


Transcript of aquavit

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Nr. AQUAVITpronounced ah-kwuh-veet ml oral drops

For Fatigue

Nr. Aquavit is a remedy for tonification of the body. Aquavit is prescribed for

fatigue, weakness and nervous exhaustion. This remedy is helpful for chronic

fatigue syndrome, anorexia, seizures and metabolic disorders. The kola nut

used in preparing this remedy contains more caffeine than coffee beans. Other

ingredients include angelica root, anise seed, St. John's wort, cubeb fruits,

marjoram herb and masterwort rootstock.

Dosage: - x daily, - drops in water

Ingredients: Angelica atropurpurea X, Anise stellatum X, Carvi X, Centauri X, Cinchona X, Cinnamomum cassia X, Cola X, Coriandri X, Cubebae X, Galangae X, Hypericum X, Hyssopi X, Imperarieae X, Juniperus X, Lavendula X, Majorana X, Myristica X, Origanum X, Piperis X, Rosmarinus X, Mellisa X, Salvia X, Zingiber X, Aurum X - Alcohol .% by volume

* please reference the Soluna Complete Therapy Guide for precise combinations and dosages

• poor appetite• obesity• common cold• impotence• heart rhythm disturbance• jet lag (rhythm therapy)

• fatigue & aging• chronic fatigue syndrome• addictions• hypotension• depression• gas & bloating

Related Organ:

Related Gland:

Related Mineral:

Related Planet:

Psychosomatic Functional System:

Somatic Counterpart:

Tendency by Illness:

Depressive Moods, Anxiety

Circulatory System







Spagyric Relations Psychological Relations

Related Conditions

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Nr. AQUAVITpronounced ah-kwuh-veet ml oral drops

Angelica root (Angelica atropurpurea, Radix sicc.) The root stimulates gastric juice and pancreas secretion. It arouses the appetite, relieves flatulence, prevents spasms, and is an antimicrobial agent. Its scope of application covers the sensation of fullness, minor convulsive gastrointestinal disorders, and stomach problems. In folk therapy, it is also given for nervous insomnia. Bernus accordingly says about the effective scope of the root: » activating the digestive system. (...) neural stimulant, tonic.« – The roots employed are from the Soluna Medicinal Gardens and are also a component of Nr. Stomachik I.

Anise seed (Anise stellatum) Anise acts as a spasmolytic and promotes secretion in the stomach, intestines and gallbladder. Application areas are dyspeptic complaints and, in folk medicine, painful gastrointestinal cramps and a lack of appetite. Anise seeds have a long tradition as an aphrodisiac and as a corrective taste agent in anis brandies. Hippocrates (th century BC) already knew that anise promotes circulation, facilitates respiration and is a heart tonic.

Chincona bark (Carvi)The bitter remedy promotes saliva and gastric juice secretion. The rind is employed for general stomach trouble and for appetite stimulation. In folk medicine, the rind is indicated in convalescence and for severe exhaustion. In South America – the original habitat of the chincona tree – the natives designate the bark as "quina". Thus, the Spanish introduced the bark and the name "chincona bark" into Europe.

Kola nut (Cola) The kola nut contains more caffeine than coffee beans. Like coffee, it acts rapidly and reliably against mental and physical fatigue. In folk medicine, the nuts are ingested to stimulate the gastric juices and to treat temporary heart and sexual inadequacy. – The kola nuts were very coveted in their original habitat along the west coast of Africa. In the th century, it was initially

Characteristics of Ingredients


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Nr. AQUAVITpronounced ah-kwuh-veet ml oral drops

Kola nut (Cola) continuedimpossible to introduce the nut as a medicine and stimulant into Europe since the nuts lost their effectiveness due to the industrial method of drying without sunlight or fire.

