Archdeacon's Visitation News Spring 2016

archdeacons’ Spring 2016 - issue 6 There have been diocesan initiatives such as Mission Partnerships, Mission Action Planning, Common Fund, Salt and Light and the Central Services Review. Meanwhile, plans have been set down for lay training through St. Peter’s College and for exploring ‘pioneer’ expressions of Church. Perhaps you have felt a little dizzy at times. However, a ‘steady ship’ should not be a ship at anchor, but a ship on course. As the diocese has increasingly taken its bearings from its Vision, we find ourselves, not becalmed, but pressing forward in full sail. We do so amid the storm and turbulence of a world that is asking some of life’s ‘big questions’, as global upheavals have local ramifications. Amid uncertainty and turmoil, we carry forward the Good News of Jesus: a message of confidence, hope, love and peace. Although such virtues are inspiring, it can be hard work keeping them to the fore in a church community. In fact, St. Paul wrote that it is like ‘giving birth’ – a difficult and painful process: ‘I am in the pain of childbirth until Christ is formed in you’ (Galatians 4:19). Your role as churchwardens is nothing less than this. You are called to work alongside your incumbent to see Christ formed among the people of your parish, to see the Body of Christ grow in both character and mission. The charge your priest received at ordination declares, ‘You cannot bear the weight of this calling in your own strength, but only by the grace and power of God’. And so it proves to be. Two papers published in late 2015 encourage us to keep pressing on. The National Church Buildings Report urged us to use our buildings in creative ways for mission in our communities. At about the same time, Talking Jesus reported that, although most people in Britain know less than we may think about Jesus, they are often more willing than we may think to talk about him. Many of us discovered exactly this during last year’s Crossroads Mission. Thank you for your indispensable role as churchwardens, in supporting your incumbent, and in helping your congregation to meet today’s possibilities. We stand ready to help bring this about, and look forward to working with you through another year. Dear churchwardens We may feel that 2016 is, perhaps, a year for ‘steadying the ship’. As a diocese, we have navigated two or three years of busy-ness and change. There have been momentous events like our Diocesan Centenary, the Queen’s visit to Sheffield, the Diocesan Conference and the Crossroads Mission. Produced and printed by Diocese of Sheffield visitation news Crossroads (a definition) = a place of encounter where choices are made... The Crossroads Mission provided hundreds of opportunities for people to encounter the good news of Jesus. Often this was at an individual level, for example the people who stopped to pray or chat at the sofa in Sheffield city centre or the 1,000+ families who spent some time in the Messy Church tent at the Rotherham Show. Other churches, some for the first time, crafted all sorts of imaginative events, welcoming visitors and sharing hospitality and a message. The encounter was, of course, two-way. Some churches and Christians, somewhat fearful of sharing their faith, had a far more positive experience than they had anticipated. Many events did connect well with their communities. Feedback from a gathering of bishops revealed that the mission had also encouraged and impacted them deeply. If Crossroads is to have any lasting impact, however, it is vital to build on this momentum. Rotherham Show will see another Messy Church this year; the deanery has committed to this (with ecumenical partners). Local churches can repeat or adapt events they ran during Crossroads, as opportunities to share the good news of Jesus with people in imaginative ways. In 2016, the Queen’s 90th birthday ought to be an easy event around which churches can connect with their communities. As individual Christians, we need to be much less inhibited in speaking of Jesus when we sense the time is right. The Venerable Steve Wilcockson Archdeacon of Doncaster The Venerable Malcolm Chamberlain Archdeacon of Sheffield and Rotherham


The latest issue of Diocese of Sheffield's Archdeacon's Visitation News for Churchwardens.

Transcript of Archdeacon's Visitation News Spring 2016

Page 1: Archdeacon's Visitation News Spring 2016

archdeacons’Spring 2016 - issue 6

There have been diocesan initiatives such as Mission Partnerships, Mission Action Planning, Common Fund, Salt and Light and the Central Services Review. Meanwhile, plans have been set down for lay training through St. Peter’s College and for exploring ‘pioneer’ expressions of Church.

Perhaps you have felt a little dizzy at times.

