces, such as

    constructed wetlands, offer functional ways for architects and designers to bring human

    activity and building systems out into the landscape, or to bring the landscape into the

    building systems.24 Green roofs have had great success integrating plant life and using

    it as a main function of the building.25 Similar to how green roofs manage storm water on

    site, so too can bioremediation be thought of as a way to manage waste water on site.

    23 Beyond Toilets: a background in sanitation24 Liat Margolis, and Alexander Robinson, Living Systems: Innovative Materials and Technologies, (Basel, Germany: Birkhauser Verlag AG, 2007).25 Green roofs retain/detain water, while acting as insulation for the roof and offering aesthetic value to what could have been an asphalt roof. These systems have been made so that they are affordable, modular, customizable, and elaborate. They all hold water (main function) but their aesthetic value and ability to be occupied is variable.

    Our Bodies, Our Waters: a new precedent in sanitation

  • Position P

    aperNo matter how elaborate or simple the plant and animal life is inside of a constructed

    wetland system, the bioremediation method will allow waste to be transformed into

    clean water.26

    A secondary goal of using bioremediation systems to manage waste water is

    the ability to let buildings change the way in which many people think about water

    treatment. People tend to think of waste water treatment as an extension of their toilets,

    and therefore do not want to know where it goes or how it is done.27 Humans innate

    disgust for feces is shared among most mammals; however, unlike most mammals, our

    waste is never reused by other creatures.28 It is because of this disgust that we have

    for feces that has hindered the development of waste water systems and the facility in

    which it is hidden. The current treatment facility buildings come into existence is based

    upon a social opinion of their program. Treatment facilities are typically cheaply made

    box structures that provide little architectural interest due to their lack of integration

    with the site and surrounding community. Consequently, people do not appreciate the

    typology that has come from treatment facilities, which only drives the desire for the

    facilities to be hidden.

    Creating a building that exudes importance has largely been dependent upon

    the program and how easily it can be embraced by the community. Libraries, museums,

    government buildings, and schools all have been expressed in monumental ways

    because their program is regarded as important to societal progress. This same mindset

    can be exhibited in certain services like bridges, vehicles, computer technology, and

    communications; however, it is not found in services such as water treatment, electric

    26 Craig S. Campbell, and Michael H. Ogden, Constructed Wetlands in the Sustainable Landscape, (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1999).27 K. B. Khatri, Challenges for Urban Water Supply & Sanitation in the Developing Countries, UNESCO - IHE Institute for Water Education (June 2007).28 Valerie Curtis, Dirt, Disgust, & Disease: A Natural History of Hygiene, Community Health (2007).


  • generators, fuel stations/refi neries or landfi lls. A high level of interaction with a service

    is what makes them desirable to design, which is why computer technologies, bridges,

    and vehicles are so handsomely considered.29 The services which people do not

    want to think much about are generally the ones which have a negative impact on the

    environment in a heavy handed way.30 The claim can easily be made that none of our

    grand buildings would function properly without the services that the lesser buildings

    provide. For this reason, it is imperative for people to understand what really goes into

    making our lives run smoothly. People do not know where their sewage is treated, nor

    do they know which electric plant turns on their lights. This ignorance is what has led

    to underdevelopment in the fi elds of energy and also waste water treatment. However,

    now that there is a boom in sustainable technology development, it is becoming more

    important to use these advancements to start allowing people to see that services like

    water treatment and energy collection can be beautiful in their own rite.

    By allowing building systems such as water treatment to be displayed, the

    architect is giving the building users a chance to engage with the building on a more

    intimate level than buildings that have their mechanics hidden or displaced. This increased

    level of interaction will allow people to appreciate the systems and understand how they

    work. It is through this understanding that societal change can happen and can spark

    new construction to engage building systems in a similar way. The basic thought is that

    by exposing people to one project that addresses water treatment through obviously

    29 David Lane, Hierarchy, Complexity, Society, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia30 For a long time coal mining and oil drilling have been essential to our lives, yet people did not take the time to think about the method in which coal and oil are collected. Vehicles start to bridge the gap in this concept. Cars give us more mobility and freedom than we can achieve on our own or through public transportation, so they are perceived as more of a gain than they seem to be an environmental detriment. This (I believe) is the reason that people are still fond of vehicles even though they are environmentally hazardous.

