Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The...

“Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy” IT “Lego” Architecture In A Unique And Multivaried Network Brasil, Brasilia-DF, July 6, 215 Occult Masonry - Decree Grade 666 - 7th Level - 49th Potency Project Of Strategic Vision For The Transformation Of The Brazilian And World Economy Into An Economy Of Knowledge In Order To Integrate The Business And Non-business Organizations With All Sectors Of Economy And Those Pertaining To All The Economic Activities Aiming An Unique “Non-competitive Ecosystem - (Module 2/33). Module 2/33 HUMANITY.GENESIS@

Transcript of Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The...

“Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy”

IT “Lego” Architecture In A Unique And Multivaried Network

Brasil, Brasilia-DF, July 6, 215

Occult Masonry - Decree Grade 666 - 7th Level - 49th Potency

Project Of Strategic Vision For The Transformation Of The Brazilian And World Economy Into An Economy Of Knowledge In Order To Integrate The Business And Non-business Organizations With All Sectors Of Economy And Those Pertaining To All The Economic Activities Aiming An Unique “Non-competitive Ecosystem - (Module 2/33).

Module 2/33


Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”


Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network” - “Digital Banking”

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network” - “Digital Banking”

Source -

Nasa - 43.000 Galaxies

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network” - “Digital Banking”

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”


Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients


Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network” - “Digital Banking”

IT Architecture For The Construction Of “Virtual Relationship Networks” And Digital Banking

IT Architecture For The Construction Of International And National Payment Systems For Central Banks

Strategic Vision For The Transformation Of The Brazilian And World Macro -Economics Into An Economy Of Knowledge

Process For Creation Of The “Digital Macroeconomics” - Digital Economic Activities And Sectors


Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

==========================================================================Occult Masonry - Decree Grade 666 - 7th Level - 49th Potency


The “Project Of Strategic Vision For The Transformation Of The Brazilian And World Economy Into An Economy Of Knowledge In Order To Integrate The Business And Non-business Organizations With All Sectors Of Economy And Those Pertaining To All The Economic Activities Aiming An Unique “Non-competitive Ecosystem - (Module 2/33)” is directly related to the below specified IT project.

IT Lego Architecture - For The Construction Of Virtual Relations Network And Digital Banking “The Project of Open Architecture for Informational Technology Programming for the Construction of Virtual Relations Networks and of Digital Banking - Module 01/33”, was digitalized June/25/2015, with # 896494, at the 1st Office of Civil Registration of Titles and Documents and of Legal Parties of Brasilia - (Public Notary’s Office Marcelo Ribas).

Available video on YouTube

Slides containing the description of the IT architecture , cited previously, are available here

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

==========================================================================Occult Masonry - Decree Grade 666 - 7th Level - 49th Potency


The “Project Of Strategic Vision For The Transformation Of The Brazilian And World Economy Into An Economy Of Knowledge In Order To Integrate The Business And Non-business Organizations With All Sectors Of Economy And Those Pertaining To All The Economic Activities Aiming An Unique “Non-competitive Ecosystem - (Module 2/33)” is directly related to the below specified IT project.

IT Lego Architecture - For The Construction Of National And International Payment Systems Of Central Banks “The IT Lego Architecture – for the construction of National and International Payment Systems of Central Banks - Module 01/33”, was digitalized June/25/2015, with # 896494, at the 1st Office of Civil Registration of Titles and Documents and of Legal Parties of Brasilia - (Public Notary’s Office Marcelo Ribas).

Available video on YouTube

Slides containing the description of the IT architecture , cited previously, are available here

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Inform the project, specified below, was digitalized June/25/2015, with # 896828, at the 1st Office of Civil Registration of Titles and Documents and of Legal Parties of Brasilia - (Public Notary’s Office Marcelo Ribas).

A) Project Of Strategic Vision For The Transformation Of The Brazilian And World Economy Into An Economy Of Knowledge - (Module 2/33) - Part 01 - Link

B) Project Of Strategic Vision For The Transformation Of The Brazilian And World Economy Into An Economy Of Knowledge - (Module 2/33) - Part 02 - Link

C) Project Of Strategic Vision For The Transformation Of The Brazilian And World Economy Into An Economy Of Knowledge - (Module 2/33) - Part 03 - Link

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients


Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

1. Below description of the main project structures.

2. The Human Being is the central, initial, and original focus of the organizational strategy for the Brazilian macroeconomy, for business and non-business purposes, in order to generate a competitive advantage in relation to other world economies, and must be supported by the organizations, in general, in order to develop and evolve.

3. The Human Being is the center of the strategy, businesswise or not, and as such should have his basic needs supplied by the several organizations, in the place where the product or service is needed, without having to interrupt his experience in the world in order to fulfill his needs at each moment, as it can be seen in the image below.

4. The concept of (Social) “Human Being Networking” is the essence of the concept of Virtual Networking; it seeks to integrate the Human Being to his several products and services suppliers.

5. How to integrate, technologically, one organization alone, with the several moments of consumption experiences of its client.

6. What to do in order for the networking of your organization, the pieces of programming, the programs, systems, routines, Subroutines, applicatives, channels, channel interfaces, and so on… of your organization so that they all are INTEGRATED, DIRECTED AND PRESENT, at the moment of the several consumption experiences of your client in several and different environments, in Brazil and abroad.

