APPLICATIONS OF TOPOLOGICAL TENSOR PRODUCTS TO INFINITE DIMENSIONAL HOLOMORPHY Raymond A. Ryan ( t ( A thesis submitted for the degree of Ph.D. at Trinity College, Dublin. March 1980





    Raymond A. Ryan

    ( t


    A thesis submitted for the degree of Ph.D. at Trinity

    College, Dublin.

    March 1980

  • This thesis is entirely my own work.

    It has not been submitted for a degree or any other

    award at any other University.

    Raymond A. Ryan

    - ii


    - iii


    My Supervisor, Dr. Richard M. Aron introduced me

    to all the problems studied in this thesis. I am

    immensely grateful to him for his patient guidance,

    and for sharing with me his many insights and his deep


    I would also like to thank Dr. Phil Boland,

    Professor Joe Diestel, Dr. Paul Berner and, most

    particularly, Professor Sean Dineen for many helpful

    and enlightening discussions.

    Finally, I would like to express my gratitude to

    Professor B. H. Murdoch and Professor S. J. Tobin for

    their advice and encouragement, and to the Department

    of Education and the Trinity Trust for financial support.

    Raymond A. Ryan

    Dublin, March 1980

    - iv


    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .......................... ~V

    INTRODUCTION ................. Vl





    CONVEX SPACES ....................... 23




    MAPPINGS ON BANACH SPACES ............ 64



    REFERENCES .....108

    - V


    The aim of this work is to use the ideas and

    methods of the theory of topological tensor products of

    locally convex spaces as a starting point in tackling

    some problems in Infinite Dimensional Holomorphy. The

    basic idea is to use tensor products to "linearize"

    non-linear problems.

    In Chapters I and II we develop the basic machinery.

    The problem posed here is the following: given a locally

    convex space E, and a class, F, of mappings whose domains

    are E, construct a locally convex space EF ' and a

    mapping X: E ~ EF which belongs to the class F

    so that for every locally convex space F, and every

    mapping f: E ----4 F of class F, there is a continuous

    linear mapping f: EF ---+ F such that foX = f Thus questions concerning mappings on E from the class F

    can be reduced to questions concerning continuous linear

    mappings on EF In Chapter I the algebraic side of this

    problem is considered, where E is a vector space, and

    continuity is not in question. Here F is taken first as

    the class of homogeneous polynomials of a fixed degree,

    and then as the class of Gateaux-holomorphic mappings

    on E. In Chapter II E is taken to be a locally convex

    space. Using Grothendieck's work on, topological tensor

    products [13J , a locally convex space h~E is constructed for each natural number n, and continuous

    n-homogeneous polynomials X : E ~hnE are defined n 'IT which have the effect of linearizing continuous

    n-homogeneous polynomials on E. Thus for each locally

    - vi

  • convex space F we obtain a canonical isomorphism of the

    vector space L(h~EiF) of continuous linear mappings from hnE into F with the vector space p(nE;F) ofTI continuous n-homogeneous polynomials from E into F.

    When E is a Complex Frechet space, we construct a

    locally convex space hTIE and a holomorphic mapping

    X : E~h E which yields a canonical isomorphism ofTI the vector space L(hTIE;F) of continuous linear

    mappings of h E into the locally convex space F withTI the vector space H(E;F) of holomorphic mappings from

    E into F.

    In Chapter III we obtain the topological dual

    spaces of (P( nE),T ) and (H(E) ,TO) of n-homogeneousOscalar-valued polynomials and holomorphic mappings,

    respectively, on a Complex Frechet space E, where TO

    denotes the topology of uniform convergence on compact

    subsets of E. We define an approximation property which

    we call the Strict Approximation Property and we give

    some examples of spaces which have this property. We

    show that every space with the strict approximation

    property has the Grothendieck approximation property.

    If E is a Frechet space with the strict approximation

    property we show that the dual of the space (H(E),T )O

    can be identified with the space of Nuclear Holomorphic

    Germs at the origin in the space E~, where c denotes

    the topology on E' of uniform convergence on compact

    subsets of E. This space of germs can in turn be

    identified with the space, which we define, of Entire

    Functions on E' of Nuclear Exponential Type. This c enables us to prove an approximation theorem similar to

    that of Gupta [15J for the kernel of a partial differential

    operator on (H(E),T )O

    - vii

  • Chapter IV is devoted to a study of weakly compact

    polynomial and holomorphic mappings on Banach spaces.

    Our inspiration in the first part of this chapter is the

    work of Aron and Schottenloher [2J on compact holomorphic mappings. Motivated by this we define a holomorphic

    mapping f: E ---- F to be Weakly Compact if f maps some

    neighbourhood of every point of E into a relatively

    weakly compact subset of F. Weakly compact polynomials

    have been defined by Pelczynski [22J. We prove a sequence of results, similar to those of Aron and

    Schottenloher, which show that many of the classical

    theorems concerning weakly compact linear mappings

    generalise to the case of weakly compact polynomial and

    holomorphic mappings. We prove a generalization to

    holomorphic mappings of the factorization theorem of

    Davis, Figiel, Johnson and Pelczynski [5]; namely, we

    show that a holomorphic mapping f: E ---- F of Banach

    spaces is weakly compact if and only if there is a

    reflexive Banach space, G, a bounded linear mapping

    T : G - F , and a holomorphic mapping g : E----1' G

    such that f = Tog

    In the second part of Chapter IV we consider

    Banach spaces with the Dunford-Pettis Property the

    Banach space E has the Dunford-Pettis Property (DP) if

    for every Banach space F and every weakly compact linear

    mapping T: E ~F , T maps weak Cauchy sequences in

    E into strongly convergent sequences in F. If the

    linear mapping T in this definition is replaced by an

    arbitrary weakly compact polynomial, we obtain the

    definition of the Polynomial Dunford-Pettis Property

    (PDP). We show that the properties DP and PDP are

    equivalent, thus answering a question of Pelczynski [221.

    - viii

  • We also consider the holomorphic version of this property,

    and show that it, too, is equivalent to DP.

    In Chapter V we study two problems concerning

    spaces of continuous homogeneous polynomials on Banach

    spaces. Firstly, we take E to be a Banach space with

    a Schauder basis, and we ask when the monomials on E of

    degree n with respect to this basis form a Schauder basis

    for p(nE) We show that if the given basis for E is

    shrinking, and if E has the Dunford-Pettis property, then

    for each n the monomials of degree n, with a natural

    ordering, form a Schauder basis for the Banach space

    p(nE ) , where the norm is given by uniform convergence

    on the unit ball of E. The Banach space co' with the

    standard basis, is an example of a space to which this

    result applies. We then consider the same problem for

    the topology TO on p(nE). We show that the monomials of

    degree n, with the above-mentioned natural ordering,

    form a Schauder basis for (p(nE) ,T ) , where E is anyo

    Banach space with a Schauder basis. Secondly, we take

    E to be a reflexive Banach space, and we find for each n

    conditions on E which are necessary and sufficient for

    the Banach space p(nE) to be reflexive. These are

    generalizations of classical linear theorems. For

    example, p(nE) is reflexive if and only if the closed

    unit ball of E is compact in the weak topology defined

    by the family of all continuous n-homogeneous scalar

    valued polynomials on E, or equivalently, if every such

    polynomial on E attains its norm on the closed unit ball

    of E.

    The symbol c==J marks the conclusion of a proof, or the end of the statement of a Lemma or Proposition,

    where no proof is given.

    - ix

  • 1

    C HAP T E R I

    Linearization of Polynomial and Gateaux-Holomorphic Mappings

    on Vector Spaces

    Throughout this chapter E, F will denote vector spaces

    over a field 1K, which may be either the Real or Complex

    numbers, and E*, F* their algebraic dual spaces. L(nEiF ) is

    the vector space of n - linear mappings from En to F. When

    n is zero this space consists of all the constant mappings

    from E to F. When F is the field of scalars this space is

    ndenoted by L( E).

    We recall that the Tensor Product

    (n times) n = 1,2, ..

    is a vector space spanned by elements of the form xt:J .x ' n

    where xl .. ,x are elements of E, subject to the relations: n

    (i) x I (AX.) x = A(x x.

  • 2

    mapping may be regarded as being a universal n - linear

    mapping on En, in the following sense (see [12J, Chapter I) :

    Proposition 1.1:

    Let T be an n - linear mapping from En into F. Then there

    exists a unique linear mapping T : @nE ~ F such that

    T 0 P = T. Conversely, if S is a linear mapping from nE n into F, then the equation T(xl, .... ,xn ) = S(Xl .@xn ) -defines an n - linear mapping T .. En ----?> F such that T = S. The correspondence T ~(--~) T establishes an isomorphism

    between the vector spaces L(nEiF ) and L(gPEiF). In parti

    cular, the vector spaces L(nE) and (nE)* are canonically


    T En --------------~) F


    An n - linear mapping T En~ F is Symmetric if

    T(Xa(l)''xa(n = T(Xl,,xn ) for every xl' .... ,x E E and every a E Sn0 n

    Ls(nE : F ) will denote the subspace of L(nEiF ) consisting of

    all the symmetric n - linear mappings from En into F. A

    projection of L(nE: F ) onto Ls(nEiF ) is given by associating

  • 3

    with each n - linear mapping T its Symmetrization TS' where

    1 Ts{Xl,,xn ) =nT L T(Xa{l)''xa{n)) (1)


    In terms of the associated linear mappings TS and T, (1)


    TS(XlXn ) = ~(!I LS xa(l)@xa(n)) (2) a n

    Equation (2) motivates the definition of the Symmetric Tensor

    Product of elements xl' .. ,x of E by:n

    x 0 .... 0 xn1 = !! a~s xa(l)xa{n) n

    The mapping x l xn~ x l () .Ox defines a projectionn

    on@nE The range of this projection is denoted by8nE and

    is called the n - foZd Symmetric Tensor Product.

    The mapping

    a : En~ 8 nE n

    defined by an (xl' . ,x ) = xlG .... 0 x ' is a symmetricn n n - linear mapping on En which' has a universal property similar

    to that of the mapping p (see [12J, Chapter I):n

    Proposition 1.2:

    There is a canonical isomorphism of LS(riE;F) with L(cfE;F),

    given by associating with a symmetric n - linear mapping T the

    linear mapping T, with T = Toa In particular, Ls{nE) and n (fE)* are canonically isomorphic.

    D Propositions 1.1 and 1.2 also hold for the case n = 0

    if we define oE and 0 0 E to be the field of scalars, lK, and

  • 4

    define p and 0 to be the constant mappings with constant o 0

    value 1. Note, too, that lE = OlE = E.