  • 14

    Position P


  • displayed bioremediation, they will begin to talk about it with other people. This form of

    advocacy that has been successful in getting other uncomfortable topics discussed and

    understood. The AIDS movement is a good example of how conversation can lead to

    understanding and how that can lead to social change. Through conversation, people

    were able to become educated about how HIV/AIDS is transmitted, how to protect against

    it, what the symptoms are, and most importantly they were able to relieve the stigma

    associated with the disease.31 It is through the dilution of the stigma/taboo that people

    were truly able to come up with meaningful ways to manage HIV/AIDS. Similarly, it is

    just as important to dissolve the stigma against waste water treatment and allow people

    to see that it can be a system that works naturally, and can enhance their experience

    through a space whether it is exterior or interior. By addressing waste water treatment

    on a local level, people will be able to understand it better which will help to get the shift

    started. There is a greater sense of pride when a member of the local community is able

    to accomplish something that will help the group as opposed to someone outside of the

    community telling them what to do and how to do it.32 Generally people of the area are

    more equipped

    31 AIDS United online forum, HIV Stigma: Standing in the Way of an AIDS-Free Generation, Huuhtanen, Sari, and Ari Laukkanen. A Guide to Sanitation and Hygiene for Those Working in Developing Countries. Global Dry Toilet Club of Finland. (2006).

  • Bioremediation in the Building

    Integration with Land Expression of Building Systems Circulation

    Heating/Cooling Water Distribution Structure Enclosure ProgramSite16

    Position P


  • with understanding to what degree a project of this nature will be supported or embraced.

    This allows for greater success in the project which helps build the reputation for waste

    water bioremediation. People need time to see the successes found in other areas, so

    that they can learn from and understand how the systems work and how bioremediation

    can work in their community.

    For a project or series of projects to successfully begin a paradigm shift, it

    must be founded in a set of rules that can be easily applied to subsequent projects with

    varied programs and scales. The main goal to consider is: the use of bioremediation as

    a system within the building not necessarily the focus of the program. Additionally to

    teach professionals such as architects, engineers, developers, business people, and

    politicians about the issues surrounding water quality and allow them to understand

    what the options are for treating waste water would be a growing asset to the built

    environment. Engaging with an open audience can help change the opinion of the

    population, supporting the surrounding community both ecologically and economically,

    allowing the general population to understand why changing the sanitation system is

    necessary, and empowering people to advocate for ecological solutions even though

    there may be large amounts of controversy surrounding an issue are all goals of the

    project that can only be framed by the building but require active participation from the

    community in order to achieve.

    Every building designer should feel able to embrace the opportunity to retain,

    reform, and reuse waste and storm water within any building. The proposed building will

    act as a role model in that way, by allowing the program to function both in terms of a

    separate building, and as a waste water treatment method. Many times sustainability

    33 These types of projects challenge what people think is correct and hygienic. Most people will cringe if they are told that they drink water that was previously used to fl ush their toilet.

  • becomes the concept and not the system in a design; this building proposal will help

    to alter the mindset of the designer to use green technology, not for the publicity,

    but because it is in the best interest of the client as well as the built and natural

    environments.34 A new standard for how to engage with green technology will be set

    by allowing the green systems, and traditional systems, to interact with the building in

    a more visible way. By allowing the building systems to come to the forefront of the

    design, they in turn come to the forefront of consciousness. People see them and they

    begin to wonder how they work. This curiosity can spark understanding or it can be

    brushed off as bizarre.35

    Architecture in the modern sense has been addressing the human psyche for a

    while now. Designers have been trying to come up with ways to create an experience

    that will leave a lasting impression. This impression could be one of discomfort and

    confusion deconstructivism or it could be one that is deeply rooted in a particular

    place critical regionalism.36 The impression that bioremediation systems intend to

    make is one of integration and connectivity. People who use buildings with natural

    systems can experience the exterior environment in a controlled way and can begin to

    understand more about their specifi c place. These buildings will also give people the

    ability to experience designed landscapes and architecture that support each other

    rather than compete with one another. The ideas of total system immersion stems

    from a blend of critical regionalism and the green technologies movement.

    34 Lance Hosey, Toward a humane Environment: Sustainable Design & Social Justice, Expanding Architecture: Design as Activism, ed. Bryan Bell and Katie Wakeford (New York: Bellerophon Publications, 2008). 35 This is the same concept that is being applied to the macro-level waste water facility within the societal context. By exposing the mechanical systems, which are typically hidden, the building can be better understood and the technologies used will begin to improve because of a greater level of engagement with building users.


