APRIL 2011

FREE Helping You Create Abundance In Your Relationships, Finances, Health, Career, and Inner Life APRIL 2011 VOL.6, NO 12 Visit us on Locally owned and published in the Pacific Northwest www.newspiritjournal.com The Cosmic Dance: Creating Healing Relationships 10 Happy Day, Mother Earth! 3 James Redfield is the author of The Celestine Prophecy and the newly-released, The Twelfth Insight. Photo by Jasper Johal. By Krysta Gibson It has been twenty years since millions of people were exposed to the spiritual insights given in James Redfield’s first three books in The Celestine Prophecy series. With today’s continuing unrest in the world, the collapse of the financial markets, and the growing tension among various religions, James builds upon the insights he revealed in his earlier books and gives his readers another entertaining and enlightening adventure tale in the newly published The Twelfth Insight, the fourth book in The Celestine Prophecy series by James Redfield. pened in Tunisia and Egypt. We saw a spon- taneous urge in people to stand for truth against the corruption in government. It’s something we’re all feeling. We see this cor- ruption in government and business, we’re appalled by it and we want to do something about it. I don’t know how it will turn out over there. There are forces that don’t want democracy to happen. Clearly, the people want more honesty and transparency. They want to be able to vote for their leaders and be able to vote them out. It is amazing to watch. It isn’t just the Mayan calendar pre- dicting these things; there are other predic- tions and we can start to see and feel what’s going on over there. NSJ: So many people are wrapped up in the Mayan calendar and 2012. Although I also feel something is happening, I think sometimes people get too focused on these sorts of predictions and forget to live their lives. James: I think we are getting more clar- ity about it. If you look at the scholars’ interpretations, they agree that the calendar is a prediction, a prophecy. It lays out the steps in human consciousness and has been accurate along the way over thousands of years. What it predicts for our time really began in March of 2011. We can really start to feel this shift in energy and awareness and urges that we are getting to help make the world better in some way. We can feel it right now. But the scholars also say it does not predict a wave of consciousness that is imposed on us; it’s not a rapture. It is some- thing we have to tune into and download. It’s a connection, a way to connect to spirit, downloading a larger consciousness. NSJ: We have to participate. James: Yes, this is what it’s all about. We’ve had enough of talking about theory. We want to know how to tune in. When I point to a 12th insight, I am really point- ing to a consensus about how we tune in, what’s involved in a deeper spiritual consciousness. And that is the journey the reader takes in the book. NSJ: I asked readers on our Facebook page what question they would ask you. One question was why you write in fic- tion? Where does that come from for you in terms of your own process? “It’s a first person adventure and a journey where the reader takes a step in consciousness I’m calling the 12th insight,” James explains. “What I mean is that there is a clarity about how to live more spiritually and all the experiences that come with that. This crosses all spiritual traditions and it’s about how to put it into work in our lives, how to really live it every day.” James says it was a lot of fun to write the book and that it takes the reader into guided intuition and learn- ing how to sustain living in synchron- icity, in what he calls “the flow.” He describes the experience as “meta- physically enlarging.” New Spirit Journal: Parts of the story take place in Egypt and I am sure that you wrote the book before the recent upheaval that occurred there. As you have seen these events unfolding in the Middle East, how did it impact you? James: Yes, the book was finished and sent to the publisher six months before those events unfolded. It really confirmed what I was seeing happen- ing in the world, that there was a 12th insight occurring. Look at what hap- Continued on Page 7 It’s a party and you’re invited! Help us celebrate the 6th birthday of New Spirit Journal at our birthday party and community network gathering! Saturday, June 4th, 11-3 East West Bookshop, Seattle


Welcome to the April issue of New Spirit Journal, Seattle's best-read alternative newspaper for spiritual independents. "Helping you create abundance in your relationships, finances, health, career, and inner life."

Transcript of APRIL 2011

Page 1: APRIL 2011


Helping You Create Abundance In Your Relationships, Finances, Health, Career, and Inner Life

APRIL 2011 VOL.6, NO 12

Visit us on

Locally owned and published in the Pacific Northwestwww.newspiritjournal.com

The Cosmic Dance: Creating Healing Relationships


Happy Day, Mother Earth!


James Redfield is the author of The Celestine Prophecy and the newly-released, The Twelfth Insight. Photo by Jasper Johal.

By Krysta Gibson

It has been twenty years since millions of people were exposed to the spiritual insights given in James Redfield’s first three books in The Celestine Prophecy series. With today’s continuing unrest in the world, the collapse of the financial markets, and the growing tension among various religions, James builds upon the insights he revealed in his earlier books and gives his readers another entertaining and enlightening adventure tale in the newly published The Twelfth Insight, the fourth book in The Celestine Prophecy series by James Redfield.

pened in Tunisia and Egypt. We saw a spon-taneous urge in people to stand for truth against the corruption in government. It’s something we’re all feeling. We see this cor-ruption in government and business, we’re appalled by it and we want to do something about it. I don’t know how it will turn out over there. There are forces that don’t want democracy to happen. Clearly, the people want more honesty and transparency. They want to be able to vote for their leaders and be able to vote them out. It is amazing to watch. It isn’t just the Mayan calendar pre-dicting these things; there are other predic-tions and we can start to see and feel what’s going on over there. NSJ: So many people are wrapped up in the Mayan calendar and 2012. Although I also feel something is happening, I think sometimes people get too focused on these sorts of predictions and forget to live their lives. James: I think we are getting more clar-ity about it. If you look at the scholars’ interpretations, they agree that the calendar is a prediction, a prophecy. It lays out the steps in human consciousness and has been

accurate along the way over thousands of years. What it predicts for our time really began in March of 2011. We can really start to feel this shift in energy and awareness and urges that we are getting to help make the world better in some way. We can feel it right now. But the scholars also say it does not predict a wave of consciousness that is imposed on us; it’s not a rapture. It is some-thing we have to tune into and download. It’s a connection, a way to connect to spirit, downloading a larger consciousness. NSJ: We have to participate. James: Yes, this is what it’s all about. We’ve had enough of talking about theory. We want to know how to tune in. When I point to a 12th insight, I am really point-ing to a consensus about how we tune in, what’s involved in a deeper spiritual consciousness. And that is the journey the reader takes in the book. NSJ: I asked readers on our Facebook page what question they would ask you. One question was why you write in fic-tion? Where does that come from for you in terms of your own process?

“It’s a first person adventure and a journey where the reader takes a step in consciousness I’m calling the 12th insight,” James explains. “What I mean is that there is a clarity about how to live more spiritually and all the experiences that come with that. This crosses all spiritual traditions and it’s about how to put it into work in our lives, how to really live it every day.” James says it was a lot of fun to write the book and that it takes the reader into guided intuition and learn-ing how to sustain living in synchron-icity, in what he calls “the flow.” He describes the experience as “meta-physically enlarging.” New Spirit Journal: Parts of the story take place in Egypt and I am sure that you wrote the book before the recent upheaval that occurred there. As you have seen these events unfolding in the Middle East, how did it impact you? James: Yes, the book was finished and sent to the publisher six months before those events unfolded. It really confirmed what I was seeing happen-ing in the world, that there was a 12th insight occurring. Look at what hap-

Continued on Page 7

It’s a party and you’re invited!Help us celebrate the 6th birthday of New Spirit Journal at our birthday party and community network gathering! Saturday, June 4th, 11-3 East West Bookshop, Seattle

Page 2: APRIL 2011



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By Scott Wurtz B.A., LMP, PBP

How often do you get a chance to sit with a group of really passionate people? There is one awaiting you. You may not realize how something as simple as drumming can change so many physical, mental and emotional aspects. I will never forget my mother’s 70th birthday celebration. A large group convened to honor her and tell stories about how she came into their lives and what she meant to them. One present from her immediate family was a high quality Djembe from Africa. She turns 86 this year and has been in a women’s-only drumming group for more than 15 years. The stories abound about her drumming experiences; she even had the privilege of playing for Arthur Hall, a famous African American dance choreographer because she showed up one hour early to a gig with her drumming group.

Drumming circles are a way to bring a great diversity of people together. It’s surprising how everyone has their own natural rhythm and way of interacting. When we honor each other in the process of learning drumming for the first time or a new song, there is a creative well available to each person in their personal expression. As a teacher, my students have taught me the essentials of how each person learns from a very specific viewpoint initially, their own. So what makes drumming good for your health? Research documents the value of drumming and its specific effects on the body, mind, and brain. Author Daniel Siegel has a paradigm for wellness and it’s formed like a triangle of mind, brain, relationships. These three aspects are vital to any person drumming. Drumming is all about being in relationship. Rhythms provide a way for players to integrate and establish a foundation for musical structure. There is always room for personal expression in soloing and leading the group dynamically. Research indicates that drumming accelerates physical healing. It boosts the immune system to stir feelings of well-being, to start releasing emotional traumas, to invigorate self-exploration and self-realization. Specific studies

The Positive Powers of Drumming: Enlisting Your Passions and Encouraging Your Immune Response

by music therapists and mental health practitioners show how drumming can help: • Establish connectedness within a drumming circle and reduce anxiety; • Reduce chronic pain by improving concentration; • Enhance the immune system with passionate play; • Stress reduction and release of tension by self-expression. The mind, brain, and drumming:Drumming combats stress and depression. After participating for one hour, samples of blood from participants revealed reversals of the hormonal stress response and an increase in natural immune cell activity (Bittman, Berk, Felten, Westengard, Simonton, Pappas, Ninehouser, 2001, Alternative Therapies, vol. 7, no. 1). In another study at Stanford University’s School of Medicine, 30 people over 80 years old, suffering from depression, found that after participating in a weekly music therapy group they were feeling less

anxious, less distressed, and had higher self-esteem (Friedman, Healing Power of the Drum, 1994). Many other studies point the way to improving your health by drumming. Isn’t it time you got involved in a drumming circle? What’s my story? I started drumming as a child when I was given a drum set at age nine. I heard an album of music from North India and became fascinated with the tabla drums. I

Continued on Page 4

Page 3: APRIL 2011


Living The Good Life

Happy Day, Mother Earth!

Presented by Valeria Vata Rae40 years of study, practice and teaching of spiritual traditions and self-help techniques, author of The Body Beautiful Inspi-rational Card Deck, ceremonial leader, amateur photographer, psychologist and professional organizer.

