Coffs Harbour Hospital Expansion Independent Environmental Audit Assessment of CPB Contractors Environmental System Compliance Against the SSD 8981 Conditions of Consent Audit Reference: AQ1249.02 Audit Organisation: CPB Contractors Auditors: Annabelle Tungol, Lead Auditor, AQUAS Ana Maria Munoz, Auditor, AQUAS Date of Audit: 19 June 2020 Draft Report Submitted: 3 July 2020 Final Report Submitted: 14 July 2020


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Coffs Harbour Hospital Expansion Independent Environmental Audit

Assessment of CPB Contractors Environmental System Compliance

Against the SSD 8981 Conditions of Consent

Audit Reference: AQ1249.02

Audit Organisation: CPB Contractors

Auditors: Annabelle Tungol, Lead Auditor, AQUAS

Ana Maria Munoz, Auditor, AQUAS

Date of Audit: 19 June 2020

Draft Report Submitted: 3 July 2020

Final Report Submitted: 14 July 2020

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Amendment, Distribution & Authorisation Record


Version Control and Distribution

Revision No. Date Reasons for Revision Issued to

Draft 3 July 2020 - PwC

Final 14 July 2020 Final Report for issue PwC

No reproduction of this document or any part thereof is permitted without prior written permission of AQUAS Pty Limited. This report has been prepared and reviewed in accordance with our Quality control system. This report has been prepared by: ANA MARIA MUNOZ Date: 14/7/2020 Environmental Auditor Reviewed by: ANNABELLE TUNGOL Date: 14/7/2020 Lead Environmental Auditor

© Copyright AQUAS Pty Ltd ABN: 40 050 539 010 All rights reserved. No material may be reproduced without prior permission. While we have tried to ensure the accuracy of the information in this publication, the Publisher accepts no responsibility or liability for any errors, omissions or resultant consequences including any loss or damage arising from reliance in information in this publication. AQUAS Pty Ltd

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1. Executive Summary 4

2. Introduction 5

2.1 Background 5

2.2 Project Details 5

2.3 Audit Team 5

2.4 Audit Objectives 5

2.5 . Audit Scope 6

2.6 Audit Period 6

3. Audit Methodology 7

3.1 Approval of Auditors 7

3.2 Audit scope development 7

3.3 Audit Process 7 3.3.1 Opening Meeting 7 3.3.2 Conduct of Audit 7 3.3.3 Closing Meeting 7 3.4 Interviewed Persons 7

3.5 Details of Site Inspection 8

3.6 Consultation 8

3.7 Audit Compliance Status Descriptors 8

4. Document Review 9

5. Audit Findings 10

5.1 Assessment of Compliance 10

5.2 Notices, Incidents and Complaints 10

5.3 Previous Audit (September 2019) Recommendations 11

5.4 Audit Site Inspection 14

5.5 Suitability of Plans and the EMS 15

5.6 Development Past Performance 15

5.7 Actual and Predicted Impacts 15

5.8 Key Strengths 15

6. Audit Recommendations 17


Appendix A. Auditors Approval 18

Appendix B. Audit Attendance Sheet 19

Appendix C. Independent Audit Declaration Form 20

Appendix D. Audit Checklist and Audit Findings 21

Appendix E. Audit Photos 49

Appendix F. Consultation Records 53

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1. Executive Summary This audit was completed to assess the compliance of Coffs Harbour Hospital Expansion Project with the requirements of Development Consent State Significant Development (SSD) 8981 Condition C43 and in accordance with the approved Audit Programme. This audit was originally scheduled in March 2020 as per the approved Audit Programme, however, due to the current COVID-19 situation and travel restrictions the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) provided a three months extension to undertake and complete this Independent Environmental Audit by 30 June 2020. The audit was conducted by AQUAS (Annabelle Tungol – Lead Auditor and Ana Maria Munoz – Auditor) on 19 June 2020. This audit covered the conditions under Part A, Part B and Part C of the Development Consent SSD 8981.

Majority of the building structure has been completed. Current site works included topping structure, completing level 4, internal services in most levels such as fit-out works and painting. Helipad precast structure, roof structural steel and Façade installation starting soon.

Overall, the project is generally compliant to the conditions of Development Consent SSD 8981 with the following key strengths noted:

• The Hospital construction activities continue to be carried out as per the project programme with no harm to the environment;

• The Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) and sub-plans have been reviewed and implemented during the construction to comply with the SSD conditions;

• Interface meetings, internal and external communication with the Hospital and stakeholders continue to be undertaken;

• Consultation with the Hospital Representatives has been managed well; • The process for reporting incidents and complaints has been followed; • Non-conformances raised in the previous independent environmental audit have been recorded

and corrective actions implemented; • Environmental inspections have been undertaken regularly; and • Implementation of environmental mitigation measures (i.e. dust management, erosion and

sedimentation controls, stockpile management, tree protection, traffic and pedestrian access, noise and vibration, wastes management and chemical storage and spill management).

It was noted that 2 modifications have been sought to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE). Modification 1 dated 25/8/19 and Modification 2 dated 1/12/19 have been approved and the SSD Conditions of Consent 8981 modified to reflect those changes.

As a result of Modification 2 a Staging Report was prepared to allow for a staged approach during the project lifetime. This report addresses the conditions required to be met prior the commencement of construction. The staging report dated 19/2/2020 (Rev.2) was approved by DPIE 4/3/2020. Consequently, the non-compliances raised in the previous audit regarding the ‘prior to commencement of construction’ conditions have been closed.

Summary of Audit Findings

There were a total 94 Conditions of Consent assessed during this independent environmental audit, which comprised review of documents and records, interviews with project personnel and site inspection.

The audit identified four conditions that were non-compliant. The full details of the non-compliances can be found in Section 5.4 of this report. These need to be addressed by the proponent to attain full compliance with SSD 8981 and continually improve the environmental performance of the development.

General feedback and recommendations made during this audit should be consider as an opportunity to improve CPB environmental performance on the maintenance and implementation of their Environmental Management System.

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2. Introduction 2.1 Background

CPB Contractors has been appointed by PwC for the construction of a new 5 storey Clinical Services Building as part of the Coffs Harbour Hospital Expansion Project. PwC has engaged AQUAS to undertake the second independent environmental audit on 19 of June 2020 during construction phase of the Coffs Harbour Hospital Expansion project in compliance with the SSD 8981 condition C43. 2.2 Project Details

Project Name Coffs Harbour Hospital Expansion

Project Application Number SSD 8981

Project Address 345 Pacific Highway Coffs harbour

Project Phase Construction

Project Activity Summary Majority of the building structure has been completed. Current site works included topping structure, completing level 4, internal services in most levels such as fit-out works and painting. Helipad precast structure, roof structural steel and Façade installation starting soon. The carpark has been completed and handed over to the Hospital.

2.3 Audit Team

Details of the AQUAS environmental auditors for this audit were submitted to the Department of Planning by PwC. Endorsement by Planning of the following auditors was granted prior to the conduct of the audit Refer to Appendix A:

Name Company Position Certification

Annabelle Tungol AQUAS Lead Environmental Auditor

Exemplar Global Lead Environmental Auditor – Certificate No. 119536

Ana Maria Munoz AQUAS Environmental Auditor SAI Global Lead Auditor; Exemplar Global Environmental Auditor – Certificate No. 115421

2.4 Audit Objectives

The objective of this audit was to undertake the initial independent environmental audit in compliance with the Development Consent Condition SSD 8981 Cl. C43, in accordance with:

(a) the Independent Audit Program submitted to the Department and the Certifier under condition C42 of this consent; and

(b) the requirements for an Independent Audit Methodology and Independent Audit Report in the Independent Audit Post Approval Requirements (Department 2018).

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2.5 . Audit Scope

The scope of this audit comprised of the following:

Review of implementation of CPB Contractors Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Revision 5.0 dated 13 December 2019 and Appendix H: Site Environment Plans.

Construction Noise & Vibration Management Sub-Plan Construction Traffic and Pedestrian Sub-Plan Site inspection conducted on 19 June 2020, review of environmental site controls; Review of environmental records; Interview of site personnel; and Consultation with stakeholders.

2.6 Audit Period

This was the second independent environmental audit carried out by AQUAS on the project which covers the review of environmental documentation and records for the construction from September 2019 up to 19 June 2020 only.

It should be noted that this report is based on the result of sampling and supplied documentation/records, as well as site activities on the day of audit (19 June 2020).

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3. Audit Methodology 3.1 Approval of Auditors

Letter from the Planning Secretary agreeing to the auditors is attached as Appendix A.

3.2 Audit scope development

AQUAS developed the audit scope and a checklist based on the Project Development Consent Requirements Application No. SSD 8981. Refer to Appendix D of this report.

3.3 Audit Process

3.3.1 Opening Meeting

An opening meeting was held on 19 June 2020 at 8:00am with PwC, CPB project personnel and AQUAS auditors as per the Audit Attendance Sheet. Refer to Appendix B of this report.

Key items were discussed, including: Confirmation of the purpose and scope of the audit Overview of the Project and status of the works Occurrence of Environmental incidents Overview of the audit process in accordance with the proposed Audit Program

3.3.2 Conduct of Audit

Audit activities included the following:

Reviewed the project documentation (CEMP and its sub-plans) to verify compliance with the Development Consent Conditions SSD 8981;

Conducted a site walk to review implementation of environmental controls; Conducted the audit following the checklist that was prepared based on the SSD Conditions by

interviewing personnel and review of records provided as evidence of compliance; and Any identified findings were discussed during closing meeting and any actions noted during site

inspection were clearly communicated to the site personnel and addressed immediately.

3.3.3 Closing Meeting

The closing meeting was held on 19 June 2020 at 2:00pm with PwC, CPB and AQUAS. General feedback and the findings of the audit were discussed during the closing meeting.

AQUAS auditors acknowledged the cooperation, openness and hospitality of Hansen Yuncken staff during the conduct of this audit.

3.4 Interviewed Persons

Name and position of persons interviewed:

Name Organisation Position

Brad Sugar CPB Senior Project Manager

Sophie Thompson CPB Project Engineer

Nick Weeks PwC Project Manager

Andrew Zvirdinas CPB Environmental Manager

Adam Saintall CPB Site Advisor

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3.5 Details of Site Inspection

A site walk around the construction area was conducted with focus on the following controls:

- Erosion and sedimentation controls including sediment fences and controls around pits. - Stockpile management area; - Stabilised access/egress; - Roads surrounding the site for dust/mud tracking; - Chemical storage; - Noise, vibration, dust, waste and traffic management; - Site signage; and - General housekeeping.

Photos taken during site inspection are included in the Appendix E.

3.6 Consultation

Correspondence was sent to the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE), Health Infrastructure (HI), Hospital Representative and Coffs Harbour City Council via email to request feedback about the project and to highlight any areas for review by AQUAS during the audit.

The feedback provided from the Hospital Representative LHD indicated that CPB have set up good processes for communications and management of construction and for associated disruptions to normal business during their regular interface meetings. It was also mentioned that CPB were very responsive in regard to their COVID-19 planning and implementing systems and processes.