    Position P


  • The crux is to inspire designers to work in a similar way, to begin to shift the

    paradigm from application of systems for sustainable and functional purposes to one that

    gets its genesis in how the systems want to work together and in fi nding the best way to

    achieve their fullest potential. Systems development has been occurring for many years

    now due to an increased interest in energy performance; this is just the beginning of

    what architects can achieve in buildings. By allowing all of the systems to start working

    together, the building can coordinate thermal comfort, hydrology, respiration, structure

    and fi ltration.37 These can all save energy, which is one of the largest contributing factors

    to global warming. By understanding how the mechanical, water distribution, structure,

    lighting, and circulation can work most effi ciently, the building will start to come together

    in a way that is more logical and results in a more ecological product. These effi ciencies

    can be found in any type of system, regardless of the technology. It is the technology that

    allows the entire system to function at a high effi ciency.distribution, structure, lighting,

    and circulation can work most effi ciently, the building will start to come together in a way

    that is more logical and results in a more ecological product. These effi ciencies can be

    found in any type of system, regardless of the technology. It is the technology that allows

    the entire system to function at a high effi ciency.

    By combining bioremediation techniques with effi cient systems, people are able

    to start using the by products from the aquatic remediation, like fi sh and aquatic plants.

    These two commodities can be sold for a profi t, which gives the owner an added incentive

    to choose bioremediation systems over convention piped systems.38 The production of

    36 Michael Fazio, Marian Moffett, and Lawrence Wodehouse, A World History of Architecture, (The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2008).37 Leonard R. Bachman, Integrated Buildings: the systems basis of architecture, (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003).38 Sim van der Ryn, The Toilet Papers: Recycling Waste & Conserving Water, (Santa Barbara: Capra Press, 1978).

  • 2039 Marc J. Cohen, and James L. Garrett, The Food Price Crisis and Urban Food (in)security, Urbanization and Emerging Population, no. 2.

    fi sh can help to put a dent in larger urban issues of food supply or locally raised food

    product. Urban areas are prone to food shortages because of high population and

    low food production.39 By allowing water treatment facilities to supply fi sh to the local

    markets, people can also begin to understand that water treatment is not always

    something that has to be hidden. Utilizing the fi sh produced is another way that water

    treatment can begin to be celebrated within a culture.

    Another way that bioremediation can be used as a profi table gain is from the new

    and large supply of aquatic plants. Storm water management is a large issue in many

    places with high levels of impervious surface. The number of aquatic plants produced

    from the nutrient rich treatment facilities can make storm water management more

    affordable for individuals and also for large communities. This is possible because

    there will be an abundant supply of aquatic plants to go in retention ponds, or in bio-

    swales, therefore driving the cost down and making the plants more accessible to

    the urban population. By making it easier to create natural water treatment systems,

    more people will be willing to use them and construct them. Aquatic plants to go in

    retention ponds, or in bio-swales, therefore driving the cost down and making the

    plants more accessible to the urban population. By making it easier to create natural

    water treatment systems, more people will be willing to use them and construct them.

    Position P


  • Lead by Example

    Advocate Explain why its ImportantChange peoples Perceptions

    Clean Water


    Simplify without losing Purpose

    Bring the Experience to PeopleTeach professionals how to do it

    Plan for Tomorrow AND Today

    Integration building systems, with landscape, and human impact is what one

    aspect to the complexity of society that will help drive architecture into the next phase

    of environmental architecture. A heavy engagement of human interaction with building

    systems will allow people to understand them and their importance more. This can be

    said about the services that are provided on a large scale also. Waste water treatment

    plants are viewed negatively because of their hidden nature and the way water is

    chemically treated. People do not want to talk about topics like these and therefore little

    to no progress is made. By allowing people to see how water is naturally treated they

    will have a greater respect for water treatment and will start talking about it and raising

    awareness for even more progress to be made. Architecturally the same can be said.

    By making thermal comfort, hydrology, respiration, structure, fi ltration a priority there will

    be a greater appreciation of them. Any social change takes time, but by addressing it

    bluntly, there is a greater chance for success.

  • Position P



  • Living Machine

    John Todd

    Todd was the creator of bioremediation systems which he calls living machines used to treat waste water. These systems have since been embellished through many different processes and have been implemented both inside in conditioned environments and outside in more mild to tropical climates.