However, a ‘steady ship’ should not be a ship at anchor, but a ship on course. As the diocese has increasingly taken its bearings from its Vision, we find ourselves, not becalmed, but pressing forward in full sail. We do so amid the storm and turbulence of a world that is asking some of life’s ‘big questions’, as global upheavals have local ramifications.

Amid uncertainty and turmoil, we carry forward the Good News of Jesus: a message of confidence, hope, love and peace. Although such virtues are inspiring, it can be hard work keeping them to the fore in a church community. In fact, St. Paul wrote that it is like ‘giving birth’ – a difficult and painful process: ‘I am in the pain of childbirth until Christ is formed in you’ (Galatians 4:19).

Your role as churchwardens is nothing less than this. You are called to work alongside your incumbent to see Christ formed among the people of your parish, to see the Body of Christ grow in both character and mission. The charge your priest received at ordination declares, ‘You cannot bear the

weight of this calling in your own strength, but only by the grace and power of God’. And so it proves to be.

Two papers published in late 2015 encourage us to keep pressing on. The National Church Buildings Report urged us to use our buildings in creative ways for mission in our communities. At about the same time, Talking Jesus reported that, although most people in Britain know less than we may think about Jesus, they are often more willing than we may think to talk about him. Many of us discovered exactly this during last year’s Crossroads Mission.

Thank you for your indispensable role as churchwardens, in supporting your incumbent, and in helping your congregation to meet today’s possibilities. We stand ready to help bring this about, and look forward to working with you through another year.

Dear churchwardensWe may feel that 2016 is, perhaps, a year for ‘steadying the ship’. As a diocese, we have navigated two or three years of busy-ness and change. There have been momentous events like our Diocesan Centenary, the Queen’s visit to Sheffield, the Diocesan Conference and the Crossroads Mission.

Produced and printed by

Diocese of Sheffield

visitation news

Crossroads (a definition) = a place of encounter where choices are made...The Crossroads Mission provided hundreds of opportunities for people to encounter the good news of Jesus. Often this was at an individual level, for example the people who stopped to pray or chat at the sofa in Sheffield city centre or the 1,000+ families who spent some time in the Messy Church tent at the Rotherham Show. Other churches, some for the first time, crafted all sorts of imaginative events, welcoming visitors and sharing hospitality and a message.

The encounter was, of course, two-way. Some churches and Christians, somewhat fearful of sharing their faith, had a far more positive experience than they had anticipated. Many events did connect well with their communities. Feedback from a gathering of bishops revealed that the mission had also encouraged and impacted them deeply.

If Crossroads is to have any lasting impact, however, it is vital to build on this momentum. Rotherham Show will see another Messy Church this year; the deanery has committed to this (with ecumenical partners). Local churches can repeat or adapt events they ran during Crossroads, as opportunities to share the good news of Jesus with people in imaginative ways. In 2016, the Queen’s 90th birthday ought to be an easy event around which churches can connect with their communities. As individual Christians, we need to be much less inhibited in speaking of Jesus when we sense the time is right.

The Venerable Steve WilcocksonArchdeacon of Doncaster

The Venerable Malcolm ChamberlainArchdeacon of Sheffield and Rotherham

Page 2: Archdeacon's Visitation News Spring 2016

Our Diocesan Development Day in October will be about growing as a mixed economy church. But what is it? The term was first used by Archbishop Rowan Williams to refer to fresh expressions of church and existing church developing alongside one other. In some places this might look like a parish church with a Sunday school also running a Messy Church midweek in the hall or local school for those families who might struggle for all sorts of reasons to come along on Sunday.

As our culture became more and more secular and church attendance declined decade after decade, the Church of England set itself the goal of becoming a missionary church once again. If people no longer come to us, we must fulfil our God-given call to go to them to make disciples. Out of this missionary movement, the Fresh Expressions Team, led by our very own Bishop Steven Croft was born to share stories, resource and multiply new ways of being church for the millions of people the traditional church no longer reaches. And what a success this has been. Over the last 12 years, thousands of new expressions of church have been grown across the country, and fresh expressions of church now account for 15% of churches and 10% of attendance in the Church of England. A recent report commented, ‘Nothing else in the Church of England has this level of missional impact and adding further ecclesial communities’.

