April 22, 2018 4th Sunday of Easter Service of Music … · A THOUSAND AGES: A elebration of Hope...

April 22, 2018 4th Sunday of Easter Service of Music 11:00 a.m.

Transcript of April 22, 2018 4th Sunday of Easter Service of Music … · A THOUSAND AGES: A elebration of Hope...

April 22, 2018 4th Sunday of Easter Service of Music 11:00 a.m.

Welcome. We’re glad to gather together as a community of faith today. No matter where you are on the

journey of faith, you are welcome here, to join in worship and service. All are invited to a time of

refreshment and conversation immediately following worship in St. Andrews Hall (down the steps outside

the sanctuary, and to the left).

If you are new to this community of faith, we rejoice in your presence with us. Remember, we’re not

strangers, but rather friends who journey together, following the Lord Jesus Christ. Feel free to pick up

information about the Lewinsville Church community at the information center which is located just outside

the church offices.

Please turn off all cellular phones, pagers and watch alarms during worship. Please refrain from using flash

photography during the worship service.

Leadership at Lewinsville

Ruling Elders

Clerk of Session: Laura Jones Treasurer: Liz Stevens

Pamela Deese Lois Dokken Steve Becker

James Foster Jim Edmondson Elaine Guth

Tom Mellor David Foster Rob Hunter

David Smith Bettie McElroy Harriet Neldon

Deacons/Stephen Ministers

Carolyn Fisk Diane Alden Andrew Borene

Jack Hess Emily Foster Verna Chenault (Secretary)

Danny Howell Janet Kohlenberger Sharon Gamble

Alex Scopeletis (Moderator) Dong Lee Janie Waldrop

Pat Matheson* Rick Neldon Karen Siple*

Wendy Maiwurm*

Hearing Assistance devices are available from the ushers or the audio/video console at the rear of the


Pillows are available in the coat room, just outside the narthex, to help make the pew more comfortable

during worship. Feel free to borrow a pillow and return it after worship.

Miss a worship service? Sermons are posted every week on our website, www.lewinsville.org. DVD

recordings of worship services are also archived in the Library. Feel free to check them out any time.

Interested in learning more about Lewinsville Church? – Join the Inquirers class meeting in the library

at 9:45 a.m. Call the church office, 703 356-7200 or visit www.lewinsville.org for more information.

NOTES FOR WORSHIP: GG – Glory to God The Presbyterian Hymnal OT - Pew Bible Old Testament Renew! - Renew! Hymnal (grey) NT - Pew Bible New Testament

A THOUSAND AGES: A Celebration of Hope


Prelude Suite Antique: Aria John Rutter

Introit We Wait for Thy Loving Kindness William McKie

We wait for thy loving kindness, O God: In the midst of thy temple. Alleluya. O God, according to thy name, so is thy praise unto the world’s end. Thy right hand is full of righteousness. Alleluya. We wait for thy loving kindness, O God: In the midst of thy temple. Alleluya. O Lord, send us now prosperity. Amen.

Come, All You People uyai mose Uyai mose, tinamate Mwari; uyai mose Zvino Come, all you people, come praise your Maker: come now and worship the Lord.

* Praise to the Lord, the Almighty lobe den herren All: Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!

O my soul, praise him for he is your health and salvation! Let all who hear now to his temple draw near, Joining in glad adoration!

Choir: Lobe den herren, der alles so herrlich regieret, Praise to the Lord, who o’er all things is wondrously reigning, Der dich auf adelers fittichen sicher geführet; And, as on wings of an eagle, uplifting, sustaining. Der dich erhält, wie es selber gefällt; Have you not seen all that is needful has been Hast du nicht dieses verspürer? Sent by his gracious ordaining?

All: Praise to the Lord! Oh let all that is in me adore him!

All that has life and breath, come now with praises before him! Let the amen sound from his people again. Gladly forever adore him!

Lord, you have been our refuge from one generation to another………

Time,.... time,.....

O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come.

Time,....How do we tell time? How do we determine time? All: For everything there is a season: a time to be born, a time to plant, a time to harvest, a time to die.