  • P



  • Bioremediation Park

    Sydney, AustraliaMcGregor & Partners

    This former BP site had contaminated soil from the toxic chemicals and oils that were previously spilled over the ground. McGregor & Partners created a series of viewing ports over bioremediation circles. Sydney was highlighted from the parks location across the bay.

  • 26



  • Sidwell Friends School

    Washington D.C., USAKeirran Timberlake, Andropogon, and Natural Systems International

    Quakers put a great emphasis on environmental stewardship, which is one of the reasons that this building is so well integrated. They take the waste water out of the building and treat it on-site with tanks and constructed wetlands. These wetland also manage storm water through rain gardens. It is so central to the building because it functions as an outdoor classroom as well as landscape intervention. The architects also looked closely at all of the passive strategies and how they can work together on the site and in the building.

  • 28



  • Besos River

    Barcelona, Spain

    The Besos is used as an effl uent dump, which caused downstream Barcelona to have a river of sewage running through the city. The citys counsel decided to start an initiative to restore the river way. The climate has a dry and rainy seasons, which causes the river to experience droughts and fl oods. The city decided to implement constructed wetlands all along the river. This creates a linear park as well as improved quality for the water, people, and health of the city.

  • 30



  • The main goal of this place is for people to have an experience that allows them

    to learn about water quality and the factors that infl uence it; the expected result of

    people learning about water quality is for them to advocate for the existing systems

    to change so that they are healthier for people and the environment. For this reason,

    cultural pieces have always been looked to for as a way to start social change. Artists

    and scientists have been among the fi rst people within society to address topics that are

    uneasily discusses. Museums are the highlight of the art world; for an artist to be featured

    in a museum is a great honor and says that their statements have been accepted by

    society enough for the work to be considered worth displaying. Research facilities are

    where scientist are able to discover new facts about the world and can heavily infl uence

    societys way of life. By combining these two concepts, it is possible to get a program

    which is based in science, but allows for artistic intervention which appeals to the

    general population. Another goal of the project is to provide education about sanitation

    systems so that existing waste water facilities can explore options, and researchers can

    hold seminars to further expand the learning which people can experience.

    The basic user groups that are expected to visit the building are: families, school

    groups, scientists, business people, and legislators. They each have different reasons

    for visiting, and will be able to have different reactions to the place.

    Educational exploration spaces are important to the goal of the building. Changing

    opinions starts with formable minds, either those who are open to ideas of change or

    children. To cater toward children there needs to be places for them to quantify and

    see the differences that can be made in water quality. Children and researchers can

    measure the quality of the water before it enters a constructed wetland, and then after it

    has gone through the system. They can see the plant and animal growth that can come

    from simple changes like the elimination of chemicals in a water treatment system.








    Fun and educational place to bring the kids for a day

    Required for training

    Designers could come to check out the system that is used or hear expert lectures

    Legislators and counselpeople can come to learn about the systems being used and how they can be to the benefit of the city if implemented on a larger scale

    Teachers can bring their classes to learn about water and how we affect it through our use and treatment of it

    Families Decision Makers


    School Groups

    Sanitation WorkersFacility Tour and Demonstrations

    Experimentation Space


    Art Gallery

    Sculpture Gardens

    Meeting RoomsVideo Display



    Facility of Water Quality:bringing our best and worst to light

  • Program

    People can learn how to change behaviors at home, or how to expect their area to do

    the right thing rather than what is conventional. Most importantly this type of education

    can empower children to become active in their community, their environment, their

    schools, or whatever they fi nd their passion to be. The children who embrace the ideas

    of innovation from the research and exploration center will be able to challenge the

    status quo in the future and on a variety of scales.

    Families are drawn to places where children are allowed to explore and learn

    through touching and doing. In order for the building to welcome children it must provide

    exploration and experimentation spaces which expose the children to different aspects

    of water quality and the ways in which we treat waste. These spaces can be interior,

    but should defi nitely include exterior elements. Parents typically feel more comfortable

    having their children explore and play if they are in a secure exterior environment than

    inside of a public building. School groups also need places to play and explore, but

    they also need more regimented learning spaces. The school made the decision to

    bring the students for a specifi c purpose, and therefore learning opportunities need to

    be given in a way that is framed for children and adolescents. These spaces should

    be interior for more formalized learning, and then exterior spaces can be used for

    experimental space.