    Linearization of Polynomials

    We refer to [20J and [19J for basic facts concerning

    pOlynomials. We recall that a mapping P:E ~ F is called an

    n - Homogeneous PoZynomiaZ (n = 1,2, ) if there exists an

    n - linear mapping T:En~ F such that

    P(x) = T(x, .... ,x) for every x E E. (3)

    p(nEiF ) will denote the vector space of all n - homogeneous

    polynomials from E into F (n = 1,2, ), and P(oEiF) is

    defined to be the vector space of all constant mappings from

    E into F. When F = IK these spaces are denoted by p(nE) .

    Equation (3) suggests the following definition:

    Definition 1.1:

    hnE is the subspace ofnE generated by the elements of the


    (n)x = xx .... ~x.

    Thus hnE consists of all elements u of nE which can be

    written in the form

    u = ~ A .x~n) , where k E

    j=l J J

  • 5

    hOE is defined to be ]K. hnE will be called the n - tho

    Homogeneous Product of E.

    A mapping:

    X :E ----;> hn

    E n

    (n)is defined by Xn(x) = x Xn is an n - homogeneous poly

    nomial from E into hnE, since

    X (x) = p (x, .... ,x) for every x E E. n n

    Xn is then a universal n - homogeneous polynomial on E:

    Pr~$ition 1.3:

    Let P:E~ F be an n - homogeneous polynomial. Then

    there exists a unique linear mapping p:hnE~ F such that

    poX = P. Conversely, if S:hnE--+ F is a linear mappingn

    then the equation P(x) = S(x(n defines an n - homogeneous

    polynomial P from E into F such that P = S. The corres

    pondence P ~F


  • 6


    Let P:E~F be an n - homogeneous polynomial. Choose

    T L(nEiF ) such that P(x) = T(x, .... ,x) for all x E. - n

    Then P(x} == T(X(n) for all x E, where T: E ----F is

    the linear mapping associated with T by Proposition 1.1.

    Let P be the restriction of T to hnE. Then P is linear,

    and POX :::: P. n

    P is uniquely defined by P, since if S E L(hnEiF) also

    has the property that SoX == P, then for every element n

    u = f A.X~n) of hnE, we have j=l ] ]

    kS(u) = ~ A.S(X~n = 1: A.P(X.) =

    j=l ] J j==l J J

    ~ k ()= PO; A. x . n } == P (u). Therefore S == P

    j=l J J

    Conversely, if S is a linear mapping from hnE into F,

    let S be any extension of S to a linear mapping from nE

    into F. Then the n - linear mapping T = Sop from En into n

    F generates an n - homogeneous polynomial P with

    - (n)P(x} == T(x, .. ,x) = S(x .. x} == S(X )

    for every x E E. Therefore P = S.

    Finally, it is easy to see that the bijection P< >P

    is linear.

    D For a given n - homogeneous polynomial, P, there may

    be many different n - linear mappings, T, which generate P,

    in the sense that

    p(x) = T(x, .. ,x) for every x E E.

    If, however, we require that T be symmetric, then, as is

    well known [19J, T is uniquely determined by P. We establish

  • 7

    this by showing that the subspaces hnE and OnE of nE

    are identical. This is proved by means of the classical

    Polarization Formula:

    Proposition 7.4:

    ( n)L: l' .. ( 1 X 1 + + x) ,

    =+1 n n ni

    and x 0 .... 0 x = x (n) Therefore hnE = OnE.


    That x0 .... 0x = x(n) is clear from the definition of

    the symmetric tensor product. Accordingly, if u hnE,

    we can write u as:

    k ku=L: A.X.(n) = L: A.X .0....0x.

    j=l J J j=l J J J

    and therefore hnE c: OnE.

    On the other hand, let x1' .... ,x E. Then n

    1 (n)L: ( X + + X )

    n I 2n i = 1 1 n 1 1 n n

    1 = L: _+ 1 1 [L: I:: I:: nl2n .-- n 1 . . 1 ~ . ~ .

  • 8

    = A + B.

    A may be written:

    1 A = nl2n ~i=ll"'n ~Sn a(d"'a(n) xa(d

    C9Xa (n)

    = r S Qr +1"'' ( ) .. ( )JX ( )a ,=- 1 n a 1 a n a 1 n ~ Xa (n)

    = Xl 0 ..... 0 xn

    If we denote by D the set of all mappings of


    {l, .... ,n} into itself which are not onto, then

    1B =

    1 = nl 2n z:: r,z:: =+ 1 1 . ( )] X (1) @ x ( )TDnLi - n TnT T n

    If T is not onto, we may ~hoose j, 1 ~ j ~ n, which is not in

    the image of T. Then

    z:: =+lEl ... E E (l) E ( ) = E, - n T T n ~

  • 9

    Therefore B = 0, and the Polarisation Formula:

    is proved. From this it follows that 0 nE C hnE. Therefore

    onE and hnE are identical. D

    Corollary 1.1:

    n S nFor every P P( EiF) there is a unique TpL ( EiF) such

    that P(x) = T (x, .... ,x) for every x E. T is given bypP

    +E X )n n

    The correspondence P< >Tp establishes an isomorphism

    n S nbetween P( EiF) and L ( E;F).


    Though hnE and OnE are identical, we shall see that

    for the purpose of studying polynomials, it is more con

    venient to work with homogeneous products then with sym

    metric tensor products. This is exactly similar to the

    situation in holomorphy, where one prefers to deal with a

    Taylor series consisting of homogeneous polynomials rather

    than symmetric multilinear mappings.

  • 10

    Polynomials of Finite Type

    We consider first the case of scalar-valued mappings.

    Let ~l""~k be linear forms on E, and let Al .. ,Ak be k n Enscalars. An n - linear form, E A.~., is defined on byj=l J J

    k (x 1 ' , x ) ~ EA. ~ . (x 1) ~ . (x ).n j=l J J J n

    This n - linear mapping generates the polynomial:


    ~=lAj [~j (x)] n ,

    k n nwhich is also denoted by L A.~. The elements of p( E)

    j=l J J

    which arise in this way are called PoZynomiaZs of Finite

    Type. The polynomials in p(nE) of finite type form a sub

    space which we denote by Pf(nE)

    Proposition 7.5:


    The mapping ~ ~ q,n from E* into P f (nE) is an n - homo

    geneous polynomial. Therefore there exists a linear mapping

    j : hn(E*) ~ P f (nE)

    such that j(~(n = ~n for every ~ sE*. j is onto, since k n

    the finite type polynomial L A.~. j=l J J

    is the image under j of

  • 11

    The mapping P~ Tp is an isomorphism of Pf(nE) with

    the vector space L~(nE) of symmetric n - linear forms on En

    which are of finite type. With this identification, j can

    be considered as the restriction to hn(E*) of the canonical

    mapping of (ii9n(E*) into L(nE). Since this mapping is injec

    tive ([12J, Chapter I, 7), so is j. Therefore j is an iso

    morphism. D

    We now consider vector valued functions. An n - homo

    geneous polynomial from E into F which is of the form

    x ~ k l: A [ . (x)] n y. ,

    j=l J J J

    where A1, ... ,A k E ~, l' .. 'k E E* and Yl""'Yk E F, is

    denoted by

    k nl: A. . y.

    j=l J J J

    The elements of p{nE;F) expressible in this form are called

    n - homogeneous polynomials of Finite Type from E into F.

    These polynomials from a subspace of p{nE;F) which is denoted

    by P f {nE;F).

    Proposition 7.6:

  • 12


    The mapping

    given by (u,y) ---+ u.y is bilinear, where u.y is the poly

    nomial: x ~ u(x)y. Therefore there exists a linear


    nsuch that j (ug, y) = u.y for every u e: h (E*), and every

    k n n y e: F. j is onto, since the elementj~lAj~ .y of Pf ( EiF)

    is the image under j of ~ A.~~n)~ y .. j J J ~ J

    To see that j is injective, suppose that j(w) = 0 for

    w e: hn(E*) F. If w ~ 0 then ([12J ,I,2) there exist

    scalars A1, .. ,A k , none of which are zero, linearly inde

    pendent elements Pl' ... 'Pk of hn(E*), and linearly inde

    pendent elements yl' . 'yk of F, such that

    k w =.L1A.P.~y.

    J= J J J

    But if j(w) = 0, then k L A.P. (x)y. = 0 for every x 'e:E.

    j=l J J J

    If we now choose x e: E such that P.(x) is not zero for J

    some j, we obtain a contradiction.


    We now begin to study continuous polynomials. If the

    vector spaces E and Fare topologized, with topologies Ll and

  • 13

    '2 respectively, p(nE iF ), or p(n(E"l) i (F;'2)) will 'I T1

    denote the set of all continuous n - homogeneous polynomials

    from E into F, continuity being with respect to the topo

    logies T1 and '2' If the topologies in question are clear

    from the context, the notation p(nEiF) is used. p(nE) will

    denote this space when F is the field of scalars.

    As in [2~, a DuaZity, denoted by , is a pair of

    vector spaces over the same field, lK, together with a bilinear


    E x G ----7> Jl{, (x,y) ----.. ,

    such that

    = 0 for every y G implies x = 0

    and = 0 for every x E implies y = 0

    The weak topology, a(E,G), is then a locally convex topology

    on E. It is the weakest locally convex topology for which

    the dual space of E is G.

    Proposition 7.?:

    Let be a Duality_

    n n'Then p( (E, cr (E,G)) is isomorphic to h G.


    Note first that G can be identified with a subspace of the

    algebraic dual, E*, of Ei if ~ is an element of G,

    ~(x) =

  • 14

    defines a linear form on E, and the defining properties of

    a duality show that this defines an embedding of G into E*.There

    fore every element of h nG can be identified with a polynomial on

    E of finite type, since hnG can then be identified with a subspace

    of hn(E*). This identification provides the required isomorphism.

    Suppose ~ A.~~n) is an element of hnG. Then

    j=l J J

    n n ~l""'~k G. Therefore the polynomials ~l,'cf>k are

    k n all o(E,G) - continuous, and so the polynomial ~ A.~. is

    j=l J J

    o(E,G) - continuous.

    Conversely, suppose P p(nE) is o(E,G) - continuous. k n

    Then ([~, Section 2) p can be written in the form ~ A.~.,j=l J J

    where ~l""'~k are elements of G. Hence P may be identified

    with the element ~ A.*~)of hnG. j=l J J

    In particular, with G = E*, we find that

    Linearization of Gateaux-Holomorphic Mappings

    For the rest of this chapter, all vector spaces will

    be over the Complex field.

    We recall that if E is a Complex vector space, and F

    a Complex locally convex space, a mapping F:E~F is said

    to be Gateaux - Hotomorphia if for every continuous linear

    functional ~ on F and for every affine Complex line L in E,

  • 15

    (wof) IL is a holomorphic function of one Complex variable.

    Kf(E) will denote the set of all finite - dimensional

    convex balanced compact subsets of E.

