Application of air bearings to an electrodynamic vibration standard

JOURNAL O F RESE ARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-C. Engineer ing and Instrumenta ti on Vol. 67C, No . 4, October- December 1963 Application of Air Bearings to an Electrodynamic Vibration Standard T. Dimoff and B. F. Payne (J uly 3, 1963) In an atlcmpt to elimina te unwanl ed res onanc es and transve rs e mo tions in an elcc tro- ex ciLcr used as a vib rat ion st andard, t he m echanical sus pension-guid e for th e mo vin g cleme nt wa s rcplaccd wiLh a il' beari ngs. Th c tran svc rsc mo tions of this c xcit cr showcd a distiuct improvcmen t over the transve rse motion s of the exci tc rs with fl cx ur e pla te and te n- sioncd wi re s upports. Th c impro ved stab ili ty of the moving clement of the a ir-bea ring exc it er mad e it po ssible to calibrate t his exci te r eas il y by an interferomet er met hod. Agree- me nt betwecn three me thods of calibration , rec iproci ty, int erfe rom etcr, and opti ca l tar gct, was very good. The rc sults of ca li bration s of two typc s of pickup s on this modified sta ndard arc pr escn tcd . 1. Introduction T he widespr ead use o[\ ·ibm t ion pi ck ups to meas- ure the amplitudes and frequencies of vibmtions pr esen t in aircmft, rocket engines, ordnance systems, machinery , ships, etc ., has led to th e need for im- proved vi br fL tion standards. Th e feasibility of usin g certain kinds of elec trodynamic vib r at ion exciters as standards fOl' th e calibration of pickups was demon- strate d by and Bouche [l , 2] I A limi tat ion in th e usc of electrodynam ic vibration exciters as calibmLors been the pr esence of undesimble tmns- verse motions sup erimposed on the required sinus- oidal axial l notion of th e mo vin g element . Th e pr ese nt report descr ib es th e modifi.eations made in a co mmercial d ecL rodynamic excit er in which the 11l ec ha, lli cal suspension-guide for th e mo v- ing el ement is repl ac ed with nil' bearings. Th e methods used nnd th e re sult s of the calibrat io n of this excitel' are given and compared wi th exciters usin g fle x ure plate and tensioned wire s upport s. Th e r esult s of cnlibr '1.t ions of two Lyp es of vi bmLon pick- ups using th is excite]' are also pr esented. 2. Description of the Electrodynamic Exciter A rectilinear vibration exciter of the electro- dynamic type was equipped with air-bearing support guides. The moving el ement . includes a velocity sensing coil which, when calibrated, permits the exciter to be used as an electrodynamic vibration stan dard. Th e exci ter is shown schematically in figur e 1. Th e moving element co nsists of a mount- ing table, T, a velocity sensing coi l, O 2, a dri ving coil, 0 1, and a connecting shaft. Th e table is set in mot ion by applying al ternating curr cnt to the driv- ing coi l whieh is in a steady magnet ic fi eld induced by the main magnet, }vI, when direct curr ent is passed through the fi eld coil, Om. Th e motion of the tabl e, T, is measured by the voltage ou tpu t of the velocity sensing co il , O 2, in co njun ct.ion wi th the 1 FigW' cs in br ac kets indicatc the litcratw'e references at the cnd of this papcr. permane nt mngnet, M2 s in ce Lhi s v oltage is pro- portional to t.he absolut e velocity of the ta ble motion. Th e pickup to be calibrate d is rigidly mount ed on the table, T. The ideal exc iter sho uld produce pure axial motion free of transverse motions. Th e earlier use of fl ex ural plates or suspension wir es caused ul1\v ante d r es onnnces and tranS\T Cl's e moLions. More d etailed discussions of the principles of operation and limitations of the electromechanical system are given in rcf(']'enc os [1, 2, and 3]. 2.1. Air-Bearing Sta ndard T he vi br at ion exc it er modified with an air-bearing suspension guidance systcm is shown in fi.gure 1. The moving el ement is supported on two nil' bearings of Lhe exLernal press ure 01' hydros tat ic tyre [4 - 7]. The only mechanical connections betwe en the mo\·ing elemen t and the st ationary part s of the ex- cit er are the fl exible input wire to the driver coil and th e thin output wire from the velocity sensing coil. Th e ai l' bearings are lo cated in th e npproximate posi- tion of the replaced flexure plates. Two different siz es of bearings are used. T he front bea ring is 2.187 in. in diameter and the bnck bearing 1.250 in. The lengths of the bearings are 1.000 in. Th e journ nl 01' the front bearing is also the \'ibraLion table 01' the exciter and was designed with a brger diameter to mal;::e it possible to mount h1.l'ge 01' small vibr at ion pickUps on it. Th e front b enrin g, shown in fi g ur e 2, has twelve orifices; the ba ck bearing has six. The bearing sleeves have air di st ribution annuli. 0.125 in. deep and 0.255 in. wide in their outer surface. Ori- fi ces of 0.02 in. cliam. are drilled through these sleeves. The bearings hav e a radial cl eara nce of 0.001 in. The bearings are made of brllss nnd have aluminum journals. 'r he Jr ont bearing fixture, which is bolt ed down on three studs, is a 1 in. t.hick circul ar aluminum pl ate 14 in. in diamet er. The back bearing is fixed in the same manner on the magnet ic shield 'which is a cir- cular steel plat e in. t hick and 8 in. in diameter . 327