The DPIE had noted in their letter of acceptance of the Independent Environmental Audit Report 01, dated 19 March 2020 the compliance on the following conditions:

- The requirement in Condition A22 for the complaints register to be updated on the project website monthly and incident reporting requirements and timeframes under Conditions C38 and C39. Compliant register was posted on the website. No incident reported during this reporting period.

- Condition B34 requires the submission of the dilapidation report to the Planning Secretary. The IEA does not confirm this report has been provided to the Department, please provide by 1 April 2020. Copy of the report was sent to DPIE on 20 March 2020.

HI did not have specific areas of concern in relation to this project at this time. For consultation records please refer to Appendix F.

3.7 Audit Compliance Status Descriptors

The following audit criteria were used for the rating of audit findings.

Status Description

Compliant The auditor has collected sufficient verifiable evidence to demonstrate that all elements of the requirement have been complied with within the scope of the audit.

Non-Compliant The auditor has determined that one or more specific elements of the conditions or requirements have not been complied with within the scope of the audit.

Not Triggered A requirement has an activation or timing trigger that has not been met at the time when the audit is undertaken, therefore an assessment of compliance is not relevant.

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4. Document Review The following documents were reviewed and/or sighted as part of this audit:

• Construction Environmental Management Plan Rev.5 – 13/12/2019 • Coffs Harbour Hospital Expansion Construction Program 4 weeks lookahead - 20/2/2020 • Coffs Harbour Hospital Expansion Milestone 1 & 2 – 3 weekly program • CHHE – Fitout construction program – 15/06/2020 • Compliance Report (Construction) Rev.2 – 19/2/2020 • Construction Traffic Management Plan (CTMP) Rev.5 - 10/12/2019 • Noise and Vibration Management Plan Section 3.0 of CEMP • BCA Crown Certificate No.2 CRO20035 by Blackett Maguire + Goldsmith – 1/4/2020 • BCA Crown Certificate No.3 CRO20046 by Blackett Maguire + Goldsmith – 4/6/2020 • Bush Fire Hazard Assessment No. 2876-1060 by GeoLink Version 3 - 29/5/18 • Structural Design Certificate No.182049 by TTW – 14/02/2020 • Environmental Inspections records for 08/04/2020 • Soil and Water Management Plan Drawing - 21/2/19. • Cleanaway report - July and August 2019 • Noise and vibration monitoring results by Osterman Consult – 6/2/2020 • Noise, dust and vibration monitoring results by Osterman Consult – 20/01/2020 • Noise monitoring results by Osterman Consult – 30/4/2020 • Complaints Register for January 2020 • Proponent Response to Independent Audit Findings Version 1.0 – 30/01/2020 • Dilapidation Reports Ref. No. 19-01161 by Building Inspection Houspect – 17/04/2019 • Log book for the EWP – 19/06/2020 with Operator Tickets • Maintenance and Plant Register – 27/05/2020 • Induction record from ABS Facade operator – 30/04/2020 • Asset Inspection Report for the EWP GENIE GS1932 NSW-3482 • Road Occupancy License (ROL) No. 1355698 1/03/2020 to 1/07/2020 • Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Revision 4 – 17/06/2020 • Imported Materials by JNC Group up to 29/05/2020 • Waste Register - Synergy Input Summary – April 2020

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5. Audit Findings This audit was completed to assess the implementation of CEMP and environmental controls established by the proponent against the requirements of Development Consent SSD 8981.

The following table summarises the audit findings by rating category:

Findings Rating Findings

Compliant 66

Non-Compliant 4

Not Triggered 24

Total Requirements 94

5.1 Assessment of Compliance

The audit determined that the proponent has implemented the controls for environmental management within the construction activities that are currently being undertaken. The comparison of audit requirements against the compliance ratings is as follows:

5.2 Notices, Incidents and Complaints

CPB Contractors noted that no agency notices, orders, penalty notices or prosecutions have been issued. No incidents have occurred to June 2020; the two previous incidents were recorded, reported and addressed appropriately.

Complaints Register continue been maintained and posted in the project website. Sighted registers from July-December 2019 and for March 2020. In total 4 complaints were registered as follows: contractors being verbally abusive with carpark personnel on 11th of November 2019 and with hospital staff on the 5th March 2020, both contractors received a final warning and one was removed from the construction site. The other two complaints were: one on the 28th February 2020 and the other on the 19th of March 2020 regarding the noise levels due to demolition works; the works were reprogrammed, and number of demolition machines reduced from three to one. All complaints have been resolved.

SSD Requirements Requirements Findings

Part A – Administrative Controls 24 Compliant – 19

Non-Compliant – 2

Not Triggered – 3

Part B – Prior to commencement of Construction

21 Compliant – 10

Non-Compliant – 2

Not Triggered – 9

Part C – During Construction Appendix 1 – Incident Notification

45 (part C) 4 (Appendix 1)

Complaint – 37

Non-Compliant – 0

Not Triggered – 12

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5.3 Previous Audit (September 2019) Recommendations

The audit noted that Modification 2 (MOD 2) dated 1/12/2019, was prepared to amend the façade design, delete condition B15 and B16, amend conditions C8 and C26 and allow for a staged approach during the project lifetime. A Staging Report was developed to address the conditions required to be met prior the commencement of construction. The report dated 19 February 2020 (Revision 2) was approved by DPIE on the 4 March 2020. Consequently, the non-compliances raised in the previous audit regarding the ‘prior to commencement of construction’ conditions have been closed.

The following previous audit findings were reviewed in detailed with CPB and PwC. AQUAS confirmed that responses and actions were appropriate to close out 15 out of 16 Non-Compliances and all the opportunities for improvement raised during the initial audit conducted on the 13 September 2019:

Finding No. SSD Condition Audit Finding Follow-up Comments Status



A2: Terms of Consent

Based on the number of non-compliant items the project is non-compliant to the requirement of: A2. The development may only be carried out: (a) in compliance with the conditions of this consent;

This was addressed through the actions taken to close out the non-compliances raised in the previous audit.

Closed 19/6/2020



A17: Design and Construction for Bush Fire

The design for bush fire was part of the Crown Certificate 3 and was not completed prior to commencement of construction.

This was addressed through the approval of SSD Modification (MOD 2) to stage the delivery of the project. MOD 2 was approved by DPIE on 2/12/19. Staging Report dated 19/2/2020 (Rev.2) was approved by DPIE on 4/3/2020 forward to CPB 5/3/2020. Presented letter sent to Certifier (Blackett Maguire + Goldsmith) dated 24/3/2020 indicating CPB will comply with section 3 & 5 (BAL 12.5) and AS3959-2000 and the report from GeoLink. This will form part CC4. Including a Bush Fire Hazard Assessment dated 29/05/2018 Rev.3 from GeoLink

Closed 19/6/2020



A22: Access to Information

Not all information or documents required by this condition have been uploaded in a public website i.e.: - The CEMP and subplans - Performance report - Monitoring results - Complaints register

Documents are currently available on the project website. New reports will be uploaded as received.

Closed 19/6/2020



B1: Notification of Commencement

Notification of construction work to DPIE was not provided within 48 hours of commencement of work. Construction works commenced 19/6/19. Email from HI to DPIE on the 16/7/19 indicating that construction works commenced on the 19/6/19.

The proponent has reviewed in detail the requirements of the SSD 8981 consent conditions to ensure all project staff understands the definition of each requirement to ensure compliance, specifically if this involves timing. Staging report 19/2/2020 (Rev.2) was prepared by CPB in

Closed 19/6/2020

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Finding No. SSD Condition Audit Finding Follow-up Comments Status

consultation with PwC and HI and timeframes were discussed.



B3: Certified Drawings

Not all the structural drawings have been submitted to the Certifying Authority prior to commencement of construction (19/7/2019). It was noted that the piling works were submitted to CA on 27/7/2019.

This was addressed through the approval of SSD Modification (MOD 2) to stage the delivery of the project. MOD 2 was approved by DPIE on 2/12/19. Staging Report 19/2/2020 (Rev.2) was approved by DPIE on 4/3/2020 forward to CPB 5/3/2020. Structural Design Certificate dated 14/02/2020 from TTW was approved as part of the Crown Certificate 2 (CC2) dated 1/4/2020.

Closed 19/6/2020



B6: Construction Environmental Management Plan

The Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) Rev.3 was approved by the Certifier (Blackett Maguire + Goldsmith) on the 26/6/19. There was no evidence available to indicate that the CEMP was submitted to DPIE within 7 days after the Certifying Authority accepted it.

The CEMP (Rev.3) was provided to DPIE via email on 24/09/2019. The proponent has reviewed in detail the requirements of the SSD 8981 consent conditions to ensure all project staff understands the definition of each requirement to ensure compliance, specifically if this involves timing. This is reflected in the Staging Report that was prepared in consultation with PwC and HI.

Closed 19/6/2020



B19: External Walls and Cladding

The external walls and cladding design will be part of the Crown Certificate 2 and this was not provided to Certifying Authority prior to commencement of construction.

This was addressed through the approval of SSD Modification (MOD 2) to stage the delivery of the project. MOD 2 was approved by DPIE on 2/12/19. Staging Report 19/2/2020 (Rev.2) was approved by DPIE on 4/3/2020 forward to CPB 5/3/2020. This will be part of CC4 – Stage 4. Note: According to the current staging report, Stage 4 will start in Q2 of 2020; however, this has been delayed. Staging report needs to be revised to indicate that Stage 4 will start in Q3 of 2020.

Closed 19/6/2020



B26: Stormwater Management System

The design for stormwater management system was not submitted to the Certifying Authority prior commencement of construction (19/6/19). It was provided on 25 July 2019 and comments from the Certifying Authority was yet to be addressed. CPB was waiting for the ecologist report with respect to the compliant with B26. It was also noted that the designed by Taylor Thomson Whitting (NSW) Pty Ltd (TTW) was submitted for consultation. Coffs Harbour Council was contacted by TTW via email on 2/7/2019 sending all the design for

This was addressed through the approval of SSD Modification (MOD 2) to stage the delivery of the project. MOD 2 was approved by DPIE on 2/12/19. Staging Report 19/2/2020 (Rev.2) was approved by DPIE on 4/3/2020 forward to CPB 5/3/2020. Civil Design Certificate from TTW (which includes the stormwater drainage system) dated 19/7/2019 was submitted to the Certifier on the 23/03/2020. Stormwater management system was approved as part of the Crown Certificate 2 (CC2) dated 1/4/2020.

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Finding No. SSD Condition Audit Finding Follow-up Comments Status

review. Council responded with comments on 10/07/2019, TTW was yet to address Council comments.



B27: Rainwater Harvesting

The rainwater reuse/harvesting plan was not developed prior to commencement of construction.

This was addressed through the approval of SSD Modification (MOD 2) to stage the delivery of the project. MOD 2 was approved by DPIE on 2/12/19. Staging Report 19/2/2020 (Rev.2) was approved by DPIE on 4/3/2020 forward to CPB 5/3/2020. This will be part of CC5 - Stage 5.

