APPROVED Date 3 -0 -am (40 - Multicultural

APPROVED Date 3 -0 -am (40 Multicultural Academy Board of Directors Regular Meeting Minutes Date: February 18, 2016 Time: 6:00 pm Meeting Called to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm at 5550 Platt Road, Ann Arbor. I. Roll Call Present: Dr. Samaha-President Shafik Khalil-Vice President Dr. Robert McTyre-Director Jeffery Jones — Treasurer Excused Absence: Richard DeBacker-Secretary Also Present: Elizabeth Parks — Principal David Harvey — Intervention Specialist Terry Farha — UMC Angie Luck — UMC Marc Nezich — BMCC

Transcript of APPROVED Date 3 -0 -am (40 - Multicultural

APPROVED Date 3 -0 -am (40

Multicultural Academy Board of Directors

Regular Meeting Minutes

Date: February 18, 2016

Time: 6:00 pm

Meeting Called to Order

The meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm at 5550 Platt Road, Ann Arbor.

I. Roll Call


Dr. Samaha-President

Shafik Khalil-Vice President

Dr. Robert McTyre-Director

Jeffery Jones — Treasurer

Excused Absence:

Richard DeBacker-Secretary

Also Present:

Elizabeth Parks — Principal

David Harvey — Intervention Specialist

Terry Farha — UMC

Angie Luck — UMC

Marc Nezich — BMCC

Approval of Agenda

A motion was made by Robert McTyre and second by Shafik Khalil that the agenda for the regular board meeting be approved.

The motion passed unanimously.

II. Approval of Minutes

A motion was made by Shafik Khalil that the minutes be approved and second by Jeffery Jones.

The motion passed unanimously.

III. Correspondence

Michigan Department of Treasury

IV. Reporting A. Principal's Report

a. School Improvement Team met on January 27. The discussion centered on the Stages of Change, Continuous School Improvement Process, and Multicultural Ways of Thinking. Next meeting on February 24 th . We will discuss Ed Yes! Report which is due on March 18th

b. Northwest Evaluation Association winter test is completed. The largest gains were in 8 th grade for both Mathematics and Reading. The least gains were in first grade in both Mathematics and Reading

c. The results for the M-Step last Spring were released and show that we are scoring in the lime category for the 84.62% of our students meeting their target.

d. Data drops were held with teachers to determine how to best service students in each class in both Mathematics and Reading. ELL Spelling Bee took place the week of January 25.

e. Enrollment is currently at 164 (122 elementary and 42 middle school). We had 95% attendance on count day. Teacher continue to track students who were absent on February 10.

f. Ms. Queener left her position as middle school teacher (Math and Social Studies), and we have a wonderful substitute. We are contacting people and will schedule interviews. Ms. Wilson resigned and has been replace with Ms. Shrita Kellum. Ms. Davis resigned with a two week notice on February 15, 2016.

g. Multicultural Academy was not approved for the Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grant (TRIG) grant this year. The paperwork sited the application "Did not meet an eligibility requirement."

h. There was a 50% increase in attendance at Publishers/Literature Night with 30 families represented (20 families attended the previous curriculum night).

i. Report Cards were issued at Parent-Teacher conferences. Grade 3-8 Report Cards were completed on PowerSchool, while the younger students still use the developmental report cards. Teachers continue to make phone call conferences to try and reach all families.

j. Portal information was given out at conferences. Parents are encouraged to look on PowerSchool to check their students' grades. Teachers are to keep grades up to date in grade books.

k. Re-enrollment began on February 9 th. Students had a move up day on February 11 Pictures of our preschoolers with the kindergarten teacher were posted on FaceBook.

1. Weebly's have been updated. m. Lunch accounts have been decreasing as Ms. Cooley is now notify parents weekly of

balances due. Intervention Specialist

a. Assemblies are conducted daily at the beginning of the school day. Students are very engaged in 'Trivia Thursday". This is a trivia question asked every Thursday about academics and our student handbook policies and procedures. Incentives includes but not limited to cash and other exciting prizes. Students are very excited and engaged. This past Thursday we had a 5 th grader win the trivia prize.

b. Emergency fire drill have been conducted as per scheduled at our school. A lockdown drill will be conducted this week to ensure compliance with building safety codes.

c. As we continue to keep our students safe, we are also exploring new ideas on how to improve the rules that are currently in place. We have implemented a new procedure, students are using the gymnasium door to exit for recess and to enter classrooms under careful supervision of all administrator s and all middle school teachers. All visitors must continue to sign-in and out so that we are aware of who enters and exits the school building. We are diligently working with the pre-school director to establish a "No Parent to the Classroom Policy." A letter to all parents will be sent out to ensure compliance of this policy.

d. We continue to monitor cameras on all buses as part of our initiative to provide safety for all students. I will be riding buses #1 and #2 to maximize route consolidation and efficiency of drivers. By doing so, we will continue to have all buses arrive at 8:00 or 8:05 so that all classes commence at the scheduled time of 8:30 am.

e. Goal: To maintain an effective and rewarding code of conduct. Referrals remain lower than last reported. There were no referrals school wide on Tuesday and Thursday of last week Teachers continue to implement these strategies at the classroom level and reinforced daily. More parents are getting involved in dialog about their child or children's behavior. They continue to visit the school and are supportive in changes to ensure a safe school and learning environment.

f. Focus: Continuously reviewing and modifying policies and procedures to achieve 100% compliance. Students are more interested in their academic growth as evident by test scores rising and behavioral referrals lowered.

g. Thursday, February 11, 2016, was parent/teacher conferences. Family attendance was 50% percent more than past parent/teacher conferences. They were interested in how their children were doing academically and socially. Parents are actively volunteering for school events and asking how they can be of any assistance to our school and their children. We continue to grow our community one parent at a time.