Transcript of Application of air bearings to an electrodynamic vibration standard

Page 1: Application of air bearings to an electrodynamic vibration standard

JOURNAL OF RESEARCH of the National Bureau of Standards-C. Engineering and Instrumenta tion Vol. 67C, No. 4, October- December 1963

Application of Air Bearings to an Electrodynamic Vibration Standard

T. Dimoff and B. F. Payne (J uly 3, 1963)

In a n atlcmpt to elimina te unwanled resonances and t ransverse mo tions in an elcc tro­d~'namie exciLc r used as a v ibration standard, t he m echanical s uspension-guide for the mo vin g clement was rcp laccd wiLh a il' beari ngs. Thc transvcrsc mo tion s of this cxcitcr s howcd a dis ti uct improvcmen t over t he transve rse motions of t he exc itc rs with flcxure pla te a nd ten­sioncd wi re supports. Thc improved stab ility of t he moving clement of t he a ir-bea ring exciter mad e it poss ible to calibrate t his exci ter easily by an interferometer method. Agree­m ent betwecn three m ethods of calibration , reciproci ty, inte rferometcr, and optical targct, was very good. The rcsul ts of cali brations of two typcs o f pickups on t his modifi ed standard arc prescn tcd .

1. Introduction

T he widespread use o[\·ibmtion pi ckups to meas­ure the amplitudes and frequencies of vibmtions presen t in aircmft, rocke t engines, ordnance systems, machinery, ships, etc., has led to the need for im­proved vi brfL tion standards. The feasibility of usin g certain kinds of electrodynamic vibration exciters as standards fOl' the calibration of pickups was demon­strated by J~C \'y and Bouche [l , 2] I A limitation in the usc of electrodynam ic vibration exciters as calibmLors h~tS been the presence of undesimble tmns­verse motions superimposed on the r equired sinus­oidal axial lnotion of th e mo ving element.

The present report descr ibes the modifi.eations made in a co mmercial d ecLrody namic exciter in which the 11l echa,llical suspe nsion-guide for the mo v­ing element is replaced with nil' bearings. The methods used nnd the results of the calibratio n of this exci tel' are given and compared wi th exciters usin g flexure plate and tensioned wire supports. The results of cnlibr'1.tions of two Lyp es of vi bmLon pick­ups using th is excite]' are also presented.

