SATURDAY, APRII. 9. 1021 AUSTRIA'S PROBLEM IS PERPLEXING "Second Hoover" Tells How He Battles Scarcity of Food Supply |<\ MiI.TON IIKONM K [ LONDON. April » "If the great power- of the Wm( only win help Austria thru the present, *h« *UI Mkannc" OBce more to stand on her IT» n feet. buy food and coal. and ex fjjit goods that all the world wants" Wjhu me*-«jige wm* given nie by \u25a0fKlloover of Austria, l>r Alfred who came with th« HPTrton chancellor to lay Austria'* Ese before the supreme council of \u25a0he allies. Not only doea Omen Eirffr know Hiiover well, hut their En i i n In mm< re»|>e,-ts are similar \u25a0 tlruenherger Is faced «lth an \u25a0mpty national cupboard snJ mil*' Euinafie to fill It. B> "In order to Ret by. wo have Bp ration everyone very strictly W"Our bread ration to each cltlren Lch week is one loaf of bread welch mr lis ounces. "In addition, for cooking pur poses, we allow a ration of ahnut 17H ounces of flour per week per kMd "We allow a ration per week per bend of about 4 ! ounces of fat and the same amount of meat. "We also allow a ration of about S4 ounces of sugxr per head per month "If people can ret flab or ecir» or poultry or fresh frulta or vagetabl* ye do not attempt to ragulate lhat I "When I aay rations, t mean th»> U. what people are allowed to buy K"l#t me explain how Austria ha- \u25a0dm to this paas treaties hare carved up the empire beet of our former fond l.ind* psvo been given to Ju«aS!.hi« ind Rumania We similarly have l>>»t ?ur coal. "Now the present Austria need* for Its life coal and food. "But our money Is way down In the world's marts A dollar used t< bvv S kronen. Now It buys TOO. "Toil ran see what I am up against When I go out to shop for a nation and want to buy food ?Therefore, one of the first re gutslte*. If the alllea don t «jmi Austria 'o die. la to help us stabilise our currency. "Cive us coal and we can start our Industries. Give us food and we can feed our workmen "To live, Austria must he able to ?tart her factories going The prae- aat Austria has few grain fiel.la or Ota! mines. Our life must be based Upon Industry.** McManua Lea re* for Los Angeles Joseph MManus. who ha* wen \u25a0any admirers during hla short star jglth the Wilkes stock company. kM by ths Wilkes man- agecoent to the Majestic theatrs. In Von Angelas Mr McManus la from ths East. Where he ha* appeared In stock with \u25a0Brae at ths leading companies.* He also has enjoyed a highly successful oarer In motion pictures He was last seen here on the acreen with Fnift Keensn. In "The World *flame" " McManus will begin his I.o* An In two weeks Shonts' Will It Ordered Probated SEW TORK. April S?Tlie will of tt«od'>re P. Shonts was ordered pro- ban-'I yesterday by Surrogate James fWey. after Mrs. Mltla D. fthont*. Widow of Shonts. had filed a letter withdrawing her charges against Mrs. C. Thomas, chief legatee. la Shont* estate, which was Wiosrn to be "over 1700.000." willed tioo.ooo to his widow. 1100.000 dlrid oed between two sisters, and ths bal Mire to Mrs. Thomas. Shonts died in sn apartment house is which Mrs. Thomas also maintain- ad an apartment. Seattle Man Ends HU Life in Tacoma TACOMA. April ?-?"Cremate my body and hare nry ashes scattered on Pug'? Hound, U»« «rat*m of which I Hfv* " That was the message that William Huggard. a mining engineer of Heat- tl* whote before he shot and killed hlmnclf h»re last night at a 10th *t. hotel. Huggard used a sawed off shotgun which he had evidently carried with Wm in a suitcase from Heattle, dis- charging both barrel*. No motive for the suicide I* known Protect Forests, Urges President Washington, April ».?iv«wi Harding ha* l**ued * proclamn- »»ttlng a*ld« the week of May 22 a* f«re*t protection wwk, and ?fged that *pecial attention be given to mean* of preventing forest fire*. The leading attractloo an neit "«k'i new bill of Orpheum Circuit vaudeville at the Moor* Is tha popu- lar favorite. Bloaaotn B«e|ey. H*r offering. In which ah* In a**l*t*d by four clever young men, U called "Mm Bynropatlon " Mis* Ldya Adler. daughter of the famou* tragedian. Jacob Adiar, la making her debut In vaudeville in a one-act playlet. "Tha Raautlful Lady " A novelty of the play la that It ha* no man In the ca*t. Ned Norworth I* another featured player on the new bill With a plain piano he manage* to portray all kind* of levity, farce, burlesque and \u25a0traight comedy. "The Four Oo**lp«" la a female quartet number. I?arry Comer will present hi* In tlmate nong revue Proa per and Maret are a couple of collegian* who undoubtedly paid mora attention to athletic* than they did to their atudle* Selblnl and Nagle offer a novelty called "The Rutterfly and the Cat." AMBUS U CK RFTI'RNS Tf» WII.KKM Hall Calne'a famoua dramatic of fering. "The Christian." will he the attraction of the Wllke* atock com- pany for the current week, starting with a matinee today. I nusual Intereat I* centered in the return of Alexis l.tice, popular lead tng man. who will be neen In th* role of John Htorm. the mlnlater. In thl* offering. Jane Morgan also ha* a very prominent role aa Gloria Quajrle, the mualc hall *tar. The scenes of action are laid In lymdon. Kn gland PKFTT\ MOIIFI.S AT I.KVVMORPHKI M A atunnlng fa*hlon *how will !