April 24, 2013 Interview with Symeon Rodgerawkn2013.s3.amazonaws.com/tr/Symeon_Rodger.pdf ·...

Copyright © 2013 You Wealth Revolution. All rights reserved. April 24, 2013 Interview with Symeon Rodger Systematic Manifesting Miracle: 21 Days to Joy, Fun and Creating Your Future

Transcript of April 24, 2013 Interview with Symeon Rodgerawkn2013.s3.amazonaws.com/tr/Symeon_Rodger.pdf ·...

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April 24, 2013

Interview with Symeon Rodger

Systematic Manifesting Miracle:

21 Days to Joy, Fun and Creating Your Future

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Copyright © 2013 Om Freely. All rights reserved.

Darius: Hello and welcome, everyone. This is Darius Barazandeh. You're tuning into the You Wealth Revolution Instant Awakenings. If you came on a little bit early, we talked about what is the essence of You Wealth, what is the essence of what this means, the energy that this whole movement called You Wealth really is about? It's that ability to really know that you are special. That you matter, that you have something to give back to the world and that you deserve to receive. A lot of people have huge challenges when it comes to receiving.

Think about it. Someone says, “Well, hey, I'm going to buy your dinner.” Well, you say, “Oh, no, no, no, you can't do that,” or someone says, “Oh no, I want to pay you for you to…” “Oh, no, no, I can't do that.” Maybe you have someone come up to you and say, “You know what? I'd really like to take you to coffee maybe if you’re single,” and it's like, “Wow, this person's really interested,” and what do you do? You might say, “Oh no, I don't know. Last time, I got hurt.” Maybe you really want that great job and you want that big change in your life and a friend says, “Hey, you know what? I found out this person I know, works at this great company,” and this new thing has opened up and you say, “Hm, I don't know about that.”

What is it about manifesting that keeps people stuck about many times we don't really understand how to make the things we want appear in our life? You can do all the energy work you want, you can do all the healing work you want, you can do all the clearing work you want, but if what you want isn't physically showing up in your life, then you're not getting what the universe or we want to say God or the creative source or your heart or your divine essence wants you to have. If you are feeling it and it's coming from a space of being you and being full and being in love with life and wanting something that is beneficial to you and the world and you're not getting it, guess what? You're not manifesting.

This is why I wanted to bring on Dr. Symeon Rodger because he's someone that I have the utmost respect for because he really breaks everything down into almost a scientific formula. We're going to be talking about that and what systematic manifesting is, what is the systematic manifesting miracle and how do you have 21 days that literally unlock this power in you because we all have it and then move to joy, fun and creating your future?

We're going to talk about a lot of things like four factors that can easily sabotage your manifesting abilities – probably most people on the call here have 90% of these in effect – how Sir Isaac Newton has been making your life miserable since birth and how to finally give him the boot and break free from that model, fun in a scientific process to give you iron clad faith that the law of attraction – we've got some sound issues here hold tight. I don't know, if it continues we'll fix it – that the law of attraction exists and has been functioning perfectly in your life, a manifesting protocol that you can use to turn yourself into literally an expert manifester even if you failed again and again and again. We'll talk about all this and much, much more.

Now, really quick, I'm going to introduce Dr. Symeon. If you are new to the program and you've never heard him, prepare to be incredibly impressed and also along the way get huge, huge breakthroughs as we do exercises and we walk you through the process. Our guest today has an incredibly fascinating background. His more sedate side of himself or his energy expresses itself as a university professor, a married

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priest of the Eastern Orthodox Church and a bestselling author of personal transformation methods used by ancient cultures and in ancient wisdoms.

Now, on his more edgy side, however – I love this, this is great – he's a martial arts expert and energy management expert. He's also trained in counter-terrorism by the veterans of the US and Israeli Special Forces and he used to run a top secret intelligent operation, actually the operations for the Canadian government. Years ago he organized the famous online event called The Mindset Mastery Virtual Boot Camp and he's interviewed and been interviewed by many of the world's leading authorities on mindset. He's a co-creator of a law of attraction program that is widely judged as being so good it has been promoted even by several of the stars from the movie, The Secret.

Today, he's here to share with you a forgotten key to literally manifesting the life you want and why this process is way beyond just getting the ‘stuff’ you want, but something much deeper. I'm going to tell you right now something that's going to really astound you. Stay to the very end and you're going to learn so much today and know how to use it. It's going to be mind-blowing. Let's just give Dr. Symeon a huge amount of love and a huge amount of appreciation for being here. Dr. Symeon, welcome back to the You Wealth Revolution, my old friend, old in the terms of we've known each other for long time.

Symeon: Thank you, Darius. Thank you so much.

Darius: It's been a while since you've been on and I never forget that every time you're here, people write back and are just astounded at everything that you teach and share. Any suggestions, so people can really get everything out of this session here today?

Symeon: Yeah, absolutely, a couple of things. One is please feel free to take notes because there's going to be a lot of stuff and you'll want to have notes. The other thing is we're going to be doing some real sort of hands-on stuff. This is going to be a bit of an experience in certain places. That's really about it. As long as you're prepared for that, we're going to have some fun.

Darius: Quick question there's so much talk about manifesting. People have known about it for centuries. People have more recently been thinking about it more and more in the last five or six years. What is it that people need to know? What is it keeping people stuck from really getting the things that matter to them in their life?

Symeon: Well, there are a few things. We're going to go through some of those things today. Of course, specifically, four particular traps that people fall into. Believe me, if you discover you've fallen into these traps, don't worry, we've all fallen into them. I certainly have. I'm sure Darius has, too. They're no strangers to anyone who's done this. Before we get there, though, there are going to be a couple of key principles I want to cover just to make sure that you get the most out of this. What I really want to do for everybody, Darius, is impart three things.

One is help people get very clear on what is the single most important principle for manifesting the life you really want. Really, some insider's secrets, if you want to put it that way, on how to make it work for you. Knowing it as a principle is irrelevant if it

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doesn't work for you, if you can't get it to work. Then we're going to talk about those four traps that everybody falls into. There's a very simple, ridiculously simple solution for these traps that can just do incredible things for your life once you implement it. Then we're going to talk also about some really pretty earth-shaking perspectives just on the law of attraction, the manifesting process itself. It's so much more than what people think it is.

Darius: Can I start with one thing? For people that are here that say, “Well, I'm not going to worry about manifesting. I'm just going to clear my energy,” or “I'm just going to try to be positive and see what happens,” or “I'm going to be in the flow in the universe,” are those things different than manifesting or is there a difference and if there is, why do we need to pay attention to that manifesting side of it?

Symeon: That's a really good question and I think that, on the one hand, yeah, begin trying to get into the flow, trying to clear out your resistance, trying to really become as much of a conduit as you can, absolutely. That's wonderful. However, the fact is we as human beings, we are here. We are innately creative. This is, by the way, a huge little talked about fact and I would say a secret and something of tremendous importance for you to know. That we as human beings are creative by nature. Some would say we are created in the image of the creator. This explains perhaps why we are creative beings, but the fact is when we are creating, we are feeling wonderful. Only when we feel wonderful can we manifest what we actually want. That's the only time that the gap will close between the desires of our conscious mind and our emotional state.

As you know, from experience and everybody here knows, your conscious mind can want anything it wants. You can say you want anything you want, that doesn't mean it's going to manifest for you, right. It's not the conscious mind that manifests. That's not what is bringing things into your experience. What's bringing things into your experience is your emotional tone. One scientific way of looking at that is we now know that the energy field of the heart is thousands of times stronger than the energy field of the brain. Just think about that, think of the implications. I mean you were just working with that very principle just when I came on the line, right. Because of that, for instance, we can measure the energy field of your heart at a distance of about roughly five meters or 15, 16 feet from your body, but that's nothing because the scientists who do this are saying our instruments are limited.

We believe the doughnut-shaped energy field emanating from your heart goes out to at least three kilometers. That's roughly a distance of 30 football fields in every direction – very, very powerful. We're now discovering and this is a hugely important thing about the time and place in which we are privileged to live at the moment is that we are now able to validate, scientifically, principles that ancient cultures knew about and took into account. Just as ancient cultures knew that we have an energetic link to everything around us and everyone around us, including the earth itself, we're now able to validate this and even begin to discover how it really works.

To answer the question, to manifest, is it important to focus on something specific rather than just trying to be sort of nebulously in the flow, yeah, it kind of is because as a creative being you're only happy when you're creating. Creating involves, obviously, creating something specific. Yeah, it's not enough simply to work on

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clearing and, as a matter of fact, if you have blockages that are preventing you from manifesting what you want and we'll talk about this later in the call, it can be, in fact, that you don't have to clear them. There are some blockages that simply you can move, you can work around them and they won't do any harm. They'll dissolve all by themselves. Sometimes the worst thing you can do is keep bashing away at them as if they were the enemy.

Darius: This is pretty astounding. I want to hear from people. Go to www.youwealthrevolution.com/now and share your questions. I think, Dr. Symeon, you can already feel that this is real, this is information that is complete and this is information that, I will tell you, I just personally am constantly creating. I just got out of my garage restoring a motorcycle because I love creating and doing stuff. I can't sit still and I am in so much joy and I get more ideas doing thing. Whether it's these events or anything, I'm always doing something. Dr. Symeon, where do we go from here? I want to let you sort of take us through what you want to share and I'll come in and ask questions and share comments as they go and come in.