    The following result is well-known (see, for example,


    Lemma 1.1:

    Let E be a Complex vector space and F a weakly sequentially

    complete Complex locally convex space, with continuous dual


    A mapping f:E---+F is Gateaux - Holomorphic if and only if

    there exists a sequence {Pn}~=ol where P n E p(nEiF ) I such


    f(x) = (Xj

    E Pn(x) for every x E E. n=o

    It follows that


    Conversely, if {Pn}n=o is a sequence of n - homogeneous poly

    nomials from E into F which satisfies (1), then

    rex) = (Xj

    E P (x) n=o n

    defines a Gateaux - Holomorphic mapping from E into F.


    HG(EiF) will denote the vector space of all Gateaux

    holomorphic mappings from E into F.

  • 16

    Our aim is to construct on E a universal Gateaux

    holomorphic mapping which will "linearize" all other Gateaux

    holomorphic mappings on E in the same way as the universal

    n - homogeneous polynomials X :E~hnE linearize all other n

    n - homogeneous polynomials on E. Since the definition of the

    space HG(E;F) must involve a discussion of convergence of infi

    nite series, it is necessary to introduce some topological ideas.

    For each finite - dimensional convex, balanced compact sub

    set K of E, E(K) denotes the subspace of E spanned by K, equipped

    with the norm whose closed unit ball is K. p(nE(K is a Banach

    space with the norm

    II p II = sup{ Ip (x) I : X K}E

    p(nE(K, being finite - dimensional, is reflexive, and so we

    can define on hnE(K) the dual norm, which we denote by K II 11 n ; thus,

    K II u II n = sup{ Ip (u) I

    We now define

    = { r ( h nE (K) , K 1\ II )}n=O n Co

    = {(u ) E TI hnE (K) : limK.!I u II = O} , n n=O n-;..oo n n

    the norm of an element u = (un) of hKE being

    = sUPK II u 'II n n n Then hKE is a Banach space.

    Now the set Kf(E) is directed under inclusion:

    K ~ K' if and only if KeK'

    If K ~ K' then E(K) is a vector subspace of E(K'), and so

  • 17

    hnE(K) is a vector subspace of hnE(K') for every n. Since then

    for every P p(nE(K')) we have

    it follows that the inclusion mapping of hnE(K) into hnE(K')

    has norm at most equal to one. Therefore there is an inclusion:

    j K I K : (hKE, K II . II )-----7> (hK, E, K I II . II )

    with /I j K I K II ;:;: 1. Clearly, if K S K' ~ K", then

    Therefore the family of Banach spaces hKE with the linking

    mappings jK'K' indexed by the directed set Kf(E), is an

    inductive system. We define the locally convex space hE to

    be the locally convex inductive limit of this system:

    For each K E Kf(E) there is a continuous linear inclusion


    and these mappings commute with the linking mappings:

    We now define a mapping

    X : E~ hE

    To do this, let x be an element of E. Choose any convex

    balanced finite - dimensional compact subset K of E such

    that x lies in the algebraic interior, int K, of K, where

  • 18

    If Y int K, then Kl ly III < I, and so

    K1Iy(n)!l = [KllylllJn~ 0 as n~ co.n

    Therefore a mapping

    can be defined by

    x (y) = (y(n K

    It is clear that if K ~ K' then

    and so a mapping X : E ~ hE is defined unambiguously by


    having chosen K Kf(E) so that x E int K.

    Proposition 7.8:

    (i) The mapping X : E~ hE is Gateaux - holomorphic.

    (ii) Let F be a weakly sequentially complete Complex

    locally convex space. For every Gateaux - holomorphic

    mapping f : E~ F there exists a unique continuous

    linear mapping

    f : hE ~ (F,o{F,F'

    such that f = foX.

    Conversely, if T is a continuous linear mapping of hE

    into (F,O{F,F' then the equation f(x) = T(X{x

  • 19

    defines a Gateaux - holomorphic mapping f from E into F

    such that f = T.

    The correspondence f ~

  • 20

    n - homogeneous polynomials {Pn,K}KEKf(E) satisfies:

    P / P if K ~ K In,K ' E(K) = n,K

    Hence for each n there is a unique n - homogeneous

    polynomial P on E such that n

    P / = P for every K E Kf(E)n E (K) n, K

    From (3) it follows that

    and from (2) we have

    Therefore ~ 0 X is a Gateaux holormorphic func

    tion on E for every continuous linear functional

    ~ on hE. Hence X is a Gateaux - holormorphic mapping.

    (ii) It follows from part (i) of this proof that if

    T : hE~ (F,a(F,F ' is a continuous linear mapping,

    then T 0 X is a Gateaux - holormorphic mapping from

    E into F. The mapping T --'" T 0 X is easily seen to

    be a linear mapping from L(hEi (F,a(F,F ' ) into

    To show that this mapping is injective, we must prove

    that T 0 X = 0 implies T = O. Since T = 0 if and only

    if ~ 0 T = 0 for every ~ E F', injectivity of the

    mapping T ~ T 0 X will follow from:

  • 21


    If ~ is a continuous linear functional on hE such that

    ~ 0 X = 0, then ~ = o.

    To prove this, we follow the notation of the proof of (i) i

    if the Gateaux - holomorphic function ~ 0 X vanishes iden

    tically on E, then all of its derivatives at the origin,

    Pn ' must vanish. Therefore Pn/E(K) = Pn,K vanishes for

    every n and every K, and so for every K, each of the linear

    mappings Pn,K vanishes. Therefore, from (3), ~K = 0 for every K, and so ~ = O. Thus our claim is proved.

    Finally, we show that the mapping T~ T 0 X is sur

    jective. Let f be a Gateaux - holormorphic mapping from E

    into F. Then there exist n - homogeneous polynomials P n

    from E into F such that


    f(x) = L P (x) for every x E, andn=O n

    00n!o II oPnil K < for every

  • 22

    sequentially complete, this series converges to an element

    of F, which we denote by TK(U). Then TK is a continuous

    linear mapping from hKE into (F,a(F,F')), and we have, by (4),

    TK = TK, 0 jK'K if K ~ K'

    Therefore there exists a continuous linear mapping T from

    hE into (F,a(F,F')) such that

    and it is clear from the definition of the mappings TK that

    T 0 X = f. D

  • 23

    C HAP T E R II

    Linearization of Continuous Polynomials

    and Holomorphic Mappings on Locally

    Convex Spaces

    In this chapter, E, F will denote locally convex spaces.

    E' is the continuous dual of E, and (E',C(E' ,E or E' will c

    denote E' with the topology C(E',E) of uniform convergence on

    convex balanced compact subsets of E. f(B) will denote the

    convex balanced hull of a subset B of E, and feB) its closure.

    nE denotes the completion of E. L( EiF) denotes the vector

    space of all continuous n - linear mappings from En into F.

    First, we recall some basic facts concerning topological

    tensor products. We follow the notation and terminology of

    Grothendick [13J as far as possible.

    If p is a seminorn on a vector space E, a seminorm @np

    is defined on the n - fold tensor product nE by

    np(u) = inf{ . k E 'A, Ip (x 'I ). ~ . P (x, )

    J=l J J In

    k u = E LX'I x. }j=l J J In .

    where the infimum is taken over all possible representations

    nof u e:: E. np can be characterised as the largest of all

    the seminorms, q, on nE satisfying

    p(xl ) .. p(x ) for every xl' .. ,x e::E. n. n

  • 24

    nEquivalently, @P is the Minkowski functional of the set

    r(nUp)' where

    U = {x E: E .. p(x) ~ I} ,p and nu denotes the image of (U) n under the mappingp p

    En -...;. nE p : n

    If {p} A is a fundamental system of continuous semia aE:

    norms for a locally convex topology on E, the seminorms

    n@ Pa form a fundamental system of continuous seminorms for nlocally topology on E. The resulting locallya convex

    convex space is denoted bynE , and is called the n - fold 'IT

    Projective Tensor Product. A fundamental system of convex

    balanced neighbourhoods of the origin in ~E is given by the 'IT

    nsets r ( U ), where a

    u = {x E: E p (x) ~ I}a a

    is the closed unit ball of the seminorm p. The canonical a

    n - linear mapping

    is continuous, and has the following universal property:

    For every locally convex space F, the canonical iso

    n n'morphism of L ( E; F) with L ( Ei F) induces an isomorphism of

    L(nEiF ) with L(@nEiF)i furthermore, this isomorphism estab'IT

    lishes a one to one correspondence between the equicontinuous

    subsets of L(nEiF ) and L(@nEiF).'IT

    nIf we place on the symmetric tensor product 0 E the ninduced topology from E and denote the resulting locally'IT

    n convex space bY0 E, then it is easy to see that the canonical


    . I . . En 0 n . t .symme t r1C n - 1near mapp1ng on: ~. 'lTE 1S con 1nuous,

  • 25

    and has a universal property for continuous symmetric n

    linear mappings on E similar to that of the mapping

    p : En~ nE . n 7T

    since0nE and hnE are identical subspaces of ~nE, we

    have, therefore, obtained a locally convex topology on

    hnE. The resulting locally convex space is denoted by

    hnE. We shall call this space the Projective nth. Homo7T

    geneous Product of E. Since a polynomial, P, is continuous

    if and only if the symmetric mapping Tp which generates it

    is continuous, we have:

    Proposition 2.7:

    Let E be a locally convex space. For each n, the mapping

    Xn of Definition 1.1 is a continuous n - homogeneous poly

    nomial from E into hnE. 7T

    If F is a locally convex space, and P a continuous n

    homogeneous polynomial from E into F, the linear mapping

    p :_ h~E ~ F is continuous, and P = P 0 X Conversely, if n T is a continuous linear mapping from h~E into F then P=T 0 Xn

    is a continuous n - homogeneous polynomial from E into F with

    P = T.

    The correspondence P ~

  • 26

    In the next proposition we describe a fundamental system

    nof continuous seminorms on the locally convex spaces h E 'IT

    which are more suitable then the seminorms np for dealing

    with polynomials.

    If U is a subset of E, we shall use the notation u(n)

    for the subset X (U) = {x(n):x s U} of hnE. n

    Proposition 2.2:

    Let E be a locally convex space.

    (i) If P is a seminorm on E then

    (n) k n p (u) = inf{ . E IA . I [p (x. )] u = ~ A.x. (n) }

    J=l J J j=l J J

    where the infimum is taken over all representations of

    u s hnE of the form ~ A.x. (n), is a seminorm on hnE. j=l J J

    pen) is the Minkowski fUnctional of the set r(u(n,


    U = {x s E : p(x) ~ l} .

    Also, pen) (x(n = [p(x)]n for every x s E.

    pen) is a norm if and only if p is a norm.

    (ii) The seminorms~p and p(n) satisfy:

    np(u) ~ pen) (u) ~ ~~np(U) for every u s hnE.

