APPENDIX I No. - · PDF filePlinth Area 2488.17 15.22 3. Parks ... Buildings Height 44.95 M...


Transcript of APPENDIX I No. - · PDF filePlinth Area 2488.17 15.22 3. Parks ... Buildings Height 44.95 M...



(See paragraph – 6) (I) Basic Information Sl. No.

Item Details

1. Name of the project/s

Construction of 2 BHK Housing Project at Sy. No. 55/1 of Malagala (Nagarbhavi 8th Block , Bangalore 560072 ) of Yeshawanthapura Hobli , Bangalore North Taluk by Bangalore Development Authority(BDA)- BBMP area.

2. Sl.No. in the schedule 8 (a) of Schedule [Under Building Construction Projects] of Environmental Clearance [EC] Notification Dated 14th September 2006.

3. Proposed capacity/area/length/tonnage to be handled/command area/lease area/number of wells to be drilled

- The Commissioner of BDA is the Proponent of the Project

- The Project Land at Survey Number 55 of Malagala Village [7- 34 acres] was acquired by BDA; vide Karnataka Gazette August 12, 1982.

- The ownership of the land currently vests with the Bangalore Development Authority.

- A Copy of Gazette Notification is provided as Annexure 1

- Project Area & Built up Area

Attributes Unit Information

Project Area [4.04 Acres ]

Sq.mtrs 16348.63

Total Built Up Area Sq.mtrs 52446.69 Project Cost Rs Crores 105.48

1. Area Statement

tributes Area Sq. mtrs


Housing Project Area 16348.63 100

1. Road 4708.45 28.80

2. Plinth Area 2488.17 15.22

3. Parks and Open Spaces Green Park Open Space

5066.45 4085.56

30.99 24.99

9152.01 55.98

Vehicle Parking on Surface area and Basement B1 & B2 # As per BDA by law Ch-7 , clause 7.1 , 10% of the land should be reserved for Park & open space 2. FAR and Ground Coverage Description Sq.mtrs Plot Area , Sq.mtrs 16,348.63

Allowable FAR 2.25 Permissible built up area Sq.mtrs

36,784 .42

Built up area, Sq.mtrs 52446.69

FAR as per RMP -2015 2.249 Plinth Area Sq. mtrs 2488.17

Plot coverage % 15.22

3. Building Ht & set back

Buildings Height 44.95 M Number of Floors B1+ B2 + G + 14

Building Set back 13 M

B1 & B2 Vehicle parking facility 4. Built Up Area

FLOOR/WINGS Built Up area in Sq. m

Basement Floor-1 7641.93 15283.86 Car parking + Surface parking 36 Vehicles

Basement Floor-2 7641.93

Wing-A 12387.61 37162.83 Wing-B 12387.61

Wing-C 12387.61

Total Built up area 52446.69 5. Number of Units : 360 Type of

blocks No. of floor

No. of Buildings

No. of units

LIG B1+ B2 +G + 14 3 Block 360 During Construction Phase 6. BESCOM Power : 1200 KW 7. DG Capacity: 200 Kva - 1 for Utility purpose only 8. BWSSB is the Source of Water [Project is in BBMP area]

4. New/Expansion/Modernization New Housing Project

5. Existing capacity/area etc., -New Housing Project 6. Category of Project i.e ‘A’ or ‘B’ Project Activity: Building & Construction activity

– 8(a) of Schedule of EC Notification 2006. Category -‘B’ Project. All projects and activities listed as Category ‘B’ in Item 8 of the Schedule (Construction/ Township/Commercial Complexes /Housing) does not require Scoping and will be appraised on the basis of Form 1/ Form 1A and the conceptual plan

7. Does it attract the general condition? If yes, please specify


8. Does it attract the general condition? If yes, please specify

Not Applicable

9. Location 1. Topo map extract, [topo map No 57 G/12, G/16, 57 H/9 & H/13 scale 1:50000] showing location of project site & its surrounding features [500 mtrs] is provided in Annexure 2 & Fig 2(EMP)

2. Photographs showing surrounding area. Enclosed in EMP (Fig 3).

3. Conceptual Site plan is provided as Annexure 3.

4. A contour map of the proposed site is provided in Annexure 4.

5. Conformity of proposed land use with Development/ Master plan provided in Annexure 5.

6. Google Photo map showing location of project site and surrounding area is provided in EMP (Fig 2)

The Project site is in the Coordinated Planning Schemes [CPS] Zone, [Rule 5.2 of RMP -2015 page - 42] wherein BDA can take up development under its own schemes through regulations prescribed for commercial zone. Based on the above BDA is proposing to develop Housing Scheme located at survey No .55/1, Malagala Village, Yeshawanthapura Hobli , Bangalore North Taluk by Bangalore Development Authority(BDA), BBMP area

Plot/Survey/Khasra No. Sy. No.55/1 Village Malagala

Tehsil Bangalore North Taluk District Bangalore Urban

State Karnataka

10. Nearest railway station/airport along with distance in Kms

Nayandahalli 4 Km

11. Nearest Town, city, District Headquarters along with distance in Kms

Within BBMP area – Nagarbhavi 8th Block

12. Village Panchayats, Zilla Parishad, Municipal Corporation, Local body (complete postal addresses with telephone nos. to be given)

Attributes Postal addresses with telephone

Village Pachayath Malagala Village Yeswanthapura Hobli

Zilla Parishad Bangalore North Taluk Municipal Corporation BBMP

Nagarabhavi 8th block

Municipal Corporation -

13. Name of the applicant Commissioner Bangalore Development Authority [BDA]

14. Registered Address T.Chowdaiah Road Kumara Park West Bangaloe-560 020

15. Address for correspondence:

Name - Designation (Owner/Partner/CEO) Commissioner

Bangalore Development Authority Address T.Chowdaiah Road

Kumara Park West Bangaloe-560020

Pin Code 560 020 E-Mail [email protected]

Telephone No. EE HPD 3: Mobile: 9845630122

Fax No. -

16. Details of Alternative Sites examined, if any. Location of these sites should be shown on a topo sheet


17. Interlinked Projects No 18. Whether separate application of

interlinked projects has been submitted?


19. If yes, date of submission NA 20. If no, reason -

21. Whether the proposal involves approval/clearance under: If yes, details of the same and their status to be given. (a) The Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980? (b) The Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972? (c) The C.R.Z Notification, 1991?


22. Whether there is any Government Yes

Order/Policy relevant/relating to the site?

In accordance with policy of State Government, BDA has taken up the Project in the Survey number 55/1 of Malagala village, Yashawanthapur Hobli , Bangalore North Taluk by Bangalore Development Authority(BDA)- BBMP area

23. Forest land involved (hectares) No

24. Whether there is any litigation pending against the project and/or land in which the project is propose to be set up? (a) Name of the Court (b) Case No. (c) Orders/directions of the Court, if any and its relevance with the proposed project.

- No legal cases are pending against the proposed

project relating to Environmental issues

(II) Activity 1. Construction, operation or decommissioning of the Project involving actions, which

will cause physical changes in the locality (topography, land use, changes in water bodies, etc.)

Sl. No.

Information/Checklist confirmation

Yes /No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data

1.1 Permanent or temporary change in land use, land cover or topography including increase in intensity of land use (with respect to local land use plan)

Yes Land use : The Project site has been classified as Residential / Commercial within the Mutation Corridor where a residential Development is permissible as per the revised Master Plan for Bangalore. A copy of the RMP -2015, [showing relevant area] is provided as Annexure 5.

• The land proposed for the Housing Project is BDA acquired property.

• It is proposed to use the land for developing Housing Colony.

1.2 Clearance of existing land, vegetation and buildings?


a) No clearance of Vegetation is required. b) Further there are no buildings on the

proposed project land. 1.3 Creation of new land uses? No Please ref 1.1 above.

1.4 Pre-construction investigations e.g. bore houses, soil testing?

Yes Geotechnical Investigation report for the project has been done. A copy of the report is provided as Annexure 6.

1.5 Construction works? Yes Construction of Housing Project, internal roads, parks.

1.6 Demolition works? No No demolition activity.

1.7 Temporary sites used for Yes Temporary sheds will be constructed for

construction works or housing of construction workers?

labors during the construction phase, out side the project site with consent of land owners.

1.8 Above ground buildings, structures or earthworks including linear structures, cut and fill or excavations

Yes Two basement Floors for Car parking & above Ground level Residential Building Structure.