2 . Description of the Electrodynamic Exciter

A rectilinear vibration exciter of the electro­dynamic typ e was equipped with air-bearing support guides. The moving element . includes a veloci ty sensing coil which, when calibrated, permits the exciter to be used as an electrodynamic vibration standard. The exciter is shown schematically in figure 1. The moving element consists of a mount­ing table, T, a velocity sensing coil, O2 , a dri ving coil, 0 1 , and a connecting shaft. The table is set in motion by applying al ternating currcnt to the driv­ing coil whieh is in a steady magnetic field induced by the main magnet, }vI, when direct current is passed through the field coil, Om. The motion of the table, T, is measured by the voltage ou tpu t of the velocity sensing coil , O2 , in conjunct.ion with the

1 FigW'cs in brackets indicatc the litcratw'e references at the cnd of this papcr.

permanent mngnet, M 2 sin ce Lhis voltage is pro­portional to t.he absolute velocity of the table motion. The pickup to be calibrated is rigidly mounted on the table, T.

The ideal exciter should produce pure axial motion free of transverse motions. The earlier use of flexural pl ates or suspension wires caused ul1\vanted resonnnces and tranS\TCl'se moLions.

More detailed discussions of the principles of operation and limitations of the electromechanical system are given in rcf(']'encos [1, 2, and 3].

2.1. Air-Bearing Standard

T he vibration exciter modified with an air-bearing suspension guidance sys tcm is shown in fi.gure 1. The moving element is supported on two nil' bearings of Lhe exLernal pressure 01' hydrostatic tyre [4- 7].

The only mechanical connections between the mo\·ing elemen t and the stationary parts of the ex­citer are the fl exible input wire to the driver coil and the thin output wire from t he velocity sensing coil. The ai l' bearings are located in th e npproximate posi­tion of the replaced flexure plates. Two different sizes of bearings are used. T he front bearing is 2.187 in. in diameter and the bnck bearing 1.250 in. The lengths of the bearings are 1.000 in. Th e journnl 01' the front bearing is also the \'ibraLion table 01' the exciter and was designed with a brger diameter to mal;::e it possible to mount h1.l'ge 01' small vibr ation pickUps on it. The front benring, shown in figure 2, has twelve orifices; the back bearing has six. The bearing sleeves have air distribution a nnuli. 0.125 in. deep and 0.255 in. wide in their outer surface. Ori­fices of 0.02 in. cliam. are drilled through these sleeves. The bearings have a radial clearance of 0.001 in. The bearings are made of brllss nnd have aluminum journals .

'r he Jront bearing fixture, which is bolted down on three s tuds, is a 1 in . t.hick circular aluminum plate 14 in. in diameter. The back bearing is fixed in the same manner on the magnetic shield 'which is a cir­cular steel plate 1~ in. t hick and 8 in. in diameter.


Page 2: Application of air bearings to an electrodynamic vibration standard







r.===::QS:t:::==~- FROM 100 PSIG COMPRESSOR







FIGURE 1. Schematic of electrodynamic-vibration exciter equipped with air-bearing suspension-guidance sy€tem.



o 2


I 2


FIGU RE 2. Air bearing used to provide one degree of freedom in the electrodynamic exciter.

The velocity coil was modified by cutting off the reduced diamet er front part . It then was screwed and cemented rigidly to the t able and the shaft .

The compressed air used is the building mainte­nance air supply. The air is filtered and each bearing has a separat e air regulator (see fig. 1) . The air is transmitted to the b earings by means of flexible tub­ing with an inside diameter of 0.125 in. During the calibration of the exciter and the pickups, the air pressure was maintained at 50 psig for both bearings


F IG U RE 3. Setu p for calibration of a piezoelectric accelerometer.

and the air temp er ature was about 65 of , When varying the air pressure between 20 and 80 psig, no significan t change is obser ved in the measured t ransverse motions.