B. UMC Report

Epicenter All documents have been submitted as required.

February 2016 Board Agenda — February ( 5 Business Days Before Meeting) 2/11 2/11 Board Posting - February 2/1 1/22 Proposed Board Minutes & Attachments-February (8 Business Days After Approved) 3/1 Approved Board Minutes & Attachments-January (5 Business Days After Approved) 2/25 2/22

March 2016 Board Agenda-March ( 5 Business Days Before Meeting) 3/10 MSDS Spring DS4061 3/28 Proposed Board Minutes & Attachments-March ( 8 Business Days After Approved) 3/29 Approved Board Minutes & Attachments — February ( 5 Business Days After Approved) 3/24

Purchase Orders Meetings took place with Crosky & Lanni to review all purchase orders and payroll along with updates for GSRP reporting. HR/MA Personnel Changes Looking for a Middle School teacher.

Grants Expenditure Grant Name Expenditures Revenue Current/Pending

GSRP $14,761.22 $14,761.22 Deposited MA Lunch $495.50 $559.31 Deposited MDE Lunch $10,657.76 $10,657.76 Deposited Title IA $3,483.00/$3,791.00 $3,483.00 / 43,791.00 Deposited / Pending Title IIA NA NA NA CAFCP $385.00 $385.00 Deposited IDEA NA NA NA ACT 18 NA NA NA Title III NA NA NA

General Fund Purchase Order Expenditures General Fund Purchases


Dated Bank Statements on Cash Flow / Payroll Escrow Cash Flow Payroll Escrow $17,200.00 $7,000.00

Payable / Receivable Accounts Pending Amounts Account Payable Pending Amounts Account Receivable

$386,000.00 $105,200.00

Insurance Name Date Paid

Health Insurance 1/22/2016 Life Insurance 1/8/2016 General Liability / Bus Insurance 1/14/2016 Workman's Compensation 1/14/2016

Financial Audits

Name of Audit

Date Occurring March 29, 2016


C. ERS Pupil Accounting

a. MCIR has been completed for the February reporting. We made it to 97%. We need to

make sure all applications are complete before enrolling into school.

b. Trained Shrita Kellum on administration of front office. Training will continue in the

days to come. c. Completed the MIND report for lunch verifications.

d. Section 25 has been completed. WISD will let me know our totals by end of February.

e. Trained office and principal on count day. Was in contact with Shrita all day keeping

tabs on how she was doing. We will gather all material as soon as we have completed

tracking. f. Worked with the principal with report cards. We have some good ideas to make them

look better. We also decided that all grade levels will use the same report card. Also,

middle school will, at the start of next year, no longer have semesters. The schedule will

be built the same as the K-8 entity. g. GSRP winter count was completed. I was granted a few extra days by Elaine because she

knew that I was working on the MCIR and that was priority so that we did not lose

funding. Technology

a. Waiting on a few items from CDWG for one quote to update the wireless connections per

the e-rate items. b. Spent several days, over a weekend, to fix the problems in the lab. We have several

computers that have been unplugged. Some had low virtual memory. Found out that was

because they had google open 71 times on those machines. Installed the needed

components for Title III testing. She gave us a work order with the proper site

information c. New chargers have been handed out to the ELL teacher and extra kept in the technology

office. Ordered a power cord for the GSRP laptop. I ended up finding one that works.

Those have been handed back to the teacher and I will keep the extra power cord in the

technology office. d. We will be taking the projectors out of the GSRP room and putting them into the rooms

that have older ones. When funding comes through we will then order the same ones we

have that become smart boards D. GSRP

Program/Parents Relations a. The second Parent Advisory Meeting is scheduled for 2/17/2016 at 3:00 pm. b. The program remains fully enrolled with 32 students. c. Carolyn Ayers, our Education Specialist completed Program Quality Assessments on

both classrooms. Overall scores have not been received yet but overall comments were very positive.

d. I will be attending the annual Enrollment Training at the WISD on 2/12/2016. e. Second round of Teach Gold, child assessment data is due 2/15/2016.

Events a. We had a Literacy Parent/Child Activity on 2/11/2016. b. Preschool children will be participating in the Step-Up Day on 2/11/2016. c. The Music Lady is coming for an in-center fieldtrip on 2/24/2016.

d. Male Leaders as Readers Event will be held on 2/25/2016.

E. GPS a. Supported new leader in the planning and facilitation of initial School Improvement

Team meeting b. Attended staff meeting to review data reports c. Planned and implemented next data drop with staff d. Continued to support the teachers with targeted and focused instruction based on NWEA

MAP data e. Continued with curriculum work f. Continued to support onboarding of new instructional staff g. Continued to support new leader on implementation of instructional initiatives h. Continued implementation of Professional Learning Communities i. Continued implementation of MTSS (RTI)

For next period: a. TBD

V. Financial Report A copy of The Monthly Financial Report was provided to the board for review. The board

accepted the financial report as is.

VI. CAO Report:

VII. Public Comments None.

VIII. Board Comments

IX. Scheduled/ New Business 1. Township Meeting / Building Light

a. Township still has concern regarding the lights on the building. They are requiring that the projection of the lights be lowered. An agreement was reached and this will be taken care of in the spring.

2. Early Warning MDT a. Letter was sent to the academy asking for feedback regarding financial questions.

Response letter was sent addressing all questions.

- Confirmation of Next Meeting

March 17, 2016 at 6:00 pm

1. Adjournment

Shafik Khalil made a motion to adjourn Jeffrey Jones second. Meeting adjourned at 6:47 p.m.

64i,T Recording Secretary

Proposed minutes respectfully s bmitted,

Approve the Board of Directors at its March 17, 2016 meeting.

Boar • Secretary