APRIL / MAY 2014 “H“H“Here We Are”ere We...

**DEADLINES ** Beck & Call: Monday by 12 noon, in writing. Prayer Guide: Wednesday by 10:00 a.m. Bulletin: Thursday by 12:00 noon. Beck’s Contact Information: Phone: 336-924-2178 Fax: 336-924-3561 Email: [email protected] Thank you for your help! APRIL / MAY 2014 The Beck & Call Periodicals USPS0901480 Postage Paid in Winston-Salem, NC Published weekly by Beck’s Baptist Church POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGE TO: Beck’s Baptist Church 5505 Becks Church Rd. Winston-Salem, NC 27106 Nursery Workers (Birth—2yrs. ONLY) (4/27): Pastor …………………………………………………..Dr. Karl Ray Minor Minister of Youth & Recreation .............. Clayton Carnall Interim Director of Children’s Ministries.…..Michael Styers Adult Choir Director……………………………………..Robert Rocco Praise Team Coordinator .............................. Chad Mills Hispanic Mission Pastor .......... ..Rev. Galo V. Maldonado BBC Report ___ 4/20 El Camino 4/20 Weekly Budget $ 13,159.00 Gifts $ 6,461.65 Year-to-Date Budget as of 3/31/14 $ 171,067.00 Year-to-Date Income as of 3/31/14 $ 136,786.53 Year-to-Date Expenses as of 3/31/14 $ 139,085.12 Annie Armstrong Offering $ 6,660.00 10:30 Service: Adrienne Reich, Donna & Ashley James, Heather Hall Children’s Church (4/27): 10:30 Service: Lynda & Craig Pillaca Sunday School: 193 Sun. AM: 10:30 Service: 272 Sun. PM: Small Groups Evening Service: No Service Sunday, April 27 9:15 - Sunday School 10:10 - Deacon Prayer Time 10:30 - Morning Worship Service 1:00 - Lauren & Michael Hobson Baby Boy Shower 4:00 - Nominating Committee Meeting—Conf. Room 5:15 - NO AWANA 5:30 - Evening Worship Service—Children’s Musical 6:00 - NO SND Monday, April 28 9:00 - Beth Moore Bible Study—UFH 6:00 - Beth Moore Bible Study—UFH 6:45 - Beck’s B Team vs. Old Town 6:30 - Church Council 7:30 - Deacons Meeting Tuesday, April 29 6:30 - Weekly Visitation Wednesday, April 30 9:30 - Quilting Ministry 6:15 - Children’s Choirs End of Year Party 6:30 - Richardson Memorial Ringers 6:30 - Prayer Service—UFH 6:45 - Youth—JOURNEY 7:00 - GA’s, RA’s, and Missions Friends 7:30 - Sanctuary Choir Practice Thursday, May 1 6:45 - Praise Team Practice 6:45 - Beck’s Team A vs. Olive Grove 7:45 - Beck’s Team A vs. Hanes Baptist Saturday, May 3 9:00 - Ladies’ Breakfast - UFH Deacons of the Week 4/27 John Mikolaitis Andy Swartzel Jerome Cannon Gordon Casey Vernon Walker Jerry L. Smith V OLUME 29, N O . 16 A PRIL 22, 2014 a church with heart Honoring Christ Encouraging one another Announcing the Gospel Reaching through ministries Teaching God’s word The Beck & Call BECK'S BAPTIST CHURCH Oak Forest Jim Reid At Home Jay Anderson Carolyn Belger Greg Bennett Rupert Bowen Frank Burge Lydia Clark Jim Cole Lucy Cook Nora Edwards Salem Flanery Kate Hagenah Lorine Haneline Rubye Hartgrove Lottie Hayes Kate Henderson Hunter James Osie Jennings Doris Joyce Marie Kelly Lucy McGuire Martha Morgan A.C. Motsinger Ima Newman Ken Otto LeeAnn Randleman Dwight Roope Billy Smith Dan Smith Karen Smith Byron Spainhour Mildred Spencer Opal Stoneman Carolyn Styers Phyllis Styers Louise Tedder Ann Vannoy Kay Walker Vernon Walker Beck’s Baptist Beck’s Baptist Beck’s Baptist Beck’s Baptist Children’s Choirs Children’s Choirs Children’s Choirs Children’s Choirs present present present present “H “H “H “Here We Are” ere We Are” ere We Are” ere We Are” Musical Musical Musical Musical Sunday, April 27 Sunday, April 27 Sunday, April 27 Sunday, April 27 th th th th 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm 5:30pm

Transcript of APRIL / MAY 2014 “H“H“Here We Are”ere We...

