April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine

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  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Discovering and finding M agic in ones selfA Place of Love and Support

    ~~B elieve in yourself and make it happen~~

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    T he Enchanted Forest T eam






    Blazing Eagletree

    Lillie Watcher

    Soaring Eagle Spirit

    Lord Whitewolf


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  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Craft class forBeginners every

    Saturday night


    USA Central - 7 pmEastern - 8 pmWestern 5 pm

    Australia (Melbourne)Noon (Sunday)

    UK -1 am

    Herbs with

    Susun Weed

    Every 3rd Monday


    Central - 6 pmEastern - 7 pmWestern - 4 pm

    Mountain Time - 5 pmAustralia (Melbourne)11 am

    UK - Midnight

    Tarot Class

    With Hermotimus



    USA Central - 8 pmEastern - 9 pmWestern 6 pm

    Australia (Melbourne)1pm (Wednesday)UK -2 am

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Red Roses

    Across the street where an older couple lived..They had been there many

    years..were like adopted granparents to me. were allways nice offered tea and

    sit a spell for conversation..very good people..I knew them for many years.

    and they had Magnolia trees that bloomed huge flowers and smelt very nice.

    and they would let me come over get one anytime i wanted.

    they also had rose bushes about 6 foot apart..bright red roses would bloom

    had never seen so many so heatlhy and those they let me pick to.

    gave off very nice sent in room..love the smell of Roses.

    There were times I didnt go over for awhile..kind of leave em be ..not be a

    Dennis the menace lol

    and anytime I went over there was allways welcomed with open arms and a

    big smile.

    years pass by and now they both have passed on.

    their son kept the house but he was very private non social type..so I never

    went over much.

    Then he got behind on bills and moved and house sat for a year..and now new

    people are living there and you can just tell how they act they too well to dofor my kind ..the type that would call city on you if grass 2 inches too tall..oh

    well way it goes.

    but now its Spring and i look out my window over at their fence line and I

    noticed those Red roses were bloomed all over those bushes.

    even though they are gone and passed on and have new neighbors ..the roses

    still live on and still look as good as they allways did.

    I just can only look from here and see themand remember was a time

    when I brought some of those home and enjoyed that fresh scent of those Red



  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Seeing Is Believing


    Nancy A. Kaiser

    Being a vets wife who managed a horse farm and hospital, I needed to be ready for any emergency. In an

    instant, my day could change from one of feeding, cleaning stalls and answering clients calls to one of 24-hour,

    intensive medical care. It just came with the territory. One morning, the emergency was mine instead ofa clients.

    I walked to the pasture to get Junior for the farrier. Junior was my current horse, Stormys, uncle; older

    brother of Squiggles. As Junior gingerly turned to face me, my heart sank. He showed all the signs of founder; a deadly

    disease of the foot. I looked at my farrier and declared, He was fine last night.

    When one of my own is hurting, my objectivity disappears. I was trying not to panic, but I knew better than

    most the serious nature of founder. Depending on the severity, it can be extremely painful and oft-times end with

    euthanasia. I wanted neither for Junior; my beautiful-moving hunter and dear friend.

    I located my husband and explained my crisis. He never questioned my diagnosis and came home

    immediately. He began all the usual medications to control Juniors pain and stop the progression of the disease.

    Founder and colic are the two conditions horsemen fear most.

    Laminitis is the medical term for this disease. The bones of the foot are suspended within laminae inside the

    hoof. When the laminae become inflamed they lose strength, and the bones sink or rotate. The trick is to stop the

    rotation before the bones protrude through the sole of the hoof.

    Radiographs revealed that Junior hadnt rotated yet, which was great news. The bad news was that despite

    high levels of analgesics he was still very sore. In an effort to support the soles of his hooves, we ordered a truckload

    of sand. It cost more than $1000 for the sand and equipment to spread it. I didnt give it a second thought. Whatever

    Junior needed, Id do.

    Over the years, I had cared for a number of horses in our hospital that struggled unsuccessfully to survive

    founder. I swore I wouldnt let Junior suffer. We agreed that as long as Junior was willing to try, so were we. At least

    now, wed know exactly what Junior wanted since Id begun communicating several years earlier.

    Once again, my life was taken-over by a critically ill horse, except this time it was my own making it infinity

    harder. I cleared Junior of past life negative energies that were contributing to his founder using Spiritual Response

    Therapy. I also prepared a solution of flower essences and gem elixirs for him to promote healing. I knew that nothing

    we did would matter if his soul was ready to leave; to return to Spirit.

    After several days, Junior was holding his own. He wasnt getting worse, i.e. still no rotation, but he wasntimproving either. I had one last thing I could try. Id taken a shamanism course and had practiced the journeying

    technique numerous times, but never for anything as important as this. I was still skeptical about the technique and

    not very experienced, but what did I have to lose.

    After setting my intention for a healing for Junior, I turned on my drumming tape and began my journey. I was

    given numerous items to heal Junior. I was told to carry them within my heart and apply them as soon as I returned.

    Consciously, I had no idea what that meant. How do I bring healing gifts back in my heart? How do I apply them?


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    another part of me knew exactly what to do; the part of my consciousness that had been a shaman before.

    As I headed out to Junior, I grabbed a quartz crystal that Id purchased months earlier. The shaman that I once

    was knew quartz crystals are powerful amplifiers. I stood directly in front of Junior with the crystal over my heart

    chakra. I applied the healing Id been given to Juniors front feet. Then, I held each foot up and applied more

    healing through the crystal directly to the sole of each hoof. The entire process probably took ten minutes. As I

    finished my treatment that afternoon, I thought to myself, If anyone drives in and sees me, theyll have mecommitted for sure.

    When my husband got home I shared the entire journey with him along with my application of the healing.

    Neither of us knew what to expect. My desire to help my dear friend fueled my hope. Did I really believe he would be

    healed? I didnt know what to believe, but I was guardedly optimistic based on the results Id seen with SRT and

    vibrational remedies.

    The next morning, less than 24-hours later, Junior was completely sound. My husband and I looked at each

    other in utter disbelief. I hugged Junior and cried knowing he planned to stay awhile longer with us. Juniors recovery

    was virtually impossible based on everything known in our physical world. Junior was healed by energy from a world

    beyond our five senses. The impossible became possible before our very eyes. Watching Junior trotting pain-free

    across his pasture turned hope into belief.

    Ironically, healing Juniors founder cost nothing other than an hour of my time. I learned that incredible

    healing power is available from the spiritual realms and anyone can have access to it. Start with a pure intent, ask for

    answers and/or healing and then, believe. Juniors willingness to be my teacher and live with considerable discomfort

    is honored every day in the healing work I do and my unwavering belief in limitless possibilities.

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Making a Treatise of Peace with Nature.

    (Conduction or Resistance?)

    By Hedral

    I learned quite by accident how to make peace with critters around me. I am not exactly sure

    how it works. It certainly is not any type of scientific method, at least by this physical worlds

    standards. It may be a mixture of strange quantum physics and a smidgeon of Shamanism.

    Who knows?

    It really doesnt matter what label or category it is related to. It works for me and that is

    what matters.

    Over the years I came to realize that every being on this planet has a purpose. From

    cockroaches to Bigfoot. Everything has a right to be here and is part of a balance.