>e one of the bright spot* In 'Tlie Spring Model*," the new mualcal comedy which open* today at l/cvy'a Orpheum. A wore of pretty girls will appear clad In smart, up-to-data style* fur nlahed by »everal leading department store* The ncflon of the *how takes place In a large department store, with Eddie Wright and George Rehn. the two comedian*, appearing as the store manager*. There will bo a number of catchy miwlcal offering*. TWO HKU>I.I\KRS AT PALACE HIP The new *how acheduled to appear at Lmw's Palace Hip tomorrow I* described a* a well balanced and »n tcrtalning collection of noveltie* (Cra>ed by two headline attraction*. PANTAGES \u25a0Matlaee* JiM Xlflta 7 mm* ? RKUIWIHn MONDAY NiITIICB neaatirul STtifllr Offertag LOTTIE MAYER and Her Sirenic Sand Witches in a Gorgeous Aquatic Fantaxy I' H*Hu7Tiunr?n TKT^iTTuxTinou^ "Two HecanU" I "Darltne** and Haw* 1 ' | ICMKFOm. » BOTH W KM. I I *MA It* IIA1,1 j I "lilt* mf Art" I | Hlflr «»trl* and »nn«* | Tvrm Vaudeville Fararftea VARDON & PERRY "Tfc# Mvf Wire* mf the A. K. F. M I'mntmttrmrop*. Pr+memtins HpUoifr I l*f of "VfUf« I'lngfM" (arnrpnl AdmUalffiii Msllsffa J4sr. >l|hla, W)« . Lolya Adler on Moore Bill * * * * * * * * * Lace Returns to Wilkes Co. I?lAtlya Adler, Moore. £?Kuth kichard, Levy's Mimical Comedy company. s?Alexia Luce. Wilkin. I ?Mildred Lowell, Palace Hip. s?L'ngel and Marxhall, coming to PantagcH Monday. "Tha Htepptng Riona Ravua." an ouUtandlng feature of the bill, pre- wnu a versatile and accomplished quartet of boya and girl* headed by Phil Golden. At Burton and Mary (">** share (ha headline position In their oddity, which they call "A Ravu* of 1»2I." Two young men who hare heapa of personality and talent are Qyy McCormack and Cliff Wlnohlll. ituatlc humor la found In the char acter sketch presented by Herbert Hodge and Mildred Lowell, enlltled j 'Object Matrimony." The Cliff Bailey Duo are comedy acrobat*. Puck Jone* tn "The Rig Punch" la the fentijre photoplay %QI ATI!" STAR COMING TO PAN little Mayer I* aal<l to have *ur- pa«sed all her prevlou*. effort* In her new vnudevllle offering. "Reach Follies." which come* to the Pan tage* on tha new bill, tieglrning Mm ilay matinee aa the headline attrac- tion. Mis* Mayer la one of the l>e«t known swimmer* of the country and for aome time aha haa devoted thla art tn the stag*. Vardon and Perry will present comedy character im[>er»on*tlona In music and dancing. llamlln and William Mack hare an act titled "Two Records" that la n|v>sether#i*w. Oeorge and Paul Hickman are two blackface funster*. Clifford and Rolhwell In "Rita of Art" are two artistic entertainer* Frigel and Marshall are two *tun 1 nlng glrla who offer a re|>ertolre of songs PKOGV MAT IN Rl TI.FK RIIVI K Hunday night, at the Rutler Hotel cafe. Mr. P. W. Hughe* will Intro- ! dues hla seventh edition of the i mualcal revue. "Revel* of 1921." with practically a complete chance of pro- I gram. Peggy May. the new memler of I the tevtie. win have a fetching num- ber. "A Mouthful of Kisses," In 1 which the chorus girl* will appear to advantage I Harold Raymond. Blanche En sign. Margie P.ateman and Rvelyn Harrl* will all lie aeen In new j specialties, Andy Ward'* orrheslni furnlshe* i the dance music. 5 BURGLARIES ARE REPORTED Phonograph and Valuable Jewelry Taken A phonoCTliph "li t a valuahla lot of Jrwrlry *»r» Imiudrd rnnnlK (fir artli'lim atoton In flvn titiritlnrlra IKittnl la ixillr* Kilday nlflit and Saturday iiiumlnjr Aft«r prylnir »l»ii th» window of the hoina of Mia. 1.. I'otnrroy, *ls* SJr.t af» N W . thieve* atols riot only a |ihonoirrapli, lull even tha r acorda Hevrral diamond rtnr*. two Mark fox fura. two pair* of kid elovaa. two Kxild »atih»a and a naoklaca were ntolap from tha Itoma of H. P. NValkar, 1142 N SJd at Opening the window after rutting out a pl«i» of Rlaaa, tmrglara atolr a vacutnn rlaanar from Mm M John won. 401S Kalrinnunt av*. Ruth Hargrove'* ault, a pair nf ?llppar* and a |M»tr of glove* wern Molen from h»r hofna at IJ4* Dnlar ave Kntertng wllh a paaakey, Imrglar* atola aevtral dollar* from a ladle*' pur*> and from the porkela of a pnlr of ttwuaara In Mr* Vu Warden'* bom* at ISOO Auatln at. Jefferson Davis Servant Is Dead W AHJIINOTON, Api ll * Jam** Jone« Mho, durlr.g the civil war. wan the body *ervant of Jeffrrwm I d»ed »t hi* home hn» yeeter dar Since 11*3 Jone* him b»rn an employe of the senate etallonery room. He I* the man who I* reputed to have taken the great eeal of the t"on federacy when I>av|a was raptured. *nd burled 11. The eeal waa never found Haircut 60 Cent* on Saturday Night, Plan Tha advlaablllty of raining the price of halrruta to rent* on Hal urdny night* will be dlM'UMied at a .pecial meeting of tha Master liar IM-ra' aaaodatlon In the White build ing barber ahop April SO. It I* b* lleved that *uch a rata would tend lo relieve the congestion of buslriesn on tha laat day of tha week Hep. rem-ntatlvea of all ahopa. whether union or not. are Invited to attend One of Seattle's First Settlers Dead SNOH<<MU<II. April * Alonxo lx>w, one of Seattle a flrat white a-t tier*, la dead here at the a*ce of *i. came to the little aettlement at Alkl Point with hi* father In Hi?, ahortly after tha place waa located Kor 50 year* be baa been a ? Itlxen of gnohomlah county. Here's a Mystery; Why Did He Swear? Whether the man who waa In the back yard of C. I. Kelly'* home at 110 Newton at. Frl<lay night using foul language had onlfr laat a collar button or waa thinking of the poll tax had not been determined Satur- day. Kelly called for police, but the awearer had vanished TOO WEAK TO WORK Ly& L Piakkaa'a VefeUUe Ctapond Restored Mn.Qaialy'i Heakk Now Ske Doe. Her Homework Sholbrrllla. Mo.?"l wax only able to do light housework btnuM for »?"" * wminw l*'i month* my |*ri- ods ware oxrea- mvo. I htd won vour medicine 01- U-n*ively adver- tiaed and thought I would give it ? fair trial. I took about eight boxes of I.jrdla K, Pink- ham a Vegetable Compound Tab- let* according to direction* and I feel like a different woman. I hare not taken any medicine during the pant three months and I believe my ailment i* cured. I am now able to do all my housework and attend to my poultry and garden. Ifyou feel that my teatimonial will benefit anyone you are welcome to uae It in Tour ad- vertiwment*." - Mr*. L. I>. OniNl.Y, R. F. I). No. 2, Shelhyrille. Mo. I.ydia E. Pinkham'* Vegetable Comjiound make* women atrong, healthy and able to bear their bur- den* nnd overcome tho*e in* to which thev are subject. Write I.ydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., (confidential), Lynn, Man., about your health. ?Advorllaeraent. BIG RETURN ENGAGEMENT ?Mtllf'i Poptilar leading Mai , JANE MORGAN I V 1 AMD WIUHS liBP STOIK COMPANY II M l GRIPPING DRAMATIC W MAATKRPIECS MAHHIVK SKT3 I KVKMiVfi*?iMe?\u25a0> »i.«o| K\TH\ I'KOI'I.K [ M ATI*F.K» «Te «« nor) WILKES THEATRE ROUSING FINISH TO SAFETY WEEK Pavement Dance and Plenty o* Jazz Music Meattle'* big Safety Week cam- paign will he brought to a routing conclusion Saturday night. A pavement dance, ataged on Tike at . between Secund and Third avea., will be given whan a safety program *lll be held «lth a eerie* of enter tainment feature* ahortly after 7 O'clock. With Carl Mile* leading the Klka' lland. two other entertainment* will he offered at thla street meeting One la llalph Pollock and hla "original broken melody ayncopalora" /rt.m the Hippodrome. The other la the Kmerald trio, comprlolng Kobert vul- gar. Harry Mortahan and I red Mill- deaux. After aafety meeaage* hare been delivered by Four Minute speaker*, tha audience may indulge In pave- ment darning to tha stirring "Jan" of I'ollock'a synropators While Hatur<l«y will mark an off!- rial cenclualon to Rafrty Week. *poakera trill atreea th* neceaaity of making every wwk a Kafety Week In thl» mtnwr, It la believed that tha wWr ram pa inn wa«rd during th* week will act aa ? permanent benefit In reducln* Seattle'* toll of accident*. Convention Trip for Biackwell All Off Jamoa E BUu-kwall, auperlntend ent of bulldlnir*. Will not attond the convention of rlly building offlrlala lo bo hold In Cleveland on April 17 Tha council finance rommlttee do clarod KYlday that trip* of thla kind would l>o banno<l In future fllark wall did not aak to be aont to the con vent ion. Horoscope Gloomy, Hoopskirts, Fires NKW YORK. April 9 Inrendl ary flrea at tho oaplto) at Wnahlng ton, troubloa botwoon capital and labor md earthquakea ara aomo of tho thin** predicted by I'rof flua- lave Moyrr. Hobokon'a aatrologlat. Ha alao pro<llcta a return of hoop aklrta. failure of prohlbltllon and lowor rant*. WARRANT OUT FOR EX-COP Harvey Tried to Bribe, Then Attacked Oflicet. Charge Arrused of attempting to brlt>e Patrolman It H. Kruger. when Kruger attempted to eearcli hla auto In a gar.ige on Nob Hill ave . and then lo have knocked Kruger off the running iMnl aafhe dri.