April 14, 2019 · 14/4/2019  · April 14, 2019 Let us go together to meet Christ on the Mount of...


Transcript of April 14, 2019 · 14/4/2019  · April 14, 2019 Let us go together to meet Christ on the Mount of...

Page 1: April 14, 2019 · 14/4/2019  · April 14, 2019 Let us go together to meet Christ on the Mount of Olives. Today he returns from Bethany and proceeds of his own free will toward his
Page 2: April 14, 2019 · 14/4/2019  · April 14, 2019 Let us go together to meet Christ on the Mount of Olives. Today he returns from Bethany and proceeds of his own free will toward his

April 14, 2019

Let us go together to meet Christ on the Mount of Olives. Today he returns from Bethany and proceeds

of his own free will toward his holy and blessed passion, to consummate the mystery of our salvation. He who

came down from heaven to raise us from the depths of sin, to raise us with himself, we are told in Scripture,

“above every sovereignty, authority and power and every other name that can be named,” now comes of his

own free will to make his journey to Jerusalem. He comes without pomp or ostentation. As the psalmist says,

“He will not dispute or raise his voice to make it heard in the streets. He will be meek and humble, and he will

make his entry in simplicity.”

Let us run to accompany him as he hastens toward his passion, and imitate those who

met him then, not by covering his path with garments, olive branches or palms, but by doing all

we can to prostrate ourselves before him by being humble and by trying to lives as he would

wish. Then we shall be able to receive the Word at his coming, and God, whom no limits can contain, will be

within us.

So let us spread before his feet . . . ourselves, clothed in his grace, or rather, clothed completely in him.

We who have been baptized into Christ must ourselves be the garments that we spread before him. . . Let our

souls take the place of the welcoming branches as we join today in the holy song: Blessed is he who comes in

the name of the Lord. Blessed is the king of Israel.*

*Excerpt from Palm Sunday sermon by Andrew of Crete, a bishop and Early Church Father.

In his letter to Brother Priests, Bishop Perez noted that after consultation with the Presbyteral Council

and Diocesan Liturgical Commission, he has elected to retain our current Communion Rite posture policy, first

promulgated in 2003, which reinforces the universal Church’s policy of standing for the singing of the Commun-

ion Hymn, during the distribution and reception of Holy Communion. He wrote that we will renew our prac-

tice of these postures, beginning on the Second Sunday of Easter.

Since my time here, St. Mary has been faithful to the policy with a minor exception and that’s where the

change is to be made. And so: in keeping with the directive, the Communion Hymn will now END as soon the

distribution of Holy Communion has ended and everyone MAY kneel or sit for a period of sacred silence. (No

l o n g e r r e m a i n i n g s t a n d i n g u n t i l t h e C e l e b r a n t s i t s ) .

This will go into effect on the Second Sunday of Easter, April 28

th. The 2

nd of 3 Inserts on the Commun-

ion Rite, policy and postures, is included in today’s Bulletin.

STAND. . . . . . after the Great Amen, and remain standing after the Lamb of God and through the

celebrant’s reception of Holy Communion. The faithful remain standing during the distri-

bution and reception of Holy Communion for the singing of the Communion Hymn.

Sit or Kneel . . . . . . if / when necessary, in pastoral consideration of the needs of the individual members

of the faithful.

Sit or Kneel . . . . . . during the period of sacred silence . . . after the distribution of Holy Communion.

This period of sacred silence should begin as soon as the distribution of Holy Communion

has been completed. At this point the faithful may sit or kneel. The faithful are not required to stand during the purification of vessels, or until the reposi-

tion of the Blessed Sacrament.

Page 3: April 14, 2019 · 14/4/2019  · April 14, 2019 Let us go together to meet Christ on the Mount of Olives. Today he returns from Bethany and proceeds of his own free will toward his

Weekend of April 14 Palm Sunday 4:00 pm Joseph C. Ziegler Dennis & Sandi Ziegler 7:30 am James Wolf Dick & Arline Vlk 9:30 am Mary Ann Hennessy Family 11:30 pm Jim, Erin, & Andrew Ehrbar Family

Monday April 15 Monday of Holy Week Is 42:1-7 / Jn 12:1-11 (257)

9:00 am Tom Williams Family

Tuesday April 16 Tuesday of Holy Week Is 49:1-6 / Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 (258)

9:00 am Fr. John Tezie Richard & Rose Marie Boll 7:00 pm Chrism Mass -At Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist

Wednesday April 17 Wednesday of Holy Week Is 50:4-9a / Mt 26:14-25 (259)

9:00 am Cynthis DiFrancesco Family 8:00 pm Tenebrae

Thursday April 18 Thursday of Holy Week Ex 12:1-8, 11-14/1 / Cor 11:23-26 / Jn 13:1-15 (39)

9:00 am Prayer Service 7:00 pm For The People of St. Mary Parish

Friday April 19 Good Friday Is 52:13-53, 12 / Heb 4:14-16, 5:7-9 / Jn 18:1-19; 42 (40)

9:00 am Prayer Service 3:00 pm For The People of St. Mary Parish

Saturday April 20 Holy Saturday

Vigil: Gn 1:1-2:2 or 1:1, 26-31a / Gn 22:1-18 or 22:1-2. 9a, 10-13, 15-18 / Ex 14:15-15:1 / Is 54:5-14 / Is 55:1-11 / Bar 3:9-15, 32-4:4 / Ex 36:16-17a, 18-28 / Rom 6:3-11 / Lk 24:1-12 (41)

9:00 am Morning Prayer 1:30 pm Food Blessing 8:00 pm For The People of St. Mary Parish

Sunday April 21 Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord

Acts 10:34a, 37-43 / Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5-6b-8 / Jn 20:1-9 (42) or Lk 24:1-12 (41)

7:30 am For The People of St. Mary Parish 9:30 am For The People of St. Mary Parish 11:30 pm For The People of St. Mary Parish

Mass Schedule and Intentions

Homebound Ministry

Our Homebound Parishioners are very important to us and we want to make sure their spiritual needs are being met. If you or a friend or family member are homebound and unable to attend Mass, we would like to bring the Eucharist to you in your home. Please call Diana Lipfird, the Home-bound Parishioner Coordinator, at 532-9491 or e-mail her at [email protected]. We will set up a time and day for the Extraordinary Minister to visit that best fits your schedule. If you are an Extraordinary Minister and would like to be part of our team of taking Communion to the homebound, please call Diana at 440-532-9491.

Please remember in prayer all who are ill or homebound, especially the following:

Jackie Ayala Maggie Armstrong Donna Baker Mary Anne Bialosky James Carney Charles Rita Cifani William Conroy Candy Corbett Doris Crist Jase Dean Elisabeth Denk Hilda Denk Owen Dumm Chuck Duncan Jim Duncan Bruce Ferraro Sharon Fisher Brian Follen Joan Foust Betty Glynn Doris Grame Geraldine Grant Nancy Grau Howard Gross Katie Halley

Betty Hardman Hanna Kessler Karen Kljun Louise Knapik Kathleen Kolach Colleen Kubek Melanie Kuper Beth Lindenmeier-Dickson Rob Lucas Karen M. Joseph McLaughlin Shem Miller Mike Nichols Leo Oblak Dan Olsen Ed Paschke Gloria Richards James Rollin Ruth Roth Mary Elizabeth Ryba Dean Scott John Serrao Ray Skrovan Jim Sperk Guy Sperk Chet Talarczyk Frank Walsh Chet Yanke

Bulletin Prayer List

Mass Intentions for 2019

A few Daily 9:00am Mass times available

for the month of May.

Contact the Office to schedule or submit your request

in writing - please include a phone number in case we

need to contact you.

Anniversary Wishes If you will be having a wedding anniversary in the month of APRIL and would like your names listed in the bulletin, please call the parish office (440) 243-3877 or email [email protected]

Robert & Joan Neuwar April 12th - 50 years

Dale & Sandy Eckert April 17th - 48 years

John & Linda Wisneski April 17th - 48 years

Jim & Marilyn Ehrbar April 25th - 56 years

Rick & Renee Gareau April 30th - 42 years Joe & Rita Hirsch

April 30th—59 years

To View our Parish Lenten Schedule of Events

visit our website: www.stmaryberea.org

Page 4: April 14, 2019 · 14/4/2019  · April 14, 2019 Let us go together to meet Christ on the Mount of Olives. Today he returns from Bethany and proceeds of his own free will toward his

Weekend of April 14th Saturday - 3:00pm - Church Confessions Sunday - 9:30am - Church & FJG Sacramental Sunday: 2nd Grade: Mass & Prep Sunday - 12:30pm - FJG Mtg Rm Coffee, Tea & Thee: Divine Mercy

Monday, April 15th 9:30am - Church Stations of the Cross 10:00am - Chapel Rosary 7:00pm - Church Taize Prayer & Prayer Intention Service 7:15pm - Chapel Rosary

Tuesday, April 16th 9:30am - Chapel Rosary Wednesday, April 17th 9:30am - Chapel Rosary

Thursday, April 18th 9:30am - Chapel Rosary

Friday, April 19th Saturday, April 20th 10:00am- Parish Grounds Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt

Sunday, April 21st - Easter Sunday

Parish Events

Due to the Early Submission of the Palm Sunday Bulletin, the Collection for 4/7/19 will reported in the next bulletin.