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Offerings from the Earth!Books•Tarot•Astrology•Runes

Statues•Fair Trade•Gifts•Incense Music•Oils•Aromotherapy•& More!!

By Krysta Gibson

Ever since 1970 there has been one day of the year set aside to honor the planet upon which we all live, the planet on which we all depend. I am sure you have seen photos of the earth that were taken by astronauts in space. When you see our planet from that perspective, you can see that it is one thing. The planet isn’t broken up into countries or states or languages. It’s a big ball floating in space. And we hang out on that big ball that floats in space. Everything we eat, wear, listen to, breathe, or touch is self-contained on this planet that we call home. In none of those photos have I seen some sort of big spaceship arriving from somewhere else and refueling us, bringing us food or clothes, or new people to live here. In other words, we’re it. And we are dependent on this big ball that hangs out in space to provide for us. Problem is, we forget this. We think we’re bigger and more important than the planet. You can’t see one single person in those photos of the planet taken from space. We’re that small and that insignificant in the big picture. Wouldn’t you think we could take better care of our planet since we rely on her for everything? In our arrogance,

we don’t. We just keep on using and abusing her and then wonder why the weather is changing, why we’re having more earth disturbances, and why we’re running out of

some resources.

There are many groups working on these various issues and I applaud and support their efforts. For many people, though,

getting involved in such ways isn’t practical. So, is there anything we can do?

Yes, there is. And now I am going to contradict myself, something that is always fun

to do. After saying we’re insignificant, I am now going to say that the solution to this issue does depend

on each of us. As a group of people living on this big ball hanging in space, we can make a difference. But everyone has to get involved. Here are some ideas. First, spend some time every day thanking Mother Earth for being here and for giving us so much. You know what it is like to give someone a gift and have them fail to say thank you. We do the same thing to our Earth Mother. Give thanks daily. Second, as my dear friend and colleague William Wittmann tells his clients, spend at least one hour outside daily. In our modern world, it is easy to get divorced from nature. We live inside where the air is controlled while sitting in front of various electronic devices. Getting outside where you can breathe the natural air, see the plants and grass, look into the sky, and watch the birds and squirrels, is enormously healing. If more people did this, many of our problems would vanish. It’s difficult to abuse the planet when you spend time in nature because you begin to have a relationship with our Mother Earth. And no one wants to hurt their mother. Third, without becoming a fanatic about it, begin to find

ways to use less and to reuse what you have. I was raised by depression-era parents so we reused everything, even wrapping paper. When someone gave us gifts, we ironed the paper and put it away to use for a gift to someone else. Jars became drinking glasses and even aluminum foil was washed and reused. I’m not saying we have to go that far, but so many things are just thrown away when they are perfectly good and could be used again. I suspect this is going to be one of the good things to come

out of our great recession. I have seen shows about the youngsters who have lost their homes and the whole family is living in one room in a motel. One young girl, especially, struck me as she talked about watching all her toys being taken away when the family was thrown out of their repossessed home. I could tell she is very intelligent and she is going to make good use of this experience when she is older. Fourth, in your own way, support

legislation that protects the planet. There are a lot of people who truly don’t understand the idea of limited resources and who don’t understand we can’t continue along our current path without some severe repercussions to ourselves and the generations who follow us. There are many groups who are working on behalf of the planet. Find your way to support them. Lastly, remain hopeful. I have a deep faith in humanity. I believe we are in the midst of a very exciting time of our evolution and I believe we will make right choices, ultimately. Some days, I am tempted to lose hope when I hear the rhetoric being thrown around by people who care only for themselves and their pocketbooks. But I honestly believe there are more good people who will ultimately see and understand that we’re all in this together. The sooner we begin acting like the family we are, the better for everyone that is here now and for those who will follow us in future generations. Happy Earth Day!

Krysta is publisher of New Spirit Journal and author of several books and CDs. She is presenting her Stewarding Your Business class May 5 at East West Bookshop in Seattle. www.krystagibson.com for details. She will be interviewed on the Conscious Talk radio show April 21, 7 a.m., on KKNW 1150 AM in the Seattle area, and streaming live / archived at www.conscioustalk.net.

Living The Good Life

by Krysta Gibson

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Page 4: APRIL 2011


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went to a concert at age 13 and the rich tapestry of the drums and sitar dazzled me. I didn’t really play and practice until I went to college. At a jazz workshop I learned to hone the skills to really have a passionate time. I am unique in how I play and I believe everyone has a special way of sensing and playing music. I was teaching a large workshop of some 35-40 Native American Flute players one weekend. The best day occurred when I showed up without an agenda. What occurred

that day was mind blowing. A dialog began about how each person felt and experienced “time” differently. The group ranged from well-trained classical musicians to jazz enthusiasts to those who simply trained themselves by ear. As people shared their experiences, the bonding and affinities emerged. It opened the door for each person to feel connected to each other and the group and the music created in community. How to find a drumming circle in you neighborhood: Drumming circles can be found at community centers,

churches, music schools, co-ops, and a many other public facilities. It is never too late to get started and you might be surprised by who you meet.

Scott Wurtz B.A., LMP, PBP began his medical studies in 1981 and focuses on Bowenwork Manual Therapy with a full time private practice since 2005. Scott is also a musical educator with 30-plus years as a professional world percussionist, and is also a masterful storyteller. http://WeReStart.com.

Continued from Page 2

The Positive Power of Drumming

By Stacie Lykins

Empty. The house, the family, the bank, the relationship, and my heart. Poof! Gone. I was certain my life was over and that love and true happiness would never cross my heart again. Just a week shy of my 40th birthday, at a time in my life when I had the world by the tail and was eagerly looking forward to a new decade which was to bring many (promised) fabulous changes, the proverbial rug was yanked from beneath my once steady feet and my life plan that was set in stone, laid crumbled in a pile. After cursing and stomping, begging and pleading, and swearing off everything that could possibly ever hint at (let alone cause) such heartache again, things began to change. Once believed to be forever friends began to disappear, while others remained acutely close, just in case. As the tears waxed and waned, sadness always managed to succeed in sucker punching me when least expected. Still, treasured friends stayed put to kick me in the kiester when I needed the nudge to put one foot in front of the other.

Flash forward a year: Plan B. As tears flooded my face and soaked my t-shirt, I packed what was left of my 41 years into the car (including my 15-year-old daughter) and left behind the only life I knew (my oldest daughter and two new grandbabies). I was too exhausted, too heartbroken and too naive to allow fear or doubt to take over. Something had to give so I gave in. To faith as well as myself. There was no way for me to ever know the personal stretches, accomplishments, changes, and miracles I would find along the way to finding happiness via Route Plan B. Living the Fool tarot card, I jumped off the cliff and was on my way to find my rainbow and pot of gold. Three thousand miles, five days, and one left turn later I arrived in a place my soul now calls home and happiness is more abundant than ever before. Trials and tribulations breathed life back into me, eventually. I’ve learned to listen once again to that little voice within that became accustomed to being snuffed out by the opinions and judgments of others. Depending on only me has brought back my once cherished independence. Leaving behind negativity, harsh judgments, and criticism along with the drama that fear breeds, enabled me to find my center and find hope once again. Who knew that centering and balance could be such a place of rest and healing; a place rich in soil that nourishes a soul that has been battered by love and life? My daughter and I have started our lives over and while we still have nothing as far as things go, we are richer today in happiness, love, and peace than we ever were before. As another anniversary approaches, my rainbow has been found and I continue my walk along Route Plan B, towards my pot of gold. Love’s wings have landed within my heart once again and laughter fills my days. Finding happiness has a different meaning

for me today. Instead of looking for joy in others or in things, I simply look within and know that happiness is ever present. For the “thing,” the happiness, I was searching for all along... was me. Here is what I have learned. How can you apply these ideas to your life? Every life journey is unique. No one path is right or wrong, just different. Each experience serves as an opportunity to explore, engage and evolve as the perfect love that we are. Learning to embrace all aspects of me took work and conscious awareness, along with a desire to find my inner peace. Journaling, reading, and blogging were avenues on which I traveled. Writing became a way to cope and express what was in my heart. In the past, I fiercely refused to put my thoughts and feelings “out there” for just anyone to read. However,

Route “Plan B” - Finding Happiness there was something mystical about using a public platform to voice my pain. An integral part of my healing was sharing my fears, tears, and small successes with compassionate, safe and trusting friends. They gladly served as my soft place to fall. Focusing on living in the present was also valuable. Any time I found myself thinking of the past that was filled with regrets, I reminded myself that I was safe in the here-and-now. I took relief in simply allowing the present to unfold, which brought peace and tranquility. My journey isn’t over. Today, I welcome each experience and look forward to the continued travels of Plan B: Plan Blessings.

Stacie Lykins is a native Floridian who currently resides in Seattle, Wash. She is a partner, mother, grandmother, daughter, sister, and surrogate mother to two sets of twins, and is currently working on her writing career. Read her blog at www.WriteSeattle.wordpress.com.

Page 5: APRIL 2011


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Jean’s reply: Yes, even the characteris-tics of your hairline can help you understand yourself and your life experiences. One of the classic messages your hairline reveals is the story of your adolescence. An uneven hairline means that you struggled during that period of your life. You might think, “Well, who didn’t have a difficult adolescence?” Indeed, this is usually a powerful time in our lives, with our bodies going through changes, our emotions all over the place, and our brains not yet mature enough to always make good choices!

But there are people who didn’t have significant troubles during this time in their life. That doesn’t always mean that everything was peachy. It can indicate that they were suppressing issues that then emerged at a later time for them to have to deal with. If someone has a perfectly rounded hairline, it can mean that adolescence was a breeze. Or it can signify they were very very “good” girls or boys at that time and didn’t feel they could be their true selves. In Chinese face reading, the hairline is sometimes referred to as “Mother’s Influence.” It’s believed that one of mother’s gifts to her children is to socialize them; teach them the rules of society so that they will be accepted and survive. It’s usually your mother who teaches you manners and the little things you need to know in order to give others a good impression. But mother’s influence is supposed to be gentle guidance, not a heavy hand. If she’s overbearing or too stuck in her own opinions about who you should be

and how you should behave, then you’re not allowed to be your true self; your spirit can feel suppressed. It can take you much longer in life to figure out who you really are, because your mother’s voice is too strong in your head, even years after you’ve grown up and left home. Heavy “Mother’s Influence” shows as a perfectly rounded hairline, with no unevenness, and sometimes there are also wisps of very fine hairs along the edges. Someone with a hairline like this may find that it’s not until their 30s that they really begin to feel like they’re figuring themselves out. An uneven hairline can signify that your mother (or whoever acted in that role) didn’t have a very strong effect on you in this way, whether due to life circumstances, your resistance, or her own personality. Although it indicates a difficult adolescence, what this can also mean is that you were figuring yourself out at an early age, probably through trial and error. The information above applies to what your hairline looks like over the long-term.