*e away. ex Patrolman/('liarlea Harvey, dls charged recently for an alleged knorkover of a whinky auto train at l.akota I -en ih, wan nought by polu.« Saturday. Kruger ewore to a warrant rharg ing ll»r\ey with resinting an officer in Justice John H fJordon'a court I'rtday afternoon Kruger aaya that Harvey admitted to him that tha auto contained five en»« of whisky. "I've got all the 1-oya fixed and Ml give you 1100 to go on alotit your bualnea*," Harrey aaid to Kruger. the officer aaaerta. Harvey"* tail will I* S&O4. Aged Meuenger Makes Death Sure HAN r R A NC I RC O, April t Onrir Jacket! took no cJuncfi When he committed aulclda her* yeaterday ha flrat took poiaon and than *aphy*laled hlmaelf. Jacket \ra* tt. Hi had worked aa a l-ank meeeengor for mora than 50 yeara. \u25a0Halurday hi* employer* notified him that they ha.l no further uae for him % Ho told hla wlfo that ha eueaaed he waa jrrttlnK too old to eorn hi* living. Sander Funeral on Sunday at 2 o'ClOck Kunernl services for Fred F. San dor. pioneer railway builder, will be hold at the Ronney Wateon chapel at 2 o'clock Sunday. Rev. Dr. H. H. Gowrn will deliver tht funeral ad- itreaa. Circus Acrobat U Killed in Fall CHICAOO, April While re hoarain* an aerial act here yeator day. Krnrat Ward, member of the "Plying Ward*" clrcua troupe of acrohat*. fell 40 feet to hla death from a trapfre. THE BIG, EXCEPTIONAL MUSICAL SHOW OF THE YEAR * IS HERE NOW T>IK VVKKK ; " . . TIIK I OMKIHA* mm**.- A.A. " «IHI pittiii: mm i.Ai ciii i* TIIK ?- IIIKNA?AND tiik ma*t / nr It*] riti-rTTT I\Eirlli Tina ok the PAMora iiiisii CHOIUIS IK COMKIH AN. AND TIIK Hill, A Hid SI'FPOIIT- KI.AIIOItAI K | N (J ( oni'tM SPRING -»*- \UgSr "THE SPRING i toTiAtkht unnn c" HH*s. or muucLo '!o?l>oi* :S " SNAPPY KUN?CATCHY Ml NIC?- - PRETTY liIRI.S Tn rm. Amnlriirs. (saslr? More, Tlmr*. C ho run <slrl«* ( onlr»( v/m/toimmi THe Great American Home AT J P. M. SIMMY funeral services will held at the Booth Undertaking Co. chapel for Mr* Anna Jones Allen. (1, who died Thurrday at the home of her daugh* ter, Mr* Martha A Hougers, !fl7 Helvldere ave THE SKATTLK STAR PACE 3 PROTECT WOMEN IS 0. A. R. PLED Restriction of Immigration Is Recommended HPOKANE, April, 9 "Hevere ra- «trl<tlori" of immigration lo the t'nlted Ht*te* for five year* I* rrc- unmindod In reeolutlon* *ent to Pre*l<Jenl Harding «'>d member* of concreae by the Oaughter* nt the Am'rlnw Revolution In *tat« eon ventlon here. A firm *tnn<l Ik taken for I'glaln* tlon to protect women *n<l children. |{e*oltit|on* urn* a uPatr law t<i pro trrt children liorn out of wedlock, entitling them to their father'* nam" and eiipimrt National endowment of motherhood || nought. A treaty with Canada to malte wife d<«ertlon an *«tr idllal.le offenae I* a»ked al*o. Mr* W. H. Walker, Seattle, ml elected etate rtgent, to eerve two y<-are, and Mr*. W. If Patten, Ho- qutam, wa* el«*cted vice regent. For a Julrjr eteak, let'* go to Holdt*?Advertliiement. I TOMORROW I* »KUIE«DiT SPLENDID NEW VAUDEVILLE ?wllfc? Stepping Stone Revue A Vrrwitll# Nflang# FrilHriig Pbll McCormick and Winehill M J«at f»r ? Laafh* Hodge and Lowell In \u25a0 < mm+4r f laiaftf "OHJKCT, MATRIMONY" Cliff Bailey Duo t>»*Mf »llea» Kaeater* In Ttiaea, Twlate Fella And SPECIAL FEATURE Burton and Shea -A RKVTR Or 1»I" ______ reater* riiliptar Buck Jones "Tbe Big Punch" A luatlat Dnaa ?( Weater* NERVOUS HEADACHES AND DIZZY SPELLS "I had nervou* spells tha' would lut a couple of days,'' says Mm W. H Wolf, of No. 107 Chicago a>« nut. Youngstown. Ohio "I wa> easily \u25a0Lartled. was restless at night and my limbs trembled I waa ao nervous. I wu subject to nervou* headaches and blind, dlny spell* At time* th»re. was a *ort of fluttering feeling In my stomach. "After reading about I>r. William*' Pink Ptlls In tha paper I cava them a trial and felt better In a few days. I kept up the treatment four waeka and my nerve* are In a much Im- proved condition. 1 can Bleep well, my appetite I* good and I haven't had a headache since I started tak In* J>r. Williams' pink Pllla. In fact, all tha symptoms of my trouble have disappeared and I am triad po recom mend the remedy to others." Oet a box of I>r. Williain*' Pink Pill* at your drunrl*t'* today or writ* to th« Dr. William* Medicine Co.. ffe-henertady. N. Y? encloainjt *lxty rent* and a box will be a«nt you. postpaid. A little book. "Dl*. eaae« of the Nervou* Bymem." which explain* the treatment, wll] be sent free on requeat.?Advertlaemrnt. NOW PLAYING? A RUGGED STORY OF RUGGED MEN?AND THE HERO IS?- WILLIAM RUSSELL ?IN?- "BARE KNUCKLES" In which the refining power of a pure love re* generates a "brute." Jean Wolfenden, "SEEING IS Soprano BELIEVING" Singing? * 'Bonnie Sweet Bessie' MUTT AND JEFF Orchestra Selection "MIKADO" INTERNATIONAL A. K. Wolfenden, Dir. NEWS *

