April 15

Teaching Children to Fly Fish


Teaching children to fly fish

Transcript of April 15

Teaching Children to Fly Fish

Welcome to the April 2015 issue of “The Flyfisher Magazine” the free online magazine by keen fly fishers for keen fly fishers throughout the

UK and Abroad.

If you wish to advertise within the magazine or the magazine’s website www.flyfisher-magazine.com please email [email protected] for an advertising rates quote Parent website: www.flyfishingdirectory.co.uk Sister website: www.flyfisher-magazine.com If you would like to contribute a free story or a fishing report along with Photographs; please email those to [email protected] Please include a bio about yourself so that it can be added to your article.

Editor: Robin “The Cormorant” Lambert: Email: [email protected]

Contents Teaching Children to Fly Fish: Page 3 Fly Fishing in Scotland’s Lochs and Lakes: Page 6 Fishing Travellers to New Zealand: Page 8 Review Time: Page 10 Fishing Reports: Page 11 Recipe of the Month: Page 19 Fly Tying by The Essential Fly: Page 20 Kingfisher News: Page 24 Atlantic Salmon Conservation Foundation: Page 28

Ross Brawn: From Formula 1 to Fishing After 16 world titles with Benetton, Ferrari, Mercedes and his own Brawn team, Ross Brawn may be taking a sharp turn toward fishing. The Best of New Zealand Fly Fishing booked a New Zealand angling trip for him in 2007 and he asked us too plan another one for him this year. The photo, taken recently, suggests that he may find as much success with fish as he did with cars. Courtesy of The Best of New Zealand Fly Fishing Michael D. McClelland 10544 W. Pico Blvd. West Los Angeles, CA 90064 Tel. (800) 528-6129; Tel. (310) 202-3900

Visit New Zealand’s most exciting fishing site: http://www.BestofNZflyfishing.com

New sister magazine The Scottish Flyfisher out now from www.scottishflyfisher.com and www.issuu.com © The Flyfisher Magazine

Teaching Children to Fly Fish Well it’s that time of year when all the lakes; lochs and reservoirs are now open in Scotland and some cracking trout fishing is to be had in the upcoming months. I can’t wait to get out in a boat on my two favourite locations; the Lake of Menteith and Linlithgow Loch, both stunning locations offers some fantastic fishing for both Brown and Rainbow Trout. On Saturday 7 March I took my 7 year old grandson out for the first time fly fishing. Of course he had to have his own fly fishing gear he didn’t want to use mine; so my poor wallet got a good bashing getting him the entire rig out he needed: new rod; fly reel and spare spools, fly lines; fishing bag, leader material and fly boxes (of course full to bursting with various flies, buzzers, lures etc)

I took him to the wee trout fishery near me Allandale Tarn in West Calder to teach him the finer art of the sport. Needless to say like all 7 year olds he was over keen to get on to the water to catch some fish and it was some effort to get him to calm down so that I could show him how to handle the fly rod and to cast a few practice casts on the grass area and teach him the health and safety of fishing before we ventured near the water’s edge. Teaching your children to fly fish will give you a lifetime of memories. Fly-fishing is a great way for you and your child to have something in common and which you both enjoy. You never know you might have the next international fly fisher champion standing next to you.

Is fly fishing a sport that children can enjoy?

Fly fishing is a sport for the entire family. Each year more and more children are taking up the fine art of fly fishing. How old should a child be before they are taken out the first time fly fishing?

My 7 year old grandson has always been keen to start fly fishing with me. I would suggest if the child is strong enough to handle a light rod and reel and has some good coordination, then their ready. What would I recommend as a good way to start?

If you have the patience of a saint you can take the child out with you and teach them the finer points, however; you may pass on your own bad habits, or better still link the child up with a fly fishing instructor that is competent and capable of handling young children. It is very important to have an instructor that has great patience and is familiar with the needs of the children. What type of rod should they start off with?

Today’s children have a selection of quality rod and reel offerings specifically geared toward the younger angler. Something shorter than the “standard” 9 footer can make a rod more manageable in the hands of a child, and a slow-medium action blank ensures that young casters can feel the rod loading; that’s if like my grandson you can get them to slow down and “feel” the rod loading. Like my grandson; children may start out by simply waving the stick back and forth without regard for what the rod tip, and subsequently the line is doing. But giving them a good piece of hardware that isn’t a broomstick will greatly improve their casting once they get the hang of it. If you have kids then you know that they like having their own stuff, so if a fly rod to call their own makes them more excited to get out there and use it, that’s a good thing. Recommended starter fly fishing rod outfit for kids:-

7ft 5wt fly rod

Shakespeare Agility Rise The Agility Rise range from Shakespeare deliver a fantastic range of light line rods for utterly unbeatable value. The Agility Rise range has been inspired by traditional light line design, but incorporates modern blank technologies, giving you rods that not only look great, but are extremely lightweight with a gorgeous, smooth action that's easy to load when casting at close range.

Only £39.99 from the Glasgow Angling Centre

Large arbour reel / spare spool

Boasting a smooth, powerful disc drag operating on a strong cast alloy body, the Black Shadow has enough stopping power to hold anything from small Trout to decent Salmon. The Black Shadow comes in a #5/6 weight, with the capacity for enough backing to handle anything the fish throw at you. Only £24.99 from the Glasgow Angling Centre Spare spool only £9.99

5wt floating; intermediate and sink lines

The Glasgow Angling Centres own Stillwater Fly Lines are ideal for children just starting out in the art of fly fishing. At only £14.99 per fly line it won’t break the bank and they are just as good as the more expensive ones. To save even more money in setting up the kids outfit; the Glasgow Angling Centre at the present moment has the 3 lines on offer for only £20.00 saving a massive £24.97

Lodge pond to be stocked for novice and young anglers! This is so hot off the press it isn’t on our website yet! I am very keen on angling development and have been thinking for some time that the small lake/pond in front of the lodge is ideal for novice anglers, as the main lake can be quite daunting for those starting out. For a few years the pond has been open to the main lake, with pipes connecting them, so as of today (while I’m writing this in fact)) the pipes are being covered with mesh and fish are on order with the main lake top-up, to stock the lodge pond this week. This will be for a trial period and if successful, work will be carried out over the summer to improve the water flow and platforms. Like the main lake, the lodge pond will be fly fishing only, and the fish will be the same size as my general stock. Under 16s free (details below)

You may not be aware that under 16s are FREE at Cmm Hedd Lakes when being accompanied by an adult angler paying a standard or concession ticket (whichever part of the lake is fished). A fish is included in the adult ticket, but are charged at an extra £5.50 per fish (as per usual charge) if under 16s also take fish. However, the child or young person can also fish catch and release only, with fish caught under supervision either in the main lake or lodge pond. If young anglers are on catch and release, fish caught in the lodge pond are to be released into the main lake, which should be a fairly straight forward process due to the very short distance that will mean fish are out of the water for only a few seconds. Depending on the age and ability of young anglers it may be possible for one experienced adult angler to supervise more than one young angler, at no extra charge, but this will have to be discussed and monitored, so please contact me if you are interested.