1.9 Underground works including mining or tunneling?

Yes Below GL: Two Basement Floors for Car Parking. No mining or Tunnel proposed

1.10 Reclamation works? No No reclamation proposed

1.11 Dredging? No No dredging required. Only land preparation and leveling.

1.12 Offshore structures? No No offshore structure envisaged.

1.13 Production and manufacturing processes?


1.14 Facilities for storage of goods or materials?

Yes During construction stage the Construction materials will be stored in the premises.

1.15 Facilities for treatment or disposal of solid waste or liquid effluents?

Yes a. During construction phase, Toilets & Bath room facility will be provided to Labourers.

b. Garbage \ Municipal Solid wastes will be collected and handed over to local Municipal administration for disposal.

c. During Operation Phase STP will be in operation.

d. During Operation Phase. Organic Solid waste will be treated in Organic Waste Convertor & Segregated waste collected as per MSW Rules.

e. The Housing project area, will have well designed network of surface drainage system for draining run off and Rain water Recharge System will be in place.

f. Rain water Recharge system will be located along the surface drainage system.

1.16 Facilities for long term housing of operational workers?

No No

1.17 New road, rail or sea traffic during construction or operation?

Yes Operation Phase : The existing road width in front of the project site 14.1 m wide Asphalted Road. Entry & exists will be from this road only 8 m wide drive way will be provided all round

1.18 New road, rail, air waterborne or other transport infrastructure including new or altered routes and stations, ports, airports etc?

Yes As per Para 1.17 only

1.19 Closure or diversion of existing transport routes or

No No

infrastructure leading to changes in traffic movements?

1.20 New or diverted transmission lines or pipelines?

No No

1.21 Impoundment, damming, culverting, realignment or other changes to the hydrology of watercourses or aquifers?

No No

1.22 Stream crossings? No No

1.23 Abstraction or transfers of water form ground or surface waters?

No BWSSB will Provide potable Water supply to the proposed Housing project. A Letter regarding this is enclosed as Annexure 7

1.24 Changes in water bodies or the land surface affecting drainage or run-off?

No No

1.25 Transport of personnel or materials for construction, operation or decommissioning?

Yes Transport of personnel or materials for construction is through existing infrastructure.

1.26 Long-term dismantling or decommissioning or restoration works?

No No

1.27 Ongoing activity during decommissioning which could have an impact on the environment?

No No decommissioning.

1.28 Influx of people to an area in either temporarily or permanently?

Yes As it is housing project Influx of people is permanent.

1.29 Introduction of alien species? No No 1.30 Loss of native species or genetic

diversity? No No

1.31 Any other actions? No No

2. Use of Natural resources for construction or operation of the Project (such as land,

water, materials or energy, especially any resources which are non-renewable or in short supply)

Sl. No.

Information/Checklist confirmation


Details thereof (with approximate quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data

2.1 Land especially undeveloped or agricultural land (ha)

Yes • The proposed Project land is undeveloped BDA property

• Project Area : Plot Area : 16348.63 Sq.mtrs.

2.2 Water (expected source & competing users) unit: KLD

Yes Source of water : BWSSB a. Potable Water will be sourced from

BWSSB; as such issue of competing users does not arise.

b. Dual Plumbing will be incorporated Water requirement of the Project: Source of water : BWSSB Water requirement of the Project:

Attributes Unit Information Number of Houses [ units ]

No 360

Number of Persons in each house,

No 5

Population No 1800 Per Capita Consumption of Fresh water with Dual Plumbing system in place

LPCD 90 [clause

4.1.3 of NBC]

Fresh Water requirement with dual piping system in place

KLD 162

For Flushing Toilets @ 45 LPCD – Dual plumbing - recycle tertiary treated sewage from STP

KLD 81

STP Capacity KLD 243 Say 250

45 LPCD of Treated sewage will be re used for secondary use such as Toilet flushing and car wash

2.3 Minerals (MT) No --

2.4 Construction material – stone, aggregates, sand / oil (expected source – MT)

Yes Table : Construction material

Attributes units Quantity Steel MT 2500

Aggregate 20 mm 14500 MT 12 mm 9700 MT

Cement MT 7920

Sand MT 16500

Window UPVC

Door Frames CR Sheet Door fixing

factory made single left rigid GRP sandwich composite door shutter of 32 mm thick & fixing 30mm thick factory made rigid foam paneled door shutters & PVC doors

2.5 Forest and timber (source – MT) No

2.6 Energy including electricity and fuels (source, competing users) Unit: fuel (MT), energy (MW)


Source : BESCOM

- Power requirement: 1200 KW - Standby Power during Operation - DG Capacity: 200 Kva - 1 for

Utility propose Only

2.7 Any other natural resources (use

appropriate standard units) No No

3. Use, storage, transport, handling or production of substances or materials, which could be harmful to human health or the environment or raise concerns about actual or perceived risks to human health. Sl. No.

Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/ No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data

3.1 Use of substances or materials, which are hazardous (as per MSIHC rules) to human health or the environment (flora, fauna, and water supplies)

No No use / storage of chemicals during construction phase under Manufacture, Storage & Import of Hazardous Chemicals Rules (MSIHC Rules). Hence not covered under MAHCR.

3.2 Changes in occurrence of disease or affect disease vectors (e.g. insect or water borne diseases)

No It is Building & construction Project. No in occurrence of disease or affect disease vectors (e.g. insect or water borne diseases) Construction contractor will ensure that no stagnation of water is allowed, so that insect related diseases are controlled.

3.3 Affect the welfare or people e.g. by changing living conditions?

Yes Employment opportunity will improve living condition

3.4 Vulnerable groups of people who could be affected by the project e.g. hospital patients, children, the elderly etc.

No No

3.5 Any other causes No No 4. Production of solid wastes during construction or operation or decommissioning (MT/month) Sl. No.

Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/ No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data

4.1 Spoil, overburden or mine wastes

Yes a. No overburden. b. No Spoil c. Minimum disturbance to the existing

contours, d. Earth work excavation activity will

only within the Plinth area of Building, Road construction & Park

e. Quantity of earth work : 50000 Cum

f. The same will be back filled and excess will be used for landscaping/ gardening.

g. It will be ensured that no soil will be


4.2 Municipal waste (domestic and or commercial wastes)

Yes Please Ref EMP.

4.3 Hazardous wastes (as per Hazardous Waste Management Rules)

Yes Used Oil waste generated from DG sets during Construction & operation period. The same will be off loaded to KSPCB Authorized Agents for scientific disposal.

4.4 Other industrial process wastes No No

4.5 Surplus product No No 4.6 Sewage sludge or other sludge from

effluent treatment

Yes a. Sludge from STP will be 0.2 to 0.6 kg/kg of BOD removed.

b. Assuming that BOD removed will 300 mg/lit 250 KLD ; BOD removed 7250 Kg of BOD : 0.4 x 7250 = 2900 Kg of STP sludge will be produced

c. The sludge generated will be used as manure.

4.7 Construction or demolition wastes Yes No demolition activity. Only construction activity. Construction phase :

• Generation of Construction waste, if any will be identified, and shifted to designated site for recycling and disposal.

• The contractor will operate safe methods for Solid waste collection, storage, and disposal operations in a manner to protect the health and safety of personnel, minimize environmental impact and promote material recovery and recycling.

• Empty Cement bags will be sold for re –use.

Good practice measures such as the following will be implemented. All waste taken off-site will be undertaken by a licensed contractor. BDA will audit disposal procedure. a. Collection and segregation of wastes

and safe storage. b. Recording of consignments for

disposal. 4.8 Redundant machinery or equipment No No

4.9 Contaminated soils or other materials

No No

4.10 Agricultural wastes No No Agricultural waste will be generated.

4.11 Other solid wastes No No other solid waste generated.

5. Release of pollutants or any hazardous, toxic or noxious substances to air (Kg/hr) Sl. No.

Information/Checklist confirmation Yes /No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data

5.1 Emissions from combustion of fossil fuels from stationary or mobile sources

Yes During construction phase emission from transport vehicles, DG sets, Construction plant & Machinery is expected. DG Set : 200 KVA - 1 for Utility propose Only These DG sets will meet the norms of CPCB / KSPCB on Noise & Ht of Chimney.

