APPR Position Paper 13Dec11

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Transcript of APPR Position Paper 13Dec11

New York State Principals New York States High Schools, Middle Schools and Elementary Schools An Open Letter of Concern Regarding New York States APPR Legislation for the Evaluation of Teachers and Principals Over the past year, New York State has implemented dramatic changes to its schools. As building principals, we recognize that change is an essential component of school improvement. We continually examine best practices and pursue the most promising research-based school improvement strategies. We are very concerned, however, that at the state level change is being imposed in a rapid manner and without high-quality evidentiary support. Our students, teachers and communities deserve better. They deserve thoughtful reforms that will improve teaching and learning for all students. It is in this spirit that we write this letter, which sets forth our concerns and offers a path forward. We believe that it is our ethical obligation as principals to express our deep concerns about the recently implemented Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) regulations. These regulations are seriously flawed, and our schools and students will bear the brunt of their poor design. Below we explain why we are opposed to APPR as it is presently structured. Background In May 2010, the New York State Legislaturein an effort to secure federal Race to the Top funds approved an amendment to Educational Law 3012-c regarding the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) of teachers and principals. The new law states that beginning September 2011, all teachers and principals will receive a number from 0-100 to rate their performance. Part of that number (ranging from 20% to 40%) will be derived from how well students perform on standardized tests. At first glance, using test scores might seem like a reasonable approach to accountability. As designed, however, these regulations carry unintended negative consequences for our schools and students that simply cannot be ignored. Below we explain both the flaws and the consequences. Concern #1: Educational research and researchers strongly caution against teacher evaluation approaches like New York States APPR Legislation A few days before the Regents approved the APPR regulations, ten prominent researchers of assessment, teaching and learning wrote an open letter that included some of the following concerns about using 1 student test scores to evaluate educators : a) Value-added models (VAM) of teacher effectiveness do not produce stable ratings of teachers. For example, different statistical models (all based on reasonable assumptions) yield different 2 effectiveness scores. Researchers have found that how a teacher is rated changes from class to 3 class, from year to year, and even from test to test . b) There is no evidence that evaluation systems that incorporate student test scores produce gains in student achievement. In order to determine if there is a relationship, researchers recommendBaker, E. et al. (2011). Correspondence to the New York State Board of Regents. Retrieved October 16, 2011 from: 2 Papay, J. (2011). Different tests, different answers: The stability of teacher value-added estimates across outcome measures. American Educational Research Journal 48 (1) pp 163-193. 3 McCaffrey, D. et al. (2004). Evaluating value-added models of teacher accountability. Santa Monica, CA.; Rand Corporation.1

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



small-scale pilot testing of such systems. Student test scores have not been found to be a strong 4 predictor of the quality of teaching as measured by other instruments or approaches . c) The Regents examinations and Grades 3-8 Assessments are designed to evaluate student 5 learning, not teacher effectiveness, nor student learning growth . Using them to measure the latter is akin to using a meter stick to weigh a person: you might be able to develop a formula that links height and weight, but there will be plenty of error in your calculations.

Concern #2: Students will be adversely affected by New York States APPR When a teachers livelihood is directly impacted by his or her students scores on an end-of-year examination, test scores take front and center. The nurturing relationship between teacher and student changes for the worse. a) With a focus on the end of year testing, there inevitably will be a narrowing of the curriculum as 6 teachers focus more on test preparation and skill and drill teaching . Enrichment activities in the arts, music, civics and other non-tested areas will diminish. b) Schools will have an incentive to place struggling students in lower-level classes without standardized assessments School systems may hesitate placing students in Regents classes beyond the basic five needed for graduation so that their performance on Advanced Regents examinations will not negatively impact evaluations. If schools use Advanced Placement (AP) or International Baccalaureate (IB) scores, as suggested by Commissioner King, schools might be more reluctant to challenge students upward for fear that poor test performance might result in teachers being unfairly penalized. c) Teachers will subtly but surely be incentivized to avoid students with health issues, students with disabilities, English Language Learners or students suffering from emotional issues. Research 7 has shown that no model yet developed can adequately account for all of these ongoing factors . d) The dynamic between students and teacher will change. Instead of teacher and student versus the exam, it will be teacher versus students performance on the exam. e) Collaboration among teachers will be replaced by competition. With a value added system, a 5th grade teacher has little incentive to make sure that her incoming students score well on the 4th grade exams, for incoming students with high scores would make her job more challenging. When competition replaces collaboration, every student loses.

See Burris, C. & Welner, K. (2011). Conversations with Arne Duncan: Offering advice on educator evaluations. Phi Delta Kappan 93 (2) pp 38-41. 5 New York State Education Department (2011). Guide to the 2011 Grades 3-8 Testing Program in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Retrieved October 18, 2011 from . 6 Committee on Incentives and Test-Based Accountability in Education of the National Research Council. (2011). Incentives and Test-Based Accountability in Education. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. 7 Baker, E. et al (2010). Problems with the use of test scores to evaluate teachers. Washington, D.C. Economic Policy Institute. Retrieved October 16, 2011 from:; Newton, X. et al. (2010). Value-added modeling of teacher effectiveness: An exploration of stability across models and contexts. Education Policy and Analysis Archives. Retrieved October 16, 2011 from ; Rothstein, J. (2009). Student sorting and bias in value-added estimation: Selection on observables and unobservables. Education Finance and Policy, 4(4), 537571.


New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Concern #3: Tax Dollars Are Being Redirected from Schools to Testing Companies, Trainers and Outside Vendors School budgets must now be built within the constraint of New York States 2% Tax Cap law. Due to the details of the APPR regulations, district funds must be funneled to staff development and outside scoring even as New York State taxpayers precious dollars are funneled to testing companies and other vendors. At a time of economic crisis, this leaves fewer and fewer dollars for our classrooms. According to a recent 8 report by the New York State Superintendents entitled, At the Edge , 81% of all superintendents are worried that they will not have the funds to implement APPR in a way that would best serve their students needs. a) As recommended by the Regents reform agenda, all building principals receive ten days of training and superintendents receive seventeen days of training during the first year of implementation. Taxpayer funds to these outside training sessions are typically $120 per day per person. Conservative estimates put the state-wide mandated costs for this training in the range of several millions of taxpayer dollars. Recognizing that many other supervisors will be required to attend this training in order to evaluate teachers, these costs will continue to balloon. b) The need for a rapid turnaround in test scores (so they can be included in end-of-year evaluations) coupled with an increased emphasis on exam security will result in increased costs for districts. Tax dollars will be diverted to outside companies in the areas of test development, exam security and data analysis. These dollars diverted to testing companies may well range into the hundreds of millions of dollars statewide at the same time that funding for instruction is cut. Our Recommendations 1. School-wide achievement results should be used as part of every teachers and principals evaluation. Schools are learning communities. An evaluation system that even partially bases an individual teachers evaluation on his or her students scores ignores the reality that student success is often predicated on the work of many adults in a school, as well as out-of-school factors that 9 are actually more responsible for student success . Non-classroom-teacher factors account for 10 roughly 85-90% of the statistical variation in students test scores . Reading teachers, resource room teachers and ELL teachers provide critical skill support to our students. Guidance counselors, social workers, psychologists and deans provide social-emotional support for students. Thus, student scores reflect the work of many school personnel, as well as the influence of families and the effort of students. Schools operate best when there is cooperation 11 among all faculty members and when all are accountable for every students learning . If students test scores must be used as part of educators evaluations, we recommend that a score be used in a global manner. That is, that one index which incorporates school-wide achievement results be developed and used as part of each teachers and principals evaluation. Districts, based on the needs of their students, should have the final say in what achievement factors comprise that index.

The Council of School Superintendents. (2011). At the edge: A survey of New York State School Superintendents on fiscal matters. Retrieved on October 16, 2011 from: 9 Goldhaber, D., Brewer, D. & Anderson, D. (1999). A three-way error components analysis of educational productivity. Education Economics 7 (3) pp 199-208. 10 See Hanusheck, E., Kain, J. & Rivkin, S. (1998). Teachers, schools and academic achievement. Retrieved October 16, 2011 from 11 DuFour, R., & Eaker, R. (1998). Professional learning communities at work. Best Practices for enhancing student achievement. Bloomington, IN: National Educational Service.


New York Principals: APPR Position Paper




Pilot and adjust the evaluation system before implementing it on a large scale. Any annual evaluation system should be piloted and adjusted as necessary based on field feedback before being put in place state-wide. In other words, the state should pilot models and then use measures of student learning to evaluate the model. Delaware spent years piloting and fine-tuning their system before putting it in place formally state-wide. Use broad bands, not numbers, for the evaluation of teachers and principals. Evaluation should be about improvement, not sorting and selecting. A number between one and one hundred simply cannot describe the complex work of an educator. Neither is it realistic to think that the difference between a teacher score of 86 and 87 would have meaning or validity. The four performance bands (ineffective, developing, effective and highly effective) are the only evaluation ratings that should be used.


We, Principals of New York State schools, conclude that the proposed APPR process is an unproven system that is wasteful of increasingly limited resources. More importantly, it will prove to be deeply demoralizing to educators and harmful to the children in our care. Our students are more than the sum of their test scores, and an overemphasis on test scores will not result in better learning. According to a nine12 year study by the National Research Council , the past decades emphasis on testing has yielded little learning progress, especially considering the cost to our taxpayers. We welcome accountability and continually strive to meet high standards. We want what is best for our students. We believe, however, that an unproven, expensive and potentially harmful evaluation system is not the path to lasting school improvement. We must not lose sight of what matters the mostthe academic, social and emotional growth of our students.

Prepared by

Sean C. Feeney, Ph.D.

Carol C. Burris, Ed.D.

President Nassau County High School Principals Association Principal, The Wheatley School

Principal South Side High School

Committee on Incentives and Test-Based Accountability in Education of the National Research Council. (2011). Incentives and Test-Based Accountability in Education. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press.


