APRIL BIRTHDAYSstpeterlutheran1733.weebly.com/uploads/4/6/8/3/468347…  · Web viewCommunity...

APRIL BIRTHDAYS 4- Lynn Kite 8- Mavin Rodgers - Mavin will be 94 years old. Here is her Mailing address if you Leah Dallas to send her a card. Mavin Rogers #A-19 9- Debbie Foltz Avante of Harrisonburg 11- Tommy Nelson 94 South Avenue Violet Grimsley Harrisonburg, VA 22801 12- Gary Page Foltz 18- Don Essman Tom Nelson 25- Dennis Croft 26- Haili Campbell 28- Sylvia Eppard 29- R.L. Campbell 30- Joey Shuler ANNIVERSARIES No Anniversaries ST. PETER’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 413 Central Avenue Shenandoah, VA 22849 [email protected] APRIL 2011 NEWSLETTER

Transcript of APRIL BIRTHDAYSstpeterlutheran1733.weebly.com/uploads/4/6/8/3/468347…  · Web viewCommunity...



4- Lynn Kite

8- Mavin Rodgers- Mavin will be 94 years old. Here is her Mailing address if you

Leah Dallas to send her a card. Mavin Rogers #A-19

9- Debbie Foltz

Avante of Harrisonburg

11- Tommy Nelson

94 South Avenue

Violet Grimsley

Harrisonburg, VA 22801

12- Gary Page Foltz

18- Don Essman

Tom Nelson

25- Dennis Croft

26- Haili Campbell

28- Sylvia Eppard

29- R.L. Campbell

30- Joey Shuler


No Anniversaries


413 Central Avenue

Shenandoah, VA 22849

[email protected]

APRIL 2011


Pastor’s Pen

“Old Time Religion”, Pastor Mark

Like the Advent weeks before Christmas, these present weeks of Lent have a real goodness about them. The goodness of Lent is more hidden. One way of tapping into it is with some old time religion. Real old time—an activity so old it was already ancient when Jesus recommended it to the Twelve. Fasting is something that involves every part of a person. Most days when our stomachs rumble with hunger we just reach for food to fill them. What a difference to be hungry on purpose, to hold onto that emptiness asking God to use it as a bridge into mind and spirit. Fasting, an old mark of Lent, might just be useful to God in making a mark upon us! SEQ CHAPTER \h \r 1

If you haven’t fasted before and, health permitting, want to try here is a way in three simple steps.


1. One Saturday, eat your evening meal before sundown.

2. Except Holy Communion, eat nothing else until after sundown on Sunday evening.

3. While you fast, do drink water or juice often as you like.

Some reasons to fast; you will think of some more:

Jesus taught it to followers, “When you fast..., and your Father who sees in secret will reward you” (Matthew 6:17-18).

· Use mealtimes to read your Bible, and pray (see Psalms 63, 71, 91, 102)

· Fasting turns our thoughts to children who live with hunger; maybe give help through ELCA World Hunger Appeal and the congregation

· Holy Communion on Sunday morning– a true breakfast!

Holy Week and Easter Schedule


Maundy Thursday Service of Holy Communion         April 21   St. Paul   11:00 AM and 7:00 PM

Good Friday Tenabrae Service                                    April 22    St. Luke            7:30 PM

Egg Hunt                                                                      April 23    St. Paul            10:00 AM

Community Easter Sunrise Service                              April 24   PCHS stadium time TBA

Pastors’ Rotation for April and May

-Pastor Mark at St. Peters

-Pastor Patti at St. Luke & St. Paul

We give thanks to and for those who serve!

Head Usher List for April:

3 – Joe Campbell – Communion

10 – Mark Comer

17 – Mike Lowe – Communion

24 – Lori Painter – Communion

List of Counters of Offering

3 – Betty Shuler & Joe Campbell

10 – Betty Shuler & Mark Comer

17 – Betty Shuler & Mike Lowe

24 – Betty Shuler & Lori Painter

Altar Care for April – Cathy Firkin & Sylvia Eppard

April Lector – Jerry Jackson

We still need offering counters for the months of:

May – Ron Smoot


July -

August – Eddie Loker

Sept. – Laney Dallas

Oct. – Joan Nelson

Nov. -


Substitute counters – Libby Walker & we need a few more.