Over the last 12 years, we have learned a great deal about growing these new sorts of small mission churches. Perhaps most importantly, we’ve learned that new forms of church and the existing parish model both thrive best when they work together. Not either/or but a both/and approach to growing the church. This is where mixed economy comes in. Both forms of church are missional, both need each other, both serve different purposes in our increasingly diverse society.

Theologically I have always found Paul’s words in 1 Corinthians 12 very helpful in thinking about growing a mixed economy church:

The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts, and though all its parts are many, they form one body (v12).

Messy Church or the church growing around a Natter group or the youth-led church or the church plant which meets in the hall are different parts of the one body which will grow best when they remain connected. Resourcing each other and encouraging each other with a common objective of loving and serving people and making disciples of Jesus.

This is nothing new for the Diocese of Sheffield. Developing a mixed economy of church is clearly set out in our strategy document Growing the Body of Christ, and we are seeing fresh expressions of church developing alongside existing church in many places across the diocese. A recent study by the Church Army Research Unit reported that in 2015 there were 54 established fresh expressions of church in the diocese attended by 2,500 adults and children, with a number of new mission initiatives that are developing in this way. Our Bishops believe that the time is now right to grow the mixed economy of church life even further. Phil Potter, the current Leader of the Fresh Expressions Team, will be our keynote speaker at the Diocesan Development Day on 1 October to help us think about how to do this. We will follow this up with mission-shaped intro courses across the diocese to help people explore how to grow the mixed economy in their own parishes and deaneries.

After a period of falling church attendance year on year, it’s encouraging that this trend has now bottomed out in the Diocese of Sheffield and we are starting to see some fragile growth in church attendance. Developing the mixed economy of church life will help us grow the Church further, reaching more and more people with the good news of Jesus’s saving love. And that’s something to get excited about.

Mark Cockayne Director of Parish Support

Mark Cockayne is getting excited about Mixed Economy Church...

Mark Cockayne – Director of Parish Support

Revd. Canon Phil Potter – Fresh Expressions Team Leader

Bishop Steven Croft

Page 3: Archdeacon's Visitation News Spring 2016

Recovery after a floodIf the worse happens and you areflooded make sure you:

contact our claims team on:

0345 603 8381for specialist advice on drying out,cleaning up and repairs

take photographs of flood damage

be aware that flood water could becontaminated

keep any damaged items until ourclaims team say it is ok to destroy them.

We will work with you to get yourbuilding back in use as soon aspossible.

In total, 70 churches we insure were badlyaffected by floodwater, often many feet deep.At times of major incidents like this, our claimsteam pull out all the stops to provide quickand effective support to affected customers.This includes sending out our specialist claimshandlers to meet customers, assess theirsituation and help with any immediate needs,such as providing emergency funds orsecuring alternative accommodation.

We also use the services of loss adjusters whowork closely with us to help churches after majorevents. In this case we brought in our specialistrestoration partners Richfords Fire & Flood whosent in an expert team from Cornwall, morethan 400 miles from the affected areas!

A sensitive response toBoxing Day miserySt. Mary’s, Radcliffe, Greater Manchester, is aGrade I listed building dating back to the 13thcentury. On the morning of 26 December2015, the nearby River Irwell burst its banks,

swamping the church along with hundreds ofnearby properties. The flood water, at its peak,was waist high in the church so we sent in ourspecialist cleaning teams who started work toclear-up the devastation and with the help ofour documentation specialists, we removed,for restoration, the delicate books, recordsand other artefacts that were damaged.

According to Rev Hayden: “Everyone (atEcclesiastical) has been amazing; they’vetaken away a huge amount of the pressure.Ecclesiastical and their partners have goneover and above what I would ever haveexpected – they’re so sensitive to workingin a church building – it’s made our life mucheasier as a result.”

Flooding in your church and associatedproperties can cause inconvenience andheartache to your church community. It’simpossible to fully flood-proof your churchproperties, but there are some simple actionsyou can take to reduce the damage a floodmay cause on our website

There when youneed usThe end of 2015 was a traumatic time for many of ourcustomers in Cumbria, Lancashire and Yorkshire. Extreme badweather and floodwater caused by Storms Desmond, Eva, andFrank devastated many communities including their churches.