    It took me some years for the Insolence of my Ego to recognize that Nature can run very

    smoothly without me or any humans for that matter but we cannot live without Nature. And

    all creatures here are part of Nature. Even when we think they are nasty, scary and harmful.

    Keeping that in mind, I made my first attempt to make a treaty with ants a few years ago. I

    like ants. I think they are wondrously organized and their culture and work ethic is beyond

    admirable. However, we were not compatible housemates. They got into my pantry and it

    was awful. I bought the spray that was recommended and the poison ant food, but

    something held me back.

    So I meditated..and asked my Guidance to let the ants know that I would be forced to use

    poison and kill them because it was my habitat too and they were intruding on my food

    supply. (actually it was dog food). I waited 24 hours and then I went to spray. I didnt see any

    so I didnt spray. The next day I saw a couple but not the long lines on the march like before.

    I held off on the spray and in a week there were no more. The next time I meditated

    (prayed) I ask my Guidance to thank the ants. No spraying needed and to please tell their

    friends and family to stay away.

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    Next I had a nest of black widow spiders under the house. A repairman

    came to work on the heat pump and had to go under the house. He was scared and refused

    to go under there again until the spiders were gone. I was renting in Virginia at the time and

    he was going to tell the landlord.

    I was torn. Black widows are dangerous. I had been bitten a few years back by a brown

    recluse and it made me so sick. However, spiders are very sacred to me. I dont know why

    but they are. I promised to get rid of them and asked him to not tell the landlord unless he

    found more when he got back. I kind of implied that I would spray and kill them all.

    I meditated/prayed with more conscious intent and this time asked my Guidance to let me

    communicate with the spider guide. Okay, I know this sounds crazy but I deal in the scene

    behind the scenes. (will explain in a bit) Through my Higher Source I pleaded with the spiders

    to leave their nests and find safer quarters away from the house. Not in the house or under

    the house any longer because they would be killed.

    And it worked. The guy came back a week later and told me what a good job I did of

    exterminating the spiders.

    My next rented house, it was wasps. My partner was going to spray them until all the

    occupants of the multitude of nests were dead. I asked him to give me 24 hours before

    spraying. He humored me. (He also made faces and made a few patronizing remarks butwhat the heck..)

    I got busy and asked the Higher Source/My Guides to help me contact the leader of the

    wasps. I conveyed my dilemma respectfully and asked them to not swarm the carport or

    dive bomb anyone. To make new nests and find more compatible areas because they would

    get sprayed.It worked again.

    When I moved to West Virginia, my house had been empty for two years. You can imagine.Spiders, wasps nests, ants and even a couple of mice.

    I got busy before my partner began to gather articles for execution. This

    time I thanked them for their presence. I asked the wasps to leave their nests and if they

    refuse to do that to not hang around the house or back porch. I asked the spiders under the

    house to either move, stay hidden. Both I asked to never bite or sting anyone. I asked the

    mice to stay out of my house and if they went into the garage to stay out of my stuff.

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    I asked the snakes to stay up the holler in safer places. We did not spray and its been over a

    year and everyone has kept their part of the treaty for the most part.

    In fact, a cable technician came to reroute our cable under the house and he was amazed

    that he did not see one spider. He wanted to know what we were using so he could

    recommend it to other people. I, of course, did not tell him my method. I was a coward and

    told him I did not know.

    I have even attempted to make a treaty with fleas because my little Sabrina cannot tolerate

    the flea medicine and we are afraid to put it on Missy now. My dog is the only one receiving

    monthly doses. So far so good.

    The end of last summer we had a couple of rogue wasps dive bombing us. One we caught

    and let go. The other one hid. I renewed the request for cooperation or Bob was going to

    spray. Something amazing happened.

    Two spider webs appeared the sliding glass door that leads into my house from the back

    porch. And in the web were two wasps. It appeared that the spiders, not wanting their

    places to be sprayed because of stubborn wasps, took matters into their own hands.

    This is when my partner finally put away the insecticides and had to admit that my method

    may be working. Well its not my method, it is some natural method that I stumbled on.

    I cannot promise that this will work with every critter. I dont have exact steps to follow but I

    will give you a more detailed summary of my rationale and conceptual methods.

    The basis of it all lies in my thoughts on the Natural world and Nature. I explained that at the


    My perception of life is in layers. The physical world being the manifestation point of the

    other layers of life. Like a play being performed. That is the manifestation of the writer,

    producer, actors. The finished product is performed in front of the audience. This represents

    the physical world to me

    In the scene behind the scenes is where the real work is done. In a play, writing, rewriting,

    editing, choosing the actors, rehearsing, marketing

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    all take place in the scene behind the scenes. A place to construct the manifestation of

    thought, deed and energy. That is where my workings are done. In the scene behind the

    scenes. The layer behind the physical world.

    My next step is to think of what type of treaty I want to make with whatever creature is not

    cohabitating well with me. I always try to use the process of conduction rather than

    resistance. Conducting them away rather than resisting them. Force invites force

    conduction motivates a flow.

    I go to The Higher SourceI personally believe there is a Source of all Life, A Creator Being,

    and you know I am a big fan of Jesus and a few other representations of the Creator Being.

    Go to the Highest Source that you have trust in. I ask to communicate with the

    consciousness of whatever critter I am negotiating with. I also have come to believe that

    there is a stream of consciousness that is shared within a species. (the hundred monkey

    theory and all of that)

    I think of what I want to communicate in words..and I gather the feeling inside me (the

    energy of my communication)..I send the words and the feelings to the higher consciousness

    of the critters I want removed into the scene behind the scenes

    Kind of like this. I say to myself, I respect your place in nature but your presence in my

    habitat is not good for either of us. I must live here but you can easily move to a place that is

    better for you. Please leave before the poison is brought in.. Please go somewhere else thatis more welcoming and compatible or the spray/poison will be used.

    Ask them to be gone in 24/48 hours. Explain that your habitat is dangerous to them and all

    they have to do is relocate to be safe.

    I don't know why this works but it does. And it feels way better to do this than spray, trap or

    just outright kill them. All I know is it works for me.

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Stepping Through Doorways

    By Hedral

    I know it sounds kind of strange but that's how this comes to me. Life brings many

    event, situations, dilemmas and cycles. Each time there is a moment where we step into the

    doorways of these things that we are led to.

    It is scary at first and sometimes we want to run away. It's too much, we are not equipped to

    handle the new things coming at us, we have no frame of reference and quite frankly it is

    way out of our comfort zones. And sometimes we are looking for an easier way out than

    going through the doorway to a different thing than we have ever known.

    The fact is most of the time these challenging situations that present themselves right in

    front of our faces are opportunities in disguise. Opportunities for growth, self learning,

    confidence building. It gives us a chance to know ourselves better. Our comfort zones are

    not always the best place for us to be. This does not mean it is not painful, scary,

    uncomfortable or anxiety producing. Even amazing things can prove scary and challenging.

    I know my pattern. I take a step, peek around and retreat quickly. I regroup, take a few more

    steps into the new situation, while internally gauging my sense ofresponse ability. There

    have been a few times where I was just thrown kicking, whining and screaming into the

    doorway. But I always found my way somehow. At some point I take a deep breath and start

    taking more determined steps until I find myself totally in the new room.