April Church council Meeting – April 10

Fellowship Meeting - Following Coffee Hour after church

Thank you, Christie Kite for agreeing to give leadership to the fellowship committee!

7th Day Retreat 

We had two youths from St. Peters to attend this event, Piper Sattva and Bailey Dallas. I ask both of them to share some of the highlights with our members. I think you will agree it was great experience for both of them

I enjoyed 7th Day because I made new friends, saw old friends, learned new songs that I loved, and made crafts in art!  The food was tasty and we got to stay up late!  ( That was my favorite part ).

   For dinner, when we arrived, we had spaghetti withs buttered rolls, vegatables, and, everyone's favorite, DESSERT.

 After dinner, we had to go into our "classes".  Our classes were...

           - Music- Bounce, I will Follow You, Noah's Ark. 

(My favorite song was Bounce because you had to do a lot of moving around)

           - Science (How people lived during Jesus' time)

           - Art- Bobble hands and crosses

We stopped after art and we went to our cottages.  Everyone was allowed to stay up untill 11:00!

The next day we got up at 7:30 and went down to eat breakfast, French Toast with syrup.  There was bacon and juice as well.

We went to worship and then we started our activities.


We said our good-byes to everyone and left at about dinner time.  We had a great time.


Piper Sattva

Seventh Day

By: Bailey B. Dallas

Seventh Day was a great experience for me. I learned that God fixes our hearts. Our lesson was how Jesus healed a paralytic man. The man trusted on his friends to get him there safe, and they did. As I played a role as being a friend of the paralytic man I got the man there safely. Giving me a experience that is unforgettable!

God fixes our hearts and most of the time we don't even realize it. Like when we do bad things such as sins, his power, and his love, fix our hearts. Those are the tools in his tool box. Tools we can put in our toolbox that we get in this program including learning God's word, praying, singing, makes you feel you're just one huge step closer to God!

I really enjoyed Seventh Day this year. We had unforgettable experiences that can sometimes, only happen once in a lifetime. The lessons I learned, the gospels we read, the prayers we prayed, the songs we sang, made me feel like I was just One In A Million! Thanks to all of the Seventh Day leaders, it was fun this year!

In Deepest Sympathy

Our prayers are with the children and family members of Mary Louise Whiteside, who died on March 26, at Rockingham Memorial Hospital surrounded by her family. Her children, Brenda Baugher, Mark Whiteside, John Whiteside and Alice Hansberger express thanks to the church women for providing the meal following the Service at graveside on Tuesday, March 29. We give thanks to God for the sure and certain hope of the resurrection into eternal life.


Easter Egg Hunt

River of Life Ministry is sponsoring an Easter Egg Hunt for

children on

Saturday, April 23 ***10am

St Paul Lutheran Church

On Hwy 340 near Cub Run

devotions with singing, a craft,

light refreshments, THE HUNT!

Children, come and invite your friends to hear more about

just how much Jesus loves you all---

Kids Page

Inspirational Easter Story

Jeremy was born with a twisted body and a slow mind. At age of 12 he was still in second grade, seemingly unable to learn. His teacher, Doris Miller, often became exasperated with him. He would squirm in his seat, drool, and make grunting noises. At other times, he spoke clearly and distinctly, as if a spot of light had penetrated the darkness of his brain. Most of the time, however, Jeremy just irritated his teacher.

One day she called his parents and asked them to come in for a consultation. As the Forrester’s entered the empty classroom, Doris said to them, “Jeremy really belongs in a special school. It isn’t fair to him to be with younger children who don’t have learning problems. Why, there is a five year gap between his age and that of the other students.”