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

7. What should be done so that the relationship networking of your organization, the pieces of programming, the programs, systems, Subroutines, applicatives, channels, channel interfaces and so on… of your organization so that they all are INTEGRATED, DIRECTED AND PRESENT, at the moment of the several consumption experiences of your client, occurring in other relationship networks of other organizations, connected to other pieces of programming, systems, routines, Subroutines, applicatives, channels, channel interfaces, from other organizations, in Brazil and abroad.

8. “The Project of Open Architecture for Informational Technology Programming for the Construction of Virtual Relations Networks and of Digital Banking - Module 01/33” IS ORIENTED TOWARDS AN OBJECT.

9. The FIRST FUNDAMENTAL POINT IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF “The Project of Open Architecture for Informational Technology Programming for the Construction of Virtual Relations Networks and of Digital Banking - Module 01/33”, is the fact that the VIRTUAL RELATIONSHIP NETWORKING IS ORIENTED TOWARDS AN OBJECT.

10. The SECOND FUNDAMENTAL POINT IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF “The Project of Open Architecture for Informational Technology Programming for the Construction of Virtual Relations Networks and of Digital Banking - Module 01/33”, which is oriented towards an object, IS THAT THE PIECES OF PROGRAMMING ARE ORIENTED TOWARDS AN OBJECT.

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

11. The THIRD FUNDAMENTAL POINT IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF “The Project of Open Architecture for Informational Technology Programming for the Construction of Virtual Relations Networks and of Digital Banking - Module 01/33”, which is oriented towards an object, IS THAT THE PROGRAMS ARE ORIENTED TOWARDS AN OBJECT.

12. The FOURTH FUNDAMENTAL POINT IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF “The Project of Open Architecture for Informational Technology Programming for the Construction of Virtual Relations Networks and of Digital Banking - Module 01/33”, which is oriented towards an object, IS THAT THE SYSTEMS ARE ORIENTED TOWARDS AN OBJECT.

13. The FIFTH FUNDAMENTAL POINT IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF “The Project of Open Architecture for Informational Technology Programming for the Construction of Virtual Relations Networks and of Digital Banking - Module 01/33”, which is oriented towards an object, IS THAT THE ROUTINES ARE ORIENTED TOWARDS AN OBJECT.

14. The SIXTH FUNDAMENTAL POINT IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF “The Project of Open Architecture for Informational Technology Programming for the Construction of Virtual Relations Networks and of Digital Banking - Module 01/33”, which is oriented towards an object, IS THAT THE SUBROUTINES ARE ORIENTED TOWARDS AN OBJECT.

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

15. The SEVENTH FUNDAMENTAL POINT IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF “The Project of Open Architecture for Informational Technology Programming for the Construction of Virtual Relations Networks and of Digital Banking - Module 01/33”, which is oriented towards an object, IS THAT THE APPLICATIVES ARE ORIENTED TOWARDS AN OBJECT.

16. The EIGHTH FUNDAMENTAL POINT IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF “The Project of Open Architecture for Informational Technology Programming for the Construction of Virtual Relations Networks and of Digital Banking - Module 01/33”, which is oriented towards an object, IS THAT THE CHANNELS ARE ORIENTED TOWARDS AN OBJECT.

17. The NINTH FUNDAMENTAL POINT IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF “The Project of Open Architecture for Informational Technology Programming for the Construction of Virtual Relations Networks and of Digital Banking - Module 01/33”, which is oriented towards an object, IS THAT THE CHANNEL INTERFACING IS ORIENTED TOWARDS AN OBJECT.

18. The TENTH FUNDAMENTAL POINT IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF “The Project of Open Architecture for Informational Technology Programming for the Construction of Virtual Relations Networks and of Digital Banking - Module 01/33”, which is oriented towards an object, IS THAT THE SOFTWARE SYSTEMS ARE ORIENTED TOWARDS AN OBJECT.

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

19. The ELEVENTH FUNDAMENTAL POINT IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND THE CONCEPT OF “The Project of Open Architecture for Informational Technology Programming for the Construction of Virtual Relations Networks and of Digital Banking - Module 01/33”, which is oriented towards an object, IS THAT THE INFORMATIONAL TECHNOLOGY ITSELF IS ORIENTED TOWARDS AN OBJECT.

20. With these examples, the same client is interconnected through the Virtual Relationship Network, broadly speaking, with several organizations, at the same time, and can be served by any one of the four organizations, during his consumption experiences, in several situations of his daily life, and it is important to register that for the organizations, business or non-business, the greater the number of created Virtual Relationship Networks, the greater the number of Virtual Relationship Networks that can participate, thus the greater COMPETITIVENESS with the other competitors; this concept of COMPETITIVENESS is generated by the GREAT PENETRATION in the largest possible number, of COMPETITIVE ECOSYSTEMS which enlarges the competitiveness and the delivery of VALUE TO THE CLIENT in organizations, countries, states, cities, economic sectors and activities, depending on the participation of the organization in a greater number of competitive ecosystems.

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients


Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

==========================================================================Occult Masonry - Decree Grade 666 - 7th Level - 49th Potency


For Your Knowledge,

1. Theme for Analysis: The “Brazilian Competitive Strategic Architectural Definition –Lego”. For Organizations in Brazil and Abroad, Financial and Non-Financial, to Participate in the Sale of Products and Services During the Consumption Experience of the Client in the “Digital Age”, using the Platform of Virtual Relations, Pattern, Brazilian Management or, in its Resumed Form, “Architectural, Commercial, and Strategic Structure so that the Organizations may Participate in the Consumption Experience of the Clients”.