    I gotta be honest here, my first response is always denial. I am not familiar with the

    situation, it is not in my frame of reference and it is not in my comfort zone so I do try and

    pretend to not to have "response ability"to the situation. I manage to work through that..it

    will finally dawn on me that if I am here then what is happening and how I handle this is my

    responsibility. I finally gain the ability to respond to this new challenge.

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    I am familiar with many things about life now because of my adventures into things

    unknown to me. We are not born with familiarity and knowledge of everything in this

    physical world. But we can learn, one step at a time. It expands us, adding "rooms to our

    internal house".

    I am now observing my partner as he is being presented with "doorways" into challenging

    situations way beyond his frame of reference and experience. It is Definitely not in his

    comfort zone. Moving to West Virginia has been one new situation after another. And so far

    he has faced most of them with admirable results.

    I am thankful I am able to observe his patterns without butting in, taking over, lecturing,

    nagging, using guilt and sarcasm as leverage to push him over the threshold. I am able to see

    the resemblances of his experience to mine. His first inclination is always to refuse his ability

    to respond. He tries to ignore the doorway but he always ends up taking that step. First he is

    discouraged, mad and irritable with the situation.

    He will tell me several times, "I don't know anything about this, I can't take care of this, I

    don't know how." I wrestle my big ego to the ground and just listen. No helpful epitaphs to

    "Man the hell up, Pull your big boy pants on". No, none of that. It doesn't help.

    I also do not run in and try to fix the problem so he won't have to face it. I will help after he

    has taken responsibility for the issue. It is not up to me to take his learning experiences

    away. The fact that he is frustrated by it is a good sign. It means he is already challenging

    himself to move out of his comfort zone and work on the issue.

    I listen and let him verbalize his frustration. After he does this, he begins to focus on the

    situation and actively steps in "the doorway" and begins working on whatever needs to be

    addressed that is out of his frame of reference but staring him down in the face.

    Time and time again I have seen the results of his ability to respond to these challenges and

    it is always good. His world is growing. As I see this happen to him, I realize that my world

    has grown as well, one doorway at a time.

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    The Wheel of the SeasonsBy Johanna

    Winter's dark shadows and icy cold

    End with Spring's sweet growing greens

    That turn into Summer's colorful scenes

    Swinging into Autumn's cool burnished gold.

    The Wheel of the Year turns around love and hope.

    Each season is born with trials and blessings,

    Bringing each cycle its causes and lessons

    Each one unique, an eternal kaleidoscope.

    JP March 2012

    Come On SpringBy Johanna

    Every season is a flower that makes us

    See the reason and the power that shakes us

    Yet when spring arrives we want to sing and sway

    In the warm sunshine that brightens our day.

    Birds are resting on budding tree and daffodils begin to peek.

    Quietly resting; brightly chattering, here a hop, there a leap.

    Come on spring, you've been too long; bring out your colorsLet's all join together and sing with our sisters and brothers.

    JP - 21 March 2012

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Why Women Can Vote: And we're too busy?

    Posted By Foxxy


    This is the story of our Mothers and Grandmothers who lived only 90 years ago.

    Remember, it was not until 1920 that women were granted the right to go to the polls and

    vote. The women were innocent and defenseless, but they were jailed nonetheless for

    picketing the White House, carrying signs asking for the vote. And by the end of the

    night, they were barely alive. Forty prison guards wielding clubs and their warden's

    blessing went on a rampage against the 33 women wrongly convicted of 'obstructing

    sidewalk traffic.'

    (Lucy Burns)

    They beat Lucy Burns, chained her hands to the cell bars above her head and left her hanging for the

    night, bleeding and gasping for air.

    (Dora Lewis)

    They hurled Dora Lewis into a dark cell, smashed her head against an iron bed and knocked her out cold.

    Her cell mate, Alice Cosu, thought Lewis was dead and suffered a heart attack. Additional affidavits

    describe the guards grabbing, dragging, beating, choking, slamming, pinching, twisting and kicking the


    Thus unfolded the 'Night of Terror' on Nov. 15, 1917, when the warden at the Occoquan Workhouse in

    Virginia ordered his guards to teach a lesson to the suffragists imprisoned there because they dared to

    picket Woodrow Wilson's White House for the right to vote. For weeks, the women's only water came

    from an open pail. Their food--all of it colorless slop--was infested with worms.

    (Alice Paul)

    When one of the leaders, Alice Paul, embarked on a hunger strike, they tied her to a chair, forced a tube

    down her throat and poured liquid into her until she vomited. She was tortured like this for weeks until

    word was smuggled out to the press.

    Mrs Pauline Adams in the prison garb she wore while serving a 60 day sentence.Last week, I went to a sparsely attended screening of HBO's movie 'Iron Jawed Angels.' It is a graphic

    depiction of the battle these women waged so that I could pull the curtain at the polling booth and have

    my say. I am ashamed to say I needed the reminder.

    Miss Edith Ainge, of Jamestown , New York

    All these years later, voter registration is still my passion. But the actual act of voting had become less

    personal for me, more rote. Frankly, voting often felt more like an obligation than a privilege. Sometimes

    it was inconvenient.

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    (Berthe Arnold, CSU graduate)

    My friend Wendy, who is my age and studied women's history, saw the HBO movie, too.

    When she stopped by my desk to talk about it, she looked angry. She was--with herself.

    'One thought kept coming back to me as I watched that movie,' she said. 'What would

    those women think of the way I use, or don't use,my right to vote? All of us take it for

    granted now, not just younger women, but those of us who did seek to learn.' The right to

    vote, she said, had become valuable to her 'all over again.'

    HBO released the movie on video and DVD . I wish all history, social studies and

    government teachers would include the movie in their curriculum I want it shown on

    Bunco/Bingo night, too, and anywhere else women gather. I realize this isn't our usual idea

    of socializing,but we are not voting in the numbers that we should be, and I think a little

    shock therapy is in order.

    Conferring over ratification of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution at National

    Woman's Party headquarters, Jackson Place , Washington , D.C.Left to right: Mrs. Lawrence Lewis, Mrs. Abby Scott Baker, Anita Pollitzer, Alice Paul,

    Florence Boeckel, Mabel Vernon (standing, right))

    It is jarring to watch Woodrow Wilson and his cronies try to persuade a psychiatrist to

    declare Alice Paul insane so that she could be permanently institutionalized. And it is

    inspiring to watch the doctor refuse. Alice Paul was strong, he said, and brave. That didn't

    make her crazy.

    The doctor admonished the men: 'Courage in women is often mistaken for insanity.'

    Please, if you are so inclined, pass this on to all the women you know. We need to get out andvote and use this right that was fought so hard for by these very courageous women. Whether

    you vote democratic, republican or independent party - remember to vote.

    Helena Hill Weed, Norwalk , Conn. Serving 3 day sentence in D.C. prison for carrying

    banner,'Governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed.'

    So, refresh MY memory. Some women won't vote this year because -Why, exactly?

    We have carpool duties?

    We have to get to work?

    Our vote doesn't matter?

    It's raining?

    I'm so busy...I've got so much on my plate!