Serving ourcustomersWe survey you, our churchcustomers on a regular basis tomake sure we are continuing todeliver the service you have cometo expect from us.

If you’ve called Ecclesiastical with achurch query you will have spoken toour friendly customer service team.The team only deal with churchinsurance and are on hand to give youexpert support no matter what thequestion. Out of all the customers wesurveyed, we were delighted that 98%(684 responses) were satisfiedwith our service.

Of course, howwe handle claims is criticalfor our church customers and we werevery pleased to see that satisfaction withour church claims handling in 2015 isnow at 99% (393 responses) of allsettled claims we surveyed.

To back up ourcustomer satisfactionscores, we were alsodelighted to beawarded CorporateChartered Insurerstatus which meansthat we have been

recognised for our professionalcommitment, service and ethicalapproach that places clients’ interestsat the heart of the service we provide.








St. Mary’s, Radcliffe

Page 4: Archdeacon's Visitation News Spring 2016

Alongside traditional fundraising events, thePCC decided to turn to social media, using acrowdfunding website to invite people topledge a donation. They were unaware justhow successful the approach would be, as thecrowdfunding not only quickly met its target,but led to a number of other benefits too.

For a crowdfunding appeal, charities haveto offer something in return to thank theirsupporters. St. Marks’ offered the ability to usea shared space that would be for everyone, notjust the church. The idea caught on with peoplefrom beyond the congregation, and during theTT races, the vicar was even interviewed onlocal TV as the church offered the new spaceas a refuge for bikers visiting the island.

The space is now used by a range oforganisations beyond the church, including

local cyclists and motorsports groups, as wellas the Isle of Man Post Office, which uses thehall for business meetings.

A social media campaign to promote thecrowdfunding got St. Marks’ noticed furtherafield, and the parish is now forging arelationship with the Trustees of St. Omer’sTrust in Liverpool who are keen to provideescape breaks for family groups.

It has brought the local population togethertoo, a priceless achievement in such a ruralcommunity. The World Wide Web has madeall the difference to this global village.

Find out about our 2016 Community useof Church Buildings competition and howto enter at

The wisdom of crowdsSituated in a beautiful rural setting on the Isle of Man, St. Mark’schurch needed to raise £9,000 to install an LPG gas boiler andconvert an oldWC into a disabled toilet and shower room.

She is a stonemason atWorcester Cathedral,where she is in year three of a five-yearcourse. She is employed by the Cathedraland is on a degree course sponsored byEcclesiastical under the auspices of theCathedrals’ Workshop Fellowship (CWF).

The partnership between nine cathedralsand the University of Gloucestershire hasbeen supported for the last four years byEcclesiastical. The students are nominatedby their cathedrals and they study a range ofwork-based subjects, including ornamentalcarving, stone selection and geometry,

architecture, archaeology, structuralengineering and practical conservationtechniques, for just less than two years. Alsoincluded is a ‘tailored’ personal developmentprogramme, which the course graduateshave all found highly valuable.

With HRH The Prince ofWales as its patron,and Ecclesiastical’s support, the Fellowship’simmediate future looks positive and thanks tothe CWF the nation will continue to producemaster stonemasons whose traditions reachback over a thousand years, yet whose eyesare firmly on the future.

Emily Draper, StonemasonEmily originally trained in Fine Art and is an incredibly drivenand interesting individual, who does not fit the stereotype ofa traditional stonemason.

Looking for newfundraising ideasfor your church?We were overwhelmed by the number– 424 – and quality of entries to ourfundraising competition last year.There were so many great ideas thatwe wanted to share some of the mostinnovative with our customers.