Time in our society is a very flexible concept determined in part by geography, culture and beliefs. Pundits will predict, seers will attempt to see, prophets will prophesy. But for many, the words of the Psalmist will prove once again to be the best way to cope, the best way to understand the ongoing march of time in an understandable, hope-filled perspective.

All: Lord, you have been our refuge, from one generation to another.


morning time,.........evening time,.............praise time:

Praise to the Lord! Oh, let all that is in me adore him!

All that has life and breath, come now with praises before him!

All: 1. O God, our help in ages past,

Our hope for years to come,

Our shelter from the stormy blast,

And our eternal home.

Women: 2. Under the shadow of your throne

Our saints have dwelt secure;

Sufficient is your arm alone,

And our defense is sure.

Choir: 3. Before the hills in order stood

Or earth received its frame,

From everlasting you are God,

To endless years the same.

Choir: 4. A thousand ages in your sight

Are like an evening gone.

Short as the watch that ends the night

Before the rising sun.

Men: 5. Time, like an ever rolling stream,

Soon bears us all away;

We fly forgotten, as a dream

Dies at the op’ning day.

All: 6. O God, our help in ages past,

Our hope for years to come,

Still be our guard while troubles last

And our eternal home!

* O God, Our Help in Ages Past st. anne

Praise time:

times when we can't help ourselves; we praise.

Praise often erupts when we want to thank God for what has been or to express passion about the now, the here, to respond to our encounter with the fruits of God's bountiful goodness to us.

All: Praise time: times when we gather to worship, gather for praise and prayer, gather for Word and Sacrament.

Praise time:

an occasion for joyful song, a time to join hands and hearts, a time to sound the trumpet and join with all creation, all that has life and breath.

Let the amen, sound from God's people again.

Gladly with praise we adore him.

A Psalm of Praise and Thanksgiving Michael McCabe

O praise the Lord, ye nations, praise him, ye people. Praise him in the sound of the trumpet. Praise him in dances, praise him on lute and harp, Praise him with strings and praise him with pipe. O praise the Lord, ye nations, praise him, ye people. Let all the people praise the Lord, both now and evermore.

Before the mountains were brought forth, or the land and the earth were born, from age to age you are God……

When Long Before Time Aaron David Miller

When long before time and the worlds were begun, when there was no earth and so sky and no sun, And all was deep silence and night reigned supreme, And even our Maker had only a dream – The Silence was broken when God sang the Song, and light pierced the darkness, thy rhythm began, And with its first birth-cries creation was born, And creaturely voices sang praise to the morn. The sounds of the creatures were one with their Lord’s, their harmonies sweet and befitting the Word; The Singer was pleased as the earth sang the Song; The choir of the creatures re-echoed it long. Down through the ages, the Song disappeared, its harmonies broken and almost unheard,

The Singer comes to us to sing it again, our God is with us in the world now as then.

To you, God the Singer, our voices we raise, to you, Song Incarnate, we give all our praise,

To you, Holy Spirit, our life and our breath, be glory forever, through life and through death.

READING: Genesis 9:8-17

* All Creatures of Our God and King lasst uns erfreuen

Return, O Lord: how long will you tarry? Be gracious to your servants…….

O Come, O Come, Immanuel Natalie Sleeth

O come, O come Immanuel, Come now to earth and with Thy people dwell,

The world awaits from heav’n a holy sign, O come and show to us the light divine.

O come, O come, Immanuel, As age to age the prophets did foretell;

Redeemer, come to save us one and all, Be born again in Bethl’hem’s manger stall.

For Thy coming we prepare, Wisdom from on high,

Gracious Spirit, Lord most fair: now to us draw nigh.

O come, O come, Immanuel, And free Thy children, Israel,

Be now our hope, our comfort from above, O bless us all with everlasting love.

