AQSSD FY 2004 WESTAR Meeting April 8, 2004. Lydia N. Wegman, Director 5505 Margaret Morrison, Exec....

AQSSD FY 2004 WESTAR Meeting April 8, 2004

Transcript of AQSSD FY 2004 WESTAR Meeting April 8, 2004. Lydia N. Wegman, Director 5505 Margaret Morrison, Exec....

  • AQSSD FY 2004

    WESTAR MeetingApril 8, 2004

  • Lydia N. Wegman, Director 5505 Margaret Morrison, Exec. Asst.5507Robin Dunkins, Act. Assoc. Dir.5335 Linda Lassiter, Act. Exec. Secy.5551 Ruth Choate (SP)5218 Mail Code (C504-01) fax 0804AIR QUALITY STRATEGIES AND STANDARDS DIVISIONOffice of Air Quality Planning and StandardsU.S. Environmental Protection AgencyImmediate OfficeNyasha Anderson+2625Barbara Bess (Admin Officer)1008Tricia Crabtree (Reg Pkgs)5688Laura McKelvey (Tribal Pgms)5497Nancy Riley (Contracts Liaison)5353David Solomon(Senior Adv)5375Gail Whitfield (Prgm Analyst)1451Health & Ecosystem Effects Group(C539-01)Karen Martin, Group Leader5274 Dani Dixon, Secretary 5655 Doris Couch (SP)5611 Nellie Thompson (SP)5611 fax 0237

    John Langstaff1449Scott Mathias5310David McKee5288Harvey Richmond5271Mary Ross5170Vicki Sandiford2629Susan Stone1146Innovative Strategies & Econ Group(C339-01)Ron Evans, Group Leader5488 Kim Paylor, Secretary 5543 Mary Lynch (SP) 5253 fax 0839

    Allen Basala5622Lillian Bradley 5694Janet Cakir4853Linda Chappell 2864Lisa Conner 5060Eric Crump4719Sara Hannon +0514Bryan Hubbell0621Aaiysha Khursheed4815Nancy Mayer 5390Dan Mussati0032Arturo Rios4883Zach Pekar3704John Peng +5699Juan Carlos Rodriguez + 5328 Larry Sorrels 5041Elizabeth Swartz #5309 Alison Waske + Darryl Weatherhead 2270 Innovative Policy & Strategies Group(C504-02)Joe Paisie, Group Leader5556 Nancy Perry, Secretary 5628 Bernice Peterson (SP)5585 Betty Mosely (SP) 3753 fax 5489

    Bill Beal 5667Gary Blais # 3223Lee Byrd *5367 Shao-Hang Chu5382Rich Damberg 5592Bill Grantham^Todd Hawes5591Kathy Kaufman 0102Tom Rosendahl5314Tim Smith 4718Charlene Spells5255Amy Vasu 0107Larry Wallace0906Ozone Policy & Strategies Group(C539-02)Tom Helms, Group Leader5527 Linda Lassiter, Secretary5526 Ann Haskin (SP)4219 Marie Williams (SP)3871 fax 0824

    JoAnn Allman1815Tom Coda 0520David Cole5565Valerie Broadwell3310Natalie Garrison +1892Denise Gerth5550Barry Gilbert5238Doug Grano3292Bill Johnson5245Jan King5665Julie McClintock5339Annie Nikbakht5246Bill Neuffer5435Carla Oldham3347Sharon Reinders5284David Sanders3356John Silvasi5666Bob Stallings7649David Stonefield5350SP SEEP+ Intern IPA to NC^ IPA from NTEC# on rotation to another Division* rotation to AQSSDRevised 2/5/04

  • Existing PrioritiesNAAQS reviews for PM and ozone8-hour ozone and PM-2.5 designations8-hour ozone implementation rulePM-2.5 implementation ruleInterstate Air Quality RuleBART proposalInnovative approaches to emission reductionsBasic economic analysis support for rulesUncertainty framework: pilot & influence analysisSupport RPO efforts

  • NAAQS ReviewsNovember 12-13, 2003 CASAC review of draft PM Staff PaperExpecting delay to April 2004 for PM Criteria DocumentDelay in 1st Draft Ozone Criteria Document; work toward completion of 1st Draft Ozone Staff Paper for release first of next fiscal year