Fly Fishing in Scotland’s Lochs and Lakes Amongst the heather clad hills and valleys of Scotland there are some very nice Fly Fisheries that offer a great choice of waters for the discerning fly fisherman/woman from natural brown trout waters to large Lochs like Loch Leven for that wild brown trout experience and Lakes, like the Lake of Menteith on the left who can offer you 700 acres of pure fishing pleasure for both brown and rainbow trout. As they say there is nothing better than a “Guid Auld Scottish Welcome”. All the fishery managers, whether they are a small or large fishery will give you a great Scottish welcome and the best advice for your days fishing on their water. Nowhere in the world can offer such a wide variety of fishing for wild brown trout than Scotland. There are well over 30.000 lochs and lochans throughout Scotland including hundreds of major rivers, streams and burns in beautiful stunning countryside to wet the keen fly fisherman/woman’s appetite.

If you take a look at a map of Scotland you will find a location not too far away from where you want to base yourself when travelling through this lovely land.

From late spring and early summer the rivers, streams and burns offer a challenge to the dry fly aficionado. The wily Scottish Brownie is extremely educated and demanding. You will require all your skills, cunning and precision casting to present your dry fly or wet fly to the fish. Even if you do present your fly absolutely perfectly, the wee wily brownie will sometimes just swim up look at your offerings and if you look hard enough you will see it shake its head as if to say not good enough and swim away again. There is a Trout Protection Order on several of Scotland's better rivers in the interests of conservation.

Whilst the fish populations of the majority of the lochs in Scotland are dominated by brown trout of 8oz or less, they are usually free rising and free taking; such places are ideal for a family day out whereby the children can have their first introduction to fly fishing. There are some lochs that offer the occasional trophy fish between 2lb and 6lb. Some of the deeper lochs usually contain small populations of ferox trout, a strain of slow growing heavy brown trout often with cannibalistic tendencies, which can grow to great weights (up to 20lb or more). Loch Awe: - Loch Awe is one of Scotland's largest fresh

water lochs with Brown & Rainbow Trout, Salmon, Sea Trout and Char and coarse angling for Pike, Perch and Roach. Loch Awe is famous for its British Record for a wild Brownie of 31lb 11oz. Some 24 miles long and quite narrow, Loch Awe forms a considerable catchment area for the many feeder burns flowing from the surrounding mountains. Water quality is high and the fish population thrive in this rich, natural feeding area. The many bays vary in size and depth and each has its own particular attraction – shallow, sandy, rocky, reedy. Loch Awe has always been famous for its wild brown trout, having broken the British rod-caught record four times over the last decade. It is, however, its reputation for good mixed bags of 8oz - 3lb trout that still attracts the majority of anglers. Whether novice or purist, young or old, Loch Awe has a great deal to offer both game and coarse fishermen. Fishing permits are available at several outlets throughout Central Scotland. Local outlets are Loch Awe Stores in Lochawe, Loch Awe Boats at Ardbrecknish, and Awe Service Station at Bridge of Awe. There are many more still that are not even mentioned in books, on the web or in magazines as they are owned by private landlords or consortiums. Also some are well kept secrets due to how good they are at fishing. However if you investigate hard enough you will be able to glean the information from local’s other fishermen/women that you know who have fished the areas, plus contacting the private landowners for access to their private lochs and lochans. The Orkney and Shetlands might only be a small area of islands, but they do have about 800 lochs and lochans with some of the best wild brown trout fishing in the world. So give the islands a visit it will be worth your while and you will want to go back for more.

www.andesdrifters.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/ANDES-DRIFTERS/180189178520

Please mention The Flyfisher Magazine when booking your next great fly fishing trip

The Newsletter for Fishing Travelers to New Zealand

By Sue Farley

[email protected]

New Zealand Fishing Lodges

Summer Fishing in New Zealand This month we've started with a coastal theme, as not all fishing in New Zealand is about fly fishing on drop-dead gorgeous rivers. And what better place to cast a rod seawards than from Westhaven Retreat on the far western side of Golden Bay in the northern South Island. Westhaven Retreat is deliciously remote - if you

look at a flat Atlantic-centred map of the world it's on the furthest SE corner, as far from the fast-paced northern hemisphere cities as you can get, unless you head to Antarctica. The lodge sits high in the coastal hills, overlooking the very beautiful Whanganui Inlet. There's excellent sea fishing on the inlet and further out to sea, weather permitting. But the lodge is also within reach of some good fly fishing for trout as well, especially if you like to heli-fish. Add in some mountain biking over the local tracks and trails, some hiking, and relaxing in the pool and you'll find the effort of getting there has not been wasted. Find out more

Island Passage Cruises the Coast of New Zealand

There are many very beautiful places around the New Zealand coastline and luxury small ship Island Passage

cruises three of them - the Bay of Islands in the far north, the islands of the Hauraki Gulf near Auckland (both in the North Island) and the deep, mysterious waterways of Fiordland in the Te Wahipounamu World Heritage Area in the far south of the South Island. There are opportunities to fish on all these trips, as well as kayak, explore islands, visit wineries, hike ashore, eat delicious food and just generally relax. It's a great trip to do with a non-fishing partner. And you'll get an exciting helicopter flight on each trip as part the deal.

Book now for the 2015-16 season as places are limited and fill quickly.

Late Summer Fishing Special at Poronui Another place where you can combine fishing with mountain biking is Poronui, in the central North Island. Poronui is a fantastic wilderness lodge deep in wild trout country, offering some of the best fly fishing for trout that you'll find anywhere.