Weekend Collection

Mother Teresa

“A Carrier of Love is a Carrier of the Cross”

Let us not try to escape the cross of hu-

miliations but grab the chance to be like

Jesus, to let Him live His Passion in us.

A carrier of love means a carrier of the

cross. Maybe while carrying the cross

we fall. Ask Simon to help you…

On the Cross Jesus showed us the deepest poverty:

complete surrender and abandonment to His Father,

Today let us put on the poverty of His Passion. Do

something today to share in the Passion. Maybe Jesus

is asking you something in a special way, maybe some-

thing small.

Excerpted from: Love: A Fruit Always in Season Daily Meditations by Mother

Teresa (Ignatius Press 1987)

Family Perspective

When Jesus died, Mary grieved alone. Most friends

and followers had fled to safety except for a few ac-

quaintances. We have friends and neighbors who have

lost a loved one and feel alone in the their grief. Resist

the urge to avoid them. Even when we don’t know

what to say, we can comfort the sorrowing by just lis-

tening and compassionately being with them.

Bible Study, Faith Sharing & Quiet Prayer

Barbara Goebl has stepped down from her role as a

faithful spiritual minister to Bible Study, Faith Sharing,

Quiet Prayer, Prayer Shawl and 12 Step Spirituality.

We will keep you updated on the status of these minis-

tries. Thank You to Barbara for the many years she has

given to our Parish and Parishioners.

Music Ministry & Liturgy Notes

By Angela Kovic Director of Music and Liturgy


Now starts our personal journey through the Passiontide of

our Lord. I hope that this week is a powerful time of spiri-

tual growth and enrichment. Here are the lyrics for the Pro-

cessional and during the Sprinkling on this Palm Sunday.

Verse Response: Sing hosanna to the chosen one!

Refrain: Sing hosanna, sing hosanna, sing hosanna to the

chosen one!

Choir Rehearsal Schedules: Traditional Choir rehearses on

Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm. If you are interested in partici-

pating in choir, cantoring, or playing an instrument during

mass, please call or see Mrs. Angela Kovic after mass up in

the loft. The Music Ministry office number is 440.243.3877

ext 27. Coming soon to St. Mary Parish

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Page 5: April 14, 2019 · 14/4/2019  · April 14, 2019 Let us go together to meet Christ on the Mount of Olives. Today he returns from Bethany and proceeds of his own free will toward his

Ministry Schedules Tenebrae - April 17th

Mass Lector Cantor Extraordinary Ministers Servers 8:00pm G Irvin Devin, Maria, (H) O Irvin C Garr Sandy, Mark, (C)

Holy Thursday - April 18th

Mass Lector Cantor Extraordinary Ministers Servers 7:00pm K Zanotti S Scanlon (H) J Abraham, J Abraham J Hupp C DiSanto (C) L Madzy, D Vlk, B Satow Deacon Tom, M E Nichols G, J, & S Abraham

Good Friday - April 19th

Mass Lector Cantor Extraordinary Ministers Servers 3:00pm C Rose J Schwarz (H) Deacon Tom, M Harley, C Causey A & A Soltis G Irvin S Clemons I Crespo

Easter Vigil - April 20th

Mass Lector Cantor Extraordinary Ministers Servers 8:00pm P Hardman Sandy, John S, (H) K M Laubert, K Laubert M, M, & M Laubert R Davenport Paul P, Maria, (C) J Laubert, A Laubert, C Snyder D Reeves Angela, Devin Deacon Tom, M Harley C Beatty T Morgan T Bryden

Easter - April 21st

Mass Lector Cantor Extraordinary Ministers Servers 7:30am D Canepari K. Zanotti (H) R Sillasen, B Sillasen, M McGinty J Waters M Dole (C) D Sawyer, N Picard, M Waters K Dorsey, K Zanotti R Hook M Smith 9:30am J Haas S Ward (H) V Follen, K Laneve, R Laneve, A Kulwicki J Irvin L Latanich, R Latanich M Urbancic (C) C Rose, C Scanlon, C Duldner G Irvin, R Straub T Duldner

11:30am J Pae John W (H) P Harris, D Hickey, P Hickey, L Alton L Durica P Hultquist, B Hunter J Diver (C) R Heitz, M Patena, M Smith J Abraham, J Abraham A Smith

Mark your summer calendar...and plan to join us on Sunday,

August 4, 2019 for The FEST – our 19th Annual Catholic Family

FESTival held in Wickliffe. The FEST is the perfect family day.