When the exciter is used in a vertical posi tion , the moving elemen t is supported by three rubber bands 120 0 apar t attached to the moving shaft by screws and to a circular plate positioned directly above the moying element as shown in figure 3. The circular plate can be rotated and the position of the moving element thus adjusted with respect to t he stationary exciter. The equilibrium posit ions of the coils are held constan t wit h respect to the magnets. vVi th the exciter in a horizontal position , there is no need for any addi tional support . The leads from the driver coil provide sufficien t snpport to keep t he moving element from rotating and coming into physical contact with the stationary p ar t of t he excit er. An ohmmeter is connected between the moving element and the sleeve to indicate if metal to metal cont act is made b etween the moving and nonmoving parts of the exciter . By careful aline­ment of the two bearings, this possibility is eliminated because the surfaces are always separated by a thin film of air . Having the exciter in a horizontal posi­tion with a 5 lb weight mounted on the table, and air pressure at 20 psig, no m echanical connection is observed. A 5 psig air pressure is adequate to sup­port the moving elem ent with no load at tached. The performance data of the air bearing st andard are given in table 1.

Page 3: Application of air bearings to an electrodynamic vibration standard

TABLE 1. P erformance dataJor air-bearing exciter

Weight of mo v ing olem enL __ ___ _____________________ 2_20 lb. Excite r table load ____________________________________ 51b. Force raLing ________________________________________ __ {g ~~ ~~ l~ ~~ fggoc~/~. Po unds por amperc __________________________________ 10. l'V[axiln um table excursion .. ____ ________________ ______ 0. 5 in. Frequency of m ajor rcsonance ___ _ ---_ _ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ 2200 to 2300 c/s_ Frequency of m agnet struct.ure resonan cc ____________ 10 cIs approx. D-c fie ld res is tance _________ ______ ______ ____________ __ 50 to 55 ohms approx. Dri ver coil resistance _______________ ______ ____________ 2.0 obms approx. Stray m agnetic field a t table 10veL _______ ___________ 5 gauss approx

2.2. Transverse Motion Measurements

The transverse motions of the mounting table were measured using two piezoelectric accelerometers with their principal sensitive axes mutually per­pendicular to each other as shown in figure 4 [2J . The one accelerometer, which measured vertical transverse motion, has its sensitiye axis perpendic­ular to the axial motion of the table and measures motion up and down in the plane of the page. The second accelerometer , with a sensitive axis per­pendicular to the axial motion and perpendicular to the plane of the page measured the transyerse mot' on in t he horizontal direetion . A third accelerom­eter was mounted with its sensitiye axis coaxial to the axial motion of the standard to measure the axial mo tion or axial acceleration. The three accelerometers w-ere mounted on a small cube of stainless steel with two dummy aecelerometers to balance the load of the yertical and horizontal accelerometers.

The transyerse motions indicated with these deyices should not be attributed entir ely to the standard since the accelerometers themselyes have a transverse response. The transyerse motions of the air-bearin g exciter depend to a great extent on the bearing alin emen t and bearing clearance.

3/-, >=I::! 0:: X w<! >

0 .3

0 . 2

00 o 0

FIGU RE 4. S etup for measuring transverse motion with three piezoelectric accelerometers with theiT principle sensitive axes mutually perpendicular.

Figure 5 shows the transverse motions of an air­bearing exciter using two experimen tal bearings \vith equal diam eters but with closer radial clearances (less than 0.001 in. ) than the bearings subsequently installed. Significan t transverse motions in the vertical direction are obser ved in the regions of 750 and 2,190 cis, and in the horizontal direction in the regions of 400 and 2,190 cis. The transverse motions near 400 and 750 cis are attributed to the


z o f­<! 0::

0 .1 o o

o 0<:P 0

000° 0 0 0 0 00

W -' W U U <!

u. o o f­<! 0::

0 . 3

0 . 2


0 . 1


o 0 0

I 0 00 °0 0

1000 1500


o 00


o 10 °. 0


FIGURE 5. Ratios of tmnsverse to axial acceiemtion using experimental ail' bearings_


o 00


Page 4: Application of air bearings to an electrodynamic vibration standard


i . i'