Having said that though, it's only a two drive to the coast of Hawkes Bay where the coastal fishing isn't bad either. Poronui is a private 16,000 acre New Zealand back-country estate, and was voted one of the top ten fly fishing destinations in the world by Forbes Magazine a few years back. It hasn't changed. They have a great stay-fish special from mid-March to June, which is late in New Zealand's summer season, running in to early winter, where you'll save 20% off a fishing package stay of 4 or 7 nights. These include 3 or 6 days of guided fishing, all your meals, an open bar, accommodation and use of many lodge facilities. These packages provide a significant saving from their rack tariffs, so hurry - space fills fast! Ask us about Poronui's late season specials.

Summer fishing further south

And we received this fabulous shot of the great fishing opportunities available from Owen River Lodge near Nelson. Like Poronui, Owen

River Lodge is right in the heart of a fantastic trout fishing region, surrounded by the high escarpments and tumbling rivers of the Kahurangi National Park. The lodge has just six cottage suites so it fills quickly over the season. But with 30 rivers and streams to fish from within a 90 minute drive from the lodge you'll be spoilt for choice. Heli-fishing also extends the fishing opportunities, taking you deep into the road less mountains for a day of real wilderness fishing. We can help you get there.

Review Time

This month’s review is on the Stillwater SKR Fly Reel All reviews are impartial and honest reviews undertaken by the editor. If you want an honest and frank review of your fly fishing tackle please email me at [email protected] and I will be happy to review your products.

The SKR Fly Reel from the Glasgow Angling Centres

own Stillwater range is a superb reel delivering

outstanding performance and unbeatable value,

punching well above its weight against even its more

expensive peers.

Features a lightweight but durable all aluminium

construction, a reliable drag system that'll stop

anything the water throws at you, and converts

quickly and easily between left and right hand


Available in a range of sizes, this versatile reel will

have you well covered whether you’re fishing a small

stream, large river or loch style fishing on one of

Scotland’s great lochs.

RRP up to: £99.99 Now From only: £49.99

Spare spools from £25.99

Fishing Reports

Tel/Fax 01877 385664


Lake of Menteith 31/3/15

Some wild weather (Saturday was cancelled due to the forecast) and some extremely good catches and hatches (buzzers) in the last few days -and the ospreys have re-appeared. Best areas have been Sam’s Point, Hotel Bay, Road shore, The Butts and Gap. Best tactics have been a sink tip with lures and buzzers. On Sunday the 29

th March the Scottish Youth Fly Fishing Team were out with 8 boats

and netted 122 fish, BBAC (10 boats) weighed in 59 fish for 173lbs. Alan Dickson (left) and Brian Clifton from Edinburgh netted 11 for their boat and weighed in two – including this 6lb 8oz fish. Ramage and Galloway from the Hillfoots netted 27 from the Gap area on 29/3/15. More information on the website (www.menteith-fisheries.co.uk)

Another of Colin Riach’s shots from opening day (below left) and Scott Campbell returning a cracker in Hotel Bay (below right).


Swanswater Fishery offers excellent fishing for trout for the bank angler as well as those that prefer fishing from a boat as there are a few

boats available on Swanswater. (Float Tubes can also be hired). Located in Bannockburn, Stirling it is ideally situated for anglers visiting the

City of Stirling and Central Scotland.

The first Brown Trout of the season was a cracking 3lb specimen landed by Andy Tervit of Paisley. Several others were caught and released in the week leading up to Sunday when the season started. The changeable weather continued with some overnight frost, some calm overcast days and others with strong wind and heavy rain. The water remained fairly clear despite the rain and the fishing was pretty good for most of the week. The front of the island, the roadside, dam area and boat corner were all hotspots at times but generally fish were being caught anywhere out of the wind. Most were taken around 3 to 5 feet down on the usual variety of lures, buzzers and bloodworm.

Bellbrook Fishing

Any questions about the fishery please call Chris on 01398 351292. Best wishes Chris Atwell www.bellbrookfishery.co.uk 07967 335159 We have enjoyed some lovely spring days for the past few weeks and some of the afternoons are positively balmy! We have had some rain as well meaning there is a good flow through the lakes and stock ponds and so overall the conditions for fishing have been about as close to perfect as you can get. The best flies continue to be the blue flash damsel and the small catswhisker but we have also had some sport on more summertime tactics such as buzzers fished on a sight bob.

Mark Morris of Torquay commented “Good Day” after he caught his bag on the specimen lakes referencing his best fly as a size 12 Catswhisker fished just under the surface. His 4 fish weighed in at 19-4 with 2 fish over 6lb! Paul Grisley from Exford and Graham Lavender from Hawkcombe paid us a mid week visit and both took the half day Rover. Graham caught his limit of three fish for 9-2 favouring the Catswhisker while Paul just managed two fish from the normals. They both then headed off to an interesting evening’s fly tying with John Dawson over at Exbridge. Regular visitor Ian Nadine from Collumpton also paid us a mid-week visit taking the Rover Classic which is 2 specimens and 2 normals. He caught his limit for 14-10 favouring a skinny black buzzer. Christian Bulter of Wellsbourne also had a good day having to take an Add on ticket after bagging up before he was ready to go home! In the end he caught a bag of 11-3 from the normals. He used a blue flash damsel and reported “they are taking on the drop”. Paul Becker of Kings Nympton and his fishing pal Peter Killow had a mixed day with Paul catching 4 normals for 13-4 but Peter only managed one fish – bragging rights to Paul I guess. That day the Gold Ribbed Hares Ear (GRHE) did the trick. Nigel White of Uffcombe had a rewarding afternoon taking two fish on the specimens for 8-6 and he used a Gold Headed Montana. Adrian Buckle from Moretonhampstead took the Rover Classic and caught his limit of 2 specimens and 2 normals for 13-4 using a Gold Head Daddy Long Legs which I think would be the first of the season! We had the first heat of The Bellbrook Cup on Sunday 15th March which was an exciting occasion. We had 15 anglers all fishing their first heat and it fished brilliantly with 5 anglers catching their limit of 6 fish and a further 6 anglers catching 5 fish each – nobody blanked! I have written a separate report under the News section of the website for those who would like to see more details. For the league table for the competition please go to the Competitions page. If you fancy taking part in a similar day these are taking part all year with The Bellbrook Cup and details can be found on the website at www.bellbrookfishery.co.uk/competitions .

