Apr. 18 · 2018. 4. 21. · Some of the following troves are down. Some will be intermittently...

Apr. 18

Transcript of Apr. 18 · 2018. 4. 21. · Some of the following troves are down. Some will be intermittently...

Page 1: Apr. 18 · 2018. 4. 21. · Some of the following troves are down. Some will be intermittently live. I have opted not to update them in the usual (fashion). Requests for specific

Apr. 18

Page 2: Apr. 18 · 2018. 4. 21. · Some of the following troves are down. Some will be intermittently live. I have opted not to update them in the usual (fashion). Requests for specific

This is an archive of actively maintained links to RPG Troves.

Each one is a single game, theme, or publisher, and strives to be complete.

See an (offline) trove you mirrored or happen to collect? Toss up a link! It's never too late to become a curator.

/Drop, /Donate, /Submit, etc. links are for filling gaps in troves. If you're suspicious of a file'shygiene, please denote so in the filename.

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If you wanted to help, you could join the Anon Brigade by becoming a Curator and/or by finding strayPDFs for other Curators.

Pick a game or small publisher you like that’s not too big and complete it as best you can easily.

Really prolific games can be divided into components; by edition, setting, publisher etc.

Upload the pdfs somewhere. Hunt for and request the missing things. If it gets taken down, put it upagain later. Using indirect links like $nip li or pasteb!n has a real advantage in that this document will

tend to stay valid without constant editing.

I found this big honking list of rpgs,that probably means everyone else has known about it for ages.

It stopped in 2007, it has descriptions and stuff. http://www.darkshire.net/jhkim/rpg/encyclopedia/This one started in 2008


- - -

Sorry for the incomplete links and funny L33t spelling of upload site namesss, @SS or $$ is Send Spaace, m3g@ is Megaa, <d0t> is a period or dot as in dot com

$n!p<dot>li, s00<dot>gd, and h1v3<dot>@m links are cAsE sEnSeTiVeIf $n!p<dot>li is finicky, try $n!pli<dot>com instead.

There is a u$ercl0ud and a u$er$cl0ud, be careful to go to the correct one.

Add the hypertext protocol colon stuff to the front then the upload site spelled correctly, then add thefinal gibberish to build a complete link.

The most recent version of this document and others can be found at $n!p<dot>li /ShareThread

Page 3: Apr. 18 · 2018. 4. 21. · Some of the following troves are down. Some will be intermittently live. I have opted not to update them in the usual (fashion). Requests for specific

Some of the following troves are down. Some will be intermittently live. I have opted not toupdate them in the usual (fashion). Requests for specific files will likely be honored, but

you are encouraged to mirror anything you find interesting. We apologize for the inconvenience, and we appreciate your patience.

3D Printable Files$n!p<dot>li /3DFiles

Advanced Squad Leaderm3g4 /#F!X7ZgXJoZ!nP4vKKIKGYczWof9b-hqxA

Aftermath! $n!p<dot>li /aftermath s00<dot>gd /o9Ht

AgoneMF /folder/khkqm7bvo24sh/Agone

Amber $n!p<dot>li /AmberRPG

Avalon Hill Gamesm3g4 /#F!SyREURzI!lI3Rychibpx17XW4OEhCIg$n!p<dot>li /Hex/Chit (← for drops)

Avalon Hill Magazinesmeg4 /#F!Si4w2bCK!DjCcX9YrEkFpk2LEfqoHrg Bestiaries Collection - “HOLY MOLY!” and "Wowsers in my Trousers" $n!p<dot>li /Bestiaries

Boot Hill$n!p<dot>li /BootHill$n!p<dot>li /DropOff

BTRC$n!p<dot>li /BTRC s00<dot>gd /ZGB4

Burning WheelSS /folder/gthatc

Other Burning Wheel system gamesSS /folder/x9bcvm

Bushido $n!p<dot>li /Bushido s00<dot>gd /GQAf

Cartoon RPGs$n!p<dot>li /A3NYH

Catachan Novelsm3g4 /#F!pqgjiKZa!6dborrc_ts18OuA7GMNIGA

Central Casting

Page 4: Apr. 18 · 2018. 4. 21. · Some of the following troves are down. Some will be intermittently live. I have opted not to update them in the usual (fashion). Requests for specific