Symeon: Okay, sure. My first thought, Darius, was to say that for everyone who's listening, I don't intend to present what I would call an A-Z, soup to nuts law of attraction program here. I think everybody knows the basics of the law of attraction and I think the principles are there. What we really need, what everybody needs is simply tweaking because there's some key elements that are either missing or not understood. Those things will make all the difference between success and failure. It's not as if you need for me to go over every single principle of the law of attraction for you.

Now, that said, I will share at the very end of the call, I will share a very coveted piece of information with you. People are always asking, “What is the single best A-Z, soup to nuts law of attraction program out there? What is the very best, what's the world-beating program?” I will share that little gold nugget with you and it's not my program, but I'll share it with you. I'll say it because I think you need to know. We'll head right into it right now. Let's take the first principle. That is the most important thing. This principle is called feeling consistently great.

Feeling consistently great, now this is something you may have heard of in some other law of attraction programs in different words, of course, but the idea being you want to feel emotionally as good as you can possibly feel. Unfortunately, in most programs this is rarely more than a footnote and people don't take it to heart. Even when it gets more air time, there is seldom any real direction on how to make it work for you. That's what we're going to be talking about at first because unless you can make this principle work for you, unless you can feel better and better emotionally and do it on a consistent basis, you're going to keep manifesting the same outcomes for the rest of your life.

Now, that's a depressing thought perhaps the idea that you'd be still manifesting exactly the life you have now for the rest of life, but I'm going to tell you, this principle of feeling consistently great is not only easy to apply, it is incredibly fun, incredibly joyful to get into it. How important is it? Well, people will often tell you that you need to raise your vibration or shift your consciousness, right, and those are concepts that you work with a lot, too. They're entirely true. Now, what I'm here to tell you is that

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the idea of raising your vibration or shifting your consciousness, these are really pretty much synonyms identical in meaning to the concept of feeling consistently great.

They're really what it means and the way that works is when you feel better emotionally, your vibration rises. We can actually track that. If we can hook you up to instruments, we can track how your vibration rises as your emotional tone improves. If you're emotional tone stays up long enough at a particular level, you stabilize at that level and that equates to a shift in consciousness. Now it might not be a huge shift in consciousness and the level you stabilize at might not be hugely bigger than where you were, but it'll be a little bigger and that's all it has to be. That's okay. That's the sort of math behind it, that's how all these concepts mesh together. If you make it a conscious objective to feel better and better emotionally, you will raise your vibration and shift your consciousness.

Now, one of the problems we encounter and I'm sure you encounter it a lot, too, is that everybody seems to want some outside force to do this for them. Especially in our day and age, people are looking for a machine, a piece of software, something they can listen to on their mp3 player, the Mayan Calendar or God knows what else to raise their vibration for them. Here's the truth. Based on the way the human being is constructed as a mind/body organism and the way the universe works, it ain't going to happen. Get over it, okay. Here's the truth. Unless you do it for yourself it won't happen or at the very least, whatever gains you have will not be stable.

You've got to do it yourself, but now the good news is that, in a very condensed form…because of our time constraints on the call I'm going to try to give you as much of this as I possibly can. You see, some people will tell you that in order to raise your vibration you have to change your thinking. I'm not totally against that. There is a place for that and it's a very important component. However, if that's all you're doing, trying to change you're thinking in order to raise your vibration or feel better, my question is, “Well, how well has that worked for you so far?”

Aha! As a matter of fact, it doesn't really work very well at all for most people. You can imagine why. Here you are, you already know undoubtedly, but your conscious mind is a very tiny percentage of your overall intelligence, your overall mind. What you're trying to do, it's like the tip of the iceberg and what you're trying is use your conscious mind to change your subconscious mind. That's very difficult to do. It's like steering a supertanker, trying to steer a supertanker with a teaspoon instead of a rudder. I mean it just doesn't work too well.

Now let's back up for a minute. Feeling consistently great is primarily an emotional category, okay. Primarily, it's emotional, but it’s physical in a couple of ways. One is that obviously it's really hard to feel great emotionally if you're in physical pain or if you're physically ill or you’re exhausted. It's really tough. It's also, though, physical in another way, which is your emotional condition and your physical condition depend on each other. They're interdependent. Now the first thing's really easy to understand, that if you're sick in pain, it's hard to feel good. No problem, but the second principle there is not so easy for the western mind to grasp. We’ve lived in a culture that's taught us that your mind and your body are entirely different. We've lived in a culture that's you are your brain, your thoughts and your emotions. That's

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what you are – your brain, thoughts and emotions. Your body is merely a transportation system for your brain.

That's the basics, right. Your body's a transportation system. Unfortunately, as long as you live like that, it's very, very difficult to feel really good because you're defying the very way your mind/body organism is built. It's built as an interdependent thing and this is why the critical thing that we all have to do is reintegrate the mind and the body. Get our mind, our consciousness back into our physical form, get out of our heads. One of the reasons for this is as long as we live in the head, as long as we identify our self with our brain and our emotions, we can never gain control of our emotions. That's the reason why, for instance, in meditative systems there is specific breathing processes that allow the brain wave pattern to change so that you can actually get to – what they call – the point of the observer.

You can observe experientially in your own life that you are not your brain. You are not your thoughts. You are not your emotions. That you are, in fact, much more than that. You have a brain, you have thoughts and you have emotions and they're all good and that's okay, but it's the huge experiential difference and to experience that in your life, it's a very critical turning point. We all have to get past this whole thing of identifying ourselves with our brains because it's a misidentification. As long as we live in the head, we are very, very prone to negative emotional energies. That's something we need to know.

Darius: Yeah, I mean we've got a lot of people writing in really quick and I think this one first piece is enormous for everyone to grasp here. Sometimes even on this show we spend so much time on energy and thoughts and mind and I mean it really is a huge part of it related to also your body and how you feel. The other thing I did before I got out of the garage was actually just got back from the gym. I mean this is stuff I do every day, Dr. Symeon, before I get on the call. I go exercise because I feel better and I know I feel better and I know I'm better for everyone else.

Jean Macks is asking, "How do I get out of the funk I’m in? I feel like a hamster on the wheel." How many of you right now…write in if you feel kind of like a hamster or you feel sort of just stuck and you're still trying to think your way out of it or use some approach that hasn't worked before. Another person, Gloria, is saying, "Are you saying energy programs don't work?" No, we're not saying energy programs don't work. We're saying that's one component to this whole thing, right, Dr. Symeon?

Symeon: Oh absolutely. They work and it, of course, depends what you mean by an energy program.

Darius: Exactly, yeah.

Symeon: Yeah, feeling like a hamster on a wheel, I mean believe me, we have all been there. Getting out of it is going to take a number of components and it'll become a little more clear as we go through this probably. I hesitate to answer it as sort of a question right now, if you know what I mean. One of the first things to realize is that emotions are not in your head, okay. This is very, very important. Your emotions are not in your head. Yeah, that's what they taught us in psychology class back in

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college 20 years ago. They probably still teach that stuff, too. It's not true.

Ancient traditions knew that emotions were not in your head and they knew something, a very key thing that modern science is verifying for us right now as we speak. That is your intelligence or consciousness, whichever you want to call it, intelligence in the human being is not localized in the brain, it is non-local. In other words, intelligence or consciousness in your body is distributed. We now know that we have identified large masses of brain cells in the gut and in the heart. The enteric brain meaning the new term for the brain, that's in the gut. So when we talk about paying attention to your gut, we're being extremely literal.

Now, this was obvious to ancient cultures, but it isn't obvious maybe to a lot of people today. Think back to when you felt a very, very strong emotion. It could have been when someone broke up with you in a romantic relationship or perhaps you were going to talk to someone you had a big crush on or you had to suddenly speak in public, but you were terrified, any type of experience where you have felt a very, very strong emotion whether negative or positive. If you put yourself back in that event through your memory, what you're going to find is you can identify a particular place in your body where you felt that emotion.

Darius: Yeah, my gut. For me, it was like this wrangling pain in my stomach.

Symeon: Yeah and sometimes it's the stomach, sometimes it's the heart, sometimes it's somewhere else. Even our language talks about this venting your spleen or…

Darius: Heartache.

Symeon: Yeah, heartache, all of these expressions and they're there to express something very definite. Now, of course, ancient medical systems have known this for ages, right. There are energy maps of the body, the Chinese map being the 12 acupuncture meridians and the eight extraordinary vessels. The Indian map focusing chiefly on the chakra system, so the Indian map focuses on the body's central channel. The Chinese map tends to focus more on the peripheral system as well as the front and back channels. You can actually put one map on the other. They work very nicely together, but the whole point is that emotions in your body, it's long been known that specific emotional energies are linked to specific organs in your body.

Not only to organs, for instance, the emotion of confidence, the feeling of confidence in Chinese medicine is associated with the kidneys, but they don't mean just those lumps of flesh that are inside your lower back. They mean the entire kidney energy system and the kidney energy system begins in your feet and runs up to the kidneys, so they mean the whole thing. All of these systems are interdependent and interconnected and that's why it's possible to release emotional blockages by simply working directly with the body's energy system. Chinese doctors do this all the time using acupuncture or acupressure or whatever to get rid of energy blockages and emotional blockages simply by working with the physical body.

Emotions, in other words, are not in your head and that's why it's really, really important to be able to engage your body in the whole endeavor to feel consistently great. You see, your body has different energy information highways. These

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information highways convey information critical information from one cell to another in your body, from one system to another. Your central nervous system is one typical energy highway. Your energy system is another. They run on different types of energy, bioelectricity in the case of the central nervous system. The energy system or part of it appears to us, according to our latest research, to really run on light, literally light proton running within your system. When people say you're a being of light, they're actually quite correct. It's true. We know that. We can actually photograph it now, so we know this is the case.