South West Lakes Trout Fisheries

Trout Fishing Season Off to a Flyer! The South West Lakes Trust Trout fishing season has got off to a terrific start with all the venues producing some fantastic opening weekend sport. Kennick near Exeter produced a rod average of 7.6 fish per person. The largest was a Rainbow of 6lb 3oz for Mr D Hants from Torquay, part of a 25 fish bag including 11 Blue Trout. There were also two Rainbows of 6lb 1oz recorded and further fish of 5lb 7oz, 5lb 4oz, 4lb 1oz and a Brownie of 3lb 8oz. The best bag was caught by Mr D Learnaham of Torquay with 40 fish caught and released from a boat. Successful flies were Vivas, Damsels, Montanas and Buzzers. Kennick is stocked weekly and permits are available from the Lodge on site. Boats can be booked on 01647 252898. Wimbleball near Dulverton, Somerset also had a good opening weekend despite the very cold weather (around 4 degrees all weekend) with a rod average of 5.6. The best fish recorded was a Rainbow of 2lb 1oz from Mr J Sweatman. There were 8 full bags from 9 anglers. Single lures worked

well with Tadpoles, Blobs and Cats Whiskers proving popular. A team of nymphs also produced a number of fish. Boats and engines can be booked on 01398 371460. Siblyback near Liskeard provided some amazing fishing with two anglers recording 18 fish each. Mr D Symonds from Launceston caught 20 fish all on catch and release. Ron Wilday had the largest Rainbow at 4lb 14oz, John Rumbold from Callington recorded a Rainbow at 4lb and there were also Rainbows banked at 3lb 8oz, 3lb 2oz and 3lb. The marsh area and below the camping field were productive areas with Orange Fritz and Buzzers working well. There were also fish taken on dry flies. 12 out of 16 anglers had a full bag with a rod average of 7.6 fish per person. To book boats and engines please call 01579 346522. Stithians near Redruth fished really well with a rod average of 3.5 fish per person. Phil Gilbert recorded the largest Rainbow at 3lb 3oz using an orange lure and the best locations were Pub Bay, Pipe Bay and Goonlaze. The CAST club had its first competition of the season on 15 March with two anglers bagging up in under three hours. A total of 11 anglers competing produced 45 fish (7 full bags). Phil Gilbert was the winner with 5 fish for 10lb 6oz with Club Secretary Graeme Clement finishing second with 5 fish for 6lb 11oz. A variety of lures seemed to be the most successful offerings with Orange Fritz, Nomad, Black and Green Fritz and Tadpoles working well. There was success however, for the more traditional patterns, with some fish falling for nymphs. The majority of anglers fished sink-tips or intermediate lines, but there were also floating lines taking fish. To book the boat please call 01209 860301. Burrator near Plymouth had a cracking weekend with a rod average of 4.4. Mr J Perry landed the biggest Rainbow at 3lb 6oz (part of a full bag) caught using a Bead Head. Mr N Prince from Tavistock caught a 3lb Rainbow using a Gold Head Damsel at Longstone and Mr Borthwick landed the largest Brown at 2lb 4oz (part of an 8 fish bag) using a Black Gnat from the lawns area. There were three Blue Trout recorded over the weekend. Permits are available from the permit room in the Discovery Centre yard which is just passed Burrator Lodge. Drift Reservoir near Penzance also fished really well with the majority of anglers catching plenty of fish including some overwintered Rainbows. Several Blue Trout were recorded to around the 2lb mark and Rainbows just over 2lbs. To book the boat please call David Williams on 01736 786613. The Brown Trout Reservoirs opened on 15 March and produced some brilliant opening day sport. Mr Birkett returned 15 fish from Roadford to 1lb 8oz from the bank. To book a boat and engine please call 01409 211507. There are five boats available. Local rod Mr Truscott landed 9 Brownies at Colliford on catch and release to 3lb 8oz despite really cold weather which drove the fish down deep. The warmer weather forecast this week will have the fish looking up again! Permits are available from the nearby Jamaica Inn or Colliford Tavern. Detailed weekly catch reports can be viewed on our website www.swlakestrust.org.uk Season permits are still available from our Head Office on 01566 771930

PACKINGTON TROUT FISHERY Tel: 01676 522754 www.packingtonestate.net

Last week 85 rods caught 402 fish for an average of 4.72. Another good week in terms of the fishing but high winds reduced the numbers and made it tricky casting for those that fished. The largest fish of the week was a 12lb 8oz rainbow caught by Keith Shuttleworth of Coventry who was fishing the bank of Cocks Close and he took it on a Montana Nymph on a floating line. Fishery member Andrew Moulder of Dorridge, fished on Cocks Close from a boat and caught seven fish to 9lb using small Nymphs. Dave Bratby of Birmingham fished a few times in the week and on his best day he caught 14 fish to 7lb using a special Damsel Nymph fished on a floating line.

Mr and Mrs Anthony Edwards of Claverdon fished from a boat on the Great Pool and caught seven fish to 7lb 13oz which fell to Buzzers fished on a floating line. On the Park Meadow pool father and son Michael and Paul Hanson of Nuneaton, caught 14 fish between them and they found black or green patterns worked. The fish are moving well as the weather warms a little with large fly hatches starting to occur. Buzzer patterns, CDC Emergers, Diawl Bach and P T Nymphs have all been successful this week. Lures are still catching too with black or green Tadpoles, Cats Whisker, orange Fritz and Minkies doing well. The best areas have been the old boat jetty corner and high bank on Cocks Close, the shallow water and the far bank from the boat jetty on Great Pool, with Park Meadow fishing well all over. FURTHER DETAILS AND BOOKINGS, PLEASE RING 01676 522754 or CHECK OUT OUR WEBSITE, www.packingtonestate.net Also see us on Facebook (Packington Trout Lakes).

Cwm Hedd Lakes Croesheolydd Farm, Bassaleg, Newport, NP10 8RW. 5 mins J 28 M4 www.cwmhedd.co.uk email: [email protected] https://www.facebook.com/cwmheddlakes Extended opening hours: Monday and Tuesday: closed; Wednesday – Sunday 8am-5pm; last admission 2.30pm. Gates closed at 5.15 (or at 3 if everyone has left by then)

I went fishing today and caught nine rainbows! Fishing conditions are great - fish everywhere on the lake and more coming tomorrow. I’m not keen on this overcast weather and can’t wait for a bit more spring sunshine! Still, it’s been a great week for fishing at Cwm Hedd with feeding fish consistently moving and showing in considerable numbers in most areas of the lake. Stock levels are high and more are on order for this week.