Closed 19/6/2020



B28: Operational Noise - Design of Mechanical Plant and Equipment

The noise mitigation recommendations in the report titled Coffs Harbour Hospital Expansion SSD 8981 Construction and Operational Noise and Vibration Assessment Report prepared by Arup, dated 4 June 2018 were not incorporated into the detailed design drawings prior commencement of construction.

This was addressed through the approval of SSD Modification (MOD 2) to stage the delivery of the project. MOD 2 was approved by DPIE on 2/12/19. Staging Report 19/2/2020 (Rev.2) was approved by DPIE on 4/3/2020 forward to CPB 5/3/2020. Contract Statement from CPB dated 19/03/2020 was sent to the Certifier and approved as part of the Crown Certificate 2 (CC2) dated 1/4/2020.

Closed 19/6/2020



B30: Access for People with Disabilities

The access for people with disabilities design was not provided to Certifying Authority prior to commencement of construction. However, it was noted that Disable Access & Egress- OC Access Installation Certificate - Early Works was developed dated 10 July 2019 as part of building to be certified - Early works- car parking and associated pathways by iAccess Consultants.

This was addressed through the approval of SSD Modification (MOD 2) to stage the delivery of the project. MOD 2 was approved by DPIE on 2/12/19. Staging Report 19/2/2020 (Rev.2) was approved by DPIE on 4/3/2020 forward to CPB 5/3/2020. Letter from MSJ (CC2) 15/4/2019 indicates they will incorporate the relevant requirements of BCA. Access report dated 28/5/2020 (Rev.5) from iAccess consultants Rev.5 No.IAC-850 was issued for review to architects 11/6/2020. Final report will go along with the CC4. This will be address during Stage 4.

Closed 19/6/2020



B31: Car Parking and Service Vehicle Layout

The car parking and service vehicle layout was not provided to Certifying Authority prior to commencement of construction and it was noted that the design only allows for 1128 car parking spaces which is less than 1,133 on-site car parking spaces.

GTA consultant’s report dated 11/04/2019 with analysis of the car parking spaces indicates a total 1128 car park spaces. Evidence is to be provided that the 1128 car spaces has been approved by DPIE.

Open 19/6/2020



B32: Bicycle Parking and End-of-trip Facilities

Secure bicycle parking and end-of-trip facilities were not submitted to the satisfaction of the Certifying Authority prior to the commencement of construction.

This was addressed through the approval of SSD Modification (MOD 2) to stage the delivery of the project. MOD 2 was approved by DPIE on 2/12/19. Staging Report 19/2/2020 (Rev.2) was approved by

Closed 19/6/2020

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Finding No. SSD Condition Audit Finding Follow-up Comments Status

DPIE on 4/3/2020 forward to CPB 5/3/2020. This will be part of Stage 4 – CC4 which will start in Q3 of 2020.



B34: Protection of Public Infrastructure

The dilapidation reports were not submitted to DPIE and Council prior to commencement of construction. They were provided to the Certifying Authority on 12/7/2019. Submitted to Council 30/07/2019 and sent to HI on 9/07/2019.

The proponent has reviewed in detail the requirements of the SSD 8981 consent conditions to ensure all project staff understands the definition of each requirement to ensure compliance, specifically if this involves timing. Staging report 19/2/2020 (Rev.2) was prepared by CPB in consultation with PwC and HI and timeframes were discussed. Dilapidation reports prepared by were submitted to DPIE on the 20/02/2020.

Closed 19/6/2020



C38: Incident Notification, Reporting and Response and Appendix 1 (1)

Evidence of notification to DPIE on incidents reported were not provided. It was noted that there were two (2) notifiable incidents recorded on site to date, as follows: 1. Incident report was presented

dated 13/7/19. Incident was that a gas main service was struck.

2. Incident Report 191004 –that the bio-retention basin for the new western carpark was encroached into previously cleared mapped coastal wetland area to the south west of the western car park.

1. The gas main strike incident has been reported to DPIE on 24/01/2020.

2. The bioretention pond was initially reported on the 6/9/19 and the incident reported on the 4/10/19 within project timeframes.

No other incidents have happened since then. Additionally, the proponent has reviewed in detail the requirements of the SSD 8981 consent conditions to ensure all project staff understands the definition of each requirement to ensure compliance, specifically if this involves timing.

Closed 19/6/2020



Appendix 1 (3): Written Incident Notification

There was no evidence available to indicate that incident reports were provided to DPIE within 30 days of the date which incidents occurred for the gas main strike. Detailed reports for the 2 incidents were provided by CPB to PwC.

The proponent has reviewed in detail the requirements of the SSD 8981 consent conditions to ensure all project staff understands the definition of each requirement to ensure compliance, specifically if this involves timing. The bioretention pond incident was reported to DPIE on the 4/10/2019 which was within the required timeframe. The gas main strike incident was subsequently reported to DPIE on 24/01/2020.

Closed 19/6/2020

5.4 Audit Site Inspection

The site inspection was conducted at 8:20am on 19 June 2020. It was raining during the inspection. AQUAS auditor and project staff walked through the construction site, where environmental controls were observed, including:

- Erosion and sediment controls around pits within the construction area were installed; - Site signage and way findings were installed; - Suitable storage for hazardous materials;

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- Traffic controls were well implemented; - Skip bins for waste and recycling in various locations; - No mud tracking; - Controls installed around new site offices; - Stockpile area was fenced off, sprayed grass, erosion and sediment controls were installed

around it; - Car park was handed over to the Hospital and landscape has been completed; - Good housekeeping; and - The ambulance walkway was managed accordingly.

Not: The ongoing issue about Ambulance NSW around their covered hoarding/walkway from their parking bay to the ED entrance which has had significant issues of water inundation during rain events was being managed accordingly during rain events.

There was no issue raised during the site inspection. Please refer to photos of the site inspection in Appendix E.

5.5 Suitability of Plans and the EMS

The CEMP and sub-plans had been updated to suit the site controls and were implemented on site. Plans were generally compliant with the requirements of the Development Consent SSD 8981 and have been submitted to the Certifying Authority and made available to workers. Environmental mitigation measures were implemented.

The Environmental Management System was in placed and implemented during the project construction activities which was robust to prevent, minimise and control any harm to the environment. The system demonstrated a good processes on training, consultation, communications, environmental monitoring, reporting, documentation and record keeping.

5.6 Development Past Performance

The audit indicated that CPB project’s performance has improved significantly. This can be determined due to the following aspects:

- The Development Consent Conditions SSD 8981 have been tracked and monitored; - The Compliance Reports have been prepared, as required; - No incidents or disputes have been raised; - Complaints have been addressed promptly and appropriately; - Noise, dust and vibration monitoring reports have been conducted as per the monitoring

program and reports have been posted in the website; - The Staging Report prepared as part of Modification 2, was approved by DPIE on the 4 March

2020 aligning the project conditions with the Certifying Authority approvals based on the Crown Certificates timelines; and

- Environmental controls were implemented, and no issues were note during the site inspection.

5.7 Actual and Predicted Impacts

There are no significant change or additional impacts noted on the actual construction works based on the monitoring results. The predicted impacts as stated in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) remain the same.

5.8 Key Strengths

Overall, the project environmental performance in compliance with Development Consent SSD 8981 is satisfactorily met with the following key strengths noted:

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The Hospital construction activities continue to be carried out as per the project programme with no harm to the environment;

The Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) and sub-plans have been reviewed and implemented during the construction to comply with the SSD conditions;

Interface meetings, internal and external communication with the Hospital and stakeholders continue to be undertaken;

Consultation with the Hospital Representatives has been managed well; The process for reporting incidents and complaints has been followed; Non-conformances raised in the previous independent environmental audit have been recorded and

corrective actions implemented; Environmental inspections continue been undertaken regularly; and Implementation of environmental mitigation measures (i.e. dust management, erosion and

sedimentation controls, stockpile management, tree protection, traffic and pedestrian access, noise and vibration, wastes management and chemical storage and spill management).

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6. Audit Recommendations The following table outlines the identified non-compliances that need to be addressed and the auditor’s recommendations. Refer to the attached Appendix D for full details of findings including auditor notes.

Finding Number Consent Condition Description Audit Findings Recommendations



A2: Terms of Consent The development may only be carried out: (a) in compliance with the conditions of this consent;

Based on the audit identifying four non-compliances for the project, condition A2 (a) is assessed as non-compliant.

Address the non-compliances identified in this report.



A27 Staging Where staging is proposed, the terms of this approval that apply or are relevant to the works or activities to be carried out in a specific stage must be complied with at the relevant time for that stage.

Timeframes set out in Rev.2 of the Staging Report for Stage 4 have not been reached due to extreme weather conditions, bush fires, Covid-19 Pandemia, approval of FEBQ and FER, and other factors.

Staging report dated 19/02/2020 (Rev.2) needs to be updated as it indicates that Stage 4 will start in Q2 2020; however, during the audit it was indicated that this stage will start in Q3 2020.



B2 Notification of Commencement If the construction or operation of the development is to be staged, the Department must be notified in Writing at least 48 hours before the commencement of each stage, of the date of commencement and the development to be carried out in that stage.

Stage 2 Crown Certificate CRO-20035 dated 1/4/2020 was issued to DPIE on the 28/04/2020. Stage 3 Crown Certificate CRO-20046 dated 4/6/2020 was issued to DPIE on 11/6/2020. Notification to DPIE for Stage 2 and Stage 3 were sent after the commencement of each of these stages. Staging Report dated 19/2/2020 indicates Stage 2 and Stage 3 will start in Q1 2020.

Notification to DPIE for each of the project stages must be provided at least 48 hours before the commencement of each of stage.


(2019) No. 12

B31 Car Parking and Service Vehicle Layout Compliance with the following requirements must be submitted to the satisfaction of the Certifying Authority prior to the commencement of construction: b) minimum of 1,133 on-site car parking spaces for use during operation of the development and designed in accordance with the latest version of AS2890.1

GTA consultant’s report dated 11/04/2019 with analysis of the car parking spaces indicates a total 1128 car park spaces. CPB has discussed this with PwC/HI but no evidence was provided to indicate that this requirement has been modified in the SSD Conditions and approved by DPIE.

The proponent must seek an approval from DPIE for the acceptance of the existing 1128 car spaces and modified the required condition of 1133 car spaces.

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Appendix A. Auditors Approval

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Appendix B. Audit Attendance Sheet

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Appendix C. Independent Audit Declaration Form

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Appendix D. Audit Checklist and Audit Findings

ID No.

SSD Part No.

SSD Req. No.

SSD Requirement Audit Evidence Audit Findings / Recommendations

Compliance Descriptor


1.1 A A1 Obligation to Minimise Harm to the Environment In addition to meeting the specific performance measures and criteria in this consent, all reasonable and feasible measures must be Implemented to prevent. and if prevention is not reasonable and feasible, minimise, any material harm to the environment that may result from the construction and operation of the development.