We have these energy pathways even your circulatory system is an information highway, by the way, so there are various types of information being conveyed in various ways throughout your body. We're barely beginning to understand this, but what we do know is that your emotions are an integral part of this. For instance, it's not unusual to see and one of the things I do teach people is Chinese Qi Gong, which is specifically designed as an exercise system to tone the body's information pathways, information highways to keep them working right and to calm the emotions, so we become deeply serene and deeply open to the divine source. That's the whole purpose of many of those exercises and that's why they've been so successful for all these centuries.

In doing that, what happens is you want to keep the energy pathways working. Well, how do you do this? Let's take a really quick example. You can do this. Don't do this if you're driving, obviously, but if you're listening to this and you’re hands free, so to speak, you can do this sitting or standing. It doesn't matter. Imagine you just got up in the morning and you're going to take a big stretch. You might interlace your fingers and raise them over your head, take a nice deep breath and stretch out your arms.

Darius: I'll do it.

Symeon: Hold your arms close to your body and just move your arms around a little bit, twist them in various ways. That's a nice big stretch and think of what just happened there because we often don't. In the west, as you know, Darius, what we do in the west when we think of exercise, we either think very narrowly of cardiovascular exercise or we're going to go for a run or we want to build up big muscles. We might talk about flexibility now and then, fluid physical flexibility, but even that, not much, but what's going on there is incredible because, you see, if you just look at your forearm right now and just twist it around a bit, depending on your build and your skin color, of course, you may see various types of physical structures. Near the wrist you'll see some tendons and you'll see some blood vessels. You may see some muscles moving under your skin, all that sort of thing.

What happens is when you contract and release a muscle, for instance, just to take one example. What's going on there, first of all, of course, your circulatory system is running all through that muscle. What's happening is when you contract and release that muscle, all of the blood vessels that run through that muscle are being contracted and released. They're being toned, they're being lubricated. Their efficiency is being improved. You're actually taking the burden off your heart. You're improving your entire circulatory system, which as I said, is one of your body's information highways.

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Now, of course, there are also other things running through your muscle including nerve fibers. You're toning the nerve fibers as well. By taking that muscle through its range of motion, you're toning those nerve fibers. This is part of the reason why, when you do exercise, you begin to feel better, but it goes beyond that. It goes beyond that because if you look at your forearm and if you can see muscle moving under your skin, again, it depends on your build, between your skin, which you can see and the muscle that you only see indirectly, there's a layer of tissue called fascia or fasciae plural. It's white and tough and very elastic-y.

Modern research corroborates the idea that the body's energy system or parts of it, chiefly the acupuncture meridian system, moves dominantly through the fascia layer of the body. Fascia wraps all your muscles, it wraps all your internal organs, by the way, as well. It's like your body's internal saran wrap. It keeps you nice and wrapped. What happens is when you are contracting and releasing those muscles you're also moving the fasciae that are over top of it that cover it and what does that do? It keeps the fascia lubricated, so the fascia stays in good repair and when the fascia's in good repair, it means the energy system running through the fascia layer functions very, very well. Again, what's running through the fascia layer, that's the acupuncture meridian system, which is very, very involved with your emotions.

Darius: This is incredible.

Symeon: If you want to get rid of emotional blockages, sometimes this can be done physically and we see this when we teach people various types of Qi Gong, for instance. In fact, about two years ago I was doing a class and I had just begun. This was a workshop, these people were new to me. We began with a very simple breathing exercise. We were just doing normal abdominal breathing, okay, breathing at the belly. There was a woman there who just began to break down and weep. She was releasing a trauma, an emotional trauma. This happens. It happens sometimes quite spontaneously for people. The reason it happens, the reason it can be provoked by a physical exercise, even something that simple is because trauma is a huge overwhelming energy that your body takes and says, “You can't handle this now. I'm going to basically wrap it up and put it on the shelf.”

Darius: Yes and it stays in the body. I want to do this, Dr. Symeon. This is the kind of stuff that just gives me goose pimples, I've got them everywhere. I want to ask a question of everybody here. How many of you have a feeling like maybe in your gut or just kind of in your intuition that you're storing trauma or energy or old emotional content in your body? Just write in and let me know. I just want to get a feel for that. Dr. Symeon, I mean what would be some signs that someone might look at in their life to know whether they're holding content or emotional energy in the body, in the fascia?

Symeon: Look at what triggers you. Look at what makes you feel bad, right. Sometimes we know our traumas, sometimes we know what they are without knowing what caused them. Sometimes we know both what they are and what caused them. For instance, to give you an example, if someone has a fear of water, aqua phobia, right, maybe that happened because they almost drowned as a child. That's something they might easily identify, but there are other things we're not sure sometimes where they come from and there's considerable evidence to show sometimes the trauma that

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we have may be inherited.

There are two possibilities. Some people will say you may have trauma from a past life and, of course, there is some evidence to corroborate that idea and it's pretty definite. You can have some trauma from your ancestors. Isn't that a lovely thought? A friend of mine who does energy work a lot with trauma and as he says, “Welcome to trauma school earth where you have a 160,000 years of trauma and it's on your shoulders.”

Darius: Wow, well, the audience is echoing that same sentiment. Someone wrote in, "Oh, yes." Kathy in Chicago, "Oh, absolutely yes," she said, "Oh yeah." Susan from Chicopee said, "Yes, I know I'm holding on to trauma." "I'm holding on to old patterns in my heart," said Jennifer. She said she can feel it. Amanda said, "Absolutely, I believe I have quite a lot of emotional trauma in my system." Mary from Irvine, "Absolutely." Bobbie, "Yes, I have strong emotional energy, storing emotional energy. My beliefs are causing them, yet I cannot seem to break out of the belief system." Another person, "Yes, I so totally get it."

This is Judy, "I'm in a lot of pain," and she has some bodily issues she is talking about. Another person is just bogged down in huge negativity and feels energy sort of coming at them and wondering how they can escape this. Yeah, there is a lot of that here. I just wanted to plug in. One person said, Virginia, "Even sexual and physical abuse," which she's worked so hard to release from her system. Yes, it is there and now I know we're probably going to cover this, but this energy, when it's our body, it affects us in many different ways and I'm sure in our manifestation, no doubt.

Symeon: Oh yeah, absolutely. Absolutely, it does and we'll even get to a couple examples of that and it explains in part, too, it explains why when you're thinking of a particular goal in your life, if you feel uneasy when you think of that goal, it might be connected to a prior trauma or some sort of emotional blockage related to a trauma or there's something going on there emotionally and energetically, there's no doubt.

For instance, I mean to show you the connection and how deeply connected your body is, I mean just imagine…well, most people, probably most of you here probably know what muscle testing is or to use its official name, applied kinesiology. Imagine or you can actually do this, just hold your right arm straight out from your body at shoulder height. So your arm is parallel to the floor and your palm is face down. This is a little demo for you and it might help you if you're not familiar with muscle testing, too. You're there with your right arm straight out at shoulder level, your palm face down and imagine that I'm standing behind you and I will very gently place my left hand on your left shoulder, okay.

Then I will place the index finger of my right hand on top of your right wrist. Then I'm going to ask you a couple of questions and when I ask you a question and you answer, I'm going to try to push down with my index finger on your right wrist, so that pushes your entire arm down toward the floor, okay. As I do that, you're going to try to resist. The way this would work, if I was actually there doing this to you, I could ask you, “What is your name?” You answer perhaps truthfully and say, “My name is John. My name is Susie,” whatever it is and I want to try to push down, but I couldn't

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push your arm down. There's no way I would push your arm down in that case, you'd be resisting. You would be very solid because you have spoken the truth.

Now if I ask you what's your name and you say, “My name is…” something else and you pick a name that isn't yours, I'll be able to push your arm down. The reason is you're out of integrity and when you're out of integrity your central nervous system and your muscular skeletal system go weak, measurably weak, but it gets even more fun. If I were to ask you to think of a wonderful scene, something that just fills you with energy and joy, it could be sitting on a beautiful, sunny beach with a good book and a cold drink, it could be something like that or could be whatever your beautiful scene is – taking a walk in the woods, being with somebody you love, could be anything at all – f I ask you to focus on that and then tell you to resist me as I try to push down, I'm not pushing you anywhere. I'd practically have to hang on your arm to get it to go down.

However, if I ask you to think of a traumatic event, something that is deeply disturbing to you and then I try to push down on your arm, you can resist all you want, but you're going straight down. In fact, you're going to be so weak that I could practically blow your arm down at that point. That shows you the link between these negative emotions. So, you see, when you're focusing on negative emotions, you're actually weakening your entire system and you can measure this weakness. You can measure it.

Darius: Are these emotional, let's say, for everyone that wrote in…and we just got a bunch more people write in. Eileen, her shoulder is restricted. She can't sleep at night, so she's got stuff. Jonda, she says, "Yes, I've got a lot of trauma stored." Gloria, Holly, "Yes I'm definitely storing trauma.” For all of them, is that trauma actually at work in their body and, in essence, weakening their system, so to speak, so that it's almost as if you don't have to be asking them a question? It's actually sort of they’re emitting a frequency or they're weakening the integrity of their system with the ability to just hold that strong position whatever that strong position may be.

Symeon: Well, typically what happens, Darius, is it's not affecting them unless it's triggered. That's kind of the beauty of trauma, right. Your body/mind organism, it's whole intention in creating the trauma is that in freezing that moment of overwhelm and putting it somewhere was to protect you. However, unfortunately, things will keep triggering that trauma. It's much like the…well, I will be giving you an example later definitely, but imagine someone who has aqua phobia, right, fear of water. That person who may have come close to drowning as a child, most of the time they don't think about that, right. So it's not active, but it becomes active the moment they're faced with it because it's triggered. We all have lots of triggers.