New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Signed by 1001 Principals Across New York State (Updated 13 December 2011) Voice your support at

Name Mr. David Ksanznak Mr. Peter Brabant Ms. Kerry Flynn Dr. Russell Moore Mrs. Karen Miller Mr. Brian Bailey Ms. Pamela Black Mr. Imran Abbasi Mr. Thomas Reardon Mr. Kyle Faulknr Mr. Brian Edmister Ms. Lauren Wilkins Ms. Sue-Ann Rosch Mr. Sharif Rucker Mr. Richard Massel Mr. Peter Oroszlany Dr. John Hughes Ms. Anne Keegan Ms. Lorraine Carroll-Dawkins Ms. Annamaria Giordano Ms. Maria Anaya Ms. Myrna Walters Ms. Alyce Barr Ms. Anna Allanbrook Mr. Alex White Ms. Karen Ford Mr. Brian De Vale Ms. Elizabeth Phillips Mrs. Mabel Sarduy Ms. Christina Fuentes Ms. Melessa Avery Ms. Melanie Woods Mrs. Alicja Winnicki Mr. Seth Phillips Ms. Liza Suarez Ms. Mary Scarlato Ms. Geraldine Maione Mr. Michael Shadrick Mrs. Tamara Ivan Mrs. Denise Cook Mr. Roland Doig Mrs. Laurie Cuddy Mr. John White Mr. David Olson Ms. Linda Nottingham

School Hamagrael Elementary Altamont Elementary Loudonville Elementary Shaker Junior High School Pieter B. caymans RCS High School RCS Middle School Clayton A. Bouton HS Voorheesville Elementary Fillmore Central School Genesee Valley Central School CIS 313 School for Social Justice Holcombe L. Rucker HS Monroe Acad. for VA & Design Mott Hall V MS 424 The Hunts Point School P.S. 209 PS 138 Thomas C. Giordano MS 45 32K151 Brooklyn Bridge Academy Brooklyn Collaboratve Studies Brooklyn New School PS 146 Gotham Professional Arts Academy P.S. 18 P.S. 257 P.S. 321 P.S. 86K PS 24 Dual Lang. School PS 273 PS 29 PS 34 PS 8, The Robert Fulton School PS120 Samuel F. Dupont William Grady High School Williamsburg Preparatory HS Chenango Bridge Elementary Deposit Elementary School Richard T Stank Middle School Hinsdale MS/HS Boardmanville Elementary East View Elementary Ivers J. Norton Elementary

NYS County Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Allegany Allegany Bronx Bronx Bronx Bronx Bronx Bronx Bronx Bronx Bronx Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Brooklyn Broome Broome Broome Cattaraugus Cattaraugus Cattaraugus Cattaraugus

District Bethlehem CSD Guilderland CSD North Colonie CSD North Colonie CSD Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk CSD Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk CSD Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk CSD Voorheesville CSD Voorheesville CSD Fillmore CSD Genesee Valley New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City Chenango Valley Deposit Central School Susquehanna CSD Hinsdale CSD Olean City School District Olean City School District Olean City School District

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Name Mrs. Barbara Lias Mr. Gerald Trietley Mr. Joel Whitcher Mr. Kevin Munro Mr. Ravo Root III Mr. Daniel Amodeo Mr. Sean Gleason Mr. Thomas Eldridge Mr. Edward Turkasz Mrs. Elizabeth A. Rich Mr. Andrew Ludwig Mrs. Connie Foster Mr. Michael Lanning Mrs. Michele Shirkey Mr. Bryan Ayres Mr. James Walters Mr. John Douchinsky Ms. Jolene Emhof Mr. Kevin Hulbert Mr. Matthew Slattery Mr. Thomas Tregan Mr. Stephen Gratto Mr. Thomas Brandell Mr. Michael Loughman Mr. Scott Storms Mr. Scott Osborne Ms. Marguerite Tamer Ms. Tim Farley Mr. Cliff Kostuk Mr. Thomas Turck Mrs. Suzanne Luety Mr. Phillip Grome Mr. Timothy McNamara Mr. Michael MacDonald Mr. Eric Schetter Dr. Brady Fister Mr. Daniel Shornstein Mr. Stephen Kerins Mr. Douglas Damiaini Mr. Matthew Latvis Mr. Frank Tolan Mr. Allan Lipsky Mr. Richard Azoff Ms. Tara Horst Dr. Katie Zahedi Mr. Brian Boyd Mr. Roy Paisley Mr. Jose Olavrria Ms. Mary Bish Mr. Rodger DeHay Mr. James Daley

School Olean High School Olean Middle School Washington West Arcade Elementary Pioneer Middle School West Valley Central School Cato-Meridian MS Union Springs Middle School Maple Grove Jr. Sr High School Cassadaga Elementary Fredonia Middle School Carlyle C. Ring Elementary T.K. Beecher Elementary Greenlawn Elementary Greene Central IS Greene Middle / High School Sherburne-Earlville Elementary Sherburne-Earlville MS Keeseville Elementary Beekmantown Elementary Chazy Central Rural School Northeastern Clinton Central HS Northeastern Clinton MS Northern Adirondack Peru Intermediate School Peru Primary School Saranac Elementary Ichabod Crane HS Randall Elementary Homer OCM BOCES Onodaga Cortland Madison BOCES Downsville Walton HS/MS Lagrange Middle School Noxon Road Elementary Titusville Intermediatel Union Vale Middle School Salt Point Center Haviland Middle School Pawling High School Pawling Middle School Seymour Smith Intermediate LC Stissing Mountain HS Linden Avenue MS Mill Road Elementary Red Hook HS Gayhead Elementary Kinry Road Elementary Orchard View AHS Sheafe Road Elementary

NYS County Cattaraugus Cattaraugus Cattaraugus Cattaraugus Cattaraugus Cattaraugus Cayuga Cayuga Chautauqua Chautauqua Chautauqua Chautauqua Chemung Chenango Chenango Chenango Chenango Chenango Clinton Clinton Clinton Clinton Clinton Clinton Clinton Clinton Clinton Columbia Cortland Cortland Cortland Cortland Delaware Delaware Dutchess Dutchess Dutchess Dutchess Dutchess Dutchess Dutchess Dutchess Dutchess Dutchess Dutchess Dutchess Dutchess Dutchess Dutchess Dutchess Dutchess

District Olean City School District Olean City School District Olean City School District Pioneer CSD Pioneer CSD West Valley Central School Cato-Meridian CSD Union Springs CSD Bemus Point Cassadaga Valley CSD Fredonia Central Schools Jamestown City School District Elmira City Schools Bainbridge-Guilford Greene CSD Greene CSD Sherburne-Earlville CSD Sherburne-Earlville CSD AuSable Valley CSD Beekmantown CSD Chazy Central Rural School Northeastern Clinton Central School Northeastern Clinton Central School Northern Adirondack CSD Peru CSD Peru CSD Saranac Central Ichabod Crane CSD Cortland enlarged City School District Homer CSD OCM BOCES OCM County BOCES Downsville Walton CSD Arlington CSD Arlington CSD Arlington CSD Arlington CSD Dutchess BOCES Hyde Park CSD Pawling CSD Pawling CSD Pine Plains CSD Pine Plains CSD Red Hook CSD Red Hook CSD Red Hook CSD Wappingers CSD Wappingers CSD Wappingers CSD Wappingers CSD

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Name Mr. Steven Shuchat Mr. Kenneth Sauer Mr. Todd Esposito Mr. Anthony Panella Mr. Joseph Lucenti Mr. Daniel Lewis Dr. William Kresse Mrs. Denise Segars-McPhatter Dr. Casey Young Mrs. Nora Smith Trincanati Mr. Kevin Eberle Mr. Kevin Kazmierczak Mr. David Peters Mr. Thomas Slaiman Mrs. Andrea Galenski Mrs. Diane Page Mr. Neil Burns Ms. Jill Sherman Mrs. Carol Townsend Mrs. Susan Ciminelli Mr. Jeffrey Sortisio Mr. Michael Gallagher Mr. Dennis Kenney Mrs. Amy Stanfield Ms. Mary M. Hoffman Mrs. Mary Marcinelli Mrs. Margaret Hopkins Ms. Renee Salvadore Mr. John Cataldo Mrs. Annie Metcalf Mr. Jonathan Wolf Mr. Terence Tryon Mr. David Lilleck Mrs. Christine Rassow Mrs. Wendy Gloss Mrs. Katherine Townsend Mr. Vince Vanderlip Mr. Michael Retzlaff Mr. Scott Wolf Dr. James Newton Mrs. Holly Quinn Dr. Charles Galluzzo Mrs. Heidi Kelly Mrs. Susan Butler Mr. Timothy Jenny Mr. Terry Dangle Mr. Kim Conley Mrs. Kathleen Fox Mr. Russell Kissinger Mr. Troy Decker Mr. Thomas O'Brien

School Van Wyck JHS Webutuck High School Akron Elementary Akron Middle School Akron HS Smallwood Drive Elementary City Honors School Early Childhoood Center #82 East High School Frederick Law Olmsted #64 International Prep John F. Kennedy HS John F. Kennedy Middle School Theodore Roosevelt School Woodrow Wilson Elementary John F. Kennedy Middle School Clarence Center Elementary Cleveland Hill HS/MS Depew High School AJ Schmidt Elementary Frontier Central High School Hamburg High School Iroquois Iroquois Intermediate Lackawanna City School District Como Park Elementary John A Sciole Elementary School Maryvale High School North Collins Elementary North Collins Jr./Sr. HS Orchard Park HS Orchard Park High School Orchard Park Middle School South Davis Elementary Windom Elementary Colden Elementary School Springville-Griffith Institute Springville-Griffith Institute MS Heritage Heights Elementary Tonawanda Middle/High School Potters Road Elementary Maple West Elementary Minerva Central Dolgeville Elementary School James A. Green High School Herkimer Jr./Sr. High School Herkimer BOCES Herkimer BOCES Mount Markham HS Indian River High School Clarke Middle School

NYS County Dutchess Dutchess Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Erie Essex Herkimer Herkimer Herkimer Herkimer Herkimer Herkimer Jefferson Jefferson

District Wappingers CSD Webutuck CSD Akron Central Schools Akron Central Schools Akron CSD Amherst CSD Buffalo Public Schools Buffalo Public Schools Buffalo Public Schools Buffalo Public Schools Buffalo Public Schools Cheektowaga-Sloan CSD Cheektowaga-Sloan CSD Cheektowaga-Sloan CSD Cheektowaga-Sloan CSD Cheektowaga-Sloan UFSD Clarence CSD Cleveland Hill UFSD Depew UNSD Evans-Brant CSD Frontier CSD Hamburg CSD Iroquois Iroquois Lackawanna City School District Lancaster CSD Lancaster CSD Maryvale UFSD North Collins CSD North Collins CSD Orchard Park Orchard Park CSD Orchard Park CSD Orchard Park CSD Orchard Park CSD Springville Griffith Institute CSD Springville Griffith Institute CSD Springville-Griffith Institute CSD Sweet Home CSD Tonawanda City School District West Seneca CSD Williamsville CSD Minerva Central Dolgeville CSD Dolgeville CSD Herkimer HFHO BOCES HFHO BOCES Mount Markham CSD Indian River Central Schools South Jefferson CSD

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Name Mr. Ronald Perry Mr. Chuck D'Imperio Mr. Thomas Piatti Mrs. Debra Dushko Mr. Christopher Brewer Mr. William Simmons Mr. Brian Gallagher Mr. Rob Price Ms. Rhonda Rueger Mrs. Mary Anne Iritz Dr. Julie Zuckerman Ms. Naomi Smith Ms. Jean McTavish Ms. Ellen Foote Dr. John Wenk Ms. Susan Kreisman Mr. Alan Krull Ms. Laura Peynado-Castro Mr. Herb Mack Mr. William Klann Mr. David Johnson Mrs. Carolyn Shea Mr. Peter Hens Mrs. Elsie Rodriguez Mr. Karl Thielking Mrs. D'Onnarae Johnson Mrs. Monica Macaluso Mr. David Halloran Mr. Charles Loomis Ms. Susan Knors Mrs. Lori Presti Ms. Bernice-Theresa Acevedo Mrs. Joan Flatley Mr. Mark Gray Mr. Clifford Molinelli Mr. David Seinfeld Mr. Jack Lenson Ms. Lorraine Poppe Mr. Michael Harrington Mrs. Caryn Blum Mr. Michael Spence Mr. Steven Furrey Mrs. Angelita Cintado Mr. David Schneider Ms. Kerri McCarthy Mr. Neil J. Connolly Ms. Marilyn Manfredi Mrs. Susan Folkson Mr. Timothy Silk Mr. William Fortgang Ms. Laura Guggino