    Read again what these women went through for you! We cant let all their suffering be for


  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Craft ClassFor Beginners

    This Class is Weekly Classes Every Saturday, the class is taught in a live chat

    box and it is a time for people to share and learn. Basic Topics taught each

    week and then a time of Q & A after class is finished. All classes are then

    written up and put up in group for all group members to read over.

    Please come along and join inthis is an amazing chance to learn with others


    USA Central - 7 pmEastern - 8 pmWestern 5 pm

    Australia (Melbourne) - Noon (Thursday)UK -1 am

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Tarot Teacher To The SiteHermotimus

    We at the Enchanted Forest are delighted and honoured to haveHermotimus in the post of Tarot Teacher to the Enchanted Forest.

    Hermotimus has been doing Professional Readings since 1975 (35 years)and has taught 5 tarot card reading classes in person (IRL) and 12 classes on

    line in the last 15 years.He will also be available to answer questions and offer guidance in the Tarot


  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    The Sacred Seven Prayer

    Posted By Rev Carol Ingle

    O Great Spirit, who art before all else and who dwells in every object, in every person and in every place, we

    cry unto Thee. We summon Thee from the far places into our present awareness.

    O Great Spirit of the North, who gives wings to the waters of the air and rolls the thick snowstorm before

    Thee, Who covers the Earth with a sparkling crystal carpet above whose deep tranquility every sound is

    beautiful. Temper us with strength to withstand the biting blizzards, yet make us thankful for the beauty

    which follows and lies deep over the warm Earth in its wake.

    O Great Spirit of the East, the land of the rising Sun, Who holds in Your right hand the years of our lives andin Your left the opportunities of each day. Brace us that we may not neglect our gifts nor lose in laziness the

    hopes of each day and the hopes of each year.

    O Great Spirit of the South, whose warm breath of compassion melts the ice that gathers round our hearts,

    whose fragrance speaks of distant springs and summer days, dissolve our fears, melt our hatreds, kindle our

    love into flames of true and living realities. Teach us that he who is truly strong is also kind, he who is wise

    tempers justice with mercy, he who is truly brave matches courage with compassion.

    O Great Spirit of the West, the land of the setting Sun, with Your soaring mountains and free, wide rolling

    prairies, bless us with knowledge of the peace which follows purity of striving and the freedom which

    follows like a flowing robe in the winds of a well-disciplined life. Teach us that the end is better than the

    beginning and that the setting sun glorifies not in vain.

    O Great Spirit of the heavens, in the day's infinite blue and amid the countless stars of the night season,

    remind us that you are vast, that you are beautiful and majestic beyond all of our knowing or telling, but

    also that you are no further from us than the tilting upwards of our heads and the raising of our eyes.

    O Great Spirit of Mother Earth beneath our feet, Master of metals, Germinator of seeds and the Storer of

    the Earth's unreckoned resources, help us to give thanks

    unceasingly for Your bounty.

    O Great Spirit of our souls, burning in our heart's yearning and in our innermost aspirations, speak to us now

    and always so that we may be aware of the greatness and goodness of Your gift of life and be worthy of this

    priceless privilege of living.

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    The story of the drumposted by Rev Willow raine

    An Abenaki Legend

    It is said that when Creator was giving a place for all the spirits to

    dwell who would be taking part in the inhabitance of Mother

    Earth, there came a sound, a loud BOOM, from off in the


    As Creator listened, the sound kept coming closer and closer until

    it finally it was right in front of Creator. "Who are you?" askedCreator. "I am the spirit of the drum" was the reply. I have come

    here to ask you to allow me to take part in this wonderful thing."

    "How will you take part?" Creator questioned." I would like to

    accompany the singing of the people. When they sing from their

    hearts, I will to sing as though I was the heartbeat of Mother

    Earth. In that way, all creation will sing in harmony. "Creator

    granted the request, and from then on, the drum accompaniedthe people's voices.

    Throughout all of the indigenous peoples of the world, the drum

    is the center of all songs. It is the catalyst for the spirit of the

    songs to rise up to the Creator so that the prayers in those songs

    reach where they were meant to go. At all times, the sound of the

    drum brings completeness, awe, excitement, solemnity, strength,

    courage, and the fulfillment to the songs. It is Mother's heartbeatgiving her approval to those living upon her. It draws the eagle to

    it, who carries the message to Creator.

    It changes people's lives!

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Louisiana Roast Beef

    posted by Rev Carol ingle

    Louisiana Roast Beef

    1/4 cup onions, chopped very fine

    3/4 tsp black pepper

    1/4 cup celery, chopped very fine

    3/4 tsp minced garlic

    1/4 cup bell peppers, chopped fine

    1/2 tsp dry mustard

    2 Tbs unsalted butter

    1/2 tsp ground cayenne

    1 tsp salt

    4 lb boneless sirloin roast

    1 tsp white pepper

    In a small bowl combine the onions, celery, bell peppers, butter andseasonings, mix well. Place roast in a large roasing pan, fat side up.

    With a large knife make 6 to 12 deep slits in the meat (to form

    pockets) down to a depth of about 1/2 inch from the bottom; do not

    cut all the way through.

    Fill the pockets to their depths with the vegetable mixture, reserving

    about 1 tablespoon of the vegetables to rub over the top of the roast.

    Bake uncovered at 300F until a meat thermometer reads about 160F

    for medium doneness, about 3 hours. For rarer roast, cook until

    thermometer reads 140F. Serve immediately topped with some of the

    pan drippings if you like.

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Oak and I... a spring time storyposted by Rev Willow raine

    What a weird winter weve had eh? It was a time where I seriously looked inward and let go of many

    things such as shame, remorse, guilt, and anger. Its amazing how much personal garbage I was carrying.

    Hecate and Sekhmet really helped alot and I think Im a better person for all I went through the past few

    months. Ive lived a hard life by my own choosing. Sure, I can say Im an addict and the disease took alot

    from me but ultimately it was I who made the choices to use dope and it was I who let it control me. No

    whinning and sniveling here friends, only gratitude that Ive been allowed to live. I owe alot to my Spirit

    who Ive discovered is bulletproof in lifes shooting gallerys . Everytime I was knocked down I got right

    back up and put one foot in front of the other. I shed my unrealistic expectations of myself and let my

    Deities groom the path before me. I discovered that I dont have to walk alone and i then my weakest

    moments my angels carried me along.

    I read dozens of posts in my social sites about the strange energies that seem to linger over us and how we

    couldnt connect Spiritually as well as we usually do. However, the internet is full of good news and great

    messages. It was my choice wether or not to take them to heart. Wallowing in the shit of my past only

    served to slow me down so I made other choices. Michele urged me on when I sought her council and i

    discovered that my life wasnt just about me. So with that in mind I begun to heal myself spiritually.

