Archaeological Traces of Early Turks in Transoxiana: an Overview

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  • 7/27/2019 Archaeological Traces of Early Turks in Transoxiana: an Overview



    Amng ancient Erasian nmads, the early Trks (mid-6th t 8th centry) are ne f the grps fr which a rel-atively clear histrical dcmentatin (native as well as freign written srces) can be assciated with dis-tinctive archaelgical remains. These are mainly kurgan cemeteries, memrial stne fences, fnerary sclptre

    and rck drawings, each f which categries presents several specific identifiable traits. In ther wrds, fr ar-chaelgists, early Trks are easily recgniable, bth in their hmeland f Mnglia and the neighbringareas f Sth Siberia, and in the lands they sbseqently cnqered in central and western Erasia.1

    A majr marker f early Trkic fnerary archaelgy srely is the inhmatin f the deceased alngwith his hrse, a cstm that is cntradicted by the Chinese srces (namely, theZhoushu), which state thatthe early Trks cremated their dead.2 A satisfactry explanatin fr this riddle remains t be prpsed,apart frm the hypthesis that inhmatin might have becme the prevalent cstm in a later perid, as thereference t the brial f Xieli Qaghans bdy (628) seems t sggest.3

    Transxiana was annexed by the First Trkic Khaghanate after the defeat f the Hephthalites by Trkic-Sasanian allied frces, in 560. In the late 6th centry, when the Khaghanate split int tw separate dminins(Western and Eastern Khaghanate), Transxiana remained nder the rle f the Western Trks ntil theTang impsed its serainty ver Western Central Asia.

    The Trks had been acqainted with the Sgdians well befre they cnqered Transxiana. Nt nlydid the Trkic chiefs emply the Sgdian langage and script fr their wn inscriptins ntil the beginningf the 7th centry, they granted t the Sgdians a prminent rle in diplmacy and in the internatinal tradenetwrk. In ther wrds, the thesis f a Trc-Sgdian miliex4 is t be flly accepted.

    The Trks accepted Sgdian inflence in Transxiana as well, if we cnsider that mst f the abndantnmismatic evidence f Trkic rlers wh in their mtherland had n cinage f their wn is mdelledn the pre-existing lcal isses. The Trks did nt hesitate t adpt the mnetary practices f Transxiana,and the Sgdian cmpnent appears s prminent that schlars inclde a specific chapter in the nmismatichistry f pre-Islamic Central Asia n the Trc-Sgdian cinage.5 The merging f Trks and Sgdians,at least amng the members f their respective elites, has als been shwn in lcal written srces, specif-ically ne f the dcments frm Mnt Mgh, dated 711, refers t the marriage f a Trk, ut-tegin, with

    a Sgdian wman frm Nawaket.6

    C I Ro L o M u z I o

    Archaelgical Traces f Early Trks in Transxiana:An overview

    1 The main reference bks n this sbject are a vlme f the seriesArcheologija SSSR, edited by Pletneva (1981), whichdeals extensively with Trkic archaelgy, and the mngraph by Stark (2008), the mst cmprehensive and pdated wrk nearly Trks, which appeared nly after I had delivered this paper at the Vienna wrkshp, bt befre I had prepared this textfr the prceedings.

    2 Stark 2008: 100102.3 Ibidem: 101102.4 La Vaissire 2005: 199ff.5 Baratva 1999; 2005a; 2005b.6 Livic 1960; Bajpakv and Grjaeva 1999: 158. The Nawaket mentined in the dcment may be identical with tday Kras-

    naja Reka, the Sgdian clny in Semiree, r, as sggested by N. Sims-Williams dring the cnference, with any therSgdian new twn.