Transcript of APRII. SKATTLK STAR PACE AUSTRIA'S Lolya on Bill Great ... · SATURDAY, APRII. 9. 1021 AUSTRIA'S...

Page 1: APRII. SKATTLK STAR PACE AUSTRIA'S Lolya on Bill Great ... · SATURDAY, APRII. 9. 1021 AUSTRIA'S PROBLEM IS PERPLEXING "Second Hoover" Tells How He Battles Scarcity of Food Supply



"Second Hoover" Tells HowHe Battles Scarcity of

Food Supply

|<\ MiI.TON IIKONM K[ LONDON. April » "If the great

power- of the Wm( only win help

Austria thru the present, *h« *UI

Mkannc" OBce more to stand on herIT» n feet. buy food and coal. and exfjjit goods that all the world wants"

Wjhu me*-«jige wm* given nie by

\u25a0fKlloover of Austria, l>r Alfredwho came with th«

HPTrton chancellor to lay Austria'*

Ese before the supreme council of

\u25a0he allies. Not only doea Omen

Eirffr know Hiiover well, hut theirEn i i n In mm< re»|>e,-ts are similar

\u25a0 tlruenherger Is faced «lth an\u25a0mpty national cupboard snJ mil*'Euinafie to fill It.B> "In order to Ret by. wo haveBp ration everyone very strictly

W"Our bread ration to each cltlrenLch week is one loaf of bread welchmr lis ounces.

"In addition, for cooking purposes, we allow a ration of ahnut

17H ounces of flour per week perkMd

"We allow a ration per week perbend of about 4 ! ounces of fat andthe same amount of meat.

"We also allow a ration of about

S4 ounces of sugxr per head permonth

"If people can ret flab or ecir» or

poultry or fresh frulta or vagetabl*ye do not attempt to ragulate lhatI "When I aay rations, t mean th»>U. what people are allowed to buy

K"l#t me explain how Austria ha-

\u25a0dm to this paastreaties hare carved up the

empirebeet of our former fond l.ind*

psvo been given to Ju«aS!.hi« indRumania We similarly have l>>»t

?ur coal."Now the present Austria need*

for Its life coal and food.

"But our money Is way down In

the world's marts A dollar used t<

bvv S kronen. Now It buys TOO."Toil ran see what I am up against

When I go out to shop for a nationand want to buy food

?Therefore, one of the first regutslte*. If the alllea don t «jmi

Austria 'o die. la to help us stabiliseour currency.

"Cive us coal and we can startour Industries. Give us food and wecan feed our workmen

"To live, Austria must he able to?tart her factories going The prae-aat Austria has few grain fiel.la orOta! mines. Our life must be basedUpon Industry.**

McManua Lea re*

for Los AngelesJoseph MManus. who ha* wen

\u25a0any admirers during hla short starjglth the Wilkes stock company. kM

by ths Wilkes man-agecoent to the Majestic theatrs. In

Von AngelasMr McManus la from ths East.

Where he ha* appeared In stock with

\u25a0Brae at ths leading companies.* He

also has enjoyed a highly successfuloarer In motion pictures He waslast seen here on the acreen with

Fnift Keensn. In "The World

*flame" "

McManus will begin his I.o* AnIn two weeks

Shonts' Will ItOrdered Probated

SEW TORK. April S?Tlie will oftt«od'>re P. Shonts was ordered pro-ban-'I yesterday by Surrogate JamesfWey. after Mrs. Mltla D. fthont*.Widow of Shonts. had filed a letterwithdrawing her charges against Mrs.

C. Thomas, chief legatee.la Shont* estate, which was

Wiosrn to be "over 1700.000." willedtioo.ooo to his widow. 1100.000 dlridoed between two sisters, and ths balMire to Mrs. Thomas.

Shonts died in sn apartment houseis which Mrs. Thomas also maintain-ad an apartment.

Seattle Man EndsHU Life in Tacoma

TACOMA. April ?-?"Cremate mybody and hare nry ashes scattered onPug'? Hound, U»« «rat*m of which IHfv*"

That was the message that WilliamHuggard. a mining engineer of Heat-tl* whote before he shot and killedhlmnclf h»re last night at a 10th *t.hotel.

Huggard used a sawed off shotgunwhich he had evidently carried withWm in a suitcase from Heattle, dis-charging both barrel*.

No motive for the suicide I*known

Protect Forests,Urges President

Washington, April ».?iv«wiHarding ha* l**ued * proclamn-

»»ttlng a*ld« the week of May 22a* f«re*t protection wwk, and

?fged that *pecial attention be givento mean* of preventing forest fire*.

The leading attractloo an neit"«k'i new bill of Orpheum Circuitvaudeville at the Moor* Is tha popu-lar favorite. Bloaaotn B«e|ey. H*roffering. In which ah* In a**l*t*dbyfour clever young men, U called"Mm Bynropatlon "

Mis* Ldya Adler. daughter of thefamou* tragedian. Jacob Adiar, lamaking her debut In vaudeville in aone-act playlet. "Tha RaautlfulLady "

A novelty of the play la thatIt ha* no man In the ca*t.

Ned Norworth I* another featuredplayer on the new bill With a plainpiano he manage* to portray allkind* of levity, farce, burlesque and\u25a0traight comedy.

"The Four Oo**lp«" la a femalequartet number.