    I got up off my lazy winter ass and went outside to do my spring yard work and I took off my shirt for the

    first time this year. My body was so white I think I blinded Father Sun!! LOL. So there I was raking

    leaves and marveling over death and rebirth when I heard a voice "do I look like a fucking Christmas

    tree?" I looked around the yard and nobody was there. Hmmmmmmm... I raked a pile of dead grasswhen a voice says again...."Ahem!..DO I LOOK LIKE A FUCKING CHRISTMAS TREE?" I spun

    around and theres Oak, my trusty Spirit tree who stands in lawn center. Hes got a string of blue

    Christmas lights wrapped around his mighty branches. Theyve been there a couple of years and Ive been

    meaning to take them off the poor fellow. "OMG, Im sorry oak and Ill get those lights off you as soon as


    "Sheesh he says, Youve said that for 2 years while Ive stood and grown beautiful leaves and given you

    cool shade on the hottest of days and energy when youve asked for it!" Oak is indeed mighty I realized

    and yes I think Id better get that stupid string of lights off him. I wondered about Robert Redford in that

    movie the electric horseman where hes riding down las Vegas boulivard lite up like a Christmas tree and

    how stupid he mustve felt. Sooooooooooo...Im heading out into the morning light to remove the damblights from Oaks branches. I will never dress him up like that again Ive decided.

    Ive regained alot of my inner strength and Im not giving my power away like so many do . One foot

    forward gets me to where I need to be and putting faith and hope into this very moment seems alright.

    Like a bear Ive crawled out of my cave and I face the tasks before me with love and gratitude! I hear a

    voice "do I look like a fucking bird sanctuary?' Cherry out back has got an idea!!!! LOL Happy Spring


  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine




  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Susun WeedsMonthly class on the Forest

    Chats with Susun Weed

    ~ Third Monday of every month ~

    Ten Top Tips for Avoiding the Flu1. Wash your hands. (Rub briskly under hot running water for at least 30 seconds.)

    2. Don't use antibacterial soaps. (They encourage the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.)

    3. Drink lots of fluids. (Especially hot herbal antibacterial teas such as sage, thyme, rosemary.)

    4. Start your day with a cup of cool yogurt or hot miso soup. (Both encourage strong immunity.)

    5. Make nourishing soups with the immune-enhancing roots astragalus and eleutherococcus.*

    6. Spray your nasal passages with a saline solution or a xylitol rinse. (Kills viral particles.)

    7. Be wary of diets that radically alter what you eat. (They tend to depress the immune system.)

    8. Eat well-cooked leafy greens like kale, collards, and mustard greens. (Strengthens immunity.)

    9. Add lots of arugula and watercress to your salad. (They're antiviral.)

    10. Eat garlic. (Even powdered, even cooked.) Eat ginger. (Or drink it.)

    If you do get the flu, elder berry (Sambucus nigra) tincture or syrup mayshorten its stay.

    Green blessings Susun S. Weed

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Learning Herbs One At A Time

    Posted By Rie

    When learning Herbalism is your passion, your hobby, your life, it

    is easy to get overwhelmed by trying to learn too much too soon. It is a vast

    field of study that never stops. That is a wonderful thing. Taking the time to

    start small and looking to your own backyard can provide a wonderful

    foundation. I recommend that you start by researching what Herbs grow

    naturally in your state. Fields guide are great for this as they usually have

    pictures that make identifying easier. Next look at your own yard or a

    neighboring patch of woods or the park you visit. The best advice I can give

    anyone starting out is to pick one Herb or two or even three, and learn all you

    can about them. This is easiest if they grow right outside your door. I live in

    the South and most people kill Plantain with a vengence as it grows

    everywhere! I have discovered that Plantain is a very useful Herb. The small

    leaves are very good in a salad as well as the seeds. High in vitamin and

    mineral content as well. The tea is very comforting and nourishing. The

    infused Oil is good for your skin and hair. Moistened crushed leaves applied to

    a bug or spider bite will cut healing time in half.

    So if you are new at this, there is a large world of knowledge out there, make

    sure your sources are reliable and take it in, one Herb at a time.

    Green Witchcraft books are not going to give you the information you need. I

    would suggest Field Guides to start and then there are many Encyclopedias of

    Herbal Medicines (Plants) available, find one that is an enjoyable read for you.

    We all relate differently to different authors. I like Andrew Chevalli, Matthew

    Wood, Jude Williams, James Green, James Duke and Paul Bereyl.

    Green Blessings


  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    "My own initiation rituals"

    By Lady Hekate

    Now I had two online

    Initiation and elevation

    In live coven

    I was both initiated and elevated as well

    My initiation

    Our coven at this time had 13, it was an eclectic Wiccan coven rooted in Gard andAlexandrian.

    I will share my first degree as that coven is discolved

    I now walk an eclectic Gray path.

    Ok back to point LOLS.

    We were all clothed in black rodes

    We spent day in meditation, cleansing preparing

    I was called up the stairs, as this was inside, and coooold spring day.

    I was first blindfolded

    ( Our coven was all women and we voted no skyclad in coven LOLS)

    I was guided to a door-

    My Sponsor knocked 3 x

    Elder HPS asked Who is there

    Sponsor says - The Candidate is here

    I am trying to recall details lols

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    HPS ask Who is this that seeks entrance

    I said my Witchy name at time


    How do you enter?

    I said in perfect trust and in perfect love


    Sponsor guides me in cuts doorway then closes it

    She stand me before Elder HPS

    I could feel the circle and the presence of our coven God and Goddess

    I could see them with my third eye.

    Elder HPS

    Place blade of athame at my throat

    I take the oath of dedication to the circle, and Gods

    Then the Oath of secrecy

    I was told then to kneel

    The blinder was taken off

    Elder HPS Spoke as the Goddess

    I now ask in the Name of the Goddess by what Laws do we abide

    I responded

    Bide the Wiccan laws we must in perfect love and perfect trust

    Ever mind the rule of three

    What I do will return to me in three

    Three word of the rede fulfill

    And it harm none do as thou will

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Elder HPS smiled and chuckled with joy

    She then place the blade before me

    asked another question I responded then was told

    If this be so then kiss the blade

    I did

    Was awesomas

    Then was anointed with the pentagram on forehead

    was told to rise

    was given the five fold kiss symbolically

    and was kissed

    was given my cord

    and a gift

    and a name

    I then was taken and introduced to each quarter

    and each sister embraced me..

    For most part I will not forget my vision and feelings , as well as my other elevation



    Anyone else??

    Like I said I do not recall every detail as it was some years ago LOL

    Lady Hekate

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    New Online Radio is Back on site..

    Can make your request from chat with DJ SilverWolf

    Dj SilverWolfs Introduction


    My name is Lynn SilverWolf Williams or Rev. SilverWolf. I am from St Cloud, MN.

    Not only am I pagan and proud of that fact, but I am also a full time DJ and ordained minister which issomething I felt I needed to do so I can serve my clients the best way I possible can.

    To tell you a little more about myself, I am a very loving,caring, passionate 44 yr old male who is alsospiritually empathic. That gift was given to me at a young age but never totally understood it till late2007 after the passing of my father, at that time my gifts started getting stronger and more intense soIdecided to learn more about that gift and what else I was meant to do for others. WIth the help of someof my friends who are also empathic and intuitive they were able to assist me and guide me on the pathI was meant to travel.

    After I had graduated HS, I became a volunteer EMT with my hometown rescue service as I grew up ina house where mom was a first responder and dad was on the fire department so I knew at that pointwhat I wanted to do and I accomplished that goal. Now I serve as a volunteer for the Red CrossDisaster Services and with our Community Emergency Response Team which has also proven to bevery rewarding. Since I am officially ordained, I have served people by providing both spiritualguidance and counseling for both marriages and in times of crisis.