School Mannsville Manor Elementary Livonia Middle School Chittenango Middle School Edward R. Andrews Elementary Morrisville-Eaton MS/HS North Broad Street School Oneida High School Otto Shortell Middle School Willard Prior Elementary Stockbridge Valley Central School Central Park East 1 Central Park East II E. A. R. West Side High School IS 289 Lower Manhattan Arts Acad. Manhattan Hunter Science HS Manhattan International HS University Neighborhood MS Urban Academy Laboratory HS Vanguard High School Churchville Elementary Northside Paul Road Elementary Monroe Woodbury MS Pittsford Mendon HS Henry Lomb School No. 20 Taylor Elementary School Fonda-Fultonville HS Greater Amsterdam Baldwin Senior HS Baldwin UFSD Lenox School Meadow School Plaza Elementary C.A. Reinhard ECC Calhoun High School Grand Avenue MS John F. Kennedy High School Mepham High School Merrick Avenue Middle School Bethpage High School Central Boulevard Elementary Charles Campagne Elementary JFK Middle School Kramer Lane Elementary Carle Place MS/HS Cherry Lane School Rushmore Avenue School Centre Avenue Elementary East Rockaway Jr-Sr HS Rhame Avenue

NYS County Jefferson Livingston Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Madison Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Manhattan Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Monroe Montgomery Montgomery Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau

District South Jefferson CSD Livonia Public Schools Chittenango Central Schools Morrisville-Eaton CSD Morrisville-Eaton CSD Oneida City School District Oneida City School District Oneida City School District Oneida City School District Stockbridge Valley CSD New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City New York City Churchville-Chili CSD Fairport CSD Gates-Chili CSD Monroe-Woodbury CSD Pittsford CSD Rochester City School District Spencerport CSD Fonda-Fultonville CSD Greater Amsterdam Schools Baldwin UFSD Baldwin UFSD Baldwin UFSD Baldwin UFSD Baldwin UFSD Bellmore UFSD Bellmore-Merrick CHS District Bellmore-Merrick CHS District Bellmore-Merrick CHS District Bellmore-Merrick CHS District Bellmore-Merrick CHS District Bethpage UFSD Bethpage UFSD Bethpage UFSD Bethpage UFSD Bethpage UFSD Carle Place UFSD Carle Place UFSD Carle Place UFSD East Rockaway UFSD East Rockaway UFSD East Rockaway UFSD

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Name Mr. James Bloomgarden Dr. Sean Feeney Mr. Stephen Kimmel Ms. Amy Buchanan Mr. Walter Aksionoff Mr. Marshall Zucker Mr. Joe Valentine Mr. Glen Zakian Mrs. Donna Scheuerer Mr. Luis Pena Mrs. Elizabeth Garavuso Dr. Eve Dieinger Mrs. Jamie Adams Dr. Margaret McGlynn Dr. Ceil Candreva Mr. Gil Torossian Ms. Valerie Mazzone Mrs. Paula Lein Ms. Odette Wills Ms. Peggy Miller Mr. Ernest James Kight Jr. Mr. John O'Mard Ms. Amanda Villalba Mrs. Renee Crump-Dedmon Ms. Nanine Cuttitta Dr. Peter Osroff Ms. Audrey Bellovin Dr. Suzanne Viscovich Ms. Jean Ricotta Ms. Linda Norton Mrs. Rosemarie Sekelsky Ms. Nomi Rosen Ms. Francine Santoro Dr. Joseph Hinton Dr. Michael Israel Dr. Anael Alston Ms. Sharon Emick Fougner Mr. Bernard Kaplan Ms. Denise Desmond-Nolan Ms. Susan Elliott Dr. James Welsch Mr. Ronald Gimondo Mrs. Phyllis Feldman Mrs. Debbie Shalom Mr. Eric Nezowitz Mr. Stephen Goldberg Mr. Richard Brown Dr. Johnetta Hill Dr. Rodney Gilmore Ms. Sheryl McBeth Mr. Edward Bellomo

School North Side School The Wheatley School Willets Road School Alden Terrace School Dutch Broadway Elementary Gotham Avenue Albany Avenue Farmingdale High School Farmingdale HS Howitt Middle School Northside Elementary Saltzman East Memorial Floral Park-Bellerose Elementary John Lewis Childs Elementary John Street Elementary Polk Elementary School Washington Street School Archer Street School Bayview Avenue School of A&S Columbus Ave ECC Freeport High School John W. Dodd MS Leo F. Giblyn School New Visions ES Garden City High School Garden City Middle School Hemlock Homestead Locust School Stewart School Connolly Elementary Deasy School Eugene J. Gribbin School Glen Cove High School Landing Elementary Robery Finley Middle School E.M. Baker Elementary Great Neck North HS Great Neck North MS Great Neck South HS Great Neck South MS John F. Kennedy Elementary Lakeville Elementary Parkville School Saddle Rock Elementary Village School Hempstead ECC Hempstead HS (Sr Academy) Jackson Main Elementary Marshall School Center Street School

NYS County Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau

District East Williston UFSD East Williston UFSD East Williston UFSD Elmont UFSD Elmont UFSD Elmont UFSD Farmingdale UFSD Farmingdale UFSD Farmingdale UFSD Farmingdale UFSD Farmingdale UFSD Farmingdale UFSD Floral Park-Bellerose UFSD Floral Park-Bellerose UFSD Franklin Square UFSD Franklin Square UFSD Franklin Square UFSD Freeport UFSD Freeport UFSD Freeport UFSD Freeport UFSD Freeport UFSD Freeport UFSD Freeport UFSD Garden City UFSD Garden City UFSD Garden City UFSD Garden City UFSD Garden City UFSD Garden City UFSD Glen Cove City SD Glen Cove City SD Glen Cove City SD Glen Cove City SD Glen Cove City SD Glen Cove City SD Great Neck UFSD Great Neck UFSD Great Neck UFSD Great Neck UFSD Great Neck UFSD Great Neck UFSD Great Neck UFSD Great Neck UFSD Great Neck UFSD Great Neck UFSD Hempstead UFSD Hempstead UFSD Hempstead UFSD Hempstead UFSD Herricks UFSD

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Name Mrs. Mary Louise Haley Dr. Jane Modoono Ms. Joan Keegan Ms. Elizabeth Guercin Mrs. Bonnie Epstein Mr. Thomas Russo Mrs. Sandra Pensak Mrs. Joan Birringer-Haig Mr. Rick Berkowitz Mr. Michael Dunn Mrs. Susan Strauss Mrs. Jean-Marie Serra Mr. Chris Scardino Ms. Brijinder Singh Mrs. Stephanie Stam Mr. Anthony Lubrano Mrs. Mary Hance Mr. Nicholas Grande Mr. Roger Bloom Dr. Penny Fisher Mrs. Lisa Newman Mr. Antony Sinanis Mr. Benny D'Aquila Mr. Joseph Prisinzano Mr. Donald Gately Mr. Adam Winnick Dr. Jennifer Lagnado Mr. George Akst Ms. Cindy Lee Mrs. Joann Wallace Dr. Francesco Ianni Mrs. Jeanmarie Wink Ms. Susan Hendler Mr. John Zampaglione Mr. Anthony Goss Ms. Kathleen Valentino Mr. Keith Squillacioti Dr. Sally Evans Mr. John Avena Dr. Kieran McGuire Mr. H. Thomas Hogan Mr. Sean Murray Mrs. Brenda Young Mrs. Karen Sauter Dr. Gaurav Passi Dr. Michele Natali Ms. Sandra Schneider Mr. Joseph Rainis Mrs. Margaret Ronai Mrs. Barbara Moore Mr. Sean Fallon

School Denton Avenue School Herricks High School Herricks Middle School Searingtown School Franklin ECC G.W. Hewlett High School Hewlett Elementary Ogden Elementary School Woodmere Middle School Burns Avenue School Dutch Lane School East Street School Fork Lane Elementary Hicksville High School Lee Avenue Old Country Road Elementary Woodland Elementary Island Trees High School Island Trees Memorial MS J. Fred Sparke Elementary Michael F. Stokes Cantiague Elementary George A. Jackson Elementary Jericho High School Jericho Middle School Robert Seaman Elementary Lawrence High School Lawrence Middle School Number Two School Abbey Lane Elementary Division Avenue HS East Broadway Gardiners Avenue Joans E. Salk Middle School Lee Road Elementary MacArthur High School Northside School Summit Lane School Wisdom Lane MS Locust Valley High School Locust Valley Middle School East Elementary School Lido Elementary School Lindell Long Beach High School Long Beach Middle School West School Lynbrook High School Lynbrook South Middle School Marion Street North Middle School

NYS County Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau

District Herricks UFSD Herricks UFSD Herricks UFSD Herricks UFSD Hewlett-Woodmere UFSD Hewlett-Woodmere UFSD Hewlett-Woodmere UFSD Hewlett-Woodmere UFSD Hewlett-Woodmere UFSD Hicksville UFSD Hicksville UFSD Hicksville UFSD Hicksville UFSD Hicksville UFSD Hicksville UFSD Hicksville UFSD Hicksville UFSD Island Trees UFSD Island Trees UFSD Island Trees UFSD Island Trees UFSD Jericho UFSD Jericho UFSD Jericho UFSD Jericho UFSD Jericho UFSD Lawrence UFSD Lawrence UFSD Lawrence UFSD Levittown UFSD Levittown UFSD Levittown UFSD Levittown UFSD Levittown UFSD Levittown UFSD Levittown UFSD Levittown UFSD Levittown UFSD Levittown UFSD Locust Valley CSD Locust Valley CSD Long Beach City SD Long Beach City SD Long Beach City SD Long Beach City SD Long Beach City SD Long Beach City SD Lynbrook UFSD Lynbrook UFSD Lynbrook UFSD Lynbrook UFSD

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Name Mrs. Lucille McAssey Mrs. Alison Puliatte Mr. Edward Tallon Mr. Steve Gilhuley Mr. James Brown Mrs. Margaret McDaid Dr. Dean Schlanger Mr. Thomas A. McKillop III Mrs. Lori Dano Mr. Patrick DiClemente Dr. Barbara Williams Dr. Amanda Lowry Mr. Stephen Scarallo Mrs. Deanna Catapano Mr. Ed Escobar Mr. James Clark Mr. Robert Lombardi Dr. Judy Gastwirth-Masone Mr. John Picarello Ms. Judith Hynes Mr. James Svendsen Mrs. Diane Weiss Mrs. Faith Skelos Dr. Mark Wiener Mrs. Marilyn Hirschfield Ms. Frances Bennett Ms. Lori Nimmo Ms. Bridget Finder Mr. Albert Cousins Mr. Marc Ferris Mr. Adam Frankel Mrs. Julie McGahan Mrs. Beth-Ann Castiello Mr. Mark Secaur Dr. Allison Glickman-Rogers Mr. Thomas Capone Mrs. Diane Provvido Mrs. Joanna Kletter Mrs. Nancy Gaiman Dr. Dennis O'Hara Ms. Gina Faust Mrs. Beth McCoy Mrs. Emily O'Brien Mrs. Carol Muscarella Mr. Robert Amster Mr. Anthony DeRiso Mr. Dean Mittleman Mrs. Suzanne Gray Ms. Ronelle Hershkowitz Ms. Paulette Miller Mr. James Murray