" " :' "

" " " ': :~


_·-x-·- WIRES


FIG URE 6. .fI![easuTed accelerations due to transverse motions using thTee types of suspension systems.

fundamental and probably the second bending mode resonances of the moying element. In figure 6 the m easured transverse motions of exciter No. 676 usin g air bearings (fig. 4) are compared with the transverse motions of exciter No. 619 usin g a flexure plate suspension and a tensioned 'wire suspension. Significant transverse motions of the air-bearing exci tel' in this case occur in the vertical direction at 650 and 1,100 cis and in the horizontal direction at 730 and 1,050 cis. The differences b etween the transverse motions plotted here (fig. 6) and the transverse motions in the experimental set. of bear­ings (fig. 5) are thought to be due to differences in bearing clearance and alinement.

3. Calibration of the Air-Bearing Exciter

The air-bearing exciter was calibrated by the reciprocity m ethod. The results obtained by the use of the interferometer fringe disappearance and optical target methods are compared with the re­sul ts of the reciprocity method.

The exciter r ests on a concrete block isolated froJ? floor-borne vibrations by compression coil sprmgs.

3 .l. Reciprocity Calibration

The reciprocity theorem for mechanical systems states that if a force is impressed at point A and the velocity is measured at point B, the same velocity


will b e measured at poin t A if the force is impressed a t point B. The reciprocity theorem as applied to electrody namic vibration exciters is given in refer­en ce [1]. In ordcr for the thcorern to hold, the sys tem must be lincar , i.e. , the displrtccm ent, yelocity and currcnt must increase lincarly with force and vol tage. The application of reciprocity to this sys­tcm is limited to frequencies above and below the resonances of the moving element. At frequencics near each r eRonancc thcre is a loss in precision due to changes in the electromechanical properties of thc calibrator in that the relationships are no longer lincar.

The reciprocity calibration consists of two experi­mcnts: (1) measurement of transfer admittance between the driving coil and the velocity-sensing coil; (2) measurement of the vol tage ratio of thc open circuited veloci ty coil and driving coil when the exciter to be calibrated is driven by an external exciter.

Transfer admittance measurements, Y e, werc made with a scries of weights attached one at a time to the m.ounting table of the exciter. Also a zero load transfer admittance m easurement was made before and after each measurement with a weight attached. The zero load transfer admittance is denoted by Y .o. The weights were increment weights ranging from 0.1 lb to 2.0 lb.

Page 5: Application of air bearings to an electrodynamic vibration standard

Using tbe measured valucs of Y e and Y eO, graphs

of tbe r eal and imaginary valu es or the ratio ~( 1.2 .... ) } e-Y eo

are plotted versus 11\1(1.2, ... ) for each frequency, where WO,2, .. . ) = incremen Ls of )11 as aLtach ed to the table. The zero in LerccpLs, J and iJ , of the l"C ul ting straight lin es and Lheir slopes, Q and iQ, are computed by a weighted least square Jll cLhod.

I-laving determin ed the yoltage r<\,tio R, J, and Q, the sensiLivity of the exciter is gllTen by

- WQ( ---) 8 = 0.04288+ 0.04286 J fRJj 1/ 2 v/in .fsec


.f is th e frequency in cycles per second and j is the uni t imaginary vector.

3.2. Interferometer Calibration

The air-bearing excit er was calibrated by the interferom etric fringe disappearance m ethod as given in reference [8]. Figure 7 shows the exciter and interferom eter in position for calibration. The sensiti"iLy of the exciter is given by



where E is the rms vol tage output of the velocity sensing coil corresponding to the first order fringe disappear ance, s is the amp1itude of displacement of the moving clemen t (4. 11 X 10- 6 in. for the fU 'st order disappearan ce using mercury ligh t and green fil ter ), .f is the frequency, a nd 8 is given in peak to peak v/in. /sec. The voltage wa read by an a-c Lransfel' standard using a VTVM as a null. The data were tak en with the exciter in a horizontn1 posiLion. Headin gs for zero load a nd lIb load were Lak en over Lhe range of 350 to 2,500 cis.