However, if your hairline changes, so that it suddenly becomes uneven when it wasn’t before, this can give a different message. Changes like this can mean hormonal problems, or that you’ve been burning yourself out and really need to pay attention to replenishing your energy. There are other kinds of hairlines of course, aside from even or uneven. A common hairline you’ll see is one that goes straight across in a defined horizontal line. Actor Brad Pitt has a good example of this. The meaning it conveys is that this person has a rebellious streak, and will tend to challenge the rules. But it’s also a sign that it’s important to them to create positive change in the world. Sometimes the rules are wrong and need to be broken. Another type of hairline appears to go back diagonally in the corners, sometimes quite extremely. It can be this way from birth or it can develop over time. Actor Pierce Brosnan’s hairline has become an example of this kind, which is called “Expansive Mind.” It’s a sign of someone who’s open-minded, and who can access both the logical and intuitive sides of their brains as they deal with life. They don’t depend just on their rational brain but can also use their instincts to quickly solve problems in more innovative ways. There is so much to see in the faces of all the humans in your life, most importantly that reflection in the mirror. I’ll be in Seattle in April and hope you can join me to learn more.

Jean Haner is the author of The Wisdom of Your Face, and The Wisdom of Your Child’s Face. With her 25-year background in ancient Chinese principles of balance and health, Jean places an emphasis on compassionate and affirming ways for people to live in alignment with their own true selves and look with love at everyone they encounter. If you have questions for Jean about your own face or those in your life, please send them to [email protected] or mail them to New Spirit Journal, 14911 Chain Lake Rd., #431, Monroe, WA 98272. Please visit www.wisdomofyourface.com for information on workshops, consultations and Jean’s free newsletter.

by Jean Haner

The Wisdom Of Your Face

What Your Hairline Reveals“Dear Jean, Whenever I wear my hair pulled back in a ponytail, I notice how uneven my hairline is along the top of my forehead. Is there any meaning to this?”

Page 6: APRIL 2011


Answers to The Enlightened Puzzler

on Page 18

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Just send your name, mailing address, and phone number with a check for $21.70 to New Spirit Journal, 14911 Chain Lake Rd #431, Monroe, WA 98272. Or go to www.newpspiritjournal.com to subscribe online.

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Cherie Byrd, MA

By Cherie Byrd

There’s a Celtic notion called “time out of mind” that always stirs me, for time seems to stretch and shrink according to what my mind and heart are experiencing. How else could it be that time flies when one is having fun, while waiting can seem an eternity? Quantum physics notes that “reality” is a state-specific phenomenon. Trance states, dreams, passionate encounters, childhood summers, and moments of open awe all contain very plastic states of time. During the harmonic convergence of August 1987 I began what’s called a kundalini awakening, in which my experience of time and space was deeply altered for several years. Time and space are very different experiences in expanded dimensions. The sun may take what feels like hours to set while resonating with colors and an orchestra of natural and multi-dimensional sound, then snap back into something less surreal, or melt in another direction altogether. I learned that different states of consciousness bring variations on the flow and structure of time, and these variations are very useful to play with in

our current shifting times. As we lean into 2012, the shifting dimensional resonances that are happening within our earth and with her inhabitants are having a tangible impact on our experience of time. We hear about and sense a lot of change; time is speeding up, or feels wobbly, or is collapsing on its way to becoming simultaneous. The ancients speak of time ending soon. That may in fact have been a possibility we were heading toward. Then we changed our collective minds and chose to activate a transformation into a fully-embodied, fully-ignited spiritual being living in the human instrument, Kundalini shifts on a mass scale. We’re cultivating a very different relationship to time, so personally I think that time is ending in the ways we have known it in a three-dimensional paradigm. We tend to think of time in 3-D as linear, but it’s more accurately experienced as circular. We have an experience and then we project our reaction to this experience out into our future, either not wanting to experience it again or definitely wanting to experience it again. Then it eventually circles back into our experience again since we’re hanging onto our projection.

Three-dimensional circular time

is based on a reactionary

bond to past and future with very little present time in it. There’s fixedness to it, it has lots of rules and rigidity; and is conditional,

having a limited number

of possibilities within it. To

the degree that we argue for our

limitations and cling to the “right and wrong”

judgments and illusions of separation within 3-D consciousness,

time will feel hectic and choppy; we generate struggle and fear-based outcomes. These paradigms break down as we learn to anchor our consciousness in the higher fourth and fifth dimensions. We cultivate the ability to choose, not merely react, expressing the freedom and power that is our birthright. This choice-making creates an activation field in time and space. While we’re shifting and living in 3-D and 4-D simultaneously, we experience more fluidity, depending on how our thoughts and emotions are entangled. We have choice and present time right this moment that is not based on past or future. The information of the past is available, but we’re choosing to use it within the now. Change can happen quickly because we have more freedom about how we choose to experience ourselves.

When we start holding our attention in the higher 4th and 5th dimensions we play in a different configuration of reality, with different gravity configurations, different spatial relationships, and time begins to slow down. In 5-D we can slow time down, speed it up, or stop time. We live in simultaneous time and have access to multiple realms of consciousness simultaneously, based on the vibrational light quotient we hold. In this reality, for instance, there is plenty of time between molecules to rearrange creation in an abundance in your present time frame without any limitations. Intentionally playing with time actually assists us in cultivating our power and expanded capabilities, and who wouldn’t want to be able to create the time of their life?

Shifting Consciousness in Multi-Dimensional Time

Continued on Page 13

Page 7: APRIL 2011


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James: I am more of a sociologist. I look at polls and internet chatter to see what’s happening with human consciousness. I’m not making this stuff up. I’m reporting what the con-sensus is. It is always about spiritual advances, how to live as spiritual beings. You can just talk about it abstractly and I have done that: I have several non-fic-tion books out there. But if you do it as a story and you have action, characters that are meeting challenges that describe how it feels to shift your consciousness, then you can illustrate it better. I don’t call my writing fic-tion. That’s just where the publisher puts it. I call it an

adventure tale. My stories are really parables. NSJ: What is the ultimate experience you want people to have with your books? James: Explore these ideas with commitment and prove them to your-self. Share them with other people. I am convinced that what we’re clarifying about spirituality gives us a way to live it every day that makes life so much easier, more inspiring, and enables us to manifest our dreams. I am intensely excited about where we are at this point in history. I think we have more reason to be hopeful than we’ve had in the past 15 years. This is because we’re coming back to integrity and telling the truth. People are beginning

to demand this from govern-ment and business. We’re seeing that life goes better when we tell the truth. Life gets larger and better and it is easier to attract the people and cir-cumstances we want in our lives.

Listen to this entire interview in the audio sec-tion at www.newspiritjournal.com. James will be interviewed on the Conscious Talk radio show April 8 at 7 a.m., KKNW 1150 AM in Seattle or streaming live and archived at www.conscioustalk.net. Go to www.celestine vision.com to learn about the Global Prayer Project where you can participate every two weeks in healing prayers and meditations.

Continued from front page

James Redfield

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By Christian Mollitor

Socrates thought an unexamined life was not worth living. He was talking about those of us who are (or were) just going through the motions of life: plodding along with a passionless job, recklessly buying consumer goods we think will make us happy, and wasting way too much time on the Internet or television. We never question ourselves about why we are alive, on this planet, at this particular moment in history. During these times we are asleep and need to wake up. If you’re a regular reader of New Spirit Journal, you are probably more enlightened than the sleepy flock, and might be quite awake. So for you, this article is a call to action: be a creator, awaken others with your art, and leave your legacy to the world. Then pass this idea on to others because the process of creation can help everyone lead fuller and more exciting lives by constantly

Begin by looking at your passions. Do you like listening to music, reading, writing, admiring paintings at the museum, drawing, needlepoint, taking pictures, doing cross-word puzzles, or fashion? If none of these stand out and you can only think of watch-ing TV, you can work with that. Even televi-sion stations need fresh programming ideas. Let’s say you are really passionate about listening to music, but you never played an instrument in your whole life. Well, why is that? Did your parents discourage you because they thought music was “silly” or “a waste of time?” Maybe you never thought you would be any good? Or you didn’t have the money to learn? These are all legitimate reasons, but they can be overcome. Appreciate that your past may have been chosen for you, but you have the ability to choose the rest of your life and time’s a-wasting. If you were to take one music lesson today, wouldn’t you be better than you were yesterday? Just keep repeating that, day after day, and you’re on your way to great things. Money is always an obstacle, but could you borrow someone’s guitar, buy one at a garage sale, or rent one? Maybe someone you know can give you free lessons or you could take an inexpensive class at a community college. Be open to nurturing your creative side and seeking out new opportunities. Before you know it, you’ll be playing beautiful music that will uplift other people. 2. All barriers are self-imposed and mostly a product of your imagination. Stop imagining problems and create something artistic instead. When you start using your talents, more creative abilities will emerge. Maybe once you master playing an instrument, you’ll write and record a song of your own. Now you’re on a roll. The best way to learn more is to teach what you already know; pass on your new music, art, or creative writing skills to your family and friends. Write a blog, a book,

or a poem about the experience. The karmic forces in the universe will bring you what you need to create more. If you have a story to share, a special ability or talent, work experience, or life philosophy that differs from popular belief, you should consider writing about it. Your wisdom is needed in the world. For far too long, uncon-ventional views have been suppressed and censored by the powers that be. The world is at a turning point where knowledge can be shared easily and people are hungry to know more, yet we still have a long way to catch up. Your writing will not only empower others, but will also help open your psychic and intuitive abilities to levels you never knew existed. Writing a book isn’t that hard. Just start writing; a page a day is a good goal and won’t take up too much time. Before you know it you’ll have a string of pages put together and you’re almost done. You might not be ready to publish right away, but once you have a manuscript to work with you’ll be a lot closer than you were before you started. Perhaps you don’t think writing is the thing for you. The medium isn’t important, it’s the process. A painting or photograph is worth a thousand words and no one can create one the special way you can, with your unique view of the subject matter. Don’t delay because tomorrow you’ll be in a different place on your life’s path and won’t be able to recapture the lost art of yesterday. 3. Don’t stop there; keep doing what you love. Constantly re-examine why you are here on earth and keep advancing your passions, talents, creativity, and loves. It’s the best way to stay awake in a sleepy world.