School Waverly Park Elementary West End Davison Avenue Howard T. Herber MS Malverne High School Maurice W. Downing Primary Manhasset Secondary School East Lake School Fairfield Massapequa Ames Massapequa High School McKenna Elementary Raymond J. Lockhart Elementary Unqua Mineola High School Barry Tech Nassau BOCES Prog. for Hearing & Vision Serv. Rosemary Kennedy Specialized and Virtual Schools Garden City Park Elementary Manor Oaks School John G. Dinkelmeyer Martin Avenue Elementary Newbridge Road School Saw Mill Road Elementary Glen Head School Glenwood Landing School North Shore High School North Shore Middle School Sea Cliff School Number 6 School Oaks School #3 Oceanside High School Oceanside Middle School Oceanside UFSD School #5 South Oceanside Road School #4 James H. Vernon School Oyster Bay High School Theodore Roosevelt School Charles E. Schwarting Elementary Eastplain Elementary John H. West Elementary Plainedge High School Plainedge Middle School Howard B. Mattlin MS Old Bethpage Elementary Parkway Elementary Pasadena Elementary Plainview-Old Bethpage JFK HS

NYS County Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau

District Lynbrook UFSD Lynbrook UFSD Malverne UFSD Malverne UFSD Malverne UFSD Malverne UFSD Manhasset UFSD Massapequa UFSD Massapequa UFSD Massapequa UFSD Massapequa UFSD Massapequa UFSD Massapequa UFSD Massapequa UFSD Mineola UFSD Nassau BOCES Nassau BOCES Nassau BOCES Nassau BOCES Nassau BOCES New Hyde Park-Garden City Park UFSD New Hyde Park-Garden City Park UFSD North Bellmore UFSD North Bellmore UFSD North Bellmore UFSD North Bellmore UFSD North Shore CSD North Shore CSD North Shore CSD North Shore CSD North Shore CSD Oceanside UFSD Oceanside UFSD Oceanside UFSD Oceanside UFSD Oceanside UFSD Oceanside UFSD Oceanside UFSD Oyster Bay-East Norwich CSD Oyster Bay-East Norwich CSD Oyster Bay-East Norwich CSD Plainedge UFSD Plainedge UFSD Plainedge UFSD Plainedge UFSD Plainedge UFSD Plainview-Old Bethpage CSD Plainview-Old Bethpage CSD Plainview-Old Bethpage CSD Plainview-Old Bethpage CSD Plainview-Old Bethpage CSD

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Name Ms. Francine Leiboff Ms. Alison Clark Mrs. Debbi Frechtman Mr. Ira Pernick Mr. Christopher Shields Ms. Marilyn M. Rodahan Mr. Thomas Ricupero Mrs. Elizabeth Pryke Mrs. Tricia Bock Dr. Carol Burris Ms. Shelagh McGinn Mrs. Joan Waldman Mr. Darren Raymar Mr. Stephen Strachan Mrs. Lillian Coggins-Watson Dr. Perletter Wright Mr. Kevin Scanlon Mr. Jack Palmadesso Mrs. Debra Emmerich Mr. Daniel Smith Mr. John Capozzi Ms. Kathleen Sottile Mrs. Valerie Angelillo Mr. Michael DeMartino Ms. Mary Tabone Ms. Lisa Greiner Mrs. Joanne Mannion Mr. James Kassebaum Ms. Theresa Scrocco Ms. Michelle Burget Dr. Giovanni Durante Mr. Jeffrey Kasper Mrs. Patricia Varrone Mrs. Jennifer Bumford Mrs. Juanita Bryant-Bell Mr. Dexter Hodge Dr. Lynnda Nadien Dr. Florence D Simmons Ms. Linda Friedman Mr. Frank Huplosky Mr. Darren Gruen Dr. Christine Zerillo Ms. Stephanie Capozzoli Mr. John Singleton Mrs. Erin Malone Mr. Anthony Mignella Dr. Joseph Pompilio Mr. Cliff Odell Ms. Maureen Henry Ms. Maureen Goldberg Dr. Lynne D'Agostino

School Plainview-Old Bethpage KC Stratford Road Elementary Stratford Road Elementary Paul D. Schreiber High School South Salem Elementary School Weber Middle School Francis F. Wilson Elementary Hewitt Elementary Riverside Elementary South Side High School South Side Middle School Watson Elementary William S. Covert School Roosevelt High School Ulysses Byas Elementary Washington Rose Elementary Roslyn High School Roslyn Middle School Seaford Manor Elementary Seaford Middle School Elmont Memorial High School Floral Park Memorial HS H. Frank Carey Jr/Sr HS New Hyde Park Memorial HS A.P. Willits Baylis Elementary Berry Hill School H.B. Thompson MS South Grove Elementary South Woods MS Syosset High School Village School Walt Whitman High School California Avenue Elementary Grand Avenue Elementary Lawrence Road MS Smith Street School Uniondale High School Walnut Street Elementary Howell Road James A. Dever School Wheeler Avenue School Willow Road Clear Stream Avenue School Forest Road Memorial JHS Valley Stream Central HS Valley Stream North HS Valley Stream South HS Forest Lake Elementary Mandalay Elementary

NYS County Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau

District Plainview-Old Bethpage CSD Plainview-Old Bethpage CSD Plainview-Old Bethpage CSD Port Washington UFSD Port Washington UFSD Port Washington UFSD Rockville Centre UFSD Rockville Centre UFSD Rockville Centre UFSD Rockville Centre UFSD Rockville Centre UFSD Rockville Centre UFSD Rockville Centre UFSD Roosevelt UFSD Roosevelt UFSD Roosevelt UFSD Roslyn UFSD Roslyn UFSD Seaford UFSD Seaford UFSD Sewanhaka CHS District Sewanhaka CHS District Sewanhaka CHS District Sewanhaka CHS District Syosset CSD Syosset CSD Syosset CSD Syosset CSD Syosset CSD Syosset CSD Syosset CSD Syosset CSD Syosset CSD Uniondale UFSD Uniondale UFSD Uniondale UFSD Uniondale UFSD Uniondale UFSD Uniondale UFSD Valley Stream 13 UFSD Valley Stream 13 UFSD Valley Stream 13 UFSD Valley Stream 13 UFSD Valley Stream 30 UFSD Valley Stream 30 UFSD Valley Stream CHS District Valley Stream CHS District Valley Stream CHS District Valley Stream CHS District Wantagh UFSD Wantagh UFSD

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Name Dr. Don Sternberg Mrs. Carolyn Breivogel Mrs. Dawn Matrochano Mr. Anthony Cali Mrs. Terry Ganley Mr. Daniel Rehman Dr. Wanda Toledo Mrs. Dale Telmer Mrs. Gloria Dingwall Mr. Manuel Arias Mr. David Zimbler Mr. Paul Sibblies Mr. Donald Freeman Mr. John Hoar Mr. Andrew Auer Mrs. Karen Cuddy-Miller Mr. Michael Sobieraski Mr. Ryan Schoenfeld Mr. James Snyder Mr. Christopher Arnold Mr. Peter Young Ms. Kathleen Nagle Mr. Thomas Adams Mr. Thomas Stack Mr. James Spanbauer Ms Paulette Pierce Mrs. Patricia Adler Mr. Robert Keohane Mrs. Lisa Colburn Mr. Michael Tambroni Mr. James Peiffer Dr. John McKenna Ms. Janet Heller Ms. Darlene Despeignes Mr. Nathan Dudley Ms. Patricia Thomas Mrs. Mary Walker Mr. Craig Ferretti Mrs. Sharon Kirch Mr. Mark Dunn Ms. Jennifer Spring Dr. Keith Levatino Mrs. Cynthia Langone Mrs. Maureen Futscher Dr. Rene Wilson Mr. Gary Hadfield Mr. Zane Mahar Mr. Steven Marcus Ms. Ann Marie Palladino Mr. Mark DeSalvo Ms. Alicia D'Ambrosio

School Wantagh Elementary Wantagh High School Wantagh Middle School Cornwell Avenue School George Washington Elementary West Hempstead HS Drexel Avenue School Dryden Street School Park Avenue School Westbury High School Westbury Middle School Wyandanch Memorial HS Fannie Lou Hamer Freedom HS Pratt Elementary Lewiston Porter Intermediate Center Lewiston-Porter Middle School Anna Merritt Elementary George Southard Elementary North Park JHS Washington Hunt Elementary Newfane ECC Newfane Elementary Newfane Middle School Newfane Senior HS Niagara Falls High School Niagara Street School Meadow School North Tonawanda City Schools North Tonawanda MS Ohio Elementary Regan Intermediate School Fletcher Elementary MS 324 PS 63-Manhattan Urban Assembly Harbor School Adirondack Middle School Camden Middle School McConnellsville Elementary North Bay Elementary E. R. Hughes Elementary New Hartford High School Perry Jr. High School R. E. Myles Elementary School Robert L. Bradley Elementary New York Mills Elementary New York Mills Jr Sr High Sauquoit Valley High School Clinton Elementary Donovan Middle School Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ES General Herkimer

NYS County Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau Nassau New York City Niagara Niagara Niagara Niagara Niagara Niagara Niagara Niagara Niagara Niagara Niagara Niagara Niagara Niagara Niagara Niagara Niagara Niagara Niagara NYC Central NYC Central NYC Central Oneida Oneida Oneida Oneida Oneida Oneida Oneida Oneida Oneida Oneida Oneida Oneida Oneida Oneida Oneida Oneida

District Wantagh UFSD Wantagh UFSD Wantagh UFSD West Hempstead UFSD West Hempstead UFSD West Hempstead UFSD Westbury UFSD Westbury UFSD Westbury UFSD Westbury UFSD Westbury UFSD Wyandanch UFSD New York City Barker CSD Lewiston-Porter CSD Lewiston-Porter CSD Lockport City School District Lockport City School District Lockport City School District Lockport City School District Newfane CSD Newfane CSD Newfane CSD Newfane CSD Niagara Falls City School District Niagara Falls City School District North Tonawanda City Schools North Tonawanda City Schools North Tonawanda City Schools North Tonawanda City Schools Starpoint CSD Tonawanda City School District New York City New York City New York City Adirondack CSD Camden CSD Camden CSD Camden CSD New Hartford CSD New Hartford CSD New Hartford CSD New Hartford CSD New Hartford CSD New York Mills UFSD New York Mills UFSD Sauquoit Valley Central School Utica City School District Utica City School District Utica City School District Utica City School District