$n!p<dot>li /m6j

Chuubo’s Marvelous Wish Granting Engine$n!p<dot>li /Chuubo

City-State of the Invincible Overlord - with Role-Aids$n!p<dot>li /Mayfair

Conan 2d20m3g4 /#F!eiQHSCYC!d_fIJo6sqj75wEC0hXv5sA

Coriolism3g4 /#F!bD5yDTqS!4pcNOqHDWuyEljfAs0tIggm3g4 /#F!OHpSSZZZ!vacdcCSv0rPIa-2dZ2ja9Q

Crawling Under A Broken Moon $n!p<dot>li /CUBM s00<dot>gd /1X2t

The Ultimate Cthulhu Collection- Achtung Cthulhu! - Cthulhu 1920s - Cthulhu by Gaslight- Cthulhu Dark - Cthulhu Dark Ages - Cthulhu Invictus - Cthulhu Now & DG - Cthulhu Rising - Cthulhu Tech - End Time - Trail of Cthulhu & Cthulhu Confidential - Plus Age of Cthulhu, BRP, The Unspeakable Oath, World War Cthulhu, Worlds of Cthulhu and more.$n!p<dot>li /Cthulhu

Cthulhu Novelsm3g4 /#F!Yjx2laCa!7fouyKgsrSvoDWN5TbMjbA

Cyberpunk - all editions$n!p<dot>li /Cyberpunks00<dot>gd /YjoT

Cypher System$n!p<dot>li /7eXI

Daredevils $n!p<dot>li /Daredevilss00<dot>gd /2aU6

Darksun Novels and Comicsm3g4 /#F!9npliZSa!PD3F0EBAjHXHqDdAl7QmRw

New DC Univers Scans $n!p<dot>li /DCUrpg

Deadlands - Classic, Hell on Earth, Lost Colony$n!p<dot>li /Deadlands

Page 5: Apr. 18 · 2018. 4. 21. · Some of the following troves are down. Some will be intermittently live. I have opted not to update them in the usual (fashion). Requests for specific

Different Worlds Magazine$n!p<dot>li /DifferentWorlds

Dime Adventures $n!p<dot>li /DimeAdventures

Doctor Who AITAS Collection$n!p<dot>li /AITAS

Dream Pod 9$n!p<dot>li /DP9

Duet Trove - games for two people$n!p<dot>li /Duet

Dungeons & Dragons $n!p<dot>li /TSRTrove

$n!p<dot>li /WOTCTrove

$n!p<dot>li /HomebrewTrove ← (templates for making pretty PDFs)

Dungeons & Dragons Novels and Comicsm3g4 /#F!16QWyCzQ!_0lSohfoHxMs06uIhUvigw

Earthdawn - Third Editionm3g4 /#F!9I9TlBCY!YjRo9FQlOEPCmmqUsiAAmg

Earthdawn - Fourth Editionm3g4 /#F!gY92wKZL!dZTQw_Zmcp1St2wv8x8qrw

EPT Trove - AS&SH, Blood and Bronze, Castle Zagyg, DCC/MCC, Empire of the Petal Throne, Metamorphosis Alpha, New Wilderlands$n!p<dot>li /EPT$n!p<dot>li /EPTrove

Fantasy Games Unlimited$n!p<dot>li /FGU

FATE & Fudge & Friends$n!p<dot>li /ZwENn

Feng Shui - First Edition$n!p<dot>li /FengShui_1ed

Feng Shui - Second Edition$n!p<dot>li /FengShui_2ed

Fiasco$n!p<dot>li /Fiasco$n!p<dot>li /DropOff

Final Fantasy FFRPGSS /folder/2o2b2u

Page 6: Apr. 18 · 2018. 4. 21. · Some of the following troves are down. Some will be intermittently live. I have opted not to update them in the usual (fashion). Requests for specific

Fragged Empire ← (4-eared Elven Catgirls in Space!) $n!p<dot>li /FraggedEmpire$n!p<dot>li /NSte

Freebie Collection! - Curated by TheWiz! 600+ Open Source, Copyright Free RPG PDFs m3g4 /#F!Nq5mVJqR!6WdkQ9T9awc07Uu8oaUzHg

French RPGs m3g4 /#F!pD4WnD5J!JLF4yhyfh3CCTQ2aottfJg

French RPG Magazinesm3g4 /#F!uHBWGBjK!hWXEiEqgvwacJUptTTVvww

Gameshoppe 1987 - back from the dead!$n!p<dot>li /GS1987-1

Gamma World - First Edition through Fourth Edition m3g4 /#F!z9wHCQwC!HCeMOum5467vvbTd2XwiMw