Lodge pond now stocked for novices!

Vernon Williams tested out the newly stocked lodge pond on Wednesday, quickly bringing four to the bank on a mini-cat. Once the weather perks up it is hoped that the novice lake will be a great area for novices to learn and improve their fly fishing. First young angler to try out the lodge pond was seven year old Phoebe Shore, encouraged by some expert help from Kieron Jenkins. Kieron cast the line out for Phoebe, who quickly hooked a fish, needing some help from Kieron to bring it to the bank.

I was also lucky enough to have a lesson from Kieron today, so I tried out the lodge pond instead of being glued to my laptop writing the fishing blog which is one of my usual jobs on a Monday, so please accept my apologies for being late! As most of you know I am very much a novice, so was delighted to hook nine rainbows on a damsel and floating line, losing two as I wasn’t fast enough getting the line in. Once Kieron was satisfied that I was casting with reasonable competence, he fished the main lake and was on good form, taking one and releasing ten on a single claret hopper dry fly and a floating line, taking his fish with considerably more style than me! With Kieron fishing the main lake off the walkway or the front of the lake and me facing the other way to fish the novice pond I could practice my casting with him close enough to watch and give advice on how to bring the fish in and to help me to net them. In general fishing has been excellent, with only a handful returning with empty nets. Anglers taking one fish and moving on to catch and release have been consistently returning good numbers of fish this week, although keeping them on the line has proved tricky at times. Taking one and returning nine were Ken Pascoe and Paul Elsworthy, Ken on a duck fly and floating line, Paul on a montana and midge tip. Roy Western also tried out the duck fly taking one on that and another on a hare’s ears nymph. Variety has been the spice of life in terms of successful flies this week, with Brian Gregory taking one and releasing five on a viva and intermediate, Mike Dummer taking one and releasing five on a diawl bach, while Ken Bowring fishing off the main island took one and brought another five to the net: three on emergers and three on cats whiskers and a midge tip. Sally Ann Iles managed to squeeze in some fishing in between work and a hectic drumming schedule to take one and release three on a buzzer and floating line. Mark Burton netted a brown trout on a black buzzer, taking one rainbow and releasing three fish, tempting the rainbows with a damsel and cats whiskers on an intermediate. Matthew Murphy took one released two black and red montana and a 40+ floating line On floating lines, Dean and Luke Griffiths from Aberdare each took one, releasing four and three respectively, Dean on nymphs and Luke on cats whiskers, with Dean netting a brownie. Graham Davies took one and released four on a on a uv damsel and intermediate Jose Santos- took one released four including two browns on damsels and floating line with a 20′ leader. Regular Alan Powell took one on a montana and midge tip, with Dan Milburn taking one on a red lure. John Belcher’s rainbow was brought to the bank on a cruncher, with Tony Hughes’ goldhead damsel and intermediate tempted one. Phil Rowe took one and released another on a montana and a floating line, with a white nomad doing the trick for Bill Williams. Luke Taylor took one and released one on a white cats whiskers and a green and red fritz, while a brown was netted by Colin Thomas on a damsel and a floating line. Colin also took a rainbow on a hare’s ear and intermediate. Anglers who came to catch a supply of fish for tea or the freezer were Mike James who took two on an olive cruncher and a floating line. It was good to see Mike out and about after not feeling too well for several weeks, so hope your health continues to improve Mike.

Ray Winnel on the left was on good form taking five fish and enjoying his day as usual, while Luke Thomas took two, one on a blob under a bung, one on a dry. Paul Roberts took four and was in very good humour for the duration of his visit! Bringing two to the bank on a floating line and six on intermediate it was cats whiskers for Keith Cox who took one and released seven. On his favourite hot head damsel and intermediate line, Lee Ashcroft took one and released seven early in the week , then returned to take one and release four. Welcome to Paul Embley who took one and released seven on black buzzers, while regular Mike McKeown took one and released seven on an egg fly and floating line.

That’s all for now folks



North Wales’ premier large trout fishery http://www.graiglwydsprings.co.uk [email protected] Tel - 01492 622338

Graiglwyd Springs Trout Fishery, located near Conwy. This well established Troutmaster fishery has gained a national reputation for excellence in fly fishing and is open throughout the year. The two and a half acre lake is located on the edge of the Snowdonia National Park in scenic and picturesque surroundings. At Graiglwyd Springs Trout Fishery stocking occurs daily. The stocked trout range in size from 2lb to 30lb, with double being stocked daily. Several different species of trout are stocked including blues, rainbows and browns which helps to give variety to a day’s fishing. The trout are reared on sight which explains their hard fighting nature. This mixture of sizes and stocking facilities makes this fishery unique within North Wales and helps to ensure a fishing experience second to none. Since its opening in 1992 the quality and quantity of facilities found at Graiglwyd Springs Trout Fishery has steadily improved until today everything you need for an enjoyable and relaxing days fishing is at your fingertips. The purpose built lodge incorporates a range of modern facilities including toilets, tackle shops, free coffee/tea making facilities, fish storage area/bagging area and a seating area around a wood burning stove. You are guaranteed a warm welcome by Huw, the owner, whether you are an expert or a novice.

Roger Clibery from Ellsmere Port near Liverpool caught this monster rainbow trout.

It took a bloodworm buzzer and took over 30 minutes to land the fish

Readers Letters

Have your say here about any aspect of fly fishing and any fishing related issues that concern you. Email your questions; concerns or issues to the editor at [email protected]

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4x Rainbow Trout Fillets ½ onion sliced 2 bay leaves 1 tablespoon Black Peppers Parsley Stalks Salt and Pepper ¼ pt wine vinegar Place Ingredients in a deep dish cover with water and bring to the boil. Simmer for 10 min For the Sauce 1 pint Double cream half onion finely chopped 1 tablespoon chopped parsley ½ ounce butter ¼ pint white wine 1 orange segmented 1 grapefruit segmented Salt and pepper A little cornflower to thicken 1. Melt butter in pan and cook onion soft 2. Add wine and reduce by 2/3 3. Add cream and lemon juice. Bring to the boil and thicken slightly with cornflower and season. Add chopped parsley 4. Lift Trout fillets out of cooking liquid and dry gently 5. Place fruit segments on top and pour sauce over