The whole thing here is what we're talking about is the more that you can reintegrate your mind and body, the more you can get back into your body, the more you will discover who you really are, the more you'll get more clarity on who you really are and the more you will allow your mind/body organism to function the way it is supposed to. You'll be clearing out those energy channels. It'll make it much easier for you. The way you do this is there are very specific exercises that have been developed centuries ago to help you do this, get in this state and stay in this state. These are the same exercises that will help you realize that you are not your brain,

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thoughts and emotions.

They will also, as a byproduct, they'll create incredible physical health, which is just wonderful in itself, but you see, it's that correlation between your physical tone and your emotional tone that just can't be ignored. If you want to feel great and you have to feel great in order to manifest, here's the link, right. In order to manifest what you want, you have to feel great. In order to do that, you've really got to get back into your body and that's one of the keys. Now if there's time, if there's time at the very end, I take people through some other really cool exercises as well, but we're on a little bit of a time line here. So I think we should probably go straight to the four traps at this point.

Darius: Okay, yeah, fantastic.

Symeon: Yeah, so let's talk about the manifesting process and why it's not working and why so many people have so much trouble with it. Well, let's go back to that first principal – feeling consistently great. When you are in engaging in the manifesting process ask yourself this, “If I'm trying to manifest something, how am I feeling when I'm doing that?” If you're not feeling really great about what you're doing, there's a problem. This leads us straight into trap number one, which I call being wrapped around the axle. Now that's a really strange idiom from this guy I knew who whenever he saw somebody was really upset he'd say, “Wow, is she ever wrapped about the axle about that.”

Darius: Yeah.

Symeon: Oh yeah, so you can pretty much get what that is. The idea here is you're emotionally compromised. Here's a good example of trauma at work, by the way. I have a friend who is very highly qualified, very highly educated. He's an engineer, but he has a huge amount of trouble keeping his income flowing even though his skills are in demand. The reason is he has childhood traumas related to money, but he's a great guy, he's a lot of fun. You could take him out to the pub and have a beer and it would be great, but in the course of your conversation at the pub, if you had him hooked up to medical instruments and you suddenly introduced the topic of money, you'd notice something very interesting. I would bet anything his breathing would change, his heart rate might accelerate a little bit. His blood pressure would probably go up, he would have all the markers of what we call defense or defensive physiology.

Now defense physiology is a low-level version of fight or flight. Your system is not meant for it. Worse than that, when you're in that mood, when you're in defensive physiology, it's impossible to feel good emotionally. It's dragging down your emotional tone, it's pulling you down, pushing you into a mode of being. That is more equivalent to survival or coping. Very, very bad and so if you're vibrating anxiety, which is what would be happening to him at that point, how likely would he be to manifest a better outcome in terms of money? Well, not at all, of course, because he can think about whatever goals he wants, but the fact is he's still vibrating the anxiety. It's that emotional vibration that's going out. His conscious thought about what he wants is irrelevant at that point. You see, what we're constantly trying to do here is show you how to close the gap between your emotional tone and your

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conscious thought. Once you do that, you'll easily manifest whatever you want. That's not an issue. In fact, don't forget, you're manifesting perfectly right now. You’re manifesting with 100% accuracy your emotional tone.

Darius: I want to say to people, Lorraine in Australia, she says, "Yes, I feel gut-wrenching. I understand exactly, but my emotional state is basically hijacking my body." What would you say to someone like Lorraine in Australia?

Symeon: Emotional state, hijacking the body, yeah, that happens. The best way to work that is both through the emotions. In other words, through the mind and through the body at the same time because it creates a huge synergetic effect. In fact, I can show you, if time permits at the end, I can you show you an exercise just to illustrate that, but you want to be able to work through the mind and through the body at the same time. What I would underline is no matter how bad you feel right now, no matter how stuck you feel, don't worry about it. As a matter of fact, you can get from wherever you are right now to wherever you want to go as long as you do some very simple things. No matter how stuck you are, don't worry.

Darius: That's good news.

Symeon: Actually, it's, in fact, a good thing. It's your mind/body organism showing you that the direction you're going in is not correct, it's causing you distress. You're focusing on…someone has said what is worry, for instance. Worry is focusing on what you don't want or another way to put it is you're setting goals that are entirely negative. You always want to be focusing on what you want, but here's the catch. We'll go back to trap number one. Trap number one is you're trying to fix what hurts most. What does that mean? It means as soon as you learn about the manifesting process, about the law of attraction and how it works, what's your first temptation?

Your first temptation and we have all done it, we all confess is to try to use it right away on the biggest thing that hurts in your life. Whatever hurts most in your life, it could be money, it could be career, it could be finances or rather it could be health, it could be a relationship, you want to go and fix what hurts most. The problem – is this like my friend at the pub – what hurts most in his life is a monetary issue, but that's the issue around which there is the biggest ball of negative emotion. The biggest cloud of negative emotion is right there. So the moment he even thinks about that whole issue, he begins to feel worse. He experiences negative emotional states – doubt, anxiety, fear, whatever it is and that drags him down.

He can set whatever goal he wants in that area, but as long as that's the case, as long as that emotional energy is there, he can't realistically make any headway. It's a lot like imagine this, Darius, imagine you've never done any fighting in your life and you go for your first ever martial arts class. After your martial arts class, two hours later you walk out of that martial arts studio and the first thing you do is challenge Bruce Lee to a death match. How's that going to work for you?

Darius: Not very well.

Symeon: Well, no, that's just it and this is what we do. We go and take on these monster issues in our life and we get our butts kicked and we wonder what happened, but if

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we look back in retrospect and we think about how we felt when we were trying to manifest a particular goal in that area of our life that hurts so much, we have to realize we weren't feeling very good at all. We were kind of trying to force it. Well, that didn't work because our emotional tone was saying, “You're not ready for this yet.”

The way around this trap is to recognize you're not ready for that yet. It's important to master the manifesting process first and the only way to do that – and here is the solution – is you need a safe place to play. You need the equivalent of a safe sandbox, a low threat, no threat or low consequence, no consequence environment where you can play with the law of attraction in a very systematic way where you can really master it. You can get good at it, you can confident with it, but you're not dealing with those monster issues. You're not trained yet. You're not trained to deal with them, you're not equipped. You're not in shape to deal with them. You'll go back and you'll whip their ass, you will. You really will beat them, but you just can't do it today and you shouldn't try. What you need is a safe place to play.

Darius: This is a huge piece that I think is something I've never heard before said. I actually, though, will say that I've done it in my own life without really thinking about it. I hope everyone's getting this, that when you're in this transformational journey, a lot of times we find out, “Well, I've got this, let's say, fear of money, so I'm going to get out of this block. I'm going to go out and I'm going to try manifesting as much money as possible.” You're taking on the biggest challenge you have with the least training with no real support system or foundation of manifesting under your feet. It's the biggest issue you have versus starting with something that makes you feel good, manifesting from there and then going into the thing that doesn't make you feel good and working on that manifestation, right, Dr. Symeon?

Symeon: That’s absolutely it, absolutely. Now trap number two is trying to manifest without internal alignment. Now internal alignment may sound like an abstract concept, but it's not. Think of a time when you were growing up. You might have been a kid, you might have been in your early teens, whatever it was. Think of a time when you were so involved in something you loved to do that you were oblivious to time itself. Your mother could yell dinner is ready and you wouldn't even hear it. You'd just keep going, you'd forget to eat. That could be any activity, right. Maybe it was bike riding, maybe it was playing soccer. Maybe it was reading books, maybe it was stamp collecting or building model airplanes or fixing motorbikes like you.

It could have been anything, anything you were into and at that moment you felt you were experiencing…if you take yourself back in your memory, you'll realize you were experiencing internal alignment at that moment. In other words, all the powers of your mind/body organism were lined up in one direction and with great pleasure and joy.

Darius: Okay, I'm going to do something really quick. When you felt that, guys, what was it you were doing? What were you feeling? What was the activity where you had that internal alignment? Send that in to us, I want to magnify this area.

Symeon: Yeah, so that's what internal alignment is and you realize that to go back to those monster issues in your life when you try to take those on and you don't feel good,

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that's a symptom or indication that you're out of alignment. That's all it means. You're out of alignment internally and, of course, it's an indication you're not quite ready for that yet. If you're feeling out of alignment with your goal, what are you going to manifest? Well, you're not going to manifest your goal or at least not very well and not easily. You want to get into internal alignment. How do you do that?

Well, it's the same solution, really. You need a place to play where you get into internal alignment repeatedly. So you learn what it feels like and you learn to repeat it almost on demand. You need to get good at being in that state of alignment, feeling in that state of alignment and, unfortunately, as adults we're in alignment less and less and less and that's a problem, but it can be easily overcome. It just takes a little bit of practice and takes this safe place to play where you can learn how to get into alignment. There are very specific ways you can do that and, of course, it begins by focusing on things you really love rather than things that for you are huge, monstrous challenges that brings up all kinds of doubts and anxieties.

Darius: This is such huge information because I think a lot of people say, “Well, I need money, so let me just try to find some job that will just serve me.” We've had one person, Holly says, "Before my disability, I did a certain thing. I worked as a commercial painter." It sounds like they really enjoyed it. However, it sounds like since their disability they've lost the ability. Now the question for someone like Holly is, well, yeah, your situation is what it is right now, but what is it that you can get in alignment with based on where you're at right now? Would that be a good question, Dr. Symeon, for Holly?