I?arry Comer will present hi* In

tlmate nong revueProa per and Maret are a couple of

collegian* who undoubtedly paidmora attention to athletic* than they

did to their atudle*Selblnl and Nagle offer a novelty

called "The Rutterfly and the Cat."AMBUS U CKRFTI'RNS Tf» WII.KKM

Hall Calne'a famoua dramatic offering. "The Christian." will he theattraction of the Wllke* atock com-pany for the current week, starting

with a matinee today.

I nusual Intereat I* centered in the

return of Alexis l.tice, popular leadtng man. who will be neen In th*

role of John Htorm. the mlnlater. Inthl* offering.

Jane Morgan also ha* a very

prominent role aa Gloria Quajrle, themualc hall *tar.

The scenes of action are laid Inlymdon. Kn gland


A atunnlng fa*hlon *how will !>eone of the bright spot* In 'TlieSpring Model*," the new mualcalcomedy which open* today at l/cvy'a

Orpheum.A wore of pretty girls will appear

clad In smart, up-to-data style* furnlahed by »everal leading department

store*The ncflon of the *how takes place

In a large department store, withEddie Wright and George Rehn. thetwo comedian*, appearing as thestore manager*.

There will bo a number of catchymiwlcal offering*.


The new *how acheduled to appearat Lmw's Palace Hip tomorrow I*

described a* a well balanced and »ntcrtalning collection of noveltie*(Cra>ed by two headline attraction*.

PANTAGES\u25a0Matlaee* JiM Xlflta 7 mm* ?


neaatirul STtifllr Offertag


Sirenic Sand Witches in a GorgeousAquatic Fantaxy

I' H*Hu7Tiunr?n TKT^iTTuxTinou^"Two HecanU" I "Darltne** and Haw* 1 ' |

ICMKFOm. » BOTH W KM. I I *MA It*IIA1,1 j I"lilt*mf Art" I | Hlflr «»trl* and »nn«* |

Tvrm Vaudeville Fararftea

VARDON & PERRY"Tfc# Mvf Wire* mf the A. K. F. M

I'mntmttrmrop*. Pr+memtins HpUoifr I l*f of "VfUf« I'lngfM"

(arnrpnl AdmUalffiii Msllsffa J4sr. >l|hla, W)« .

Lolya Adler on Moore Bill* * * * * * * * *

Lace Returns to Wilkes Co.

I?lAtlya Adler, Moore. £?Kuth kichard, Levy's MimicalComedy company. s?Alexia Luce. Wilkin. I?MildredLowell, Palace Hip. s?L'ngel and Marxhall, coming toPantagcH Monday.

"Tha Htepptng Riona Ravua." anouUtandlng feature of the bill, pre-wnu a versatile and accomplishedquartet of boya and girl* headed byPhil Golden.

At Burton and Mary (">** share(ha headline position In their oddity,which they call "A Ravu* of 1»2I."

Two young men who hare heapaof personality and talent are QyyMcCormack and Cliff Wlnohlll.

ituatlc humor la found In the character sketch presented by HerbertHodge and Mildred Lowell, enlltled j'Object Matrimony."

The Cliff Bailey Duo are comedyacrobat*.

Puck Jone* tn "The Rig Punch" lathe fentijre photoplay%QI ATI!" STARCOMING TO PAN

little Mayer I* aal<l to have *ur-

pa«sed all her prevlou*. effort* In hernew vnudevllle offering. "ReachFollies." which come* to the Pantage* on tha new bill, tieglrning Mmilay matinee aa the headline attrac-tion. Mis* Mayer la one of the l>e«tknown swimmer* of the country andfor aome time aha haa devoted thlaart tn the stag*.

Vardon and Perry will presentcomedy character im[>er»on*tlona Inmusic and dancing.

llamlln and William Mackhare an act titled "Two Records"that la n|v>sether#i*w.

Oeorge and Paul Hickman are twoblackface funster*.

Clifford and Rolhwell In "Rita ofArt" are two artistic entertainer*

Frigel and Marshall are two *tun1nlng glrla who offer a re|>ertolre ofsongsPKOGV MAT INRl TI.FK RIIVIK

Hunday night, at the Rutler Hotelcafe. Mr. P. W. Hughe* will Intro-

! dues hla seventh edition of thei mualcal revue. "Revel* of 1921." withpractically a complete chance of pro-

I gram.Peggy May. the new memler of

I the tevtie. win have a fetching num-ber. "A Mouthful of Kisses," In

1 which the chorus girl* will appearto advantage

I Harold Raymond. Blanche Ensign. Margie P.ateman and RvelynHarrl* will all lie aeen In new

j specialties,Andy Ward'* orrheslni furnlshe*

i the dance music.


Phonograph and ValuableJewelry Taken

A phonoCTliph "li t a valuahla lotof Jrwrlry *»r» Imiudrd rnnnlK (fir

artli'lim atoton In flvn titiritlnrlra r»IKittnl la ixillr* Kilday nlflit andSaturday iiiumlnjr

Aft«r prylnir »l»ii th» window ofthe hoina of Mia. 1.. I'otnrroy, *ls*SJr.t af» N W . thieve* atols riotonly a |ihonoirrapli, lull even thar acorda

Hevrral diamond rtnr*. two Markfox fura. two pair* of kid elovaa. twoKxild »atih»a and a naoklaca were

ntolap from tha Itoma of H. P.NValkar, 1142 N SJd at

Opening the window after rutting

out a pl«i» of Rlaaa, tmrglara atolra vacutnn rlaanar from Mm MJohn won. 401S Kalrinnunt av*.