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    7 The necrplis f Kdyrge has lng been the leading site f early Trkic archaelgy (Gavrilva 1965).8 Gavrilva 1965: pl. XXIV, 12.9 Ibidem: pls. XVI, 2 and XVIII, 24 (respectively a pictre and a drawing f the same belt plaqe) and XVIII, 25. See als

    Stark 2008: Abb. 80b, c.10 Gavrilva 1965: XII, 10, 14.11 Rasppva 1980: 97.12 Abelev 2000.13 Mgilnikv 1981a: 37; Stark 2008: Abb. 15.14 Stark 2008: Abb. 18.15 Bajpakv and Grjaeva 1999: 158, pl. 98, 14; Stark 2008: 267268, Abb. 107a.16 Sprievskij 1951: 40.17 Ambr 1971: 126.18 Rasppva 1980: 9798

    In the archaelgical recrd f early medieval Sgdiana and Tkharistan, hwever, the evidence fr earlyTrks des nt d jstice t the imprtant plitical rle they played. one is led t sspect that, nlike thepper and middle Sir Darya and, abve all, Semiree, which had qickly becme a crcial plitical centref the Khaghanate, in the areas sth f the Sir Darya n sbstantial migratin f Trkic tribes seems thave taken place between the 6th and the 8th centries. Ftre field research may dramatically change this

    pictre, bt fr nw it seems reasnable t think f a relatively small nmber f Trks residing in the majrcentres f Transxiana, mainly as members f the rling elite, alng with their sldiers and their fficers.

    Let s nw trn t the archaelgical evidence. We shall start r srvey with a tmb excavated in 1948by V.I. Sprievskij in the area f the ulgh Begh bservatry, in the nrth-eastern tskirts f Samarkand.The grave cnsists f an npretentis, rghly val pit cntaining a man and a hrse, with a few metalitems and a ewer n and arnd them (Fig. 1). The tmb had an east-west rientatin: the man lay spinewith extended legs and arms, his head riented t the east; the skeletn f the hrse lay t the mans left,with its head riented t the west. Definitely an nexpected find: a tmb that cld have been fnd atKdyrge7 r any ther early Trkic cemetery in the Altai r Tva.

    A brne bckle is all that remains f the mans belt, bt near the hrses head 24 small silver plaqes(Fig. 2a) were preserved; near the animals flank an irn bckle (Fig. 2b), an irn bit and an irn stirrp (Fig.

    2c) were fnd, and, n its crp, a brne plaqe with the penwrk representatin f a winged feline (Fig.2d). Fr this last item several parallels can be bserved with the finds frm the Kdyrge tmbs; in particlar,a brne plaqe frm the kurgan 228 that matches the Samarkand specimen bth in its penwrk techniqeand its sbject. Winged fantastic beasts wrked in relief als ccr n tw additinal brne plaqes frmthe same necrplis.9 The irn bit and stirrp reveal a clse resemblance with items frm Kdyrge 10; frthe silver plaqes, sitable cmparisns cme frm 6th7th centry brials in the Nrthern Cacass andCrimea.11

    As fr the rientatin, instead f Kdyrge (where the males bdy is riented twards the sth and thehrse twards either sth r nrth, if it is bried alng with a females 12), the clsest parallels fr theSamarkand tmb are in the Tva area (e.g. Mngn Tajga, 7th9th centry13), at Alamyik14 (Tianshan) andin the necrplis f Krasnaja Reka (Semiree), in particlar in a late 7th early 8th centry Trkic grave(Fig. 3), where, instead f a single inhmatin, a cple, cnsisting f an elderly man with Mnglian traitsand a ynger Erpid (Sgdian?) wman, were bried, alng with a single hrse.15

    The chrnlgy f the Samarkand brial has been a matter f dispte. Sprievskij16 sggested a rathervage date in the middle f the 1st millennim CE; later n A.K. Ambr17 dated the tmb t the secndhalf f the 8th r even as late as the 9th centry. The ewer fnd in the grave (Fig. 2e), hwever, fits in wellint the 5th6th Sgdian traditin.18 Parallels yielded by the Kdyrge necrplis (secnd half f the 6thfirst half f the 7th centry, accrding t Gavrilva) als sggest a link f the Samarkand brial t the earliestphase f Trkic expansin in Transxiana. on the ther hand, if we accept the revisin recently prpsed


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    Archaelgical Traces f Early Trks in Transxiana: An overview