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Name Mrs. JoAnn M. Russo Mr. Henry Frasca Mrs. Jamie Sitera Mrs. Jamie Sitera Mr. James Rozwod Mr. Jim Kramer Mr. Christopher Staats Ms. Olivia Cambs Mrs. Bonnie Van Benschoten Mr. Tony Cardamone Mr. Steven Frey Ms. Michelle Crisafulli Mr. Robert Hughes Mrs. Deborah Capri Ms. Nancy Smith Mr. Raymond W Kilmer Mr. Paul Gasparini Mr. Peter Smith Mrs. Jill Zerrillo Mr. David Shafer Ms. Diane Ellsworth Mr. Peter Ianzito Mr. Joseph Mussi Mr. John Sardella Mr. Michael Dardaris Mr. John Durkee Mr. Steve Duffy Ms. Barbara Brigham Mr. Timothy Chiavara Mr. Stephen Widrick Ms. Paula Kopp Ms. Marie Ariola Mr. Thomas Coughlin Mrs. Sarah VanLiew Mr. Douglas Hutson Mrs. Maureen Mulderig Mr. Lee Roscoe Dr. Richard Faccio Dr. Jeff Linn Dr. Susan Wissick Mr. Clayton Cole Mr. Carl Christensen Ms. Cindy Walsh Mr. Michael Rheaume Dr. Maureen Lamb Mrs. Debra Clinton Mrs. Marie Toombs Ms. Lisa Collopy Mrs. Donna Napolitano Mr. Gordon Dean Ms. Sue Short

School John F. Hughes Elementary Kernan Elementary Roscoe Conkling Elementary Roscoe Conkling Elementary McAllister Elementary VVS Middle School Whitesboro Middle School Reynolds Elementary Durgee Junior High School Harry E Elden Elementary Palmer Elementary Van Buren Elementary Fabius-Pompey MS/HS Enders Road Elementary Fayetteville Elementary Fayetteville-Manlius HS Jamesville-DeWitt HS Jamesville-DeWitt MS Tecumseh Elementary Ramsdell Middle School Onondaga Nation School Chestnut Hill MS Liverpool Middle School Willow Field CS Driver Middle School Marcellus Senior High School Onodaga Cortland Madison BOCES Onodaga Cortland Madison BOCES Skaneateles Middle School State Street IS Solvay Elementary Onodaga Cortland Madison BOCES Seymour Dual Language Academy Cherry Road School Onondaga Hill Middle School Walberta Park Primary Westhill High School Canandaigua Academy Canandaigua Primary School Gorham Intermediate Marcus Whitman Middle School Victor Junior High School Chester Elementary School S.S. Seward Institute Fort Montgomery Elementary Marlboro Middle School Middle Hope Elementary School J.W. Chorley Truman Moon Primary Center Twin Towers Middle School William A. Carter Elementary

NYS County Oneida Oneida Oneida Oneida Oneida Oneida Oneida Onodaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Onondaga Ontario Ontario Ontario Ontario Ontario Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange

District Utica City School District Utica City School District Utica City School District Utica City School District Vernon-Verona Sherrill CSD Vernon-Verona Sherrill CSD Whitesboro CSD Baldwinsville CSD Baldwinsville CSD Baldwinsville CSD Baldwinsville CSD Baldwinsville CSD Fabius-Pompey SD Fayetteville-Manlius CSD Fayetteville-Manlius CSD Fayetteville-Manlius CSD Jamesville-Dewitt CSD Jamesville-Dewitt CSD Jamesville-Dewitt CSD Jordan Elbridge CSD LaFayette School District Liverpool CSD Liverpool CSD Liverpool CSD Marcellus CSD Marcellus CSD Onodaga Madison County BOCES Onodaga Madison County BOCES Skaneateles CSD Skaneateles CSD Solvay Syracuse Syracuse West Hill CSD West Hill CSD West Hill CSD Westhill CSD Canandaigua City School District Canandaigua City School District Marcus Whitman CSD Marcus Whitman CSD Victor CSD Chester UFSD Florida UFSD Highland Falls-Fort Montgomery CSD Marlboro CSD Marlboro CSD Middletown City Schools Middletown City Schools Middletown City Schools Middletown City Schools

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Name Mr. Michael Giardina Dr. Charlene Kelemen Mr. Hank Priestner-Werte Mr. John Boyle Mrs. Donna Geidel Mr. Aaron Hopmayer Ms. Linda Korycki Mrs. Cynthia Benedict Mr. Denis Petrilak Mrs. Barbara Geoghan Mr. Gregory Heidemann Ms. Anne Sussdorff Ms. Marianne Serratore Mr. Ned Hayes Mrs. Veronica Casillo Ms. Sandra Wood Mr. Roger Longfield Mr. Steve Kiel Mr. Richard Quattrocchi Mr. Brian Buchanan Dr. Brian Schmitt Dr. Brian Schmitt Mr. Gregory Molloy Mr. Jay Altobello Ms. Katharine Smith Mr. Walter Baskin Mr. Kevin Carroll Ms. Joan Pinkerton Mr. Brent Harrington Mr. Ira Gurkin Mrs. Jamie Edelman Mr. Edward J. Hallisey Ms. Melissa Menake Mr. Musa Shama Mr. Joseph Lisa Mr. Denis Sibson Dr. Peter DeWitt Ms. Laura Canny Mr. Richard Pogue Ms. Catherine Bonet Mr. Joseph Troy Mr. Jonathan Slaybaugh Mr. Harry Leonardatos Mr. David Jacob Mr. James Vitale Mrs. Martha Ryan Mr. Kevin Horan Mrs. Dianne Basso Dr. Diane Mitchell Mr. Jonathan Schatz Ms. Francine Cuccia

School Minisink Valley Middle School Sapphire Elementary Orange/Ulster BOCES Crispell Middle School Pakanasink Elementary Pine Bush High School Hamilton Bicentennial Elementary Port Jervis Middle School George F. Baker High School George Grant Mason East Coldenham Maybrook Elementary Montgomery Elementary Valley Central Middle School Walden Elementary Kings Elementary Sanfordville ES Round Hill Elementary Taft Elementary G. Ray Bodley High School Hannibal High School Hannibal High School John C. Birdlebough Pulaski High School Morris Central School Valleyview Elementary Carmel HS Kent Primary School Haldane Mahopac Middle School Putnam Valley Elementary Putnam Valley MS Cambria Heights Academy Francis Lewis High School IS 61Q Miller Hill-Sand Lake School Poestenkill Elementary West Sand Lake Elementary Tamarac Secondary School Rockland BOCES Albertus Magnus High School Birchwood Clarkstown High School North Clarkstown High School North Clarkstown High School South Congers Elementary School Felix Festa Middle School Felix Festa Middle School Felix Festa Middle School Felix V. Festa Determination School Link Elementary School

NYS County Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Orange Oswego Oswego Oswego Oswego Oswego Otsego Otsego Putnam Putnam Putnam Putnam Putnam Putnam Queens Queens Queens Rensselaer Rensselaer Rensselaer Rensselaer Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland

District Minisink Valley CSD Monroe-Woodbury CSD Orange/Ulster BOCES Pine Bush CSD Pine Bush CSD Pine Bush CSD Port Jervis City School District Port Jervis City School District Tuxedo UFSD Tuxedo UFSD Valley CSD Valley CSD Valley CSD Valley CSD Valley CSD Warwick Valley CSD Warwick Valley CSD Washingtonville CSD Washingtonville CSD Fulton City Schools Hannibal CSD Hannibal CSD Phoenix CSD Pulaski Academy and Central School Morris CSD Oneonta City School District Carmel CSD Carmel CSD Haldane CSD Mahopac CSD Putnam Valley CSD Putnam Valley CSD New York City New York City New York City Averill Park CSD Averill Park CSD Averill Park CSD Brunswick (Brittonkill) CSD BOCES Clarkstown CSD Clarkstown CSD Clarkstown CSD Clarkstown CSD Clarkstown CSD Clarkstown CSD Clarkstown CSD Clarkstown CSD Clarkstown CSD Clarkstown CSD Clarkstown CSD

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Name Mrs. Annie Streiff Ms. Lisa Maher Ms. Maria Vergez Dr. Nancy Kavanagh Ms. Patricia Smith Ms. Barbara Knecht Dr. Ira Oustatcher Ms. Karen Pinel Mr. Michael Roth Dr. Michael Gill Mr. Joseph Witazek Mr. Peter DiBernardi Mr. William Furdon Ms. Mary DiPersio Mr. Patrick Breen Mr. Brian Fox Mrs. Pamela Charles Ms. Kim Bell Mrs. Jennifer Amos Mrs. Nora Polansky Mrs. Maryellen Symer Mr. Norm Griffin Mr. Jonathan Burns Mr. Greg Wing Mr. Bruce Ballan Mr. Joseph Palmer Mr. Robert Lemieux Mr. Mark Fish Mr. John Goralski Mr. Mario Fernandez Mrs. Debra Berndt Ms. Lynda Castronovo Mr. Rod Weeden Mr. Mark Passamonte Ms. Jennifer Walsh-Rurak Mrs. Victoria Day Mr. Joseph Ruddy Mr. Jonathan Sovay Mr. James Cruikshank Mrs. Deborah Barlow Mr. Michael Siebert Mr. Randy Brzezinski Mr. Richard A. Kimble Ms. Lisa Sanford Dr. Scott Andrews Ms. Michele Darby Mrs. Pauline Collins Mr. Scott Bullis Mrs. Dana Basile Mr. Al Cirone Mr. Robert Pashkin

School West Nyack Elementary School Woodglen Elementary Chestnut Ridge M.S. Elmwood Grandview Margetts Elementary School Pomona Middle School Spring Valley High School Willow Grove Middle School North Rockland High School Thiells Elementary West Haverstraw Elementary Pearl River High School Richard P. Connor Elem. School Suffern High School Suffern Middle School Gateway Academy HS Rockland BOCES Tappan Zee High School William O. Schaefer Elementary Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake HS Joseph Henry Elementary Acadia Middle School Karigon Elementary Koda Middle School Harrison Avenue School Moreau Elementary Oliver W. Winch Middle School Stillwater Elementary Stillwater High School Birchwood Elementary ScotiaGlenville HS Watkins Glen Elementary HC Williams Sr. High School McKenney Middle School East Side Elementary Madrid-Waddington Jr.-Sr. HS Norwood-Norfolk Middle Schooll A. A. Kingston Middle School Bath- Haverling Dana L. Lyon MS Haverling High School Corning Free Academy MS Hornell Senior High School Amityville Memorial HS EW Miles Middle School Northeast Elementary Park Avenue Memorial Elementary Babylon Elementary Babylon Jr-Sr High School Bay Shore High School

NYS County Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Rockland Saratoga Saratoga Saratoga Saratoga Saratoga Saratoga Saratoga Saratoga Saratoga Saratoga Schenectady Schenectady Schuyler St. Lawrence St. Lawrence St. Lawrence St. Lawrence St. Lawrence St. Lawrence Steuben Steuben Steuben Steuben Steuben Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk

District Clarkstown CSD Clarkstown CSD East Ramapo CSD East Ramapo CSD East Ramapo CSD East Ramapo CSD East Ramapo CSD East Ramapo CSD Haverstraw Stony Point CSD North Rockland CSD North Rockland CSD North Rockland CSD Pearl River SD Ramapo CSD Ramapo CSD Ramapo CSD Rockland BOCES Rockland BOCES South Orangetown CSD South Orangetown CSD Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake CSD Galway CSD Shenendehowa Shenendehowa Shenendehowa South Glen Falls SD South Glen Falls SD South Glen Falls SD Stillwater CSD Stillwater CSD Niskayuna CSD Scotia Glenville CSD Watkins Glen CSD Canton CSD Canton CSD Gouverneur Madrid-Waddington CSD Norwood-Norfolk Central Potsdam Central Schools Bath CSD Bath CSD Bath CSD Corning Painted Post Area SD Hornell CSD Amityville UFSD Amityville UFSD Amityville UFSD Amityville UFSD Babylon UFSD Babylon UFSD Bay Shore UFSD

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Name Dr. LaQuita Outlaw Mrs. Regina Vorwald Mr. Carlton Brown Ms. Johnna Grasso Dr. Timothy Hearney Ms. Diana Ketcham Ms. Susan Haske Mr. Joseph Suarez Mr. Richard Loeschner Ms. Michele Rogers Ms. Lisa Calderaro Ms. Laura Alicastro Mr. Eric Snell Dr. Marian Nasta Mr. Patrick Morris Mr. Kevin McWhirter Ms. Juana Cruz Perez Ms. Ann Weishahn Ms. Marilyn Friend-Ituarte Mr. Robert McCarthy Mr. John Pryor Mrs. Jennifer Polychronakos Ms. Toni Bifalco Mr. Joseph Coniglione Mr. Michael J. Fama Mrs. Leah Anesta Mrs. April Victor Mr. Edward Casswell Ms. Patricia Cunningham Mrs. Kim Hardwick Mrs. Jessica Iafrate Dr. Franklin Caesar Ms. Sharon Dungee Mrs. Kristine LoCascio Ms. Catherine Vereline Mrs. Brenda Jackson Mr. Jay Matuk Mrs. Lynn Herschlein Ms. Valerie Massiml Mr. Kurt Simon Mr. Charles N. Heppeler, Jr. Mrs. Catherine Nolan Mr. Anthony Davidson Mr. Brian Simpson Ms. Michelle Tancredi Mrs. Katherine Rihm Mrs. Janet Studley Mrs. Michelle Collison Dr. Gail Cholden Dr. Lisa Ihne Ms. Bridgette Wilson

School Bay Shore Middle School Brook Avenue School Gardiner Manor School South Country Bayport-Blue Point High School Blue Point Elementary James Wilson Young MS Brentwood Freshman Center Brentwood High School East Elementary School FJC Southeast Elementary Hemlock Park Laurel Park Elementary Loretta Park North Elementary Northeast Elementary Oak Park Elementary Pine Park Southwest Elementary Twin Pines Elementary Bridgehampton High School Boyle Road Elementary Clinton Avenue Comsewogue High School John F. Kennedy Middle School Norwood Avenue Elementary Terryville Road Elementary Center Moriches High School Center Moriches Middle School Clayton Huey Elementary Central Islip ECC Central Islip Senior HS Cordello Avenue Elementary F.J. O'Neill Elementary Marguerite L. Mulvey School Mulligan IS Cold Spring Harbor High School Goosehill Primary School Lloyd Harbor West Side School Burr Intermediate School Commack High School Commack Middle School Indian Hollow Primary School Mandracchia-Sawmill IS North Ridge Primary Rolling Hills Primary School Wood Park Primary Arthur Premm School Bosti Elementary School Cherokee Street Elementary

NYS County Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk

District Bay Shore UFSD Bay Shore UFSD Bay Shore UFSD Bay Shore UFSD Bayport-Blue Point UFSD Bayport-Blue Point UFSD Bayport-Blue Point UFSD Brentwood UFSD Brentwood UFSD Brentwood UFSD Brentwood UFSD Brentwood UFSD Brentwood UFSD Brentwood UFSD Brentwood UFSD Brentwood UFSD Brentwood UFSD Brentwood UFSD Brentwood UFSD Brentwood UFSD Bridgehampton UFSD Brookhaven-Comsewogue UFSD Brookhaven-Comsewogue UFSD Brookhaven-Comsewogue UFSD Brookhaven-Comsewogue UFSD Brookhaven-Comsewogue UFSD Brookhaven-Comsewogue UFSD Center Moriches UFSD Center Moriches UFSD Center Moriches UFSD Central Islip UFSD Central Islip UFSD Central Islip UFSD Central Islip UFSD Central Islip UFSD Central Islip UFSD Cold Spring Harbor CSD Cold Spring Harbor CSD Cold Spring Harbor CSD Cold Spring Harbor CSD Commack UFSD Commack UFSD Commack UFSD Commack UFSD Commack UFSD Commack UFSD Commack UFSD Commack UFSD Connetquot CSD Connetquot CSD Connetquot CSD

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Name Mr. John Delio Mrs. Denise Toscano Ms. Susan White Mr. Charles Morea Mr. Stuart Pollak Mrs. Jeanette Altruda Mr. Andrew Lagnado Mr. Joseph Agosta Dr. Christine Criscione Ms. Susan Bonner Ms. Alicia Konecny Mrs. Eliana Levey Mr. Adam Fine Mrs. Deborah Smith Mr. William Brennen Mr. Mark Bernard Mrs. Aileen ORourke Mrs. Danielle Naccarato Dr. Lisa Belz Ms. Susan Goltz Mr. Samuel Mc Aleese Mr. Marc Foreman Mr. Thomas McGrath Mr. Joseph Delgado Mrs. Barbara Lassen Mr. Josph Steimel Dr. Hugh Gigante Dr. Vincent Mulieri Mrs. Karen Koliadko Mrs. Pamela Fine Mr. Andrew Greene Mr. Chad Snyder Mr. Ross Diener Dr. Jeffery Woodberry Mr. Wayne Ebanks Ms. Stacey Bernstein Ms. Deborah Ostrosky Ms. Karen Littell Dr. David Bennardo Mrs. Joanne Giordano Ms. Florence Tuzzi Ms. Maureen Kelly Mrs. Jane Ruthkowski Mrs. Kristen Reingold Mrs. Christine O'Connor Mrs. Maryann Fletcher Mrs. Claudine DiMuzio Dr. Carmela Leonardi Mr. John Amato Mrs. Margaret Evers Mrs. Marsha Neville

School Edith L. Slocum Elementary Idle Hour Elementary John Pearl Elementary Ronkonkoma Middle School Sycamore Avenue Elementary Copiague HS Copiague MS Great Neck Road Elementary Abraham Lincoln School John F. Kennedy Intermediate May Moore Elementary Robert Frost Middle School East Hampton High School Connetquot Elementary East Islip High School East Islip Middle School JFK Elementary Ruth C. Kinney Elementary Timber Point Elementary Centereach Academic Center H.B. Ward Career & Tech. Center Jefferson Academic Center Milliken Tech Center Suffolk Aviation Academy Dayton Avenue School Eastport South Manor Jr-Sr HS Elwood Middle School Elwood-John H. Glenn HS Harley Avenue Primary School James H. Boyd Intermediate Candlewood Middle School Chestnut Hill Elementary Forest Park Elementary Half Hollow Hills HS East Half Hollow Hills HS West Otsego Elementary School Signal Hill Sunquam Elementary Harborfields HS Oldfield Middle School Thomas J. Lahey Elementary Washington Drive Primary Bretton Woods Elementary Forest Brook Elementary Hauppauge High School Hauppauge Middle School Pines Elementary School Huntington High School J. Taylor Finley MS Jefferson Primary School Washington Primary School

NYS County Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk

District Connetquot CSD Connetquot CSD Connetquot CSD Connetquot CSD Connetquot CSD Copiague UFSD Copiague UFSD Copiague UFSD Deer Park UFSD Deer Park UFSD Deer Park UFSD Deer Park UFSD East Hampton UFSD East Islip UFSD East Islip UFSD East Islip UFSD East Islip UFSD East Islip UFSD East Islip UFSD Eastern Suffolk BOCES Eastern Suffolk BOCES Eastern Suffolk BOCES Eastern Suffolk BOCES Eastern Suffolk BOCES Eastport-South Manor CSD Eastport-South Manor CSD Elwood UFSD Elwood UFSD Elwood UFSD Elwood UFSD Half Hollow Hills CSD Half Hollow Hills CSD Half Hollow Hills CSD Half Hollow Hills CSD Half Hollow Hills CSD Half Hollow Hills CSD Half Hollow Hills CSD Half Hollow Hills CSD Harborfields CSD Harborfields CSD Harborfields CSD Harborfields CSD Hauppauge UFSD Hauppauge UFSD Hauppauge UFSD Hauppauge UFSD Hauppauge UFSD Huntington UFSD Huntington UFSD Huntington UFSD Huntington UFSD

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Name Mrs. Jeannette Feminella Dr. Eileen Rossman Dr. Timothy Martin Mrs. Diane Druckman Dr. Arlene Mullin Mr. Lino Bracco Mrs. Jeanne Devine Mr. Rudy Massimo Mr. John Craig Mrs. Lisa Omeis Mrs. Laura Newman Mrs. Linda Domanico Mr. Daniel E. Giordano Mr. Frank Naccarato Mrs. Patricia Castine Dr. Linda Cornigans Dr. Levi McIntyre Mrs. Janine Rozycki Mr. Shawn Petretti Mr. Thomas Bell Mrs. Linda Peyser Mr. Ken Gutmann Dr. Michael Dantona Dr. Craig Unkenholz Mr. Glen Rogers Ms. Lisa Marie Contarino Dr. Theodore Fulton Mr. Michael Febbraro Ms. Corinne Seeh Ms. Barbara Phillipson Mr. Joseph Elsasser Dr. Alise Guarnaschelli Ms. Deborah Wolfe Ms. Laura Gewurz Mrs. Catherine Honeyman Mr. Kevin Slavin Mr. Matthew Clark Dr. Kris Felciello Ms. Valerie Jackson Mrs. Kerry Larke Mr. Raymond Williams Ms. Kathleen Hartnett Mrs. Norann McManus Mr. Steven Golub Mrs. Barbara Falotico Ms. Anne Whooley Mrs. Joanne Kroon Mr. Thomas Harrison Ms. Irene McLaughlin Mr. Michael Genovese Mrs. Sabina Larkin

School Commack Road Elementary Islip High School Islip Middle School Wing Elementary Fort Salonga Elementary Kings Park High School Park View Elementary RJO Intermediate School William T. Rogers MS Albany Avenue Alleghany Avenue Daniel Street School Lindenhurst High School Lindenhurst Middle School William Rall Elementary Charles E. Walters Elementary Longwood JHS Ridge Elementary Mattituck High School Centereach High School Dawnwood MS Eugene Auer Elementary Hawkins Path Elementary Holbrook Road School Jericho Elementary New Lane Memorial Newfield High School North Coleman Road Oxhead Road Elementary Seldon Middle School Stagecoach Elementary Unity Drive PreK-K Center Universal Pre-K Program Andrew Muller Primary Laddie A. Decker SB School Miller Place High School North Country Road MS James A. Farley Middle School Belmont Elementary Marion G. Vedder Elementary North Babylon High School Robert Moses Middle School William E DeLuca Woods Road Elementary Bellerose Avenue Elementary Dickinson Avenue School East Northport Middle School Fifth Avenue Elementary Northport High School Norwood Avenue Elementary Ocean Avenue Elementary