We are committed to supporting thechurches that are at the heart of somany communities across the countryand so we have made 25 of theseideas available to read or downloadon our website. The ideas include thewinning entries but also those judged tobe most helpful to churches looking fornew ideas. Read just one of theseideas opposite. Plus, we have analysedall the entries and picked out the top tipsfor organising and publicising events.To see all the case studies, please

Emily Draper



Page 5: Archdeacon's Visitation News Spring 2016

The birth of a child and the death ofsomeone we love couldn’t be moredifferent in the spectrum of human lifeexperience, yet they’re both significantmoments when the ministry of the Churchof England can really make a difference.Baptism and funerals have been the focusof two major projects of the Archbishops’Council, supported by a grant fromAllchurches Trust. Extensive, independentresearch into these life events and offeringspecially produced resources to supportministry across Church of Englandparishes lies at the heart of the work.

Every year the Church of England conductsover an average of 3,000 funeral ceremoniesand 2,000 child baptisms every week. Togetherwith weddings, this offers contact with half amillion people each week – a huge opportunityshow the welcome of the church and God’sgrace and truth, in times of joy and celebration,

as well as in momentsof sadness and grief.

The Rev’d. CanonDr Sandra Millar,Head of Projects &Developments, andher team have beenpresenting to dioceses

all over the country, sharing all that’s beenlearned through the research and explaininghow the new resources can help.

Sandra said: “Being there for people at everystage of life is at the heart of parish ministry,whether it is discovering the good news ofJesus at the start of a life, or realising thecomforting presence of God in times of sorrow.Reflecting on how we approach these coreministries can make a real difference to thelocal church.”

There are two new websites for thegeneral, andwww.churchofenglandfunerals.orgwhich offer information andadvice to those organising and/or attendinga baptism or a funeral. offerschurches the research findings, access tocustomisable printed resources, plus sharedideas and articles, all in one place. There’seven an online reminder system, to helpchurches keep track of services, relatedfinances and to follow up with contactsalready made – a key driver of church growth.

For more information, and to find an event nearyou,

Allchurches Trust (ATL)Supporting the Church ofEngland Baptism andFuneral projectsATL provides support to many churches and charities throughits grant programmes and also helps support some largespecial projects. One example of a special grant is for theChurch of England funerals and baptisms projects which areaimed at increasing the engagement of the church with thesekey life events. You can read more about these projects below.

To find out more about AllchurchesTrust visit orcall 01452 873189 or [email protected]

Let’s talk about deathGraveTalk, the Church of England’s caféspace to talk about death, dying andfunerals, was launched through theFunerals Project and is making a bigimpact across the country. It is organisedby the local church and can be held in ahall, a home or a real café. At each event,a pack of GraveTalk questions aredistributed – there are no answers, justconversation. And it’s open to people ofall faiths and doubts. The Rev’d MarkSalmon successfully introduced it inHarlescott and said: “Marking space forpeople to remember loved ones and talkabout death through GraveTalk isbecoming part of the life of our parishes– we look forward to making this a partof our long-term pastoral care plan.”Sandra Millar added: “The taboo oftalking about death is coming underchallenge and the Church of England iswell-placed to be part of thatmomentum.” If you’d like to know more,

Keeping in touchFollowing a Baptism projectpresentation in the Diocese ofDurham, Curate Bryony Taylor, fromHoughton-le-Spring, wanted to shareher experiences via the ChurchSupport Hub website.

She was inspired to learn that 9/10people say they welcome contact fromthe church after their child’s baptism butchurches could do better with staying intouch over the longer term. She said:“People do actually want what we’reoffering, they do want the good news,but we’ve been hiding our light under abushel for too long. Keeping in touchneed not be complicated or timeconsuming, so I decided to share somereally simple, low-cost things we’d doneto keep in touch with families in ourparish.” See Bryony’s Article

Page 6: Archdeacon's Visitation News Spring 2016

Full of risk management guidance anduseful information, you can quickly find outabout important topics like health andsafety. Many customers also now getregular updates by email – just let us haveyour email address if you too would like tobe updated in this way. For furtherinformation:


Customer services:call 0845 777 3322 oremail [email protected]

Claims:call 0845 603 8381 (24-hour service) oremail [email protected]

Our customer service lines are normally openMonday to Friday, 8am to 6pm, except forbank holidays. However, claims can beregistered at any time during the day or night.

Keeping up to dateDon’t forget our Church Matters website has a wide rangeof information, guidance and tools you can use to help youlook after your church.