Environmental inspections continue being carried out. Sighted records for April and May 2020. Sighted environmental inspection carried out on the 8/4/2020. Also, sighted Health and Safety Committee inspection on 24/03/2020. There was no material harm reported. It was raining during the inspection. Majority of the building structure has been completed. Helipad precast structure, roof structural steel and Façade installation starting soon. The carpark has been completed and handed over to the hospital. No issues were raised during the site inspection. Implementation of environmental mitigation measures (i.e. dust management, erosion and sedimentation controls, stockpile management, tree protection, traffic and pedestrian access, noise and vibration, wastes management and chemical storage and spill management).


1.2 A A2 Terms of Consent The development may only be carried out:

The development has been carried out in accordance with all written directions of the Department and the approved plans. Modification 1 approved on the 25/8/19 and Modification 2 approved on the 1/12/19. Plans have been posted in the project website.

Non-Compliant 01: Based on the audit identifying four non-compliances for the project, condition A2 (a) is assessed as non-compliant.


1.3 A A2 (a) in compliance with the conditions of this consent;

1.4 A A2 (b) in accordance with all written directions of the Planning Secretary;

1.5 A A2 (c) generally, in accordance with the EIS and Response to Submissions; generally in accordance with the Section 4.55(1A) Modification Report and appendices, prepared by GeoLINK environmental management and design, dated 5 November 2019; and

1.6 A A2 (d) in accordance with the approved plans in the table below:

- Architectural Drawings Prepared by MSJ Architects

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ID No.

SSD Part No.

SSD Req. No.

SSD Requirement Audit Evidence Audit Findings / Recommendations

Compliance Descriptor

- Landscape Concept prepared by Site Image Landscape Architects

- Wayfinding signage prepared by MSJ Architects

1.8 A A3 Consistent with the requirements in this consent, the Planning Secretary may make written directions to the Applicant in relation to:

Modification 1 for the amendment of condition D12 re. delivery of car parking was approved on the 25/8/19. Modification 2 for Facade design amendments, new staging conditions, delete conditions B15 and B16 and amend conditions C8 and C26 was approved on the 1/12/19. Staging Report dated 19/2/2020 Rev.2 was approved by DPIE on the 4/3/2020.


1.9 A A3 (a) the content of any strategy, study, system, plan, program, review, audit, notification, report or correspondence submitted under or otherwise made in relation to this consent, including those that are required to be, and have been, approved by the Planning Secretary; and

1.10 A A3 (b) the implementation of any actions or measures contained in any such document referred to in (a) above.

1.11 A A4 The conditions of this consent and directions of the Planning Secretary prevail to the extent of any inconsistency, ambiguity or conflict between them and a document listed in condition A2(c) or A2(d). In the event of an inconsistency, ambiguity or conflict between any of the documents listed in condition A2(c) and A2(d), the most recent document prevails to the extent of the inconsistency, ambiguity or conflict.

No inconsistencies, ambiguity or conflict have been identified.


1.12 A A5 Limits of Consent This consent lapses five years after the date of consent unless the works associated with the development have physically commenced.

Condition of Consent SSD 8981 dated 28/2/19. Consent expiration date: 28/2/24. Project is expected to be completed on 2021.


1.13 A A6 Prescribed Conditions The Applicant must comply with all relevant prescribed conditions of development consent under Part 6, Division SA of the EP&A Regulation.

Compliance with BCA requirements on the Crown Certificates and signage requirements was sighted during the site inspection.


1.14 A A7 Planning Secretary as Moderator In the event of a dispute between the Applicant and a public authority, in relation to an applicable requirement in this approval or relevant matter relating

No disputes to date. Not Triggered

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ID No.

SSD Part No.

SSD Req. No.

SSD Requirement Audit Evidence Audit Findings / Recommendations

Compliance Descriptor

to the Development, either party may refer the matter to the Planning Secretary for resolution. The Planning Secretary's resolution of the matter must be binding on the parties.

1.15 A A8 Long Service Levy For work costing $25,000 or more, a Long Service levy must be paid. For further information please contact the Long Service Payments Corporation Helpline on 131 441.

NSW Government Long Service Corporation Levy Receipt No. 00388330 dated 11 July 2019 was sighted as evidence for CC2.


1.16 A A9 Legal Notices Any advice or notice to the consent authority must be served on the Planning Secretary.

No legal notices received. Not Triggered

1.17 A A10 Evidence of Consultation Where conditions of this consent require consultation with an identified party, the Applicant must:

Sighted weekly interface meetings carried out on the 15/06/2020 No. 39 (PwC, HI, local health district representative, CPB) discussion of disruptions notices (section 4.0), construction programme and safety and environmental issues. Sighted consultation email dated 5/11/19 with Busways Company regarding out of hours works. Also sighted, Loop Road Mill and re-asphalt Notice Out of Hours works signed by specialist medical centre, NSW Ambulance Station, Shearwater Lodge and UNSW Rural medical on the 8/11/19.


1.18 A A10 (a) consult with the relevant party prior to submitting the subject document for information or approval; and

1.19 A A10 (b) provide details of the consultation undertaken including:

1.20 A A10 (b) (i)

the outcome of that consultation, matters resolved and unresolved; and

1.21 A A10 (b) (ii)

details of any disagreement remaining between the party consulted and the Applicant and how the Applicant has addressed the matters not resolved.

1.22 A A11 Staging, Combining and Updating Strategies, Plans and Programs With the approval of the Planning Secretary, the Applicant may:

Modification 2 for Facade design amendments, new staging conditions, delete conditions B15 and B16 and amend conditions C8 and C26 was approved on the 1/12/19. Staging report was prepared after approval of MOD 2 was received. The report indicates the stages for the delivery of the project in accordance with practical design and construction sequencing identifying the conditions that are triggered at each stage. Staging Report 19/2/2020 (Rev.2) was approved by DPIE on 4/3/2020.


1.23 A A11 (a) prepare and submit any strategy, plan or program required by this consent on a staged basis (if a clear description is provided as to the specific stage and scope of the development to which the strategy, plan or program applies, the relationship of the stage to any future stages and the trigger for updating the strategy, plan or program);

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ID No.

SSD Part No.

SSD Req. No.

SSD Requirement Audit Evidence Audit Findings / Recommendations

Compliance Descriptor

1.24 A A11 (b) combine any strategy, plan or program required by this consent (if a clear relationship is demonstrated between the strategies, plans or programs that are proposed to be combined); and

1.25 A A11 (c) update any strategy, plan or program required by this consent (to ensure the strategies, plans and programs required under this consent are updated on a regular basis and incorporate additional measures or amendments to improve the environmental performance of the development).

1.26 A A12 If the Planning Secretary agrees, a strategy, plan or program may be staged or updated without consultation being undertaken with all parties required to be consulted in the relevant condition in this consent.

Staging report submitted to DPIE 19/2/2020 (Rev.2). Consultation was carried out with DPIE, HI, PwC and CPB.


1.27 A A13 If approved by the Planning Secretary, updated strategies, plans or programs supersede the previous versions of them and must be implemented in accordance with the condition that requires the strategy, plan or program.

Staging report dated 19/2/2020 (Rev.2) approved by DPIE 4/3/2020. Conditions will be monitored and implemented at each stage, as per the Staging Report.


1.28 A A16 External Walls and Cladding The external walls of all buildings including additions to existing buildings must comply with the relevant requirements of the BCA.

Design for external walls and Façade is part of Stage 2. Sighted item 2 of the CC2 with confirmation that primary building elements are not timber, letter was prepared by CPB Contractors on the 20/3/2020. Also, a Register is in place by CPB to follow-up documentation to be submitted to the CA and DPIE.


1.29 A A17 Design and Construction for Bush Fire Prior to the commencement of construction, the Applicant must design the development in accordance with Sections 3 and 5 (BAL 12.5) Australian Standard AS3959-2009 Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone areas or NASH Standard (1 July 2014 updated) National Standard steel Framed Construction in Bushfire Areas - 2014 as appropriate and section A3.7 Addendum Appendix 3 of Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2006 to the satisfaction of the Certifying Authority.

Presented letter sent to Certifier (Blackett Maguire + Goldsmith) dated 24/3/2020 indicating CPB will comply with section 3 & 5 (BAL 12.5) and AS3959-2000 and the report from GeoLink - Bush Fire Hazard Assessment dated 29/05/2018 Rev.3. This will form part CC4 – Stage 4.


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ID No.

SSD Part No.

SSD Req. No.

SSD Requirement Audit Evidence Audit Findings / Recommendations

Compliance Descriptor

1.30 A A19 Applicability of Guidelines References in the conditions of this consent to any guideline, protocol, Australian Standard or policy are to such guidelines, protocols, Standards or policies in the form they are in as at the date of this consent.

Guidelines such as BCA and Australian Standards requirements have been noted in the BCA CC2 dated 1/4/2020 from Blackett Maguire + Goldsmith.


1.31 A A21 Monitoring and Environmental Audits Any condition of this consent that requires the carrying out of monitoring or an environmental audit, whether directly or by way of a plan, strategy or program, is taken to be a condition requiring monitoring or an environmental audit under Division 9.4 of Part 9 of the EP&A Act. This includes conditions in respect of incident notification, reporting and response, non-compliance notification, compliance reporting and independent auditing.

Environmental audits from CPB Senior management ‘CPB Business Unit’ Audit was completed on the 12/08/201, those are annual audits. Sighted Audit Schedule indicating that the next audit has been scheduled for 21/9/2020. Every 3 months CBP Leadership team undertaken walk/talk, this has not been carried out lately due to Covdi-19.


1.32 A A22 Access to Information At least 48 hours before the commencement of construction until the completion of all works under this consent, or such other time as agreed by the Planning Secretary, the Applicant must:

Website for the project set-up in Planning website:


1.33 A A22 (a) make the following information and documents (as they are obtained or approved) publicly available on its website:

1.34 A A22 (a) (i)

the documents referred to in condition A2 of this consent;

Drawings dated 28/2/2019 approved by DPIE, posted in project website. Drawings that were modified as a result of MOD 2: East & West Elevations and North & South Elevations Rev. C dated 26/7/19 are available as part of the SSD package via the project website.

1.35 A A22 (a) (ii)

all current statutory approvals for the development; SSD 8981 included with the 2 Modifications

1.36 A A22 (a) (iii)

all approved strategies, plans and programs required under the conditions of this consent;

CEMP and Sub-plans posted in website.

1.37 A A22 (a) (iv)

regular reporting on the environmental performance of the development in accordance with the reporting arrangements in any plans or programs approved under the conditions of this consent;

Compliance Report (Construction) posted in the website indicating the environmental performance of the project.

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SSD Part No.

SSD Req. No.

SSD Requirement Audit Evidence Audit Findings / Recommendations

Compliance Descriptor

1.38 A A22 (a) (v)

a comprehensive summary of the monitoring results of the development, reported in accordance with the specifications in any conditions of this consent, or any approved plans and programs;

Noise, dust and vibration monitoring results posted in the project website.