Each value of voltage, E, is obtained from th e average of two obsel' vaLions, one for Lh e first fringe disappearance during lowly increasing displacelTIcll t amplitude and the second for the fringe disappear­ance during slowly decreasing amplitude. For the zero load, the mean deviation from the mean of the vol tage values r anged from 0.1 to 0.7 percent. The deviations were computed from sets of six or more valu es at each test frequency over the range of 350 to 2,500 e/s. The average deviation was 0.3 per­cent. The voltage values obtained by two observers differ ed from 0 to 0.8 percent for sets of three or more values per observer at each trst frequ ency. The average repeatability was 0.3 percent.

For Lhe 1 Ib load r eadings the r eflecting glass was attached to the cen ter of the weight. Thp, mean del'iation for the 1 Ib load r eadings ranged from 0.1 to 1.6 percent. The average deviation was 0.5 percent.





~~==~=~========~~~==3=~ ~ PL ANO CON VEX LENS )



FIGURE 7. Schematic a1Tangel1:ent for calibration of exciter with inte1jerometer.





Page 6: Application of air bearings to an electrodynamic vibration standard


The use of the interferometer fringe disappearance method is greatly facilitated on the air-bearing ex­citer as compared to the tensioned wire exciter because of the increased stabili ty of the interference fringes.

3.3. Calibration With an Optical Target

The air-bearing exciter was calibrated optically by small wire targets mounted on the exciter table. The targets were coated with particles from camphor smoke and the diameters measured to ten- thou­sandths of a centimeter. Two diameters of wires were used. A 0.2042 cm wire was used to calibrate at 15, 17,20,30, and 45 cis. A 0.1048 cm wire was used to calibrate at 55 and 70 cis. The exciter was driven with increasing amplitude until the wire ap­peared to vanish. The output of the velocity coil was used as the output corresponding to the ampli­tude of vibration given by the diameter of the wire. Knowing the amplitude, frequency, and output of the velocity coil, the sensitivity of the exciter was determined. The average sensitivity for 13 observa­tions at . 7 frequencies was 0.1859 v/in. /sec with a mean deviation of 0.0004. This compares with an average of 0.1857 v/in./sec for the reciprocity calibra­tion from 10 to 400 cis and 0.1857 volts/in. /sec for the interferometer calibration from 350 to 750 cis.

Figure 8 shows the calibration factors obtained for the air-bearing exciter by the three methods described above.

3.4. Calibration of Pickups

After calibrations by the reciprocity method and the interference fringe disappearance method, vibra­tion standard 676 with air-bearing supports was used to calibrate a piezoelectric acceleration pickup and an electrodynamic velocity pickup.

The piezoelectric pickup was calibrated by com­paring its voltage output with the vol tage generated by the velocity coil of the exci ter. The sensitivity of the pickup is given by

SpiCk up voltage output of pi~kup . Se ie,

voltage output of velocIty cOlI xct

where the Sexcite, is corrected to read v /g instead of v/in ./sec (g = 386 in. /sec2). This ratio is determined by the following transfer admittance ratios:

Idriving coil / Vvelocity coil V pickup

I driving COil/ V llickup V velocity COi l"

The electrodynamic velocity pickup was calibrated similarly. The results of these calibrations are given in figures 9 and 10.