Symeon: Yeah, I think so. I think that's a great question because we all have limitations inherently based on who we are. I will never be an NBA basketball player, I'm not quite six feet tall. It's not going to happen. Aside from being too old and having no interest, everybody has limitations, but within those limitations, it's amazing what we can do. It's amazing what we can do.

Darius: Yes, yes and I find people shut off. It's like they…sorry for jumping in, but I'll say they shut off and it's like something happened, oh, I lost in this or this didn't work out or I don't have this ability. I mean I used to love to run. I'm just not going to do much long-distance running because I just don't want to wreck my knees and this is my belief and I see my knees don't hold up well. I would love to, but just like what else can I do? Well, shoot, biking feels just as good to me, so I do that. Just don't let your limitations slow you down in any way.

Symeon: Yeah, that's right. Yup, there's lots you can do. This whole thing about being in alignment, that's the key to the manifesting process because when you're in alignment, incredible things manifest. Darius, you mentioned that teleseminar series that I started in 2006. In retrospect, for me that was a perfect example of alignment and the law of attraction, the manifesting process at work. I didn't realize it at the time, I was too stupid. I've done a lot of dumb things since, but this was perfect. It was perfect because, first of all, the idea for it came out of the blue. Already a good indication it wasn't something I cooked up with my conscious mind.

Then when I started focusing on it, it felt really good. I couldn't stop thinking about it. Then the more I thought about it, the more I took small tiny steps, huge amounts of

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resources came to me. People to do web design, people to help get other guests, people to do all kinds of tasks. It’s just things poured in. It took on a life of its own and that was really being in the flow, but the really cool thing is and the real proof that this was being in the flow and in that in alignment and in the manifesting process is that it has kept giving.

Every single day of my life since then, even though the event’s long past, every single day of my life has changed because of that event. I made friends. I still have colleagues, I still work with a mentor. I still have even my business partner that I've worked with practically every day for over six years now is someone who discovered me through that series. It's the gift that keeps on giving and that's what it means to be in the flow. So very, very important. Again, you find internal alignment, you just have to have the process and the place to do it.

Let's go on to trap number three, which is trying to manifest without clarity on what you want. Ever heard that one? How many times have you asked someone if they want to change their life and they say, “Well, of course, my life terrible?” Then you ask them, “What would you like your life to look like,” and you get a bit of a blank stare because they haven't thought about it. So if you're not clear on what you want and most people aren't, to tell you the truth, there's a reason for it. I'll tell you the reason very quickly. The reason very quickly is that your culture has taught you not to focus on what you want. It's taught you to disregard your own individual wants, needs, desires. It's done this systematically since you were roughly in your mid-teens.

Before that, you're pretty much free. You can play around with all kinds of stuff and really immerse yourself in what you love a lot of the time, but once you hit your mid-teens, society's messaging takes over and it’s messaging from the educational system, from parents, from teachers, from your peers, from the media. It comes at you from all sides and it has one very basic message hidden in there. It says, “They say it is time to put away childish things,” to horribly misquote a biblical passage and take it out of context, but that's basically what they're saying. It's time for you to grow up, be responsible, think about how you want to earn money, think about how you want to fit into society, usually coded as contribute to society. It's time to sacrifice, literally sacrifice your individual wants, needs and desires for and then you fill in the blank. Sacrifice it for my spouse, my kids, my employer, my country and the list goes on.

Of course, western culture's not unique in this and every culture, by the way, when it feels threatened does this even more strongly. There's this very strong impetus to repress individuality at that point and have everybody pull together for the common goal. If you say it quickly enough, it sounds reasonable. It's a huge mistake because what's happening is as you do this, what happened to you probably was you repressed this whole side of you that needed to express itself. Your self-expression, your unique individuality has not had time to breath. I have coaching clients, Darius, who have not asked themselves the simple question, “What do I want, what do I really want in 20, 30, sometimes 40 years?”

Darius: Wow.

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Symeon: If you don't ask yourself what you want because you're too busy sacrificing yourself ‘for the greater good of other people’ in the most erroneous way I can possibly think of, what's going to happen? Well, it's very simple think about it. We're creative beings. When we are creating, we feel wonderful. If we repress that creative urge, we no longer feel good. Do you see where this is going?

Darius: Right, yes, I do.

Symeon: If you're not clear, yeah, and so we wonder why so many people today are in sort of coping mode, just feeling desperate and disempowered. Well, they're individuality has been repressed and so they're not clear on what they want. Of course, they're not. You can only have clarity if you ask yourself that question on a regular basis. It's like a muscle and there are ways you can get it back. There are certainly easy exercises to help you develop clarity, but there are a lot of people who will tell you, “Well, you can't really engage in the manifesting process because you're not clear where you want to go.”

Of course, manifesting obviously has with it the basic underlying idea that you're going to focus on something. If you can't focus on what you want because you don't know what it is, you can't possibly engage in the manifesting process. You're kind of stuck and it might take you months at least to become really clear. It's true you can't force clarity with a rational mind. It comes in its own time. Now all that is okay, except there's a falsehood there. The falsehood is this. The idea that you cannot master the manifesting process until you are totally clear is completely false. It's completely false.

In fact, you can begin today to master the manifesting process, get really good at it, build up your confidence, convince yourself, actually show yourself by evidence that the law of attraction works perfectly and you're really good at it and you can do all of that without ever being clear on which direction you want your life to go in. The way you do that is very simple. Again, it goes back to having a safe sandbox to play in and no threat environment where the only thing that you have to get clear on in order to work with the manifesting process and get good at it, the only thing you have to be clear on is what you would like to experience in the next one to two hours. Almost anybody can get clear on the next one to two hours. I mean that's not rocket science.

Basically, what you're going to be doing in the next one to two hours, more or less almost everybody does, you have an idea where you'll be, with whom you'll be and what you'll be doing. You can decide what you want to experience given those parameters. Anyone can do that, you don't have to worry about, “What do I want my life to look like 20 years down the line? What is my big dream?” Well, that's a little abstract. It's very hard to get clear that. You can get clear on the next one to two hours and doing that, you can master the manifesting process.

Darius: Wow, wow. I'm going to ask a quick question of everybody in the group really quick. How many of you really want to like conform to society? Just a great question that if you conform to society, is your life going to get better? I just want to throw that out to the You Wealth Revolution and I'll say this. We're at a time right now where there is so much talk about that. That is like just the dialect of the day. It's like this collective,

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collective, collective is going to solve every problem in the world.

I've got people that have so much of the collective mindset, they can't even figure out a way to do anything that is outside of the norm. They're stuck and their hearts are turned off because they don't even know what makes them happy. Obviously, God made you unique and I'm asking everybody right now to stand up for that and let me know whether you think it's going to do you better to become just like everyone else or to be the you that God created so you could do something unique in the world. I want to hear from you and, Dr. Symeon, keep going because I want to go wherever we need to move.

Symeon: Okay, the final trap, trap number four. Trap number four is trying to manifest when you do not believe in the law of attraction. I know a lot of you who are listening are saying, “Oh, I can relax now. He's not talking to me. This is about other people. I believe in the law of attraction, I believe in manifesting. Otherwise, obviously, I wouldn't be here on this call, so he's not talking to me.” I am talking to you. I am talking to you because there's a huge difference between believing intellectually and believing with your entire mind/body organism, believing in your gut. This is not a new dynamic, is it, because if you think about it, let's go back in ancient history.

We'll go back to the time of the New Testament where you find Jesus Christ himself batting people over the head with one principle over and over, which is this. He says whatsoever, whatever you ask for, believing you will receive. It's an unqualified statement and he makes it over and over. When people try to do this, but it doesn't work for them, what does he say to them? You failed because of your lack of faith. Now faith and belief, by the way, are the same word in ancient Greek – pisteuos. You didn't believe in what you were asking for, you didn't believe you would get it. That's what it comes down to.

Again, you are out of alignment with what you were asking for. That's why he says if you had faith the size of a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, “Go throw yourself in the ocean,” it would happen. The mustard seed is the smallest of seeds. It doesn't take much. That was the whole point of that metaphor. The whole thing is that most of us believe, we all believe intellectually that this is the case, that the manifesting process works, but we don't believe totally in it and we don't totally believe in our own ability with respect to it. The only way that's going to change is for us to see in our own life experience, to see evidence. Evidence is what changes minds and hearts.

Once you have evidence, once you see something with your own eyes, so to speak, you can't possibly deny it. Any blockages you have around that will go away on their own. You don't even have to tap on them anymore, forget it. It's a lot easier than tapping on them, believe me. That's what will happen, but the only way is to get evidence for yourself and that's why the way out of this trap, again, super simple, is it goes back to the safe sandbox again. You need a scientific, very simple scientific system that allows you to amass data, collect data from your own experience that proves to you that the law of attraction is working in your life. It's working 100% of time and it's working with perfect accuracy.

Now why don't you see that yet? The reason is, certainly, you haven't been

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collecting the data. It's there to be collected and, by the way, when you collect the data it’s a foolproof method. Even if you don't manifest what you want, it doesn't matter. It's all data. You can't possibly not prove to yourself that this is happening in your life. I have never yet had one person come back to me and say, “I collected the data and it didn't show me that,” never once. The idea here is this. I mean the law of attraction is a law as much as the law of gravity is a law. However, gravity is in the physical world and very easy to observe. So when you throw a baseball up in the air, you know it's coming down. It never occurs to you to think that you put that baseball into orbit. You know it's coming down.