Christian Mollitor is the publisher and co-founder of Synclectic Media, a local New Age Publishing company with good karma. Synclectic intends to raise the vibrational energy of the planet by publishing 60 trailblazing new books over the next three years. Check them out at www.synclectic.com.

Mastering Your Creative Powers

calling us to examine our thoughts, prior actions, views, and philosophies. It’s a powerful way to advance our enlightenment and gain a deeper understanding of our earthly purpose. Here are a few tips to get you started on this journey: 1. You are unique. No two people are exactly the same, not even twins. No one else lived your life, had your experiences, or knows your story. No one was created like you and no one has the talents you have. The first step in the creative process is to know your unique talents. Do you know what your talents are?

Page 8: APRIL 2011


Understand your animal friends

Martha Norwalk is an animal behavior therapist with over 35 years of professional experience and service. She also hosts her own radio show, Martha Norwalk’s Animal World, Sunday mornings on Alternative Talk AM 1150. She is available for private sessions, either in your home or over the phone. With her holistic approach, Martha can help you understand your animal friends and solve any behavior, training or healing issues that they might be having. Martha’s rates are surprisingly affordable so call now for a free/no obligation telephone evaluation.

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You don’t have to look far to see what I am talking about. Most feed and grain stores and many pet stores bring in lots of babies this time of year,

expecting them to be purchased as Easter gifts. In most cases, this is certainly no gift for

those unsuspecting furry and feathered babies. FYI, it

is not okay to buy baby animals as temporary entertainment for human

children or even ourselves. These little darlings have hearts and souls that deserve

to treated respectfully, loved, and cared for properly for their lifetimes. That being said, all of these animals, rabbits,

ducks, and chickens can make wonderful companions. Many cities and urban

environments allow some farm animals now. For example, the city of Seattle now allows city dwellers to own a few chickens or goats. Having fresh eggs or milk right in your own backyard can be a huge blessing. However, please do your homework

before deciding to add any of these animals to your family. Chickens and ducks require

outdoor housing. They must be protected from predators and they need a proper diet. Some

physical labor is also necessary to keep their spaces clean. Rabbits on the other hand, in my opinion, are best served by being housed indoors. House rabbits are very common these days. They make wonderful companions and can be an ideal pet for

Our Animal Friends

by Martha Norwalk

Easter BunniesIt’s that time of year again, as Easter is just around the corner. What always comes to my mind about now is how this particular holiday has not been the kindest to some of the smallest of our animal friends, bunnies, chicks, and ducklings. Even with all we have learned about our animal friends, it amazes me how many of us still do not get it.

old age. My point here is that rabbits can be a wonderful choice as an animal companion but it is important to learn about them before you go out and get one. Here are some basics: Well-cared-for rabbits can live 10 to 15 years. It is recommended that they be spayed and neutered. They are very social creatures, so it is better to have two. A fixed male and female is preferred or a bonded pair of littermates. Rabbits can be litterbox trained. They need a formal enclosure for times you cannot supervise them. They chew on electrical cords so you will need to rabbit-proof your home environment so you can allow your bunny friends to run around the house. Their teeth grow constantly so you will need to provide appropriate hard objects for chewing and trim their nails. Their diet is very important and they must have a constant food supply or risk physical problems and even death. Rabbits are lots of fun and do a happy dance called a “bink.” Rabbits can be trained and there is even rabbit agility competition these days. If rescuing is important to you rabbits are now available for adoption from most shelters and there is lots of free advice for new rabbit parents. Here are some resources to check out: www.rabbitmeadows.org, their store number is (206) 365-9105, shelter number is (425) 836-8925, the rabbit page at www.seattlehumane.org, www.rabbithaven.org, www.rabbit.org.

Martha Norwalk is an animal behavior therapist and host of Martha Norwalk’s Animal World, Sunday mornings, from 9 a.m. to noon on Alternative Talk AM 1150. She can be reached at Martha’s Canine, Feline and All Creature Counseling at (360) 217-7258 or www.marthanorwalk.com. For a free, no obligation telephone evaluation or to make an appointment for Martha to work with you and your animal friend, give her a call.




many people who for whatever reason, can’t provide for a cat or a dog. While doing my radio show some years ago, I got a call from a guy who had just moved into a condo on the top of a very high skyscraper in downtown Seattle. He loved animals and wanted someone in an animal suit to share his life with. Because of his location it would not be possible to walk and exercise a dog properly and he didn’t want a cat. After a nice discussion, I recommended a pair of house rabbits as a good choice. It turned out to be a great and totally ideal choice and as far as I know, they are still living happily ever after together on top of the city. This is a subject close to my heart because when my brother and I were kids, too young to be in school, I remember my dad surprising us on his lunch hour one April afternoon. In he walked with a box in hand. He set it down on the kitchen floor and we were delighted to see our very own, two baby Easter bunnies. Very pleased with himself, my dad went back to work, leaving us kids and our new babies for my mom to deal with. She was not a happy camper and rightly so. The story is too long for this column but trust me, the outcome was heartbreaking for all of us, especially those darling bunnies. Years later, after growing old enough to be responsible for house rabbits, I had a number of bunny friends. Honestly though, I was not successful with all of them. Three out of four met early demises due to stupid human behavior on my part. One of them was actually killed by my own dog because I failed to supervise. It was not intentional on the dog’s part, he just licked the bunny to death. Rabbits are very sensitive and can go into shock and die very easily. Another one, an indoor/outdoor model, dug under our fence and was killed by the neighbor’s dog. That was intentional but I didn’t know then that rabbits dig. The third rabbit death was truly tragic and to this day it upsets me. I thought I was being responsible when I walked far away from the house to Scotch Guard my horse’s blanket. Not far enough as the fumes blew back to the house and instantly killed my bunny. Fortunately, the fourth rabbit lived a long and happy life, dying of

Article Deadline: The first Friday of the month Ad Deadline: The second Friday of each month for the following month’s issue.


Page 9: APRIL 2011


Continued on Page 16


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Join us on FRIDAY, APRIL 8 for an interview with JAMES REDFIELD, best-selling author of The Celestine Prophecy, to talk about the fourth installment in the

widely held Celestine series, The Twelfth Insight. This is

his first book since 1999.

On THURSDAY, APRIL 28, we will interview one of our local authors and psychic medium, JEFFREY MARKS, about his new book, Your Magical Soul: How Science and Psychic Phenomena Paint a New Picture of the Self and Reality

with your hosts Rob Spears and Brenda Michaels

The Caregiver’s Tao Te ChingCompassionate Caring for Your Loved Ones and Yourself By William and Nancy MartonNew World Library Our country is bursting with family caregivers, people who care for a loved one while also managing to live their own lives. Current statistics say that more than 65 million people, 29% of the U.S. population, provide care for a chronically ill, disabled, or aged family member or friend. There are resources available for such caregivers and now they have one more. Husband and wife team William and Nancy Marton have many years experience in hospice work, counseling, and Zen practice. When Nancy’s mother became ill, they had the opportunity to put their knowledge to personal use. Out of this grew this present work, a book that interprets the Tao Te

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Welcome to the Fourth Dimension “One of those books that needs to be on the coffee table”A Seattle Group started with Edgar Cayce and evolved into the Logos Project. Many of the area’s top psychics participated in bringing forth the tools to prepare one for Ascension during the Transformation.

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Ching specifically for caregivers. With each verse, additional notes are given to support the caregiver in handling the many changes and stresses that come with the territory. If you are a caregiver, this book will support you in your journey. If you know a caregiver, give them a copy; they will find great solace and support in it and will treasure you and the book.

All Spooked UpBy Teresa Carol Here’s your chance to learn all about ghosts from someone who has worked with them professionally for over 25 years. You probably think you know what a ghost is. Maybe you will be surprised at Teresa Carol’s explanation. Not everyone who has died is a ghost. Beginning in the mid-1980s, Teresa has been known as the go-to person if you have issues with ghosts. She was given the name Ghost Buster and the book is filled with stories about her own interactions with ghosts as well as those of others. The true stories are educational as well as entertaining. She includes six extra stories of some particularly intriguing ghost-busting jobs she took on. This is a great read, written in a very personal way, and will have you looking at hot and cold spots in your home a little bit differently.

Page 10: APRIL 2011


AncientWisdom Rising



Keeper of the RitualsSobonfu Some


WhaeaRaina Ferris


TsaurirrikameEliot Cowan


Squi QuiRay Williams(Swinomish)

Kawan Sangaa Woody Morrison


OmeAkaEhekatl Erick Gonzalez


Grandmother Sara Smith (Mohawk)

Vedamurti Shri Vivek



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By Megan Gala, M.A.

On a spiritual path, we may find that the deeper, more meaningful relationships we are seeking seem harder to come by. This can be especially true if we desire romantic relationships with individuals that share our passions and interests. Embracing this path does not mean we are doomed to a life of good friends and cats; far from it.

Where is my soulmate? When will I meet “The One?” Why do I feel like no one “gets” me? Where can I find my tribe? These are questions I hear frequently from my clients and students, and to be perfectly honest, they are questions I have also asked. The angels assure me the love, joy, and support we receive from close personal relationships is indeed available to us all. In fact, it is especially important for us to cultivate these types of relationships because of the added love and joy they bring into the world. Each relationship serves as a catalyst or portal for new energies to be delivered and at this time of great change it is important that these relationships focus on love, acceptance and positivity rather than dysfunction and fear in order. So what do we do? How do we cultivate these relationships that are so powerful not only for ourselves but the world? The answer is delivered in a simple, yet revolutionary four-step process: 1) The first step is to focus our love and attention on building healthy boundaries. Creating boundaries is not about becoming vain or no longer being caring and attentive in our relationships, in fact it is quite the opposite. Healthy boundaries serve as a container for our

The Cosmic Dance: Creating Healing Relationships

Megan Gala says that when establishing healthy boundaries she asks herself, “Is this honoring to me?” and then acts on that guidance.