2. If the National Financial System and the other private enterprise organisations, with profit objectives of not, create the “Architectural, Business, and Strategic Structure in Order for the Organizations to Participate in the Consumption Experience of the Clients”, they will have a High Exchanging Power, in Brazil, due to two reasons:

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

3. First reason - If the financial institutions and other free enterprise organisations, with profit objectives or not, invest in the creation of the “Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients” no one else will create such a structure in Brazil, since it represents a high investment in order to create and maintain the “Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Oranizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients”, and thus the National Financing System, together with the other private enterprise organisations, with profit objectives or not, become “strategic managers” of the “Digital Age”, in Brazil and also IN THE WORLD, IF THE PATTERN IS ADOPTED BY ALL THE FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS IN THE WORLD and companies such as Google, Apple and NON-FINANCIAL ORGANIZATIONS, IN GENERAL, WHICH OFFER, IN THE DIGITAL WORLD, FINANCIAL PRODUCTS OR NOT, etc... Will have to negotiate with the National Financing System and with the other free enterprise organisations, with profit objectives or not, in order to enter in the “Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients”.

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

4. Second Reason - The National Financial System and the other organisations of private enterprise, with profit objectives or not, besides having the “Architectural, Commercial And Strategic Structure So That Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Client” will be obliged to become participants in any “Virtual Relationship Network”, from any organization, national or foreign, for the sale of products and services, financial and non-financial; this way, the National Financial System and the other Brazilian free enterprise organisations, with profit objectives or not, will increase even more their power of exchange in the “Digital Age”.

5. On the other hand, if the financial institutions and other Brazilian private initiative organisations, with profit objectives or not, do not create the “Architectural, Commercial And Strategic Structure So That Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Client” to be the standard pattern in the BRAZILIAN Market, in the “Digital Age”, someone will create some pattern through which the National Financial System and other Brazilian private enterprise organisations, with profit objectives or not, will have to adapt themselves and thus, the National Financial System and the other Brazilian private initiative organisations, with profit objectives or not, will lose, each time more and more, the power of exchange in the BRAZILIAN Market of the “Digital Age”; considering that the non-financial organisations abroad who offer financial and non-financial services for the BRAZILIAN Market, can join efforts in order to create a pattern which will allow the “Architectural, Commercial And Strategic Structure So That Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients.”

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

6. Thus, the FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND THE OTHER FREE ENTERPRISE ORGANIZATIONS, BRAZILIANS, WITH PROFIT OBJECTIVES OR NOT, RUN A SERIOUS RISK OF DISAPPEARING, SINCE, IN THIS NEW ARENA OF COMPATTION, NOT ONLY DIE TO THE LACK OF USE OF THER FINANCIAN AND NON-FINANCIAL PRODUCTS AND SERVICES WHICH ARE IN PROCESS OF BEING SUBSTITUTED BY FINANCIAL SERVICES AND PRODUCTS BEING OFFERED BY FINANCIAL AND NON-FINANCIAL ORGANIZATIONS FROM ABROAD, due to the fact that they may, in the near future, also need to participate in the “Architectural, Commercial And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients”, created by organisations, financial and non-financial, abroad, which are offering financial and non-financial products, strong competitors of the National Financial System and from the other Brazilian free enterprise organisations, with profit objectives or not and, thus, become able to participate passively, of a standard process of relationship with the Market, BRAZILIAN, in the “Digital Age”; this may harm the interests of the National Financial System and other free enterprise organisations with profit objectives or not.

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

7. Expected Results:

A) To create, in the Brazilian Market, an “Architectural, Commercial And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients”, to be used by the National Financial System and by the other free enterprise organisations, with profit objectives or not, from Brazil and from abroad, in order to participate in the experience of the client, in the “Digital Age.”

B) To allow the National Financial System and the other Brazilian free enterprise organisations, with profit objectives or not, to have an “Arhitectural, Commercial And Strategic Structure In Order To Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients”, facilitating the expansion of the “Digital Age” in Brazil; it will also allow the National Financial System and the other Brazilian free enterprise organisations, with profit objectives or not, to have lower costs while developing, maintaining and making adjustments in their systems and supporting activities, so that the organisations may participate, in general, in the experience of the clients, in the “Digital Age”.

C) To expand the digital business in Brazil, in a standard way, to guarantee COMPETITION AND SUSTAINAIBILITY OF THE DIGITAL BUSINESS IN THE BRAZILIAN DIGITAL MACROECONOMICS and in the digital business of the various economic and activities and sectors in Brazil, in comparison with the digital business offered by other DIGITAL MACROECONOMICS FIRMS, competitors of the BRAZILIAN DIGITAL MACROECONOMICS as well as Brazilian competitors from DIGITAL ECONOMIC SECTORS and DIGITAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES.

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

D) To create an entrance barrier for business and non-business organisations from abroad, who may be offering products and services, financial and non-financial, in Brazil, in the “Digital Age”, so that the competition may proceed according to equalitarian principles and criteria, defined by Brazilian economic agents, and not through mere adhesion to competition principles imposed by foreign enterprises and organisations.

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

8. Expected Benefits:

E) Competitive and sustainable expansion of the BRAZILIAN DIGITAL MACROECONOMICS, in the “Digital Age”.

F) Competitive and sustainable expansion of the Brazilian DIGITAL ECONOMIC SECTORS and DIGITAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES, in the “Digital Age”.