5.2 Emissions from production processes Yes Cement Batching Plant will be located within the Plant site.

5.3 Emissions from materials handling including storage or transport

Yes Dust generation during handling of ingredients is expected. To mitigate such dust emission , it will be ensured that water sprinkling is adopted.

5.4 Emissions from construction activities including plant and equipment

Yes To mitigate the problem Plant, Construction equipment will be maintained as per their Operation & Maintenance manual.

5.5 Dust or odours from handling of materials including construction materials, sewage and waste

Yes Odor from open defecation/ urination by workers will be mitigated by providing Mobile Toilets followed by Septic tank and Soak pits during construction phase During operation phase Sewerage system & STP, Drainage system will be established. Construction waste mainly inorganic solid waste. Dust generated will be mitigated by sprinkling water.

5.6 Emissions from incineration of waste No No

5.7 Emissions from burning of waste in open air (e.g. slash materials, construction debris)

No No

5.8 Emissions from any other sources No No

6. Generation of Noise and Vibration, and Emissions of Light and Heat: Sl. No.

Information/Checklist confirmation Yes /No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data

6.1 From operation of equipment e.g. engines, ventilation plant, crushers

No a. No Stone crusher plant during Construction period or ventilation plant during operation period will be provided at site.

b. However during construction phase Construction plant & Machinery may generate Noise.

c. Noise mitigation measures are like encapsulation, Barricades will be provided.

6.2 From industrial or similar processes No NA

6.3 From construction or demolition Yes a. The construction activity generating noise will be restricted to day time only and Noise barricades will be provided.

b. Noise monitoring will be done periodically, based on Noise level measure will be initiated.

c. If any Noise generation is in excess of the range of 75- 85 dB (A) occasionally , Workers in the Noisy area will be provided with earmuffs

d. No vibration issues as no Pile foundation is required.

6.4 From blasting or piling No No blasting or piling will be done. 6.5 From construction or operational

Traffic Yes • Proper maintenance of construction

vehicles and other construction equipment.

• Noise generating construction activity will be restricted from 8 to 18 hrs.

• Vehicles having valid emission Certificate from the competent authority will be allowed to enter the project site.

• The security personnel at the security gate will ensure the same.

• Proper mufflers on all road vehicles & construction equipment

• The impact will be confined within the project boundary and its effect is expected to be negligible outside the plant boundaries.

• DG set will be installed as a stand power supply unit, which is also encapsulated & housed in side a temporary building

Architects, engineers and Safety Officers will be responsible to implement these points during construction phase.

6.6 From lighting or cooling systems No - No Chillers will be provided

6.7 From any other sources No -

7. Risks of contamination of land or water from releases of pollutants into the ground or into sewers, surface waters, groundwater, coastal waters or the sea: Sl. No.

Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/ No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data

7.1 From handling, storage, use or spillage of hazardous materials

No -

7.2 From discharge of sewage or other effluents to water or the land (expected mode and place of discharge)

Yes a. Sewage Generation : 243 KLD STP Capacity 250 KLD The Tertiary Treated Sewage will be utilized for toilet flushing by providing dual plumbing system, Green area/ park development, common area washings. Excess tertiary treated sewage will be supplied for building construction Companies, and in the event of no demand, the same will be discharged BWSSB sewerage System with its consent.

Parameters Tolerance limits

BOD mg/lit Less than 10 pH 6-9

SS Less than 10

E- coli Nil Residual Chlorine

≥ 1

7.3 By deposition of pollutants emitted to air into the land or into water.

No No

7.4 From any other sources No No any other sources. 7.5 Is there a risk of long term build up

of pollutants in the environment from these sources?

No No

8. Risk of accidents during construction or operation of the Project, which could affect human health or the environment. Sl. No.

Information/Checklist confirmation Yes/ No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data

8.1 From explosions, spillages, fires etc from storage, handling, use or production of hazardous substances

No Less than 1000 lit of Diesel will be stored in barrels for use in DG sets The same will be stored as per safety norms in barrels, vertical Position in metal trays, protected from Rain & runoff. CO2 Cylinders will be placed near the storage yard for use during emergency.

8.2 From any other causes Yes Good construction safety practices will be practiced. Use of Personnel Protective Equipments, such as Shoes, Safety belts for persons working at height and helmet will mandatory. Construction safety norms will be implemented.

8.3 Could the project be affected by natural disasters causing environmental damage (e.g. floods, earthquakes, landslides, cloudburst etc)?

No The area is not prone to flood, landslide. There is no report of earth quake and cloud burst in the area. The project site is in Seismic Zone II. Hence safe.

9. Factors which should be considered (such as consequential development) which could lead to environmental effects or the potential for cumulative impacts with other existing or planned activities in the locality Sl. No.

Information/Checklist confirmation Yes /No

Details thereof (with approximate quantities /rates, wherever possible) with source of information data

9.1 Lead to development of supporting, facilities, ancillary development or development stimulated by the project which could have impact on the environment e.g.:

• Supporting infrastructure (roads, power supply, waste or waste water treatment, etc.)

• Housing development

• Extractive industries

• Supply industries

• Other

Yes Yes No No No

Supporting Infrastructure such as Development of road and water supply, Waste water treatment Housing development

9.2 Lead to after-use of the site, which could have an impact on the environment

No No

9.3 Set a precedent for later developments

Yes As it is a Housing Project, development activities surrounding project area is likely to take place.

9.4 Have cumulative effects due to proximity to other existing or planned projects with similar effects

No No

(II) Environmental Sensitivity Sl. No.

Areas Name/ Identity

Aerial distance (within 15 km.) Proposed project location boundary

1 Areas protected under international conventions, national or local legislation for their ecological, landscape, cultural or other related value

Nil --

2 Areas which are important or sensitive for ecological reasons – Wetlands, watercourses or other water bodies, coastal zone, biospheres, mountains, forests

Nil --

3 Areas used by protected, important or sensitive species of flora or fauna for breeding, nesting, foraging, resting, over wintering, migration

Nil --

4 Inland, coastal, marine or underground waters

Nil --

5 State, National boundaries Nil --

6 Routes or facilities used by the public for access to recreation or other tourist, pilgrim areas

No --

7 Defence installations Nil --

8 Densely populated or built-up area Yes Bangalore City 9 Areas occupied by sensitive man-made

land uses (hospitals, schools, places of worship, community facilities)

Yes There are many hospitals & education institutions within 15 Km radius. Since it is Housing Project no impact on these institutions.

10 Areas containing important, high quality or scarce resources (ground water resources, surface resources, forestry, agriculture, fisheries, tourism, minerals)

No --

11 Areas already subjected to pollution or environmental damage (those where existing legal

No --

environmental standards are exceeded)

12 Areas susceptible to natural hazard which could cause the project to present environmental problems (earthquakes, subsidence, landslides, erosion, flooding or extreme or adverse climatic conditions)

No Area is not susceptible to earthquakes, subsidence, landslides, erosion, flooding or extreme or adverse climatic conditions

FORM-1 A See Paragraph -6

(Only for construction projects listed fewer than 8 of the schedule)

Sl. No.

Content Information

1. Land environment 1.1 Attach Panoramic view of the Project site

and The vicinity Will the existing land use get significantly altered from the project that is not consistent with the surroundings? (Proposed land use must conform to the approved Master Plan / Development Plan of the area. Change of land use if any and the statutory approval from the competent authority be submitted). Attach Maps of

• site location,

• surrounding features of the proposed site (within 500 meters) and

• The site (indicating levels & contours) to appropriate scales. If not available attach only conceptual plans.

- Photographs of Project Site are provided in EMP vide Fig 3 (EMP).

- The Project site is located in Nagarbhavi 8th Phase BBMP area.

- - Existing Project land use will not alter and that

will be consistent with the surrounding area

- Proposed land use will conform to the approved RMP-2015 Plan of the area. A copy of the RMP -2015, [showing relevant area] is provided as Annexure 5

- Topo Map showing Project Site is provided is Annexure 2

- A Google map showing Aerial image of the project site and immediate surroundings within 500 mtrs is provided in Fig 2( Refer EMP)

- A conceptual plan and contour plan are provided as Annexure 3 & Annexure 4.

- A village map showing The Project site, vide survey number is provided as Annexure 9.

1.2 List out all the major project requirements in 'terms of the land area, built up area, water consumption, power requirement, connectivity, community facilities, parking needs etc.

Theses aspects are Covered in EMP.

