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  • 8/6/2019 Aptest Study Guide


    FRESH OFF THE BOAT immigration notes



    oSouth: blacks

    oMiddle Colonies: White immigrants

    oNew England: British

    Racial Groups:



    Left Ireland because of religious persecution


    Huge influx in immigration: quadrupled

    o Irishpotato famine 1845

    mostly poor, stayed in coastal cities to work on railroads

    workforce tension (No Irish Need Apply)resented by blacks

    political machines: tammany hall


    had more material goodsmoved west

    also formed influential body of voters Trends:

    o spread of Catholicism

    o antiforeignism tension

    Know-Nothing partynativists (like Jan BrewerArizona)



    oMost immigrants came from Northern/Western Europe

    oUsually Protestant (except for Irish and Germans)

    oRelatively high literacy rates

    New Immigration1880s - 1920s

    oEastern/Southern Europe (Italians, Austrians/Hungarians, Russians,

    Greeks etc.)

    o Largely illiterate/impoverished

  • 8/6/2019 Aptest Study Guide


  • 8/6/2019 Aptest Study Guide


    RIFF-RAFF-TARIFF-RITAFFs tariff notes

    1816: First Tariffs

    1828: Tariff of Abominations (Jackson)

    Favored wool manufacturing/industries

    South Carolina Exposition (Calhoun) promoted nullification by the states.

    1833: Compromise Tariff

    1846: Tariff (Harrison) Spike

    1861: Morrill Tariff Spike

    1890: McKinley Tariff Cause of Cuban Revolt

    1913: Underwood Tariff Huge Drop

    1930: Smoot-Hawley Huge Spike Highest tariff in American history - near 50%

    1947: General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade Drop

    1993: NAFTA lowered

  • 8/6/2019 Aptest Study Guide



    -Supreme Court Cases-

    1803- Marbury v Madison

    o Marbury appointed as part of Adams Midnight Appointments. Jeffersons

    secretary of state Madison refuses to certify the appointment. Marbury

    sues for the federal position.

    o Chief Justice Marshall establishes Judicial Review

    1810- Fletcher v Peck

    o Establishes that the constitution overrides state laws

    o Ruled a state law unconstitutional

    1819- McCulloch v Maryland

    o A US bank is declared constitutional

    A la Hamilton

    1821- Gibbons v Ogden

    o Only congress has right to regulate interstate commerce

    o Indirectly establishes interstate commerce commission (ICC)

    1821- Cohens v Virginia

    o Supreme Court can review and override state court decisions

    1831- Cherokee Nation v Georgia

    o Cherokee Nation is a foreign nation

    Cant sue in federal court

    Has no US rights

    1832- Worcester v Georgia

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    o Georgia has no jurisdiction within Cherokee Territory

    1842- Commonwealth v Hunt

    o Labor unions/strikes are constitutional

    1857- Dred Scott v Stanford

    o The infamous Dred Scott case

    o Justice Taney rules that Dred Scott, as a black man, is not a citizen, and

    therefore cannot sue in federal court

    1866- Ex Parte Milligan

    o Ruled that civilian cannot be tried in military court when civilian courts are


    1883- Civil Rights cases of 1883

    o 5 lawsuits all ruled on together

    o Legalized Segregation on Private Properties

    1886- Pacific Railway v Illinois

    o Declared Granger Laws (state laws that regulated interstate commerce)


    1896- Plesse v Ferguson

    o Legalized Separate but Equal

    1904- Northern Securities v US

    o Upheld Sherman Anti-Trust Act

    1905- Lochner v New York

    o Limiting working hours is constitutional

    1908- Muller v Oregon

    o Established Womens working rights

    1919- Schenck v US

    o Upheld Espionage Acts

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    1941- Korematsu v US

    o Forbade internment of Japanese born in the United States

    1954- Brown v Board of Education

    o Chief Justice Earl Warren rules that Separate but Equal is


    o Unanimous

    o Overturns Plesse v Fergusson

    1963- Gideon v Wainwright

    o Right to counsel with lawyers

    1966- Miranda v Arizona

    o Establishes Miranda Rights

    1973- Roe v Wade

    o Legalizes Abortion (references privacy clause of 4 th amendment)

    1974- US v Nixon

    o Nixon asks for Immunity during Watergate scandal. Shot down.

  • 8/6/2019 Aptest Study Guide


  • 8/6/2019 Aptest Study Guide


  • 8/6/2019 Aptest Study Guide


    WHATS THE DEALIO? Deals notes

    Roosevelt-Square Deal- 3 Cs Conservation, Consume Protection, Control of Corporations- Big-Stick Policy (thats what she said)

    - foreign policy- control of Latin governments cuz theyre instable- a.k.a Roosevelt Corallary

    Woodrow Wilson- New Freedom

    - opposed Big-Stick Policy + imperialism- however, still kept strong military presence in Latin America- moral approach to foreign affairs- This kinda failed w/ Wilsons handling of Mexico (Gen. Pershing)

    Harding and Coolidge basically fail and do nothing of significance

    FDR-New Deal-a.k.a. alphabet agencies- 3 Rs Relief, Recovery, Reform-REESTABLISH CONFIDENCE IN BANKS (this is important!)

    -EBRB---> govt takes over failing banks-FDIC----> bank deposits are guaranteed safe even if bank fails

    -HELP FARMERS- AAA ----> pays $ to farmers to cut production----> later declared unconstitutional- Farmer Credit Act---> provides loans to failing farmers

    -INDUSTRY- NIRA- consolidates business; establishes Public Works Administration (PWA)

    Truman-Fair Deal

    -health care- Federal aid for education- Civil Rights- new farm programs- public housing- HOWEVER...almost none of this stuff past, he had strong opposition in



  • 8/6/2019 Aptest Study Guide


    -Lot of stuff happens during this time, HOWEVER, he does little to push these newreforms through-Brown v. Board

    - He did nothing to enforce the ruling, only when the court ordered him to, did hecomply

    Kennedy-New Frontier

    -aids elderly, combats racism, improves education, assist farmers-Equal Pay Act- Civil Rights Act of 1964 (Johnson passes it)

    Johnson-Great Society

    -Civil Rights act of 1964- EEOC-

    Voting Rights Act of 1965- Economic Opportunity Act-----> $1 billion for poverty relief

    Nixon-Clean Air Act-Fail

    Reagan-Reaganomics + New Federalism (more state power) and trickle down effect...