    19 Abelev 2000.20 Berntam 1952: 291.21 Mgilnikv 1981b.22 kv 1978; Slvev 1997: 124, fig. 66.1; Stark 2008: 277, Abb. 111a23 This is hw Berntam (1952) and L.A. Evtjchva (1952) apprached the matter.24 er 1966: 26ff.

    by P.P. Abelev fr the Kdyrge cemetery an archaic phenmenn f the First Khaghanate that actallybelngs t the secnd qarter f the 7th centry19 the date f the Samarkand tmb may cnseqently havet shift t abt the mid-7th centry. A later date seems at least nt t be cntradicted by the parallels, alreadynted, by Mngn Tajga and Krasnaja Reka as far as the man/hrse rientatin is cncerned.

    The ulgh Begh tmb is the nly nearly cmplete early Trkic brial fnd ths far in Transxiana,

    bt we can mentin the remains f what prbably was an early Trkic brial mch farther sth, in the East-ern Pamir (Tajikistan). It was nearthed in 1948 by A.N. Berntam dring the excavatins f Pamirskaja I20,ne f the largest kurgan cemeteries f the Saka perid investigated in the area. While excavating the kur-gan 9, Berntam came acrss a secndary inhmatin jst abve the rf f the riginal grave pit, withinthe stne tmls, at the srface level. The skeletns f a man and a hrse were partially preserved, bthf them lying with their heads riented twards west. Elements f the hrse trappings were recvered: irnbits with circlarpsalia, an 8-shaped stirrp and an irn bckle (Fig. 4). Berntam dated this tmb t the8th9th centry, srmising a relatinship with the emergence f the Qarlq chiefdm. Apart frm the factthat the cradle f the Qarlqs was frther nrth in Semiree, based n what remains f the kurgan 9 secnd-ary brial (and f the little we knw abt Qarlq tmbs in Semiree21), we think that, hwever generic,early Trkic is a mre catis label fr this find, and that an earlier date, clser t that f the Samarkand

    tmb and pssibly within the 7th centry, is nt t be discarded.We shall nw cnsider tw frther pieces f evidence frm Tajikistan which can be linked t early Trks:tw fnerary sclptres, bth f them chance finds. The first (Fig. 5) was brght t light by a plgh nearthe kilakf Kala-i Dasht, in the Faiabad district, in 1970.22 It is a granite blck a little less than 1 m highand 35 cm wide, rghly shaped as a male standing figre; the head is wrked in the rnd, the bdy nlysketched. The head is rnd, with small circlar eyes, lng arched stylied eyebrws, small mth, a thinmstache with ends slightly pinting dwnwards, and a pinted chin. He hlds a small cnical bwl in theright hand at the chest level; the left hand rests n the lap. There is n clear indicatin f his dress, exceptfr a line sggesting the waist r a waist-belt. Neither excavatins nr field srveys were carried t at theplace f the discvery. Therefre, jst like the majrity f early Trkic fnerary sclptres, this specimenlacks the necessary archaelgical infrmatin. We d nt knw whether this state nce std beside amemrial stne fence, which was the chief destinatin f sch stelae, n a kurgan r if it was a free-standingsclptre. In spite f this, we can find a place fr it in the repertry f similar artefacts fnd in large qan-tities in the Eastern part f the Asian steppe belt frm Mnglia t Kaakhstan.

    In this regard, I think it sefl t stress that fr fneral sclptres a majr theme f Trkic archaelgy different classificatins have been s far prpsed, nne f which have been nanimsly accepted. Smehave fcssed exclsively n technical featres, regardless f the figrative cmpnents f these states.23

    other schlars, abve all J.A. er, wh pblished a cmprehensive stdy f Trkic fnerary sclptres frmSemiree in 1966, have grped these artefacts accrding t their icngraphy, cnsidering it a mre re-liable typlgical criterin than wrkmanship. er arranged the whle prdctin int five main grps,each f which frther differentiated int a variable nmber f sbgrps. The figres f the first grp (Fig.6a) hld a cp in their right hand and have weapns hanging frm their belt; the left hand either rests nthe belt r hlds ne f the weapns. The secnd grp (Fig. 6b), t which r state frm Kala-i Dasht is

    t be assigned, incldes all figres hlding a cp, bt with n weapns; the left hand rests n the lap. In thethird grp (Fig. 6c) nly the head r the face f a man is wrked t; in the frth the figre hlds a birdin his right hand instead f a cp; in the fifth, he hlds a vase with bth hands.24