    If {Pa}asA is a fundamental system of continuous semi

    norms on E and {U} A is the corresponding fundamental a as

    system of convex balanced neighbourhoods of the origin,

    then {p (n)} is a fundamental system of continuous semia

    norms on hnE and the corresponding fundamental system'IT '

  • 27

    of convex balanced neighbourhoods of the origin is

    {fU(n)} a

    (iii) Let F be a locally convex space, and let U be a convex

    balanced neighbourhood of the origin in E. Let q be a

    continuous seminorm on F.

    Under the canonical isomorphism of p(nEiF) with

    nL(h EiF), the equicontinuous subset If

    {PEP(nE;F) : IIqo Pllu ~ I}

    of p(nEiF) is identified with the equicontinuous subset

    {TEL(h~E;F) : IlqoTllf(u(n ~ I} of L(hnE;F). In particular, the equicontinuous subset


    {PEP (nE) : II P II u ~ I}

    of p(nE) is identified with the polar set (fU{nO

    in (hnE) I



    We use the methods of Grothendieck ([13J, prop.l, P. 28) for

    (i) and of Gupta ([15J I 2, Prop. 6) for (ii)

    (i) It is clear that pen) is a seminorm on hnE.

    Now let u = ~ A.X~n) be any representation of u E hnE. j=l J J

    We may assume, without loss of generality, that none of the

    scalars A1 .... ,A are zero. We may also assume thatk

    ~ IA.' [P(x.)l n is not zero, for otherwise we have pen) (u) = 0, j=l J J and there is nothing to prove. We now define numbers A'~l"""~k'

  • 28

    and elements yl' .... 'yk of E, by:

    k A = E IA I [p (x. ) ] n ,

    j=l J J

    A. rp{x.)]nJ - J if p{x.) :;t 0 ,


    \J. = J

    A. J k r IA. I [p (x. ) ] n

    i=l 1 1

    if p{x.) :;t 0 ,J

    y. = J

    x. if P (x .) = 0 ] J

    We then have

    u = A ~ \J.y. en) . J JJ

    k with E I\J. I ~ 1, and y. U for every j.

    j=l J J Therefore

    pen) (u) = inf{A>O : u

    and so pen) is the Minkowski functional of ru(n).

    It is clear that pen) (x{n)~ [p{x)]n for every x E.

    On the other hand, if we use part (ii) of this proposition,

  • 29

    Therefore p(n) (x(n = [p(x)]n for every x E.

    It follows immediately from this that if p(n) is a

    norm, then so is p. And if p is a norm, so also is np

    ([)3], Chapter I, Prop.l, p. 28), and again using part (ii),

    since np ~ p(n) I it follows that p(n) is a norm.

    (ii) Since the infimum which defines np(u) is taken over

    all possible representations of u in nE , while the infimum

    defining p(n) (u) is taken over representations of the form

    f A.X~n) , we have j=l J J

    np(u) ~ p(n) (u) for every u hnE.

    k Now let u = L: A.X . ~ .. x . be any representation of u.

    j=l J 1 J nJ Let be a positive Real number. If we define

    if p (x .) " 0rJ

    Yrj'= x .

    ..fl if p(x :) = 0



    j.l. =A.p(X1}p(x.)J J J nJ I

    where the term p(x .) in the definition of j.l. is replacedrJ J

    by whenever p(x .) = 0, thenrJ

    k u = L: j.l.yl. ... y .

    j=l J J nJ

    k L: j.l.yl.0 .... 0y .

    j=l J J nJ

  • 30

    (n)E E E (E1Y 1 .+ +E Y .) E =+1 1 n J n nJ


    Therefore, since p(Yrj) ~ 1 for every rand j,

    p (n) (u) :!S 1 ~ IlJ. 1 E (p (Y .) +. . . +p (y . n 2nn I j =1 J E: =l 1 J nJ


    nn k = -I E 1 A1 p {x .) E p (x .)

    n.j=l J 1J nJ

    Since this holds for every E: > 0, we may let E: tend to zero.


    ~ nn -I n

    k 1: IAI p(x1)p{x .).

    j=l J J - nJ

    Hence we have

    p (n) (u)

    This shows that the seminorms p{n) and np on hnE are equi

    valent, and the remaining assertions of (ii) follow i~~ediately.

    (iii) follows from (i)


    Suppose now that E is a normed space, with norm II II , and (open or closed) unit ball B. Proposition 2.2 shows that hnE


    is a normed space for each n, with norm II II (n) and closed unit ball fB(n). Let Tb denote the topology of uniform convergence

    on bounded sets. Then (p(nE) ,T ) is a Banach space with theb

  • 31


    Ilpll = sup{lp{x)I IIxll ~ l}.

    From Proposition 2.2 we get:

    Corollary 2.1:

    Let E be a normed space. Then for each n, hnE is also a1f n {nnormed space, and the Banach spaces (P{ E) ,i b ) and h1fE)S


    are isometrically isomorphic.


    Next, we give some properties of locally convex spaces which

    are preserved under the formation of projective homogeneous

    An n "'nproducts. h E denotes the completion of h E and ~ E1f 1f' 1f

    denotes the completion of nE 1f

    Proposition 2.3

    Let E be a locally convex space.

    (i) hnE O;nE) is Quasi-Normable if E .(respectively, :8)1f 1f

    is Quasi-Normable.

    (ii) hnE is a Schwartz space if E is a Schwartz space.1f

    (iii) hnE is a Nuclear space if E is a Nuclear space.1f


    (i), (ii) and (iii) folloW immediately from the corresponding

  • 32

    ......n .....nresults for 1(9 E and E ([l3], Chap I, Prop. 7, p. 48 and

    1T 1T

    Chap. II, Theoreme 9, p. 47), and the fact that hnE is a 1T

    ncomplemented subspace of E.



    The ~anonical isomorphism of suggests a

    general method fOr tackling problems involving topoiogies an ~~e

    given a locally convex topology 't . on

    suppose that we can find a locally convex topology " on

    which is a polar topology with respect to the duality

    , such that, and " coincide under the canonical 1T 1T

    isomorphism: If ,I turns out to be a familiar topology, such as the strong topology or the Mackey topology,

    we can then apply what we know about,' to ,.

    For example, we have seen (Corollary 2.1) that if E is a

    normed space the topology 'b on p(nE) of uniform convergence

    on bounded subsets of E, coincides with the strong dual topo

    n nlogy S((h E) ',h E). A natural question to ask is whether this 1T 1T

    is true in general.

    Another much used topology on p(nE) is the topology '0 of

    uniform convergence on compact subsets of E. If K is a compact

    subset of E, then K(n) is a compact subset of hnE and the semi1T '


    P~ II P II K = sup{ IP (x) I : X E: K}

    on p(nE ) coincides with the seminorm

  • 33

    (n) K (n) ,x : J

    n on (h~E) '. Thus it is natural to ask whether TO corres

    ponds to the polar topology c(hnE)', hnE) of uniform conver~ ~

    gence on convex balanced compact subsets of hn

    E. ~

    Such questions appear to be very difficult in general.

    Using the results of Grothendieck [l~, we will see that if

    E is a DF space then Tb is equal to the strong topology An An

    Sh E) ',h E), and if E is a Frechet space, that TO is equal ~ ~

    An . An to the topology c(h E) ',h E).

    ~ ~

    The seminorms pen) extend uniquely to seminorms on the

    An ncompletion, hE, of h Ei we use the same notation for the

    ~ ~

    extensions of these seminorms. Proposition 2.1 and Proposition

    2.2 (ii) and (iii) remain true if we replace hnE by hnE. ~ ~

    Proposition 2.4:

    Let E be a DF space.

    (i) h~E) and h~E are DF spaces.

    (ii) Under the canonical isomorphism of p(nE) with (hnE) , ~

    the topology Tb on p(nE) of uniform convergence on the

    bounded subsets of E coincides with the strong dual


    S {(h~E) , , hnE) . ~

    If {Bk}k is a fundamental sequence of bounded subsets of E then

    (fB (n) } is a fundamental sequence of bounded subsets of hnE k k 'IT

    (iii) If E is Bornological, or Barreled, or Infrabarreled, then

    hnE has the same property. If E is a Montel space, so is ~

    hnE. ~

  • 34


    (i) (ii) and (iii) follow from the fact that hnE(hnE)1T 1T

    n "'nis a complemented subspace of @ E (respectively, @ E), and

    1T 1T

    the corresponding results for n E and n E ([13] I Chap. I,1T 1T

    Prop. 5, p.43 and Cor. 2, p.45).


    As an example of an application of this Proposition, we

    see that if E is a DFM space, then (p{nE) ,T ) is a Frechetb

    Montel space, a result proved in a different way in [6J.

    We now look at the projective homogeneous products of a

    FrEkhet space.

    Proposition 2.5:

    Let E be a Frechet space.

    An (i) Every element u of h E can be written as the sum of an


    absolutely convergent series of the form

    u = E A.X~n) (1) j=l J J

    where E IA.I < 1, and {x.} is a sequence which conj=l J J

    verges to the origin in E.

    An (ii) If J is a compact subset of h E, then there exists a


    fixed sequence {x.} converging to the origin in E such J

    that every element of J can be written in the form (I),

  • 35

    with the sequence {A } ranging over a compact subsetj

    of the unit ball of Zl' Hence every compact subset

    of hnE is contained in a compact set of the form 1T

    fK(n), where K is some compact subset of E.


    We prove (ii) from which (i) follows, An

    (ii) If J is a compact subset of h E then J is also compact1T

    "'nin E. Grothendieck ([13J, Chap I, Theoreme 1, p.51)1T

    has shown that for such a set, there exist sequences

    {Y1,k}k" ... ,{Yn,k}k' all converging to the origin in E,

    such that every element u of J



    u = L: llkY 1 k Y kk=l' n,

    with the sequence {Ilk} ranging

    subset of the unit ball of Zl'

    hnE =0nE, we have 1T 1T

    can be written in the

    over a fixed compact

    Since u is an element of

    e lYl k+'" .+e Y k (n)(' n n, ) Ilk (n! )l/n

    Since the sequences {Yr,k}k' 1 < r < n, are bounded,

    this double series converges absolutely. Hence we may

  • 36

    order the terms as follows:

    Choose an ordering

    2n { (e 1 r' en r)} r=1, ,

    of the set of all sequences (el' . ,en ) for which

    ~2' .


    , I

    e y + .. +e 2nYn1,2n 1,1 n, n / 2

    (nl ) lin ,

    lYl 2+' .+e lY 2e 1 I ,. n, n, , ... . . (nl)l/n

    (n)Then u = 00L A.X. ,

    j=l J J

    and the sequences {A.}, {x.} have the desired properties.J J


    Thus if E is a Frechet space, as K ranges over the compact

    subsets of E, the sets rK(n) form a fundamental system of convex

  • 37

    nbalanced compact subsets of hnE. And for every P s P( E),


    IlplIK= IlpllrK(n)'

    Therefore, we have

    Corollary 2.2:

    Let E be a Frechet space.