INGREDIENTS 350g (12oz) Flat Noodles. 3 tbsp Olive Oil. 50g (2oz) Polyunsaturated Margarine. 1 Large Onion, finely chopped. 1 large clove of Garlic, finally chopped. 225g (8oz) Mushrooms, sliced. 4 Trout fillets, skinned and roughly diced. 1 tbsp Tomatoe Puree. 275ml (1/2 pint) low fat Crème Fraiche. Salt Freshly ground Black Pepper. 2 tbsp chopped fresh Basil. 1. Bring some water to the boil in a large saucepan. Add the noodles and boil for 11-12 minutes. When just soft - drain, mix in 1 tbsp of the olive oil and place on a warmed serving dish. 2. In a large deep frying pan, melt the margarine with the remaining olive oil. Add the onion and garlic and fry until the onion is just tender. Add the mushrooms and cook until soft. 3. Stir into the trout, tomato puree and crème fraiche. Stir and simmer for about 5 minutes. Season with salt and pepper and stir in the basil. 4. Pour the sauce over the noodles. 5. Serve with some crusty bread and a side salad. Serves 4 - 6 Preparation - 20 minutes Cooking Time - 20 minutes

The Art of Fly Tying

Salmon & Trout Fly Fishing & Fly Tying Specialists Sponsors of Fly of the Month http://www.theessentialfly.com [email protected]

Tel: 01757 333003 212 796 0874 +44 1757 333003

Tying flies is the art of using fly tying materials like natural furs and feathers and turning them into fishing flies using specialist tying tools and vices. We have everything required with stunning ranges from major manufacturers like Semperfli and Veniard - stunning tools kits, the best in scissors and bobbin holders for the fly tyer for sale world-wide. Hooks are the starting point when tying flies. We stock stunning Kamasan, Veniard Osprey, Partridge in 25, 100 and 1000 packs plus Umpqua's range at stunning value with 50 hooks in a packet with their magnets to stop the hooks falling out, check our range of fly tying hooks here In 1800's to 1950's tying used exotic fly tying materials from rare bird species. Today there is a vast range of materials that can be used from traditional fly tying furs like hare and fly tying feathers like cock pheasant tail. Modern fly tying synthetics are renewable and consistent, materials like mylar tinsels, silks or threads. Modern fly tying threads like Semperfli Nano silk now exist in 12/0 size (50 denier) but they are virtually unbreakable. Everything for the fly tyer including materials, tools and vices with stunning ranges from major manufacturers like Semperfli and Veniard, Stonfo and Marc Petitjean

Royal Wulff Fly Pattern Tie or Buy

The Royal Wulff is one of those great attractor fly patterns, not imitating a specific fly in nature; it is a great fish catcher. Catching all over the

globe this fly is fished with the following techniques:

1. as a single dry fly on a tapered leader, 2. as part of a New Zealand rig where the highly buoyant Royal Wulff supports a buzzer or nymph searching across riffles on rivers or 3. as a sight fly with an ultra small midge pattern, for example an F Fly where the Royal Wulff fly pattern acts as a attractor fly pattern in its

own right and as a bit indicator for the ultra small F Flies or micro dry flies

Royal Wulff Fly Tying Materials

Hook: Standard Dry fly hook sizes 8 to 18

Buy Royal Wulff Flies

Thread: Try UNI Thread 8/0 Black, Semperfli Nano Silk 50D 12/0 Black (GSP)

or Black Spyder thread 18/0

Rib: None

Bead: None

Legs: None

Thorax: None

Thorax Cover: None


White calf body hair for large flies or for smaller flies Veniard white

polypropylene or Predator Fibres Polar Bear (Semperfli alternative to

Puglisi Winging material)

Wing Post: None

Wing Case: None

Collar: None

Hackle: Natural red (depp) cock hackle try Veniard Short CockNeck Hackles or

check our fly tying saddles and capes

Tail: Moose Mane Hair or Natural Deer Hair

Body: First third is Peacock Herl, 2nd third Red Thread try Fluoroescent

Fluoro Brite Red #4 or and last third Peacock Herl

Royal Wulff Fly Pattern Step By Step Tying Difficulty 4/5

1. Wrap on a base layer of tying thread to the dry fly hook

2. Take a pinch of wing hair calf fibres or polypropylene in a hair stacker. Offer up in the way they are to be tied in tapering the fibres to maintain a smooth taper

3. Lock the wing in an upright position

with thread at the front of the thick cut butts

4. Divide the wing into equal halves, separate by crossing the fly tying thread and circling each wing base locking the wing into an upright position

5. Take 6 to 8 moose fibres, tap into alignment and tie in immediately after the wing. Step cut to maintain a smooth body taper

6. Wrap more thread onto the body to maintain a smooth taper

7. Tie in a strand of peacock herl and wrap around the bottom third of the body. Tie in fluorescent body thread

8. Wrap red fluorescent thread to form a small hump for the middle third of the body, tie off the fluorescent thread and tie in peacock herl and a short red cock hackle.

9. Wrap the peacock herl around the top third of the body

10. Wind the hackle from the rear of the wing forward through the wing in touching turns

11. Tie off and whip finish

Do you have an all-consuming need to throw big flies for big fish? This is the line for you. The SharkWave Siege

features an aggressively weighted head meant to turn over huge chunks of feathers and bring huge fish to

hand. The award-winning Siege features three textures, three colors, and one big idea: it's the best streamer

line you'll ever use.

All SharkWave tapers are in stock and available right now.


Classifieds To advertise please email [email protected]

The ideal book for the person just taking up fly fishing for the first time, full of useful information set out in laymen's terms so that the instructions can be understood. Only: £12.99 from the Glasgow Angling Centre

[email protected]


+44 (0)208 123 0349

Fun Fishing Scotland

www.funfishingscotland.co.uk/disabled_fishing.htm We love fishing! - our aim is to encourage people with disabilities to fish. This includes those who used to fish and those who want to try it for the first time.. Whether you're experienced or someone who has never cast a fly, we'll help you satisfy your fly fishing needs. We teach you all the basics of fly and bait fishing. All the necessary fly fishing gear is provided (unless you prefer to use your own) fishing permits, boats if needed. Our guides and instructors are exceptional; they are very experienced, patient, have a passion for fishing, and an appreciation for the area and the people they guide.