G) Development of high human values in the creation of “Virtual Relationship Networks”, “Digital Banking”, BRAZILIAN DIGITAL MACROECONOMICS, DIGITAL ECONOMIC SECTORS and DIGITAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITIES, in Brazil, by business and non-business organisations, so that a minimum of regulation and unified thought may create adequate conditions for the development of the “Digital Age” in Brazil; this will avoid abuses by the economic agents, once the regulation of the market will contain activities totally free from managers and from imposition of responsibilities, supported by a legal frame and being adequally regulated.


Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Important Warnings

==================================================================Occult Masonry - Decree Grade 666 - 7th Level - 49th Potency


1. It will demand a great effort of the organizations in Brazil as well as in the rest of the world in order to adjust themselves to the same pattern of informational technology, oriented to the concept of Object and to the “concept of lego”, in several levels, to enable them to create their own Virtual Relationship Networks and to participate in the Virtual Relationship Networks of other organizations, duly integrated with the Digital Banking of several financial and nonfinancial organizations, in Brazil and abroad; this will also be necessary in order for them to operate, in an integrated pattern with the “Project of Open Architecture of Informational Technology Programming for the Construction of National and International Payment Systems by the Central Banks - Module 01/33”, protocoled, registered and digitalized June/25/2015, with # 896494, at the 1st Office of Civil Registration of Titles and Documents and of Legal Parties of Brasilia - (Public Notary’s Office Marcelo Ribas), Setor Comercial Sul –SCS, Quadra 08, Bloco D-60, Sala 140-E, 1o andar, Edifício Venâncio 2000, CEP 70.333-900, phone (61) 3224-4026.

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Important Warnings

==================================================================Occult Masonry - Decree Grade 666 - 7th Level - 49th Potency


2. If there is not, in Brazil and in the rest of the world, the construction of Virtual Relationship Networks, based on the same vision and operating with flexible technologies, Organization 1 develops a technological effort to adapt itself to Digital Banking A and to the Virtual Relationship Network A, at Moment 1.

3. During Moment 2 (six months later), the same Organization 1 must undergo a new technological effort to adapt itself to Digital Banking A, and to the Virtual Relationship Network B.

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Important Warnings

==================================================================Occult Masonry - Decree Grade 666 - 7th Level - 49th Potency


4. If this Organization 1 operate with 12 digital banks, six from the financial institutions and 6 owned by non-financial institutions, and wish to participate in the 300 Virtual Relationship Networks, it will take an eternity to adjust each one with the technological patterns that will be imposed by each partner and partnership; and when necessity arises to promote adjustments in the programming, channel, channel interfacing, systems, and applicatives with each one of the 12 digital banks or with each one of the 300 Virtual Relationship Networks, the successive and constant technological efforts will be each time more expensive.

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Important Warnings

==================================================================Occult Masonry - Decree Grade 666 - 7th Level - 49th Potency


5. As from a determined moment, the consumption of the technological structure of Organization 1 will be so great that this organization will lose its efficiency, efficacy and results, as it grows in the economic knowledge market.

6. At the end, although all the efforts of Organization 1 through employing huge resources, will tend to lose competitiveness, in the economic knowledge market, each time more, as time goes by, considering the speed of changes that are occurring in this kind of market, each time greater and at intervals each time smaller.

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Important Warnings

==================================================================Occult Masonry - Decree Grade 666 - 7th Level - 49th Potency


7. Due to the motives exposed previously, it is HIGHLY recommended that the business and non-business organizations, from public and private initiatives, as well as the financial institutions and respective regulating agencies such as the National Monetary Council – CMN, the Central Bank of Brazil – Bacen, the Brazilian Federation of Banks – Febraban, the Central Bank of the Central Banks – BIS, form a multidisciplinary group, with participants from Brazil and abroad, in order to discuss a project, in common, for the creation of Virtual Relationship Networks, Digital Banking, and Payment Systems, national and international, with integrated operations, in Brazil and in the rest of the world, so that the effort for the construction of the “Knowledge Economy”, in Brazil and abroad, be as small as possible, observing the INNOVATING paradigms, different from those used now to technologically provide the present informational technology systems.

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients


Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy

The Human Being Is The Center Of The Organizational StrategyVirtual Relationship Network 1

Virtual Relationship Network 2

Virtual Relationship Network 3

Virtual Relationship Network 4

Virtual Relationship Network 5

Virtual Relationship Network 6

Virtual Relationship Network 7

Virtual Relationship Network 8

Virtual Relationship Network 9

Virtual Relationship Network 10

Virtual Relationship Network 11

Virtual Relationship Network 12

Virtual Relationship Network 13

Virtual Relationship Network 14

Virtual Relationship Network 15

Virtual Relationship Network16

Virtual Relationship Network 17

Virtual Relationship Network18

Virtual Relationship Network 19

Virtual Relationship Network 20

Virtual Relationship Network 21

Virtual Relationship Network 22

Virtual Relationship Network 23

Virtual Relationship Network 24

Virtual Relationship Network 25

Virtual Relationship Network 26

Virtual Relationship Network 27

Virtual Relationship Network 28

Virtual Relationship Network 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital EconomyThe Human Being Is The Center Of The Organizational Strategy

Virtual Relationship Network 1

Virtual Relationship Network 2

Virtual Relationship Network 3

Virtual Relationship Network 4

Virtual Relationship Network 5

Virtual Relationship Network 6

Virtual Relationship Network 7

Virtual Relationship Network 8

Virtual Relationship Network 9

Virtual Relationship Network 10

Virtual Relationship Network 11

Virtual Relationship Network 12

Virtual Relationship Network 13

Virtual Relationship Network 14

Virtual Relationship Network 15

Virtual Relationship Network 16

Virtual Relationship Network 17

Virtual Relationship Network 18

Virtual Relationship Network 19

Virtual Relationship Network 20

Virtual Relationship Network 21

Virtual Relationship Network 22

Virtual Relationship Network 23

Virtual Relationship Network 24

Virtual Relationship Network 25

Virtual Relationship Network 26

Virtual Relationship Network 27

Virtual Relationship Network 28

Virtual Relationship Network 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 1