    Water quality research centers teach ecologically friendly methods of water

    treatment. People will have the opportunity to see what a new water treatment facility

    which houses and treats all of a buildings waste and storm water can look like, as

    well as learn how they can improve upon existing systems. The most hazardous and

    expensive part of current water treatment systems is dumping chemicals into the


  • Children Play and Learn

    Lectures and Seminars


    Constructed Wetland

    Quality Research


    Learn thro gh DoingExperiments

    Love for the Earth


  • water to neutralize the nitrogen and phosphorus from human waste.12 This part of the

    process that can be 100% replaced by living machines and constructed wetlands.

    They are natural systems that neutralize the water so that chemicals are no longer

    needed and will restore the fi sh and plant life that helps to defi ne a healthy waterway.

    A crucial piece to the program puzzle is how the building will engage with the

    community. The goal for the building is to take on storm water and perhaps waste

    water from surrounding space to clean it and reuse it. By cleaning the space around

    the site, the building opens the opportunity for the public to engage with the site as a

    space in which they can recreate. The park that is can become an educational park

    with signs and experiment zones set up for public use. It could however function just

    as well as a piece of landscape that does not intend to educate, but helps to draw

    people into the building.

    Museums are critical pieces of culture that help to inform and sway people

    by exposing them to things that they may not otherwise see. Art, fashion, science,

    religion, culture, nature, technology, and human behavior all are topics that museums

    already address. For this reason, displays will be set so that people can experience

    different reactions to water quality. Some of these art pieces will be hung work, which

    will be protected from fl oods, and others will be weather resistant landscape features.

    Through these exhibits we can also start to see how people around the world also view

    water quality, specifi cally in regard to human waste. People can see how economic

    status affects the facilities that exist around the world, and what consequences that

    has on the health of that area. The displays will be focused on the environment and

    health; they will allow people to see that the treatment of human waste is critical to a



    12 John Todd, and Beth Josephson, The Design of Living Technologies for Waste Treatment, Ecological Engineering (1996).

  • safe and clean water which leads to a healthier population of not only humans but wild animals who keep the ecosystem thriving.14

    A population of people targeted by the building program is decision makers of the area, people who are investors, legislators, business people, and facility operators. It will be these people who have the ability to change what the current situation is for our water treatment system. Investors can choose to encourage designers or projects that include natural systems in their programs. Legislators have the ability to pass laws, acts, or code that mandate the use of limited or total natural systems in new construction. Business people are able to get ideas for new products or pieces of the green market that are unfi lled and necessary for a smooth transition to natural systems. Th ey can also start to break down the fi nancial gains of using natural systems by creating business plans that other companies and facilities can take on. Facility operators will be more open to suggesting changes at their company meetings or implementing those changes in their own facilities. Th e overall goal of the program is to let people experience a building and landscape working together to clean water while still providing the necessary functions for the research center. With luck and guided visits, it is possible for this way of building becomes a staple in architecture. Th e green movement has started out well, focusing on energy savings and lowered emission, but this project is looking to take the next step. Th is is the truest goal of the project, to set the ground work for other architects to follow with projects which also utilize bioremediation in standard buildings.

    13 Craig S. Campbell, and Michael H. Ogden, Constructed Wetlands in the Sustainable Landscape, (New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1999).14 K. B. Khatri, Challenges for Urban Water Supply & Sanitation in the Developing Countries, UNESCO - IHE Institute for Water Education (June 2007).

  • 36


  • Site Criteria:

    Should be able to take storm water from surrounding site

    Relates to the waste water in Philadelphia

    Gives greatest benefi t to the downstream community

    Possibly projects to outfall sites

    Affects the rivers quality

    Not a green fi eld site

    Take on Water from Surrounding Site

    Waste Water in Philadelphia

    Outfall SitesRiver Quality

    NOT Green Field

    Downstream Benefit

  • Site

    There are many examples of great projects and ideas that did not succeed

    purely because of their location. In choosing a site, there must be guidelines put into

    place so that a site can be chosen that will foster the success of the project, not hinder

    it. The general location of the site should be local to the designer, the site should

    also not be a green fi eld, it should have access to a waterway, as well as access to a

    welcoming community with economic potential,

    By siting an exploration/research center in Philadelphia the project is able to

    rely not only on objective information, but subjective experience. Locals have opinions

    about how things should be and they know what the issues really are in their area.