Full list of fisheries, rivers, lakes and lochs throughout Britain and Ireland with information and contact details for each venue. Only: £12.99 from the Glasgow Angling Centre

Classifieds To advertise please email [email protected]


It's Hammer-time

Hello again. It’s the height of our Marlin season, which means we have been busy. The water has been a little cold and conditions not ideal so have tested many an experienced fisherman’s patience. The weather is certainly hotter and the humidity level is on the rise. The Sailfish have proved shy and elusive this season but there has been enough action to keep the lines tight and reels screaming. Here is a quick roundup of what’s been happening in the last 2 weeks.... Eclare was out on Valentines Day and landed Wahoo, Kingfish, Tuna, Dorado and Kawakawa. Unfortunately the fishermen lost 2 Sailfish. On the same day Snowgoose landed Wahoo, Tuna and Dorado, and released a healthy sized Sailfish. Neptune seemed to have more success with the Sailfish, safely releasing 3 and then bagging Wahoo, Dorado and a Green Job Fish. Coming to the end of their fishing trip, Egon and Ranier tagged and released a Sailfish, but sadly lost another 3. On the same day, Neptune tagged and released a Blue Marlin. Snowgoose had a fantastic day out with good friends Peter and Henrik. On their first day out they had a double strike on Blue Marlin. Unfortunately lost one, but successfully tagged and released a nice 58kg model and then landed a muscle-warming 47kg Yellowfin Tuna. Fred Konrad fishing on Eclare tagged and released a Sailfish and bagged 3 Dorado on the same day. Peter and Henrik out again on Neptune, released a nice Sailfish and John fishing on Eclare lost a nice Black Marlin. Neptune out again the next day got a good-sized 56kg Black Marlin and Snowgoose bagged Wahoo and Dorado. John out again on Neptune had a cracking day with a Blue Marlin and a Sailfish safely tagged and released. On the same day Peter and Henrik were busy on Eclare with a bunch of Snappers and a couple of good Groupers.

It was around this time that Angus and John saw a very large Hammerhead Shark. Estimated at about 300kgs, Angus commented that initially he had thought it was a Whale Shark. There was a bait out and it had a little taste but sadly did not take. What an exciting catch that would have been…I would have given my back teeth to be on the boat and see it in the water. There were a few frustrating days for Garry, Peter and Henrik, crew and skippers…there seemed to be nothing about. Then thankfully John Boldon fishing on Snowgoose found some fish, landing Wahoo, Kingfish and KawaKawa. John on Eclare got Yellowfin Tuna, Wahoo and Kingfish. Peter and Henrik on Neptune got Yellowfin Tuna, Longtail Tuna, Kingfish, Wahoo…1 of which was easy 20kg’s and KawaKawa. Rounding their trip off on Neptune, Peter and Henrik bagged some nice Kingfish and a Snapper. Reports from around the fishery and the rest of the fleet… 8 Black Marlin and 3 Blue Marlin caught, 1 Black Marlin and 1 Striped Marlin raised but unfortunately lost from from different boats. A few Sailfish about, with sightings here and there but not many caught. Last but not least, Pete Darnborough, skipper on Alleycat got a fantastic 631lbs Black Marlin. A tough fight and a legendary fish. Well done to skipper, client and crew.

Interested in fishing? CLICK HERE to email us directly and we'll plan a booking for you.

Kingfisher Lodge Special Offer

Ksh 15,000/- a night for up to 8 people on an exclusive self-catering basis. The lodge comprises four individual cottages: one double and three twins, each with ensuite bathroom with both shower and bath. Each room is fronted with a private veranda overlooking the swimming pool, furnished with a comfortable Lamu bed, two chairs and a coffee table. The rooms are air conditioned and have an overhead ceiling fan. The main service area consists of a bar and a sitting area in one rondaval and a separate dining rondaval attached to a well equipped kitchen. Contact Fish and Safari Kenya direct on www.fishandsafarikenya.com for more details.

PRESS RELEASE March 4, 2015



Supported and Sponsored by Cortland Line CO.

Livingston Manor, NY

Friday Evening 5:30 PM Catskill Legend Dinner


The Next Generation - Kids Only!

Friday, April 10: A Catskill Legends dinner will be held in the Wulff Gallery on the Catskill Fly Fishing Center Property at 5:30 PM in honor of Catskill Legends: AE and Sam Hendrickson, Francis Davis and Frank Kuttner. Catskill Legends are the fly fishing pioneers who discovered and appreciated the richness of the rivers and streams in the Catskills; the champions of our waters who protected every inch that flowed; authors and historians who shared the romance of the Catskill experience; they are those who have kept the Catskills alive for future generations to enjoy.Saturday, April 11: Kids Only, The Next Generation The 2015 Trout Season Opener will be officially heralded in on the Willowemoc Creek just upstream from the CFFCM Bridge at 9:30 AM in a celebratory cast by Kids Only. Join the Lake Family; Rylie, Silas and Veida along with Iris and Roan Gillingham as they lead a group of those under 16 to cast the first flies on the frigid waters of the Catskills. Immediately after, everyone will return to the Gift Shop for a hot cup of Agnes Van Put’s famous soups and visit the Wulff Gallery for The Catskill Fly Tyers Annual Rendezvous. This annual event draws together 50 of the finest flytyers who preserve the arts and craft of the Catskill Flytyers of the past and provide a non-stop tying demonstrations of the style, techniques and patterns generated in the Catskills that have spread all over the world. Eat Your Own Trout Cookies that is. Kids will have the chance to bake and decorate their own Trout Cookies in the Heritage Craft Center at 11:00. Join the staff and roll the dough, cut them out, pop them in the oven and decorate Kids Own Trout Cookies. Then they eat them. Fun for all kids. In both the museum and the Wulff Gallery new exhibits and view the fresh exhibits for The Year of the Hendrickson: Roy Steenrod; The One Armed (fisher) Man; The Tree of American Flyfishing; Dorothy Vogel a casting champion; Treasure Boxes; Discover South Africa; The Land of Little Rivers by Enrico Ferorelli; and Lee Wulff: Healthy Catch and Release For more information contact: The CFFCM 845-439-4810 and via email: [email protected]. The Largest Flyfishing Center in the World. There are more events to follow. The 2015 Activity and Event Calendar can be found at www.catskillflyfishing.org and daily news updates on www.facebook.com/cffcm.

Get updates: visit us at http://www.catskillflyfishing.org

Win a holiday for two to Orkney

This fantastic prize, Drawn on the 1st. May 2015 is available to all non-Orkney resident anglers. The prize includes transport for two

passengers and a car from Scrabster via North Link Ferries, Three nights B & B accommodation at The Merkister Hotel, OTFA membership and two full days fishing ( Depending on arrival times could also include an extra half day) Boat and local ghillie provided.