BuildingWorks Made SimpleChurches call us all the time for advice about works they arehaving planned so we have introduced another in our MadeSimple guide series to provide help and advice about theinsurance implications.

Arson advicefor churches fromLoyd GrossmanOBEWe have enlisted the help ofLoyd Grossman OBE, Chairman ofThe Churches Conservation Trust,to present a new video for us on themajor disruption that arson can bringto churches and their communities.

Arson poses a major security challengefor church communities. Fires can bestarted deliberately, either by arsonistsor thieves concealing their crime andchurches are often viewed as a softtarget. In the event of a serious fire, achurch may take 2-3 years or more tofully restore causing major disruptionto services and other church activities.Loyd explores these issues andprovides some practical tips to reducethe risk of arson affecting your church.

Visit our website find out more and also downloadour arson checklist.



We can also insureyour home!Just call us for a quote on 0800 917 3345or go online

The guide sets out when you need to contactus and the issues that might arise, such asdifferent types of contract, hot works andscaffolding. Our website also includes simpleforms to complete where you need to applyfor confirmation of insurance cover to getfaculty approval and for you to tell us aboutmore significant building projects. Just you can view this and the otherguides in the series.

The Construction (Design andManagement) (CDM) Regulations 2015

Don’t forget, if your church is employinga contractor you have duties under theConstruction (Design and Management)Regulations 2015. The Regulations aimto protect the health and safety of peopleworking in construction and others whomay be affected by their activities.The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) explains whatclients need to do and you can find out morein our Building Works Made Simple Guide.

Independent Financial AdviceDo you need help with your finances? Ecclesiastical Financial Advisory Servicescan offer you totally independent financial advice on investments, retirement andprotection. They can also help parishes who have funds to invest. Please note, thevalue of investments can fall as well as rise and past performance is not a guide tofuture performance.

For more information call: 0800 107 0190 or email: [email protected]

Page 7: Archdeacon's Visitation News Spring 2016

Mission Partnership Development Workers ProjectFourteen parishes around the Diocese of Sheffield now have a Mission Partnership Development Worker providing them with administrative and missional support – and your parish could get one too.

The good news is that research also shows that churches that employ children’s and families’ workers are those most likely to grow.

In light of this, the diocese has committed 1 million pounds to the Centenary Project. The project will seek to help churches employ youth workers or children’s and families workers in parishes across the diocese, with an emphasis on those parishes where there is potential for growth and financial support is needed.

The project was launched in May with the appointment of Helen Cockayne as the Centenary Project Leader and the establishment of criteria and application information.

To date, we have appointed a part-time Children’s and Families’ Worker for Whiston and Herringthorpe and a full-time Youth and Worship Leader for St Francis Bramley.

The Children’s and Families’ Worker for Grenoside and High Green has joined the network, but is not funded by the project.

We are already seeing exciting changes in these churches as families become more connected.

Two further projects were approved in November and we anticipate that there will be a further six applications to the project for the February review.

Centenary ProjectRecent research suggests that one of the major reasons churches are declining is the failure to attract and keep young people.

The posts are being funded for six years thanks to a £1 million grant from the Church Commissioners and Archbishop’s Council’s ‘Strategic Development Fund’.

The Development Workers will contribute to the growth of the parish churches and fresh expressions of church in each Mission Partnership by freeing up clergy time and energy for mission.

Graham Millar is managing the project and providing support for the development workers.

Graham said: “This is a very exciting initiative to support Mission Partnerships across the diocese. It will really help the capacity of our parishes to further develop mission, and we are extremely grateful for the support offered by the Church Commissioners”.

Four development workers are now in post and each are supporting a Mission Partnership of about three or four parishes. During 2016, another 10 will be appointed, but it’s not too late for you to get involved.

If you would like more information about the project and how your church could get a development worker, please contact Graham Millar at Church House in Rotherham on 01709 309143 or email him at [email protected]

Sally Davies – Mission Partnership Development Worker based at Darfield

A checklist for your churchwarden...1. At the last annual meeting of the PCC,

was a report on the fabric, goods and ornaments of the church presented?

2. (i) Are any essential works for the church building, as noted on the last quinquennial report, in hand or planned?