  • PM Implementation ProgramPropose PM-2.5 implementation rulePM-2.5 designationsGovernors recommendations February 2004Final designations December 2004

  • Ozone Implementation ProgramFinal 8-hour implementation ruleFinal 8-hour designationsFinal designations April 15, 2004Final Phase II NOx SIP Call ANPR Reactivity policyPropose General Conformity revisions (covers ozone and PM)Support for completion of 1-hour ozone SIPs in most polluted areas like New York, Houston, Atlanta, LA, etc.Work with and track actions in EAC areas; Rapid Response Team

  • Interstate Transport RuleAccelerated scheduleDecember 15, 2003 signatureSupplemental proposal April 2004

  • Regional HazeBART proposal (4/2004)WRAP SIP submittals RPO technical meetings to review progress RPO funding decisions; guidance Meeting coordination and annual grant allocation and progress reviews

  • Economic AnalysisSupport for all major OAQPS rulemakings (PM, ozone Implementation, interstate transport, BART, PM NAAQS, MACT & residual risk, NSR)Economic analysis support for other rules and reports (812 report to Congress, OTAQ final Non-Road, R10 Tribal, Clear Skies)Improving characterization of uncertainty in benefits estimatesDevelopment, peer review, and distribution of economic analysis tools (BenMAP, AirControlNET, FAST, EMPAX, PHOENIX)

  • Innovative ApproachesPolicySIP Credit for Non-traditional Emissions Control Programs; combines draft Innovative Measures and existing Voluntary Measures PolicyGuidance on quantifying and crediting emission reductionsTruck idling Switchyard locomotive idlingSIP credit for energy efficiency & renewablesWorking with others on fostering innovationTexas SIP credit for energy efficiencyMaryland and Pennsylvania SIP credit for renewablesSEQL participationEarly Action CompactsLocal reduction incentive pilot programRapid Response TeamLead for Innovations Workshop 2004

  • OAQPS Tribal ActivitiesComplete NSR rule for Indian countryNAAQS implementation activitiesCoordination with ITEP, TAMS, NTAATraining and guidance to support tribes developing their air programs

  • Collaboration with Other OfficesEMADPM implementationOzone implementationInterstate transport ruleBART ruleRPOsAir quality data for designations and NAAQS reviewsESDAgriculture issuesEconomic supportITPIDNew Source ReviewAir Quality IndexEMAD, ESD, ITPID, OARTribal issuesBenefitsOAP, CAMDUtilities emissions, rulesInterstate Transport ruleBART rule

  • AQSSD Resources by Program AreaFTE

  • Typical AQSSD TravelDC briefings Administrator, OAR, OMB, Congressional staffTransport ruleDesignations 8 hour rule PM ruleBARTUncertainty, cost & benefitsPublic hearings, coordination on rulesInterstate Transport rulePM implementation rule8-hour implementation ruleBART proposalDesignation workshops, consistency meetings, ozone & PMNational leadership for NAAQS and RH implementationAPM, ADD, STAPPA, ECOS meetingsRegional Planning OrganizationsTrade associationsRegional OfficesSupport tribal air programsAQI outreach to medical communityTrainingOPM, USDA, other coursesWorkshops, professional conferencesIPA support (Grantham)

    Will be scheduling a briefing for Steve soon on what happened in the CASAC meeting; status of discussions on schedule changes.Resources shown on these slides do not include economic/benefits work. Those resources are all shown on the one economics slide.Proposal package:Precursor issue still main issue at local level. New Source Review issue revolving around precursor issueState and locals not familiar with PM-fine chemistry and control measuresInterconnections with transport rule, especially if end up with big trading program

    Designations: expect similar issues as with ozone

    Reactivity Policy: Holmstead asked Keating for a copy 2 months ago, indicating he was going to make comments. Helms would like to have published before the next RRWG meeting January 7, 2004.

    BART proposal: To Work Group closure 11/13/2003Plan to submit to OMB December/JanuaryTruck idling: review has been completedSwitchyard locomotive idling: review completedSIP credit for energy efficiency & renewables: currently undergoing work group reviewPolicy on flexible SIP approval policy: draft for agency review completed 10/2003

    With Jack leaving, I havent assigned a new lead for this activity. Division funds not available for tribal work.Continuing our work with EMAD and TRG. Really good 2-day session in June. We have another 1-day session scheduled December 3.