Ruth Hargrove'* ault, a pair nf?llppar* and a |M»tr of glove* wern

Molen from h»r hofna at IJ4* Dnlarave Kntertng wllh a paaakey,

Imrglar* atola aevtral dollar* froma ladle*' pur*> and from the porkela

of a pnlr of ttwuaara In Mr* VuWarden'* bom* at ISOO Auatln at.

Jefferson DavisServant Is Dead

W AHJIINOTON, Api ll * Jam**Jone« Mho, durlr.g the civil war.wan the body *ervant of JeffrrwmI d»ed »t hi* home hn» yeeter

dar Since 11*3 Jone* him b»rn anemploye of the senate etallonery

room.He I* the man who I* reputed to

have taken the great eeal of the t"onfederacy when I>av|a was raptured.

*nd burled 11. The eeal waa neverfound

Haircut 60 Cent* onSaturday Night, PlanTha advlaablllty of raining the

price of halrruta to ?« rent* on Halurdny night* will be dlM'UMied at a.pecial meeting of tha Master liar

IM-ra' aaaodatlon In the White building barber ahop April SO. It I* b*

lleved that *uch a rata would tend

lo relieve the congestion of buslriesnon tha laat day of tha week Hep.

rem-ntatlvea of all ahopa. whether

union or not. are Invited to attend

One of Seattle'sFirst Settlers Dead

SNOH<<MU<II. April * Alonxolx>w, one of Seattle a flrat white a-ttier*, la dead here at the a*ce of *i.

came to the little aettlement at

Alkl Point with hi* father In Hi?,

ahortly after tha place waa locatedKor 50 year* be baa been a ? Itlxenof gnohomlah county.

Here's a Mystery;Why Did He Swear?Whether the man who waa In the

back yard of C. I. Kelly'* home at

110 Newton at. Frl<lay night using

foul language had onlfr laat a collarbutton or waa thinking of the poll

tax had not been determined Satur-day. Kelly called for police, but theawearer had vanished


Ly& L Piakkaa'a VefeUUeCtapond Restored Mn.Qaialy'i

Heakk Now Ske Doe.Her Homework

Sholbrrllla. Mo.?"l wax only ableto do light housework btnuM for»?"" * wminw l*'i

month* my |*ri-ods ware oxrea-mvo. I htd wonvour medicine 01-U-n*ively adver-tiaed and thoughtI would give it ?

fair trial. I tookabout eight boxesof I.jrdla K, Pink-ham a VegetableCompound Tab-let* according todirection* and I

feel like a different woman. I harenot taken any medicine during thepant three months and I believe myailment i* cured. I am now able todo all my housework and attend to mypoultry and garden. Ifyou feel thatmy teatimonial will benefit anyoneyou are welcome to uae It in Tour ad-vertiwment*."-Mr*. L. I>. OniNl.Y,R. F. I). No. 2, Shelhyrille. Mo.

I.ydia E. Pinkham'* VegetableComjiound make* women atrong,healthy and able to bear their bur-den* nnd overcome tho*e in* to whichthev are subject.

Write I.ydia E. Pinkham MedicineCo., (confidential), Lynn, Man.,about your health.



?Mtllf'i Poptilar leading Mai ,



MAHHIVK SKT3I KVKMiVfi*?iMe?\u25a0> »i.«o|

K\TH\ I'KOI'I.K [ M ATI*F.K» «Te «« nor)



o* Jazz MusicMeattle'* big Safety Week cam-

paign will he brought to a routing

conclusion Saturday night.A pavement dance, ataged on Tike

at . between Secund and Third avea.,will be given whan a safety program*lll be held «lth a eerie* of entertainment feature* ahortly after 7O'clock.

With Carl Mile* leading the Klka'lland. two other entertainment* willhe offered at thla street meeting Onela llalph Pollock and hla "originalbroken melody ayncopalora" /rt.mthe Hippodrome. The other la theKmerald trio, comprlolng Kobert vul-gar. Harry Mortahan and I red Mill-deaux.

After aafety meeaage* hare beendelivered by Four Minute speaker*,tha audience may indulge In pave-ment darning to tha stirring "Jan"of I'ollock'a synropators

While Hatur<l«y will mark an off!-rial cenclualon to Rafrty Week.*poakera trill atreea th* neceaaity ofmaking every wwk a Kafety Week

In thl» mtnwr, It la believed thattha wWr ram pa inn wa«rd duringth* week will act aa ? permanent

benefit In reducln* Seattle'* toll ofaccident*.

Convention Trip forBiackwell All Off

Jamoa E BUu-kwall, auperlntend

ent of bulldlnir*. Will not attond theconvention of rlly building offlrlalalo bo hold In Cleveland on April 17Tha council finance rommlttee doclarod KYlday that trip* of thla kindwould l>o banno<l In future fllarkwall did not aak to be aont to the convent ion.

Horoscope Gloomy,Hoopskirts, Fires

NKW YORK. April 9 Inrendlary flrea at tho oaplto) at Wnahlng

ton, troubloa botwoon capital andlabor md earthquakea ara aomo of

tho thin** predicted by I'rof flua-lave Moyrr. Hobokon'a aatrologlat.Ha alao pro<llcta a return of hoop

aklrta. failure of prohlbltllon andlowor rant*.


Harvey Tried to Bribe, ThenAttacked Oflicet. Charge

Arrused of attempting to brlt>ePatrolman It H. Kruger. whenKruger attempted to eearcli hla autoIn a gar.ige on Nob Hill ave . andthen lo have knocked Kruger off therunning iMnl aafhe dri.*e away. exPatrolman/('liarlea Harvey, dlscharged recently for an allegedknorkover of a whinky auto train atl.akota I -en ih, wan nought by polu.«Saturday.