1. All creatures of our God and King. Lift up your voice and with us sing: Alleluia! Alleluia! O burning sun with golden beam And silver moon with softer gleam: O praise him! O praise him! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! 2. O rushing wind and breezes soft, O clouds that ride the winds aloft: O praise him! Alleluia! O rising morn, in praise rejoice, O lights of evening, find a voice. O praise him! O praise him! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! 3. O flowing waters, pure and clear, Make music for your Lord to hear, O praise him! Alleluia! O fire so masterful and bright

Providing us with warmth and light, O praise him! O praise him! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

4. Earth ever fertile, day by day Unfolds rich blessings on our way, O praise him! Alleluia! The fruits and flow’rs that verdant grow, Let them his praise abundant show. O praise him! O praise him! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia! 5. Let all things their Creator bless And worship God in humbleness. O praise him! Alleluia! O praise the Father, praise the Son, And praise the Spirit, three in One, O praise him! O praise him! Alleluia, alleluia, alleluia!

O come, O come, Emmanuel.

Within the dimension of time and space, the world was created;

within the dimension of time the history of salvation unfolds, finding culmina-tion in the fullness of time when the one called Emmauel was born.

All: O come, O come, Emmanuel: the people of ancient Israel longed for the time, prayed for the time, the mo-ment when the long-promised Messiah would come - or did they?

We too long for an encounter with the Promised One,.........

or do we?

Thou Shalt Know Him When He Comes Mark Sirett

Thou shalt know him when he comes, Not by any din of drums,

Nor his manners or his airs, Nor any thing he wears.

Thou shalt know him when he comes, Not by his crown or by his gown,

But his coming known shall be, by the holy harmony which his coming makes in thee.

Thou shalt know him when he comes. Amen. Amen.

O Come, O come, Emmanuel.

But who is this Emmanuel that we invoke?

Who is this one that we invite to come to us?

He comes to us as one unknown - the Incarnation story of Christ's coming to this

earth is a great mystery. The story is of a remarkable birth with angels, shepherds,

and much much more. Sometimes, because of the rich imagery of the story we

become distracted and lose sight of the central message, the most significant part of

this story, this mystery Christians call the Incarnation.

He comes to us as one unknown,.....

All: For many people, one of the most significant of times is that time when one called unknown becomes known,.......becomes known as Savior and Lord.

My Song is Love Unknown Edwin T. Childs


You sweep us away like a dream; we fade away suddenly like the grass…..


all day, all night,….beginnings,....endings,....transitions.

Time, like an ever-rolling stream, bears all our years away;

They fly, forgotten, as a dream, dies at the opening of the day.

St. Augustine is supposed to have commented that he always knew what time was until he was asked. So it is with us. We know what time is until we are asked to discuss it, to define it. Then, like Augustine, we equivocate, we are not quite sure. All: But one thing we can be sure about. Things will change. Life offers no escape from change. Eyes dim and memories fail. Friends betray and enemies prosper. We come to grief and grieve.

As much as we don't like these dimensions of time, we know them to be true.

Some fear the approaching time of death and decide that at death, time is over… done… gone.

Others see it as a transition; a moving into another time, another epoch; a crossing from one life, one time to another; from this earth to a new world. Their faith in the new freedom from this world's bondage, this new life in God's time has often been most eloquently expressed in song.

Come Home Craig Courtney

Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling, calling for you and for me; See, on the portals He’s waiting and watching, watching for you and for me. Come home, come home, you who are weary come home. Come home, come home, you who are weary, come home.

Why should we tarry when Jesus is pleading, pleading for you and for me? Why should we linger and heed not his mercies, mercies for you and for me? Come home, come home, you who are weary come home. Come home, come home, you who are weary come home.

O for the wonderful love He has promised, promised for you and for me! Though we have sinned, He has mercy and pardon, pardon for you and for me. Come home, come home, you who are weary come home.

All: Lord, you have been our refuge from one generation to another……..


Eastern time,

Greenwich time,

Daylight saving time,

God's time.

A thousand ages in your sight

are like an evening gone,

Short as the watch that ends the night

before the rising sun.

Some days everything works fine. The rhythm of life, the beat of time is good; the creative juices flow and the choir sings in tune!