Continued on Page 11

Page 11: APRIL 2011


Continued from Page 10






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own energy and enable us to give even more to those around us. I find it helpful to imagine my boundaries like a garden. I need to focus my energy on tilling the soil, making it rich and nourishing. Then I plant my desired seeds and tend them as they grow. Diligent care of my garden guarantees a surplus of energy that I can then freely give to others, while still having the rich soil and nourishment of my self. On the other hand, if I have loose boundaries and I am focused on the care of someone else’s garden, or I allow someone into my garden and they plant things I don’t like or want, or stomp all over my plants, then what do I have left to nourish myself with? I then act out of a depleted place and constantly need others to serve as supply for me. This is the opposite energy of what we are trying to create. When establishing healthy boundaries I always ask myself, “Is this honoring

family. What happens when two become one? They are referred back to step one. Be vigilant in your boundaries. We can look at relationships like an equation: Person A + Person B = Relationship C. Each individual needs to maintain their own well-being in order to create a truly healthy, balanced relationship. Just because you are in a relationship does not mean self-care and honoring of yourself flies out the window, in fact, it is

more important now than before because the health of the relationship depends on it as well. There you have it. Four simple steps to attracting and creating the healthy, loving relationships you desire. Here’s a great affirmation to help you on your quest: “I am willing to be better in relationships and be in better relationships.” It’s true, you do. You deserve healthy, loving, supportive, heartfelt

relationships and so does the world, so get out there and shine your light.

Megan Gala, M.A. supports people as they make positive, life-affirming change. Using her holistic “toolbox” of yoga, reiki and readings, Megan provides you with the catalyst and skills needed to maintain the change long beyond your work together. www.MeganGala.com

Relationshipsto me?” and then act on my guidance. If this is challenging for you, call upon the angels for the courage and conviction you need to support yourself fully. 2) The second step asks us to embrace the noun before the adjectives. Let me explain what I mean by this. Many of us have lists of qualities (adjectives) about what it is we desire in an ideal partner, and while these lists are wonderful and help us to gain clarity, they also do us no good, if at the heart of the matter we can not allow the “noun” to love us. I’ll share with you a personal story as an example. One day in meditation I asked God what he desired of me. His reply was, “I want you to allow a man to love you.” I instantly went into parameter mode: well I should only allow a healthy, loving, supportive, open-minded man love me, right God? And the reply again was, “I want you to allow a man to love you.” I was humbled by the realization that I was using all those

adjectives as barriers and defenses against love. I was afraid of allowing myself to be loved. I needed to embrace the noun before I could even entertain the adjectives. 3) Once we can embrace the noun, we are guided to put ourselves in the position to have relationships. This means carving out time in our schedule with the intention of having that space filled by healthy, loving relationships. A simple way to do this is go to a local coffee shop two or three days a week with the mindset that you are using this time to attract healthy new relationships. This doesn’t mean that you will find your people there, so don’t get discouraged if that doesn’t happen. What this exercise is doing is sending a powerful message to the universe that you are ready and willing to act on your desires. Be sure to follow through on any guidance you receive during this time. It could be taking a class, joining a new gym, or even going to another coffee shop. Let the miracles happen, spirit is on your side. 4) Our fourth step comes when we have attracted our soulmate and soul

Page 12: APRIL 2011



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Followed by an Easter potluck banquet at Ananda Community in Lynnwood. Please call us at

425-806-3700 if you’d like to join us for the banquet.

Be sure to visit newspiritjournal.com where you will find free audio interviews to listen to or download, articles not in the

print edition, and interesting videos.


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By Eileen Angilletta

I have been a student of universal law for over 20 years now and have enjoyed teaching about it and learning more from Abraham / Jerry and Ester Hicks. Once you become aware of being in alignment (in the vortex), you want to stay there more often. When we are out of alignment (out of the vortex), we are not happy and we are not manifesting what we want. Many spiritual teachers have taught this concept in different ways, but it all comes down to our own awareness of where we are focusing our thoughts. After taking a week long workshop and cruise with Abraham/Hicks for seven days, I became more aware of when I was in the vortex and when I was out of it. It is easy to know when you are not in the vortex. Your range of emotions go from depression to confused (with anger and sadness sprinkled throughout the range). When you are in alignment, you have a different range of emotions. These can be feelings of joy, happiness, contentment, and love. You find yourself smiling for no particular reason. Here is small example of how it all works: About a month ago, I lost a beautiful amethyst pendant that my daughter had given me years ago. It was one of those days that I had quite a few errands to run. I felt so good that day. After I had done all my errands, I stopped down at my shop to drop off supplies. That is when I noticed the missing pendant. At first, I was sad and wanted to retrace all my steps. This didn’t seem possible to do since I had been to many places that day including grocery shopping at Central Market. For a few weeks, my two clerks kept asking me if I had checked at the market. I didn’t think anything of it, even though I go there two to

three times per week. On a particular sunny day, I was feeling great. I was in the market and thought I would go ahead and ask if they had a lost-and-found. Sure enough, there was my pendant waiting there for me. The Law of Attraction does work; we just need to stay in alignment. Below is an easy exercise that I learned from Abraham/Hicks. It is an exercise that you can do while driving your car, walking your dog, getting ready for work in the morning. Feel free to think of your own words that feel more like you: I am in the vortex when I listen to my favorite music. I am in the vortex when I am smiling. I am in the vortex when I hug my children. I am in the vortex when I walk my dog. I am in the vortex when I am cooking dinner for my loved ones. I am in the vortex when I wear my favorite dress... You have the idea, now get in the vortex! Here is a short list of authors that write about Universal Law: Abraham/Hicks: Ask and It Is Given, Getting Into the Vortex; Deepak Chopra: Seven Spiritual Laws; Michael B. Beckwith: True Abundance and The Answer is You; Bruce McArthur: Your Life, Why it is the Way it is and What You Can Do About it.

Eileen Angilletta is the owner of Heavenly Choices in Poulsbo, Wash.,www.semja11.com.

Universal Law, the Law of Attraction, and

Staying in the VortexEileen Angilletta says when you are in alignment, you feel joy, happiness,contentment,and love.

Page 13: APRIL 2011


Continued on Page 15

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Constructing a fullness of time

This practice has made an incredible difference in my experience of these zippy days. This is a very simple process and asks little more than a few moments of focus, intent and internal agreement, done any time shortly after you awake. Gather your energy to yourself and focus. State your intention to expand your experience of time this day, then place all the goodies you’d like to experience more fully into your intention. “I choose to expand my experience of time today, and within this fullness I choose to expand my engagement with... and...” Fill in the blanks with a few of your desires that

Shifting Consciousness in Multi-Dimensional Time

Continued from Page 6are specific to today like joy, inspiration, and connection. Take a few moments to feel into these qualities, activating their vibration in your field. What would your day feel like if this was your experience? Finish your command with a statement of grounding and release such as, amen, or so be it.

Walking Your Future into Your Now

One of the most common things I’m asked is, “How do I create experiences for my future from my now?” You’ll want your energy coherent, so get grounded and into your body, relax your mind, and settle your emotions. Close your eyes and envision the desired future experience out in front of you. Feel

it happening as if it was actually going on in present time with all the sensations and goodies you’d desire. Revel in it. When your future vision feels solid and brilliantly alive, do something important. Turn the projection around and very slowly walk it back into you. Merge the future energy configurations with you, now, here. Embrace it, feel it, glory in it. Then walk around with it and allow its presence. The rest is up to spirit, and spirit always has its own timing.

Cherie Byrd, MA is a holistic energy therapist in Seattle who offers weekly mini-workshops for embodying the spirit of you. Sun

By Lisa Iversen, MSW, LCSW

There is a widely accepted wisdom that the people in our lives who are most irritating represent a part of us that we have difficulty accepting. Most people resist claiming the parts of themselves or their history that reminds them of their own perceived imperfections. Psychologist Carl Jung called this aspect of self – the part we like to judge, disown, and reject – the shadow. The shadow represents our hidden aspects and parts we preferred didn’t exist. Yet we can no more get rid of these aspects than we can get rid of a literal shadow created when walking down the sidewalk on a sunny day.

as not only exceptional, but superior to other nations. Admitting that the U.S. has a shadow forces us to see that there are ways in which we are just like everyone else. What could be more un-American or unpatriotic? With all that is truly remarkable about our country’s history, we have forgotten that it was created by founding fathers and mothers with human traits. While history tends to mythologize them, they had flaws, imperfections, and shadows just like each of us. Mythologizing history by defending colonial ancestors keeps us from learning and growing as a nation. It prevents us from acknowledging the price paid by those who experienced colonization, enslavement, and other forms of oppression throughout U.S. history. Conversely, demonizing these same Europeans perpetuates a historical view of the colonized and enslaved primarily as victims. Doing so precludes us from seeing the strength, resilience, and dignity of indigenous and African American ancestors and the human limitations of European ancestors.

Debilitating Self-Reliance

Many clients in my therapy practice experience life’s struggles with an underlying belief that there is something wrong with them, not only for the experience that they are going through, but for needing support to help them through it. Their expectation of self-reliance is often unrealistically high. They may intellectually recognize their human need for support and community, yet struggle with embodying or easily living out these needs. The shadow side of America’s idealized entrepreneurial, “pull yourself up by your boot straps” citizen is debilitating self-reliance. The Western mind’s assessment that self-reliance is always a positive trait goes against human nature’s deeper wisdom. People need each other. This takes nothing away from their ability to function autonomously. Historian David McCullough reminds us, “There is no such thing as ‘a self-made man or woman’; we all are influenced by people around us.”