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    25 Fr grp I, see olchvskij - Evdkimv 1994: fig. 3 (4), 34 (63); grp II: fig. 13 (19), 14 (20); grp III: fig. 22 (38), 31(58); grp V: prbably fig. 88 (153).

    26 Slvev 1997: 124125, figs. 65, 66.2; Stark 2008: 277278, Abb. 111bc.27 Slvev 1997: loc. cit.28 Stark 2008: 277.29 Stark 2008: 278. The absence f a cp as well as f weapns leads Slvev (1997: 124125) t think we are dealing with the

    depictin f a yng male, as bth attribtes were a privilege f grwn-ps, a hypthesis which is nt cnvincing fr the lackf sitable cmparisns.

    30 See, fr example, a sclptre f the late 7thfirst half f the 6th centry BC frm Vrvsklesskaja (Stavrpl), in olchvk-skij and Evdkimv 1994: 35 (n. 126), fig. 76 (126).

    31 Stark 2008: 281282.32 Kljatrnyj 1978: 173.33 Stark 2008: 282.34 Dke 1975. See nw als Stark 2008: 274275.35 Slvev 1997: 38; Malikv 1999: 195196.

    Whatever the methdlgical apprach, in all these classificatins, chrnlgy always appears t be theweakest element. Setting aside the last tw grps, which are sppsed t belng t a later epch (9th t12th centry), the first three grps are dated t the mid-6th8th centry, a perid which crrespnds t theentire length f the First and Secnd Khaghanate. It seems that n finer articlatin can be made withinthis repertry, first becase f the pr archaelgical dcmentatin, and secnd, becase any evltinary

    apprach i.e., ne type may be earlier r later r even descend frm anther makes n sense frm anartistic viewpint; except fr the frth ne, all grps have their icngraphic frernners in earlier Scythi-an fnerary sclptre, especially t the west f the Erasian steppe belt.25

    The secnd finding frm Tajikistan is a fragmentary limestne stele frm the obikiik valley, in the Khat-ln district (Fig. 7).26 A male figre with his left hand resting n his belt and his right n his chest; a verticalline is the nly sggestin f a caftan. The state is brken int tw pieces, which were frmerly thght(and pblished) as fragments belnging t tw different sclptres.27 Nw, thanks t a prvidential pht-graph pblished by Stark, the stele can be seen as it is displayed in the Dshanbe msem, with the head

    jined t (r merely resting n) the bdy; a restratin which, as Stark bserves28, appears plasible. Thestate des seem t fit perfectly with the wrkmanship and style f early Trkic traditin; the absence fa cp (r a bird) makes Stark dbt abt a sre attribtin f this artefact t the early Trks.29 At any rate,

    we find it sefl t bserve that the icngraphic type f this sclptre be it prely Trkic r rather alcal rendering f a Trkic traditinal artefact can als be cmpared with mch earlier Western Scythianprttypes (Fig. 8).30

    Amng the rck drawings investigated in several sites in Central Kiil Km (ubekistan), dating frmthe Brne Age p t the early Middle Ages, there is a scene, drawn n the sthern slpe f the Kljkta,100 km nrth-west f Bkhara, depicting three warrirs (tw hrse-riders and ne camel-rider), hldingspears (Fig. 9).31 Beneath the scene is an inscriptin f 11 rnes (Defeat the evil! Part frm the disease!)32

    that has been dated t the 8th early 9th centry n palaegraphic grnds. Bth the drawing and the in-scriptin are reprted t reveal a hmgenes patina, hence the hypthesis that the three mnted warrirsare t be identified as Trks r as members f sme tribe clsely linked with them. 33