1.3 What are the likely impacts of the proposed activity on the existing facilities adjacent to the proposed site? (Such as open spaces, community facilities, Details of the existing land use, disturbance to the local ecology).

- The proposed project site is BDA land and proposed for construction of Housing project.

- No likely impact on adjacent facility as the area will be developed as Residential area.

- There are no ecologically sensitive areas within 5 Km radius

1.4 Will there be any significant land disturbance resulting in erosion, subsidence & instability?

1. The proposed site has good Soil bearing Capacity. (SBC)

2. Geo - technical Investigation report of the

(Details of soil type; slope analysis vulnerability to subsidence, Seismicity etc may be given).

project site is provided as Annexure 6.

1.5 Will the proposal involve alteration of natural drainage systems? (Give details on a contour map showing the natural drainage near the proposed project site)

No natural drainage system or valley exists within the project area. No alteration of natural drainage system. A contour map of the project site is provided as Annexure 4

1.6 What are the quantities of earthwork involved in the construction activity-cutting, filling, reclamation etc? (Give details of the quantities of earthwork involved, transport of fill materials from outside the site etc).

1. The lay out will be formed on natural contour levels, so that there will be minimum cutting & formation.

2. No transport of fill materials from outside. 3. Four inch top layer soil will be stored at project

site where actual construction activity will take place & will be used for green belt development & Landscaping.

4. The earth work done for foundation will be used for backfill and up to Plinths & formation Roads, etc.

5. Quantity of earth work : 50,000 Cum mostly for Basemen floors

1.7 Give details regarding water supply, waste handling etc during the construction period.

1. During the construction period existing Bore well water will be used.

2. Workers will be accommodated in the Temporary Sheds.

3. Toilets / Bath rooms will be provided near Temporary sheds and at work place. The waste water will be connected to Septic tank and Soak pits.

4. Drainage system around the temporary sheds will be provided to mitigate stagnation of rain / sullage around the sheds.

1.8 Will the low lying areas & wetlands get altered? (Provide details of how law lying and wetlands are getting modified from the proposed activity).

There is no low laying Area

1.9 Whether construction debris & waste during construction cause health hazard'? (Give quantities of various types of wastes generated during construction including the construction labour and the means of disposal).

No health hazards due to construction debris & waste during construction phase. The construction waste includes debris, concrete (often recycled and reused at the site), steel and other metals, pallets, packaging and paper products, wood beams, joints, studs, railings, bricks, bathroom fixtures, light fixtures, ceiling grid and tile, furnishing, replant trees, shrubs. Good construction practice measures as following will be followed:

� Building Contractor to remove solid waste generated during construction and dispose of scientifically

� Site Engineers [BDA and Contractor ] will audit Collection , segregation of wastes ,safe storage, disposal procedure, and recording of consignments for disposal

2. Water Environment 2.1

Give the total quantity of water requirement for the proposed project with the break-up of requirements for various uses. How will the water requirement met? State the sources & quantities and furnish a water balance statement.

Source of water : BWSSB a. Potable Water will be sourced from BWSSB as

such issue of competing users does not arise. b. Dual Plumbing will be incorporated

The information is furnished in row number 2.2 of Form 1 above and also in EMP.

2.2 What is the capacity (Dependable flow or yield) of the proposed source of water?

Proposed source of water is BWSSB. Fresh water requirement : 162 KLD Tertiary Treated sewage : 81 KLD Total 243 KLD

2.3 What is the quality of water required, in case, the supply is not from a municipal source? (Provide physical, chemical, biological characteristics with class of water quality)

It is Municipal Source. BWSSB will provide water.[Refer Annexure 7]

2.4 How much of the water requirement can be met from the recycling of treated wastewater? (Give the details of quantities, sources and usage)

81 KLD of water is recycled by providing Dual Piping System. Pease ref Water balance provided in the EMP 22 KLD for Greenery Area: 5913Sqmtrs (36.16%)

2.5 Will there be diversion of water from other users? (Please assess the impacts of the project on other existing uses and quantities of consumption)

Source of water supply is from BWSSB.

2.6 What is the incremental pollution load from wastewater generated from the proposed activity? (Give details of the quantities and composition of wastewater generated from the proposed activity).

a. Sewage generated will be treated and used for greenery development & maintenance.

b. Tertiary treated excess waste water either off loaded to end user like construction companies / Green area development by BBMP or discharge into BWSSB sewerage system.

c. Taking into account the sewage generation from the housing project an STP of 250 KLD will be provided. i.e. SBR Tank followed by tertiary treatment will be provided. Quality of treated sewage will be as follows

Quality of Treated effluent Parameters Tolerance limits

BOD mg/lit Less than or equal 10 pH 6.5 – 7.5

Turbidity Less than or equal to 2

E- coli Nil

2.7 Give details of the water requirements met-from water harvesting? Furnish details of the facilities created.

Please ref EMP

2.8 What would be the impact of the land use changes occurring due to the proposed project on the runoff characteristics (Quantitative as well as qualitative) of the area in the post construction phase on a long term basis? Would it aggravate the problems of flooding or water logging in any way?

As could be seen from the contour map, the project site is sloping from NW corner to SE corner. [101.89 RL to 96.13 RL]. No natural valley is cutting across the proposed site. During operation phase Storm drainage net work covering project site will be provided to collect Storm Water & RWH system will be implemented. The box type Storm Drainage system with grating, of size 450 mm wide will be provided. The storm water from box type drain will enter RCC pipe 600 mm Ø at Gully Chamber provided at reasonable intervals. The storm water from pipe will enter Rain water Harvesting System. It is planned to provide 03 number of Recharge wells located across the project site. Rain Water Recharge wells of 1.2 m ø and 4.5 m ø depth are proposed. As such no impact on the run off Characteristics. A copy of Project site Contour map is provided as Annexure 4. A copy of Storm Water Drainage & Surface Water Drainage system of the project area is provided in EMP(Fig 5) There is no impact on flooding or water logging.

2.9 What are the impacts of the proposal on the ground water? (Will there be tapping of ground water; give the details of ground water table, recharging capacity, and approvals obtained from competent authority, if any)

No tapping of Ground water during operation phase.

2.10 What precautions/measures are taken to prevent the run-off from construction activities polluting land & aquifers?

� Care will be taken to keep vegetation clearing at a minimum to prevent run off carrying silt.

� Contour trenching around the construction area.

(Give details of quantities and the measures taken to avoid the adverse impacts)

� Provide Good drainage system. � Sedimentation basin at the lowest contour level in

the project site to prevent silt carrying run off into the natural stream

� Activity related to Soil contamination will be spillage of oil due to repair of diesel powered construction equipments, material handling equipment, earth moving vehicles and trucks in the construction site. Such activity will not be allowed.

� Workmen will be educated on open defecation and disposal of plastic wastes & Cement Bags, etc.

� Septic tank And Soak pits will be provided for Toilets in the Temporary Housing sheds and work places.

� Waste disposal norms will be complied. � Safety officer and project engineers are

responsible to implement these mitigation measures.

The Impact will be temporary, reversible and insignificant.

2.11 How is the storm water from within the site managed? (State the provisions made to avoid flooding of the area, details of the drainage facilities provided along with a site layout indication contour levels)

a) The runoff from the during construction phase will be led to holding tank to retain silt in the turbid water and over flow will be let into natural valley.

b) However, such impacts would be primarily confined to the limited to actual construction yard of project area.

c) During operation phase no storm water from upstream side of the project, will flow through project site.

d) Run off from project site will flow through surface drainage and connected to recharge system.

2.12 Will the deployment of construction labourers particularly in the peak period lead to unsanitary conditions around the project site (Justify with proper explanation)

- The peak requirement construction labourers will be 250.

- A labour camp will be provided outside the proposed site,[with the land owners consent ] with adequate number of Toilets & bath rooms.

- Provision of sanitation facilities and waste disposal system at Temporary sheds, to construction workers will be provided.