The Human Being Is The Center Of The Organizational Strategy

Pieces of Programming 1

Pieces of Programming 2

Pieces of Programming 3

Pieces of Programming 4

Pieces of Programming 5

Pieces of Programming 6

Pieces of Programming 7

Pieces of Programming 8

Pieces of Programming 9

Pieces of Programming 10

Pieces of Programming 11

Pieces of Programming 12

Pieces of Programming 13

Pieces of Programming 14

Pieces of Programming 15

Pieces of Programming 16

Pieces of Programming 17

Pieces of Programming 18

Pieces of Programming 19

Pieces of Programming 20

Pieces of Programming 21

Pieces of Programming 22

Pieces of Programming 23

Pieces of Programming 24

Pieces of Programming 25

Pieces of Programming 26

Pieces of Programming 27

Pieces of Programming 28

Pieces of Programming 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 2

The Human Being Is The Center Of The Organizational Strategy

Pieces of Programming nº 1

Pieces of Programming nº 2

Pieces of Programming nº 3

Pieces of Programming nº 4

Pieces of Programming nº 5

Pieces of Programming nº 6

Pieces of Programming nº 7

Pieces of Programming nº 8

Pieces of Programming nº 9

Pieces of Programming nº 10

Pieces of Programming nº 11

Pieces of Programming nº 12

Pieces of Programming nº 13

Pieces of Programming nº 14

Pieces of Programming nº 15

Pieces of Programming nº 16

Pieces of Programming nº 17

Pieces of Programming nº 18

Pieces of Programming nº 19

Pieces of Programming nº 20

Pieces of Programming nº 21

Pieces of Programming nº 22

Pieces of Programming nº 23

Pieces of Programming nº 24

Pieces of Programming nº 25

Pieces of Programming nº 26

Pieces of Programming nº 27

Pieces of Programming nº 28

Pieces of Programming nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Architectural, Commercial, And Strategic Structure So That The Organizations May Participate In The Consumption Experience Of The Clients

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 3

The Human Being Is The Center Of The Organizational Strategy

Pieces of Programming nº 1

Pieces of Programming nº 2

Pieces of Programming nº 3

Pieces of Programming nº 4

Pieces of Programming nº 5

Pieces of Programming nº 6

Pieces of Programming nº 7

Pieces of Programming nº 8

Pieces of Programming nº 9

Pieces of Programming nº 10

Pieces of Programming nº 11

Pieces of Programming nº 12

Pieces of Programming nº 13

Pieces of Programming nº 14

Pieces of Programming nº 15

Pieces of Programming nº 16

Pieces of Programming nº 17

Pieces of Programming nº 18

Pieces of Programming nº 19

Pieces of Programming nº 20

Pieces of Programming nº 21

Pieces of Programming nº 22

Pieces of Programming nº 23

Pieces of Programming nº 24

Pieces of Programming nº 25

Pieces of Programming nº 26

Pieces of Programming nº 27

Pieces of Programming nº 28

Pieces of Programming nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 4

The Human Being Is The Center Of The Organizational Strategy

Pieces of Programming nº 1

Pieces of Programming nº 2

Pieces of Programming nº 3

Pieces of Programming nº 4

Pieces of Programming nº 5

Pieces of Programming nº 6

Pieces of Programming nº 7

Pieces of Programming nº 8

Pieces of Programming nº 9

Pieces of Programming nº 10

Pieces of Programming nº 11

Pieces of Programming nº 12

Pieces of Programming nº 13

Pieces of Programming nº 14

Pieces of Programming nº 15

Pieces of Programming nº 16

Pieces of Programming nº 17

Pieces of Programming nº 18

Pieces of Programming nº 19

Pieces of Programming nº 20

Pieces of Programming nº 21

Pieces of Programming nº 22

Pieces of Programming nº 23

Pieces of Programming nº 24

Pieces of Programming nº 25

Pieces of Programming nº 26

Pieces of Programming nº 27

Pieces of Programming nº 28

Pieces of Programming nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”