    ot f the archaelgical evidence that has been attribted t early Trks n mch mre qestinablegrnds, I will restrict myself t the mentin f the Lylagan necrplis. At this site, nrth f Sherabad(Sth ubekistan), a fneral area was investigated (1973), abt which nly a brief accnt has been pb-lished, with n phtgraphs r drawings.34 A series f val, circlar, sqare and rectanglar stne fenceswere fnd n an area extending ver 5 km. The fences have revealed n brials, bt a layer f ash at adepth f 35 t 50 cm. on the grnd f the few items recvered, Dke prpsed t date the Lylagannecrplis t the early Trkic perid, i.e. the 6th7th centry, bt he did nt explicitly attribte it t a Trkictribe; an attribtin, hwever, made later by ther schlars.35


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    Archaelgical Traces f Early Trks in Transxiana: An overview

    36 Kylasv 1981.37 Blelv 1994: 105.38 I will exclde frm the list f genine r sppsed archaelgical evidence n early Trks in Transxiana the kurgan ceme-

    tery f Baitdasht (6th early 7th centry), in nrthern Tkharistan (Tajikistan). The attribtin t the Trkic perid was sg-gested with catin by Abdllaev (1990: 282), wh led the diggings in the site, and nly with regard t sme specific items(arrw-heads). In later pblicatins, hwever, the relatinship between Baitdasht and the Trks is taken fr granted(Slvev 1997: 38; Malikv 2000a: 100). There is nthing specifically Trkic in this cemetery (6thearly 7th centry),which, accrding t Stark (2008: 273274), cld have rather belnged t a Hephthalite grp.

    39 Albam 1975: 20ff., figs. 47, pls. VIIXI.40 Fr a recent discssin n the Afrasiab paintings, we refer the reader t the prceedings f a cnference held in Venice

    (2003), see Cmpareti and La Vaissire (eds.) 2006.41 Marshak Rasppva 1990.42 Stark 2008: 53b.43 Ambr 1981: 1416, fig. 62.90; Kmar and Schbkv 2000: fig. 4.1; Stark 2008: 155, Abb. 66 i. The hypthesis that this

    artefact may be f Sgdian wrkmanship, advanced by F. Grenet dring the cnference, is a stimlating sggestin.44 Pgaenkva and Rempel 1960: 64, fig. 65; Mekeris 1962: 107, pl. XXX, 406; Neraik 1987: 118119, fig. 2.45

    I have dealt pn this terractta in a paper delivered at the cnference South Asian Archaeology, held in Ravenna, in Jly2007 (L Mi frthcming).

    As we already remarked, hwever, crematin was t f favr in the Trkic mtherland, althgh it hadlng remained the main fneral practice f the pplatins inhabiting the Minsinsk basin, inclding theKirghi, an ethnos which was Trkicied between the 8th and the 10th centry. This regin had never givenp this particlar cstm (already rted in that area in the earlier Tagar and Tashtik cltres)36, bt I wldnt ventre the hypthesis f a migratin frm the Minsinsk basin, where, amng the ther things, the

    ashes were nt depsited in layers bt in small pits. A cmpletely different perspective has been prpsedby Blelv37, wh dates Lylagan t the 3rd4th centry, linking it t similar crematin cemeteries in Chras-mia and, in general, t the ethnic migratins that went thrgh Central Asia in the Hnnic perid. 38

    I will nw list sme pieces f icngraphic evidence that are pssible depictins f Trks in the arts fearly Medieval Transxiana.