The Shadow Knows

Imagine bringing together 10 people with whom you have had challenging

Be Careful When a Naked Person Offers You a Shirt

Increase: self-care, self-esteem, empowermentRelease: fears, dysfunctional patternsIntegrate: talents, strengths, resources

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Shadow traits are relative to each person, defined in the eye of the beholder. While the essence of a characteristic simply “is what it is,” the mind is trained to judge and evaluate. For example, one person might perceive a trait to be dramatic, another as expressive, lazy or relaxed, energetic or hyperactive, and so on. A person may be seen as an entrepreneur or workaholic, creative financier or predatory lender, revolutionary or terrorist. Resistance to embracing one’s shadow is natural, a part of our shared humanity. While it is impossible to get rid of our shadow, we can choose how we relate to it. Our ego defense mechanisms would have us deny or repress these traits or project the qualities onto other people. However, rejecting parts of ourselves limits access to our creativity, resources, and humanity. For this reason, accepting and learning from our shadows makes us more whole. Nations, just like individuals and families, also have shadows. Recognizing the American national shadow is tremendously challenging to the American identity. The “American Experiment” and its uniqueness has been heralded as the greatest country in the world. From our nation’s inception, the dominant trait emphasized has been our originality. We have been taught that patriotism means seeing our country

experiences: former spouses or partners, family members, coworkers, friends, or neighbors. Imagine a neutral person interviewing the group for honest feedback, the kind most of us prefer not to hear, regarding their experiences of you. Would there be any themes to their comments? Would you be able to see the grains of truth in these reflections? If not, what would you do, say, or think to defend yourself against their comments? Are any of these qualities, the ones in their comments or those in your defensive reaction, in any other members of your family? If so, what is your relationship like with them? Do you tend to reject or accept these traits or the person who has them? How much energy would be available for other purposes if you were somehow released from having to defend yourself against whatever has been revealed, simply

Lisa Iversen says accepting and learning from our shadows makes us more whole.

Page 14: APRIL 2011


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What is celiac disease? It is a chronic autoimmune disease that affects the gastrointestinal system. Celiac disease is the body attacking itself and the target is the villi of the small intestines. Villi are the little hair-like structures that enable us to absorb the nutrients we need. When a genetically susceptible individual consumes gluten, the villi become inflamed and flattened, which over time damages the absorptive surface of the small intestine. Resulting nutrient deficiencies may include iron, calcium, folate and vitamin B12. If the damage progresses then there is malabsorption of carbohydrates, fats, fat soluble vitamins (A, E, D, K) and protein. Celiac disease

can affect an individual at any age. I have often seen it diagnosed as a causative factor in osteoporosis, pancreatitis, various neurological symptoms, and miscarriages. What is the prevalence of celiac disease? It affects approximately one percent of the U.S. population. What are the symptoms of celiac disease? Are they different from gluten sensitivity or gluten intolerance? Common symptoms of all gluten intolerance may include indigestion, bloating, gas, diarrhea, constipation or intermittent diarrhea, and/or constipation, chronic fatigue, easy bruising, migraine headaches, loss of bone density, depression. There are many reasons to have some of these symptoms, so I first focus on the digestive system. Additionally, some individuals have no symptoms at all. This is called silent celiac disease. How is celiac disease diagnosed? Celiac disease can be diagnosed with blood tests and include IgA endomysial antibodies (EMA), the most highly specific. IgA tissue transglutaminase antibodies (tTG), both IgA and IgG antibodies are seen as a reaction to gluten and are used to monitor how well someone is doing in staying off of gluten. Deamidated gliadin peptides (DGP) is a newer test which looks for specific antibodies to deamidated gliadin. If all of these tests come back negative you can still have celiac disease, meaning there may be less damage to the villi. If you are not eating gluten, your tests will come back negative. You can have a negative test and develop celiac later in life. None of the blood tests are 100% specific or 100% sensitive. The gold standard for diagnosing celiac is a biopsy of the small intestine, which is obtained through an endoscopy. A biopsy is usually done when there is a high suspicion of

celiac or a strong family history. Many professionals think the EMA is specific enough. If I suspect that an individual is gluten intolerant or has celiac, I also measure iron, B12, Folate, calcium and vitamin D. Newer tests through Cyrex labs are now becoming available. How is gluten sensitivity diagnosed? There are many gluten sensitivity tests through functional labs. My favorite test is an elimination diet and then a gluten challenge. What is gluten? Gluten is a general name for storage proteins found in wheat, rye, and barley. These proteins damage the small intestine in people with celiac. Other grains in the gluten family include bulgar, barley malt, couscous, spelt, kamut, triticale and semolina. Grains that you can eat are rice, corn, millet, teff, sorghum, wild rice, buckwheat, quinoa, amaranth and pure, uncontaminated oats. What is the most challenging aspect of becoming gluten-free? My experience is that the psychological attachment to gluten and a belief that “gluten-free is being deprived” is the first hurdle. I spend time with each person I see resolving these concerns and clearing beliefs in the way of health. Then we begin the educational process of what it means to be gluten-free. The first step is learning about the grains that are gluten-free. The second step is becoming aware of hidden gluten in sauces, gravies, soups, prepared meats, flavored coffees, malted milk, meat substitutes, and even nutritional supplements. Shopping becomes a new adventure. I recommend that you create

“Am I Gluten-Sensitive, Gluten-Intolerant or Do I Have Celiac Disease?

a shopping list with general categories such as cereals and include a checklist underneath of the various cereals you can eat. Do this for baking goods, legumes, grains, meat, fish, poultry, soups, sauces etc. The question often arises early in this lifestyle change: How will I be able to go out to eat? I recommend that in the beginning you go out during non-peak hours so that you can ask specific questions about the ingredients in sauces, salad dressing, soups, whether or not meat/fish is dusted with flour or bread crumbs before grilling. Ask about the ingredients in rice pilaf. Check to see if there is gluten-free pasta. There are some enlightened restaurants that have special dishes, breads and menus that are gluten-free. Become aware of gluten-free bakeries, grocery stores with gluten-free products and manufacturers of gluten-free products. Open to the adventure of being gluten-free and learn about foods, discover new tastes, take time to prepare food consciously and feed your body the fuel that it needs.

Moira Fitzpatrick is a naturopathic physician and licensed clinical psychologist, who practices in the North-gate area of Seattle. She practices functional medicine, is a primary care provider, and specializes in the unique health concerns of women. Support is avail-able for lifestyle changes. Dr. Fitzpatrick can be reached at (206) 525-5576, www.theemeraldcenter.com.

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If you have celiac disease you are by definition gluten intolerant and gluten sensitive. If you are gluten intolerant and do not have celiac disease it means that when you avoid gluten your symptoms are relieved. Food sensitivity means that when you eliminate the offending food your symptoms go away. To be more specific, you may notice that a predictable recurring set of symptoms is relieved when gluten is removed from your diet. You may also find that you are able to eat gluten occasionally if you are gluten sensitive.

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Mind, Spiritby Moira Fitzpatrick, PhD, ND

Page 15: APRIL 2011


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accepting it for what it is, without judgment or criticism? If you were able to compassionately acknowledge, “Yes, this is a part of me,” how might this acceptance affect you, your relationships, your outlook on life? Ability to maintain a sense of self and balance even in the midst of difficult circumstance or feedback is called “ego strength.” Imagine what effect it might have on our country if it had the ego strength to solicit feedback from other countries, both perceived allies and perceived enemies. Military defense is the largest line item in the U.S. budget. Its place

of priority is not only about national security; it may be one of the most potent reflections of America’s need to defend itself from its own shadow. Unfortunately, when we commit so many resources to defending ourselves from the truths of our history, we have fewer resources to commit to the needs of the citizenry. Releasing the inclination to defend against truth and claiming the need of others leads us to genuine humility and congruent action. Facing today’s challenges in America requires an ability to look honestly at our history and its shadows, respecting that our fates and future are entwined with each other. There is no more time for hiding from our shadows. Maya Angelou

once commented, “I don’t trust people who don’t love themselves and yet tell me, ‘I love you.’ There is an African saying: Be careful when a naked person offers you a shirt.”

Lisa Iversen, MSW, LCSW, has been a Systemic Family Constellations practitioner since 1999 and psychotherapist since 1993. The author of Ancestral Blueprints: Revealing Invisible Truths in America’s Soul, Lisa lives in the Pacific Northwest. To learn more about her work with individuals and groups or order her book Ancestral Blueprints, visit www.lisaiversen.com or www.familyconstellationswest.com.

Be Careful When a Naked Person Offers You a Shirt

Continued from Page 13

By Valeria Vata Rae

Having spent the past few years in contemplation and relative social isolation, I have learned much about how the universe works and the immutable, all encompassing, awesomely powerful law of attraction. As I re-emerge into the “world,” I am experiencing everything through a new lens, including social encounters, and I am noticing how often people complain. I expect this has always been so, it just never struck me as being such a part of people’s every day conversation as it does now, which would indicate I was doing a fair bit of it myself.

grand scheme of things, they make a sort of psychological sense. Yet, I wonder if the complainers ever ask themselves if their complaints, regardless of the cause, really result in solutions, lasting relief, or bring about a more useful perspective? If they did ask, I believe they would have to admit that they ain’t getting much bang for their emotional buck. On the flip side, one might also ask, what are the hazards of this indulgence? In light of the law of the attraction, which manages the process of creation, and that basically says, “Like attracts like,” then we see that if a person dwells on loss, contemplates it, and shares it with others, the universe shrugs its magnificent shoulders and says “Okay, more loss for you.” If fear is the focus, the one complaining of things they are afraid of attracts more reasons to be fearful. If illness is a favorite complaint, guess what? More opportunities to feel poorly appear in that

person’s life, whether it be their own dis-ease, or in those around them. Of course, the opposite of complaining would be praising, appreciating, enjoying, even acceptance and allowing, and would have the effect of drawing from the universe experiences that match these thoughts.

To Complain or Not To Complain. That is The Question

Continued on Page 17

Finding this curious, I started making a list of why people complain. The reasons seem to fall into the following categories:• To get attention• To generate sympathy•To justify a position, feeling, or action• To express blame• To avoid listening to another• To reduce a feeling of anxiety• To avoid actually feeling anything• To have something to talk about• As a way of relating to others• And even as an identity Without an understanding of the law of attraction and how the universe works, these reasons might be considered benefits. Ignorance of the

Page 16: APRIL 2011


New Spirit Journal14911 Chain Lake Rd., #431, Monroe, WA 98272www.newspiritjournal.com(206) 799-7753 • (425) 356-7237Publisher and Co-editor: Krysta [email protected] and Co-editor: Rhonda [email protected]

All content ©2011 by New Spirit JournalISSN: 1930-370X

Columnists:Krysta Gibson, Jean Haner, Moira Fitzpatrick, Ph.D., N.D., Martha Norwalk

New Spirit Journal is a monthly publication dedicated to self-empowerment, joyful co-creation, and thoughtful Earth stewardship so that everyone can reach his or her maximum potential.