    I am very happy to be a part of the forrest as it will be a place for me to come to relax and get to knowfellow pagans along with some native american elders as Iam also part Native American as well. Soonyou will be seeing a new group here in the forrest as I also DJ online for an online radio station, bewatching for the new group as it will contain the times when I am online where you can tune in andlisten to the music I play.

    More to come later

    Heres the Link to his group on Enchanted forest:


    I am On The Air Monday through Wed and Friday from 4 to 8 PM Central Time or 5 to 9Eastern Time and I will also be in the chatroom here for you to request music.

    You can also leave requests and comments for me when i am not here as I will get to themwhen I enter the forrest.

    Pleasant Journeys


  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Flowers, Gardening: The superstitions and folklore

    posted by Rev Carol Ingle

    You need to make life magnificent... Or miserable.

    A bridal wreath bush blooming out of season is the sign of bad luck.

    A tuberose is an unlucky flower.

    Always transplant flowering plants in the light of the Moon.

    Always water your ferns from the bottom upwards and never from the top downwards.

    Blow a dandelion seed-ball with one strong breath and the number of seeds left will tell

    you the time of day.

    Blow three times against a dandelion seed-ball and the number of seeds remaining will be

    the time of day.

    Blow tobacco smoke on your flowers and this will keep the bugs away from them.

    Carrying May flowers into the house will cause bad luck.

    Dig small holes near the places you have planted Carnation seed and put in these holes the

    dye of any color that you want in your flowers.

    Do not keep "depression flowers" in the room with a sick person, for they will sap the

    vitality of the patient.

    Flowers are always removed from hospital rooms at night, because they throw off a

    poisonous odor.

    Flowers planted in the sign of the "bowels" will not open up.

    Flowers planted in the light of the moon will be filled with blossoms.

    Flowers which grow under the ground (tuberous flowers) will do well, if planted during

    the sign of the "lady with the jug in her hand" (Aquarius).

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Flowers will do well, if planted in the sign of the "bowels."

    Having yellow flowers in your room will bring you bad luck.

    Hold a dandelion below someone's chin, and if you can see a yellow reflection upon the

    skin, he is fond of butter.

    If a buttercup held beneath your chin casts a reflection against the flesh, you are fond ofbutter.

    If a woman plants flowers while she is menstruating, they will die.

    If flowers are planted on "Green Thursday" (Maundy Thursday), you will get all kinds of


    If rows of sweet peas run north and south, the plants will blossom profusely.

    If spring flowers bloom again in the fall, you may look for a sorrowful winter.

    If sweet peas are planted on St. Patrick's Day (March 17th) they will grow well.

    If vining flowers are planted in the sign of the "fingers" they will have long vines.

    If you give a fern to anyone, you are giving sorrow.

    If you close yourself up in a room with tuberoses, their perfume will kill you.

    If you plant dahlias in early morning during the light of the moon, they will not bloom but

    grow to stalk.

    If you plant flowers in the sign of the Twins, they will grow well.

    If you want pansies to be beautiful and to grow tall, plant them in the morning at six

    o'clock and always water them them at six o'clock in the morning.

    In planting a fern always put some oats in the bottom of the pot and the plant will thrive.

    It is a sign of jealousy to wear a yellow flower.

    It is said that flowers will bloom better, if planted in the sign of the flower girl" (Virgo).

    It is thought that tuberoses emit an odor of death.

    Mash egg shells and let them stand in a jar of water, then pour this liquid over your

    flowers and the blossoms will be beautiful.

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Never let myrtle grow around your house or you will have sickness and trouble in your

    house as long as it is growing in the yard.

    Never water your flowers while the sun is shining, or they will die.

    Pansies must be planted on the north side of the house or they will not flourish.

    Peony plants must not be moved except during the months of October and November.

    Plant dahlias on the last week of May in late afternoon during the dark of the moon and

    they will do well.

    Plant flowers in the sign of the Twins and all of them will bloom and be more beautiful.

    Plant flowers in the full moon and they will be beautiful.

    Plant petunia seed in the early morning and always water them early in the morning and

    they will flower abundantly.

    Plant sweet peas on St. Patrick's Day before sunup and you will have the best of luck.

    Pour a teaspoonful of castor oil around the roots of a Fern, if it is dying or drying up, this

    will revive the plant.

    Pour water over egg shells in a jar and let them stand for three days, then sprinkle this

    liquid on and around your flowers and it will kill the insects.

    Put wood ashes on the soil where you plant asters and the flowers will not have lice.

    Rows of sweet peas must be planted pointing north and south or they will not bloom.

    Rub a dandelion against the bottom of your chin, and if yellow Reflects on the flesh, you

    like butter.

    Soak sweet peas overnight in milk before planting them and the blossoms will be twice as


    Some patients object to flowers in the sick room, because flowers remind them of a


    Some think that a tuberose has the waxy appearance of death.

    Sweet peas planted on St. Patrick's Day will have more fragrance.

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Sweet peas should be planted on Good Friday, if you want to be successful with them.

    Thank the person who has given flower plants to you and they will not grow.

    The person who accepts the gift of a fern will never settle down in life.

    The sign of the Waterman is a bad time to plant flowers.

    Tickle a person's chin with a dandelion and if he laugh's, he likesbutter; but if he does not

    laugh, he has no taste for butter.

    To have plenty of flowers, plant them in the sign of the "flower girl."

    To have sunflowers growing in your back yard will cause you good luck.

    To raise beautiful ferns, sprinkle them with the water in which you have washed your

    clothes after your monthly sickness.

    To secure fine roses, set them out on the 25th of May.

    Touch the end (frond) of a fern and the plant will die.

    Tuberoses bloom only once in seven years.

    Unless pansies are planted exactly two inches below the surface of the ground they will not


    Unless you set out two tuberoses near together, they will not bloom because one plant is

    supposed to be male, the other female; but marks distinguishing the sexes seem to be


    When watering your flowers, use the water in which you have washed your meat and they

    will grow well.

    When you blow against a dandelion seed-ball, the direction in which the seeds fly will

    show you where to seek your fortune.

    Write your troubles on a piece of paper and conceal it in a bouquet, attend a funeral and

    throw the bouquet containing the note into the open grave and your troubles will pass


    You can have large and beautiful flowers by planting them in the light of the moon.

    You must remove the little excrescences from a tuberose bulb before planting or it will not

    produce blossoms.

    Your flowers will bloom all the time, if planted during the increase of the new moon.

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Enchanted Forest MerchandiseAll proceeds received from sales go to site fees

    Several members haveordered items fromour store and are very

    pleased with thequality of the

    merchandise. from thet-shirts, Hoodies, andeven the Kool Coffee

    mugs so get yoursnow!!Be sure to check out our Enchanted Forest Store we have other items

    there Key chains, Bumper stickers, and you can choose your size whenyou order!!


    Through testimony it is said that these items can handle being washed

    many times and still not fade and very durable. So why wait?? Buy yours


    Zazzleships directto you!!!

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Spring Salads for Lunch or Dinner

    Posted by Rev Carol Ingle

    Spring Salads for Lunch or Dinner

    Dandelion Green Salad

    1 cup finely shredded dandelion greens, very tender

    2 cups shredded cabbage

    1/4 cup sliced radishes

    1 hard cooked egg, quartered and sliced

    2 tbsp. crumbled Blue Cheese

    Horseradish dressing

    Use only the very tender heart leaves of either the wild or cultivated dandelions and shred

    by cutting with a very sharp scissors. Cabbage is best shredded by using a very sharp, thinbladed knife. Combine all ingredients and toss lightly with horseradish dressing.

