Application Performance Management (APM) for JBoss ... · Performance Management for Dev, QA and...

RTI provides deep-dive application performance management and root-cause diagnostics for JBoss, Fuse, and Tomcat platforms. RTI can be used directly with JBoss/Fuse/Tomcat in traditional and cloud configurations, including OpenShift. Features include: Business transaction monitoring, automatic discovery and performance metrics. Lightweight Transaction Profiling provides 24x7 performance monitoring in production with just 2% overhead. Transaction Tracing tracks end-user transactions across the enterprise, crossing servers and JVMs to quickly isolate bottlenecks. Root cause diagnostics to the method-level. Identify what transactions were slow, and then quickly diagnose why. Correlate JVM, JMX and traditional system resource metrics to Transaction Performance. Performance management across the lifecycle. Specific feature support for Development, Quality Assurance and Production. RTI can plug into Red Hat's JBoss Operations Network. Extends JBoss Operations Network and enables JBoss ON to be the single platform for all JBoss management, performance monitoring and root cause diagnostics. Enhanced performance alerting and root cause analysis in JBoss ON environments increases collaboration between operations and development. OC System's RTI is the only application performance management solution integrated directly into Red Hat's JBoss Operations Network. Application Performance Management (APM) for JBoss Enterprise Middleware | [email protected] 10521 Rosehaven Street Suite 210 | Fairfax, VA 22030-2877 | (703) 359-8160 “With RTI and JBoss Operations Network, customers now have a comprehensive performance management solution for JBoss platforms that includes lightweight profiling, deep diagnostics and extended performance alerting.” Craig Muzilla Vice President and General Manager, Middleware, Red Hat

Transcript of Application Performance Management (APM) for JBoss ... · Performance Management for Dev, QA and...

RTI provides deep-dive application performance managementand root-cause diagnostics for JBoss, Fuse, and Tomcat platforms.RTI can be used directly with JBoss/Fuse/Tomcat in traditional andcloud configurations, including OpenShift. Features include:

• Business transaction monitoring, automatic discovery andperformance metrics.

• Lightweight Transaction Profiling provides 24x7 performancemonitoring in production with just 2% overhead.

• Transaction Tracing tracks end-user transactions across theenterprise, crossing servers and JVMs to quickly isolate bottlenecks.

• Root cause diagnostics to the method-level. Identify whattransactions were slow, and then quickly diagnose why.

• Correlate JVM, JMX and traditional system resource metricsto Transaction Performance.

• Performance management across the lifecycle. Specific featuresupport for Development, Quality Assurance and Production.

RTI can plug into Red Hat's JBoss Operations Network.

• Extends JBoss OperationsNetwork and enables JBoss ON tobe the single platform for all JBossmanagement, performancemonitoring and root causediagnostics.

• Enhanced performance alertingand root cause analysis in JBossON environments increasescollaboration between operationsand development.

• OC System's RTI is the onlyapplication performance

management solutionintegrated directlyinto Red Hat's JBossOperations Network.

Application Performance Management (APM)for JBoss Enterprise Middleware | [email protected] Rosehaven Street Suite 210 | Fairfax, VA 22030-2877 | (703) 359-8160

“With RTI and JBoss

Operations Network,

customers now have a

comprehensive performance

management solution for

JBoss platforms that includes

lightweight profiling, deep

diagnostics and extended

performance alerting.”

Craig MuzillaVice President and General Manager, Middleware, Red Hat

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Development: Measure and baseline performance of any Java code acrossrelease cycles.

Architects: Pre-production Technical Performance Measurements validatearchitecture up-front.

Performance Testing: Diagnose performance problems in QA with end-to-end transaction monitoring and analysis, integrates with tools includingJMeter and soapUI.

Operations: Monitor, Alert, and Diagnose application performance 24x7in Production. Integration with JBoss ON provides a single dashboard foralerts and monitoring.

End-User Experience: Measure end-user experience for web applicationsusing Internet Explorer and Firefox.

Performance Management for Dev, QA and OperationsRTI is used by developers, testers, architects and operations to fully understand and resolveapplication performance issues, across the lifecycle. | [email protected] Rosehaven Street Suite 210 | Fairfax, VA 22030-2877 | (703) 359-8160

HOW TO BUYRequests related to evaluations and sales should be directed to [email protected].

ABOUT OC SYSTEMSOC Systems provides softwareinstrumentation tools andconsulting services that helporganizations gain greater visibilityinto large, complex applications.

Founded in 1983, OC Systemsoriginally developed compilers andother custom solutions for its clients.In the mid-1990s, it evolved into aproducts company, first offering anintegrated Ada developmentenvironment called PowerAda andthen introducing Aprobe, its powerfulsoftware instrumentation technology.

OC Systems is an employee ownedcompany.

“With the release of RTI for

OpenShift Enterprise, OC

Systems provides an inte-

grated, complementary,

effective add-on cartridge

for customers to run

Application Performance

Management in the cloud.”

Chris MorganOpenShift Partner Product Manager, Red Hat

* JBoss is a trademark of Red Hat, Inc. registered in the United States and other countries** Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States and other countries

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