All: But only the fool believes that all time will be good times. Some days our handiwork comes out all wrong and time hangs heavy, like a great weight pushing us down. The good days are balanced, often overshadowed by the bad days, or perhaps, just by days; by the relentless march of time.

On these days it is especially good to remember the words of Psalm 90 and all their implications. This is a Psalm for realists, faith-filled, faithful realists.....

People who know that because of God, they get to love, they are freed to love.....

People who know, people who believe the wondrous truth that God is love, and that God's love has found them.......

People who comprehend, if only dimly, that continuity is as important as culmination; constancy as important as change.

Lord, you have been our refuge from one generation to another.

Lord, I believe…...help my unbelief.

Thanks be to God.

Lord I Was Blind David Rasbach

Lord, I was blind; I could not see in Your marred visage any grace: But now the beauty of Your face in radiant splendor dawns on me.

Lord, I was blind, but now I see! Lord, I was deaf, I could not hear the thrilling music of Your voice,

But now I hear you and rejoice, and all your tender words are clear. Once, I was deaf, but now I hear!

Lord, I was mute; I could not sing the grace and glory of Your name, But now, as touched with living flame, my lips shall praise my God and King!

Once, I was mute, but now I sing! Lord, I was dead. I could not raise my lifeless soul from sin's cold grave.

Naught but the gift of life you gave, could e'er have raised me up, The pow'r of Your redeeming love raised me to life and now I live!

Lord. I was dead, mute, deaf, blind, but now I see!

Ordination and Installation of Officers

Presentation of Candidates by the Clerk of Session Deacons – Banafshe Aghvami, Carolyn Fisk (returning for a second term), Libby McConnell, Sally McKeown Elders – Lori Mabus, Clay McConnell, Jody Ransom, Ryan Ramsey

Constitutional Questions to the Candidates

* Affirmation of Faith

Apostles’ Creed

Do you believe in God, the Father Almighty? I believe in God, the Father almighty,

Maker of heaven and earth.

Do you believe in Jesus Christ, the son of God? and in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord; who was conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead, and buried; he descended into hell; the third day he rose again from the dead; he ascended into heaven,

and sitteth on the right hand of of God the Father Almighty;

from thence he shall come to judge the quick and the dead.

Do you believe in God the Holy Spirit? I believe in the Holy Ghost; the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen.

* Questions to the Members of the Congregation * Laying on of Hands

* Prayer of Ordination and Installation

* The Peace

The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you. And also with you.

Greet those around you, saying “Peace be with you” or “The Peace of Christ” If you prefer not to shake hands in greeting while passing the Peace of Christ, you may choose to make eye contact and greet others in another personal way.

Prayers of the People

The Lord’s Prayer Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen.

Th a n k s g i v i n g

The Sharing of Our Lives Through Our Gifts

solo A Simple Song Leonard Bernstein

Presentation of our Tithes and Gifts

* Congregational Response Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise Christ all people here below; praise Holy Spirit evermore; praise Triune God, whom we adore. Amen.

S e n d i n g

* Hymn When the Morning Stars Together GG 689 weisse flaggen * Charge and Benediction

* Dismissal Go in peace to love and serve the Lord.

Thanks be to God!

Postlude Fugue in E Flat (St. Anne) J.S. Bach

The pastors will be in the narthex to greet you following worship.

WORSHIP NOTES We express our gratitude to John Ferguson, Emeritus Professor of Organ and Church Music at St. Olaf College, Northfield, MN, for permission to utilize his design concept for today's hymn festival along with some of the narrations he wrote for the design.

One Service of Worship on May 6 at 11:00am to celebrate The Reverend Emily Berman D’Andrea’s ministry with us.

Christian Education at 9:45am.

Called Congregational Meeting on May 6 after the 11:00am service for the

purpose of dissolving the pastoral relationship with Pastor Emily. Reception follows in Fellowship Hall.