Gangbusters$n!p<dot>li /Gangbusterss00<dot>gd /41mX

Ghostbusters $n!p<dot>li /Ghostbusterss00<dot>gd /zKN1

GM-Less Trove$n!p<dot>li /19WK

Gnosis$n!p<dot>li /Gnosis

Greyhawk $n!p<dot>li /Greyhawk$n!p<dot>li /TGRDrop

Greyhawk Novelsm3g4 /#F!pqgjiKZa!6dborrc_ts18OuA7GMNIGA

GURPS Classic$n!p<dot>li /GURPSClassic

GURPS - Fourth Edition$n!p<dot>li /GURPS

HackMaster$n!p<dot>li /Hackmasterh1v3<d0t>@m /Hackmaster

In Nomine$n!p<dot>li /InNomine

Iron Crown Enterprises$n!p<dot>li /IronCrownMF /folder/dnh302cpzen0y/Iron%20Crown%20Enterprises

Page 7: Apr. 18 · 2018. 4. 21. · Some of the following troves are down. Some will be intermittently live. I have opted not to update them in the usual (fashion). Requests for specific

Japanese RPGsm3g4 /#F!KA1DHRRL!MGkoDoBdnehHG7D2iXOwXQ!vNUw3LzR

JDR Trove$n!p<dot>li /JDRTrove

JDR Magazines$n!p<dot>li /JDRMags

Judge's Guild Magazine $n!p<dot>li /JGuild$n!p<dot>li /JGuildSubmissions

Justice, Inc.$n!p<dot>li /Justice

Kid Friendly Games $n!p<dot>li /KidFriendlyRPGs

Knights of the Dinner Table$n!p<dot>li /nRD3V

Lamentations of the Flame Princess$n!p<dot>li /lamenth1v3<dot>@m /lament

The Laundry $n!p<dot>li /Laundry

Legend of the Five Rings $n!p<dot>li /LFR

Legend of the Five Rings Novelsm3g4 /#F!0mJHTCZB!7cU6k3eDsSczH_gizQ_KaA

Like a Fucking Boss$n!p<dot>li /PiratingLikeAFuckingBoss

Lone Wolf Adventure Game$n!p<dot>li /LoneWolfAdventureGame

Man-O-Warm3g4 /#F!PC5A0ToZ!g1sbDuNHgR6RQStBhMAJXQ

Map Tiles$n!p<dot>li/TilesTroves00<dot>gd /qyny

Mercenaries, Spies, & Private Eyes$n!p<dot>li /MSPE

Men in Black $n!p<dot>li /MiB

Games, play aids, and RPGs picked out of interest or curiosity

Page 8: Apr. 18 · 2018. 4. 21. · Some of the following troves are down. Some will be intermittently live. I have opted not to update them in the usual (fashion). Requests for specific

$n!p<dot>li /MiscTrove

The Morrow Project $n!p<dot>li /MorrowProjects00<dot>gd /yVWW

Necromancer$n!p<dot>li /Necromancer$n!p<dot>li /TGRDrop

Numenera - with Cypher System, Gods of the Fall, and The Strange $n!p<dot>li /Cypherh1v3<dot>@m /Cypher

The One Ring $n!p<dot>li /TheOneRingh1v3<d0t>@m /TheOneRing

Ospreym3g4 /#F!mO43xRLS!PQDYvQWxQ4DmgooQxblkeA

OSR Trove$n!p<dot>li /Ikj

Over the Edge$n!p<dot>li /OverTheEdge

Palladium$n!p<dot>li /Palladium$n!p<dot>li /PalladiumDrop

Papercraft - minis and more$n!p<dot>li /Papercraft

Paranoia - all editions$n!p<dot>li /Paranoia

Pathfinder $n!p<dot>li /PFTroveh1v3<dot>@m /PFTrove

Pelgrane Press$n!p<dot>li /Pelgrane

Polyhedron Magazinem3g4 /#F!CLAViZLY!wBhXOlnsXcQfGLt4HKPe0A$n!p<dot>li /hOYhp

Ponyfinder$n!p<dot>li /Ponyfinder

Powered by the Apocalypse m3g4 /#F!sXJy2TwA!bNS9a7faCDdYLivujk8dgA

Prose Descriptive Qualities$n!p<dot>li /PDQ

Page 9: Apr. 18 · 2018. 4. 21. · Some of the following troves are down. Some will be intermittently live. I have opted not to update them in the usual (fashion). Requests for specific