    A grp f Trks have since lng been nambigsly identified in a painted scene in an aristcraticresidence (sectr 23, rm 1) at Afrasiab (Samarkand, mid-7th centry; Fig. 10).39 Whether the cmpsitinis t be dated sme time befre r shrtly after the end f the Trkic rle in Sgdiana (658) is still a matterf dispte40, as is the stats f the Trks depicted in the mral and the verall interpretatin f the sbjectf the mral. Whatever their rle in the scene, the Trks are easily identified at Afrasiab by the lng tressesthat fall dwn n their backs, alng with their clearly Mnglic physignmy, their cstme, weapns and

    rnaments.Apart frm the Afrasiab mral there seems t be n ther certain depictin f Trks in the painting fTransxiana, nless we want t cnsider as likely candidates sme figres dressed in caftans, very lng hairfalling dwn their backs, a hairstyle which, as far as I knw, was nt a fashin amng Sgdian men. An ex-ample is the hnter represented in a 6th centry mral frm the Penjikent citadel41 (Fig. 11): his lng hairmatches an icngraphic type that is well attested in early Trkic icngraphy, frm the Altai, as n a saddlearch frm Kdyrge (Fig. 12) r in a rck drawing at Kara ojk42 (Fig. 13), and frm as far west as Dagh-estan, n a carved bne decratin frm the ir Jrt kurgan cemetery (7th early 8 th centry)43 (Fig. 14).

    The Trks, r at least a particlar icngraphic type which we may tentatively link with early Trks,seem t have left traces als in Central Asian baked clay figrines. I cite a 7th8th centry terractta frmBlaja Kyrk Ky Kala44 in Chrasmia, shwing the pper part f a male figre with lng hair, val head,and thick eyebrws and trianglar nse that frm tgether a T-shaped pattern (Fig. 15). The secnd figrineis a chance find frm Takhmach Tepe (fig. 16)45, near Varakhsha in the Bkhara asis: val head, with thickeyebrws frming a cntins line and jined at a right angle with the trianglar nse, large almnd-shaped eyes, and eyelids in strng relief; his arms are crssed n his chest, with the sleeves frming spiralflds, his left hand hidden behind the frearm and his right hand emerging behind the left frearm; the lwerpart f the bdy is lst. Bth figres wear a tnic with pen lapels. What is particlar interesting abt these


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    tw terracttas is that they are cmparable t Trkic fnerary stne sclptres: the dress, the rnd face,the small slightly pen mth (at least in the Kirk Ky Kala specimen) and, abve all, the eyebrws andnse jined as t frm a T-shaped pattern, a trait which is s ften fnd, and emphasised, in early Trkicsclptre.46

    A similar interpretatin has been sggested fr a fragmentary terractta figrine (Fig. 17) fnd in 2003

    dring the excavatins at Kyk Kala47, n the nrthern fringes f Chrasmia, depicting the headless bstf a male figre wearing a tight-sleeved caftan with bth lapels pen and hlding a flted bwl in his righthand at his chest. In Central Asian crplastics, a cp is a fairly freqent attribte f female figrines, btdefinitely ncmmn in male terracttas. If we believe the recnstrctin prpsed by M.M. Mambetl-laev, wh discerns n the right shlder the remains f lng hair, we wld have a frther example f tra-ditinal Trkic icngraphy transpsed int the art f Transxiana.

    I wnder whether we can inclde in r list f pssible depictins f early Trks an npblished terra-ctta male figrine kept in the Bkhara Msem (Fig. 18), a chance find frm the Varakhsha area. The reliefis very wrn, bt, in the treatment f the face (eyebrws, eyes and nse), the figre seems t match the ter-racttas described abve, s mch s that he wears a caftan with pen dble lapels and hlds a shallwbwl in his right hand.

    Finally, we shld perhaps add t r list a grp f early Medieval Sgdian terracttas depicting hrsemenhlding a mace; the hypthesis that they depict Trks, hwever, is based n a presmed physignmic(rather than icngraphic) likeness.48

    With these last items, hwever, we are already appraching a shaky grnd: ne frther step in this di-rectin wld lead s int the realm f cnjectres.


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    BARAToVA, L.S.(1996) Istrija ienija drevnetjrkskich mnet Srednej Aii.Istorija materialnoj kultury Uzbekistana 27, 7782.(1999) Alttrkische Mnen Mittelasiens as dem 6.10. Jh. n. Chr.: Typlgie, Ikngraphie, histrische Interpretatin.