(ii) Are there proper arrangements in place for routine maintenance and the regular clearance of gutters and down-pipes to prevent blockages?

(iii) Are arrangements in hand for proper maintenance of the churchyard?

3. (i) Are your service book records and registers for burials, baptisms and marriages up to date?

(ii) Are you satisfied that all church registers, records and books are in satisfactory condition and properly stored or deposited within the archives?

4. (i) Are you satisfied that external and internal noticeboards are in good order and up to date?

(ii) Is the current Table of Parochial Fees displayed clearly in the church?

(iii) Is the Churchyard Directive displayed prominently and publicly?

5. Are you satisfied with arrangements for the care and cleaning of the church’s interior, church linen and other ornaments and vessels?

6. Do you have up-to-date church guidebooks available and, if appropriate, are they available in other languages?

7. Is there a logbook for your church and is it up to date?

8. Is there a plan of your churchyard and is it up to date?

9. Last year, did you pay your clergy expenses in full?

10. Is all your church insurance up to date and does it give you appropriate cover?

11. (i) Has your PCC discussed the Equality Act and Health & Safety issues, and has an audit been carried out?

(ii) Do you have a policy and a person(s) with responsibility for the issues?

A guide to the role of the churchwarden is available from the diocese. In addition, there are a number of books available commercially. If there are matters you wish to raise with your Archdeacon directly, please do not hesitate to contact them.

Page 8: Archdeacon's Visitation News Spring 2016

Whilst Ecclesiastical has used reasonable endeavours to ensure that the information in this newsletter is correct at the time of publication, please note: (a) the information is not intended to constitute a definitive or complete statement of the law on any subject, (b) the information may over the course of time become incorrect or out of date; and (c) neither Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc. nor its subsidiaries can accept any responsibility or liability for action taken or losses suffered as a result of reliance placed on the information provided in this newsletter.

Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc (EIO) Reg. No. 24869. Ecclesiastical Insurance Group plc (EIG) Reg. No. 1718196. Ecclesiastical Life Ltd (ELL) Reg. No. 243111. E.I.O. Trustees Ltd Reg. No. 941199. All companies are registered in England at Beaufort House, Brunswick Road, Gloucester, GL1 1JZ, UK. EIO and ELL are authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.

© Ecclesiastical Insurance Office plc 2016 4/16

For more information call 0345 777 3322

email [email protected] visit

The new simplified Faculty Jurisdiction Rules 2015 came into force on 1 January 2016, which remove a specific range of works from the full faculty process and place them into two new national lists (A and B).

For works itemised in Lists A and B you will no longer need to:

display and complete a public notice

complete a Petition for Faculty form 3A

wait for DAC monthly meetings to obtain advice

obtain a DAC Notification of Advice

obtain a faculty.

Instead, details of the works are checked against the A and B listings, recorded in a short log and sent to the DAC Secretary.

Parishes will check to see which list contains the work they wish to carry out, note any specified conditions and cite the corresponding list number in their log. If the works you intend to carry out are not listed in

either List A or List B, you will need to make a full faculty application as before.

In the case of List A, submission of the log is a monitoring exercise and account for your own records. The works may be carried out without any further permissions being required.

In the case of List B, works can proceed only after submission of the log and formal receipt of authority from the Archdeacon.

The legislation requires Archdeacons to informally (ie outside monthly meetings) consult the DAC, and empowers them either to approve the works to go ahead or to decline approval and insist on a full faculty application even if the proposed work is covered by List B. It also recommends that, in the case of an application where one or more of the proposed works are not covered by List A or B, a full faculty application is made for all of the proposed works. There is also a list of excluded matters for which a faculty will always be required.

New guidance notes are available for work to trees, organs and bells, and guidance on a wide range of other subjects, including churchyards, can be found on the diocesan website.

Applications to undertake work on List A or B have to be completed by an authorised person and the Archdeacon and Chancellor have the right to require a faculty for any works.

Interim and Temporary Orders will still be available, but under the new lists most emergency repairs will now proceed on submission of a completed log to the DAC.

Full A and B listings and further information are available on the diocesan website at

Please ensure you use the new forms for all your applications.

New Faculty Rules...