1.39 A A22 (a) (vi)

a summary of the current stage and progress of the development;

Project Summary included as part of a graph

1.40 A A22 (a) (vii)

contact details to enquire about the development or to make a complaint;

Comments and enquires option included; Contact number and email address

1.41 A A22 (a) (viii)

a complaints register, updated monthly; Complaints register posted in website from July-December 2019 and for January 2020.

1.42 A A22 (a) (ix)

audit reports prepared as part of any independent audit of the development and the Applicant’s response to the recommendations in any audit report;

Independent Audit Report (13/9/19) and Proponent Response to the audit report posted in website.

1.43 A A22 (a) (x)

Any other matters required by the planning secretary Noted

1.44 A A22 (b) keep such information up to date, to the satisfaction of the Planning Secretary.


1.45 A A23 Compliance The Applicant must ensure that all of its employees, contractors (and their sub-contractors) are made aware of, and are instructed to comply with, the conditions of this consent relevant to activities they carry out in respect of the development.

Site induction include the 'some' requirements from SSD conditions - e.g. working hours, environmental controls, erosion and sed controls, traffic, etc. Subcontractor pack includes a copy of SSD conditions. Previous Opportunity for Improvement - 01: CPB to update the induction presentation to include the compliance with SSD 8981 requirements under the Environmental Section. Induction has been updated OFI closed.


1.46 A A24 NEW

The project may be constructed and operated in stages. Where staged construction or operation is proposed, a Staging Report (for either or both construction and operation as the case may be) must be prepared and submitted for the approval of the Planning Secretary.

Staging report dated 19/2/2020 (Rev.2) was approved by DPIE 4/3/2020.


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SSD Part No.

SSD Req. No.

SSD Requirement Audit Evidence Audit Findings / Recommendations

Compliance Descriptor

1.47 A A25 NEW

A Staging Report prepared in accordance with condition A24 must: (a) if staged construction is proposed, set out how the

construction of the whole project will be staged, including details of work and other activities to be carried out in each stage and the general timing of when construction of each stage will commence and finish;

(b) if staged operation is proposed, set out how the operation of the whole of the project will be staged, including details of work and other activities to be carried out in each stage and the general timing of when operation of each stage will commence and finish (if relevant);

(c) specify how compliance with conditions will be achieved across and between each of the stages of the project; and

(d) set out mechanisms for managing any cumulative impacts arising from the proposed staging.

a) Staging report 19/12/19 (Rev.2) includes in Section 3 a table that indicates the stage, the stage scope, an indicative commencement dates and indicative completion dates. Additionally, Appendix A includes the Compliance Table indicating the relevant stages for all conditions in Part A and Part B. c) Section 4.1 indicates that compliance with the project conditions will be achieved through implementation of the EMS, application of the Project CEMP and sub-plans, compliance monitoring and reporting and independent auditing. Conditions will be monitored and implemented at each stage, as per the Staging Report. d) Section 4.5 indicates that the identified impacts in isolation or cumulatively would be unchanged as a result of the proposed staging and remain the same as those assessed by the DPIE prior to consent.


1.48 A A26 NEW

Where staging is proposed, the project must be staged in accordance with the Staging Report, as approved by the Planning Secretary.

Project is currently in accordance with Staging report approved by DPIE on the 4/3/2020.


1.49 A A27 NEW

Where staging is proposed, the terms of this approval that apply or are relevant to the works or activities to be carried out in a specific stage must be complied with at the relevant time for that stage.

Staging report dated 19/02/2020 (Rev.2) is currently in place. However, it was noted that report needs to be updated as it indicates that Stage 4 will start in Q2 2020 and due to extreme weather conditions, bush fires, Covid-19 Pandemia and other factors this stage will start in Q3 (July) 2020.

Non-Compliance NC-02: Staging report dated 19/02/2020 (Rev.2) needs to be updated as it indicates that Stage 4 will start in Q2 2020.


1.50 A AN1 Advisory Notes All licences, permits, approvals and consents as required by law must be obtained and maintained as required for the development. No condition of this consent removes any obligation to obtain, renew or comply with such licences, permits, approvals and consents.

ROL Licence No. 1233294 in place for intersection at the front of the construction pacific highway and isles drive. from 24/7/19 Exp. 1/11/19. Also, hot works permit was requested from the Rural fire services. NO OOH work yet; no need for this.



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SSD Part No.

SSD Req. No.

SSD Requirement Audit Evidence Audit Findings / Recommendations

Compliance Descriptor

2.1 B B1 Notification of Commencement The Department must be notified in writing of the dates of commencement of physical work and operation at least 48 hours before those dates.

Email from HI to DPIE on the 16/7/19 indicating that construction works commenced on the 19/6/19.


2.2 B B2 If the construction or operation of the development is to be staged, the Department must be notified in Writing at least 48 hours before the commencement of each stage, of the date of commencement and the development to be carried out in that stage.

Stage 2 Crown Certificate (CC2) CRO-20035 dated 1/4/2020 was issued to HI and DPIE on the 28/04/2020. Stage 3 Crown Certificate (CC3) CRO-20046 dated 4/6/2020 was issued to HI and DPIE on 11/6/2020. Notification to DPIE for Stage 2 and Stage 3 were sent after the commencement of each of these stages. Staging Report dated 19/2/2020 indicates Stage 2 and Stage 3 will start in Q1 2020.

Non-Compliance NC-03: Notification to DPIE for Stage 2 and Stage 3 were provided after the commencement of each of those stages.


2.3 B B3 Certified Drawings Prior to the commencement of construction, the Applicant must submit to the satisfaction of the Certifying Authority structural drawings prepared and signed by a suitably qualified practising Structural Engineer that demonstrates compliance with:

Evidence on the structural drawings been submitted to CA prior each stage as follows: CC # 1 – Structural Design Certificate - Piling Works from TTW dated 27/6/2019. CC # 2 – Structural Design Certificate from TTW dated 14/02/2020 and Structural Drawings from TTW & McConnel Smith & Johnson Architects 2019 approved as part of the CC2 dated 1/4/2020.


2.4 B B3 (a) a) the relevant clauses of the BCA; and b) This development consent.

2.5 B B6 Construction Environmental Management Plan The Applicant must provide a copy of the documentation given to the Certifying Authority to the Planning Secretary within seven days after the Certifying Authority accepts it.

CEMP Revision 4 was submitted to CA and HI on 17/9/19 and was provided to DPIE via email on 24/09/2019. CEMP Revision 5 (dated 13/12/19) was submitted to the CA on 17/01/2020. Plan was then sent to HI on the 23/01/2020 and DPIE on the 20/3/2020.


2.6 B B15 The Applicant must ensure the proposed Clinical Services Building is constructed of flood resilient materials to the PMF flood level of 6.1 m AHD.

This condition has been deleted as part of MOD 2. -

2.7 B B16 All wiring, power outlets, switches must be located above the PMF flood level of 6.1 m AHD. All electrical wiring installed below the relevant flood level should be suitable for continuous submergence in water.

This condition has been deleted as part of MOD 2. -

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SSD Part No.

SSD Req. No.

SSD Requirement Audit Evidence Audit Findings / Recommendations

Compliance Descriptor

2.8 B B19 External Walls and Cladding Prior to the commencement of construction, the Applicant must provide the Certifying Authority with documented evidence that the products and systems proposed for use in the construction of external walls including finishes and claddings such as synthetic or aluminium composite panels comply with the requirements of the BCA.

This was addressed through the approval of SSD Modification (MOD 2) to stage the delivery of the project. MOD 2 was approved by DPIE on 2/12/19. Staging Report 19/2/2020 (Rev.2) was approved by DPIE on 4/3/2020 forward to CPB 5/3/2020. This will be part of CC4 – Stage 4 which will start in Q3 of 2020. Note: Staging report to be updated.


2.9 B B20 The Applicant must provide a copy of the documentation given to the Certifying Authority to the Planning Secretary within seven days after the Certifying Authority accepts it.

The external walls and cladding documentation will be provided as part of Stage 4 – CC4.


2.10 B B21 Reflectivity The building materials used on the facades of all buildings will be designed so as not to result in glare that causes discomfort or threatens the safety of pedestrians or drivers. A report/statement demonstrating consistency with this requirement will be submitted to the satisfaction of the Certifying Authority prior to the commencement of above ground works.

Sighted list of drawings for construction for the façade 27/02/2020 including materials used for those. Report will be issue to the Certifier before Stage 4 – CC4 (façade design).


2.11 B B23 Ecologically Sustainable Development Within 6 months of commencement of construction, the Applicant must register for a minimum 4-star Green Star rating with the Green Building Council Australia and submit evidence of registration to the Certifying Authority, unless the NSW Health Engineering Services Guidelines are updated demonstrating equivalency with an accredited rating scheme to the satisfaction of the Planning Secretary.

CPB provided accredited equivalency rating scheme. Sighted letter from DPIE dated 22/10/2019 with agreement to follow the Health Infrastructure alternative ESD Strategy for this projects instead of using the Green Building Council of Australia Green Start process. The draft ESD framework demonstrated equivalency with an accredited rating scheme to the satisfaction of the DPIE. Note: Final version is yet to be provided to DPIE and the Health Engineering Services Guideline.


2.12 B B24 Utilities and Services Before the construction of any utility works associated with the development, the Applicant must obtain relevant approvals from service providers.

Authority approvals was sighted for: Sighted AS300 & BCA Section J Certificate for installation of a new transformer from Stowe 18/02/2020 showing approval from Essential Energy as the electricity supplier authority.


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Water, Gas and Telco services are existing.

2.13 B B25 Prior to the commencement of above ground works written advice must be obtained from the electricity supply authority, an approved telecommunications carrier and an approved gas carrier (where relevant) stating that satisfactory arrangements have been made to ensure provisions of adequate services.

No utility works/above ground works have been conducted to date.


2.14 B B26 Stormwater Management System Prior to the commencement of construction, the Applicant must design and install a stormwater management system for the development. The system must: a) be designed by a suitably qualified and

experienced person(s), in consultation with Council;

b) be submitted to the satisfaction of the Certifying Authority;

Designed by Taylor Thomson Whitting (NSW) Pty Ltd (TTW) in consultation with Coffs Harbour Council contacted by TTW via email on 2/7/2019. Council responded with comments on 10/07/2019. Part of Stage 2 - This was resubmitted as part of CC2 (dated 1/4/2020). Included in the Civil Design Certificate from TTW (includes the stormwater drainage system) dated 19/7/2019 was submitted on the 23/03/2020. Civil Design Certificates by TTW submitted to CA on 19/07/2019 (reference # 182049). Stormwater design was submitted to CA on 25/7/2019 with comments to addressed Council requirements as per A10.


2.15 B B27 Rainwater Harvesting Prior to the commencement of construction, the Applicant must ensure that a rainwater reuse/harvesting system for the development is developed for the site. A rainwater re-use plan must be prepared and certified by an experienced hydraulic engineer.

