Apps for Good Case Study - Shahina

CASE STUDY BEN COLE, HEAD OF COMMUNITY, CENTRAL FOUNDATION GIRLS SCHOOL I think a lot of peoples’ immediate reaction to Apps for Good would be “this is a project for the best ICT students”. But at Central Foundation, we didn’t want it to be like this. We wanted to open the opportunity to a mix of ages, abilities and attitudes and to foster an environment which could transform the lives of all those involved. The results were brilliant and one student in particular, Shahina*, went through a dramatic transformation. Shahina made a promising start when she joined Central Foundation Girls School in Year 7 and things were looking good for her, but by Year 8 issues began to arise and there were concerns that she was heading down the wrong path. Although Shahina was always talkative and confident, her desire to find something interesting where she could channel her energy did not always take her in a positive direction. When the opportunity came to apply for the Apps for Good course, Shahina’s first reaction was that there was no way she was going to stay on after school to do a course. But, with some delicate persuasion, she reluctantly came along for the interview. This was the tipping point. During the group interview, it dawned on her that she could do something meaningful, she had something of value to say and that people would listen to her. She was subsequently awarded a place on the course, and soon became fully engaged and excited in the project. Her positive approach and transformation was not only down to the course content, but also the experience of forming friendships and working closely with older students who became mentors and role models for her. Since completing the Apps for Good course, Shahina has gone from strength to strength. She recently organised and led a group of students to raise £300 funding for an enterprise initiative taking the lead on writing the application and developing and pitching the presentation. Of the 17 students who completed the course, Shahina was the one who went through the biggest transformation but all of them got somethi ng out of it. We’ve definitely noticed an increased willingness to cooperate and increased leadership skills amongst the students who took the course. Some of the students were more capable than others from the start, but all have upped their game and got something out of it. *name has been changed to protect students identity

Transcript of Apps for Good Case Study - Shahina

Page 1: Apps for Good Case Study - Shahina



I think a lot of peoples’ immediate reaction to Apps for Good would be “this is a project for the best ICT

students”. But at Central Foundation, we didn’t want it to be like this. We wanted to open the opportunity to

a mix of ages, abilities and attitudes and to foster an environment which could transform the lives of all those

involved. The results were brilliant and one student in particular, Shahina*, went through a dramatic


Shahina made a promising start when she joined Central Foundation Girls School in Year 7 and things were

looking good for her, but by Year 8 issues began to arise and there were concerns that she was heading down

the wrong path. Although Shahina was always talkative and confident, her desire to find something interesting

where she could channel her energy did not always take her in a positive direction.

When the opportunity came to apply for the Apps for Good course, Shahina’s first reaction was that there was

no way she was going to stay on after school to do a course. But, with some delicate persuasion, she

reluctantly came along for the interview.

This was the tipping point. During the group interview, it dawned on her that she could do something

meaningful, she had something of value to say and that people would listen to her. She was subsequently

awarded a place on the course, and soon became fully engaged and excited in the project.

Her positive approach and transformation was not only down to the course content, but also the experience of

forming friendships and working closely with older students who became mentors and role models for her.

Since completing the Apps for Good course, Shahina has gone from strength to strength. She recently

organised and led a group of students to raise £300 funding for an enterprise initiative – taking the lead on

writing the application and developing and pitching the presentation.

Of the 17 students who completed the course, Shahina was the one who went through the biggest

transformation but all of them got something out of it. We’ve definitely noticed an increased willingness to

cooperate and increased leadership skills amongst the students who took the course. Some of the students

were more capable than others from the start, but all have upped their game and got something out of it.

*name has been changed to protect student’s identity