The Human Being Is The Center Of The Organizational Strategy - Programming Part



Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy

The Human Being Is The Center Of The Organizational Strategy

Channel Interface nº 1

Channel Interface nº 2

Channel Interface nº 3

Channel Interface nº 4

Channel Interface nº 5

Channel Interface nº 6

Channel Interface nº 7

Channel Interface nº 8

Channel Interface nº 9

Channel Interface nº 10

Channel Interface nº 11

Channel Interface nº 12

Channel Interface nº 13

Channel Interface nº 14

Channel Interface nº 15

Channel Interface nº 16

Channel Interface nº 17

Channel Interface nº 18

Channel Interface nº 19

Channel Interface nº 20

Channel Interface nº 21

Channel Interface nº 22

Channel Interface nº 23

Channel Interface nº 24

Channel Interface nº 25

Channel Interface nº 26

Channel Interface nº 27

Channel Interface nº 28

Channel Interface nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy

The Human Being Is The Center Of The Organizational Strategy

Channel Interface nº 1

Channel Interface nº 2

Channel Interface nº 3

Channel Interface nº 4

Channel Interface nº 5

Channel Interface nº 6

Channel Interface nº 7

Channel Interface nº 8

Channel Interface nº 9

Channel Interface nº 10

Channel Interface nº 11

Channel Interface nº 12

Channel Interface nº 13

Channel Interface nº 14

Channel Interface nº 15

Channel Interface nº 16

Channel Interface nº 17

Channel Interface nº 18

Channel Interface nº 19

Channel Interface nº 20

Channel Interface nº 21

Channel Interface nº 22

Channel Interface nº 23

Channel Interface nº 24

Channel Interface nº 25

Channel Interface nº 26

Channel Interface nº 27

Channel Interface nº 28

Channel Interface nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 1

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Channel Interface nº 1

Channel Interface nº 2

Channel Interface nº 3

Channel Interface nº 4

Channel Interface nº 5

Channel Interface nº 6

Channel Interface nº 7

Channel Interface nº 8

Channel Interface nº 9

Channel Interface nº 10

Channel Interface nº 11

Channel Interface nº 12

Channel Interface nº 13

Channel Interface nº 14

Channel Interface nº 15

Channel Interface nº 16

Channel Interface nº 17

Channel Interface nº 18

Channel Interface nº 19

Channel Interface nº 20

Channel Interface nº 21

Channel Interface nº 22

Channel Interface nº 23

Channel Interface nº 24

Channel Interface nº 25

Channel Interface nº 26

Channel Interface nº 27

Channel Interface nº 28

Channel Interface nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 2

The Human Being Is The Center Of The Organizational Strategy

Channel Interface nº 1

Channel Interface nº 2

Channel Interface nº 3

Channel Interface nº 4

Channel Interface nº 5

Channel Interface nº 6

Channel Interface nº 7

Channel Interface nº 8

Channel Interface nº 9

Channel Interface nº 10

Channel Interface nº 11

Channel Interface nº 12

Channel Interface nº 13

Channel Interface nº 14

Channel Interface nº 15

Channel Interface nº 16

Channel Interface nº 17

Channel Interface nº 18

Channel Interface nº 19

Channel Interface nº 20

Channel Interface nº 21

Channel Interface nº 22

Channel Interface nº 23

Channel Interface nº 24

Channel Interface nº 25

Channel Interface nº 26

Channel Interface nº 27

Channel Interface nº 28

Channel Interface nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 3

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Channel Interface nº 1

Channel Interface nº 2

Channel Interface nº 3

Channel Interface nº 4

Channel Interface nº 5

Channel Interface nº 6

Channel Interface nº 7

Channel Interface nº 8

Channel Interface nº 9

Channel Interface nº 10

Channel Interface nº 11

Channel Interface nº 12

Channel Interface nº 13

Channel Interface nº 14

Channel Interface nº 15

Channel Interface nº 16

Channel Interface nº 17

Channel Interface nº 18

Channel Interface nº 19

Channel Interface nº 20

Channel Interface nº 21

Channel Interface nº 22

Channel Interface nº 23

Channel Interface nº 24

Channel Interface nº 25

Channel Interface nº 26

Channel Interface nº 27

Channel Interface nº 28

Channel Interface nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 4

The Human Being Is The Center Of The Organizational Strategy

Channel Interface nº 1

Channel Interface nº 2

Channel Interface nº 3

Channel Interface nº 4

Channel Interface nº 5

Channel Interface nº 6

Channel Interface nº 7

Channel Interface nº 8

Channel Interface nº 9

Channel Interface nº 10

Channel Interface nº 11

Channel Interface nº 12

Channel Interface nº 13

Channel Interface nº 14

Channel Interface nº 15

Channel Interface nº 16

Channel Interface nº 17

Channel Interface nº 18

Channel Interface nº 19

Channel Interface nº 20

Channel Interface nº 21

Channel Interface nº 22

Channel Interface nº 23

Channel Interface nº 24

Channel Interface nº 25

Channel Interface nº 26

Channel Interface nº 27

Channel Interface nº 28

Channel Interface nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”