    Some of these issues can never be revealed by objective data collection. Locals

    understand their area and may not have the most innovative ideas or solutions, but

    they have solutions that tend to work well for them. By siting the project in some far

    away location, the designer is not able to truly experience what some of the real water

    quality problems and their sources really are. The designer might make suggestions

    that work on paper, but are not realistic for those living there. By designing where we

    live, architects, engineers, and planners are able to make the most educated solutions

    to problems that they experience and they are forced to live with the full consequence

    good or bad of their decisions.

    When architects, owners, and developers chose to build on a green fi eld they

    are not only ignoring all of the existing benefi ts of the urban context, but they are also

    eliminating potential habitat for plants and animals. Infrastructure already exists on

    developed sites, which makes it that much easier and less expensive to utilize them

    in a way that works for a new project. By reusing existing impervious surfaces, the

    project is able to give new life to the site and diminish the impact of an abandoned or

    vacant space that previously contributed to storm water run-off and water quality

    Role Model: start of something new


  • detriment. The adjacency to a large body of water is ideal because of the easy access

    to take in and emit water. In Philadelphia, these two bodies of water are the Schuylkill

    and the Delaware River. Not only will the proximity to the river be an asset for the

    constructed wetland, but it will also help to make a strong statement about what the

    project stands for.

    The most important goal is to improve water quality so that aquatic life can

    return to the rivers. For this reason, all of the sewage outfall sites were analyzed for

    potential development around them, but the spaces are not conducive to a program of

    this magnitude. The museum district is another appropriate place to start investigating

    sites, but still there is not an adequate place near the water that the building could fulfi ll

    all of its goals. It is in Manayunk, on a sliver of land fl anked by the Schuylkill River and

    the Manayunk canal that all of the goals of the buildings program can be realized. This

    site is not a green fi eld; it has an abandoned and mostly demolished building on it,

    as well as large paved surfaces. It is also near the water, which allows it to take river

    water that is passing by and clean it up before allowing it to move the rest of the way

    through Philadelphia on its way to the ocean. In addition to it being near the naturalized

    Schuylkill River, it also is near the highly recreational towpath. This offers the opportunity

    to improve a community space by adjusting the water quality. The area around the site

    is also young and welcoming. People are constantly on main street, either between the

    shops during the day or at the bars at night. This gives the center plenty of opportunity

    to draw larger crowd and help the local economy.



    Demolished Factory and Parking

    Water Flow

  • 40

    Site: 217800 sq. ft. 5 Acres 2.02 HectaresCommercialResidentialParkCommunity Interest


  • SpringSummerFallWinter

    Existing To Stay

    Existing Footprint


    Possible Wetland

  • 42

    Responsive Coexistence: our environment explored through systems design

    Environmental Systems

    Building SystemsSite Systems

    Water: quality movement habitat resource

    Analyze. Balance. Co-Existence. Comfort. Contextual. Flow. Responsive. Harmony. Informed. Primary.

    the e BuildingBuilding,, the the SiteSite, and the , and the Water Water coexist in a responsive system that allows forclimatic, ecological, and behavioral changes.


  • Upstream in the Manayunk Canal are stormwater outfall sites. These outfalls

    create problems with the overall health of the canal, as well as add to the problems that

    are in the Schuylkill itself.

    Put together these factors all create a hazardous environment for the wildlife

    who call (or used to call) the Schuylkill River home. Many of these fi sh and birds

    need particular habitats to spawn/nest, as well as feeding areas. As people living in a

    fl ood plane, it is an obligation to provide habitat as well as practice minimally invasive

    construction techniques. In the fl ood plane especially, the environment is king. The way

    the earth is treated next to water, affects wildlife habitat, human habitat, and the cost

    that is spent to clean the water from these very rivers to send into our homes as drinking


    When consumed bacteria causes gastrointestinal problems in humans and wildlife.Nutrients come from fertilizers and cause algae blooms which kill fi sh by taking oxygen out of water.

    Hazardous wastes come from our streets, which are covered in oil and grease.

    Debris is the most obvious example of water pollution. It fi lls the river with rubbish, which is sometimes mistaken for food, and causes other obsticals for fi sh and birds.

    Sediments comes from construction sites or other areas where soil is not properly treated.