    4 servings.

    Horseradish Dressing

    1/3 cup prepared horseradish

    1/4 cup vinegar

    1 cup salad oil

    1 1/2 tsp. salt

    1/2 tsp. sugar

    1/4 tsp. onion juice

    1 tbsp. ice water1/8 tsp. paprika

    Soak horseradish in vinegar overnight. Drain in a sieve over a bowl, pressing horseradish

    until dry. Discard dry portion and to the strained liquid, add remaining ingredients. Beat

    well with a rotary beater. Makes about 1 1/3 cups.

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Spinach Medley

    1/2 pound clean, crisp, raw spinach

    1 1/2 cups shredded lettuce

    )1 cup grated raw carrots (2 large)

    1/4 cup chopped green onions1/2 cup sliced radishes

    1/2 cup French Dressing

    1/2 tsp. salt

    Vegetables should be cold and crisp. Cut spinach into shreds with a sharp scissors. Cut

    head lettuce with a sharp knife. Grate carrots. Combine all ingredients but carrots and

    mix very lightly but thoroughly using two forks. Do not stir. Add the carrots and toss two

    or three times only.

    4 servings.

    Mustard Greens and Spinach with Bacon

    2 pounds fresh, tender mustard greens

    1/2 pound bacon

    1 quart boiling water

    1/2 tsp. salt

    black pepper to taste1/2 pound spinach

    Wash mustard greens very thoroughly, trimming off roots and tough stems; trim and

    wash spinach. Put mustard greens into kettle with bacon, add water, cover and boil gently

    for 45 minutes. Add salt and pepper, and put spinach into kettle, pressing down well.

    Again cover and cook until spinach is tender, from 10 to 15 minutes. More water may be

    added as needed. Serve hot.

    4 servings.

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Trusting a sponsor-worth the Risk!!

    Posted by Rev Willow Raine

    "A sponsor is... someone we can trust to share our life experiences with..."

    IP No. 11, "Sponsorship"

    The idea of sponsorship may be new to us. We have spent many years without

    direction, relying only on self-interest, suspecting everyone, trusting no one.

    Now that we are learning to live in recovery, we find we need help. We can't do

    it alone anymore; we must take the risk of trusting another human being.Often, the first person we take that risk with is our sponsor-someone we

    respect, someone we identify with, someone we have reason to trust.

    As we open up to our sponsor, a bond develops between us. We disclose our

    secrets and develop confidence in our sponsor's discretion. We share our

    concerns and learn to value our sponsor's experience. We share our pain and

    are met with empathy. We get to know one another, respect one another, love

    one another. The more we trust our sponsor, the more we trust ourselves.

    Trust helps us to move away from a life of fear, confusion, suspicion, and

    indirection. In the beginning, it feels risky to trust another addict. But that

    trust is the same principle that applies in our relationship with a Higher

    Power-risky or not, our experience tells us we can't do without it. And the

    more we take the risk of trusting our sponsor, the more open we will feel about

    our lives.

    Just for today: I want to grow and change. I will risk trusting my sponsor andfind the rewards of sharing.

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    "To Pursue A Physical Life With Success."

    Posted by Rev Carol Ingle

    In the linear it is often the goal to achieve something. The denseness of physical oftenmakes that a difficult endeavor.

    Listening to one's soulful energy is an opportunity to continue pursuing while struggling to

    be all one can be while living a life.

    Of course there are many nuances associated with any linear endeavor: Past lives, past

    interactions, and present insecurities and emotions.

    No matter what mix you are currently living, it is important to remember to persist in

    what your soul's intentions are.

    Listening clearly above all the chatter and noise is also essential. It takes focused energy to

    pursue a physical life with success. If you are met with failures, pick yourself up and try

    again. Often it is not the inadequacy of your soul but the physical density that makes it allappear impossible.

    Know that your energy is sound.

    Know that persistence will ultimately rule the day.

    Realize how complex the experience is, and simply do not give up.

    You designed the experience with success in mind. You are capable of that success.

    Keep going.

    Persevere without complaint. Use that energy to complete the task.

    Keep going.

    All that know your energy and who have known it are supporting you.

    Keep going.

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine



    Posted by Onecrow

    I'm going by the book on this one because I want to convey the entire meaning and

    instructions. I feel that the Medicine Shield is the most "self describing" of all of the

    Native American creations. At least for me anyway. I mad my first one at a time in my life

    when I was struggling, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. As I was making it

    everything feel into place. I suddenly had the courage to distance myself from a bad

    relationship. I had the courage to stand up for what I believed in, and I found myself at

    total peace with who I am, emotionally and spiritually. I know that it was Great Spirit

    guiding me. I put my energies and my need to find myself in his hands. And through

    making that shield, he spoke to me and guided me. If it were not for that I would not behere today.


    The Medicine Shield

    By Jamie Sams and

    David Carson

    The Medicine Shield is an expression of the unique gift its maker wishes to impart abouthis or her current life journey. A Medicine Shield can speak of a new level in personal

    growth or it can illustrate the next mountain a person wishes to climb.

    Traditionally, the shield a warrior carried spoke of the inner strengths he would use to

    help the tribe. The shield of a Native woman spoke of her gifts of nurturing and her talents

    in the areas of vision, healing, weaving, magic, singing, dancing, and beading. Shields

    spoke of their bearers' places in the tribal family and of the totems they carried.

    By invoking recognition for the gifts of another, the Medicine Shields were a way to create

    harmony in the family, tribe, and nation. Shields spoke of the inner truths as well as theouter personalities of their makers. Each woman made her own shield. Each man would

    choose a brother who honored his own medicine to make his shield. This was to prevent

    the male ego from getting in the way of truth. Women were already connected to their

    intuitive sides and were more readily able to receive what their beading "voices" told

    them about their gifts. Women also understood the concept of sisterhood and left the role

    of protector to the men, while they took the role of Mothers of the Creative Force. thus

    women made their own shields with humility and creativity.

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    To lie about your gifts was a great disgrace. To lie about anything, for that matter, could

    cause permanent exile from the tribe. Those who had lied and been exiled usually found

    jobs servicing white men as guides, or assisting the cavalry as forded-tongue interpreters.

    Shields that had lied were burned in a ceremony of great mourning, and the makers of

    these shields became invisible to the others of the tribe and nation.

    Many times a shield would be made for the initiation of a project, and would contain the

    desired outcome. Other shields would be made to tell stories of a battle, a hunt, or a Vision

    Quest. When a special ceremony was to be celebrated, a shield would be made to depict

    the joy of the tribe and the spirits that would interact with the people. Shields were made

    as talismans for easy births, abundant harvests, or as signs of rites-of-passage into

    manhood or womanhood.

    When a marriage was to take place, the shields of the bride and groom were placed

    opposite their respective owners in order to reveal the inner secrets of the partner's soul to

    the intended. After the bride and groom had jumped the fire together, the shields were

    hung on lances that crossed and joined as one on the door of the wedding lodge. These

    shields also went to the pole lodges with those who crossed over into the world of spirit.