- Effective site drainage system, - Good Management of construction site. - The workers will be educated on open

defecation, disposal plastics, Cement bags, Spillage oil, Paint, any Chemicals used at plant site and they are stored as per Manufacture, Storage and Import of Hazardous Chemicals

Rules, 1989 amended 2000. - The Impact will be temporary, reversible, site

specific and insignificant

2.13 What on-site facilities are provided for the collection, treatment & safe disposal of sewage? (Give details of the quantities of wastewater generation, treatment capacities with technology & facilities for recycling and disposal)

During Construction period: Toilets & bath rooms : Septic tank & Soak pits During Operation phase. Sewage will be collected through Sewerage system. STP of capacity 250 KLD will be provided. Sewage will be treated by providing SBR system followed by tertiary treatment to meet KSPCB norms and used for toilet flushing by providing dual plumbing system Quantity of Tertiary treated Sewage Recycled: 81 KLD in dual plumbing system, 22 KLD will be used for watering of green area. Excess quantity of 140 KLD of Tertiary Treated Sewage will be off loaded to other construction contractors. STP design details is provided in Annexure 8

2.14 Give details of dual plumbing system if treated waste used is used for flushing of toilets or any other use.

Dual Plumbing system will be provided for flushing of toilets. 81 KLD of Tertiary Treated Sewage will be utilized for flushing of toilets

3 Vegetation 3.1 Is there any threat of the project to the

Biodiversity? (Give a description of the local ecosystem with it’s unique features, if any)

a) At present there are no trees / greenery in the project site.

b) During operation phase it is proposed to develop 5913 Sq. Mtrs as green area, with land scaping, etc

c) In addition it is proposed to plant 129 number of species along the periphery of the property & Green areas

d) Landscape plan is provided as Annexure 10. 3.2 Will the construction involve extensive

clearing or modification of vegetation? (Provide a detailed account of the trees & vegetation affected by the project)

No clearing or modification of vegetation

3.3 What are the measures proposed to be taken to minimize the likely impacts on important site features (Give details of proposal for tree plantation, landscaping.’ Creation of water bodies etc along with a layout plan to an appropriate scale).

The project site is Government land. During operation phase Green area will be developed & trees will be planted as explained in Para 3.1 above. Proposal for tree plantation, landscaping along with a layout plan to an appropriate scale is provided as Landscape plan vide Annexure 10


4.1 Is there likely to be any displacement of fauna- both terrestrial and aquatic or creation of barriers for their movement? Provide the details.

No displacement of fauna- both terrestrial and aquatic or creation of barriers for their movement. The project site is in BBMP area

4.2 Any direct or indirect impacts on the avifauna of the area? Provide details.


4.3 Prescribe measures such as corridors, fish ladders etc to mitigate adverse impacts on fauna



5.1 Will the project increase atmospheric concentration of gases & result in heat islands? (Give details of background air quality levels with predicted values based on dispersion models taking into account the increased traffic generation as a result of the proposed constructions)

It is a housing project. No sources of emission of pollutants through chimneys. Hence no increase atmospheric concentration of gases & result in heat islands.


What are the impacts’ on generation of dust, smoke, odorous fumes or other hazardous gases? Give details in relation to’ all the meteorological parameters.

- In the proposed residential Housing project, there is no generation of dust, smoke, odorous fumes or other hazardous gases.

- However during Construction phase due to movement of vehicles, diesel powered construction equipments and material handling equipments, generation of SPM, Nox, and CO is expected.

- During operation phase vehicular emission & Chimney’s attached DG sets will be making emission

- Theses impacts are addressed in the EMP - In this connection vehicle movement will be

restricted, only authorized vehicles will enter construction site Vehicles having emission test Certificate will be permitted to enter the premises.

- In order to suppress fugitive dust, wetting of roadways to reduce traffic dust will be encouraged

- The impact due to movement of vehicle would be temporary, reversible and restricted to the construction phase.

- The impact will be confined within the project boundary and its effect is expected to be negligible outside the plant boundaries.

- The Impact is site specific, within core area, reversible and insignificant.

5.3 Will the proposal create shortage of parking space for vehicles? Furnish details of the present level of transport infrastructure and measures proposed for improvement including the


traffic management at the entry & exit to the project site.

Please ref EMP

5.4 Provide details of the movement patterns with internal roads, bicycle tracks, pedestrian pathways, footpaths etc., with areas under each category.

Please ref EMP

5.5 Will there be significant increase in traffic noise & vibrations? Give details of the sources and the measures proposed for mitigation of the above.

a) Parking space for 396 Vehicles has been provided. b) For smooth movement vehicles the existing 8

mtrs wide road will be widened to 24 Mtrs. Road divder will be provided to ensure road safety.

c) Road divider will ensure that there will not be any conflict at the entry & exit point

d) Road humps will be provided to restrict vehicles speed.

e) No vibration impact during construction phase as no pile driving will be involved.

f) No noise / vibration from main traffic, as the main source of traffic noise 500 mtrs away.

g) Noise enclosure DG sets will be housed in the building.

5.6 What will be the impact of DG sets & other equipment 0/1 noise levels & vibration in & ambient air quality around the project site? Provide details.

Mitigation measures : The proposed activity is Building Construction, and no demolition activity. No blasting Activity is required. The following noise control measures during construction phase will be implemented.

• Working hours will be restricted for noise generating activities from 6.00 am to 10 .00 am

• Proper maintenance of construction vehicles and other construction equipment;

• Vehicles having valid emission Certificate from the competent authority will be allowed to enter the project site. The security personnel at the security gate will ensure the same;

• Proper mufflers on all road vehicles & construction heavy equipment;

• Providing ear mufflers for workers in critical jobs;

• The diesel generator sets will be provided with integral acoustic enclosure at the manufacturing stage itself & housed in side a temporary building;

• Noise limits for DG sets- The maximum permissible sound pressure level for new diesel generator (DG) sets with rated capacity up to 1000 KVA, manufactured on or after the 1st July, 2003 shall be 75 dB(A) at 1 metre from the enclosure surface.

• Since the project site is spread over 27,073.65 Sq.mtrs, Noise impact will be site specific and

insignificant beyond project boundary, temporary, reversible and Short-term.

• Noise due to traffic during construction period in the project will be insignificant , as number of vehicles movement will not be insignificant

6. AESTHETICS 6.1 Will the proposed constructions in any

way result in the obstruction of a view, scenic amenity or landscapes? Are these consideration taken into account by the proponents?

No obstruction of a view, scenic amenity or landscapes due to establishment of Housing colony. Hence no impact

6.2 Will there be any adverse impacts from new constructions on the existing structures? What are the considerations taken into account?

There is no existing structure with in the premises Hence no impact

6.3 Whether there are any local considerations of urban form & urban design influencing the design criteria? They may be explicitly spelt out.


6.4 Are there any anthropological or archaeological sites or artefacts nearby? State if any other significant features in the vicinity of the proposed site have been considered.

No such anthropological or archaeological sites exist in the vicinity of site.


7.1 Will the proposal result in any change to the demography structure of local population? Provide the details.

It is a housing project. Increase in or, Change in demography structure of the local population is likely to change in view of the proposed housing project. Proposed strength of population of Housing Project : 1800 population Change demography structure of the area may be in significant, when compared with Bangalore city population.

7.2 Give detail of the existing social infrastructure around the proposed project.

The Project site is within BBMP area

7.3 Will the project cause adverse effects on local communities, disturbance to sacred sites or other cultural values? What are the safeguards proposed?

No sacred sites or other cultural values in the area. No adverse impact on local communities,

8. BUILIDING MATERIALS 8.1 May involve the use of building

materials with high-embodied energy. Are the construction materials produced with energy efficient processes? (Give details of energy conservation measures in the selection of building materials and their energy efficiency)

Please ref EMP

8.2 Transport and handling of materials during construction may result in pollution, noise & public nuisance. What measures are taken to minimize the impacts?

Due to movement of vehicles, diesel powered construction equipments and material handling equipments, generation of SPM, Nox, and CO is expected. In this connection vehicle movement will be restricted, only authorized vehicles will enter construction site Vehicles having valid emission Certificate from the competent authority will be allowed to enter the project site. The security personnel at the security gate will ensure the same. In order to suppress fugitive dust, wetting of roadways to reduce traffic dust will be encouraged The impact due to movement of vehicle would be temporary, reversible and restricted to the construction phase. In this regard project engineers will be responsible for maintain Air quality during construction period Abatement of Noise

a. Limit certain activities such as blasting and pile driving to daylight hours

b. Noise generating construction activity will be restricted from 8 to 18 hrs.

c. Heavy duty muffler systems on heavy equipment. d. DG set will be installed as a stand power supply unit,

which is also encapsulated & housed in side a temporary building.

e. Air compressors will be located away from the concentration of workers.

f. Proper maintenance of construction vehicles and other construction equipment.