This was addressed through the approval of SSD Modification (MOD 2) to stage the delivery of the project. MOD 2 was approved by DPIE on 2/12/19. Staging Report 19/2/2020 (Rev.2) was approved by DPIE on 4/3/2020 forward to CPB 5/3/2020. This will be addressed as part of Stage 5 – CC5.


2.16 B B28 Operational Noise - Design of Mechanical Plant and Equipment Prior to commencement of construction, the Applicant must incorporate the noise mitigation recommendations in the report titled Coffs Harbour Hospital Expansion SSD 8981 Construction and Operational Noise and Vibration Assessment Report,

This was addressed through the approval of SSD Modification (MOD 2) to stage the delivery of the project. MOD 2 was approved by DPIE on 2/12/19. Staging Report 19/2/2020 (Rev.2) was approved by DPIE on 4/3/2020 forward to CPB 5/3/2020.


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prepared by Arup, dated 4 June 2018, into the detailed design drawings. The Certifying Authority must verity that all reasonable and feasible noise mitigation measures have been incorporated into the design to ensure the development will not exceed the recommended operational noise levels identified in the report titled Coffs Harbour Hospital Expansion SSD 8981 Construction and Operational Noise and Vibration Assessment Report, prepared by Arup, dated 4 June 2018.

Noise Management Contractor Statement from CPB dated 19/03/2020 sent to the Certifier; sighted in CC2 - item No.14.

2.17 B B29 Mechanical Ventilation All mechanical ventilation systems must be designed in accordance with Part F4.5 of the BCA and must comply with the AS 1668.2-2012 The use of air-conditioning in buildings- Mechanical ventilation in buildings and AS/NZS 3666.1:2011 Air handling and water systems of buildings-Microbial control to ensure adequate levels of health and amenity to the occupants of the building and to ensure environment protection. Details must be submitted to the satisfaction of the Certifying Authority prior to the commencement of the relevant works.

CC3 item 5 refers to Mechanical Services Design Statement – CHH from HVAC dated 23/09/2019 which indicates that design services will be in accordance with BCA and relevant AS. Also sighted Mechanical Services Design Certificate dated 23/03/2020 from HVAC Australia.


2.18 B B30 Access for People with Disabilities The works that are the subject of this application must be designed and constructed to provide access and facilities for people with a disability in accordance with the BCA Prior to the commencement of construction 1 the Certifying Authority must ensure that evidence of compliance with this condition from an appropriately qualified person is provided and that the requirements are referenced on any certified plans.

Disable Access & Egress- OC Access Installation Certificate - Early Works dated 10 July 2019 Part of building to be certified. Provided to BCA on 25/7/2019. CC3 (item No.21) includes an access report dated 28/5/2020 (Rev.5) from iAccess consultants Rev.5 No.IAC-850 which was issued for review to architects 11/6/2020. Final report will go along with the CC4. This will be address during Stage 4 - CC4. Also, presented letter from MSJ (CC2) 15/4/2019 indicating they will incorporate the relevant requirements of BCA.


2.19 B B31 Car Parking and Service Vehicle Layout Compliance with the following requirements must be submitted to the satisfaction of the Certifying Authority prior to the commencement of construction:

GTA consultant’s report dated 11/04/2019 has an analysis of the car parking spaces that can be accommodated in the hospital areas. The summary indicates that Area A will have 306, Area B:79, Area

Previous Non-Compliance: As the minimum number of on-site car park spaces is 1,133, it is recommended

Non-Compliant (Sep 2019)


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b) minimum of 1,133 on-site car parking spaces for use during operation of the development and designed in accordance with the latest version of AS2890.1;

C:186, Area D:4863 and Area E:94 for a total 1128 car park spaces. Statement was provided to Certifying Authority on 25/07/2019. CPB has discussed this with PwC/HI but no evidence was provided to indicate that this requirement will be modified in the SSD Conditions or that the project will accommodate 5 more spaces.

that CPB/PwC prepares a modification to the SSD condition B31 to indicate that only 1128 car park spaces can be accommodated in the hospital areas as per the GTA Consultant advice. Approval of the 1128 car spaces must be sought from DPIE.

2.20 B B32 Bicycle Parking and End-of-Trip Facilities Compliance with the following requirements for secure bicycle parking and end-of-trip facilities must be submitted to the satisfaction of the Certifying Authority prior to the commencement of construction: a) the provision of a minimum 12 bicycle parking

spaces; b) the layout, design and security of bicycle facilities

must comply with the minimum requirements of AS 2890.3:2015 Parking facilities. Bicycle parking and be located in easy to access. well-lit areas that incorporate passive surveillance;

c) the provision of end-of-trip facilities for staff in accordance with the ESD Design & As Built rating tool;

d) appropriate pedestrian and cyclist advisory signs are to be provided; and

e) all works/regulatory signposting associated with the proposed developments shall be at no cost to the relevant roads authority.

Part of Stage 4 (Q2 – 2020 to Q4 – 2020) as per the Staging Report (19/2/2020) Rev.2. a) 12 x new bicycle parking spaces are proposed.

Staff bicycle cage to remain as existing. b) new bicycle parking spaces in accordance with AS

2890.3:2015 are proposed. c) Staff end of trip facilities to remain as existing

which include 1 x disabled shower & 2 x staff showers. In addition to this, a staff shower is provided per department in the new Clinical Services Building.

This will be addressed as CC4 which part of Stage 4 to start Q3 2020.


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2.21 B B33 Public Domain Works Prior to the commencement of any footpath or public domain works, the Applicant must consult with Council and demonstrate to the Certifying Authority that the streetscape design and treatment meets the requirements of Council, including addressing pedestrian management. The Applicant must submit documentation of approval for each stage from Council to the Certifying Authority.

No Footpaths on Council owned land was approved or required by this consent. It is all on the health campus. Detailed design for various internal footpaths will be provided prior to start of each stage.


2.22 B B34 Protection of Public Infrastructure Before the commencement of construction, the Applicant must:

c) submit a copy of the dilapidation report to the Planning Secretary, Certifying Authority and Council.

Four dilapidation reports were sighted for the community health, other buildings, carpark and paved areas (Ref No. 19-01161) completed on the 17/04/19 by Building Inspections Houspect NSW Pty Ltd. Dilapidation Reports were sent to HI on 9/07/2019, provided to CA on 12/7/2019 and submitted to Council 30/07/2019. Copy of the report was sent to DPIE on 20/3/2020.


2.23 B B35 Compliance Reporting No later than two weeks before the date notified for the commencement of construction, a Compliance Monitoring and Reporting Program prepared in accordance with the Compliance Reporting Post Approval Requirements (Department 2018) must be submitted to the Department and the Certifying Authority. Compliance Reports of the project must be carried out in accordance with the Compliance Reporting Post Approval Requirements (Department 2018). The Applicant must make each Compliance Report publicly available 60 days after submitting it to the Department and notify the Department and the Certifying Authority in writing at least seven days before this is done.

Compliance Report (Construction) Doc. No. CHH-CPB-RPT-EN-BCA-000003 Rev. 2 dated 19/2/2020 was submitted to DPIE on 9/3/2020. (reporting period was 11 July 2019 until 20/01/2020). Next compliance report will be prepared and submitted in July 2020.


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2.24 B B36 Notwithstanding the requirements of the Compliance Reporting Post Approval Requirements (Department 2018), the Planning Secretary may approve a request for ongoing annual operational compliance reports to be ceased where it has been demonstrated to the Planning Secretary's satisfaction that an operational compliance report has demonstrated operational compliance.

No requests to cease the ongoing annual operational compliance reports received to date.

Not Triggered


3.1 C C1 Approved Plans on Site A copy of the approved and certified plans specifications and documents Incorporating conditions of approval and certification must be kept on the Site at all times and must be readily available for perusal by any officer of the Department, Council or the Certifying Authority.

Approved CEMP and sub-plans are kept in the site office. Electronic copies kept in Aconex available to all and also provided with the s/c pack.


3.2 C C2 SafeWork Requirements To protect the safety of work personnel and the public, the work site must be adequately secured to prevent access by unauthorised personnel, and work must be conducted at all times in accordance with relevant SafeWork requirements.

Hoarding installed, gates are locked at the end of the day, traffic controller manage enter to some of the sites. Hospital has CCTV that cover main site.


3.3 C C3 Site Notice A site notice(s):

Site notice satisfying the dimension, materials and the information requirements were noted in the signage.


3.4 C C3 (a) must be prominently displayed at the boundaries of the site for the purposes of informing the public of project details including, but not limited to the details of the Builder, Certifying Authority and Structural Engineer.

3.5 C C3 (b) is to satisfy all but not be limited to, the following requirements:

3.6 C C3 (b) (i)

minimum dimensions of the notice must measure 841 mm x 594 mm (A1) with any text on the notice to be a minimum of 30-point type size;

3.7 C C3 (b) (ii)

the notice is to be durable and weatherproof and is to be displayed throughout the works period;

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3.8 C C3 (b) (iii)

the approved hours of work, the name of the site/ project manager, the responsible managing company (if any), its address and 24-hour contact phone number for any inquiries, including construction/ noise complaint must be displayed on the site notice; and

3.9 C C3 (b) (iv)

the notice(s) is to be mounted at eye level on the perimeter hoardings/fencing and is to state that unauthorised entry to the site is not permitted.

3.10 C C4 Operation of Plant and Equipment All plant and equipment used on site, or to monitor the performance of the development must be:

Plant and equipment register were sighted with details of the excavators, concrete line pump, etc. About 49 items in the register. Log book was available for the EWP checked on 19/06/2020 with operator tickets.


3.11 C C4 (a) maintained in a proper and efficient condition; and

3.12 C C4 (b) operated in a proper and efficient manner. 3.13 C C5 Hoarding Requirements

The following hoarding requirements must be complied with:

ATF fence along the site. No advertising sighted.


3.14 C C5 (a) no third-party advertising is permitted to be displayed on the subject hoarding/ fencing;

3.15 C C5 (b) the construction site manager must be responsible for the removal of all graffiti from any construction hoardings or the like within the construction area within 48 hours of its application; and

No graffiti.

3.16 C C5 (c) the Applicant must submit a hoarding application to Council for the installation of any hoardings over Council footways or road reserve.

No footways or road reserve.

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3.17 C C6 No Obstruction of Public Way The public way (outside of any approved construction works zone) must not be obstructed by any materials, vehicles, refuse, skips or the like, under and circumstances, unless prior approval has been obtained from the relevant authority. Non-compliance with this requirement will result in the issue of a notice by the relevant Authority to stop all works on site.

No obstructions on public access sighted during the site inspection.


3.18 C C7 Implementation of Management Plans The Applicant must carry out the construction of the development in accordance with the most recent version of the approved CEMP (including Sub-Plans).

Latest version of the CEMP (Rev.5 – 13/12/19) has been implemented on site.


3.19 C C8 Construction Hours Construction, including the delivery of materials to and from the site, may only be carried out between the following hours:

Induction includes permitted working hours. Section 2.3 of the CEMP includes hours of work. Works were normally conducted within the normal standard hours.