    Then (p(nE),T ) is isomorphic to (hnE) ,o 1T c


    Linearization of Holomorphic Mappings

    In the rest of this chapter, E will be a Complex locally

    convex space. Our aim is to construct a locally convex space

    h E and a holomorphic mapping X from E into h E which will be 1T 1T

    universal for holomorphic mappings on E in the same way as

    the Gateaux - holomorphic mapping X:E~hE, constructed in

    chapter I is universal for Gateaux - h'olomorphic mappings on E.

    We shall assume that E is quasi-complete. This implies

    that the closed convex balanced hull of any compact subset of

    E is itself compact. Let K (E) d.enote the collection of all convex

    balanced compact subsets of E. Then K(E) is a directed set under


    K ~ K' if KCK', for K,K'sK(E).

    For each KsK(E), let E(K) be the subspace of E spanned by K.

    On E(K) we take as norm the Minkowski functional of K.

  • 38

    Since K is compact, E (K) is then a Banach space. \'Ve shall

    denote by KII II the norm of E(K). We define the Banach

    space h KE by:'IT ,

    = {u={U } IT hnE(K) n n=Q IT

    We denote the norm of hlT,KE by KII II also. Thus if

    is an element of h KE,IT,

    If K,K' are elements of K(E), and K ~ K', then the

    inclusion of E(K) in E(K') induces, for each n, a continuous

    linear mapping of hnE(K) into hnE(K') which has norm at most

    IT IT

    one, and so we may define a mapping continuous linear mapping


    with II jK'K 11 ~ 1, by defining jK'K on hlTE(K) to be the

    natural mapping into h ~n

    E(K') given above. If K,K',K" are IT

    elements of K(E) and K~K'~K", then it is easy to see that

    Therefore the family of Banach spaces h KE, indexed IT,

    by the directed set K(E), together with the linking mappings

    jK'K' forms an inductive system. We define the space h E IT

    to be locally convex inductive limit of this system:

  • 39

    Then, for each K s K{E) there is a continuous linear mapping

    j K : h KE -----;.hE,iT, iT

    and these mappings commute with the linking mappings jK'K.

    A Gateaux - holomorphic mapping

    X : E '--7h iT E

    is defined in exactly the same way as the mapping X : E--+hE

    defined in chapter I. Thus if x is an element of E, we choose

    a convex balanced compact subset K of E such that x lies in

    the algebraic interior of K, and we define

    X(x) = j K 0 X (x) ,K

    where X : int K '--7h KE is the mapping y~{y{n)} .K iT, n

    This definition is independent of K, and the mapping X so

    defined is Gateaux - holomorphic.

    The mapping X E ~h E is bounded on the compact subiT

    sets of E. To see this, let K be a compact subset of E.

    Choose a convex balanced compact subset J of E such that

    KCAJ for some A such that O

  • 40

    space by Hk(E).

    Suppose also that F is sequentially complete, and let

    f E Hk(E;F). Let f = 00

    E P be the Taylor expansion of f


    n=O n at the origin, where P

    n E p(nE;F) for every n. Then, using

    the Cauchy inequalities, we find that

    ~ 'II qn=O

    0 P 11K < n

    00 for every K E K(E), and every

    continuous seminorm q on F. Conversely, if {P } is a

    sequence of n - homogeneous polynomials from E into F which

    satisfies this condition, then it is easy to see that

    f(x) = 00 E P (x) defines a k - holomorphic mapping f from E n=O n

    into F.

    Proposition 2.6:

    Let E be a quasi - complete Complex locally convex space.

    (i) The mapping x: E ----;.h E is k - holomorphic.'IT

    (ii) Let F be a sequentially complete Complex locally convex

    space. For every k - holomorphic mapping f:E ~F there

    exists a unique continuous linear mapping f:h E~F such that'IT

    f = foX. Conversely, if T is a continuous linear mapping

    from h E into F, then the equation f(~) = T 0 x(x) defines a'IT

    k - holomorphic mapping f from E into F such that f = T. The

    correspondence f~~--~)f establishes an isomorphism between the

    vector spaces Hk(E;F} and L(h'ITE;F).

    In particular, the vector spaces Hk(E) and (h'ITE) I are canoni

    cally isomorphic.

  • 41


    (i) We have already seen that the mapping X is k - holo


    (ii) Let T be a continuous linear mapping from h~E into F.

    Then T 0 X is a Gateaux - holomorphic mapping from E

    into F, and since T maps bounded subsets of h E into ~

    bounded subsets of F, T 0 X maps compact subsets of

    E into bounded subsets of F. Therefore T 0 X is k

    holomorphic. The mapping T~T 0 X is easily seen

    to be a linear mapping from L(h~EiF) into Hk(EiF).

    That this mapping is injective is proved in exactly the

    same way as in the proof of Proposition 1.8.

    Finally, we show that the mapping T~T 0 X is sur

    jective. Let f be a k - holomorphic mapping from E into

    F. Then there exist n - homogeneous polynomials P from n

    E into F such that

    f(x) = 00

    l: P (x) for every x E E, (1)n=O n

    and o PnIIK< for every K E K (E) , 00n!oll q

    and for every continuous seminorm q on F. (2)

    For each K E K(E) we define n - homogeneous polynomials

    P K from E(K) into F byn, ,

    It follows from (2) that P K is bounded on the unitn,

    ball of E(K) I and hence P K is a continuous n - homon,

  • 42

    geneous polynomial from E(K) into F for every n.

    If P K is the continuous linear mapping from hnE(K)n, ~

    into F associated with P K' it follows from (2) that n, co ~

    n!oll q 0 Pn,KI~K(n) < ~ for every continuous

    seminorm q on F. (3)

    Therefore, for every u = {u } e h KE,n ~,

    is a Cauchy series in F, and so since F is sequen

    tially complete, this series converges to an element

    of F which we denote by TK(U). From (3), TK is a

    continuous linear mapping from h KE into F, and it ~,

    is clear from the definition of TK that

    T T . 1.' f K < K'.K = K' 0 JK'K

    Hence there exists a continuous linear mapping T

    from h E into F such that ~

    T 0 jK = TK for every K e K(E) I

    and it follows from the definition of the mappings TK

    that T 0 X = f.


  • 43

    Suppose now that E is a Frechet space, and let f be

    an element of Hk(E), with Taylor expansion 00

    I P at the n=O n

    origin. The condition

    ~ II P II < for every K e: K (E)n=O n K


    implies, in particular, that P is bounded on the compactn

    subsets of E for every n. Therefore P is continuous for n

    every n. Since the expansion 00

    E P converges uniformly on n=O n

    the compact subsets of E, f is continuous on compact sets.

    But E is a k - space, and so f is continuous on E. Therefore

    the h010morphic and the k - holomorphic scalar - valued func

    tions on E are the same.

    Lemma 2.1:

    Let E be a Frechet space. If the sequence {xk}k converges

    to the origin in E, there exists a convex balanced compact

    subset J of E such that {xk } c. int J, and X (x ) converges toJ k

    the origin in h JE. 'IT,


    There exists an increasing sequence of, Real numbers, { A } , k

    Ak > 1 for every n, and lim Ak = + 00, such that AkXk con-k-+oo verges to the origin ( [19J , Prop. 16.5 ) . Let J be the closed convex balanced hull of the sequence {AkX }. Then JK

    is compact, and

    -1 = Ak for every k.

  • 44

    Therefore J II X J (xk ) II = Ak 1 for every k, and

    so lim XJ(xk ) = 0 k"')'oo

    Proposition 2.7:

    Let E be a Complex Frechet space

    (i) The mapping X: E -----;.h E is holomorphic.1T

    (ii) The vector spaces H(E) and (h E)' are canonically1T

    isomorphic. This isomorphism establishes a one-to

    one correspondence between the 10 - bounded subsets

    of H(E) and the equicontinuous subsets of (h E) '.1T


    (i) X is Gateaux - holomorphic, and Lemma 2.1 shows that

    X is continuous at the origin. Hence X is holomorphic.

    (ii) We have seen that Hk(E) and H(E) are identical. It

    only remains to prove the last assertion of (ii).

    A fundamental system of neighbourhoods of the

    origin in h1TE is given by the s~ts of the form

    U = r rU CKjK (Bl (h1T ,KE)~LKeK (E) J

    where CK > 0 for every K, and Bt(h1T,KE) is the unit

    ball of h KE. Therefore a fundamental system of equi1Tt

    continuous subsets of (h E)' is given by the polars:1T

  • 45

    uO = n C-l[K jK(B l (h~,KE JO Kt:K(E) = C-

    1 (.t)-l [B (h E)]O (1)n K J K 1 ~,KKt:K{E) where j~ is the transpose of jK' Therefore ,

    if f is an element of B{E) with Taylor expansion 00

    E P at n=O n

    the origin then f is an element of uO if and only if

    1E II p--IIK < CK- for every Kt:K{E} (2)n=O n

    The set of all f t: B(E) satisfying (2) is bounded for TO:

    and it is easy to see that as the family {CK}Kt:K{E) ranges

    over all possible positive values of C ' the correspondingK

    TO - bounded sets defined by (2) form a fundamental system

    of TO - bounded subsets of B{E).


  • 46

    C HAP T E RIll

    Duality for Spaces of Polynomials and Holomorphic Mappings

    on Frechet Spaces.

    Let F be a locally convex space. For every convex

    balanced neighbourhood, U, of the origin in F, the associated

    normed space F(U) is defined as follows: let PU be the

    Minkowski functional of U. F(U) is the quotient of F by the

    subspace p~l (0), and a norm, p , is given byu u

    PU(x + P~ (0 = inf{pu(Y) : x - y E: ~l (o)}.

    For every convex balanced bounded subset B of F, the asso

    ciated normed space F(B) is defined to be the subspace of F

    spanned by B, with norm, which we denote by B II II, equal to the Minkowski functional of B. The use of the same notation

    for these two spaces is permissible since, for a subset of F

    which is both bounded and a neighbourhood of the origin, they

    coincide. We denote the quotient mapping of F onto F(U) by

    TIU' and the inclusion of F(B) into F by iB. Both TIU and iB

    are continuous. The dual space of F(U) can be identified

    with the Banach space FI (Uo), since (TIu)t defines an isometric

    isomorphism of F(U) I with FI (Uo). If U and V are convex

    balanced neighbourhoods of the origin in F and U is a subset

    of V, there is a canonical mapping TIVU:F(U)~F(V), given

    by TIVU(x + puleo~ = x + pv1(0), and the norm of TIVU is at

  • 47

    most one. Similarly, if Band C are convex balanced bounded

    subsets of F and if B is a subset of C, the inclusion mapping

    iCB:F(B)~F(C) has norm at most one.