Page 1: APRIL / MAY 2014 “H“H“Here We Are”ere We Are”becksbaptist.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2014/04/4.22.14.pdfAPRIL / MAY 2014 The Beck & Call Periodicals USPS0901480 Postage

**DEADLINES** Beck & Call: Monday by 12 noon, in writing. Prayer Guide: Wednesday by 10:00 a.m. Bulletin: Thursday by 12:00 noon.

Beck’s Contact Information: Phone: 336-924-2178 Fax: 336-924-3561 Email: [email protected] Thank you for your help!

APRIL / MAY 2014

The Beck & Call Periodicals USPS0901480 Postage Paid in Winston-Salem, NC Published weekly by Beck’s Baptist Church POSTMASTER SEND ADDRESS CHANGE TO: Beck’s Baptist Church 5505 Becks Church Rd. Winston-Salem, NC 27106

Nursery Workers (Birth—2yrs. ONLY) (4/27):

Pastor …………………………………………………..Dr. Karl Ray Minor Minister of Youth & Recreation .............. Clayton Carnall

Interim Director of Children’s Ministries.…..Michael Styers Adult Choir Director……………………………………..Robert Rocco

Praise Team Coordinator .............................. Chad Mills Hispanic Mission Pastor .......... ..Rev. Galo V. Maldonado

BBC Report ___ 4/20 El Camino 4/20

Weekly Budget $ 13,159.00 Gifts $ 6,461.65

Year-to-Date Budget as of 3/31/14 $ 171,067.00 Year-to-Date Income as of 3/31/14 $ 136,786.53 Year-to-Date Expenses as of 3/31/14 $ 139,085.12 Annie Armstrong Offering $ 6,660.00

10:30 Service: Adrienne Reich, Donna & Ashley James, Heather Hall

Children’s Church (4/27): 10:30 Service: Lynda & Craig Pillaca

Sunday School: 193 Sun. AM:

10:30 Service: 272 Sun. PM: Small


Evening Service: No Service

Sunday, April 27 9:15 - Sunday School 10:10 - Deacon Prayer Time 10:30 - Morning Worship Service 1:00 - Lauren & Michael Hobson Baby Boy Shower 4:00 - Nominating Committee Meeting—Conf. Room 5:15 - NO AWANA 5:30 - Evening Worship Service—Children’s Musical 6:00 - NO SND

Monday, April 28

9:00 - Beth Moore Bible Study—UFH 6:00 - Beth Moore Bible Study—UFH 6:45 - Beck’s B Team vs. Old Town 6:30 - Church Council 7:30 - Deacons Meeting

Tuesday, April 29 6:30 - Weekly Visitation

Wednesday, April 30 9:30 - Quilting Ministry 6:15 - Children’s Choirs End of Year Party 6:30 - Richardson Memorial Ringers 6:30 - Prayer Service—UFH 6:45 - Youth—JOURNEY 7:00 - GA’s, RA’s, and Missions Friends 7:30 - Sanctuary Choir Practice

Thursday, May 1 6:45 - Praise Team Practice 6:45 - Beck’s Team A vs. Olive Grove

7:45 - Beck’s Team A vs. Hanes Baptist

Saturday, May 3 9:00 - Ladies’ Breakfast - UFH

Deacons of the Week 4/27

John Mikolaitis Andy Swartzel Jerome Cannon

Gordon Casey Vernon Walker Jerry L. Smith

V OLUME 29, NO. 16 A PRIL 22, 2014

a church with heart

Honoring Christ

Encouraging one another

Announcing the Gospel

Reaching through ministries

Teaching God’s word

The Beck & Call


Oak Forest Jim Reid

At Home

Jay Anderson Carolyn Belger Greg Bennett Rupert Bowen Frank Burge Lydia Clark

Jim Cole Lucy Cook

Nora Edwards Salem Flanery Kate Hagenah

Lorine Haneline Rubye Hartgrove

Lottie Hayes Kate Henderson Hunter James Osie Jennings Doris Joyce Marie Kelly

Lucy McGuire Martha Morgan A.C. Motsinger Ima Newman

Ken Otto LeeAnn Randleman

Dwight Roope Billy Smith Dan Smith

Karen Smith Byron Spainhour Mildred Spencer Opal Stoneman Carolyn Styers Phyllis Styers Louise Tedder Ann Vannoy Kay Walker

Vernon Walker

Beck’s BaptistBeck’s BaptistBeck’s BaptistBeck’s Baptist

Children’s Choirs Children’s Choirs Children’s Choirs Children’s Choirs presentpresentpresentpresent

“H“H“H“Here We Are”ere We Are”ere We Are”ere We Are”

Musical Musical Musical Musical

Sunday, April 27Sunday, April 27Sunday, April 27Sunday, April 27thththth


Page 2: APRIL / MAY 2014 “H“H“Here We Are”ere We Are”becksbaptist.org/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2014/04/4.22.14.pdfAPRIL / MAY 2014 The Beck & Call Periodicals USPS0901480 Postage