    Archologische Mitteilungen aus Iran und Turan 31, 219292.(2005a) Drevnetjrkskij nmimatieskij kmpleks (svremennyj rveni perspektivy ienija). InIstorija Uzbekistanav archeologieskich i pismennych istonikach. A.A. Anarbaev (ed.), Takent, 209220.

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    46 er 1966: 67.47 Mambetllaev 2004.48 zaslavskaja 1956; Mekeris 1962: 3940, pls. XVIIXVIII, ns. 318328; Pgaenkva and Rempel 1965: 163.


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    Archaelgical Traces f Early Trks in Transxiana: An overview

    BRYKINA, G.A. (ED.)(1999) Srednjaja Azija i Dalnyj Vostok v epochu srednevekovja. Srednjaja Azija v rannem srednevekove. Mskva.

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    Fig. 1:Early Trkic tmb in the area f the ulgh Begh observatry, Samarkand (after Stark 2008).

    Fig. 2:

    Early Trkic tmb in the area f the ulgh Begh observatry, Samarkand: a) silver plaqes; b) brne bckle; c) irn bit and stirrp;d) brne belt plaqe; e) ewer (after Stark 2008).

    Cir L Mi

    a b d

    c e


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    Archaelgical Traces f Early Trks in Transxiana: An overview

    Fig. 3:Trkic tmb, necrplis f Krasnaja Reka

    (Semiree) (after Brykina (ed.) 1999).

    Fig. 5:

    Trkic stele frm Kala-i Dasht (Tajikistan). Dshanbe,Archaelgical Msem (after Stark 2008).

    Fig. 4:Irn bjects frm the Trkic tmb in the kurgan 9, necrplis

    f Pamirskaja I (Eastern Pamir) (after Berntam 1952).


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    Cir L Mi

    Fig. 7:Trkic stele frm obikiik (Tajikistan). Dshanbe,

    Archaelgical Msem (after Stark 2008).

    Fig. 8:Scythian fnerary stele frm Vrvsklesskaja (Nrthern

    Cacass), Rssia, 7th6th centry BC. Stavrpl, ReginalMsem (after olchvskij and Evdkimv 1994).

    Fig. 6:Trkic stelae frm Semiree: the first (a), the secnd (b) and the third grp

    (c) accrding t J. ers classificatin (after er 1966).


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    Archaelgical Traces f Early Trks in Transxiana: An overview

    Fig. 10:

    A grp f Trks in a mral painting frm Afrasiab (Samarkand),mid-7th centry. Afrasiab Msem, Samarkand.

    Fig. 9:Rck drawings at Kljkta (Kiilkm, ubekistan) (after Stark 2008).


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    Cir L Mi

    Fig. 11:A hnting scene in a mral painting frm the Penjikent citadel, 6th centry (after Marshak and Rasppva 1990).

    Fig. 12:

    Detail f a bne saddle arch with the representatin f a hnting scene, frm the Kdyrge necrplis. Saint Petersbrg, HermitageMsem (after P. Chvin (ed.),Les arts de lAsie Centrale, Paris 1999).


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    Archaelgical Traces f Early Trks in Transxiana: An overview

    Fig. 13:

    A hnting scene in a rck drawing at Kara ojk (Altai, Rssia), 6th7th centry (after Stark 2008).

    Fig. 14:

    Fragment f a bne placqe with the representatin f a hnting scene, frm the ir Jrtnecrplis (Daghestan), 7th early 8th centry (after Pletneva 1981).


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    442 Cir L Mi

    Fig. 15:Terractta figrine frm Blaja Kyrk Ky Kala (Chrasmia).

    Samarkand, Registan Msem (after Mekeris 1962).

    Fig. 16:Terractta figrine frm Takhmach Tepe, near Varakhsha

    (Bkhara asis) (crtesy F. Filippni).

    Fig. 17:

    Terractta figrine frm Kyk Kala (Chrasmia) (after Mam-betllaev 2004).

    Fig. 18:

    Terractta figrine frm the Varakhsha area (Bkhara asis)(crtesy F. Nci).