3.20 C C8 (a) between 7am and 6pm, Mondays to Fridays inclusive; and

3.21 C C8 (b) between 8am and 4pm, Saturdays.

3.22 C C8 No work may be carried out on Sundays or public holidays.

3.23 C C9 Activities may be undertaken outside of the hours in condition C8 if required:

OOH process included in the NVMP page 79. During the gas pipe struck incident a notification to the client was made for the corrective actions to fix the gas pipe was around 6pm. Notification will happen through the disruption notice. OOHW Asphalt Works – 08/11/2019 for loop road with documentation of approval from HI. Disruptive Works Notice for works on 9/11/2019.


3.24 C C9 (a) by the Police or a public authority for the delivery of vehicles, plant or materials; or

3.25 C C9 (b) in an emergency to avoid the loss of life, damage to property or to prevent environmental harm; or

3.26 C C9 (c) where the works are inaudible at the nearest sensitive receivers; or

3.27 C C9 (d) where a variation is approved in advance in writing by the Planning Secretary or her nominee if appropriate justification is provided for the works.

3.28 C C9 Notification of such activities must be given to affected residents before undertaking the activities or as soon as is practical afterwards.

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3.29 C C10 Rock breaking, rock hammering, sheet piling, pile driving, and similar activities may only be carried out between the following hours:

Not triggered during this reporting period.

Not Triggered

3.30 C C10 (a) 9am to 12pm, Monday to Friday;

3.31 C C10 (b) 2pm to 5pm Monday to Friday; and

3.32 C C10 (c) 9am to 12pm, Saturday.


C11 Operation of Plant and Equipment All plant and equipment used on site, or to monitor the performance of the development must be a) maintained in a proper and efficient condition; and b) operated in a proper and efficient manner.

Plant and equipment register were sighted with details of the excavators, concrete line pump, etc. About 49 items in the register. Maintenance and Plant Register up to date 27/05/2020. Checked operator induction record for C. Horne inducted on 30/04/2020 by ABS Facade. Asset Inspection Report for the EWP GENIE GS1932 NSW-3482.


3.34 C C12 Demolition Demolition work must comply with Australian Standard AS 2601-2001 The demolition of structures (Standards Australia, 2001). The work plans required by AS 2601-2001 must be accompanied by a written statement from a suitably qualified person that the proposals contained in the work plan comply with the safety requirements of the Standard. The work plans and the statement of compliance must be submitted to the Certifying Authority before the commencement of works.

Demolition Plan in place prepared by 'Coffs Harbour Demolitions' on the 3 July 2019 (rev.3) demolition of the two awnings ongoing (emergency department awning to be completed on 8/10/19). Demolition License AD210733 from 6/10/11 to 6/10/19. Demolition Plan submitted to CA on the 26/7/19. Demolition of the Ambulance Bay awning completed on 27/8/19.


3.35 C C13 Construction Traffic All construction vehicles (excluding worker vehicles) are to be contained wholly within the site, except if located in an approved on-street work zone, and vehicles must enter the site before stopping.

CEMP section 12.6 includes worker vehicle parking. The CTMP new revision (Rev.5 – 10/12/19) section 2.4 includes the traffic control measures. Induction covers traffic management and construction parking. The Traffic control plan was checked during this inspection and was implemented.


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3.36 C C14 Road Occupancy Licence A Road Occupancy Licence must be obtained from the relevant road authority for any works that impact on traffic flows during construction activities.

ROL Licence No. 1233294 in place for intersection at the front of the construction pacific highway and Isles drive. License is granted from 24/7/19 to 1/11/19.


3.37 C C15 Construction Noise Limits The development must be constructed to achieve the construction noise management levels detailed in the Interim Construction Noise Guideline (DECC, 2009). All feasible and reasonable noise mitigation measures must be implemented and any activities that could exceed the construction noise management levels must be identified and managed in accordance with the management and mitigation measures identified in the approved Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan.

EIS measures has been implemented, but no noise monitoring has been carried out to date to validate the noise limits. Pilling works were completed within the work process in the NVMP (page 83 of the CEMP). Calibrated noise monitored equipment was requested on August 2019. Previous opportunity of improvement: CPB conducted noise monitoring to validate that the current works which were within the construction noise limits. Noise monitoring reports were posted on the project website.


3.38 C C16 The Applicant must ensure construction vehicles (including concrete agitator trucks) do not arrive at the site or surrounding residential precincts outside of the construction hours of work outlined under condition C8.

Traffic controllers man the gates, to monitor that nobody enters the site before the construction hours. No sensitive receivers, no noise complaints.


3.39 C C17 The Applicant must implement, where practicable and without compromising the safety of construction staff or members of the public, the use audible movement alarms of a type that would minimise noise impacts on surrounding noise sensitive receivers.

Beepers and quakers were installed on mobile plant and vehicle used at the project.


3.40 C C18 Any noise generated during construction of the development must not be offensive noise within the meaning of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 or exceed approved noise limits for the site.

Pilling works were completed within the work process in the NVMP (page 83 of the CEMP) during the early works.


3.41 C C19 Vibration Criteria Vibration caused by construction at any residence or structure outside the site must be limited to:

Vibration monitoring equipment were installed. Reports were being generated weekly. Vibration monitoring reports were posted in the project website.


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3.42 C C19 (a) for structural damage, the latest version of DIN 4150-3 (1992-02) Structural vibration - Effects of vibration on structures (German Institute for Standardisation, 1999); and

Nil exceedance reported to date.

3.43 C C19 (b) For human exposure, the acceptable vibration values set out in the Environmental Noise Management Assessing Vibration: a technical guideline (DEC, 2006) (as may be updated or replaced from time to time).

Section 4.2 of the NVMP defined the construction vibration criteria in accordance with ICNG.

3.44 C C20 Vibratory compactors must not be used closer than 30 metres from residential buildings unless vibration monitoring confirms compliance with the vibration criteria specified in condition C19

No residential buildings within 30mts. No exceedances reported.

Not Triggered

3.45 C C21 The limits in conditions C19 and C20 apply unless otherwise outlined in a Construction Noise and Vibration Management Plan, approved as part of the CEMP required by condition B5 of this consent.

NVMP defined the construction vibration criteria. Limits of condition C19 and C20 are applied.


3.46 C C22 Dust Minimisation The Applicant must take all reasonable steps to minimise dust generated during all works authorised by this consent.

Minimal ground exposure therefore dust is not a risk anymore and stockpile area was spray grassed.


3.47 C C23 During construction, the Applicant must ensure that: Stockpile area was spray grassed and no fenced off.


3.48 C C23 (a) exposed surfaces and stockpiles are suppressed by regular watering;

3.49 C C23 (b) all trucks entering or leaving the site with loads have their loads covered;

Trucks leaving the site were covered

3.50 C C23 (c) trucks associated with the development do not track dirt onto the public road network;

Minimal ground exposure no mud tracking noted.

3.51 C C23 (d) public roads used by these trucks are kept clean; and Road was clean and free of dirt.

3.52 C C23 (e) land stabilisation works are carried out progressively on site to minimise exposed surfaces.

Land stabilised was conducted progressively. Minimal ground exposure noted.

3.53 C C24 Erosion and Sediment Control All erosion and sediment control measures, must be effectively implemented and maintained at or above design capacity for the duration of the construction works and until such time as all ground disturbed by

Updated Erosion and Sedimentation Control plans revision 4 dated 17/06/2020 were sighted and implemented on site.


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the works have been stabilised and rehabilitated so that it no longer acts as a source of sediment.

3.54 C C25 Imported Soil The Applicant must:

Records of Imported Materials up to 29/05/2020 same contractor by JNC group.


3.55 C C25 (a) ensure that only Virgin Excavated Natural Material (VENM), Excavated Natural Material (ENM); or other material approved in writing by EPA is brought onto the site;

3.56 C C25 (b) keep accurate records of the volume and type of fill to be used; and

Records are sent digitally and saved in local server.

3.57 C C25 (c) make these records available to the Certifying Authority upon request.


3.58 C C26 NEW

Disposal of Seepage and Stormwater Adequate provisions must be made to collect and discharge stormwater drainage during construction of the building to the satisfaction of the Certifying Authority. The prior written approval of the relevant authority must be obtained to connect or discharge site stormwater to Councils stormwater drainage system or street gutter.

No discharge of stormwater or seepage to date. Stormwater pits were protected with sand bags. Any groundwater will be running to the basin and then filtered. Permit to dewater record dated 4/10/2019 was sighted.


3.59 C C27 Tree Protection For the duration of the construction works:


3.60 C C27 (a) only trees identified in the Arboricultural Impact Assessment, prepared by ArborSafe, dated 2 July 2018 are removed;

Arboricultural Impact Assessment, prepared by ArborSafe, dated 2 July 2018 sighted. Assessment indicates the trees to be protected and trees to be removed.

3.61 C C27 (b) All trees on the site except those identified in condition C28 (a) must be suitably protected at all times during construction as per recommendations of the Arboriculture Impact Assessment, prepared by ArborSafe, dated 2. July 2018;

Permit to clear land and or vegetation presented dated 18/7/19 permit No. 15. Pre-clearing inspection checklist was completed on 18/7/19 to 20/7/19 by CPB. Tree protection were installed around the trees near the site.

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3.62 C C27 (c) If access to the area within any protective barrier is required during the works, it must be carried out under the supervision of a qualified arborist. Alternative tree protection measures must be installed, as required. The removal of tree protection measures, following completion of the works, must be carried out under the supervision of a qualified arborist and must avoid both direct mechanical injury to the structure of the tree and soil compaction within the canopy or the limit of the former protective fencing, whichever is the greater;

No access has been required within protective barrier.

3.63 C C27 (d) street trees must not be trimmed or removed unless It forms a part of this development consent or prior written approval from Council's obtained or is required in an emergency to avoid the loss of life or damage to property; and

No street trees removed

3.64 C C27 (e) All street trees must be protected at all times during construction. Any tree on the footpath, which is damaged or removed during construction due to an emergency must be replaced, to the satisfaction of Council.


3.65 C C28 Bushfire Protection During construction, the property around the building for a distance of 60 m shall be managed as an asset protection zone- inner protection area (IPA) as outlined within section 4.1.3 and Appendix 5 of Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2006 and the NSW Rural Fire Service's Standards for Asset Protection Zones.

Hot works permit process was in place, firefighting equipment were available and hazardous chemicals contained and bunded.


3.66 C C29 The Applicant must construct the development in accordance with sections 3 and 5 (BAL 12.5) Australian Standard AS3959-2009 Construction of buildings in areas or NASH Standard (1 July 2014 updated) National Standard Steel Framed Construction in Bushfire Areas- 2014 as appropriate and section A3.7 Addendum Appendix 3 of Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2006.

During the site walk, fire extinguishers were compliant. Chemicals have been bunded.


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3.67 C C30 The Applicant must construct internal roads in accordance with the following requirements of Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2006;

No internal roads required.

Not Triggered

3.68 C C30 (a) traffic management devices are constructed to facilitate access by emergency services vehicles;

Access points for all emergency vehicles are in place.