NYS County Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk

District Islip UFSD Islip UFSD Islip UFSD Islip UFSD Kings Park CSD Kings Park CSD Kings Park CSD Kings Park CSD Kings Park CSD Lindenhurst UFSD Lindenhurst UFSD Lindenhurst UFSD Lindenhurst UFSD Lindenhurst UFSD Lindenhurst UFSD Longwood CSD Longwood CSD Longwood CSD Mattituck-Cutchogue UFSD Middle Country CSD Middle Country CSD Middle Country CSD Middle Country CSD Middle Country CSD Middle Country CSD Middle Country CSD Middle Country CSD Middle Country CSD Middle Country CSD Middle Country CSD Middle Country CSD Middle Country CSD Middle Country CSD Miller Place UFSD Miller Place UFSD Miller Place UFSD Miller Place UFSD New Rochelle City School District North Babylon UFSD North Babylon UFSD North Babylon UFSD North Babylon UFSD North Babylon UFSD North Babylon UFSD Northport-East Northport UFSD Northport-East Northport UFSD Northport-East Northport UFSD Northport-East Northport UFSD Northport-East Northport UFSD Northport-East Northport UFSD Northport-East Northport UFSD

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Name Mr. Jeffrey Haubrich Ms. Judith Soltner Mr. Rui Mendes Mr. Robert Epstein Ms. Maria Andreotti Mr. James Bertsch Dr. Randy Rusielewicz Mr. Manuel Sanzone Mrs. Linda Pickford Dr. Joey Cohen Mr. Philip Kent Ms. Debra Rodgers Mr. David Densieski Mr. David Enos Mr. David Wicks Ms. Andrea Pekar Mr. Thomas Payton Mr. Matthew Wells Mrs. Patricia Aubrey Ms. Denise Kleinman Mrs. Patti Trombetta Dr. Anthony Mauro Dr. Danielle DeLorenzo Mrs. Veronica DeCicco Mrs. Gloria Flynn Mr. Rory Manning Mr. John Dolan Ms. Mary Cavanaugh Mr. Frank Panasci Mr. Michael Saidens Mrs. Laura Amato Mr. Dennis Kelly Ms. Christine DiPaola Mr. Jeff Nichols Dr. John Stimmel Dr. Michele LeBlanc Mr. Ronald Hoffer Mr. Thomas Murray Mrs. Rose Castello Dr. Linda Anthony Mrs. Patricia Nugent Mr. Louis Parrinello Mr. Daniel Holtzman Mr. Stephen Donohue Mr. John Nocero Ms. Ireen Westrack Mr. Daniel Goitia Ms. Arlene Wild Dr. Kevin Simmons Mrs. Janine Lavery Mr. Paul Graf

School Pulaski Road School Barton Elementary Bay Elementary School Canaan Elementary School Medford Elementary School Oregon Middle School Patchogue-Medford HS Saxton Middle School South Ocean Middle School Tremont Elementary Aquebogue Elementary Phillips Avenue Elementary Pulaski Street School Riley Avenue School Riverhead High School Riverhead MS Roanoke Avenue Elementary Cayuga Elementary Chippewa Elementary Gatelot Avenue Elementary Grundy Elementary Hiawatha Elementary Lynwood Ave Merrimac School Nokomis Elementary Sachem East HS Sachem North HS Samoset Middle School Sequoya Middle School Tamarac Elementary Tecumseh Elementary Waverly Avenue Elementary Wenonah Elementary Pierson Middle/High School Cherry Avenue Elementary Lincoln Avenue Elementary Sayville High School Sayville Middle School Sunrise Drive Elementary Albert G. Prodell MS Briarcliff Elementary Miller Avenue Elementary Shoreham-Wading River HS Wading River School Accompsett Middle School Branch Brook Elementary Great Hollow Middle School Mills Pond Elementary Nesaquake Middle School Nesconset Elementary Smithtown Elementary

NYS County Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk

District Northport-East Northport UFSD Patchogue-Medford UFSD Patchogue-Medford UFSD Patchogue-Medford UFSD Patchogue-Medford UFSD Patchogue-Medford UFSD Patchogue-Medford UFSD Patchogue-Medford UFSD Patchogue-Medford UFSD Patchogue-Medford UFSD Riverhead CSD Riverhead CSD Riverhead CSD Riverhead CSD Riverhead CSD Riverhead CSD Riverhead CSD Sachem CSD Sachem CSD Sachem CSD Sachem CSD Sachem CSD Sachem CSD Sachem CSD Sachem CSD Sachem CSD Sachem CSD Sachem CSD Sachem CSD Sachem CSD Sachem CSD Sachem CSD Sachem CSD Sag Harbor UFSD Sayville UFSD Sayville UFSD Sayville UFSD Sayville UFSD Sayville UFSD Shoreham-Wading River CSD Shoreham-Wading River CSD Shoreham-Wading River CSD Shoreham-Wading River CSD Shoreham-Wading River CSD Smithtown CSD Smithtown CSD Smithtown CSD Smithtown CSD Smithtown CSD Smithtown CSD Smithtown CSD

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Name Mr. Edwin Thompson Mr. John Coady Mrs. Mary Grace Lynch Dr. Allyn Leeds Mr. Bernie Soete Mr. Brian Ginty Mr. Travis Davey Mrs. Stefanie Rucinski Mr. Sean Clark Dr. Kathy Munisteri Ms. Faye Robins Mr. Vito D'Elia Ms. Eileen Kerrigan Ms. Roberta Lewis Ms. Kathleen Acker Dr. Timothy Mundell Mr. Timothy Frazier Ms. Ellen O'Neill Mr. William Galati Ms. Marisa Redden Mr. Brian Biscari Mr. Vincent Vizzo Mrs. Gail Casciano Mr. Gus Hueber Mrs. Kathryn White Dr. Alan Baum Dr. Nathalie Lilavois Mrs. Eleanor Levy Mrs. Christine Tona Mr. Gregg Cunnnigham Mrs. JoAnn Scott Mr. Charles Germano Dr. Ellice Vassallo Mr. Scott Payne Mrs. Rhonda Pratt Mr. Andrew O'Farrell Mr. John Mullins Mrs. Mary Anderson Mrs. Dawn Morrison Mr. Daniel Hunter Mr. Daniel Marquardt Mr. Tim Horan Dr. Anthony Bridgeman Mr. Jack Maniscalco Mr. Thomas Logatto Mrs. Regina Giunta Ms. Debra Montaruli Mrs. Karen Bowden Mrs. Ann Joseph Mrs. Lisa Slover Mr. Christopher Herr

School Smithtown HS East Smithtown HS West St. James Elementary Tackan Elementary Bellport High School Bellport Middle School Brookhaven Frank P. Long IS Kreamer Street Elementary Verne Critz Henry L. Stimson MS Maplewood IS Oakwood Primary Center Silas Wood 6th Grade Center Walt Whitman High School Southampton High School Southampton Intermediate Southold Elementary Southold Junior-Senior HS Arrowhead Elementary Minnesauke Elementary Murphy JHS Nassakeag Elementary Paul J. Gelinas JHS Setauket Elementary Ward Melville High School William Sidney Mount School Eleanor Levy Forest Avenue School JFK Elementary South Bay Elementary Tooker Avenue School West Babylon High School West Babylon JHS Bayview Elementary School Beach Street Middle School Kirdahy Elementary Manetuck Elementary Oquenock Elementary Paul J. Bellew Udall Road Middle School West Islip West Islip High School Westbrook Elementary James E. Allen Alternative School James E. Allen Jr/Sr HS Western Suffolk BOCES Wilson Technological Center Wilson Technological Center Westhampton Beach Elem. Westhampton Beach HS

NYS County Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk

District Smithtown CSD Smithtown CSD Smithtown CSD Smithtown CSD South Country CSD South Country CSD South Country CSD South Country CSD South Country CSD South Country CSD South Huntington UFSD South Huntington UFSD South Huntington UFSD South Huntington UFSD South Huntington UFSD Southampton UFSD Southampton UFSD Southold UFSD Southold UFSD Three Village CSD Three Village CSD Three Village CSD Three Village CSD Three Village CSD Three Village CSD Three Village CSD Three Village CSD West Babylon UFSD West Babylon UFSD West Babylon UFSD West Babylon UFSD West Babylon UFSD West Babylon UFSD West Babylon UFSD West Islip UFSD West Islip UFSD West Islip UFSD West Islip UFSD West Islip UFSD West Islip UFSD West Islip UFSD West Islip UFSD West Islip UFSD West Islip UFSD Western Suffolk BOCES Western Suffolk BOCES Western Suffolk BOCES Western Suffolk BOCES Western Suffolk BOCES Westhampton Beach UFSD Westhampton Beach UFSD

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Name Ms. Charisse Miller Mrs. Monica Corona Mrs. Toni Komorowski Mr. Keith Fasciana Mr. Ed Plaia Dr. Darlene White Mr. Kester Hodge Mr. Scott Krebs Mr. Michael Williams Mr. Jack Strassman Ms. Sandra JohnsonFields Dr. Linda Widomski Mr. Joseph DiCosimo Mr. David Mastrantuono Ms. Anne Bernrad Mr. Joseph Greenberg Mrs. Karen Keller Mr. James Thomas Mr. Eric Hartz Mrs. Vicky Volpicelli Mr. Joel Freer Mrs. Stacia Felicello Ms. Valerie M Hannum Dr. Paula C. Perez Mr. Errin Parese Mr. Gabriel Buono Mr. Lance Edelman Mrs. Linda Sella Mrs. Susan Gies Mr. Thomas Averill Mrs. Maureen Dart Mr. Damian Switzer Mr. Christopher Reed Mrs. Jennifer Hayes Mr. James Conway Mr. Francis Cocozza Mr. Patrick Pomerville Mr. Douglas Silvernell Mrs. Diane Dumas Mrs. Kristie Gijanto Mr. Todd Gonyeau Mrs. Cynthia Keeling Dr. Jim Haubner Mr. Edgar McIntosh Mr. Thomas Holland Mr. C. Zbynek Gold Ms. Susan Ostrofsky Ms. Gina Healy Ms. Pat Lambert Ms. Tracy Taylor Ms. Nadine McDermott