Marjoram herb (Marjorana) The herb is known in folk medicine as an appetite arousing, antispasmodic and calming remedy. Thus, its application area includes disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, flatulence, promotion of gall production and digestion. Moreover, it is also traditionally employed as an aphrodisiac. – The marjoram herb, better known as oregano, is a traditional spice for Italian cooking. Its German name (Dostenkraut) refers to the Bavarian word "Dosten" = bush. The herb employed comes from the Soluna Medicinal Gardens.

Galanga root (Galangae) The root has spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. As a stomachic and tonic, it is used for lack of appetite and "digestion debility". Paracelsus already employed the stomachic effect of the root. – The plant is indigenous to China, and has been used there as a stomachic since antiquity. The root is also a component of Nr. Stomachik I.

Gold chloride solution D (Aurum Dil. D) According to the Paracelsian principle of the Alchemia Medica »The stars are healed by the stars. « The formative powers of the solar gold have a curative effect on the solar heart, eye and mood. Accordingly, the homeopathic principal symptoms are: »profound, hopeless mental depression, tiredness of life and suicidal tendencies. (...) Attacks of anxiety with shaking and fear; the anxiety arises from the pre-cardial region and drives the patients from one place to another.« – Aurum Metallicum can only be produced from D onwards as a liquid, while the chlorine compounds can be administered in the lower potentials (here D) as a liquid, hence they are more easily assimilated. – The solar solution is also a component of the solar Soluna remedies Nr. Cordiak, Nr. Ophthalmik and Nr. Sanguisol.

AquavitCharacteristics of Ingredients

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Nr. AQUAVITpronounced ah-kwuh-veet ml oral drops

Ginger rootstock (Zingiber officinale) The plant acts as a stomachic, tonic and digestive. It reduces nausea, is positively inotropic, gall promoting, and enhances saliva and gastric juice secretion as well as intestinal toning and peristalsis. Ginger is used for sub-acidic gastritis, dyspepsia, lack of appetite, and for the prevention of motion sickness symptoms. Madaus recommends ginger as a "good stomachic" for all gastric trouble. – The ginger root is an ancient Indian spice, and has been grown and medically employed since antiquity.

St John's wort (Hypericum, Herba sicc.) The herb has an antidepressive effect for "spiritual-emotional injury"; its corresponding scope of application covers neuro-vegative disorders, fear and nervous unrest. Folk medicine values its wound-healing effectiveness; also for "bodily injury". Moreover it is also a secretion stimulant for disorders of the digestive apparatus, especially for inadequate liver and gallbladder function. Bernus summarized the effective scope of the medicinal herb assigned to the Sun Principle: »Very positive, activating. – neural remedy for depressions and psychological disorders. Furthermore, a great wound remedy«. – The signature of St John's wort reflects its effectiveness: at the solstice period – around St. John's Day ( th of June) – the herb is in its most beautiful blossom. Its gold-yellow blossoms appear like small sun slices. Upon crushing the blossoms and buds, a red colored agent ("blood") appears. The herb employed comes from the Soluna Medicinal Gardens and is also a component of Nr. Cordiak, Nr. Ophthalmik, Nr. Sanguisol and Nr. Styptik.

Coriander fruit (Coriandrum sativum, Fructus) The fruit acts spasmolytic, and carminative (releasing flatulence), and promotes digestion; the oil is a bactericide and fungicide. Therefore, the fruit is applied for treating epigastrium complaints such as the sensation of fullness, flatulence and light paroxysmal gastrointestinal disorders. Coriander is especially known as a spice (e.g. in bread and gingerbread) and as an ingredient in liquors and brandies. The fruits employed come from the Soluna Medicinal Gardens.

Characteristics of Ingredients


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Nr. AQUAVITpronounced ah-kwuh-veet ml oral drops

Cubeb fruits (Piperis) Folk medicine employs the dried fruits for gastrointestinal strengthening and as a digestive carminative; moreover, for headaches, for neural strengthening in cases of memory impairment, for dizziness, and for enhancing the sexual drive. The Cubeben pepper is praised as “emphatically strengthening the nerves and the head". – The plant originates in Asia. From there, the fruits were introduced into medicine by Arab physicians in the Middle Ages.