The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy - Channel Interface



Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Channel nº 1

Channel nº 2

Channel nº 3

Channel nº 4

Channel nº 5

Channel nº 6

Channel nº 7

Channel nº 8

Channel nº 9

Channel nº 10

Channel nº 11

Channel nº 12

Channel nº 13

Channel nº 14

Channel nº 15

Channel nº 16

Channel nº 17

Channel nº 18

Channel nº 19

Channel nº 20

Channel nº 21

Channel nº 22

Channel nº 23

Channel nº 24

Channel nº 25

Channel nº 26

Channel nº 27

Channel nº 28

Channel nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Channel nº 1

Channel nº 2

Channel nº 3

Channel nº 4

Channel nº 5

Channel nº 6

Channel nº 7

Channel nº 8

Channel nº 9

Channel nº 10

Channel nº 11

Channel nº 12

Channel nº 13

Channel nº 14

Channel nº 15

Channel nº 16

Channel nº 17

Channel nº 18

Channel nº 19

Channel nº 20

Channel nº 21

Channel nº 22

Channel nº 23

Channel nº 24

Channel nº 25

Channel nº 26

Channel nº 27

Channel nº 28

Channel nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 1

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Channel nº 1

Channel nº 2

Channel nº 3

Channel nº 4

Channel nº 5

Channel nº 6

Channel nº 7

Channel nº 8

Channel nº 9

Channel nº 10

Channel nº 11

Channel nº 12

Channel nº 13

Channel nº 14

Channel nº 15

Channel nº 16

Channel nº 17

Channel nº 18

Channel nº 19

Channel nº 20

Channel nº 21

Channel nº 22

Channel nº 23

Channel nº 24

Channel nº 25

Channel nº 26

Channel nº 27

Channel nº 28

Channel nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 2

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Channel nº 1

Channel nº 2

Channel nº 3

Channel nº 4

Channel nº 5

Channel nº 6

Channel nº 7

Channel nº 8

Channel nº 9

Channel nº 10

Channel nº 11

Channel nº 12

Channel nº 13

Channel nº 14

Channel nº 15

Channel nº 16

Channel nº 17

Channel nº 18

Channel nº 19

Channel nº 20

Channel nº 21

Channel nº 22

Channel nº 23

Channel nº 24

Channel nº 25

Channel nº 26

Channel nº 27

Channel nº 28

Channel nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 3

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Channel nº 1

Channel nº 2

Channel nº 3

Channel nº 4

Channel nº 5

Channel nº 6

Channel nº 7

Channel nº 8

Channel nº 9

Channel nº 10

Channel nº 11

Channel nº 12

Channel nº 13

Channel nº 14

Channel nº 15

Channel nº 16

Channel nº 17

Channel nº 18

Channel nº 19

Channel nº 20

Channel nº 21

Channel nº 22

Channel nº 23

Channel nº 24

Channel nº 25

Channel nº 26

Channel nº 27

Channel nº 28

Channel nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 4

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Channel nº 1

Channel nº 2

Channel nº 3

Channel nº 4

Channel nº 5

Channel nº 6

Channel nº 7

Channel nº 8

Channel nº 9

Channel nº 10

Channel nº 11

Channel nº 12

Channel nº 13

Channel nº 14

Channel nº 15

Channel nº 16

Channel nº 17

Channel nº 18

Channel nº 19

Channel nº 20

Channel nº 21

Channel nº 22

Channel nº 23

Channel nº 24

Channel nº 25

Channel nº 26

Channel nº 27

Channel nº 28

Channel nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”


The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy - Channel



Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Site nº 1

Site nº 2

Site nº 3

Site nº 4

Site nº 5

Site nº 6

Site nº 7

Site nº 8

Site nº 9

Site nº 10

Site nº 11

Site nº 12

Site nº 13

Site nº 14

Site nº 15

Site nº 16

Site nº 17

Site nº 18

Site nº 19

Site nº 20

Site nº 21

Site nº 22

Site nº 23

Site nº 24

Site nº 25

Site nº 26

Site nº 27

Site nº 28

Site nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Site nº 1

Site nº 2

Site nº 3

Site nº 4

Site nº 5

Site nº 6

Site nº 7

Site nº 8

Site nº 9

Site nº 10

Site nº 11

Site nº 12

Site nº 13

Site nº 14

Site nº 15

Site nº 16

Site nº 17

Site nº 18

Site nº 19

Site nº 20

Site nº 21

Site nº 22

Site nº 23

Site nº 24

Site nº 25

Site nº 26

Site nº 27

Site nº 28

Site nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 1

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Site nº 1

Site nº 2

Site nº 3

Site nº 4

Site nº 5

Site nº 6

Site nº 7

Site nº 8

Site nº 9

Site nº 10

Site nº 11

Site nº 12

Site nº 13

Site nº 14

Site nº 15

Site nº 16

Site nº 17

Site nº 18

Site nº 19

Site nº 20

Site nº 21

Site nº 22

Site nº 23

Site nº 24

Site nº 25

Site nº 26

Site nº 27

Site nº 28

Site nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 2

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Site nº 1

Site nº 2

Site nº 3

Site nº 4

Site nº 5

Site nº 6

Site nº 7

Site nº 8

Site nº 9

Site nº 10

Site nº 11

Site nº 12

Site nº 13

Site nº 14

Site nº 15

Site nº 16

Site nº 17

Site nº 18

Site nº 19

Site nº 20

Site nº 21

Site nº 22

Site nº 23

Site nº 24

Site nº 25

Site nº 26

Site nº 27

Site nº 28

Site nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 3

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Site nº 1

Site nº 2

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Site nº 27

Site nº 28

Site nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 4

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Site nº 1

Site nº 2

Site nº 3

Site nº 4

Site nº 5

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Site nº 25

Site nº 26

Site nº 27

Site nº 28

Site nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”


The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy - Site



Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Routine nº 1

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Routine nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Routine nº 1

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Routine nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 1

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Routine nº 1

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Routine nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 2

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Routine nº 1

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Routine nº 28

Routine nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 3

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Routine nº 1

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Routine nº 28

Routine nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 4

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Routine nº 1

Routine nº 2

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Routine nº 28

Routine nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”


The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy - Routine



Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Subroutine nº 1

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Subroutine nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Subroutine nº 1

Subroutine nº 2

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Subroutine nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 1

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Subroutine nº 1

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Subroutine nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 2

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Subroutine nº 1

Subroutine nº 2

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Subroutine nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 3

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Subroutine nº 1

Subroutine nº 2

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Subroutine nº 28

Subroutine nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 4

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Subroutine nº 1

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Subroutine nº 28

Subroutine nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”


The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy - Subroutine



Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Applicative nº 1

Applicative nº 2

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Applicative nº 25

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Applicative nº 28

Applicative nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Applicative nº 1