The law of attraction is the same in that it functions all the time, but what we're looking for is something different. In order to prove to yourself that the law of attraction really works, you're looking for a correlation between two things. One is your emotional state with respect to the issue or whatever it is that you're involved with at the time and the experience that actually turns up. You're looking for the correlation between your emotional state and what happens. That simple, dirt simple. Remember, your culture has taught you not to focus on that and the reason is…well, the reason, we'll get into in just a minute, but yeah, this is the reason.

There is this correlation. Facts exist and all you have to do is turn it up. There's a system for doing that. It's really easy to use and that's what gets you out of this trap. Then a lot of your doubts will simply fall away and, of course, you'll be using the manifesting process. You'll be getting better and better at it, you'll be getting more and more confident. You'll be having more fun with it, you'll be seeing the most incredible synchronicities happen in your life and you'll be having a lot of fun. Of course, having fun is a key, right, because if you're not having fun, you're not feeling good and if you're not feeling good, you're going to be manifesting crap.

Something in line with your feeling state, but even if that happens on any particular day, big deal. It’s still data. It'll still, in the end, work to your advantage. So the whole thing works to your advantage as a process. I've never, ever had someone come to me and say, “I'm a failure. It didn't work for me.” It can't not work for you as long as you do it. That's the only catch. Now you might ask, “Well, why is that our society has trained us out of looking for this correlation, so we don't see it? We don't see this.” Every culture teaches you to focus on certain things and not focus on others, that’s just inevitable in any culture. We're not beating up western culture here, not more than necessary.

We mentioned earlier that when you introduced me about Sir Isaac Newton and the truth is if you want to know the reason why you don't see the law of attraction, why you are trained out of it, think no further than what we call the Newtonian world view. Now, Sir Isaac Newton is a British scientist. He's been dead for 300 years, but he's been making your life miserable since you were born. Okay, that's too strong a statement because, in fact, Isaac Newton wasn't really out to found a world view. He was just charting mathematical principles of the physical world and doing it very well. He was brilliant, absolutely brilliant and we have a great deal to be thankful for to him, but nevertheless, the Newtonian world view has a few problems. The Newtonian world view, the one we live under and were brought up under has a few basic principles to it. One is that matter is solid and real, so if you tap on a desk or a

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chair or whatever, a wall, anything nearby you, in the Newtonian world view that material substance is for real. Spirit and matter are entirely different.

Now we know today that isn't quite true. We know that the solid object you just tapped on whether it was the wall, the desk or the chair, we know it's just an energy pattern. It's mostly, in fact, empty space. It's simply an appearance, right. Everything around us is holographic. Now in the Newtonian world view, the basic principle of their most pernicious principle is this, that the universe around you is impersonal, mechanistic and hostile. We live in an impersonal mechanistic and hostile universe and life is something that happens outside you, okay. Events in your life are external to you and all you can do is kind of keep your head down and try not to let life hit you too hard. Does this sound familiar? Does this sound like your parents’ mentality?

Darius: Absolutely.

Symeon: Stay stuck and stay safe, play it safe, not get hurt. The reason that people adopted this mentality is because of a particular principle in the Newtonian world view and that principle is this and there's probably nothing more important this. That is the principle that your consciousness does not affect reality, does not affect the material world. The idea was consciousness does not affect reality, it does not affect the material world. Now if that's true and think about it, if your consciousness doesn't affect material reality and you live in a universe that's impersonal, mechanistic and hostile, what can you hope for? The best you can hope for is to stay low and try not to get hurt too badly.

It automatically puts you into a place of being disempowered, into a coping form of existence, survival mode, if you want to put it that way. You will constantly be in defense physiology, you will constantly be feeling bad. It'll be very difficult to get yourself to a place of actually feeling consistently great, so what are you going to manifest? Well, you're going to manifest things that really aren't very good. Now if you…and I can tell you, by the way, if you have an ambition to be a dictator and rule your people with an iron fist, the best thing you can do is keep them in fear. Keep them in anxiety and that's what this world view does, that's what it's done since the beginning.

Darius: Well, we see that a lot. I mean a lot of things going on right now are all about that. These are huge things. Holly said, "Amazing, I never correlated the negative data proof that the law of attraction works." Just to get back to some of you, some person was saying, “I want to contribute, but not like by being like everyone else.” Another person, Bobbie, says, "I am so tired of conforming to society. I've tried to be and do what society demands and I'm not happy. I want to be me." Jennifer said, "I was not born to conform. I want to do my piece of the puzzle." Another person, "I don't want to conform, not for one minute." So many people writing in just feeling their own individuality.

How many of you, really quick, feel like you are just trying to keep your head down, so you don't get it chopped off because you feel like things are coming at you instead of being the creator of your world. I'll let that come in. Dr. Symeon, I mean that last piece that we're separate and the world just kind of happens to us instead of through us or because of us, I mean that is a huge piece for people to get.

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Symeon: Oh, absolutely, it is because this is where the rubber meets the road, Darius, because what we're saying is when we talk about the manifesting process or the law of attraction, we are not talking about a simple set of techniques that you will use to get what you want. This isn't what we're talking about. It's true they are techniques and you will get what you want because it works 100% of the time, all the time. It's not even a question that you can get what you want. You can be, do or have anything you want. There's no doubt. That isn't the issue.

The issue is what we're talking about here when we talk about the manifesting process and the law of attraction. We're talking about a complete revolution in world view. A return to a much earlier, more ancient world view, an organic world view where everything is interdependent, where everything is connected and we now know scientifically this is true. We validated scientifically, for instance, that distance healing works. Energy healing over a distance works very reliably. It works reliably even if the person who's being treated is in a – what we call – a tempested room, a room that electromagnetic waves can't penetrate. We know everything is connected. We know that in the healing process, even time itself, is not relevant.

It's really an incredible world, an incredibly mysterious interconnected world we live in. We now know that. What we're talking about and this is where it really comes down to your life because you've been taught through the Newtonian world view, you have been taught that the decisions you make in your life are based on what we would call the rational guidance system. What does that mean? It means very simply that if you face a challenge in your life or where there's some goal you want to achieve, whatever it is, the idea of the Newtonian world view and the way you've been taught suggests that you have to figure out how to do it using your own limited rational mind. You have to figure it out as an individual.

We're certainly a culture that puts huge amounts of emphasis on just the individual doing it all by themselves. In this case, it's the wrong emphasis because what happens, well, many times in life, you're going to be confronted with things where you haven't got the faintest idea how you can do it. When you start thinking about the ‘how you're going to do it’ you suddenly feel bad. You no longer feel good, your vibration goes down. What are you going to attract now? Eventually, you put yourself practically into coping mode again, okay, and that's what that rational guidance system does, but what we're telling you now and this is the total paradigm shift is that world view is erroneous. It's wrong.

You do not need to figure out the how. The only thing you need to know is the result that you want to see. As long as you know and are clear on the result you want to see, that's all you need. Everything else will come, everything else will come into your experience and you will solve that challenge, you will achieve that goal and you will do it using means and resources and methods and pathways and approaches that your limited rational mind had no idea about. People will come into your experience, circumstances will happen, synchronicities will happen to actually produce the result that you're focusing on. As long as you're focusing on that result and enjoying it even though it isn't here yet, as long as you can focus on it positively, as long as you focus on it with a raised vibration, feeling wonderful about it, it'll come to pass. It'll manifest literally out of control and I've seen this over and over with

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various people.

You don't need to know the how, so we're giving you a world view that empowers you again, it gives you back your power. It puts you back in the driver's seat, it tells you that, in fact, yes, you are a creative being and you need to get out there and create. You need to be you and stop trying to be what society wants you to be. You have to allow yourself to express yourself. Now, of course, the corollary is you want to express whatever is spiritually positive. I mean Adolph Hitler was a great manifester, by the way. He was just manifesting terrible things that ultimately destroyed him.

The process is simply there. It works for both negative and positive. It's a neutral process and you want to manifest what is entirely positive. That's why the law of attraction is a spiritual thing. It is, in fact, a complete, emotional detoxification of the kind that everybody needs and almost nobody ever gets. That's what this process is. It is nothing less than a spiritual process through which you will discover who you really are. You will be doing what you really want to do, you will be feeling wonderful about it, which is the normal state. The natural state of the human person is to feel wonderful and be happy. Not just superficially happy like ‘I ate a McDonald's hamburger’ or something because that makes me feel good, but happy in the true sense of the word – deeply, deeply happy and fulfilled – and that's what this is. It is a spiritual process.

Darius: Okay, I've got a few comments I just want to read out loud. Lila is saying, "Awesome info. What are the conditions to you? What are the conditions where you can be, do and have anything? I know one is time," she's saying. So we'll get maybe to that. Jennifer says, "Amazing, this program is pulling me in, too. I've been programmed," she says, "to think I need to keep my head down, but my soul, my soul deeply doesn't not agree." Virginia says, "You talk about a safe sandbox. Even though I grew up in total trauma and chaos, the happiest times in my life were in make-believe land that my brother and I created. Everything was there, it would be great to go back to that."

Another person wrote in and said, "Yes, most of the time I feel like the universe has it in for me all the time." That's Kathy. Another person, Kate, "I feel like I want to keep my head down so it doesn't get cut off." A lot of people, “Absolutely.” Another person said, “I want to keep my head down.” A lot of people feeling this and a lot of people, it's almost as if they're starting to get this idea that things could be different, but things are holding them back. What do you usually see holding people back?