    Let G be a normed space. We recall that an n - homo

    geneous polynomial P:G~ C is said to be Nuclear if there is

    a sequence {.} of continuous linear functionals on G, and a J

    sequence {A.} of scalars , with +im II . II = 0,. ~ IA . I < co, J J+co J J=l J


    P (x) = coE A.. (x) n for every x E G. j=l J J

    The Nuclear Norm of P is defined to be the infimum of the

    sums ~ IAI II J. lln , ranging over all representations of P j=l J

    of the above form. This norm is denoted by II liN' and the resulting Banach space of all nuclear n - homogeneous poly

    nomials on E is denoted by PN(nG} [15]. Thus PN(nG} is the

    completion of the subspace Pf(nG} of p{nG} in the nuclear

    norm. We have seen in Chapter I that there is a canonical


    v : hnG' ~Pf(G}

    co (n) k ngiven by v( E A. } = r A. . With the nuclear norm

    j=l J n j=l J J on Pf(nE), and the projective norm on'hnGS' v is an isometry. Since the nuclear norm on Pf(nG) is bigger than the norm of

    uniform convergence on the unit ball of G, v is a continuous

    linear mapping of h~Ge into (p(nG},T ). Therefore v extendsb to a continuous linear mapping, which we also denote by v, of An n "nhnGS into (P{ G}"b)' The image of hnGS under v is the subspace PN(nG) of p(nG). Therefore v will be an isometric isomorphism

    of h~Ge with (PN(nG), II.I~} if we know that it is injective.

  • 48

    We recall that if the Banach space GS has the Approximation Property, then the canonical mapping of ~GB into

    (L(nG),T ) is injective ([131, Chap. I, Prop. 36, p. 167).b

    It follows that the mapping v : h~GS ~(p(nG) ,T b ) is injec

    tive. We have proved:

    Proposition 3.1

    Let G be a normed space, and suppose that the Banach space

    G has the approximation property. Then the canonicals mapping

    is an isometric isomorphism.


    Now suppose that G is a locally convex space. The

    nvector space P { G) is defined as follows: An n - homo-N

    geneous polynomial, P, on G is Nuclear if there is a convex

    balanced neighbourhood of the origin 9 such that P factors

    through the canonical mapping TIU : G ~G(U) to give a

    nuclear n - homogeneous polynomial on the normed space G{U).

    PN(nG) is the vector space of all such polynomials on G.

    Thus, for every convex balanced neighbourhood of the origin

    U, we may identify P enG (Un with a subspace of P (nG), andN N

  • 49

    PN(nG) is the union of all these subspaces. We can suppose,

    without loss of generality, in the above definition, that

    the neighbourhoods U belong to a fixed fundamental system

    of convex balanced neighbourhoods of the origin. Accordingly,

    where U is any fundamental system of convex balanced neigh

    bourhoods of the origin in G.

    The topology JI on PN(nG) is obtained by taking the w

    locally convex inductive limit 'topology of the normed spaces

    PN{nG(U with the nuclear norm, as U ranges over a fundamen

    tal system U of convex balanced neighbourhoods of the origin

    [aJ . It is easy to see that that the definition of JI is w independent of the choice of U.

    Recalling now that (G{US may be identified with

    G' (UO) and using Proposition 3.1, we have

    Proposition 3.2

    Let G be a locally convex space, and suppose there exists

    a fundamental system, U, of convex balanced neighbourhoods

    of the origin in G such that the Banach space G' (UO) has

    the approximation property for every U E U. Then

    (PN(nG),JI ) is canonically isomorphic to the locally convex w

    inductive limit lim ) h~G' (UO). U


  • 50

    The DuaZ Space of (P( n

    E) ,TO)

    Let E be a Frechet space. We know that the canonical

    isomorphism of p{nE) with (hnE) , is an isomorphism of the'IT n An

    locally convex spaces (P{ E),T ) and (h'ITE)~ ; where cO

    denotes the topology of uniform convergence on all convex

    balanced compact sets (Corollary 2.2). It follows from

    the Mackey - Arens theorem (EI4], Th. 7, p. 68.) that the

    dual space (p(nE) ,TO) I is algebraically isomorphic to

    hnE. Explicitly, this isomorphism can be described as'IT

    follows: if u is an element of h ~n

    E, then by Proposition'IT

    2.5 we can write u = 'f A.X~n) where < 00, and thejIIAjlj=l J J sequence {x j } converges to the origin in E. Then u corres

    ponds to the linear functional on p(nE) given by


    P ~ LA. P (x.) , j=l J J

    and every TO - continuous linear functional is of this form.

    We also know from Proposition 2.2 that the canonical iso

    morphism of p(nE) with (hnE)' establishes a one-to-one corres'IT

    pondence between the equicontinuous subsets of these spaces.

    Now, since E is a Frechet space, the equicontinuous subsets

    of p(nE) and the TO - bounded subsets are the same.

    also a Frechet space, which implies that the equicontinuous An

    subsets of (h E)I are the same as the weakly bounded subsets. 'IT

    Therefore the strong dual space of (p(nE) ,TO) is isomorphic

    lwith the strong dual space of (hnE)c which is hnE. ~'le haveI 'IT 'IT


  • 51

    Proposition 3.3:

    n ,Let E be a Frechet space. Then (P( E)'~o)e is alge

    braically and topologically isomorphic to h~E


    Since hnE is the completion of hnE and this latter space1T 'IT '

    can be identified with the space of all finite-type n

    homogeneous polynomials on E, we would like to represent

    the space hnE as a space of polynomials on El. We begin1T


    Lemma 3.1:

    Let E be a locally convex space. Then h ~n

    E is isomorphic1T

    to the locally convex inductive limit lim) hnE(K)

    K (E) 'IT



    Let iK denote the canonical mapping of h'ITE(K) into

    Klim nnE(K), and let x denote the universal n - homo~ 'IT n K(E) An geneous polynomial from E(K) into h E(K).


    The inclusion mapping of E(K) into E induces a continuous

    linear mapping of hnE(K) into hnE for each n; these map1T 1T

    pings commute with the linking mappings:

    and so there exists a continuous linear mapping, T, from

    lim> hnE(K) into hnE such that T 0 i (x(n = x(n) when K(E) 1T 1T K

  • 52

    X E: E(K)

    KThe family of n - homogeneous polynomials P = iK 0 Xn:K E(K) ~ lim hnE(K) define a continuous n - homogeneous

    K (E 'IT An polynomial P from E into lim h E(K) such that P(x) = P (x)

    K(Er 'IT K when x E: E(K). Hence there is a continuous linear mapping - An A P:h E---;. lim hnE such that, if x E: E(K) then p(x(n\=PK(X).

    'If K(E) 'If The mappings P and T are inverse to one another, and

    the Lemma follows. D We remark that Lemma 3.1 remains true if we replace

    K(E) by any fundamental system of convex balanced compact

    subsets of E.

    nSo far, we have shown that the strong dual of (P( E) ,TO)

    is isomorphic to lim hnE(K), where K is any fundamental K ) 'If

    system of convex balanced compact subsets of E. The spaces

    E(K) are the duals of the normed spaces E'(Ko ), and as K

    o ranges over K, the sets K form a fundamental system of

    neighbourhoods of the origin for the locally convex space E',c

    Therefore Proposition 3.2 can be applied provided the Banach

    spaces E(K) all possess the approximation property.

    Definition 3.1:

    The locally convex space E will be said to have the Stpiat

    Apppoximation ppopepty if there is a fundamental system, K,

    of convex balanced compact subsets of E such that the Banach

    space E(K) has the approximation property for every K E: K.

    Let E be a Frechet space, and let K be a fundamental

    system of convex balanced compact subsets of E. Then E

  • 53

    coincides, both algebraically and topologically, with the

    locally convex inductive limit lim>E(K). Furthermore, this KsK

    inductive limit is Compactly-Regular, in the sense that

    every compact subset of E is contained in E(K) for some K,

    and is compact therein. It follows by a theorem of Bierstedt

    and Meise ([3J,I, Satz 2) that if the Frechet space E has

    the strict approximation property, then E has the approxi

    mation property.


    We give some examples of spaces with the strict approxi

    mation property.

    Recall ([9],IV,13.9) that a subset K of Co is relatively

    compact if and only if there exists a sequence {An} of

    positive Real numbers converging to zero, such that

    Ixnl ( An for every n, and for every x = {x } E K. n Let N be the collection of all sequences of positive Real

    numbers which converge to zero. For each A = {A } E N, let n

    Then the above condition shows that {KA}AEN is a fundamental

    system of convex balanced compact subsets of co'

    Let A E N. Then an element x of Co lies in CO(KA) if

    and only if there exists u > 0 such that x E uK, which is

    equivalent to the condition:

    sup Ix I A-I < (1)00 n n n

  • 54

    Conversely, if x = {x } is any sequence of scalars which n satisfies (I), then it is clear that x e CO(KA). Therefore

    < co}

    The norm of Co (K A) is given by:

    K II x II = inf{l.l >0 A

    = inf{l.l>o Ix 1

  • 55

    {x={x }: suplx IA- 1 < oo} ct ct ct ct

    and that the norm of (fT~) (KA) is given by cteA

    II x II = sup Ix IA-I.KA ct ct ct

    It follows that the mapping x ----;. {x A-1}ct ct

    defines an isometric isomorphism of (f1~) (K~)cteA I\.

    with loo(A). Since loo(A) has the approximation property,

    the space f1~ has the strict approximation property. cteA

    (3) EE1ct cteA

    A subset K of the locally convex direct sum @~ is ct eA

    compact if and only if there is a finite subset, B, of A

    such that K is contained in the canonical image of Ef} in cteB

    ~~, and is compact therein. Therefore for every convex cteA balanced subset K of ~~, the Banach space ( ffict) (K) is

    ctE:A cteA finite - dimensional, and so has the approximation property_

    Hence @ has the strict approximation property.cteA

    Proposition 3.4:

    Let E be a Frechet space with the strict approximation

    property. Then (p(nE) ,TO)S is isomorphic to (PN{nE~) ,~w)


    By Proposition 3.3 and Lemma 3.1, (p{nE) ,To'a is isomor

    phic to lim hnE(K), where K is a fundamental system ofK ) 1T

    convex balanced compact sets satisfying definition 3.1.

  • 56

    The Proposition now follows by applying Proposition 3.2 to

    the space E'. c

    From the remarks preceding Proposition 3.3, we see that

    the above isomorphism can be described explicitly by means

    of the Borel Transform: If T is a continuous linear functional

    on (P( n E)" ), the corresponding nuclear polynomial on E' is o c

    given by

    It follows, in particular from Proposition 3.4 that the poly

    nomials in p(nE) of finite type are dense in (p(nE)"o).