Gold chloride solution D (Aurum Dil. D) According to the Paracelsian principle of the Alchemia Medica »The stars are healed by the stars«. The formative powers of the solar gold have a curative effect on the solar heart, eye and mood. Accordingly, the homeopathic principal symptoms are: »profound, hopeless mental depression, tiredness of life and suicidal tendencies. (...) Attacks of anxiety with shaking and fear; the anxiety arises from the pre-cardial region and drives the patients from one place to another.« – Aurum Metallicum can only be produced from D onwards as a liquid, while the chlorine compounds can be administered in the lower potentials (here D) as a liquid, hence they are more easily assimilated. – The solar solution is also a component of the solar Soluna remedies Nr. Cordiak, Nr. Ophthalmik and Nr. Sanguisol.

Cumin (Carum carvi) As a stomachic, cumin stimulates the gastric juices and gall secretions and thereby promotes appetite. Because of its very good spasmolytic effectiveness, it is used to treat dyspeptic complaints, convulsive complaints in the gastrointestinal area, flatulence, sensations of fullness and nervous cardio-gastric complaints. As a spice, cumin makes flatulence-producing foods tolerable. The cumin employed comes from the Soluna Medicinal Gardens.

Lavender blossoms (Lavandula) The blossoms have a calming effect. Correspondingly, their scope of application covers minor disorders of well-being such as states of unrest, difficulty falling asleep, and functional epigastrium complaints (nervous

AquavitCharacteristics of Ingredients

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Nr. AQUAVITpronounced ah-kwuh-veet ml oral drops

Lavender blossoms (Lavandula) continuedirritable stomach, Roehmheld syndrome, meteorism, nervous intestinal complaints). In folk medicine, the blossoms are used for cramps, migraines and bronchial asthma. The fragrant herb has always been added to washing and bath water; its name was derived from the Latin lavare = washing.

Masterwort rootstock (Peucedanum ostruthium, Rhizoma sicc.) Bernus explained the effective scope of the root as follows: »Very comprehensive, herb related to the Angelica root: positive, active, invigorating. Against neural ailments, headache, stroke, epilepsy. Opens liver and spleen. Very effective for gastric and intestinal catarrh. Warming, cleansing and purging.« Different sources emphasize its aphrodisiac effectiveness. Because of its great healing power, the root is also known as the "root of all roots" and "Radix imperatoria" ("Imperial root"). – It is also a component of Nr. Stomachik I.

Melissa leaves (Melissa officinalis, Folium sicc.) Folk medicine recognizes Melissa as a plant which strengthens the nerves, acts as a antispasmodic, and has a vivifying effect; especially on the brain, heart, uterus and the gastrointestinal tract. – The leaves employed come from the Soluna Medicinal Gardens and are also a component of Nr. Cordiak, Nr. Sanguisol and Nr. Stomachik I.

Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) Folk medicine values the nut as a healing remedy for disorders and complaints of the gastrointestinal tract (e.g. stomach cramps, intestinal catarrh, nervous dyspepsia), neurasthenia, headache and memory impairment. In small dosages, the essential oil has a calming effect on the nerves and is a mood enhancer, and in high dosages is intoxicative and narcotic. Nutmeg is therefore traditionally used for treating strong pain, and as an aphrodisiac. – According to Hildegard von Bingen »rubbed nutmeg, together with pulverized cinnamon and pounded cloves, dampens the bitterness of the heart and your senses, opens your heart and your blunt senses, and makes your spirit cheerful«. The appetizing

AquavitCharacteristics of Ingredients

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Nr. AQUAVITpronounced ah-kwuh-veet ml oral drops

Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) continuednut was brought to Europe by the Portuguese in the Middle Ages.