The impact will be confined within the project boundary and its effect is expected to be negligible outside the plant boundaries.

Architects, engineers and will be responsible to implement these points during construction phase.

8.3 Give details of the methods of collection, segregation & disposal of the garbage generated during the operation phases of the project.

Please ref EMP

9. ENERGY CONSERVATION 9.1 Give details of the power

requirements, source of supply, backup source etc. What is the energy consumption assumed per square foot of built-up area? How have you tried to minimize energy consumption?

Power requirement during Operation phase : 190 KW Source of Power supply : BESCOM Power Requirement : 1200 KW DG Capacity: 190 KVA – 1 for Utility propose Only Energy consumption per Sqm of built up area : 0.027 KVA Mitigation measures minimize energy consumption are described in EMP.

Proposed to ensure proper utilisation of day light and

control it by using Glass for windows.

9.2 What type of, and capacity of,

power back up to you plan to provide?

Power back up by providing DG sets. DG Capacity: 200 KVA- 1 for Utility propose Only

9.3 What are the characteristics of the glass you plan to use? Provide specifications of its characteristics related to both short wave and long wave radiation?

As could be seen from the front elevation. No glass is proposed for enhancing façade architecture. Non air conditioned buildings are proposed in which windows are typically left open. Therefore no need to use double glazing.

9.4 What passive solar architectural features are being used in the building? Illustrate the applications made in the proposed project.

Passive Solar architectural features that are used in the

building are as follows, which will satisfy the design and

construction of a building in warm and wet climate.

a) Adequate cross ventilation to occupied areas of a house, doors and windows are provided on both windward and leeward sides of the building.

b) Open planning and wide free spaces between buildings, courtyard planning between buildings to achieve good ventilation.

c) In general it is envisaged that provision of continuous

and efficient natural ventilation, protection from the sun, rain and insects, prevention of internal temperature to rise during day through right building envelope.

9.5 Does the layout of streets & buildings maximise the potential for solar energy devices? Have you considered the use of street lighting, emergency lighting and Solar hot water systems for use in the building complex? Substantiate with details.

It is envisaged to provide Solar hot water systems to the top floor apartments.

9.6 Is shading effectively used to reduce cooling/heating loads? What principles have been used to maximize the shading of Walls on the East and the West and the Roof? How much energy saving has been effected?

Yes, shading technique is effectively used to reduce cooling/heating loads in while planning building.

9.7 Do the structures use energy-efficient space conditioning, lighting and mechanical systems? Provide technical details. Provide details of the transformers and motor efficiencies, lighting intensity and Air-conditioning load assumptions? Are you using CFC and HCFC free chillers? Provide specifications.

Non air conditioned buildings are proposed.

9.8 What are the likely ·effects of the building activity in altering the micro-climates? Provide a self assessment on the likely impacts of the proposed construction on creation of heat island & inversion effects?

The Air pollutants released from Residential activity is insignificant even considering vehicular emission causing altering the micro-climates. However as mitigation measure Green area, open space are provided to reduce heat islands if any and to reduce Ambient Air Temperature.

9.9 What are the thermal characteristics of the building envelope? (a) roof; (b) external walls; and (c) Fenestration? Give details of the material used and the U-values or the R values of the individual components.

The material proposed to be used and the U-values or the R values of the individual components.

Attributes Thermal Characteristics of the building envelope

U w/m2 – 0C

R W /m2 – 0C

roof -0.261 3.5 external walls

0.352 2.35

9.10 What precautions & safety measures are proposed against fire hazards? Furnish details of emergency plans.

Statutory permission/ NOC from the Department of Fire Force is applied. Copy enclosed as Annexure 11 BDA will implement the NOC Terms & conditions stipulated by FFD. It has already made provision for water storage Facility.

9.11 If you are using glass as wall material provides details and specifications including emissivity and thermal characteristics

Glass will not used as “Wall material”. Single glazed Glass will be used in windows only.

9.12 What is the rate of air infiltration into the building? Provide details of how you are mitigating the effects of infiltration


9.13 To what extent the non-conventional energy technologies are utilised in the overall energy consumption? Provide details of the renewable energy technologies used.

Solar Water heater for all Top flor Houses Solar/LED for street lights.

10 Environment Management Plan

The Environment Management Plan would consist of all mitigation measures for each item wise activity to be undertaken during the construction, operation and the entire life cycle to minimize adverse environmental impacts as a result of the activities of the project. It would also delineate the environmental monitoring plan for compliance of various environmental regulations. It will state the steps to be taken in case of emergency such as accidents at the site including fire.

EMP Enclosed

List of Annexure Gazette Notification of the Project Annexure 1

Topo Map of the Project Annexure 2

Site Plan Annexure 3 Contour Map Annexure 4

Proposed land use with Development/ Revised Master plan Annexure 5

Geotechnical Investigation Report Annexure 6

BWSSB letter regarding supply of water Annexure 7

STP design details Annexure 8 Village Map Annexure 9

Landscape Plan Annexure 10

NOC from Fire Fighting Department Annexure 11 Analysis Report Annexure 12 & 12 a

Construction safety aspects Annexure 13 High Court Order Annexure 14


Annexure 1

Gazetter Notification of the Project

Annexure 2

Topo Map of the project

Annexure 3

Site Plan

Annexure 4

Contour Map

Annexure 5

Revised Master Plan

Annexure 6

Geo Technical Investigation Report

Annexure 7

BWSSB Letter

Annexure 8

STP design details

Sewer System:

The spent water in the project is proposed to be collected using a network of sanitary pipes.

The sanitary piping will be based on the two pipe stack system. The two pipe stack system

comprises of a stack dedicated for soil water and the other for sullage (gray water) collected

from bath, wash basins, kitchen sink and utility sinks.

The soil and waste stacks are laid in the ducts and the waste stack connects to a gully trap

and farther connects to an inspection chamber / manhole. The soil stack directly connected

to an inspection chamber / manhole. The stacks extend till terrace.

The network of inspection chamber / manhole is designed as per NBC to flow 1/2rd or 2/3rd

full as a gravity sewer. The gravity sewer is terminated into a STP for further treatment &

reuse for secondary purposes.


Design of the individual units:

Bar Screen Chamber:

Provide a chamber of size 1.0 m x 0.65 m to suit sewer gradient to accommodate an inclined

bar screen with opening less than 10 mm. Provide a bar screen of 20 X 6 mm flats with 10mm

spacing in between.

Design Criteria:

Velocity through screen : 0.8 m/Sec.

Discharge : Discharge / day /8


=8.6x10-3 Cum. /sec

Peak Load : 3 times the discharge

=8.6x10-3 x3.0

=0.0258 m3 /sec

Adopting screens with bars of 10 mm width and 20 mm clear opening considering 1.2 times

the net area of opening,

Net Area = 0.0258 /0.80 =0.0322 m2

Gross area = 1.2 times of the net area of opening

= 1.2 X 0.0322 =0.0386 m2

Assuming the inclination of screen of 60° to horizontal. Gross area of screen needed would

be 1.0X0.45 Mt. for ease of maintenance.

Equalization tank:

The flow from the bar screen chamber is let into the equalization tank of minimum 8 hours

capacity. This tank is provided to even out the flow variation, and to provide a continuous

feed into the secondary biological treatment units.

Design flow = 2,50,000Lt/day

Provide min 8 hours holding capacity.

Hence required volume of the tank = 83.33m3

Provide a tank of 85,000 Lt. Capacity.

The tank size would be 7.5X4.5X2.5 m SWD (effective volume)

Sequential Batch Reactor (SBR) tank

Biological stabilization of the wastewater is accomplished in the SBR tank in the presence of

microorganisms, for the respiration of which oxygen is supplied by means of diffused aeration

comprising of membrane diffusers and air blowers. As micronutrients such as nitrogen and

phosphorus will be already present in sufficient quantities, no external supplementation will

be necessary.

The aeration tank is provided with diffused aeration system to supply the air for the

microorganism’s growth. The nutrients required for the microorganism’s growth are organic

matter, which is present in the domestic effluent.

The MLSS level is maintained in this process to enhance the aeration process. Optimum

concentration of MLSS to be maintained is in the range of 3500 – 4500 mg / lit. During the

aeration, the sludge starts to settle in this tank. At that time, the blower will be off.