Applicative nº 2

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Applicative nº 25

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Applicative nº 28

Applicative nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 1

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Applicative nº 1

Applicative nº 2

Applicative nº 3

Applicative nº 4

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Applicative nº 25

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Applicative nº 28

Applicative nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 2

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Applicative nº 1

Applicative nº 2

Applicative nº 3

Applicative nº 4

Applicative nº 5

Applicative nº 6

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Applicative nº 25

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Applicative nº 28

Applicative nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 3

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Applicative nº 1

Applicative nº 2

Applicative nº 3

Applicative nº 4

Applicative nº 5

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Applicative nº 25

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Applicative nº 27

Applicative nº 28

Applicative nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 4

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

Applicative nº 1

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Applicative nº 28

Applicative nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”


The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy - Applicative



Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

System nº 1

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System nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

System nº 1

System nº 2

System nº 3

System nº 4

System nº 5

System nº 6

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System nº 8

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System nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 1

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

System nº 1

System nº 2

System nº 3

System nº 4

System nº 5

System nº 6

System nº 7

System nº 8

System nº 9

System nº 10

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System nº 16

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System nº 18

System nº 19

System nº 20

System nº 21

System nº 22

System nº 23

System nº 24

System nº 25

System nº 26

System nº 27

System nº 28

System nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 2

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

System nº 1

System nº 2

System nº 3

System nº 4

System nº 5

System nº 6

System nº 7

System nº 8

System nº 9

System nº 10

System nº 11

System nº 12

System nº 13

System nº 14

System nº 15

System nº 16

System nº 17

System nº 18

System nº 19

System nº 20

System nº 21

System nº 22

System nº 23

System nº 24

System nº 25

System nº 26

System nº 27

System nº 28

System nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 3

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

System nº 1

System nº 2

System nº 3

System nº 4

System nº 5

System nº 6

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System nº 8

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System nº 19

System nº 20

System nº 21

System nº 22

System nº 23

System nº 24

System nº 25

System nº 26

System nº 27

System nº 28

System nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - ORGANIZATION 4

The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy

System nº 1

System nº 2

System nº 3

System nº 4

System nº 5

System nº 6

System nº 7

System nº 8

System nº 9

System nº 10

System nº 11

System nº 12

System nº 13

System nº 14

System nº 15

System nº 16

System nº 17

System nº 18

System nº 19

System nº 20

System nº 21

System nº 22

System nº 23

System nº 24

System nº 25

System nº 26

System nº 27

System nº 28

System nº 29

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”


The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy - Applicative



Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”


The Human Being Is The Center Of The Organizational Strategy

Relationship Network

Pieces of Programming





Channel Interface


Subroutine ?ORGANIZATION 1


Structure Strategy, Negotiation And Architectural For That Participate Organizations Customers Consumer Experience

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The Human Being Is The Center Of The Organizational Strategy

Relationship Network 1

Programming Pieces 1

Programs 1

System 1

Applicative 1

Channel 1

Channel Interface 1

Routine 1

Subroutine 1 ?ORGANIZATION 1

Now to integrate, technologically, a sole ORGANIZATION, in the several moments of consumption experiences of his cliente?

Relationship Network 2

Programming Pieces 2

Programs 2

System 2

Applicative 2

Channel 2

Channel Interface 2

Routine 2

Subroutine 2


How to link your ORGANIZATION with other organizations, in an easy and confortable way, with low maintenance cost, so that your ORGANIZATION becomes present in the several relationship networks of the client, in all the moments of his life and consumption experiences?


The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”


The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy - IT LEGO ARCHITECTURE

Relationship Network 1

Programming Pieces 1

Programs 1

System 1

Applicative 1

Channel 1

Interface Channel 1

Routine 1

Subroutine 1


Relationship Network 2

Programming Pieces 2

Programs 2

System 2

Applicative 2

Channel 2

Channel Interface 2

Routine 2

Subroutine 2


IT Lego Architecture 1 - Net

IT Lego Architecture 1 - Pieces

IT Lego Architecture 1 - Programs

IT Lego Architecture 1 - System

IT Lego Architecture 1-Applicative

IT Lego Architecture 1 - Channel

IT Lego Architecture 1 - Interface

IT Lego Architecture 1 - Routine

IT Lego Architecture 1-Subroutine

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”


The Human Being is the Center of the Organizational Strategy - IT LEGO ARCHITECTURE

Relationship Network 3

Programming Pieces 3

Programs 3

System 3

Applicative 3

Channel 3

Channel Interface 3

Routine 3

Subroutine 3


Relationship Network 4

Programming Pieces 4

Programs 4

System 4

Applicative 4

Channel 4

Channel Interface 4

Routine 4

Subroutine 4


IT Lego Architecture 2 - Net

IT Lego Architecture 2 - Pieces

IT Lego Architecture 2- Programs

IT Lego Architecture 2 - System

IT Lego Architecture 2-Applicative

IT Lego Architecture 2 - Channel

IT Lego Architecture 2 - Interface

IT Lego Architecture 2 - Routine

IT Lego Architecture 2-Subroutine

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - INTEGRATION OF MULTIPLE ORGANIZATIONS



The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

Consumption Experience Of The Client In The Digital Economy - INTEGRATION OF MULTIPLE ORGANIZATIONS



The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”

The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Digital Macroeconomics - “Virtual Relationship Network”- “Digital Banking”


The IT Project - Open Architecture - Can Be FREELY Utilized By Any Physical Or Legal Person, In Brazil Or Abroad, As Well As Altered Without The Previous Authorization Of The Intellectual Rights Owner Of The Conceived Idea In Order To Benefit Humanity

Free Translation By Ocean Breeze e Ca