Ptolus $n!p<dot>li /Ptolus

Rifts - with other Palladium products$n!p<dot>li /Rifts

Rogue Traders00<dot>gd /RGTR

Roleplaying Magazines - bursting at the seams!$n!p<dot>li /MagA-M$n!p<dot>li /MagN-Z

Roleplaying Magazines$n!p<dot>li /RPGMags

RPG Software$n!p<dot>li /RPGSoftware$n!p<dot>li /TGRDrop

Roll 19+1$n!p<dot>li /R20Trove

RuneQuest - all editions$n!p<dot>li /RuneQuest

Sanguine Press$n!p<dot>li /Sanguine

Savage Worlds - numerous settings$n!p<dot>li /SaWo

Shadowrun - all editionsmeg4 /#F!tVMnHQyY!4z_YL681Lrb_9kLWm-AvCQ!0E0AiD5S

Shadowrun - Fifth Edition$n!p<dot>li /Shadowrun

Shadowrun Novelsm3g4 /#F!ZmwmQQpS!EKRWDzEav3CwvxykK2e92w

Shadow of the Demon Lord $n!p<dot>li /sotdlm3g4 /#F!mKoRmYzb!QwfV_04iGNhk5uC6R-kgrQ

Solo Trove - games for one person$n!p<dot>li /SAWLa

Space 1889 - all editions$n!p<dot>li /Space1889s00<dot>gd /64gJ

Space 1889 - Clockwork Publishing$n!p<dot>li /Space1889_Clockwork

Page 10: Apr. 18 · 2018. 4. 21. · Some of the following troves are down. Some will be intermittently live. I have opted not to update them in the usual (fashion). Requests for specific

Spanish RPGsm3g4 /#F!F1t1VLTI!X_IRZmebfBOzBrM5bN3gBw

Spectrum Games - Macabre Tales, Retrostar, Slasher Flick, The Big Crime, Stories from the Grave; doesn't include Cartoon Action Hour $n!p<dot>li /SpectrumGamesRPGs

Spycraft$n!p<dot>li /Spy

Starfinder$n!p<dot>li /SFTrove

Star Maps$n!p<dot>li /Starmaps

Star Trek - FASA$n!p<dot>li /StarTrek-FASA

Star Wars - D6, D20 and FFG$n!p<dot>li /StarWars

Steampunk RPGs$n!p<dot>li /SteamTrove

Stormbringer - with Elric! and Dragon Lords of Melniboné$n!p<dot>li /Stormbringer

Stranger Things-ish RPGs$n!p<dot>li /StrangerThings

Superhero Games - Hero Games, Marvel Superheroes, M&M, V&V$n!p<dot>li /HeroTroveh1v3<dot>@m /HEROTrove

More Superhero Games$n!p<dot>li /MoreSuperheroes

Thieves' World $n!p<dot>li /ThievesWorld$n!p<dot>li /TGRDrop

Timemaster$n!p<dot>li /Timemaster$n!p<dot>li /DropOff

Top Secret $n!p<dot>li /TopSecrets00<dot>gd /IaiC

Torchbearer $n!p<dot>li /BearerOfTorchesSS /folder/y2fz0f

Traveller - the general trove$n!p<dot>li /Traveller

Page 11: Apr. 18 · 2018. 4. 21. · Some of the following troves are down. Some will be intermittently live. I have opted not to update them in the usual (fashion). Requests for specific

$n!p<dot>li /DropOff

Traveller - another, differently organized trove$n!p<dot>li /kqm2x

Tri Tac Games$n!p<dot>li /TriTacs00<dot>gd /nVOj

Triple Ace Games$n!p<dot>li /TripleAce

Trudvang Chroniclesm3g4 /#F!reoSCQaA!StwSAo8d9wRr3e6JoBiJeQ

Two Hour Wargames$n!p<dot>li /TwoHourWargames$n!p<dot>li /DropOff

Warhammer 40,000 Novelsm3g4 /#F!9m4BzLbS!8Ch5sXYvi4-G97MtNJLp8A

Classic World of Darkness$n!p<dot>li /CWoD

Old World of Darkness Novelsm3g4 /#F!53xCUAZA!VN8cTXWQ_7y-h35qxDBybw

New World of Darkness$n!p<dot>li /NWoD

New World of Darkness Novelsm3g4 /#F!tr51RK7A!PSMWBNOI1EUlIDOtbqdOuA

WOIN$n!p<dot>li /xzGCj

Page 12: Apr. 18 · 2018. 4. 21. · Some of the following troves are down. Some will be intermittently live. I have opted not to update them in the usual (fashion). Requests for specific