Arboxpackaging Analysis

Here is On-Page Analysis report for Site Speed: Site Speed of  is ery bad. !e hae r"n site speed test on two tools and res"lts are ery embarrassing. Google Site Speed Test Speed Score #esktop: $%/&'' (obile: )$/&'' As yo" can see site speed of  is ery poor. *t sho"ld be aro"nd +' o"t of &'' which now $% o"t of &'' for desktop. ,or (obile it is ery ery poor also. Test !hen we ran side speed test for  on this tool then here also res"lts are ery embarrassing. his tool says Your website is slower than 91% of all tested websites. his is really poor score.

Transcript of Arboxpackaging Analysis

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Here is On-Page Analysis report for

Site Speed:

Site Speed of  is ery bad. !e hae r"n site speed

test on two tools and res"lts are ery embarrassing.

Google Site Speed Test

Speed Score

#esktop: $%/&''

(obile: )$/&''

As yo" can see site speed of  is ery poor. *t sho"ld

be aro"nd +' o"t of &'' which now $% o"t of &'' for desktop. ,or (obile it is ery

ery poor also. Test

!hen we ran side speed test for  on this tool then

here also res"lts are ery embarrassing. his tool says Your website is slower

than 91% of all tested websites. his is really poor score.

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Index Status

0ecently there is lot dropped in the indexed pages of . 1arlier site had )$'' indexed pages not it has

&2& only.

As yo" can analy3e from the aboe image that there is big drop in *ndexed stat"s of .

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Metas Analysis

Title Tag

Home Page

 itle tag of home is ery spammy 4 big. *t has )'% characters while recommended

title length is %' characters aro"nd.

Corrugated Boxes Los Angeles | Bubble Wrap Los Angeles | Orange County

Packaging | Boxes Los Angeles | Poly Bags Los Angeles | Custom Packaging

California | Packaging upplies California | arboxpackaging!com" 

#escription of Home Page is also ery spammy5 it has only keywords instead of

sensible content snippet.

#arboxpackaging!com$ Corrugated Boxes Los Angeles$ Bubble Wrap Los Angeles$

Orange County Packaging$ Boxes Los Angeles$ Poly Bags Los Angeles$ Custom

Packaging California$ Packaging upplies California!" 

(etas of 6ategory 4 S"b-6ategory pages are also not too impressie. !e can target

many long tail keywords by "sing (etas b"t it is not happening. All pages hae ery

insensible (etas.

%eta information of t&is Page

Title: Poly 7ags 8os Angeles 9

Description: arboxpackaging.com5 Poly 7ags 8os Angeles

%etas of t&is page are completely insensible and not properly optimi'ed!

Duplicate Metas  packaging has lots of d"plicate metas.

(or example t&ese pages &a)e duplicate %etas including bot& *itle + ,escription!,lat

8/14/2019 Arboxpackaging Analysis 4/8,lat/,lat-7ags-&-)mil,lat/,lat-7ags-&-mil

 ;o" m"st sole o"t this iss"e beca"se it is ery important to hae "ni<"e (etas for

each and eery page of any website.

H1 Tag Analysis

H& tag is not properly optimi3ed in almost eery page of the website.,lat  

-. *ag/ (lat

-. *ag/ 012

-. *ag/ .31.0

 hese H& tags are not properly optimi3ed which they sho"ld be.

Alt & Title Attribute Analysis

 Alt Attribute: *mages on the !ebsite hae Alt attrib"tes b"t they are not properly

optimi3ed. Almost eery image has image name as Alt Attrib"te d"e to it few

images hae alt attrib"te n"mbers. !e sho"ld optimi3e them properly beca"se Alt

Attrib"te helps images to rank in >oogle.

*mage on the Home page hae ?"mbers in Alt Attrib"te which is completely


Title Attribute: ?one of the *mage on the !ebsite does not hae itle Attrib"te

which sho"ld be there.

readcrumb Analysis

7readcr"mb is not implemented in the !ebsite. 7readcr"mb is really important for

large websites.

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• 7readcr"mbs show people their c"rrent location relatie to higher-leel

concepts5 helping them "nderstand where they are in relation to the rest of

the site.

• 7readcr"mb proides internal links to the *nternal Pages of the !ebsite.

• 7readcr"mbs afford one-click access to higher site leels and th"s resc"e

"sers who parach"te into ery specific b"t inappropriate destinations thro"gh

search or deep links.

So it becomes really important to implement 7readcr"mb for @sers and Search

1ngines as well.

HTM! Sitemap

Html sitemap on the website is not properly optimi3ed 4 organi3ed. *t has links of

 op leel pages while inner pages are not aailable5 which sho"ld be there. Html

sitemap works for both Search 1ngines and @sers so it becomes really important to

hae proper Html sitemap for large website.

7enefits of Html sitemap:

Html Sitemap proides internal links to the *nternal Pages of the !ebsite.

• Html Sitemap helps "sers to find o"t *nternal Pages easily.

"ontent Analysis

Prod"ct pages has ery less content5 if we can hae more content on prod"ct pages

then it wo"ld be really helpf"l."bble-wrap/Anti-Static-b"bble-wrap,lat/,lat-7ags-&-)mil

 hese prod"ct pages hae ery less content5 we sho"ld hae more content on s"ch


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7acklinks Analysis 0eport for

 here are &5&$+ 7acklinks for  according to

Link location: *t tells where 8inks are placed on the page whether it is ,ooter5

Header5 *n-content or Sidebar.

,or  )B 8inks are from Sidebar5 see below image

for yo"r reference.

Site Type: *t tells yo" type of site whether it is 7log5 #irectory5 Article or ,or"m.  has %2B links from >eneral Sites5 see below

image for yo"r reference.

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As yo" see these two metrics hae lots of backlinks for 5 so we analy3ed their domains and *P Addresses.

All these links are from local citation sites and all these domains hae same *P

addresses so these links does not hae any al"e beca"se first they are in Sidebar

and secondly they are on same *P Address. 6o"nt of these links is = those are


!in# Status

8ink stat"s tells yo" that are they #o-,ollow5 ?o-,ollow or ?ot ,o"ndC ,or 5 see below image for yo"r reference.

 here are &+& links are not fo"nd5 it means they are dead and links is not present

there. So now we hae ' links D&+& ?ot ,o"ndE = Sidebar 8inksF o"t of &5&'5

those are almost dead for .

8inks 1xample:http://decl"<"ality-moing-s"pplies"sinessGandGeconomyCsP4p$&"siness-directory-chennai.phpC


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$e Directory !in#s

 here are almost )'' links from web directories which are #e-indexed by >oogle so

they also donIt hold any S1O al"e for .!holesalehttp://addlinks"!holesale/page-=.htmlCsA"siness/serices/CsH4p=&http://fsm&'.org/detail/link-2$.htm

 hese links are completely dead for  4 does not

hold any S1O Jal"e.

%ter !in#s!hile other links are from 7log 6ommenting5 ,or"ms 4 8istings those are also not

too effectie. So it is clear that  is haing ery poor

7acklink profile and it needs good <"ality backlinks.