Here the settling of the solids takes place and the clear water from the top is pumped to the

clear water tank.

Design flow = 2,50,000 Lt/day

Considering the 3 batches

Volume of the tank = 250 / (3 batches x 3 reactors x 0.5 decanting ratio)

= 250 / (3 x 3 x0.5)

Hence required volume of the tank = 55.55 cum/ reactor

Provide a tank of 56 cum/ reactor capacity

The sizes of the tank will be 6.0X3.8X2.5 m

Flow Quantity 250 cum/day

BOD In 300mg/l

BOD Out desired <10mg/l

Tank Volume 3 x 56cum

Diffusers Fine Pore Diffusers

Food X Microbe 0.12

MLSS 4000mg/l

No. of tanks 3 Nos.

Air Blowers

Sewage inflow/batch = 250/9 = 27.77 cum.

Total BOD5 load = 250 mg/l.

BOD load in tank in Kg = (250x27.77) / 1000 = 6.94 kg/batch

For 1 kg of BOD removed 1.2kg of oxygen is required

Density of air = 1.17

% of oxygen in air = 21% = 0.21

Alpha factor = 0.65

Beta factor = 0.90

Oxygen transfer efficiency = 0.12

There for Air required = 6.94 x 1.2 / ( 1.17 x 0.21 x 0.65 x 0.9 x 0.12)

= 8.32 / 0.017

= 489.41 cum/ batch

Aeration time = 4hr

There for air required in cum/ hr = 122.35 cum/ hr = 72.01cfm.

Consider 35% excess considering the air required in the equalization tank

Total air required = 97.21cfm

Hence provide 2 blowers of 100cfm

One as standby with an operating pressure of 0.5KSC.

Transfer rate of oxygen in 1m.

Long membrane diffusers = 10 cum/ hr

There for total number of membranes required = 97.21/10 = 10 nos

Clarified Water Tank – 1 NO:

The settled water from the settling tank is expected to meet the standards with respect to

BOD and TSS for discharge to island surface waters. However, it is our intention to improve

the quality of effluent further in order to make it fit for reuse. For this reason, further

secondary treatment in the form of coagulation, filtration and disinfection is proposed. The

clear water from the settling tank shall be fed to the clarified water tank, from where it will

be pumped to the filters.

Design flow = 2,50,000Lt/day

Provide min of 16 hours holding capacity.

Hence required volume of the tank = 166.66 m3

Provide a tank of 1,67,000 Lt. Capacity

The sizes of the tank will be 9.0X7.5X2.5 m

Pressure Sand Filter:

Flow = 2, 50,000Lt/day

Loading rate = 15 cum/ Sqm/hr

Considering the operation of 20 hours of filter

Provide a Pressure Sand filter of 1030mm say 1200 mm dia with sand as media over layer,

under drain pipe, laterals face piping etc.,

Activated Carbon Filter:

Flow = 2, 50,000 Lt/day

Loading rate = 15 Cum/Sqm/hr.

Considering the operation of 20 hours of filter

Provide a pressure sand filter of 1200-mm diameter with activated carbon filter media with

under drainpipe, lateral face piping.


The filtered water is further chlorinated through an online automatic chlorination

system with electronic dosing pump for disaffection. Provide one no. 100 Lts capacity

automatic Chlorinator with electronic metering pump to ensure the residual chlorine level to

be less than 2 PPM for disinfect ion so that it will not effect the plantations. The Chlorinator

shall be coupled with the filter outlet.


a. Provide 3 Nos. sewage transfer pumps (one working and one standby)

Quantity 3Nos. ( 2 working + 1 Stand by)

Type Open impeller non-clog

centrifugal Pumps

Avg Rate of

Flow 25 cum/hr @ 10m head

Temp Ambient

Solids 35mm Maximum

pH 6.0-8.0

b. Provide 2 Nos Filter feed pumps (one working and one standby)

Quantity 2Nos. ( 1 working + 1 Stand by)

Type Open impeller non-clog

centrifugal Pumps

Avg Rate of

Flow 15 cum/hr @ 10m head

Temp Ambient

Solids 10mm Maximum

pH 6.0-8.0

Duty: To pump the Treated effluent from the Pre-filtration tank through the Pressure Sand

Filter and Activated Carbon Filter.

Sludge Disposal:

The biomass in the aeration tank stabilizes BOD in wastewater by consuming the organic

matter in the wastewater. The metabolic activity results in growth of the biomass population

in the aeration tank. Consequently, in order to contain the level of MLSS in the aeration tank

to the design level of 4000mg/l, it will be necessary to bleed off or waste the excess

activated sludge. For this purpose, a sludge-holding tank of 20 cum with air supply and one

no. filter press is proposed.

Capacity 20.0 cum/day

Sludge Volume Index 100-150mg/l

Filter Press:

The present invention relates to a method and apparatus for treating the sludge is generally

known as "reburning", lime sludge in order to regenerate the sludge, which in a flash dryer

making method has been separated in connection with a causticizing process, to form active


The units and its sizes as designed are:

Civil works

Sl No

Name of the Unit Size in mt.

1. Bar Screen Chamber 1.00m X 0.45 m

2. Equalization Tank 7.5X4.5X2.5 m

3. SBR Tank 6.0X3.8X2.5m - 3 nos.

4. Final effluent tank 9.0X7.5X2.5 m

5. Clear water tank 9.0X7.5X2.5 m

6. Pressure Sand Filter 1200 mm dia and 1815

mm height.

7. Activated Carbon Filter 1200mm dia and 1815

mm height

8. Chlorinator 200 lts capacity

9. Mechanical Filter Press 50m3/day plant

Mechanical Equipment Proposed


1 Bar Screen 1No.

2 Pumps 6 No

3 Diffuser membranes 10 lot

4 Coarse Bubble grid 1 lot

5 Blowers 2 Nos.

6 Pressure Sand filter 1 No

7 Activated carbon filter 1 No

8 Chlorinator 1 No

9 Mech. Ventilation 1 Lot


The sewage treatment plant is designed based on the proven activated sludge process with

extended aeration technology. The STP would be able to treat the sewage to the standards

prescribed by the local PCB with treated BOD5 levels less than 30 Mg/lit. The treated water

can be used for the tertiary uses like gardening, car washing, floor washing, toilet flushing,

ground water recharge etc. The treated water is safe to come in contact as the chlorination

is done to kill the bacterial (disinfection).

STP Hydraulic Flow Diagram:


Multiport valve

Pressure sand filter

Activated carbon filter




Control / Isolation valve

Non Return valve

Clarified water tankCWT

Seqential Batch ReactorSBR

Equalization tankEQT












Flow 250 cum/day






Annexure 9

Village Map

Annexure 10

Landscape Plan

Annexure 11

Letter addresed to Fire Fightning Department regarding NOC

Annexure 12

Air Analysis Report

Annexure 12 a

Water Analysis Report

Annexure 13

1. Safety Management plan during Construction phase

Project Coordinator/ Executive Engineer or his representative(s) of BDA shall conduct regular

Safety Audit on construction activities on daily basis. The Building Contractor (s) shall appoint

Safety Officer(s).They shall be responsible for the safety of Workers. The Safety Officer[s)to

Issue work permits for various activities on daily basis , example , Working at Heights, to

ensure Fall protection measures are implemented and Worker comply safety norms.

2. Measures taken to control the dust and noise pollution arising from construction

activity, which might disturb the neighborhood dwelling.

The sources of Noise during the construction phase are vehicular traffic, construction

equipment like bulldozers, scrappers, concrete mixers, generators, pumps, compressors,

pneumatic tools, and vibrators etc. The operation of the equipment will generate noise

ranging between 70-85 dB (A).

o Wall around the periphery of the property will be constructed, ensuring that

proper security & restricting movement of vehicles.

o Proper maintenance of construction vehicles and other construction


o Vehicles having valid emission Certificate from the competent authority will be

allowed to enter the project site. The security personnel at the security gate

will ensure the same.

o Proper mufflers on all road vehicles & construction equipment

o Ready to use concrete will be obtained from outside in order to avoid noise

pollution & uniform quality of concrete.

o No blasting activity will be undertaken in the project site.

o Spraying water on the road to control dust pollution in dry season; cleaning

sites and proper dumping practices at site.

o DG set will be installed as a stand power supply unit, which is also

encapsulated & housed in side a temporary building

o Noise generating construction activity will be restricted from 8 to 18 hrs.

o Equipment and processes generating loud noises will be avoided as far as

practicable. Air compressors and generators, for example, will be located away

from the concentration of workers.