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Call of the CaminoMyths, Legends and Pilgrim Stories on the Way to Santiago de CompostelaBy Robert MullenFindhorn Press

If you have wanted to know what it would be like to walk the Camino, this book is one you want to read. We travel with the author as he walks the pilgrim’s path from Saint-Jean-Pied-de-Port at the foot of the Pyrenées in France all the way to the shrine of Saint James at Santiago de Compostela and then on to Finisterre at the westernmost point of Spain. We meet other pilgrims from a variety of countries when the author stops for the night or for meals. The book is so well-written that you feel like you are with him. Each night he would sit down and make notes about the day’s events so we get the information in a really fresh way rather than feeling he is rummaging around in his

memory. He shares many stories, myths, legends, and miracles that have been told about the places he visits. I doubt that I will ever walk the Camino myself, so going along with Robert Mullen was an excellent way to get to experience this pilgrimage.

The Bhagavad GitaA Walkthrough for WesternersBy Jack Hawley

Jack Hawley has studied and taught the Bhagavad Gita (the Gita) for over 20 years. This is one of the world’s oldest scriptures and is considered to be India’s greatest contribution to the world. Hawley took several translations of the Gita and compared them so he could come up with what he feels is the best interpretation for the Western mind. He has gone way past such an apparently simple method of understanding this work. He has lived it and applied it to his own life on a consistent basis and shares some of the results he and his wife have had. The Gita

is filled with wisdom and inspiration that we can all apply to our everyday lives. This particular translation makes the Gita very approachable and understandable to people of the 21st century. Spend some time with the Gita and see how its teachings impact your life.

The Force of KindnessChange Your Life with Love & CompassionBy Sharon SalzbergSounds True

This is a great book and CD combo that offers a lot in a fairly small package. I think all of us agree the world needs more compassion and who better to learn about this from than someone who has been studying Buddhist masters for 35 years. Learn what kindness is through conceptual explanations as well as wonderful stories that embody the very core of kindness. The author leads us through understanding and practicing loving kindness towards ourselves and others and toward all beings. The CD presents four guided meditations based on the teachings in the book and are very uplifting while also being informative

Your Dog is Your MirrorThe Emotional Capacity of Our Dogs and OurselvesBy Kevin BehanNew World Library

For years, I have said that if you want to know what a person is like, spend some time with their dog or cat. Our animal companions truly mirror who we are and now there is a book that explains it all. Kevin Behan is a veteran dog trainer as was his father. After working with dogs for years, he has come up with a new understanding of how dogs operate. “Dogs feel what we feel and this changes everything we think we know about dogs. As soon as we recognize a dog’s behavior and personality is an emotional reflection of its owner, this renders dominance and learning theories obsolete as it simultaneously grants us access to a dog’s mind,” he writes. This is a fascinating book that anyone who loves a dog will want to read. By better understanding our friends in dog suits, we and they can enjoy our lives together even

more. People who have troubled dogs will especially benefit from this book.

Do It Well!Timeless Wisdom to Enrich Every DayBy Swami KriyanandaCrystal Clarity Publishers

Use this book for the next year, absorbing one entry per day, and you will find yourself with a new look on life. Written by Swami Kriyananda, a direct disciple of Paramhansa Yogananda and author of over 100 books, he has practiced what he teaches for over 60 years. Although organized by the months and days of the year, the book can also be used by simply opening at random and reading a passage. Here’s Nov. 15: “Have the courage to embrace the unexpected. Life is an ever-unfolding drama. If you embrace affirmatively whatever happens – and don’t merely accept it – you will find that you can turn even difficult circumstances to good advantage.” Do It Well! is one of those books you will keep and use for years as you find it a never ending source of wisdom, inspiration, and solace.

Taoist ShamanPractices from the Wheel of LifeBy Mantak Chia and Kris Deva NorthDestiny Books

Mantak Chia is a world famous Inner Alchemy and QiGong master who founded the Universal Healing Tao System in 1979. In this book, he and colleague Kris Deva North explain the shamanic principles of the Taoist medicine wheel. It is oriented on the five elements rather than the four directions, relates to the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac and the trigrams of the I Ching. The book is beautifully illustrated and filled with information, stories, meditations, and practices. Anyone who is interested in shamanism and healing will find this a most interesting and practical book to aid their studies and personal growth. Mantak Chia will be in Seattle May 13-17 offering a variety of lectures and workshops. For information, contact Jon Weston (503) 794-2717.

On The BookshelfContinued from page 9

Page 17: APRIL 2011


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Complaining is a socially acceptable habit which most people abide in themselves and others. It is even glorified in some traditions. But regardless, it never feels good. Acknowledging the significantly negative consequences to one’s self of complaining, and the fact that it is a habit which can be changed, could lead one to making a new decision, a new year’s resolution. “I will eliminate complaining from my thoughts and conversations.” How do you know if you are complaining? The thought or word of complaint does not feel good to you. If you would like to join me in taking on this challenge, practice for 21 days by using the following suggestions:

If you feel or hear yourself complaining, stop, and ask yourself is there something more positive I can focus upon right now? Is there something I want to experience more abundantly in my life that I could give my attention to? Look around, notice the color of the sky, the flight of a bird, the smell of a freshly mowed lawn, and comment on that. Recall a joke you heard recently. Or relate a positive story you might have seen on the news (if you still watch the news), how a dog was rescued or a family was re-united. If ill heath is an usual topic for you, put that aside and speak about the flowers you are going to plant in the spring, or of a good book you are reading, or a recipe you want to try. If you do have a “problem” or issue you

want to discuss, try to focus on the solution end of the equation vs the problem itself. Restating, rehashing, regurgitating the details of a problem just makes it seem more solid and unyielding. And it spreads the negative vibe all around for others to deal with. Before entering a situation or a social encounter, select some topics you want to make the focus of conversation. And if you find yourself with someone who is complaining, gently redirect the conversation or excuse yourself for a bit, and when you return, often the person will have left the negative thought behind. Like quitting smoking or any unwanted habit, change usually requires commitment and practice. Even though the mental groove of complaining may be deep for you,

you will discover that as you look for more uplifting, positive thoughts, ideas and even memories, the universe will bring more pleasing and desirable experiences to you, and the better you will feel. After 21 days, notice if life is not offering you more smiles and fewer tears.

Valeria Vata Rae M.A. is theauthor of The Body BeautifulInspiration card deck, is a professional organizer, and amateur photographer. Valeria has 40 years of study, practice, and teaching of spiritual traditions and self-help techniques. She is offering workshops on intentional creating and understanding the law of attraction.(425)422-4950, [email protected], www.thebodybeautifuldeck.com.

To Complain or Not To Complain. That is The QuestionContinued from Page15

Page 18: APRIL 2011

has been sudden, violent, traumatic, and disruptive to the soul’s life plan. It shares the most common characteristic of any of the 10 past-life fears: it’s irrational. Janelle has never been poisoned in this life, but she’s been continually exposed to triggers. She would return from every trip to the supermarket with potential causes of death. Since we explored that life in Virginia, Janelle’s life has changed dramatically. As she succinctly put it, “I’m cured!” It didn’t happen overnight. In fact it took a month for it to happen. “I went to the fridge and poured myself a glass of milk. I walked away and suddenly realized I hadn’t checked the seal. It was quite simply the best day of my life.” In my practice, I’ve helped people overcome a diverse range of issues through past-life work. One of my clients suffered debilitating migraines for 15 years. They cleared up in a day or so. Several others have overcome huge fears of flying. In one case a woman who had been told she’d never have a baby became pregnant within three weeks. Whether you accept the existence of past lives or not, here’s an interesting exercise you might want to try sometime. Sit quietly with your

eyes closed. Ask yourself, “What’s my biggest fear?” Then ask yourself, “Where did this fear come from?” Take a minute to look for a visual image. Maybe a word or two will pop into your head, or you might simply get a gut feeling. Then ask your spirit guides (yes, we all have them) to help you release the fear and any blocks related to it. All of us are impacted in some way or another by our soul’s past. Recognizing the symptoms of past-life blocks and fears is the first step to healing your soul. In The Transformation, I describe the symptoms of each of the 10 past-life fears, and how overcoming their effects can not only help you live a happier and more fulfilling life, but will take you to a higher level of consciousness as the human race enters a new evolutionary phase.

Ainslie MacLeod is a psychic and award-winning author of The Instruction: Living the Life Your Soul Intended (Sounds True, 2007). He was a featured guest on Oprah’s Soul Series and will be teaching at Hollyhock, Cortes Island, B.C., May 22-27. His most recent book is The Transformation: Healing your Past Lives to Realize Your Soul’s Potential (Sounds True, 2010). www.soul-world.com.

Mark Blair brings contemporary techniques to his shamanic counseling practice. He works with men and women to help them achieve their Ideal Lives. He also specializes in working with


Answers on Page 6

Across1. A composition written forming rhythmical lines4. A christening into a particular faith or belief8. The contemplation of your own thoughts, desires and conduct11. The quality of profuse abundance12. Muslim name for the one and only God13. (Greek mythology) goddess of the earth and mother of Cronus and the Titans in ancient mythology; view of the world as a single organism14. Let go of something no longer serving us15. Understanding of the nature, meaning, quality or magnitude of something; gratitude17. Remorse caused by feeling responsible for some offense19. An act that is regarded by theologians as a transgression of God’s will21. Harmonious relations; freedom from disputes23. The quality of being warmhearted and considerate, humane and sympathetic24. An event (or a course of events) that will inevitably happen in the future; destiny; following a path of calling25. Apparent power to perceive things that are not present to the senses26. An offering of part of some personal income for the purpose of supporting a spiritual cause or organization

Down2. A mantra often spoken during a meditative practice3. The generic use of the word to refer to any human4. An astrological chart calculated for a person’s date, time and place

The Enlightened Puzzler by Mark Blair

of birth showing the basic working issues, dynamics, patterns, strengths and weaknesses that were imprinted on the person at the moment of birth5. A formal religious ceremony conferring a specific grace on those who receive it6. Traits for this astrological sign include being passionate, strong willed, enthusiastic, stubborn, optimistic, loyal, idealistic, creative, dramatic, charismatic7. Of or relating broad movement in Western culture, covering a wide variety of alternative spiritual and philosophical ideas8. The ability to form mental images of things or events9. This is a new moon that is so precisely aligned that the earth passes through the moon’s shadow cast by the sun’s light10. Erroneous mental representations16. A pattern of energy surrounding the body, often in layers; can be seen by some18. A religious doctrine that is proclaimed as true without proof20. Near Death Experience (abbrev.)22. Emotional Freedom Techniques (abbrev.)23. Something crucial for explaining; the way to unlock something

For information about Good Company, call 425-356-7237www.newspiritjournal.com/GoodCompany

Join us for lunch and good company!A Monthly Gathering of People Of Positive InfluencePeople of Positive Influence (PPIs) are those who are living their lives in such a way as to be a positive influence on the world around them. It doesn’t matter what kind of work you do or where you do it. If you are helping to make the world a better place, if you are reading New Spirit Journal,you are a PPI! Join us for a monthly network gathering.