Symeon: Well, what's holding people back is…I mean in part it's the traps we discussed. In part, it's using approaches that simply don't work like trying to think your way into a better feeling state. Yeah, it's true. If you learn to use your thinking apparatus correctly it can be a huge help, but most people don't even know how to do that and, of course, they don't work on the body/mind integration piece working through the body. They don't have a lot of power or oomph behind the change in consciousness that they want to happen. It's really following particular processes that are really easy to follow and all you have to do is implement them in your life. They're not difficult to implement. It's pretty simple. I see people doing this all the time and it's really working for them. The whole process does work.

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It's also a matter, Darius, of having correct information because literally some of the information that people have been given about the manifesting process is not accurate. It's not accurate. One of those things is with the manifesting process itself. There are people who think well I'll just sort of sit on the couch and think about something and it'll happen. Well, that isn't how the process works. The process involves actually focusing on something in a pleasurable way and then diving in, working with it, taking some action, which opens doors, which engages the whole mechanism of the law of attraction and allows all of this to come to you, but it doesn't mean you're not going to take action. Yeah, you're going to take action. Depending on your goal, you might have to take massive action and that's okay, too, but to you, as long as you're in alignment, that action is going to feel really good.

Darius: That's the big key. I've just got to speak from our experience, a lot of people have been afraid to take action because they feel fear. The thing they're trying to do is take action on things that are the big, Bruce Lee death fights in their life. If we shift that, if we move that into this place where people feel good and they change their reality world, I think we have an answer here that can awaken and transform so many different people. I mean this was incredibly demonstrative of these new possibilities that are here for everybody.

Symeon: Well, that's just it. It's really once you realize that there is a systematic way to go about this, it's not a mystery anymore and that's when things shift.

Darius: Wow, wow, wow, fantastic. Quick question, I mean I know like as we've been talking about it, a lot of people are asking, “Okay, what do I do first? Where do I go? How do I begin to slowly move this into my life?” How do people go deeper into what you discovered in this work?

Symeon: Okay, well, of course, there's a page people can go to where they can get more information and see how this really works, if that's what you mean. You'll have to tell people where it is I think, right?

Darius: Yeah, well, one of the things that I know we talked about was how people can move this into their life. I'm going to talk about kind of what Dr. Symeon is sharing. He has actually put together a whole process on everything he's talked about. It's called the Systematic Manifesting Miracle. It's definitely very different than what you may have heard and I think really clears up a lot of confusion. It's at www.youwealthrevolution.com/manifestnow. That's www.youwealthrevolution.com/manifestnow. I know we're getting close to time, so I wanted to get that out to people. Can you tell us a little bit about what you put together and what are the pieces in there and maybe in the middle of that we can do some other things, if you had anything else planned.

Symeon: Oh absolutely, okay. The Systematic Manifesting Miracle is a program designed very specifically to take you through the steps that I've talked about. It's one that we've had huge, huge success with. We have, as a matter of fact, about 800 people in this program at the moment. When you go to the page, if you go lower down on the page, of course, you can see a lot of people. Well, we have hundreds of people who have written in, but we have just a few, very select testimonials there about the program and its effectiveness. You can have a look at those at your leisure.

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Basically, what the Systematic Manifesting Miracle is, it is a 21-day journey. Its three weeks that we spend together and I'm actually with you on the journey. I have an audio message for you every morning. There is also the preparation work, which is encapsulated in the eBook and in the audio book. They're basically the same in content, so you can either read or listen depending on your preference. That prepares you for the 21-day journey and what the 21-day journey is really, it's the safe sandbox. It's the safe sandbox where you learn how to master the manifesting process, get really good at it, get really confident at it. You also collect the evidence to prove to yourself this really works, that the law of attracting is working in your life 100% of the time no matter what results you're getting.

You also learn to get into alignment and stay consistently in alignment. It's a wonderful process that, yeah, we do it for 21 days, but the fact is it's a process you can keep up after that if you wish, if you find it's useful to you and some people do. I've had clients who I talk to them and they say, “Oh, I've been through it two or three times, the 21-day journey.” I'm going, “Really?” I didn't think anyone would do that, but some people do. With it, there are also a bunch more audios to help you sort of orient yourself and they talk about the themes I've talked about today, but in more detail with more specifics.

They're about things like feeling consistently great, switching from your rational guidance system to your intuitive guidance system, freeing yourself from tyranny of the Newtonian world view, which would be an awfully nice thing, how to get clear on what you want to really be, do and have, understanding the biology of the manifesting process, how does this work inside your body. Using your body as the key to feeling consistently great, how do you work through the body to do that, how do you clear emotional blockages quickly and effectively.

The final audio is an interview with a master energy healer, Catherine McClenahan, who talks about what energy healing can do for you. That's the 21-day journey, in essence, it's basically an invitation to join a community and it is a living community where we try to have a monthly teleseminar for everybody where we specify we go into more detail on very detailed specific aspects of the manifesting process. Things that most people don't really ever hear about and here what you're going to look at is version – what we call – 2.0, so it's continually being upgraded and you get all the upgrades free.

This one, the version 2.0, has an extra 14-day protocol that addresses another issue that we didn't talk about today, which is when you have a goal, you have to make the goal real to yourself, real in terms of almost so real you feel you've got it. So the title is Make it Real: How to Make Your Goal So Real That Your Nervous System Thinks You Already Have It. A lot of people don't make that step and because they don't they wonder why it takes longer for them to manifest their goal. Well, it's because it's not real to you. It's an idea.

There's a bunch of stuff going here and what we talked also about is the importance of the body and working through the body and that's why we've included another program called the Systematic Power Attraction program, which is the one that deals specifically with the body. In that program, you will find two different Qi Gong systems one teaches you basic Qi Gong exercises, which will do incredible things

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for your health no matter what age you are. Qi Gong, by the way, is an energy exercises. I love Indian hatha yoga, but I find Qi Gong is much easier for people to integrate into their day. You can integrate it into your day once you know it without taking any more time out of your day. S you don't have to set aside time for it, that's what makes it cool.

There's another Qi Gong system called Rock Solid Tranquility, which is really there to calm your emotions, literally to clear out energy in emotional blockages and leave you in a very calm state. It's incredible because its principle is so deep. It's about how you integrate and coordinate your breathing, your movement and your mental attention. When you do that, life is a whole different ball game. It's like doing Tai Chi all day long without ever knowing Tai Chi.

Darius: Wow. Yeah, I mean this sounds exactly like what a lot of people have been looking for. In this new concrete world of manifesting because you can either look at your life and say, “Am I getting the things that I want or am I not? Do I have more of what I want in my life than last year or do I have less,” a lot of us have more stuff or we have more things to do or more challenges, but we may not have more of exactly what we want. I want to ask people whether you have any big questions or what your questions are for Dr. Symeon. It's at www.youwealthrevolution.com/manifestnow.

Really quick, Dr. Symeon, I want to talk about kind of everything else here and maybe ask some questions about what's in here, but who is this for? When people come into this program, the 800 people that are already going through it now, what's the biggest challenge they seem to have and what are you already starting to see disappear for those people in terms of challenges?

Symeon: I think the biggest challenge that people have is their own belief in their ability to use this. Their own belief in that this can work for them, that it can change their life and that's why…well, like one of the people, who I actually put what she wrote here because I thought she's a coaching client, I've gotten to know her very well. She says, "I'm writing to express my deep gratitude for this amazing program. However, I sincerely don't think there are words to do it justice." Here's the key sentence, "I would never have imagined I could make such amazing progress in my life in such a short amount of time if I had not experienced this for myself." It's really that you have to see it for yourself kind of thing because you have to do it, right. No one can do your life for you. That's part of the way the universe works – no one can do your life for you.

Darius: We've got a question that just came in and I want to let people know it's actually deeply discounted for those that are wondering. We always ask for just a huge special value. It’s $97 and people can start manifesting systematically right now. Plus, they'll get all the bonuses as well, which is all of health systems – the Qi Gong health and the Rock Solid Tranquility, the Five Pillars of Life, the Warriorship Blackbelt program and much, much more. Plus, be in this whole program as well.

When people are done, okay, so say this 21-day period, what do you think some people can manifest or what are some things, I should say, you can't say that, but what are some things commonly that people are beginning to manifest at the end of

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that period? Twenty-one days goes really quick, three weeks is like a blip on the radar.

Symeon: That's right. It's like a blip on the radar and we get incredible things, like we have a guy who was having trouble selling his old dilapidated Jeep Cherokee. He'd been trying to sell it for years, never even had one offer. Then he just one day after going through the program set an intention and he had a buyer the next day. There is this lady, another lady, I was doing coaching with. She hadn't gotten back to me by email in two or three weeks, whatever, it'd been a little longer than I expected. Then she wrote me back and said, "So sorry for the delay, I was busy manifesting my dream home," and then she puts in brackets, “This stuff really works.” I still don't know all the details on that one, but I thought, “Okay, that's pretty amazing.”

One other thing that I promised to share, by the way, was what is the world's single best A-Z, soup to nuts law of attraction program? When you're on that page, if you click the ‘add to cart’ button, you'll be taken to another page where it will tell you all about that, all about the world's top A-Z law of attraction program. It's an amazing system called Your Wish is Your Command and it's one that myself and my business partner…actually, you can listen to my business partner Kathy talking about how she introduced this to me and how it blew her mind and mine. It's an incredible program. I would say it's only for people who are really serious. If you're really serious about mastering the manifesting process, if you're really serious about moving ahead in your life and being truly successful in whatever success means for you, then it's a program definitely to think about.