3. Details of barricades provided all – round the premises to avoid dust emission into

neighboring area.

o Wall around the periphery of the property will be constructed, ensuring that

proper security & movement of vehicles.

o No blasting activity will be undertaken in the project site.

o Spraying water on the road to control dust pollution in dry season; cleaning

sites and proper dumping practices at site.

o While unloading ingredients from trucks water spraying will be practiced.

4. Details of safety aspects proposed during construction phase and operation phase

and submit risk assessment and Management plan.

4.1 Safety at planning stage.

Architects and engineers during designing phase of the construction project will take into

account the safety factors of construction and ensure that harmful materials are avoided and

Safety aspects are incorporated the specifications, drawings and operational plans.

Project Manager at the worksite will be responsible for all safety aspects and assisted by

Contractors & subcontractors.

The safety plan will be in place before work on site begins and will be part of the

documentation prepared by the architects and the construction engineers. It will contain the

detailed safety measures for each stage of construction. The emergency evacuation plan. Site

layout plan will include workflow and work stations, storage areas and vehicular

routes.Scheduled safety training programmes will be organised for each group of trades men

Standard safety signs will be used in the worksite.

4.2 Preventive Measures against Specific Hazards

a) Fall prevention at the workplace:

� All open sides of building from which a worker might fall and openings into which a

worker might fall will be adequately covered or barricaded.

� Where barricades could not be installed, safety nets will be installed close to the level

at which there is danger of falls.

� Where secure foothold is impracticable, safety belts or harnesses with secure

anchorage points will be provided.

� At elevated places such as encountered in formwork construction for beams, secure

access and foothold will be provided.

b) Falling Material Hazards Prevention and Protection:

� Falling material hazards will be prevented by means of overhead screens and


� Discarding of waste materials by throwing down the side of the building will be

prohibited. The provision of refuse chutes for discarding small items and the use of

lifting equipment to remove large ones will be clearly communicated and enforced.

The use of c1eaning teams working after work hours will be reduce potential hazards.

� Where there is danger of collapse of structures steps will be taken to barricade off a

safety zone until repairs are made.

c) Structural Failure Prevention

� All structures will be properly designed.

� Temporary structures such as formwork and its supports will be properly braced in all

directions to prevent displacement.

� Vibrating machinery, piping or other parts will not be brought in contact with

structures unless they are specially designed for it.

� Formwork support will not be removed until the concrete it supports has attained its

required strength.

� Structures will be designed by competent engineers and be put up under the

supervision of experienced supervisors.

� They will be inspection before use by a competent engineer and thereafter respected

on a regular bas or where parts are dam aged and repaired.

� Ensured only materials are adequate strength be used

d) Refuse Disposal :

� Refuse accumulative will never be allowed as the resulting loading may be excessive.

� Discharge of waste concrete on platforms accumulating bricks on work platforms could

re-suit in a sudden collapse and will be avoided.

� Refuse will be removed daily to prevent accumulation. Materials liable to cause

persons to slip or trip and fall will be cleared immediately.

� Properly designed refuse chutes will be constructed and used. Throwing refuse over

sides of buildings will be prohibited.

� Refuse removal teams working after work hours will be organised where normal

cleaning cannot cope with the build up of waste materials.

� Projecting nails will be removed or bent over.

e) Noise:

� Equipment and processes generating loud noises will be avoided as far as practicable.

Air compressors and generators, for example, will be located away from the

concentration of workers.

f) Fire Protection

� At every level of construction where combustible materials are liable to be used or

stored, a 9 kg dry ABC powder extinguisher will be provided. Where the travel distance

exceeds 30 m additional ones will be provided. 2.5 kg BCF extinguishers will be placed

near switch boards.

� There will be trained personnel available on the site at all times. All workers at the

site will be trained to operate the extinguisher.

� The fire alarm procedure and the evacuation sequence will be clearly spelled out and

the workforce notified. In workplaces where fire hazards are potentially more

hazardous (e.g. in underground tunnelling work), drills will be carried out.

� Combustible and flammable materials will be stored away from the source of heat

such as generators, welding sets and electrical distribution boxes.

5. Personal Protective Equipment

Personal protective equipment like helmets ,gloves, shoes etc., will be supplied and main-

tained by the employer and will be of suitable quality to provide adequate protection.

� Safety promotion and training on the use and maintenance of personal protective

equipment will be carried out.

� Helmets will be provided for all the workers deployed at worksite. Suitable eye

protection will be provided for all who are exposed to flying particles, harmful glare

and dangerous substances.

� In the handling of rough objects, gloves will be provided and used.

� Safety footwear which will be provided to all who are exposed to foot injury, will be

good filling and comfortable to wear.

� Safety belts will be provided where other means are not practicable. Both the

anchorage points and lifelines provided for attaching safety belts will be of adequate

strength. The umbilical line will be fixed in such a way that user's freefall will not

exceed 1 m.

� Catch net will be used where persons are liable to fall and these will be securely

supported at a level as near as possible to the working level.

� Noise defenders will be provided for work areas where the noise level exceeds 85 DBA.

� Respiratory protection will be provided by employers and used by workers where the

dust level remains high and where controlled at source is not practicable.

6. Scaffolds:

6.1 General Provisions

� Scaffolds will be provided for working at a height unless a safe automotive could be


� Sufficient, suitable and sound material will be used and the scaffold be constructed in

accordance with good engineering practice.

� Tall scaffolds will be designed by a competent person.

� Adequate bracings will be provided.

� Inspection of the scaffold will be carried out by a competent person before it is used,

and thereafter weekly, after inclement weather or after repairs were carried out on

damaged parts.

� Lifting appliances will not be attached to the scaffold as a rule. Will it be necessary to

do so, the scaffold's load bearing capacity will be considered and scaffold

reinforcement be added.

� Avoid attaching to scaffolds dynamically induced loads such as concrete pumping


7. Operational Safety:

� Site personnel co-ordinating lifting operations will be instructed in safe operating

procedures. Dangerous practices such as slewing loads above workers, overloading,

lifting without a signaller, unsafe slinging, carrying workers on loads or slings will be


� Load slinging will only be carried out by persons who have been properly instructed in

the slinging methods for different materials.

8. Concrete Mixers:

� Moving parts which are liable to become nip points, such as gears, chains and rollers

will be guarded.

� Hoppers into which a person could fall will be guards

� Fencing will be provided to prevent entry around the zones where hoppers or mixing

drums may be lifted or turned.

� Operators cleaning concrete mixers will do so outside the rotating drums. Lock-out

devices will be provided where workers need to enter.

� Where concrete mixers are driven by internal combustion engines. exhaust points will

be located away from the workers work station so as to eliminate their exposure to

obnoxious fumes.

9. Earth-Moving Equipment:

� Earth moving vehicles will be provided with standard safety features such as lights,

rear mirrors, and for large vehicles, an audible reversing signal.

� No earth-moving equipment will be started up until all persons are cleared away.

Supervisors and operators will survey the route of the earthmoving equipment for.

a. Electrical lines which may be an obstruction.

b. Rating of bridges and overhead obstruction.

c. Underground conduits containing service lines.

d. Slope-gradients.

� Where the equipment has to slew around as part of the operation, such as a back-hole

excavator, and where there are other workers in its proximity, a signaller will be

present to direct the operator.

10. Excavation

10.1 General Provisions

Prior to commencement of excavation, a survey of the following will be carried out:

� Ground water and soil condition.

� Underground service lines, particularly electrical, sewerage, water and gas.

� Where necessary a detailed soil investigation, where soft soils e.g. marine clay

is suspected.

� Means for rapid access and egress will be provided.

� Workers will not be exposed to dangers of being burned by excavated material

or collapse of shoring.

� Tests for toxic gases will be carried out where their presence is suspected.

� Exposure of shorting to vibration such as that produced by engines or vehicular

traffic will be kept to a minimum.

� Provisions will be made to ensure that water is removed gradually from the


� Exhaust from internal combustion engines will not be allowed to be discharged

near the excavated trench.

� Through and regular inspections will be carried out by competent engineers.

� Warning lights will be provided to prevent persons falling into the trench.

Annexure 14