Pepper fruits, black and white (Piper nigrum, Fructus immaturus sicc. e Fructus maturus sicc.) Pepper stimulates saliva and gastric juice formation; as such it is appetite arousing, conducive to digestion and helps with stomach trouble. – White pepper is milder than black pepper. The fruits were already employed in antiquity as a spice and healing remedy.

Rosemary leaves (Rosmarinus officinalis) The leaves act on the gall passages and on the small intestine as a spasmolytic; they enhance the coronary flow and increase the contractions of the heart (positive inotropic effectiveness). Bernus explained the effective scope of rosemary in folk medicine: »Of strong solar potency. In the past much praised and applied: for eye ailments, headache, neural strengthening (depressions). Stomach and abdomen organs. Also tendency to dizziness. – stroke. – paralysis.« – The leaves employed come from the Soluna Medicinal Gardens and are also a component of Nr. Cordiak, Nr. Ophthalmik, Nr. Sanguisol and Nr. Stomachik I.

Sage leaves (Salvia officinalis, Folium sicc.) The leaves have an antibacterial, fungicidal, antiviral, and astringent effect, as well as inhibiting secretion and perspiration. The scope of application of the leaves are all dyspeptic complaints such as lack of appetite, flatulence and diarrhea. Folk medicine also employs the leaves for asthma, bronchial catarrh and nervous exhaustion. Bernus describes the folk medicine's scope of application: »A great healing remedy, no longer held in sufficient esteem. Old verse: "Why do people die, when, after all, sage is growing in the garden!" – Respiratory organs. Digestive apparatus. Against infections – Prophylactic. Sudorific in large quantities, palliative in small. – Antispasmodic. – Nerve strengthening.« – The name sage derives from the Latin word "salvare" = to

AquavitCharacteristics of Ingredients

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Nr. AQUAVITpronounced ah-kwuh-veet ml oral drops

Sage leaves (Salvia officinalis, Folium sicc.) continuedheal; its curative effectiveness has been known by the Greeks since early antiquity. The employed leaves come from the Soluna Medicinal Gardens and are also a component of Nr. Pulmonik.

Centaury herb (Centauri) The herb enhances saliva and gastric juice secretion. Its scope of application covers loss of appetite and dyspeptic complaints. In folk medicine, it has a long tradition as a general tonic and restorative agent. – The herb employed is from the Soluna Medicinal Gardens and is also a component of Nr. Stomachik I.

Juniper berries (Juniperus) The berries are used nowadays as a remedy for treating dyspeptic complaints (e.g. belching, heartburn, digestive insufficiency, and the sensation of fullness). Bernus described the folk medicine scope of application: »Urine promoting and sudorific. – digestive insufficiency, flatulence, articular pain, gout, rheumatism.« Correspondingly, the berries were used in medieval times as a lifespan enhancing "blood cleanser". – The berries come from the Soluna Medicinal Gardens and are also a component of Nr. Stomachik I.

Hyssop herb (Hyssopi) The herb is a folk medicine remedy for gastrointestinal complaints, as well as for coughing and bronchitis. In , the herbal medicine expert Haller noted the effective scope of the herb: »For strengthening the nerves and the head«. – The herb employed comes from the Soluna Medicinal Gardens and is also a component of Nr. Pulmonik.

Cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum cassia) As a stomachic and carminative, the bark promotes digestion. Scope of application covers: lack of appetite, dyspeptic complaints such as minor convulsive complaints in the gastrointestinal area, sensation of fullness and

AquavitCharacteristics of Ingredients

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Nr. AQUAVITpronounced ah-kwuh-veet ml oral drops

Cinnamon bark (Cinnamomum cassia) continuedflatulence. The evergreen cinnamon is indigenous to the mountainous forests of Ceylon. Its bark is one of the oldest spice plants of the world.

• Nr. Alcangrol• Nr. Cerebretik• Nr. Cordiak• Nr. Hepatik• Nr. Sanguisol

AquavitCharacteristics of Ingredients

Suggested Combination Remedies