Kruger ewore to a warrant rharg

ing ll»r\ey with resinting an officerin Justice John H fJordon'a courtI'rtday afternoon Kruger aaya thatHarvey admitted to him that tha

auto contained five en»« of whisky.

"I've got all the 1-oya fixed andMl give you 1100 to go on alotityour bualnea*," Harrey aaid toKruger. the officer aaaerta. Harvey"*

tail will I* S&O4.

Aged MeuengerMakes Death Sure

HAN r R A NC I RC O, April t

Onrir Jacket! took no cJuncfiWhen he committed aulclda her*

yeaterday ha flrat took poiaon and

than *aphy*laled hlmaelf.Jacket \ra* tt. Hi had worked aa

a l-ank meeeengor for mora than 50yeara. \u25a0Halurday hi* employer*

notified him that they ha.l no further

uae for him %Ho told hla wlfo that ha eueaaed he

waa jrrttlnK too old to eorn hi* living.

Sander Funeral onSunday at 2 o'ClOck

Kunernl services for Fred F. San

dor. pioneer railway builder, will be

hold at the Ronney Wateon chapelat 2 o'clock Sunday. Rev. Dr. H. H.Gowrn will deliver tht funeral ad-itreaa.

Circus AcrobatU Killed in Fall

CHICAOO, April While rehoarain* an aerial act here yeatorday. Krnrat Ward, member of the"Plying Ward*" clrcua troupe ofacrohat*. fell 40 feet to hla deathfrom a trapfre.





; ".

. TIIKI OMKIHA*mm**.- A.A. " «IHI pittiii:

mm i.Ai ciii i* TIIK?-


tiik ma*t / nr It*]riti-rTTT I\EirlliTina ok the PAMora iiiisiiCHOIUIS IK COMKIH AN. ANDTIIK Hill, A Hid SI'FPOIIT-KI.AIIOItAIK | N (J ( oni'tM


\UgSr "THE SPRINGi toTiAtkht unnn c"

HH*s.or muucLo'!o?l>oi* :S "

SNAPPY KUN?CATCHY Ml NIC?-- PRETTY liIRI.STnrm. Amnlriirs. (saslr? More, Tlmr*. C ho run <slrl«* ( onlr»(


THe Great American Home

AT J P. M. SIMMY funeralservices will held at the BoothUndertaking Co. chapel for Mr*

Anna Jones Allen. (1, who diedThurrday at the home of her daugh*

ter, Mr* Martha A Hougers, !fl7Helvldere ave



Restriction of ImmigrationIs Recommended

HPOKANE, April, 9 "Hevere ra-«trl<tlori" of immigration lo thet'nlted Ht*te* for five year* I* rrc-unmindod In reeolutlon* *ent toPre*l<Jenl Harding «'>d member* ofconcreae by the Oaughter* nt theAm'rlnw Revolution In *tat« eonventlon here.

A firm *tnn<l Ik taken for I'glaln*

tlon to protect women *n<l children.|{e*oltit|on* urn* a uPatr law t<i protrrt children liorn out of wedlock,entitling them to their father'* nam"

and eiipimrt National endowment ofmotherhood || nought. A treaty withCanada to malte wife d<«ertlon an*«tr idllal.le offenae I* a»ked al*o.

Mr* W. H. Walker, Seattle, ml

elected etate rtgent, to eerve twoy<-are, and Mr*. W. If Patten, Ho-qutam, wa* el«*cted vice regent.

For a Julrjr eteak, let'* go toHoldt*?Advertliiement.





Stepping StoneRevue

A Vrrwitll# Nflang#FrilHriig Pbll

McCormick andWinehill

MJ«at f»r ? Laafh*

Hodge and LowellIn \u25a0 < mm+4r f laiaftf


Cliff Bailey Duot>»*Mf »llea» Kaeater*

In Ttiaea, Twlate Fella



Burton and Shea-A RKVTR Or 1»I"


reater* riiliptar

Buck Jones"Tbe Big Punch"A luatlat Dnaa ?( Weater*


"I had nervou* spells tha' wouldlut a couple of days,'' says Mm W.H Wolf, of No. 107 Chicago a>«nut. Youngstown. Ohio "I wa> easily

\u25a0Lartled. was restless at night andmy limbs trembled I waa ao nervous.I wu subject to nervou* headachesand blind, dlny spell* At time*th»re. was a *ort of fluttering feelingIn my stomach.

"After reading about I>r. William*'Pink Ptlls In tha paper I cava thema trial and felt better In a few days.I kept up the treatment four waekaand my nerve* are In a much Im-proved condition. 1 can Bleep well,my appetite I* good and I haven'thad a headache since I started takIn* J>r. Williams' pink Pllla. In fact,all tha symptoms of my trouble havedisappeared and I am triad po recommend the remedy to others."

Oet a box of I>r. Williain*' PinkPill* at your drunrl*t'* today orwrit* to th« Dr. William* MedicineCo.. ffe-henertady. N. Y? encloainjt*lxty rent* and a box will be a«ntyou. postpaid. A little book. "Dl*.eaae« of the Nervou* Bymem." whichexplain* the treatment, wll] be sentfree on requeat.?Advertlaemrnt.




"BARE KNUCKLES"In which the refining power of a pure love re*

generates a "brute."

Jean Wolfenden, "SEEING ISSoprano BELIEVING"

Singing? *

'Bonnie Sweet Bessie' MUTT AND JEFFOrchestra Selection