It's an incredible program. The results we see with it are totally over the top and the percentage of people using it who have incredible stories is very, very high. You can even read some of them on that page. The ones you read on that page are specifically people that I know, they're actually my coaching clients. People have written in and talk about what this has done for them. It goes hand-in-hand, according to my clients at least and you'll see that in a couple of their testimonials. They say, “When we did this with the Systematic Manifesting Miracle, in other words, when you use this other program with yours, the effect exponentially was just over the top.”

Darius: Okay, so I'm going to let people know that's on that page. If you hit ‘add to cart.’ you'll see that information and if that's something you don't want, you can just scroll to the bottom and choose what you want or just the program we've been talking about. I want to be clear on that. Let's do this, Dr. Symeon, a lot of people writing in. Holly said, "Fabulous interview, I'm finally getting a grasp of some of the things in my life that are about manifesting and what's going on." She's really getting got a huge amount from this. Deora said, "Thank you very much, Dr. Symeon and Darius, for this amazing presentation." A lot of people are asking for an exercise or some way they can experience some of the truths so they really get reinforced in their nervous system and in their being. Anything we can do to really bring another dimension to some of the core concepts we talked about?

Symeon: Oh yeah, absolutely there is. Just before I do that I just want to say one thing, which is when it comes to Your Wish is Your Command, an incredible system, by the way, as I said, we signed an agreement that we cannot sell it for less than $199, but what

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you'll see there is if you take Your Wish is Your Command and the 21-day journey, the systematic manifesting, all that we charge you is the $199 that we have to. In other words, my program is free at that point. I just wanted to make that clear.

Darius: Wow.

Symeon: Yeah, because we really feel that it's that important to put out there. Yeah, let's do an exercise, lot of fun, okay. Wherever you are, everybody, wherever you are, if you have in front of you, say, a water bottle or a coffee cup or any object you can grab and pretend it's a water bottle or a coffee cup, that would be good. Here's what we're going to do. What I'd like you to do is simply position yourself in front of it or position it right in front of you. Then you're going to pick it up and drink or pretend to drink from it, okay.

Darius: I'm doing that now. Wait for me and I'll do it here, hold on.

Symeon: Okay, okay, just let us know.

Darius: I've done it. I assume everyone else is doing it, sorry.

Symeon: You want to just simply reach out the way you normally would, just pick it up and take a drink or pretend to take a drink. When I say, “Take a drink,” it can mean pretend. What you did there was probably a very isolated movement. It probably was almost entirely a movement of your arm and shoulder with very little movement in the torso or anything else. Now here's what we're going to do this time. What I would like you to do is make it a whole body movement, so all of your body is going to move at least a little bit as you do this. You're going to reach out and all of your body's going to be moving and you're going to lift it up and drink from it, but it’s going to be a whole body movement. Try that.

Darius: Okay. Oh wow.

Symeon: Now that's a different feeling, isn't it?

Darius: Yeah, everything sort of moved.

Symeon: Here's the next phase. This time as we do that, you're going to coordinate your breathing with it. What I want you to do is it doesn’t matter whether you inhale as you pick it up or exhale as you pick it up, I don't care. You can coordinate your breathing with it any way that feels natural to you, okay, so try that. Take as many breaths as you like in the process. Again, it's a whole body movement. Try it a couple times if you want. How did that feel, Darius?

Darius: Totally different, I mean when I moved, it was like my whole body. First I got out of mind and I was actually in the moment of experiencing it versus when I just grabbed it and drank. It was like I wasn't really feeling, so as I moved, I really experienced everything. Then as I did the breathing, it was even much more profound than that. It's like I really was in a whole different space and very present and in the flow or moment of drinking that cup and enjoying that.

Symeon: That's a really important point. You hit the nail on the head because you were present, right, and you were present, in other words, because when we drink and it's

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not a whole body movement, when you were not doing it in an integrated fashion when you did it the first time, the way we did it, it's easy to disassociate. So your body does one thing and your mind is somewhere else. According to the ancient Taoist longevity tradition, that causes and disassociation within the human being. It actually is counter to physical health and emotional health. To create physical and emotional health, we reintegrate.

So now we'll do the same thing with the breathing and whole body movement, but this time I'd like you to imagine as best you can that you're going to initiate the movement. The movement is controlled and initiated by the center of your body, which is just below your navel. Pretend you have a big ball of energy just inside your belly and that is what causes all of this to move, so try that take a drink or two. Go ahead. If you forget about the breathing, for the moment, that's okay because you can't do everything at once, not at the beginning, but the movement comes from the center. It comes from the lower abdomen.

If you do that, you'll feel some really interesting things. You'll feel how there is so much more movement in your torso than you felt before. That movement in the torso, if you move through your day like this, what you're doing is you’re actually detoxifying all your internal organs as you move through your day. No extra charge, no extra charge, right, whereas if you go through in your disassociated disconnected way, there's no movement happening in there. So your inner organs are not being massaged and detoxified. Same thing happens when you breathe into the abdomen. When you breathe from your abdomen you're creating a detoxifying effect whereas if you're breathing from your inner chest the way almost everybody does in our culture, nothing's happening down there.

Let's do another one. In this one we'll do the same type of movement, but forget about the big ball of energy in your gut. This time the movement is going to be initiated and controlled by your spine, your spinal column, okay. You have to sort of focus on your spinal column and cause it to move and cause it to sort of control the movement, so you're kind of focusing on it the whole time. Try that a couple times. Now that's a different feeling, isn't it?

Darius: Yes, yeah yeah.

Symeon: What you're doing is you're creating a lot more movement in your spinal column, which improves the health of your central nervous system and there are nerve fibers from your spinal column connecting to all your major organs, right, so very important. Another thing is you're improving the flow of spinal fluid, which will keep your brain functioning optimally and you're also improving the flow of energy up the back. One of your body's most important energy channels is right up the spine and over the top and then down the front of your body. That's what you're doing. You're fixing your energy system and your nervous system all at the same time.

You're strengthening your spine and your posture at the same as well and you're being much more present. You can imagine when you begin to integrate these different elements into how you simply move, it becomes incredible. Think about it. People meditate in order to calm the mind and become centered, right. That's great, but then the moment they get up from their meditation cushion or chair or whatever

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they're using, they begin to move and movement is the enemy because movement tends to distract the mind and they fall out of the meditative frame of mind. This is a way of moving meditation where you can maintain the meditative state very, very easily.

In fact, the letter you put out talked about this, right, about the Buddhist monks vibrating roughly at 40 hertz. They, too, they learn how to do this so that they can go through the day and maintain what they've gained in meditation as they move because as one ancient Taoist master said, “I don't care how well you meditate, if you can't maintain it well, you're doing what you have to do in real life. It's no good.”

Darius: Really quick, Dr. Symeon, these exercises we did, as they relate to manifesting, what is the correlation? Can we use some of this mindfulness as we are going about and moving into this manifestation and feeling good?

Symeon: Yeah, it correlates in a whole bunch of ways. First of all, you become much more aware of your feeling state. You become much more aware of where your mind is and that's one of the things people report first is that because they're more present, they're more aware of what they're feeling. Don't forget, we grew up in a culture that's taught us to disregard how we feel, so often we disassociated from that. Another thing is that as you go through your day and you learn to reintegrate like this, you feel better and, of course, because you feel better, because you're moving your body in a way that detoxifies it, because you are improving the tone of your energy system and your nervous system on a continuous basis, you begin to feel better.

When you begin to feel better, you can begin to think thoughts that are better. Think of how the biology works. You have belief systems, which generate thought patterns, which generate feeling states. Whatever you're thinking about, the glands in your body will produce a chemical cocktail of neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and hormones that will give you the feeling state that you're asking for. Well, there you go. Using this, you begin to feel consistently better and it's much easier to improve your thought process and, therefore, produce a new feeling state.

Darius: Wow, wow, incredible things. I want to hear what people felt. I want to hear what people are feeling in the interview about what we've learned. There's so much here to go through and actually apply and I think the first one is basically to get really good at the things that you want to manifest that you enjoy. Begin to change this whole model and even the whole model of how you view your body, the energy stored in your body, what you're doing with it and the way you're bringing your energy into the day.

There is so much to do and learn and that is exactly why Dr. Symeon put together 21 days of this so you get support on a daily basis. Eight hundred-some people are doing it and it's growing by leaps and bounds. I would say feel into where you're at, what you want to manifest and what really you'd like to see happen in the next 21 days in your life. Certainly, you can go deeper into this program and someone just wrote. Susan said, "So much fabulous information. I'm looking forward to listening to the replay and absorb everything." It's at www.youwealthrevolution.com/manifestnow.

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Dr. Symeon, any closing words or things that you want share with the group? I always say this, for somebody maybe who is really feeling like the law of attraction doesn't work or they cannot manifest or things just are not ever going to work in their life, what message would you have for them?

Symeon: Pretty simple, really, in that if we have that impression it's because we've trained ourselves to think that way. We've trained ourselves into it by repetition. Anything that we think or believe is a matter of repetition, so the fact is you can extricate yourself from that by instituting new patterns, but that's not going to happen unless you do things differently, unless you use at least accurate information and then take action on that information in your life and do it consistently. Do it long enough and do it consistently because your life won't change miraculously overnight.

Darius: Thank you, much love. Thank you, guys, for being here and sharing and I'll see you on the next You Wealth Revolution call. You are a gift, you are amazing and you have a huge power, a huge power to do amazing things. I know today we brought you into that power, so start using it, start going deeper if it makes sense to you and just be present to everyday unveiling more and more of who you are and more and more of the things that have changed people's lives all over the world. Much love, you are that. We'll see you on the next You Wealth Revolution call.