TRUMPET: Ken and Rene McGee

FRENCH HORNS: Dinai Yeo, William Ulrich

PERCUSSION: Mike Hooke, Henry Ulrich, JohnPaul D’Andrea, Eimi Tuttle

FLUTE: Megan Ulrich

CELLO: Mark Jacobs

CLARINET: Amy Yurkewitch

A n n o u n c e m e nt s fo r t h e We e k o f A p r i l 2 2 , 2 0 1 8

Our loving sympathy and prayers are extended to Alex Scopeletis on the death of her grandmother-in-law, Adeline Gay on April 4, 2011 in Bryn Mawr, PA. Adeline was 109 years old.

***Within Our Prayers*** Help carry one another’s burden, and in this way you will obey the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2


The weekly prayer list includes those members and friends of the church family who are in a short-term temporari-ly serious or critical situation. Please remember in your prayers all those listed. Names placed on the weekly list will be removed after six weeks unless the church office is requested otherwise. We need your help to keep our prayer lists accurate and current.

Please refer to the website, www.lewinsville.org, for further information on activities.

Blood drive April 15 - collected 25 donor units. Seven walk-ins, three were non-church members, helped in the total units count. Thank you to all who supported the blood drive! Join us for service and fun on Good Samaritan Day, Saturday, May 5! - Choose from four great opportunities:

1. Help the residents at The Lewinsville Retirement Residence with odd jobs around their apartments. Jobs might include flipping mattresses, hanging pictures, cleaning windows and screens, etc.

2. Help with small repairs and painting at the Falls Church Homeless Shelter. 3. Help with outdoor cleanup at Westgate Elementary School. This is a great opportunity for families of

all ages! 4. Help sort food and clothing donations, stock shelves, or work with clients in the food room at the

SHARE food pantry. sign up at: http://www.lewinsville.org/event-items/good-samaritan-day/

Good Samaritan Day Schedule 8:30 - Meet in the chapel for breakfast provided by the Men’s Square ChristCare Group 9:00 - Start working at your location 12:15 - Meet for lunch and socializing at the Lewinsville Retirement Residence (lunch cost is $7.00 per person)

Second Saturday Set – Dinner and Theater, May 12, 2018. The Lewinsville Second Saturday Set (SSS) is scheduling a Dinner and Theater evening in Reston on Saturday, May 12. We will be meeting for dinner in Reston Town Center at 6:00pm – venue to be announced – and then proceed to the nearby Hunters Woods Community Center for an 8:00pm performance by the Reston Players of the musical “Thoroughly Modern Millie.” Join the SSS gang and enjoy this singing and dancing performance of the 1920’s story of Millie Dillimont, a Kansas City girl who arrives in New York to marry the ‘modern way’. Please let us know by May 5 if you would like to participate so we can arrange dinner and/or theater tickets for you. (Adults $27.00 and Seniors $23.00). If you did not sign up already at the last SSS event, call Connie or Phil Church (703-534-9729) to reserve your space. Earth Care Team forming - Happy Earth Day! Today on this 48th annual celebration of Earth Day we are excited to announce that LPC has taken the first steps towards becoming certified as a Presbyterian Church (USA) Earth Care Congregation. We have completed an environmental audit and Session recently affirmed an Earth Care Pledge to integrate environmental practices and thinking into all facets of church life. Watch for details about the program in the May newsletter. If you would like to help LPC reinforce and expand our efforts to be good stewards of God’s earth, contact Susan Bartram ([email protected]) or Maia Foster ([email protected]) about becoming part of the LPC Earth Care Team.