240 Stl2lb 5 I Ib


b ~ 0 ~1~ . . . I ~ 0


". . Ieo

~ .160

u ft z o ~


~ i I::r

1 i a -"

tr: - 50

" I a.. -IOO'----�"'o-------,;IO~0---------,,0"'O;-;:0--3~000


FIGURE 8. Calibration factors of the exciter velocity sensing coi l.

z o

~ co -oJ


!j .OI B ,---------------------~ (f)

~ o > W .016 o

t •

~ ~o ~ <.!) 2 " <::( I " " . 014 ~-'-------~~-____ _'__'_0"".5,___"--,--,


El~ ~' ·~···· : I 10 100 1000 2000


FIGURE 9. Calibration factors of a piezoelectric acceleration pickup .

cr o f­U

~ z Q f-

" cr co -oJ

" U

..; w .100 I/> .... ;; .... I/>

':J .OB O 0 > w' 0 ::> f-

060 Z " " "


~ 270 cr

" w o

~ 180 -oJ

w I/>


, . .

• 0 •

10~ 5 ~ i 2 "

o I 0 .5 "

~ 90k-____,7-----------~~----------~--~~ 10 100 1000 2000



Calibration factors of an electrodynamic veloci l!J pickup.


Page 7: Application of air bearings to an electrodynamic vibration standard


4. Discussion

Al though the air-bearing suspension resulted in eliminating much of the transverse motion for ex­citer 676 (sec fig. 6), thcre arc still frequencies neal' 700 and 1,000 cis which should be avoided durin g calibmtions of vibration pickups.

It is extremely unlikely that five of the six de­grees of freedom of the mounting table can be eliminated due to the geometrical configuration of the moving element as shown schematically in figure 1. Also, there arc several materials with diffcrent moduli of elasticity incorporated into the movinO' element. Due to these factors , axial and fl exural resonances may be excited in the moving olemen t that interfere with its use as a pickup calibrator.

It is attractive to consider the possibili ty of con­structing moving elements of uniform cross section and maximum axial and transverse stiffnesses. Such elements should be much better for usc in vibration standards.

Certain aclvanLages accrue from the substitu tion of the air-bearing suspension guidance system fo r flexure plates and tensioned wires . The air bearings allow larger axial motions than were possible with themechfmical suspension systems. The flexure plates and wires themsel ves wer e excited in resonance at certain frequencies which interfered with the utility of the exciter. With air bearin gs, the moving element is free to move axially but is prevented from moving laterally; this minimizes transverse motions at the mounting table.


Richard Hanvell machined the bearings and sup­por ting assembly. Ruth M. Woolley performed most of the compu tations. James A. M iller and L. R . SweeLman rendered valuable assistance and constructive criticism.

5. References

[1] Samuel Levy and Ray mond R. Bouche, Cali bration of vibration pickups by t he reciproci t,v m ethod, J . R e­search NBS 57,227-243 (1956) RP271 4.

[21 R. R . Bouche, Improved standard for t he calibration of vibra tion pick ups, Proc. SESA, XVIII No.1 , 11 6- l21 (1961).

[3] Anon" Calibration of shock and vibration pickups, ASA S2.2-1959.

[4] H. L. Wunsch, D esign data for fl at ai r beari ng when op­erating under steady conclit ions of load , The M echan­ical Engineering R esearch Laboratory, East IGI lJ rid c, G lasgow; reprint from Machinery, 93, No. 2394, 765-775 (Oct. 1, 1(58) .

[5] S. K . Gri nnel and H . H . Richa rd so n, D esign study of a hydrostatic gas bearing with inhcrent orifice com pen­sa t.ion, Trans. ASME 79 (1957).

[6] J. H. Laub, Gas lubrication in instru ments and control devices, National Aeronautics and Space Admin istra­t ion- J et Propulsion Laboratory, T echnical R elease No. 34-169 (Nov. 10, 1960).

[7] P . H. Stahlhuth, H ydride gas bearings for better stability, Product Eng. (April 10, 1961).

[8] S, Edelman, K J ones, and K R. Smith, Some develop­ments in vibration measurement, J . Acoust. Soc. Am. 27, No.4, 728-734 (J uly 1955) .

[9] C. M. Harris and C. E. Crede, Shock and Vibrat ion Hand­book (McGraw-Hill Book Co., I nc., New York, 1961) .

(Paper 67C4=144)