School Westhampton Beach MS Nathaniel Woodhull Elementary Tangier Smith Elementary William Floyd Elementary William Paca Middle School Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. ES Milton Olive Middle School Eldred Jr/Sr High School Fallsburg JSHS Liberty Middle/High School Cooke Elementary School Tri-Valley ES Apalachin Elementary Chemung Elementary Elm Street Elementary Lehman Alt. Community School Special Assignment Landing Middle School Lansing High School Newfield Elementary School Highland Elementary Chambers Elementary George Washington Meagher Elementary Robert Graves Elementary Bennett Elementary School Onteora High School Phoenicia Elementary School Lawrence M. Cahill Elementary Saugerties Sr. High School Ostrander Elementary School Bolton Central School Glens Falls Middle School Kensington Road Elementary Lake George Central Lake George Jr.-Sr. HS Queensbury Elementary Queensbury Middle School Granville Elementary Mary J. Tanner School Hudson Falls Middle School MW Cuyler Elementary Ardsley High School Ardsley Middle School Concord Road Elementary Bedford Hills Elementary Mt. Kisco Elementary Blind Brook HS Blind Brook Middle School BMP Ridge Street School Todd Elementary

NYS County Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Suffolk Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Sullivan Tioga Tioga Tioga Tompkins Tompkins Tompkins Tompkins Tompkins Ulster Ulster Ulster Ulster Ulster Ulster Ulster Ulster Ulster Ulster Ulster Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Warren Washington Washington Washington Wayne Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester

District Westhampton Beach UFSD William Floyd UFSD William Floyd UFSD William Floyd UFSD William Floyd UFSD Wyandanch UFSD Wyandanch UFSD Eldred Fallsburg CSD Liberty CSD Monticello Central School District Tri-Valley CSD Owego Apalachin Central Schools Waverly CSD Waverly CSD Ithaca City School District Ithaca City School District Lansing Central School Lansing Central School Newfield Central Highland CSD Kingston City School District Kingston City School District Kingston City School District Kingston City School District Onteora CSD Onteora CSD Onteora CSD Saugerties CSD Saugerties CSD Wallkill Bolton Central School Glens Falls City School District Glens Falls City School District Lake George CSD Lake George CSD Queensbury UFSD Queensbury UFSD Granville CSD Granville CSD Hudson Falls CSD Red Creek CSD Ardsley UFSD Ardsley UFSD Ardsley UFSD Bedford CSD Bedford CSD Blind Brook Rye CSD Blind Brook Rye CSD Blind Brook Rye CSD Briarcliff Manor UFSD

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Name Dr. Thomas Wilson Mr. Terence Barton Dr. Barry Richelsoph Ms. Carol Fisher Dr. H. Evan Powderly Mrs. Debra Cagliostro Ms. Kelly Maloney Mr. Patrick Mussolini Mrs. Theresa Cherry Dr. Jeffrey Capuano Mrs. Theresa Sullivan Mr. Jeff Melendez Mr. Marc Baiocco Ms. Elsa Kortright-Torres Mrs. Dawn Mair-Male Mrs. Dawn Mair-Male Mr. Gary Mastrangelo Ms. Patricia Simone Mrs. Marguerite Clarkson Mr. Ronald Ross Mr. Michael Chambless Ms. Veronica Howell Dr. James Ruck Mr. Scott Fried Mr. Robert Torp Mr. Robert Kalman Mr. Jeremy Barker Mr. Louis Adipietro Mrs. Judith Fucci Dr. Helene Kane Mr. James Mackin Dr. Scott Mosenthal Ms. Raina Kor Ms. Ellen Doherty Mrs. Patricia McIlvenny-Moore Mrs. Cheryl Champ Dr. Karen Gagliardi Dr. Karen Gagliardi Mrs. Jacqueline Woodruff Ms. Susan Strauss Dr. Seth Weitzman Ms. Jennifer Monaco Mr. Michael Cunzio Mr. Keith Schenker Mr. Nick DeFreites Mr. Louis Cioffi Ms. Rebecca Jones Mrs. Emily Hersh Ms. Patricia Lambert Dr. Yigal Joseph Mr. Joseph Williams

School Bronxville Elementary Bronxville High School Bronxville Middle School Coman Hill Elementary H.C. Crittenden MS Wampus Elementary Carrie E Tompkins Elementary Dobbs Ferry Middle School Anne Hutchinson Eastchester High School Greenvale Elementary Waverly ECC Alexander Hamilton HS Grady-Dixon Early Childhood Early Childhood Program Highview School Lee F. Jackson School Richard J Bailey School Woodlands MS/HS Woodlands MS/HS Greenburgh Academy Harrison High School LMK Middle School- Harrison Parsons Memorial School Purchase School Samuel J. Preston Elementary Hastings High School Little School Furnace Woods Hendrick Hudson HS Irvington High School Main St School John Jay High School Benjamin Franklin Elementary Lakeland High School Thomas Jefferson Thomas Jefferson VanCortlandtville Elementary Walter Panas High School Hommocks Middle School Murray Avenue School Columbus ES Westlake High School Hamilton Elementary Holmes School Lincoln School Blythdale School Barnard ECC Columbus Elementary Daniel Webster Magnet School

NYS County Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester

District Bronxville School District Bronxville School District Bronxville School District Byram Hill CSD Byram Hill CSD Byram Hill CSD Croton-Harmon UFSD Dobbs Ferry UFSD Eastchester UFSD Eastchester UFSD Eastchester UFSD Eastchester UFSD Elmsford UFSD Elmsford UFSD Greenburgh CSD No. 7 Greenburgh CSD No. 7 Greenburgh CSD No. 7 Greenburgh CSD No. 7 Greenburgh CSD No. 7 Greenburgh CSD No. 7 Greenburgh CSD No. 7 Greenburgh North Castle Harrison CSD Harrison CSD Harrison CSD Harrison CSD Harrison CSD Hastings-on-Hudson UFSD Hawthorne Cedar Knolls UFSD Hendrick Hudson School District Hendrick Hudson School District Irvington UFSD Irvington UFSD Katonah-Lewisboro SD Lakeland CSD Lakeland CSD Lakeland CSD Lakeland CSD Lakeland CSD Lakeland CSD Mamaroneck UFSD Mamaroneck UFSD Mount Pleasant CSD Mount Pleasant CSD Mt Vernon City School District Mt Vernon City School District Mt Vernon City School District Mt. Pleasant Blythdale UFSD New Rochelle City School District New Rochelle City School District New Rochelle City School District

New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



Name Ms. Dara Tippitt Mr. Michael Hilderbrand Mr. Donald Conetta Mr. Franco Miele Dr. Patricia Cyganovich Ms. Ann Dealy Mr. Felix Flores Dr. Zoila Tazi Ms. Michelle Zernone Mrs. Mary Foster Mrs. Sherrill Murray-Lazarus Dr. joseph Longobardi Mr. Stanley Steele Mr. Louis Cuglietto Mrs. Rosa Taylor Mr. Patrick Swift Mrs. Carol Conklin-Spillane Dr. JoAnne Nardone Mrs. Joan Babcock Ms. Margaret Longabucco Dr. Barbara Ferraro Dr. Eric Lutinski Dr. Scott Houseknecht Mr. Gerry Young Ms. Maria Stile Mrs. Robyn Lane Mr. Fred Goldberg Mr. Kelley Hamm Mr. Michael McDermott Ms. Dorothy Golden Ms. Katie Winters Mr. John Griffiths Dr. Colleen Murray Mr. George Albano Mr. Matthew Curran Mr. Edwin Quezada Mr. Robert F. Riccuiti, Jr. Mr. Timo Hughes

School New Rochelle HS New Rochelle HS New Rochelle HS Willam B. Ward Elementary North Salem MS/HS Brookside Claremont Park Early Childhood Center Hillcrest Elementary Oakside School Peekskill High School Pelham Middle School Pocantico Hills School JFK Magnet School Park Avenue Elementary Port Chester Middle School Sleepy Hollow HS Milton School Daniel Warren Schooll F.E. Bellows Rye Neck High School Rye Neck Middle School Edgewood Elementary Greenacres Elementary Heathcote Elementary Quaker Ridge School Scarsdale High School Scarsdale High School Scarsdale Middle School Scarsdale Middle School Primrose School Somers Intermediate School SW BOCES Tuckahoe Middle School Kensico School Lincoln High School Public School 9 School 21

NYS County Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester Westchester

District New Rochelle City School District New Rochelle City School District New Rochelle City School District New Rochelle City School District North Salem CSD Ossining UFSD Ossining UFSD Ossining UFSD Peekskill CSD Peekskill CSD Peekskill CSD Pelham UFSD Pocantico Hills School District Port Chester CSD Port Chester CSD Port Chester CSD Public Schools of the Tarrytowns Rye City School District Rye Neck UFSD Rye Neck UFSD Rye Neck UFSD Rye Neck UFSD Scarsdale UFSD Scarsdale UFSD Scarsdale UFSD Scarsdale UFSD Scarsdale UFSD Scarsdale UFSD Scarsdale UFSD Scarsdale UFSD Somers CSD Somers CSD SW BOCES Tuckahoe UFSD Vallhalla Yonkers Public Schools Yonkers Public Schools Yonkers Public Schools

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New York Principals: APPR Position Paper



In addition to the 1001 New York State Principals indicated on the previous pages, we have received the support of over 3,730 friends (as of 13 December 2011).Name Mr. Michael Roach Mrs. Valorie Falco Mr. Peter Rawitsch Ms. Cathy Boudreau Dr. Heinz-Dieter Meyer Mrs. Marilyn Davis Mr. William Gray Dr. Lori Hershenhart Mr. Brian Hughes Ms. Deborah Keough Mrs. Tracy Sidoti Mr. Nicholas Sidoti Mr. Kevin Casey Mr. Patrick Corrigan Mr. Gregory Diefenbach Mr. Michael Goyer Mrs. Robin Jacob Dr. Teresa Snyder Mr. Peter Stokes Mrs. Patricia Eshelman Ms. Joy Caldwell Mrs. Bethanie Rizzo Mr. Jeffrey Gabler Mrs. Monica Kwiatkowski Mrs. Karry Beardsley Dr. Wendy Butler Mrs. Tricia Ellsworth Mr. Brendan Heaney Mrs. Molly Heaney Mr. Shawn Hotchkiss Mr. William Hunter Mr. William Kelley Mrs. Kari Mancuso Mr. Leon Mast Mr. Scott McGeorge Ms. Kathryn Reitnour Ms. Deborah Woltag Mr. Jeffrey Adamski Mr. Jarrod Bell Mr. Todd Chadwick Ms. Nancy Peer Ms. Angela Rhodes Mrs. Evelyn Welka Mrs. JoAnn Brown Mr. Christopher Brown Mr. Mark Copp NYS County Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Albany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany Allegany District Albany City Bethlehem Central School District Bethlehem CSD Cohoes City Schools College/University Guilderland CSD Guilderland CSD Guilderland CSD Guilderland CSD North Colonie CSD North Colonie CSD North Colonie CSD Please select from List Voorheesville CSD Voorheesville CSD Voorheesville CSD Voorheesville CSD Voorheesville CSD Allegany-Limestone CSD Bolivar-Richburg CSD Cattaraugus-Allegany BOCES Connetquot CSD Cuba Rushford CSD Cuba Rushford CSD Fillmore CSD Fillmore CSD Fillmore CSD Fillmore CSD Fillmore CSD Fillmore CSD Fillmore CSD Fillmore CSD Fillmore CSD Fillmore CSD Fillmore CSD Fillmore CSD Fillmore CSD