It includes great national Christian artists: Casting Crowns,

Tenth Avenue North, Matt Maher, and Jordan Feliz. The

FEST also has great activities and displays for the entire family.

The FEST is a day of faith, family and fun - all for FREE. The FEST concludes with an inspiring out-

door Mass with Bishop Nelson Perez. It’s the highlight of summer for thousands from across our

region. Mark it on your calendars and make plans to bring your family and friends. For more infor-

mation, go online to: www.theFEST.us.

Page 6: April 14, 2019 · 14/4/2019  · April 14, 2019 Let us go together to meet Christ on the Mount of Olives. Today he returns from Bethany and proceeds of his own free will toward his

St. Mary Catholic School News Corner Educating the Mind, Nurturing the Soul

Mr. Andrew J. Carner, Principal

3rd Quarter report cards went home last week for

students in Kindergarten through Grade 8. Please re-

member that you are always able to keep current on

your child’s progress by utilizing Progress Book. For

any questions concerning your child’s progress please

contact the teacher via email.

The Seventh & Eighth grade classes have wrapped

up their unit on poetry. This included creating their

own original works and researching poets from the 19,

20, & 21 centuries. In their reading class they are

now beginning PBL (Project Based Learning) related

to comparing a book and a movie made from the

book. They will be answering the driving question

“What is better, the book or the movie?” The answer

must be written in a professional style of a movie

critic format. An actual movie critic came to “kick-

off” the project. Students will be presenting their cri-

tique to him as a result of this experience.

Important Dates to Remember:

04/15/’19 - Chess Club – 7:30a.m.

“ “ “ - Student Council – 8:00a.m.

04/16/’19 - DRAMA Rehearsal - 6:30p.m.

“ “ “ SMS PTO Mtg. – 6:30p.m.

04/17/’19 - Band Practice – 3:30p.m.

“ “ “ - DRAMA Rehearsal - 6:30p.m.

04/19/’19 - Good Friday – Easter Break Begins

Fr. Garrity Revitalization Raffle

Tickets available after all Masses - Rectory Office & School Office

Page 7: April 14, 2019 · 14/4/2019  · April 14, 2019 Let us go together to meet Christ on the Mount of Olives. Today he returns from Bethany and proceeds of his own free will toward his

Easter Flower Memorial Gift

Donor: _________________________________________________________________________________

Telephone: ______________________________ Donation Amount: __________________

Check # ___________ Cash _________

In Memory of: ___________________________________________________________________________



Donor and memorial names will be printed in the bulletin. Your donation of any amount will help defray the cost of main-

taining a beautiful Easter Season when we celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord.

For publication purposes, please return this slip and your donation to the Parish Office, Attn: Janel Abraham by Monday,

April 15, 2019

8th Annual

Berea Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt

The Kiwanis Club of Berea will hold their 8th Annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday April 20, 2019 11:00am SHARP

St. Mary Garrity Center, 250 Kraft Street in Berea.

The children will be divided into these age groups: 3 years and under, 4-6 years and 7-8 years. We ask that children be accompa-

nied by an adult, and that they bring their own basket or pail for their candy. There will be a receptacle for recycling the eggs for

next year’s hunt. Be sure to bring a camera, as The Easter Bunny, Sparky the Fire Dog, McGruff the Crime Dog and Wally the

Nutty BW squirrel will be appearing.

This event will take place outdoors. If weather is bad, will be moved indoors. Kiwanis members will be accepting canned goods

for the local food pantries at this event.

No Dogs please - Hope to see you there - This is a FREE EVENT

Heartfelt “BLESSINGS” to parishioners

who continue to drop their used eye-

glasses in the rear side vestibule dona-

tion basket. This month FOUR boxes of

glasses were delivered to the Westshore

Lions Club. These prescription eye-

glasses, sunglasses and reading glasses will be recy-

cled and distributed to developing countries where

eye care is often unaffordable and inaccessible.

Thank you for the gift of sight!

Lions Recycle for Sight Program