• Everett: First Tues.: April 5, May 311:30-1 p.m. Alfy’s Pizza, 2317 Broadway, Everett

• Monroe: Third Tues.: April 19, May 1711:30-1 p.m. Alfy’s Pizza, 19121 U.S. 2, Monroe.

Salad bar and lunch specials. You don’t have to eat to join us but if you don’t eat, please do not bring in any outside food or drinks with you, at Alfy’s request.

Now you can participate in the monthly Good Company Club marketing support call being sponsored by Marty Marsh, marketing coach, author and speaker (www.martymarsh.com). Join in this call either by telephone or computer and network with other Soul Proprietors. For details and to sign up for the free calls, go to www.goodcompany club.com/about/

GOOD COMPANY: A relaxed networking lunch where we gather to share great food and even greater company. We visit, network, and make referrals. Find out why some people say this is their favorite networking group! Sponsored by Krysta Gibson and Rhonda Dicksion of New Spirit Journal





Healing Trauma from Your Soul’s Past

Continued from Page 19

Page 19: APRIL 2011


S E A T T L E T H E A T R E G R O U P I S A N O N - P R O F I T O R G A N I Z AT I O N





krishnadas.comPhoto © Tim Trapnell

Continued on Page 18

By Ainslie MacLeod

Like most people, you probably give little thought to past lives, or how they influence your current life. You might not even be sure you’ve had past lives. And even if you do accept the concept of reincarnation, you may be completely unaware just how many of the fears, blocks, and limiting beliefs that get in your way stem from your soul’s past. Past-life fears are the result of events that happened, as the name suggests, in a previous lifetime. To create a fear in your current life, the original incident must have been significant enough to take you off your life plan; the course your soul outlined for that particular

Healing Trauma from Your Soul’s Past

Working with my spirit guides, I’ve learned that every fear fits into one of 10 categories. What Janelle was suffering from was a past-life fear of death, something that occurs when a death

incarnation. These fears manifest in a host of ways. You might suffer from inertia, low self-esteem, intimacy issues, unexplained physical ailments, various anxieties, or phobias like drowning or flying. You could worry that something terrible will happen to loved ones, or that you’re not good enough to deserve the job or partner you really want. In my work as a psychic, I’ve discovered that we’re all impacted by our past lives. Most of the time, we just don’t know it. We blame our parents for our lack of self-confidence, or assume that all that ails us stems from events in this current life. Yet, what we often see as a cause is simply a trigger, a reminder of something traumatic that might have happened centuries ago. When I spoke to Janelle on the phone, I told her about a life, several hundred years ago, in which she was a young man, an orphan from London, who ended up with a small farm in Virginia. Unfortunately, he fell foul of a wealthy landowner who wanted to get his hands on the land. The landowner poisoned their well, killing the young man’s wife and child. In a cruel ending to that life, the man who is now Janelle was accused of murdering his family, and lynched before he could get the truth out.

After telling her about that tragic life, I asked Janelle, “Do you have a fear of being poisoned.” There was a long pause. “I’m paranoid about being poisoned,” she whispered. When Janelle used the word “paranoid” she wasn’t joking. “I’ve thrown away so much food over the years, you wouldn’t believe it,” she told me. “I always have to be the one to open a package or container. If anyone else does, I’ll throw it out. My husband has to taste all my food.” A major trigger for the fear of poisoning was the birth of her children in the early ‘80s. “When the kids came along, I began having terrible anxiety attacks. If the top of one of those little jars of baby food didn’t pop just right, out it went. Back then, all our water came from a well. I spent a fortune on bottled water, even though I’d have the well tested every few weeks.” In 1982, there was a huge scare when someone laced capsules of Tylenol with cyanide, killing seven people. At that point, the anxieties Janelle suffered exploded into full-blown panic attacks. At least she could finally point to that incident and say, “Look, it does happen; it’s not just my imagination!”

Ainslie McLeod says that we’re all impacted by our past lives. Most of the time, we just don’t know it.

Page 20: APRIL 2011


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Events, Classesand Workshops

APRIL-MAY, SUNDAYS 10 AM-NOONSUN DAY CIRCLE TRANSFORMATIONAL COMMUNITY - Practice Connecting with Heart, Soul and Spirit. Energy Mastery • Multi-dimensional Consciousness • Living from the Soul • 2012, Shifting with Grace. www.TheByrdApproach.com 206-324-2526

APRIL 5GOOD COMPANY NETWORKING LUNCH. Join us for lunch and network-ing. Cost is the price of your lunch. More infomation can be found at www.newspiritjournal.co. Everett location: First Tuesday of the month:11:30-1 p.m. Alfy’s Pizza, 2317 Broadway, Everett. Salad bar and lunch specials. You don’t have to eat to join us but please do not bring in any outside food or drinks with you, at Alfy’s request. No reservations required. 425-356-7237.

Events, Classesand Workshops

MONDAY, MAY 16ONE-DAY INTRODUCTION TO PACIFICA GRADUATE INSTITUTE. This special program has been designed to give prospective students a comprehensive introduction and orientation to the unique educational features of the school. Please visit the Public Programs page at www.pacifica.edu for informa-tion about pricing and registration. Or call 805.969.3626 ext. 103.

MAY 19 -22, PORT TOWNSEND, WASHINGTON, EXPERIENCE ANCIENT WISDOM RISING. At this event you’ll learn from seven elders. Their traditionsof healing, ceremony, and story will deepen your connection with ourEarth...and our future. www.ancientwisdomrising.com

Ongoing EventsClasses, Groups

A-N-G-E-L-NETWORK MEETS THIRD MONDAY of the month. 6:30pm South Everett. Fun & Entertaining! Speaker, Networking, Mini Readings.www.A-N-G-E-L-Network.comEmail: [email protected]

Events, Classesand Workshops

BEGINS WED APRIL 13, 8 WEDNESDAYS.THE MARVELOUS CHAKRAS: 8-week course with many practical exercises for the positive integration of spirit and matter. Esoteric psychology and personal development, guided by ancient tradition and study. Info & registration: gnosticcenter.com. [email protected]. 206-365-0826. $10 donation per class appreciated.

SUNDAY, APRIL 17,11AM-5PM. YOU ARE INVITED to the Mystical Winds Psychic Fair, a Friends and Fellowship Gathering. Meet people, get a reading, enjoy free refreshments and find great products. FREE Admission. Best Western Cascadia Inn, Everett. Cecilia 425-239-0565 www.Mysticalwinds.net

APRIL 19GOOD COMPANY NETWORKING LUNCH11:30-1:00, Alfy’s Pizza, 19121 SR 2, Monroe. Salad bar and lunch specials. You don’t have to eat to join us but if you don’t eat, please do not bring in any outside food or drinks with yout. No res-ervations required. 425-356-7237.

Events, Classesand Workshops

APRIL 30TH - MAY 1ST, SATURDAY-SUNDAYREIKI MASTER WEEKEND FOR ONLY $200. Become Reiki 1-2-3http://reikiranch.com/ tel. 360-748-4426 Email: [email protected]

APRIL 30 - MAY 1, SAT., 9 AM- 4 PMFREE REIKI 1 CERTIFICATION CLASS.http://reikiranch.com/ tel. 360-748-4426. Send email to [email protected]

SATURDAY, MAY 7, 11-1 PMSTEWARDING YOUR BUSINESS WITH KRYSTA GIBSON, publisher of New Spirit Journal. Would you like some business tips from someone who’s been at it for over 30 years, and who comes from a place of Spirit? Join us for some practical information that will set you up for success in business. $20. East West Bookshop. Call 206-523-3726 or go to www.eastwestbookshop.com to register. Listen to a 2-minuteaudio about the class at www.krystagibson.com

FREE REIKI 1 CERTIFICATION CLASS.APRIL 30 - MAY 1, SAT. 9 AM- 4 PMhttp://reikiranch.com/ tel. 360-748-4426. Send email to [email protected]

SPIRITUAL HEALING CLINIC, FREE. Observe, receive, practice. All energy healing methods. First Sundays. Kirkland, WA. “Amplifying Divine Light in All” Church, (425)466-4001.

Ongoing EventsClasses, Groups

POSITIVE SUPPORT HYPNOSIS PROGRAMS for Weight-loss, Motivation, Focus, Self-confidence, Exercise, Smoking and more (includes follow-up sessions). Private or phone sessions monthly. 206-592-2119 www.BearTrancer.com/Support.html

MADELINE EYER’S RAW FOODS LIFESTYLE Divinely inspired group classes, private coaching & healing sessions . Helping you develop a passion for life! www.madelineeyer.com 425-351-1030 [email protected]

SFREE SAHAJ MARG MEDITATION for human perfection through yogic transmission. Ph (206) 522-2502.

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Psychic FairsSUNDAY, APRIL 17,11AM-5PM. YOU ARE INVITED to the Mystical Winds Psychic Fair, a Friends and Fellowship Gathering. Meet people, get a reading, enjoy free refreshments and find great products. FREE Admission. Best Western Cascadia Inn, Everett. Cecilia 425-239-0565 www.Mysticalwinds.net

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