MMMMichael MMMM. SSSStyers

- Clayton 

V OLUME 29, NO. 16 A PRIL 22, 2014 Page 2

99% of Christianity…

This past Easter Sunday sunrise service was very moving for me so I thought I would share. Pastor Karl shared about the very first Easter morn when Christ rose from the dead and that the first to go to the tomb were a few women. They were going when it was still dark because they were fearful and did not want to be seen. Taking spices, they were going to anoint a dead body. They did not go with unwavering faith of a conquering king. They did not go with hope in their hearts that things had changed. They went out of love and duty for the Lord, no matter what had happened. Because of what the Lord had done for them, they gave their love and duty.

I see my faith and hope much like these women. Many times getting discouraged and frustrated because I don’t see God do what I think he should. What should I do when hope is lost? In numerous situations I tend to rely on my emotions rather than the truth of what God has done for me. “Isn’t about 99% of Christianity to love Jesus and show up?” When Karl said this, it made me think and evaluate. Do I show up? I believe that means physically coming to church and meeting with other Christians to worship God and encourage each other in the faith, but I also think it means showing up in our quiet times with God, showing up with Christ at our schools, and showing up in relationships in our lives. Basically anywhere Christ has called us to be, go and be involved, even if we are physically, emotionally, or mentally tired.

Because of their duty to the Lord, the women who went to the tomb were the first to witness the greatest miracle to ever take place in all of history. Many times when we love Jesus and show up, God shows us something great (sometimes in the people around us, and sometimes in us…he shows us himself).

Paul says it like this, “So now faith, hope, and love abide,

these three; but the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13.

MINISTRY NIGHT at Chick-Fil-A at Peace Haven/Robinhood Rd. on Thursday, May 22nd 5:00pm—8:00pm. Come support OUR Local Middle School Back Pack Ministry! A percent-age of sales on Dine-In Orders Only will go to

the Northwest Middle School Back Pack Ministry!

Camp CaswellCamp CaswellCamp CaswellCamp Caswell – July 21July 21July 21July 21----26 $50 Deposit due NOW!26 $50 Deposit due NOW!26 $50 Deposit due NOW!26 $50 Deposit due NOW!

The M&M’S Scoop… I have been enjoying the beauty of the Dogwood trees this season. I think they are the prettiest I have seen in many years. I have also heard others make the same statement. I don’t know if you have ever heard the stories associated with the dogwood. I did a little research and found these two post on the internet. The later I had heard before but this was the first time I had heard the story of the forest. I hope you enjoy this, but most of all I hope you will enjoy the beauty of the dogwood and more importantly the beauty of the Cross.

Legend of The Dogwood Tree Two thousand years ago, few trees in the Middle East were big enough to construct anything. However, one tree was valued above the others for its thick trunk and fine, strong wood. When the Romans came to rule over Jerusalem, their government used this same timber to build the crosses for executing criminals. A group of workers were assigned to gather wood for the crosses. Before long, every Roman official knew the best wood came from these gatherers of execution wood, so those workers became popular. One day, the wood gatherers received a special request. An officer of the Roman court came and said, "The King of Jews is to be put to death. Deliver an extra-large cross made from your finest wood." So, a fresh tree was cut from the forest of the trees with thick trunks and fine, strong wood. An extra-tall (and extra-heavy) cross was quickly made and delivered. three days after the death of Jesus of Nazareth, the chief wood gatherer got alarming news. "All of our finest trees are withering!" the messenger whispered. The wood gatherer hurried to the forest and saw that it was true. Several years later, the chief wood gatherer heard that, every spring, many people visited the old forest that had once made his job so easy. Despite his advancing years, he set out to discover why. He saw the remains of forest, now like a salty bottoms, with only a few trees still standing tall, bare, lifeless and rotting. But what was this? As he drew closer, his feeble eyes could make out the people walking among thousands of beautiful, flowering bushes. Seeing one of his own workers there, the old man said, "No one could ever make a cross out of this twisted wood. Our finest tree has gone to the dogs!" He noticed the beautiful white flowers, each blossom looking as if it had been burned from the touch of a miniature cross. (As told to Ben Baston by his grandmother, Louise Brown.) There Is A Legend At the time of Crucifixion the dogwood had been the size of the oak and other forest trees. So firm and strong was the tree that it was chosen as the timber for the cross. To be used thus for such a cruel purpose greatly distressed the tree, and Jesus nailed upon it, sensed this. In His gentle pity for all sorrow and suffering Jesus said to the tree: " Because of your regret and pity for My suffering, never again shall the dogwood tree grow large enough to be used as a cross. Henceforth it shall be slender and bent and twisted and its blossoms shall be in the form of a cross--two long and two short petals. And in the center of the outer edge of each petal there will be nail prints, brown with rust and stained with red, and in the center of the flower will be a crown of thorns, and all who see it will remember." Yours in Christ,


Page 3


WMU APRIL Mission Action:

Hor izon ’ s Care We are

collecting money for Children with Special Needs at

Horizon’s. Checks can be made payable to the church

and noted WMU Mission Action Project for April.