Calendar for the Week of April 22, 2018

Sunday, April 22

8:30am Service of Worship – Sanctuary Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Rev. Scott Ramsey preaching 9:45am Church School/Adult Education

Lewinsville Forum Encore!: A Continuation of the Forum – Room 103 Being Mortal: Equipping Ourselves and Our Loved Ones to Prepare for the End of Life - Chapel Inquirers Class – Library

Church School Bible in a Box (ages 2 and 3) – (Lower Level room 8) Joyful Noise (lower level room 6)/Godly Play (ages 4 and 5) (lower level room 2)

Workshop Rotation (grades 1-6) (Lower Level room 1) 11:00am Service of Worship – Sanctuary Service of Music Ordination/Installation of new elders/deacons 12:15pm Quarterly Leaders meeting—chapel

3:00pm Better Angels meeting—Library 4:00pm All Puppets (Youth will drop out at 4:30 for ringing) 4:30pm Youth Choirs – Music Room 5:15pm Children’s Choirs – Music Room 5:30pm Sunday ChristCare – Library 6:00pm Youth Fellowship – Youth Center 6:30pm Jubilate Ringers rehearsal - Music Room 7:30pm Pastor Nominating Committee – Chapel

Monday, April 23 1:00am Stephen Ministry training – room 104 6:30pm Spiritual Seekers ChristCare – room 25A 6:45pm Barnabas ChristCare – Library

Tuesday, April 24 12:00pm Full Staff meeting - Library 1:15pm Wednesday Afternoon ChristCare – Chapel 1:30pm Program Staff meeting – Library

Wednesday, April 25 11:30am Bible Study – Chapel 1:00am Prayer Time – Sanctuary

Thursday, April 26 7:30pm Chancel Choir Rehearsal – Music Room

Friday, April 27 Session Retreat – Hallowood 11:00am Glenn Jones burial Saturday, April 28

Session Retreat – Hallowood 7:30am Men’s Square – Bethany Room 9:00am Committee on Ministry Liaison Training – Chapel 9:30am Biblical Storytellers – Library

Sunday, April 29

Session Retreat – Hallowood 8:30am Service of Worship – Sanctuary Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Rev. Emily Berman D’Andrea preaching 9:45am Church School/Adult Education Lewinsville Forum Encore!: A Continuation of the Forum – Room 103 Being Mortal: Equipping Ourselves and Our Loved Ones to Prepare for the End of Life - Chapel Inquirers Class – Library Church School Bible in a Box (ages 2 and 3) – (Lower Level room 8) Joyful Noise (lower level room 6)/Godly Play (ages 4 and 5) (lower level room 2) Workshop Rotation (grades 1-6) (Lower Level room 1)

11:00am Service of Worship – Sanctuary Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper Rev. Emily Berman D’Andrea preaching 12:30pm Foundation meeting – Library 2:00pm Memorial Service – Heather Mendelson - Sanctuary

4:00pm All Puppets (Youth will drop out at 4:30 for ringing) 4:30pm Youth Choirs – Music Room 5:15pm Children’s Choirs – Music Room 6:00pm Youth Fellowship – Youth Center

6:30pm Jubilate Ringers rehearsal - Music Room

Ministers The Entire Congregation of Lewinsville Church Interim Pastor The Reverend Scott Ramsey Associate Pastor for Christian Formation The Reverend Emily Berman D’Andrea

Director of Music Ministries Carole Huston Director of Handbells Laura Hinton Assistant Musician Laura Marchisotto

Director of Christian Education Allison Lineberger Interim Youth Minister Coordinator Elizabeth Steel

Music Ministry Chancel/Westminster/Genesis Choirs

Greeters Henry and Brigitte Rais

Clerk of Session Laura Jones Treasurer Liz Stevens Duty Elder James Foster Duty Deacon Dong Lee

Mission Co-workers Brian and Helen Chapaitis, Papua New Guinea Andrew and Ellen Collins, Thailand Frank and Nancy Dimmock, Louisville, KY

Church Staff Church Administrator Bob Clark Financial Manager Jeanne Melone Church Office Manager Sandy Albrecht Facilities Manager Steven Kirkland

Pastor Emeritus The Reverend Gary G. Pinder Parish Associate The Reverend Stephany Crosby Parish Associate The Reverend Dr. Susan Fellows Parish Associate The Reverend Dr. Susan Kendall

Lewinsville Presbyterian Church 1724 Chain Bridge Road ~ McLean, Virginia 22101

703-356-7200 ~~ FAX – 703-356-7334 ~~ INFO LINE - 703 356-7332 www.lewinsville.org

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or text 703 270-0451