    The DuaZ Space of (H(E)" )o

    Let G be a locally convex space. We construct the space

    of NucZear HoZomorphic Germs at the origin in G as follows:

    Let V be a fundamental system of ~onvex balanced neigh

    bourhoods of the origin in G. For each U V, HN,U is

    defined to be the vector space of all functions f which are

    holomorphic on some neighbourhood of the unit ball in G(U),

    with ~I dnf(o) PN(nG(U) for every n, and satisfying:

    lim II~, dnf(o)jjN = 0 n~ ex>

  • 57

    If v E U and V is a subset of U, composition with the

    canonical mapping TIUv:G(V) ~ G(U} defines an injective

    linear mapping

    The vector spaces HN,V together with the linking mappings

    rVU form an inductive system, and we define the vector space


    HN(O(G)} = lim) (HN,u,rVU ) U

    The elements of HN(O(G are called Nuclear Germs at the

    origin in G. If we put on HN,U the norm:

    o 1 AnII f II u = s ~p II Ii! d f (0) II N '

    then the linking mappings rVU are continuous, and so we can

    define a locally convex topology, TIw' on HN(O(G}} by forming

    the locally convex inductive limit:

    Proposition 3.5

    Let E be a Complex Frechet space.

    (i) (H (E) , TO) '8 is isomorphic to hTIE.

    (ii) If E has the strict approximation property then

    (H(E),T )~ is isomorphic to (HN(O(E' ,TI ).o ~ c w


    (i) We show first that h E is contained in (H(E),T )'.TI 0

    Let u E hTIE; then u = jK(v) for some K E K(E}, and

    some v = {v } E h KE. If f E H(E), let f be the n TI,

  • 58

    continuous linear functional on h E associated with'IT f

    by Proposition 2.6.

    Then the linear functional f~ f{u) is T o - continuous,


    ~ II vii

    Next we show that (H{E),T ) I is contained in h E. o 'IT

    Under the canonical isomorphism of H{E) with (h E) I, the'IT

    topology T on H{E) corresponds to the topology on (h E) I o 'IT

    of uniform convergence on the subsets of h E of the form'IT

    XK, where K is a compact subset of E. We claim that the

    closed convex balanced hull of XK in h E is compact if K'IT

    is compact. It then follows (by Corollary 2, page 69 of

    [14J) that (H{E),T ) I is contained in h E. . 0 'IT

    To prove our claim, let K be a compact subset of E.

    Since E is a Frechet space, K is contained in the closed

    convex hull of a sequence which converges to the origin

    in E. Therefore, by Lemma 3.1 there exists a convex

    balanced compact subset, J, of E such that K is contained

    in int J, and XJ{K) is compact inh'IT,JE. Since h JE is'IT,

    a Banach space, rxJ{K) is compact in h'IT,JE jJ is a

    continuous linear mapping, and therefore jJ(rxJ(K is a

    convex balanced compact subset of h'ITE. But jJOXJ{K) = X{K),

    and so

    rxK = rjJoXJ{K) = jJ{rxJ{K)

    jJ(rxJ(Kc:r(jJoxJ(K = rX(K)

  • 59

    It follows that jJ(fXJ(K is the closed convex

    balanced hull of x(K), and therefore fX(K) is compact

    in h E. 7T

    Therefore (H(E),T )' is equal to h E. Now byo 7T

    Proposition 2.7, the T - bounded subsets of H(E) coino

    cide with the equicontinuous subsets of (h E) '. h E 7T 7T

    is Barreled, and so the equicontinuous and the weakly

    compact subsets of (h E)' are the same. Therefore the7T

    strong dual topology on (H(E),T )' is equal to the o

    topology of h 7T E.

    (ii) If E has the strict approximation property let K be a

    fundamental system of convex balanced compact subsets

    of E such that E(K) has the approximation property for

    every K E K. Then hnE(K) is isometrically isomorphic7T

    to (PN(nE'(Ko,II.II N) for every n, and for every K E K.

    From the definition of the Banach spaces HN,Ko , we have

    oHN,KO = {n!o (PN(nE , (K , II liN) }c



    00 ~n

    h E = lim) h KE = lim { E h E(K)}7T K 7T , ~ n=o 7T, Co

    is isomorphic, both algebraically and topologically, to

    = lim (EN KO ,11.11 ) = HN(O(E'),7T )-r' KO c W o The isomorphism of (H(E) ,TO) , with HN(O(E~ given by

    this p~oposition can be described explicitly as follows:


  • 60

    If T is a continuous linear functional on (H(E)/c ) I o


    defines a nuclear holomorphic germ at the origin in

    E' c

    It is also possible to represent the dual space of

    (H(E)/c ) as a vector space of entire functions on E~. O

    If G is a Complex locally convex space, an entire func

    tion f on G is said to be of NuoZear - ExponentiaZ Type

    if there exists a convex balanced neighbourhood U in G

    such that

    An d f(o) is an element of PN(G(U for every n, and

    An nlim sup II d f(o)II N

  • 61

    sequence of nuclear n - homogeneous polynomials on G(U)

    for some U, such that lim II Pnil N = O. Again replacing n+oo 1

    U by some scalar multiple AU, we have lim supll Pnll:n< 00' 1

    Then f =

  • 62

    f E: H (E) ,

    T*f(z) = T(T_Zf)

    defines a holomorphic function on E, and the mapping

    f~ T*f is a convolution operator on (H(E) ,TO)' The - ,

    mapping v: (H(E),T ) ~ B(H(E),T ), where B(H{E),T )000

    is the vector space of all convolution operators on

    (H(E),T )' and VT = T*, is an isomorphism, with inverse O

    the mapping v~B{H{E) ,TOJ ~(H(E) ,TO)' given by

    (vA) (f) = Af{o).

    B(H(E),T ) is an algebra under composition; by means ofO

    the isomorphism v, a product (T ,T 2 ) ~ Tl*T2 is defined1

    on (H{E),T )' so that v becomes an algebra isomorphism.O

    With this product on (H{E),T )', the Borel transform isO

    an algebra isomorphism of (H(E),TO

    ) with EXPNE~.

    We define a Partial Differential Operator on (H(E) ,TO)

    to be a convolution operator, A, such that there is a

    positive integer, N, and a sequence {To, ..... ,TN} where n ,

    Tn E: (P( E),TO) for each n, (0 , n , N), with

    Af(x) = T(T_xf) for every f E: H(E) I

    where T = To+ ..... +T Thus A ~s a partial differentialN

    operator if and only if the corresponding function on Et

    is an element of the space PN(EI) of all nuclear polynomials J. c

    on E I c.

    PN(E~) has the following division property: if p(l),

    p(2) are elements of PN(E~) such that p(1)~(2)iS Gateaux

    holomorphic on EI, then there exists an element P of PN(E~)

    such that pel) = p.p(2). To see this we choose a convex


  • 63

    balanced neighbourhood of the origin U in E~ such that

    p(l) and p(2) are both defined and nuclear on El (U)i we c

    then apply the division theorem for nuclear polynomials

    on normed spaces, ([7J, Lemma 8), to get a nuclear poly

    nomial P on E~(U) with p(l) = p p(2).

    Proposition 3.6:

    Let E be a Frechet space with the strict approximation

    property. If A is a partial differential operator on

    (H(E),T )' then the kernel of A is the closed linear spanOof {pe~: P p(nE) for some n, ~ EI, and A(Pe~) = OJ.


    The proof is exactly as in [4J, using the division pro

    perty of PN(E~) given above.


  • 64

    C HAP T E R I V



    Aron and Schottenloher [2J have made a study of compact

    polynomials and compact holomorphic mappings between Banach

    spaces. In this chapter we obtain some analogous results

    for weakly compact mappings. We then answer a question of

    Pelczynski [22J concerning weakly compact polynomials on

    Banach spaces with the Dunford-Pettis property.

    Throughout this chapter E, F will denote Banach spaces.

    FI is the dual space of F with the Mackey topology T(FI,F).T

    FI is the dual space of F with the topology of uniform con-c

    vergence on convex balanced compact subsets of F. For each

    n, (p(nE,F),T ) denotes the space p{nE;F) with the norm ofb

    uniform convergence on the unit ball of E. We recall that

    if E and F are Complex Banach spaces, a seminorm, p, on

    H(EiF) is said to be ported by a compact subset K of E if

    for every open subset U of E containing K, there is a posi

    tive Real number, Cu' such that

    p (f) .:;; C II f II u for every f e: H(EiF) .u T denotes the locally convex topology on H{E;F) defined by


  • 65

    all the seminorms which are ported by compact subsets of


    If G,H are locally convex spaces and t is a locally

    G 1convex topology on for which every equicontinuous set is

    bounded, Ls(GltiH) denotes the space of all continuous

    linear mappings from Gt into H with the topology of uniform convergence on the equicontinuous subsets of G I

    Let P be a continuous n - homogeneous polynomial from

    E into F. P is said to be Weakly Compact (respectively,

    Compact) if P maps the unit ball of E into a relatively weakly

    compact subset of F (respectively, a relatively compact subset

    of F) .

    Lemma 4.1:

    A continuous n - homogeneous polynomial P:E~F is weakly

    compact (respectively, compact) if and only if the linear - An

    mapping P:h E---?>F is weakly compact (respectively compact).'If


    This follows immediately from the fact that the closed unit

    ball of the Banach space hnE is the closed convex balanced 'If


  • 66

    Aron and Schottenloher define the adjoint, pt, of a

    continuous n - homogeneous polynomial P from E into F to be

    the linear mapping from F' into p(nE) given by

    n An nIf we identify (P( EiF) ,T b ) with (L(h~EiF) ,T b ) and (P( E) ,T b )

    An twith (h~E)S then P becomes the adjoint, in the usual sense,

    of the linear mapping P : hnE ~ F. ~

    Proposition 4.1:

    (cf. [2J. Proposition 3.2). Let E and F be Banach spaces,

    and let P be a continuous n - homogeneous polynomial from

    E into F.

    The following are equivalent:

    (i) p is weakly compact

    (ii) pt F'~(p(nE),T )T 0 is weakly compact.

    (iii)pt F ~ ~ (P (nE ) , T b) is continuous.

    (iv) pt F6~ (p(nE) ,T b ) is weakly, compact.


    That (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv) are equivalent for linear

    mappings is well-known ([lOJ, Theorem 9.3.1). The pro

    position now follows from Lemma 4.1, using the fact that

  • 67

    - nP can be identified with the linear mapping P:h E~Ff


    and pt with the adjoint of P.


    Aron and Schottenloher show that the Banach space

    n(P K( EiF) "b) of all compact n - homogeneous polynomials

    from E into F is isomorphic, by the mapping p~p t f to

    the Banach space L (F'j (p(nE)"b where denotes thef c

    topology of uniform convergence on equicontinuous sets.