For full information and to enter the competition click Here

The Atlantic Salmon Conservation Foundation 480 rue Queen Street, Suite 200 Fredericton, NB E3B 1B6 Phone: (506) 455-90 Fax: (506) 455-9905 English http://salmonconservation.ca/en French http://salmonconservation.ca/fr [email protected]

Good choices for Minister’s Advisory Council on Atlantic salmon, says Foundation chair

(Québec, QC) The Honourable Gail Shea’s creation of an expert committee to tackle the Issue of low wild Atlantic salmon returnsis commendable, says Rémi Bujold, Chair of the Atlantic Salmon Conservation Foundation (ASCF). The federal Minister of Fisheries and Oceans announced that she was establishing an advisory committee on Atlantic salmon last December, and last week named the committee’s members. Among the experts assigned to the task is François Caron, a member of ASCF’s Central Advisory Committee. “ASCF is very pleased to have representation on this important committee,” says Bujold. “Mr. Caron’s appointment is an acknowledgement of the significance of the Foundation and the projects it is funding.” The Atlantic Salmon Conservation Foundation is a non-profit charitable organization that works to promote enhanced community partnerships in the conservation of wild Atlantic salmon and its habitat in Atlantic Canada and Quebec. Established in 2007, the Foundation has awarded over $2.35 million to some 211 projects that have saved or improved salmon habitat, restocked rivers and raised public awareness of the plight of wild Atlantic salmon. The Foundation will award $1 million in funding when it announces its 2015 grants in April. “Wild Atlantic salmon is an important resource on the east coast,” says Bujold. “It is a key component of the sustenance fishery for many of our First Nations communities and others living in remote areas, not to mention that the recreational fishery attracts millions of dollars in tourism revenue.” As a member of Foundation’s Central Advisory Committee, François Caron helps to determine the Foundation’s funding priorities, which are based on science, research and the state of salmon stocks and habitat throughout the Atlantic region and eastern Quebec. “Mr. Caron is an excellent choice for the Minister’s Advisory Committee,” says Bujold. “He is a recognized expert, having spent his entire career researching wild Atlantic salmon and other migratory species of fish. He has also developed and worked on many management and habitat remediation projects.” The Minister’s committee will address four key issues affecting wild Atlantic salmon: conservation and enforcement measures; predation; strategy to address international, unsustainable fishing; and focused areas for advancing science. “These are important issues,” says Bujold. “Steps to address them will go a long way in helping the organizations funded by ASCF to achieve their goals.” The committee has been instructed to submit a report by June. “We have to move fast if we’re going to save our Atlantic salmon,” says Bujold. “The Minister has wisely recognized this, and has brought together an impressive panel of experts to address the problem.”

Find a Scottish Fishery – Quick Links

Alandale Tarn Fishery

Gavieside, West Calder, West Lothian. Scotland. EH55 8PT. Tel:01506 873073 [email protected]

Bangour Trout Fishery

Bangour Reservoir Near Dechmont West Lothian EH52 6GU Tel:01506 811 335 Mobile: 07711384308 [email protected]

Bowden Springs

Carribber Reservoir Linlithgow West Lothian EH49 6QE Tel: 01506 847269 /07824 332368 [email protected]

Burnhouse Fishery

Burnhouse Farm Bonnybridge, FK4 2HH Tel: Gary: 07889 603160 / 07742 755737

Burns Trout Fishery

Tarbolton Loch, KA5 5LY Tel: 07527405715

Carron Valley Fishery

Fishing Lodge, Carron Valley, nr Denny, Stirlingshire FK6 5JL Tel: 01324 823698

Frandy Fishery

Glendevon, Dollar, FK14 7JZ Tel: 01259 781352

Golden Loch

Berryhill Farm, Newburgh, Cupar, Fife KY14 6HZ Tel: 01337 840355

Inverawe Fishery

Inverawe Fisheries & Country Park, Taynuilt, Argyll PA35 1HU Tel: 01866 822 808 (Easter – December) or 01866 822 777 (January – Easter)

Forbes of Kingennie

Forbes of Kingennie Kingennie Broughty Ferry Dundee DD5 3RD Tel: 01382 350777 [email protected]

Lake of Menteith

Lake of Menteith Fisheries, Port of Menteith, FK8 3RA. Bookings Tel: 01877 385664 Manager 07710 433464 or Bailiff 07752128489.

Ledyatt Loch

Ledyatt Loch Trout Fishery Ledyatt Loch Coupar Angus Road Lundie By Dundee DD2 5PD Tel: 07530 592724 or 07891 896848

Loch Fad Fishery

Loch Fad Isle of Bute PA20 9PA Tel : 01700 504871 Mob: 07712 534511

Lochmill Fishery

Antermony Road, Glasgow, G66 8AD, Glasgow City 0141 776 1903 or 07803 171402

Lochore Meadows

Lochore Meadows Country Park Crosshill, Lochgelly Fife KY5 8BA Tel: 01592 860086

Markle Fisheries

Markle Fisheries, Markle, East Linton, East Lothian. EH40 3EB Tel: 01620 861213

Morton Fishery

Morton Road Mid Calder Livingston EH53 0JT Tel: 01506 883295 Mbl: 07592 577652

New Haylie Fishery

The Haylie Brae, Dalry Road, Largs KA30 8JA Tel: 01475 676 005

Newmill Trout Fishery

Newmill Fishing Ltd. Cleghorn Lanark South Lanarkshire ML11 7SL Tel: 01555870730

Orchill Loch Trout Fishery

South Lodge, Orchill, Braco, Dunblane, FK15 9LF Tel: 01764 682287

Rothiemurchus Estate

Rothiemurchus By Aviemore Inverness-shire PH22 1QH Tel: 01479 812345

Stoneyfield Loch Fishery

Stoneyfield House Newmore Invergordon IV18 0PG Tel: 01349 852632

Swanswater Fishery

Sauchieburn, Stirling FK7 9QB Tel : 01786 814805

Whinney Loch Fishery

Whinney Farm, West Loch Road, Coldingham, Berwickshire, TD14 5QE Tel: 01890 771838

Woodburn Fishery

Antemony Road Milton of Campsie Glasgow G66 8AB Tel: 01360 313086 or Mbl: 078 8875 8709