  • 44







    ground water, rain water, surface water, condesation

    treat with UV filter (s) to clarify

    potable water, drinking water

    bathing/cleaning water (without chemical contamination)

    water mixed with urine

    water that has touched fecal matter, or meat

    treated water that can be synomous with clear water

    collect from water fountains, hand washing sinks,

    use to flush toilets and irrigate landscaping

    send to wastewater wetland

    remediate so that it can be brought back as clear water


  • By designing the building to take advantage of the natural winds and solar access, a large portion of the heating and cooling can be done passively.

    Passive CoolingPassive Cooling

    Passive HeatingPassive Heating

  • 46

    Building S


    Passive D



    Stormwater Management and MasterplanStormwater Management and Masterplan

  • 48

    Building S


    Water C


    Potable Water Radiant Heating and Cooling

    Any water that is brought into the buildings is used to its fullest extent until it is then discharged and cleansed before being released into the environment again.

    Sewage Water

  • Water fl ows over the edge of the liv-Water fl ows over the edge of the liv-ing machine. this feeds the reservoir, ing machine. this feeds the reservoir, which pumps out to the jets.which pumps out to the jets.

  • 50

    Building S


    Water C


    Water from the wastewater wetland fl ows through a living machine and returns to the quality of ground water. Once it has been cleansed, the water is allowed to fl ow through motion activated jets. The jets will only shoot water up to playful children when there is water in the reservoir. This teaches children that recreational water is a limited condition and that sometimes you can not use it for fun.

  • 52

    Building S



    Potable Hot Supply

    Potable Cold Supply

    Greywater Return/Supply

    Blackwater Return

  • 53%



    3% 9%

    Laboratory Space

    Laboratory Support Space

    Research Staff Office

    Ancillary Space


    Minimum Program Space Per Person 342 Square Feet

    Laboratory Space 181.5 sq. ft.

    Laboratory Support Space 90.5 sq. ft.

    Research Staff Office 30 sq. ft.

    Ancillary Space (mechanical) 9 sq. ft.

    Laboratory Administration 31 sq. ft.

    The buildings program is a laboratory building with research focused on water quality

    and environmental health. It conducts educational outreach through childrens programs

    full of experimentation and discovery as well as adult programs based in lecture and

    observation. A project of the laboratory building is to restore the quality of the Manayunk

    Canal. The canal runs behind many restaurants and residences. The laboratory is trying

    to get the water quality to a point where it may be used with minimal to no additional

    treatment as potable drinking water.

    Aquatic Toxicology Lab

    Ecosystem EngineeringDesign Lab

    Children's UnderstandingCenter

    Wetland Soil andGeospacial EngineeringLab

    Program Staff

    Aquatic Toxicology Lab 6

    Childrens Understanding Center 2

    Ecosystem Engineering Design Lab 12

    Wetland Soil and Geospatial Engineering Lab 20

  • Total Staff (40) 13,680 sq. ft. (sq. ft. = occupants x 342)

    Max. Number of Visitors (30) 3,000 sq. ft. (sq. ft. = occupants x 100)

    Pre Circulation Total 16,680 sq. ft. (total staff + visitors)

    Circulation 1,668 sq. ft. (pre-circulation x .1)

    Total Program Requirements 18,348 sq. ft. (pre-circulation + circulation)


    Building S



  • 56

    Vehicular Access






    Wastewater Wetland

    Stormwater Wetland

    Pedestrian Egress

    Building S



  • Structure without FloodingStructure without Flooding

    Structure with FloodingStructure with Flooding

  • 58

    Building S






    ON AV




    S LN


    IT ST

    CITY A




    UT LN


    AVE R


    P F








    100 year fl ood will cover into 35ft. elevation, 100 year fl ood will cover into 35ft. elevation, whicwhich is 20 ft. above the elevation of the site. The h is 20 ft. above the elevation of the site. The building acknowledges the fl ood and works with it building acknowledges the fl ood and works with it by elevating conditioned spaces. All black water by elevating conditioned spaces. All black water is kept above the 25 year storm fl ood kept above the 25 year storm fl ood height.

  • Whether biking or walking on the Schuylkill River Trail in Manyunk, access to the water quality research laboratory is given via a ramping bridge. This procession allows people to constantly be engaged with the constructed wetland before entering the building. Biking is encouraged as a mode of transportation for building users, and architecturally represented through hanging bike racks at the buildings main entry. Cars must use the parking lot on the remains of the paper factory, which allows car users to walk through the landscape before entering the building again. This is also the drop off point for any school groups who will be greeted at the outdoor meeting theater near the stair entrance.