3.69 C C30 (b) a minimum vertical clearance of 4m to any overhanging obstructions, including tree branches, is maintained;

No overhead obstacles.

3.70 C C30 (c) Hydrants are to be located in accordance with section 4.1.3(1) of Planning for Bush Fire Protection 2006.

Hydrants in place for existing hospital.

3.71 C C31 Waste Storage and Processing Waste must be secured and maintained within designated waste storage areas at all times and must not leave the site onto neighbouring public or private properties.

Sighted skip bins on site, well maintained and empty as required. Refer to Photos from site walk.


3.72 C C32 All waste generated during construction must be assess, classified and managed in accordance with the Waste Classification Guidelines Part 1: Classifying Waste (EPA, 2014).

Waste register maintained in synergy system included waste recycled, waste landfill. Section 143 acceptance from the receiver for spoil dated 29/7/19 was sighted. Classification documentation ok. Waste Register - Synergy Input Summary up to date to April 2020.


3.73 C C33 The body of any vehicle or trailer used to transport waste or excavation spoil must be covered before leaving the premises to prevent any spillage or escape of any dust, waste of spoil. Mud, splatter, dust and other material likely to fall from or be cast off the wheels, underside or body of any vehicle, trailer or motorised plant leaving the site must be removed before leaving the premises.

Handy bins for waste. Compliant

3.74 C C34 The Applicant must ensure that concrete waste and rinse water are not disposed of on the site and are prevented from entering any natural or artificial watercourse or stormwater system.

No washing of concrete waste onsite as the concrete supplier depot was just near the work site.

Not Triggered

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3.75 C C35 Unexpected Finds Protocol - Aboriginal Heritage In the event that surface disturbance identifies a new Aboriginal object, all works must halt in the immediate area to prevent any further impacts to the object(s). A suitably qualified archaeologist and the registered Aboriginal representatives must be contacted to determine the. significance of the objects. The site is to be registered in the Aboriginal Heritage Information Management System (AHIMS) which 1s managed by OEH and the management outcome for the site included in the information provided to AHIMS. The Applicant must consult with the Aboriginal community representatives, the archaeologists and OEH to develop and implement management strategies for all objects/sites. Works shall only recommence with the written approval of OEH.

No aboriginal objects found. Not Triggered

3.76 C C36 Unexpected Finds Protocol - Historic Heritage If any unexpected archaeological relics are uncovered during the work, then all works must cease immediately in that area and the OEH Heritage Division contacted. Depending on the possible significance of the relics, an archaeological assessment and management strategy may be required before further works can continue in that area. Works may only recommence with the written approval of Heritage Division of the OEH.

No archaeological relics found. Not Triggered

3.77 C C37 Handling Asbestos The Applicant must carry out works involving asbestos material in accordance with Work Health and Safety Act 2011, Work Health and Safety Regulation 2017 and Safe Work Australia Code of Practice How to Manage and Control Asbestos in the Workplace (February 2016), including contactors who hold a current Safe Work Asbestos or Demolition Licence and any other current Safe Work Licence required. The Applicant must notify SafeWork NSW in accordance with the relevant policy prior to the

No asbestos found to date Not Triggered

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commencement of works involving asbestos material. Waste must be transported by an appropriately licensed transporter and disposed to a facility that is licensed to receive that class of waste.

3.78 C C38 Incident Notification, Reporting and Response The Department must be notified in writing to [email protected] immediately after the Applicant becomes aware of an incident. The notification must identify the development (including the development application number and the name of the development if it has one) and set out the location and nature of the incident. Subsequent notification must be given, and reports submitted in accordance with the requirements set out ln Appendix 1.

No recent incident reported. Previous Non-Compliance was closed. The bioretention pond was initially reported on the 6/9/2019 and the incident reported on the 4/10/2019 within project timeframes. The gas main strike incident 13/7/19 was reported to DPIE on 24/01/2020.


3.79 C C39 Non-compliance Notification The Department must be notified in writing to [email protected] within seven days after the Applicant becomes aware of any non-compliance. The Certifying Authority must also notify the Department in writing to [email protected] within seven days after they identify any non-compliance. The notification must identify the development and the application number for it, set out the condition of consent that the development is non-compliant with, the way in which it does not comply and the reasons for the non-compliance (if known) and what actions have been, or will be, undertaken to address the non-compliance. A non-compliance which has been notified as an incident does not need to also be notified as a non-compliance.

Non-compliances raised in the Independent Environmental Audit 13/9/2019 were addressed with the Staging Report. Non-compliances were notified to DPIE in the Proponent Response to Audit Findings on 30/01/2020.


3.80 C C40 Revision of Strategies Plans and Programs Within three months of:

Independent environmental Audit was carried out on 13/9/2019. CEMP was updated on the 13/12/19 (Rev.5) in various sections. CEMP was submitted to


3.81 C C40 (a) the submission of a compliance report under condition B35;

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3.82 C C40 (b) the submission of an incident report under condition C38;

the CA on 17/01/2020 and to DPIE on the 20/3/2020.

3.83 C C40 (c) the submission of an Independent Audit under condition C42;

3.84 C C40 (d) the issue of a direction of the Planning Secretary under condition A2 which requires a review,

3.85 C C40 the strategies, plans and programs required under this consent must be reviewed, and the Department and the Certifying Authority must be notified in writing that a review is being carried out.

3.86 C C41 If necessary to either improve the environmental performance of the development, cater for a modification or comply with a direction, the strategies, plans and programs required under this consent must be revised, to the satisfaction of the Certifying Authority. Where revisions are required, the revised document must be submitted to the Certifying Authority for approval within six weeks of the review.

Independent Environmental Audit Program was revised and sent to DPIE on 6/2/2020. Approval gained on 11/02/2020.


3.87 C C42 Independent Environmental Audit No later than two months after the date notified for the commencement of construction, an Independent Audit Program prepared in accordance with the Independent Audit Post Approval Requirements (Department 2018) must be submitted to the Planning Secretary and the Certifying Authority.

Independent Audit program prepared on 24/5/19 was sent to DPIE 29/5/19. Email with approval of auditors was received 21/5/19. This audit was originally scheduled in March 2020 in as per the approved Audit Programme, however, due to the current COVID-19 situation and travel restrictions the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (DPIE) provided a three-3 months extension to undertake and complete this Independent Environmental Audit by 30 June 2020. The audit was conducted by AQUAS (Annabelle Tungol – Lead Auditor and Ana Maria Munoz – Auditor) on 19 June 2020. This audit covered the conditions under Part A, Part B and Part C of the Development Consent SSD 8981.


3.88 C C43 Independent Audits of the development must be carried out in accordance with:

Previous Independent Environmental Audit (IEA) 13/9/19 was carried out in accordance with the audit


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3.89 C C43 (a) the Independent Audit Program submitted to the Department and the Certifying Authority under condition C42 of this consent; and

program and the audit report followed the methodology from the IAPAR document.

3.90 C C43 (b) the requirements for an Independent Audit Methodology and Independent Audit Report in the Independent Audit Post Approval Requirements (Department 2018).

3.91 C C44 In accordance with the specific requirements in the Independent Audit Post Approval Requirements (Department 2018), the Applicant must:

The proponent prepared a response to the IEA on the 30/01/2020 and submitted to DPIE and CA on the same day.


3.92 C C44 (a) review and respond to each Independent Audit Report prepared under condition C42 of this consent;

3.93 C C44 (b) submit the response to the Department and the Certifying Authority; and

3.94 C C44 (c) make each Independent Audit Report and response to it publicly available within 60 days after submission to the Department and notify the Department and the Certifying Authority in writing at least seven days before this is done.

3.95 C C45 Notwithstanding the requirements of the Independent Audit Post Approval Requirements (Department 2018), the Planning Secretary may approve a request for ongoing annual operational audits to cease, where it has been demonstrated to the Planning Secretary's satisfaction that ongoing operational audits are no longer required.

No request to cease the ongoing annual operational audits received to date.

Not Triggered


6.1 Appx 1 A written incident notification addressing the requirements set out below must be emailed to the Department at the following address: [email protected] within seven days after the Applicant becomes aware of an incident. Notification is required to be given under this condition even if the Applicant fails to give the notification required under condition C39 or, having given such

No incidents reported during this reporting period.

Not Triggered

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notification, subsequently forms the view that an incident has not occurred.

6.2 Appx 2 Written notification of an incident must: No incidents reported during this reporting period.

Not Triggered 6.3 Appx 2 (a) identify the development and application number;

6.4 Appx 2 (b) provide details of the incident (date, time, location, a brief description of what occurred and why it is classified as an incident);

6.5 Appx 2 (c) identify how the incident was detected;

6.6 Appx 2 (d) identify when the applicant became aware of the incident;

6.7 Appx 2 (e) identify any actual or potential non-compliance with conditions of consent;

6.8 Appx 2 (f) describe what immediate steps were taken in relation to the incident;

6.9 Appx 2 (g) identify further action(s) that will be taken in relation to the incident; and

6.10 Appx 2 (h) identify a project contact for further communication regarding the incident.

6.11 Appx 3 Within 30 days of the date on which the incident occurred or as otherwise agreed to by the Planning Secretary, the Applicant must provide the Planning Secretary and any relevant public authorities (as determined by the Planning Secretary) with a detailed report on the incident addressing all requirements below, and such further reports as may be requested.

No incidents reported during this reporting period.

Not Triggered

6.12 Appx 4 The Incident Report must include: No incidents reported during this reporting period.

Not Triggered 6.13 Appx 4 (a) a summary of the incident;

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6.14 Appx 4 (b) outcomes of an incident investigation, including identification of the cause of the incident;

6.15 Appx 4 (c) details of the corrective and preventative actions that have been, or will be, implemented to address the incident and prevent recurrence; and

6.16 Appx 4 (d) details of any communication with other stakeholders regarding the incident.

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Appendix E. Audit Photos

Photo 1 – Site notice at project entrance Photo 2 – Bioretention area at the car park.

Photo 3 – Bioretention and landscape area at the car park. Photo 4 – Car park has been completed and handed back to the Hospital.

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Photo 5 – Swale at the northeast area of the site sheds. The swale was flagged off to avoid driving over the swale.

Photo 6 – Pits were covered with sand bags around them.

Photo 7 – Site shed at the car park, south of the hospital. Photo 8 – EWP with completed log book and maintenance record.

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Photo 9 – Ambulance walkway area was maintained dry during wet weather. Photo 10 – Ground floor built with the flood protection level. It was raining during inspection. The floor was wet, and works were limited to fit outs.

Photo 11 – Bunded chemical storage area with spill kit. Photo 12 – Trees were protected and fenced off.

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Photo 11 – Stockpile area was sprayed grass and fenced off until the ground cover has been achieved.

Photo 12 – Road were free of mud/dirt.

Photo 11 – Stockpile area was sprayed grass and fenced off until the ground cover has been achieved.

Photo 12 – Minimal ground exposure at the construction area and all pits were covered.

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Appendix F. Consultation Records

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