    PWK(nEiF) denotes the closed subspace of (p(nEiF) feb)

    consisting of all weakly compact n - homogeneous poly

    nomials from E into F. The following proposition is the

    nanalogue for the space (PwK( EiF) feb) of the isomorphism

    L (F I i (P (nE ) f 'b) . c

  • 68

    Proposition 4.2

    (cf. [2J, Proposition 3.3)

    Let E and F be Banach spaces.

    The mapping p~pt establishes an isometric isomorphism

    of (PwK(nEiF) ,T ) with LE(F~i (p(nE) ,T , where the normb b

    on the latter space is the norm of uniform convergence

    on the unit ball of FS'


    Proposition 4.1 shows that the mapping p~pt maps

    pwK(nEiF) into L(F~i (p(nE),Tb . This mapping is clearly

    linear and injective.

    Let T be an element of L(F' (p(nE) T =L(F 1 (hnE) I).

    T' , b T' 'If f3

    t AnThen T is a weakly compact linear mapping of (h'lfE)S into

    F, and restricting Tt to h~E defines a weakly compact

    n - homogeneous polynomial p from E into F such that

    pt T.

    Now if p E PWK(nEiF), then

    II ptll = sup{II1jJOP II: 1jJEB 1 (F 1 )} ~ II pll

    The Mackey - Arens theorem shows that the mapping

    t . n T~T is an isometric isomorphism of L (F'; (P( E) ,T )

    E T b into L (P (nE ) , T ) I i F).

    E b T

    Therefore, II ptll = II pttll = sup{ II ptt(qi) :4iEB l

    (p(nE) ,Tb ) I}

    ~ sup{ II ptt (x (n II: XEB (E) }1

    = II pll

    Thus, Ilptll = II pll for every P E pwK(nE;F)


  • 69

    We point out one further criterion for weak compactness,

    which is contained implicitly in this Proposition.

    Proposition 4.3:

    nLet E and F be Banach spaces. P P( EiF) is weakly compact

    if and only if ptt maps (p(nE ) ,T ) I into the canonical imageb

    of F in FH.


    Apply the corresponding result for linear mappings

    ([10J, Corollary 9.3.2) to the linear mapping P. D We now discuss weakly compact ho1omorphic mappings.

    Let E and F be Complex Banach spaces. A ho1omorphic

    mapping f from E into F is Weakly Compaot if for every

    element x of E, there is a neighbourhood, V, of x, such that

    f(V) is a relatively weakly compact subset of F.

    Following Aron and Schotten1oher, we define the Adjoint,

    ft, of a ho1omorphic mapping f from E into F to be the linear

    mapping from F' into H(E) given by

    If f = E p is the Taylor expansion of f at the origin, pt n=o n n

    nis a continuous linear mapping of Fa into (P( E) ,Tb ) for each

    n. Since (p(nE) ,Tb ) is a subspace of (H(E) ,T ) it is immaw

    terial whether we take the transpose of P as an n - homon

    geneous polynomial, or as a ho1omorphic mapping.

  • 70

    Proposition 4.4:

    (cf. [2J I 3 Remark (2

    Let E and F be Complex Banach spaces. If f is a holomorphic

    mapping from E into F, then ft is a continuous linear mapping

    from Fa into (H(E)/L )' The mapping f~ft is a continuousW

    linear mapping from (H(EiF)/L ) into L (FBI; (H(E) IL .w E w


    Let p be a seminorm on H(E) which is ported by the compact set

    K. Let V be an open set containing K such that f is bounded on

    V. There is a positive Real number C such that v

    p(g) ~cvllgllv foreverygEH(E).

    Therefore p (ft (ll! ~ C Ilft(1j!)11 V = C 1Ill! II f (V) , and so thev v t .

    linear mapping f :F8~(H(E)/Lw) is continuous.

    It is clear that f~ft is a linear mapping. To see that

    it is continuous, let q be a continuous seminorm on L (FBI; (H(E),L . : w

    We may assume that q is of the form

    q(T) = sup{p(T(ll!:11 ll! II ~ I}

    where p is a seminorm on H(E) which is ported by some compact set

    K. If V is an open set containing K there exists C > 0 such v that

    p(g) ~ cvll g Ilv for every g : H(E).


    sup{p(ftll!):IIll!II~ I} = sup{p(ll! 0 f) : 11ll!1I~ I}

    ~ sup {11ll! 0 f II V : II ll! II ~ I} = Cv II f II V Cv

  • 71

    l} is a T - continuousThus f ~ sup{p (f t 1jJ) : w

    seminorm on H(E,F), and so f~ft is a continuous linear



    Consider the mapping

    IS : E~ (H(E),T )'W

    which associates with x E E the evaluation functional IS (x) :

    lS(x}f = f(x)

    Lemma 4.2:

    Let E be a Complex Banach space. Then IS is a holomorphic

    mapping from E into (H(E),Tw)S


    We show that IS is Frechet differentiable at every point

    of E. For x E E, let TI be the projection of (H(E),T )x W

    onto the subspace ES = (P('E),T ) which associates withb

    f E H(E) its first derivative at x, d1f(x). Let j denote

    the canonical embedding of E into E".

    We claim that the Fr~chet derivative of IS at x exists,

    and is equal to the mapping from E into (H(E) ,TW)S given


    This mapping is a continuous linear mapping since j and TIx t

  • 72

    are continuous and linear. We now show that

    p(8(x+y)-8(x)-(1T t 0 j)(ylim X = 0IIYII~o II y II

    for every continuous seminorm p on (H{E},LW)S

    Accordingly, let A be a bounded subset of (H{E},L ), and w

    let PA be the Minkowski functional of the set AO By [20J,

    12, Prop I, there are positive real numbers C, c, such


    nII ~I (x) II ~ Cc for every n, and every f E A. Then if 1\ y II < c- 1

    tPA[8(x+y}-8{x)-{1T 0 j)(y)]x = II y II

    Ily 11- 1 sUP[f{x+y)-f{x)-d 1 f(x) (y)] fEA

    = II Y 11-1

    sup I !2 ~I (x) (y) I fEA n- .

    = Cc 2 II y II l-cllyll

    which tends to zero with II y II .


    We shall call a subset U of a Banach space E Circled

    if for every x:U we have AX : U whenever II..I = 1. The following Lemma is a slight generalisation of a result

    proved by Aron and Schottenloher [2] :

  • 73

    Lemma 4.3:

    Let E and F be Complex Banach spaces and let f be a

    holomorphic mapping from E into F. If the subset U of E

    is circled and xEE then

    for every n .


    Suppose this is false for some n. Then there is a continuous

    linear functional,~, on F such thatl~(z) I~l for every 1 "'nZe: rf (x+U) , but I~ (b)l>l for some b = ~ f(x) (a)

    ae:U. Consider the entire function of one Complex variable

    g(A) = ~of(x+Aa)

    We have ~Ig(n) (0) = ~(~! dnf(x) (a = ~(b) .Therefore

    I~(b) I = 1~lg(n) (0) I ~ sup{ Igp) I: IAI = l}

    ~ {I ~ of (y) I: y e: x+U} ~ 1, which is a contradiction

    In the next Proposition we show that a holomorphic

    mapping is weakly compact if it is weakly compact near the

    origin, and we show how weak compactness of a holomorphic

    mapping is related to the weak compactness of its


  • 74

    Proposition 4.5

    (cf. [2 J, Proposition 3.4 ) Let E and F be Complex Banach spaces, and let f be a

    holomorphic mapping from E into F The following are


    (i) f is weakly compact.

    (ii) f maps some neighbourhood of the origin in E

    into a relatively weakly compact subset of F.

    (iii) d:nf{x) is a weakly compact polynomial for every

    n, and for every x E.

    (iv) dnf{O) is a weakly compact polynomial for every n.

    Proof :

    The implications (iii) ~ (iv) and (i) ~(ii) are trivial.

    (i) :::=:::;'(iii) and (ii) )(iv) are proved exactly as in [21,

    Proposition 3.4 . It only remains to show that (iv) implies


    "nSuppose, then, that d f(O) is a weakly compact

    polynomial for every n. Let X = {xEE : f(V ) is weaklyx relatively compact for some open neighbourhood Vx of x}

    We shall show that X is a non-empty subset of E which is

    both open and closed, from which it follows that f is weakly


    o E X .. choose r > 0 such that f is bounded on the ball B(o,r) Fix A , 0 < A < 1 , and let V = AB(o,r).

    We claim that f{V) is a relatively weakly: compact subset

  • 75

    of F. To see this, let Kn = f(*!dnf(O} (B(O,r)

    Since ~dnf(O) is a weakly compact polynomial, Kn is anl

    weakly compact subset of F for every n. By Lemma 4. 3 K n

    is a subset of the bounded set r(f(B(O,r) for every n.

    Hence if Z E K for each n, the series! AnZ convergesn n 11=0 n

    absolutely , and so

    K = ~ AnK = { ~ AnZ . z nn=o n n=o n

    is a well-defined bounded subset of F If x E V, then we

    can write x = AY , where y E B(O,r) . Therefore

    f(x) E K

    Thus f(V) c: K. We show that K is relatively weakly compact

    by applying the James criterion namely, that every

    continuous linear functional on F achieves its norm on K

    [24J . Let WE FI i since each of the sets Kn is weakly

    there exist wn E Kn such that II~)II K = W (wn ) Then n

    = W(n~o Anwn ) ~ I I WI I K

    Therefore II WII K = W(nJ'o A nwn ) , and K is relatively weakly compact. Hence f(V) is relatively weakly compact.

    X is open : if x EX, and Vx is an open neighbourhood

    of x such that f(V ) is relatively weakly compact, thenx

    clearly every element of Vx is an element of X.

    X is closed : let {x } be a sequence of elements of Xn

  • 76

    converging to x E E . It follows from Proposition 4.1 that

    n nPwK ( EiF) is a closed subspace of (P( EiF),Tb) and hence

    since ~ldnf(Xk) ) ~ldnf{X) (k~oo) in (p(nEiF),T ) . . b

    ~!dnf(X) is a weakly compact polynomial for every n.

    Consider the holomorphic mapping g:E~F defined by

    1 An 1 "'ng ( z) = f (x+z ) Since for every n, ~ g(O) = ~ f{x),

    n. .

    it follows by the first part of this proof that g maps

    some neighbourhood, U, of the origin into a relatively

    weakly compact subset of F . Therefore f{x+U) = g(U) is

    weakly relatively compact, and so x E X.


    We now have the analogue for holomorphic mappings of

    Propositions 4.1 and 4.3

    Proposition 4 6 :

    ( cf. [2J, Proposition 3.6 )

    Let E and F be Complex Banach spaces, and let f be a

    holomorphic mapping from E into F The following are


    (i) f is weakly compact.

    (ii) ft:F'~(H(E)'T ) is continuous.T w

    ( iii)