  • 60

    Building S



  • Adler, Robert W., and Trish Mace. Recycle Wastewater. Water: Opposing Viewpoints. Edited by Carol Wekesser. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, INC, 1994.Bachman, Leonard R. Integrated Buildings: the systems basis of architecture. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003.Burke, William K. Natural Methods of Treating Sewage Water Can Reduce Pollution. Water: Opposing Viewpoints. Edited by Carol Wekesser. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, INC, 1994.Campbell, Craig S., and Michael H. Ogden. Constructed Wetlands in the Sustainable Landscape. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1999.Cohen, Marc J., and James L. Garrett. Th e Food Price Crisis and Urban Food (in)security. Urbanization and Emerging Population. no. 2 .Curtis, Valerie. Dirt, Disgust, & Disease: A Natural History of Hygiene. Community Health. (2007).David, Oliver, Barbara Mcgann, Stanley Hoff man, Jeff rey Sverd, and Julian Clark. Low Lead Levels and Mental Retardation. Th e Lancet. 308. no. 8000 (1976).Design Like You Give a Damn. New York: Metropolis Books, 2006.Farage, Miranda, Kenneth W. Miller, and Ann Davis. Cultural Aspects of Menstruation & Menstruational Hygiene in Adolescents. Expert Reviews. (2011).Fazio, Michael, Marian Moff ett, and Lawrence Wodehouse. A World History of Architecture. Th e McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2008.

    Works Referenced:

  • Appendix


    Fisher, Julie. For Her its Big Issue: putting women at the centre of water supply, sanitation and hygiene. . jspui/bitstream/2134/9970/20/wsscc_for_her_its_the_big_issue_ evidence_report_2006_en.pdf (accessed December 6, 2012).Fluoride is a bioaccumulator and is toxic to bones. (online forum). What are the long-term eff ects of ingesting fl uoride on our bones?. http:// fl (accessed December 6, 2012).Gans, Deborah. Unbearable Lightness. Expanding Architecture: Design as Activism. Edited by Bryan Bell and Katie Wakeford. New York: Bellerophon Publications, 2008.HIV Stigma: Standing in the Way of an AIDS-Free Generation. (online forum message). AIDS United. (accessed December 6, 2012).Hosey, Lance. Toward a humane Environment: Sustainable Design & Social Justice. Expanding Architecture: Design as Activism. Edited by Bryan Bell and Katie Wakeford. New York: Bellerophon Publications, 2008.Huuhtanen, Sari, and Ari Laukkanen. A Guide to Sanitation and Hygiene for Th ose Working in Developing Countries. Global Dry Toilet Club of Finland. (2006).Khatri, K. B. Challenges for Urban Water Supply & Sanitation in the Developing Countries. UNESCO - IHE Institute for Water Education. (June 2007).Margolis, Liat, and Alexander Robinson. Living Systems: Innovative Materials and Technologies. Basel, Germany: Birkhauser Verlag AG, 2007.

  • McGlone, Matthew S., and Jennifer A. Batchelor. Looking Out for Number One: Euphemism & Face. Journal of Communications. 53. no. 2 (2003).Lane, David. Hierarchy, Complexity, Society. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.Parliamentary Offi ce of Science & Technology. Access to Sanitation in Developing Countries. Postnote. Num. 190. (December 2002).Pneumonia and Diarrhoea: Tackling the deadliest diseases for the worlds poorest children. UNICEF. Publications/UNICEF_pneumonia_diarrhoea_report.pdf.Sedlak, David L., and Urs von Gunten. Th e Chlorine Dilemma. Science 7. 331. no. 6013 (2011).Tchobanoglous, George, Franklin L. Burton, and H. David Stensel. Wastewater Engineering: Treatment & Reuse 4th Edition. Boston: Metcalf & Eddy, INC, 2003.Todd, John, and Beth Josephson. Th e Design of Living Technologies for Waste Treatment. Ecological Engineering. (1996).Tortajada, Cecilia. Water management in Singapore. Water Management for Large Cities. Edited by Cecilia Tortajada, Olli Varis, Jan Lundquist, and Asit Biswas. Abington, UK: Routledge, 2006.van der Ryn, Sim. Th e Toilet Papers: Recycling Waste & Conserving Water. Santa Barbara: Capra Press, 1978.

  • Appendix
