Arbovirus Flash Cards

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  • 8/10/2019 Arbovirus Flash Cards


    Term 1


    Symptoms and signs indicating

    involvement of brain parenchyma

    Definition 1

    Seizures, alteration of consciousness,

    visual disturbances, paralysis of


    Term 2

    For aseptic meningitis the mild disease

    is the norm.

    If someone does have issue who will it

    be and why?

    Definition 2

    Children - deafness, psychomotor

    difficulties, learning disabilities

    Because brain not fully myelinated

    Term 3

    arboviruses productively infect an


    Definition 3

    wide range of animal reservoirs

  • 8/10/2019 Arbovirus Flash Cards


    Term 4

    what is the role played by human with


    Definition 4

    dead end host ( NOT always... mostly


    Viremia is weak or not sustained in

    humans and does not allow for

    efficient infection of new vectors


    Term 5

    What are big tests for arbovirus


    Definition 5

    IgM antibody capture ELISA (MAC-

    ELISA) CAREFUL: crossreact ( he said

    to KNOW limitations of the test) can


    test for virus specific antibody using

    CSF or serum to make test more

    accurate. ( look for 4x increase)

    Monitoring arboviruses in area (Vector

    control districts, public health office)

    Term 6

    is culture of arbovirus typical?

    Definition 6


  • 8/10/2019 Arbovirus Flash Cards


    Term 7

    The arboviral encephalitides are

    _________ with reservoirs and means

    of dispersal in animals other thanhumans

    Definition 7


    Term 8

    In arboviruses the arthropod is a true

    ______ vector.

    The infected vector often shows no

    obvious signs of disease

    Definition 8


    Term 9

    Arbovirus transmission to humans

    requires____________that will feed

    avidly on both animal reservoir hosts

    and humans.

    Definition 9

    bridge vectors

  • 8/10/2019 Arbovirus Flash Cards


    Term 10

    what is the Sylvatic cycle?

    what is the Urban cylce?

    Definition 10

    sylvatic cycle-humans are tangential

    hosts accidentally entering a natural

    zoonotic transmission cycle

    Urban cycle -- Situation of large human

    population coexisting with large vector

    populations such as mosquitoes. ( in

    this cycle the virus DOES replicate in

    us!!! )

    Term 11

    Humans do exhibit sufficient viremia to

    sustain true urban cycles for what

    three arboviruses?

    Definition 11

    St. Louis encephalitis, Yellow Fever

    and Dengue

    Term 12

    Is complete eradication plausible for

    arbovirus? what is the best

    prevention? ( 3 ways)

    Definition 12

    Because arboviruses have hosts and

    cycles that do not normally involve

    humans, complete eradication is

    simply not feasible.

    The best means of control is to

    interrupt the fundamental chain of


    1. Eradication/control of arthropod

    vectors2. Avoidance of exposure

    3. Immunization of nonhuman

    amplifying hosts (Horses/pigs)

  • 8/10/2019 Arbovirus Flash Cards


    Term 13

    Double stranded RNA genome of 12


    Definition 13

    Coltivirus structure

    Term 14

    Single stranded (+) RNA


    Hemagglutinin is present in envelope

    Cytoplasmic replication

    Definition 14

    Togaviruses structure ( includes

    Genus Alphavirus and Genus

    Flavivirus )

    Term 15

    Genome is 3 circular segments of

    single stranded (-) sense RNA


    Spherical shape

    Definition 15

    Bunyaviruses structure

  • 8/10/2019 Arbovirus Flash Cards


    Term 16

    EEE has __________ reservoirs with

    mosquito vectors

    Definition 16

    bird and horse

    Term 17

    Primarily virus transmission will be

    concentrated in permanent swamps

    and at the edges of such swamps

    Definition 17


    Term 18

    Most ______ cases are in infants and

    children under 10 years age

    Definition 18


  • 8/10/2019 Arbovirus Flash Cards


    Term 19

    To carry infection to humans,

    other mosquito vectors must

    act as bridge vectors

    Definition 19


    Term 20

    Clinically overt encephalitis in children

    under 15 and adults over 55 mostly

    Definition 20


    Term 21

    Most years WEE is a sporadic endemic

    infection, but disease outbreaks do

    occur in which cases will

    Definition 21

    number in the hundreds

  • 8/10/2019 Arbovirus Flash Cards


    Term 22

    This usual mosquito vector is adapted

    to flooded grounds and irrigated


    Definition 22


    Term 23

    Bird reservoir with mosquito vector

    Sparrows are a principal amplifying

    host, but vectors will vary with

    geographic location

    Definition 23

    St louis

    Term 24

    Infants and adults over age 40 at

    highest risk

    Attack rates and severity of illness

    increase with age

    Definition 24

    st. louis

  • 8/10/2019 Arbovirus Flash Cards


    Term 25

    _________is unusual in that about

    20% of total infections result in

    clinically apparent illness.

    Febrile illness of sudden onset lasting

    3-6 days

    Definition 25


    Term 26

    This one hits School-aged children

    6 months-16 years, boys especially

    Definition 26

    California encephalitis virus

    Term 27

    Small mammal reservoir (chipmunks

    and squirrels) with mosquito vector

    Definition 27

    California encephalitis virus

  • 8/10/2019 Arbovirus Flash Cards


    Term 28

    California encephalitis virus is

    endemic to

    Definition 28


    Term 29

    ______ is a Reovirus in the genus


    Definition 29


    Term 30

    what is the vector and reservoir for


    Definition 30

    The vector is the wood tick, reservoirs

    are ground squirrels and chipmunks

    (Said we had to know!! esp: tick)

  • 8/10/2019 Arbovirus Flash Cards


    Term 31

    Patients infected with ______ should

    not donate blood for at least 6 months

    Definition 31


    Virus nonlethally infects erythroid

    precursor cells and can persist for

    months in erythrocytes

    Term 32

    which disease has a Saddle backed

    fever pattern:

    2-3 days of fever, afebrile interval of

    several days, followed by 2-3 days of


    Definition 32


    Term 33

    Which arbovirus has the greatest risk

    of infection in the evening and in areas

    of low socioeconomic status

    Definition 33

    St louis