Aramex Company Quarter 2012 - Aljazira Capital · 1 Aramex Report Update | DUBAI | Transportation |...

All rights reserved, AlJAZIRA CAPITAL © Research Division Company Reports Please read Disclaimer on the back Aramex Company NOVEMBER 2012 Results Update 2 nd Quarter 2012 Results Update 3 rd Quarter 2012

Transcript of Aramex Company Quarter 2012 - Aljazira Capital · 1 Aramex Report Update | DUBAI | Transportation |...

Page 1: Aramex Company Quarter 2012 - Aljazira Capital · 1 Aramex Report Update | DUBAI | Transportation | 3Q 2012 Rating: “OVERWEIGHT” Current Price: AED 1.92 12-month price target:

All rights reserved, AlJAZIRA CAPITAL ©Research DivisionCompany Reports Please read Disclaimer on the back



Results Update 2nd Quarter 2012

Results Update 3rd Quarter 2012

Page 2: Aramex Company Quarter 2012 - Aljazira Capital · 1 Aramex Report Update | DUBAI | Transportation | 3Q 2012 Rating: “OVERWEIGHT” Current Price: AED 1.92 12-month price target:

Aljazira Capital is a Saudi Investment Company licensed by the Capital Market Authority (CMA), License No. 07076-37


AGM - Head of ResearchAbdullah Alawi+966 2 [email protected]

Senior Analyst Syed Taimure Akhtar +966 2 6618271 [email protected]

AnalystSaleh Al-Quati+966 2 [email protected]



General Manager - Brokerage DivisionAla’a Al-Yousef+966 1 [email protected]

AGM-Head of international and institutional brokerageLuay Jawad Al-Motawa +966 1 [email protected]

Regional Manager - West and South RegionsAbdullah Al-Misbahi+966 2 [email protected]

Area Manager - Qassim & Eastern ProvinceAbdullah Al-Rahit+966 6 [email protected]

Page 3: Aramex Company Quarter 2012 - Aljazira Capital · 1 Aramex Report Update | DUBAI | Transportation | 3Q 2012 Rating: “OVERWEIGHT” Current Price: AED 1.92 12-month price target:



AramexReport Update | DUBAI | Transportation | 3Q 2012


Current Price: AED 1.92

12-month price target: AED 2.51

Up-dated 12-M price target: AED 2.54

Upside/(Downside): 32%

• 3Q result lower than expected: Aramex in 3Q-2012 posted net earnings of AED 57.5mn, against our expectation of AED 77.6mn, translating into a variance of 26%. Revenue for 3Q-2012 showed a jump of 17.5%YoY. The company’s revenue of AED 765.20mn was 2.6% below our expectation of 785mn. This difference of AED 20mn in revenues, between our estimate and the actual result, has directly Impacted the bottom line, as net income has shown a variance of AED 20mn, translating into a variance of 26%. The company’s income attributable to the equity holders for 3Q-2012 stood at AED 53.1mn as compared to 48.0mn for 3Q-2011, depicting a jump of 11%. The company’s income attributed to equity holders was 22% below our expectation.

• Revision in estimation, cut in revenue forecast, bottom line maintained: Given the variance in 2012 estimates, we cut our revenue forecast of 2012 by 0.6% to AED 3095.0 as compared to our previous revenue estimation of AED 3115.0. However, on the back of 9M-2012 result we have also adjusted, our estimation for other expenses like administrative, selling and marketing and other operating expenses, downwards by 3.8%, 3.4% and 1.7% respectively. We believe that our initial estimation for above mentioned costs were on the higher side and needed to be adjusted. This has resulted in a jump of 2.4% over our previous estimates for 2012. Our revised forecasted net profit for 2012 is AED 271mn.

• Valuation: Given the revision in our earnings estimates , we adjust our price target upwards to AED 2.54/share. At current price of AED 1.92, the stock gives a potential return of 32%, we maintain our “Overweigh” stance.

AlJazira Research


All figures in SAR mn, unless otherwise stated

Earlier estimates 2012

New estimates 2012

Upward/(Downward) revision

Sales Revenue 3,115 3,095 -0.6%COGS (1,439) (1,438) 0.0%Gross Profit 1,677 1,657 -1.2%Gross Margin 53.8% 53.5%Operating Profit 279 302 8.2%Operating Margin 9.0% 9.8%Net Profit 265 271 2.4%Net Margin 8.5% 8.8%EPS (SAR) 0.18 0.19

Source: ARAMEX, Aljazira research

Page 4: Aramex Company Quarter 2012 - Aljazira Capital · 1 Aramex Report Update | DUBAI | Transportation | 3Q 2012 Rating: “OVERWEIGHT” Current Price: AED 1.92 12-month price target:

AlJazira Capital, the investment arm of Bank AlJazira, is a Shariaa Compliant Saudi

Closed Joint Stock company and operating under the regulatory supervision of the

Capital Market Authority. AlJazira Capital is licensed to conduct securities business in

all securities business as authorized by CMA, including dealing, managing, arranging,

advisory, and custody. AlJazira Capital is the continuation of a long success story

in the Saudi Tadawul market, having occupied the market leadership position for

several years. With an objective to maintain its market leadership position, AlJazira

Capital is expanding its brokerage capabilities to offer further value-added services,

brokerage across MENA and International markets, as well as offering a full suite of

securities business.

Overweight: This rating implies that the stock is currently trading at a discount to its

12 months price target. Stocks rated “Overweight” will typically provide an upside

potential of over 10% from the current price levels over next twelve months.

Underweight: This rating implies that the stock is currently trading at a premium to

its 12 months price target. Stocks rated “Underweight” would typically decline by

over 10% from the current price levels over next twelve months.

Neutral: The rating implies that the stock is trading in the proximate range of its 12

months price target. Stocks rated “Neutral” is expected to stagnate within +/- 10%

range from the current price levels over next twelve months.

Suspension of rating or rating on hold (SR/RH): This basically implies suspension

of a rating pending further analysis of a material change in the fundamentals of the


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Page 5: Aramex Company Quarter 2012 - Aljazira Capital · 1 Aramex Report Update | DUBAI | Transportation | 3Q 2012 Rating: “OVERWEIGHT” Current Price: AED 1.92 12-month price target:


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