    This was a sigh of successful completion of the Earth Walk, and signalled the talents of the

    person crossing over to the grandfathers and grandmothers who had gone before.

    A Sundance Shield is made as a symbol of the male dancer's desire to sacrifice the flesh of

    his body for world peace. This shield is a sign of the life patterns which that warrior is

    giving away within himself to promote both world peace and self-harmony. It speaks of his

    desire to come in humility, to dance the Sun in light, to seek the vision of what is needed,and to bear the pain of all our relations.

    The secret shields of the women of the moon lodge speak of these vomen's talents and

    inner strengths that support their sisters. These shields are never shown to the outside

    world, since each one represents the sacred inner space of its maker. Each woman reveals

    her inner self to her sisters in complete trust, but never shows her total face to the outer

    world. this is to protect the creative force she carries in her womb-space, the force that

    follows the rhythms of the Earth and Moon.

    Every shield carries medicine. Through its art and self-expression, each shield is theessence of a time and space that carries certain aspects of knowledge. All persons carry

    shields of the lessons they personally learned from the four directions of the Medicine

    Wheel. These lessons can be inclusive of their strengths and weaknesses, their talents and

    gifts, and their visions, purposes, and places in life. The totem of each direction can be

    expressed through a feather, a paw print, a symbol, or a piece of the totem animal's horn,

    tooth, bone, hide, fur, or fin.

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    Each shield is, for its maker, a reminder of his or her connection to life. In times of

    uncertainty, a Medicine Shield is a source of comfort, a source of protection from fear,

    and a reminder of the serenity of centered knowingness and connection. To balance the

    energy of uncertainty, the shield is meditated upon by its maker. As he or she enters the

    silence, questions of self-mystery are answered.

    Medicine Shields represent signposts that guide our passage to wisdom and completion. It

    is the task of this Earth Walk to balance the shields of Self. In striving to be whole, wereflect the harmony, as well as the discord, of our many fragment.

    Medicine Shields remind us of the fact that all things have their perfect time and place in

    life. Joys are balanced by tears, sacred silence by irreverent clowning, self-esteem by

    humility, giving by receiving, day by night, light by shadow, and wisdom by innocence. To

    walk in balance is to honor all acts of humanness in their proper times, and to find

    sacredness in them all.

    Medicine Shields are the healing tools we give ourselves to soothe the spirit and empower

    the will. The truth needs no explanation, just reflection. this allows intuition to guide theheart so that humankind may celebrate more than it mourns.

    Now with that said, I will tell you how I made mine. Start with a round object, made from

    wood or vines. Like you use for the Dreamcatcher. Drape it with (well the Indians used

    animal hide) but I just used a piece of black felt. I placed symbols of my totems in their

    proper directions. I made a small Medicine Bag containing herbs for love, strength,

    protection and intuition. I love to fish and am fairly good at it, so I had a small fish

    pendant that I glued to the shield. I love and have much respect for our Earth, so I drew

    water symbols and a turtle on the shield, as the turtle represents Mother Earth. Hanging

    form my shield I have feathers, prayer beads, a stone with a natural hole, a seashell, an

    arrowhead that I found, and a bone of some sort of paw that I found while arrowhead

    hunting, which just happened to have a tiny hole in it for stringing. I thought that was a

    bit odd. Getting back to the inside of the shield, I also placed there personal items that

    reminded me of times in my life of grief, joy, pain, and enrichment. When I look at it I am

    reminded of these times and how with Great Spirits help I overcame the troubled ones,

    and hold the good ones close to my heart and relive them and recreate them in my life



  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Earth Healing Group

    Full moon gatherings

    This group is forthose wishing to

    share earth healing

    techniques and

    information about

    important events

    and who wish to

    add there energy to

    raising the

    vibration of the

    planet for the good

    of all

    Come join usevery full moon

    and we will all

    send healing

    Energy to Earth at

    one time a


    conscious activity

    to help Mother

    Earth and all those

    on it.

    This group is for all people from all over the world to come

    "together" every MONTH to focus their energies for acommon goal.

    It is also a place to share with each other HEALING

    TECHNIQUES and INFORMATION about important




    OF ALL

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    Some comics I started doing!!!

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


    ~ ~

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    We chose Paganopolis as our company name because

    todays world has moved into the internet

    communication age, giving the ability to instantly access

    our Pagan/Heathen friends and family. We are actually

    able to communicate with each other no matter what

    our geological location is, enabling us to foster a

    community that can, and does, share ideas and trade

    with one another.

    While there are other sites out there that offer similar

    products as we do, we focus our product line on items

    that enhance group or solitary ritual practices and we

    believe in offering dependable customer service through

    out the Pagan/Heathen community no matter their

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    path of exploration

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    Enchanted Forest News


    Please help us make the forest the top of Ning and The Pagan Networks. This will only take a few seconds.

    Please VOTE FOR US - the banners are on the front page





    This should take you back to the site

    THATS IT - Simple

    You can vote for us as many times as you like (the more the better) encourage all your friends on the site to do the

    same. Lets see how high we can get

    Many Thanks

    The Enchanted Team

    At the Enchanted Forest we try and maintain an "open policy" with this is mind we ask that all Groups

    created by members are created and open for all - No groups should be set to private. Thank you all for

    your continued support and input in the Forest.

    And to be sure is not another group of the same topic..many groups have been here long time and have

    gathered all sorts of information and we like to utilize them as much as possible..

    So before putting one together check through to make sure is not another..

    And when putting a group together ..please have info ready or discussions along with picks..have noticed

    some groups get started ..but without info or description or any discussions..we usually wait a week to give

    person time to do so..then if nothing is added ..will usually remove the group..

    We try to keep them active and share the contents of these groups with members plus we always have new

    people coming in..also helps to make sure these groups are updated.

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    To invite your friends to the Enchanted Forest go to the INVITE TAB at the top of the page. You can INVITE all your

    friends from either your hotmail, gmail or yahoo account by simply entering your email address and password from your

    messenger account then click IMPORT ADDRESS BOOK this will list all your messenger account contacts select all the

    contacts you wish to INVITE then select SEND.

    To INVITE your friends by EMAIL simply select enter EMAIL ADDRESS and enter the person you wish to INVITE emails

    address (Separate multiple addresses with commas). And SEND its that SIMPLE !!

    Tell everyone about The Forest and help it GROW

    If you have any problems with this or have any questions please contact any member of the team - who will be able to

    help you

    Enchanted Forest Team

    This is your chance to let us know what you would like to see in the Forest - Lets here your


    All appreciated

    This is your site !!!! Have a look around - if you have something that you wish to share with

    the site add a BLOG or join a GROUP. If you dont see a group that interests you WHY NOTSTART YOUR OWN. If you need help with this or just want ideas talk to either Shadow or

    Breeze and we can help you !!!!!!!!!!

    We hope you have fun here and spend some time with us in the Enchanted Forest

    At the Enchanted Forest we try and maintain an "open policy" with this is mind

    we ask that all Groups created by members are created and open for all - No

    groups should be set to private. Thank you all for your continued support and

    input in the Forest.

    The Enchanted Forest Team

  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine


  • 8/2/2019 April 2012 Enchanted Forest Magazine