The Dr. Ray Hamilton Medical Fund Dr. Ray Hamilton Medical Fund Dr. Ray Hamilton Medical Fund Dr. Ray Hamilton Medical Fund exists to help church members with medical-based expenses; such as paying for

durable medical equipment, treatments (possibly not covered by insurance), prescriptions, deductibles, supplements, etc. An approved amount plus accrued interest will be available each year. Please advise someone in the benevolence committee or Pastor Karl of any needs you have. Your request will be confidential! Any donations to this fund can be given to the teller committee or the church office.


Maxine Boaz has given 4 books to the Church Library in honor of Julia Moore.

Becks Baptist Singles Lunch Sunday, April 27th, Come join us for a time of good food and

fellowship at El Torrero Restaurant at 5900

University Parkway, Winston-Salem, NC 27105. Meet

in Beck’s Baptist Church parking lot directly after the

morning worship service or at the restaurant around

12:15. the restaurant is beside Krispy Kreme Dough-

nuts on University. For more info contact: Lawrence

(Larry, Jr) or Debbie Hagenah Home - 336-924-4919 or

Cel l No. 682-1340 or 473-4712

email: [email protected]

Please remember your gifts to the Food Pantry!

Ladies’ Breakfast hosted by the Brotherhood will be Saturday, May 3rd at 9:00am. Robert Rocco will be our guest. Sign-up sheets in the vestibule or you can call the church office by Wednesday, April 30th.

Van Ministry Drivers For

April 2014



John Mikolaitis

Mike & Jenny Nail

Sam & Carol Ogburn

Al Pillaca

Mike & Phyllis Styers

Jerome Cannon

Paul Carlton

Gordon & Judy Casey

Chelsea Dull

Tommy Gilley

Donna James

Lee James

2014 Projectionist Schedule

1st Sunday: John Swartzel 2nd Sunday: Ainsley Hargis 3rd Sunday: Anna Swartzel 4th Sunday: Alex Mills 5th Sunday: Kim/Jerome Cannon


Please join us each Tuesday evening as we visit those who have

visited us here at Beck’s! Please meet at the church at 6:30pm!

Beth Moore Bible Study “The Inheritance”

Bible Study at 9:00am and 6:00pm in Upper Fellowship Hall


IT’S A BOY! Sarah & Jonathon Keel (Glenda Daw’s daughter) on S a t . , A p r i l 2 6 t h , i n t h e Upper Fellowship Hall from 1 – 3pm. They are registered at Target. If you would like to help, please contact Glenda Daw at 922-2744 or Phyllis Styers at 983-2182. IT’S A GIRL! Lauren and Michael Hobson (son of Charles & Kay Hobson) on Sun., April 27th in the Upper Fellowship Hall from 1 – 3pm. They are registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond, Target and Babies ‘R’ Us. If you would like to help, please contact Betty Hardy at 924-2118 or Nancy Holder at 924-2339.




S E R V I C E !

AWANA AWANA AWANA AWANA - NO AWANA Sun., A p r i l 2 7 t h !

The last night of AWANA is Sunday, May 4th. When you see one of our children, encourage them by telling them how proud you are of their growing in Christ by being an AWANA clubber.


Please adhere to these dates so deposits can be credited to you child’s account in a timely manner. Please remember that Scholarship Students are asked to pay a $25 deposit to help with their scholarship. Amount of $55.00 Due NOW! Amount of $35.00 Due on June 1st

Senior Adult Day May 4th @ 10:30am Guest Speaker, Rev. Bobby Vaughan. Seniors, please plan to sing in the choir. Lunch will be served in the Fellowship Hall immediately following the service for all Senior Adults!

To Our Dear Church Family, Thank you for the food, cards, love and prayers during the loss of our beloved husband and father, Jack. We do appreciate each and everyone

one of you. Helen and Mike Sprinkle

We would like to thank our church family for all the acts of love and kindness shown to us. We appreciate all the visits, prayers, cards and food. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated.

Don & Sandra Myrum

I would like to give a sincere thank you to Mike Nail and Connie and Donnie Bullins for getting up so early to help with the Easter Sunrise breakfast. I really appreciate your continued willingness to help and give of your time. David Reich

to Lucy Vestal, in the death of her husband, Dan Vestal.

Congratulations to

Clayton Carnall Beck’s Youth Minister

on his 11 Year Anniversary! Thanks for all you do!