Mrs. Forrester cried softly into a tissue, while her husband spoke. “Miss Miller,” he said, “there is no school of that kind nearby. It would be a terrible shock for Jeremy if we had to take him out of this school. We know he really likes it here.” Doris sat for a long time after they had left, staring at the snow outside the window. Its coldness seemed to seep into her soul. She wanted to sympathize with the Forrester’s. After all, their only child had a terminal illness. But it wasn’t fair to keep him in her class. She had 18 other youngsters to teach, and Jeremy was a distraction. Furthermore, he would never learn to read and write. Why waste any more time trying? As she pondered the situation, guilt washed over her. Here I am complaining when my problems are nothing compared to that poor family, she thought. Lord, please help me to be more patient with Jeremy.

From that day on, she tried hard to ignore Jeremy’s noises and his blank stares. Then one day, he limped to her desk, dragging his bad leg behind him. “I love you, Miss Miller,” he exclaimed, loud enough for the whole class to hear. The other students snickered, and Doris’ face turned red. She stammered … “Wh-why that’s very nice, Jeremy. N-now please take your seat.”

Spring came, and the children talked excitedly about the coming of Easter. Doris told them the story of Jesus, and then to emphasize the idea of new life springing forth, she gave each of the children a large plastic egg. “Now,’ she said to them, “I want you to take this home and bring it back tomorrow with something inside that shows new life. Do you understand?” “Yes, Miss Miller,” the children responded enthusiastically … all except for Jeremy. He listened intently; his eyes never left her face. He did not even make his usual noises. Had he understood what she had said about Jesus’ death and resurrection? Did he understand the assignment? Perhaps she should call his parents and explain the project to them. That evening, Doris’ kitchen sink stopped up. She called the landlord and waited an hour for him to come by and unclog it. After that, she still had to shop for groceries, iron a blouse, and prepare a vocabulary test for the next day. She completely forgot about phoning Jeremy’s parents.

The next morning, 19 children came to school, laughing and talking as they placed their eggs in the large wicker basket on Miss Miller’s desk. After they completed their math lesson, it was time to open the eggs. In the first egg there was a flower. “Oh Yes, a flower is certainly a sign of new life,” she said. “When plants peek through the ground, we know that spring is here.” A small girl in the first row waved her arm. “That’s my egg, Miss Miller,” she called out. The next egg contained a plastic butterfly which looked very real. Doris held it up. “We all know that a caterpillar changes and grows into a beautiful butterfly. Yes, that’s new life, too.” Little Judy smiled proudly and said, “Miss Miller, that one is mine.” Next, Doris found a rock with moss on it. She explained that moss, too, showed life. Billy spoke up from the back of the classroom “My daddy helped me,” he beamed.

Then Doris opened the fourth egg. She gasped. The egg was empty. Surely it must be Jeremy’s she thought, and of courses, he did not understand her instructions. If only she had not forgotten to phone his parents. Because she did not want to embarrass him, she quietly set the egg aside and reached for another. Suddenly, Jeremy spoke up. “Miss Miller, aren’t you going to going to talk about my egg?” Flustered, Doris replied, “But Jeremy, your egg is empty.” He looked into her eyes and said softly … “Yes, but Jesus’ tomb was empty, too.” Time stopped. When she could speak again, Doris asked him, “Do you know why the tomb was empty?” “Oh, yes,” Jeremy said, “Jesus was killed and put in there. Then his Father raised Him up.” The recess bell rang. While the children excitedly ran out to the school yard … Doris cried. The cold inside her melted completely away. Three months later, Jeremy died. Those who paid their respects at the mortuary were surprised to see 19 eggs on top of his casket … all of them empty.

I found this story on the internet and thought it had a great message. Hope you enjoyed it.

Please note that St. Peter Lutheran has a new mailing address. St. Peter Lutheran Church

199 4th Street

Shenandoah, VA 22849

A mailbox is now placed on the backside of the church next to the trash bin. Thanks to Bill Shuler and Lynn Kite for taking care of putting it up.

Church Signs: Theses messages have been used on church signs around the country. Enjoy!

The Best Vitamin for a Christian is - B1

Can’t Sleep - Try counting your blessings

Where will you be sitting in eternity? - Smoking or Non-smoking

We will be discussing the role St. Peter’s may play in this activity.
