Appendix 30€¦ · 18,000 hours of work to launch the Internet-delivered legal research service,...

Appendix 30 David E. Kelley - the genius behind the geo-politicization of ‘Boston Legal’ and co- author of the Wolf Grazer Kelley Torture Identifier - presented the second season of ‘Harry’s Law’ on the Custodian’s 21st lawyer’s birthday. It will be recalled David E. joined the coalition in late 2005 when he described Canada as a member of President Bush’s “Axis of Evil” during an episode that high profiled the obstruction of justice initiative that threatened to execute the Custodian during a staged fly fishing trip in the mountains north of Dogville (Federal Court lawsuit, para. 412 et seq.) at the same time the psychos were destroying his 18,000 hours of work to launch the Internet-delivered legal research service, Canada Law Topics (para. 450 et seq.). The beginning of ‘Harry’s Law’ isn’t a few seconds in before the lexicon is embedded in a street sign that constitutes a coalition identifier. The protagonist walks into her law office and is greeted by a staffer who says “A new beginning” - which is what in essence is about to occur when the Custodian is finally able to throw off the shackles of two plus decades of a nightmarish life. Harry walks towards an elevator and asks “do I push a button or does it just read my mind” - a reference to the ‘elevator incident’. David E.’s designed its interior to be comprised of two kinds of prison certainty.

Transcript of Appendix 30€¦ · 18,000 hours of work to launch the Internet-delivered legal research service,...

Page 1: Appendix 30€¦ · 18,000 hours of work to launch the Internet-delivered legal research service, Canada Law Topics (para. 450 ... Harry walks towards an elevator and asks “do I

Appendix 30

David E. Kelley - the genius behind the geo-politicization of ‘Boston Legal’ and co-author of the Wolf Grazer Kelley Torture Identifier - presented the second season of ‘Harry’s Law’ on the Custodian’s 21st lawyer’s birthday. It will be recalled David E. joined the coalition in late 2005 when he described Canada as a member of President Bush’s “Axis of Evil” during an episode that high profiled the obstruction of justice initiative that threatened to execute the Custodian

during a staged fly fishing trip in the mountains north of Dogville (Federal Court lawsuit, para. 412 et seq.) at the same time the psychos were destroying his 18,000 hours of work to launch the Internet-delivered legal research service, Canada Law Topics (para. 450 et seq.). The beginning of ‘Harry’s Law’ isn’t a few seconds in before the lexicon is embedded in a street sign that constitutes a coalition identifier.

The protagonist walks into her law office and is greeted by a staffer who says “A new beginning” - which is what in essence is about to occur when the Custodian is finally able to throw off the shackles of two plus decades of a nightmarish life.

Harry walks towards an elevator and asks “do I push a button or does it just read my mind” - a reference to the ‘elevator incident’. David E.’s designed its interior to be comprised of two kinds of prison certainty.

Page 2: Appendix 30€¦ · 18,000 hours of work to launch the Internet-delivered legal research service, Canada Law Topics (para. 450 ... Harry walks towards an elevator and asks “do I

When the first scene concludes he inserts the show’s logo - two law books stacked on top of each other next to the title. The colors are Canada and the volume numbers on them are “239” and ‘947’ - the first a compensation ratifier and the second a combination Taylor Identifier and assassination reminder.

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David E. Kelley Calls Obama Et al. Psycho Satanist Enablers, Warns of the Abuse of Power Slippery Slope and

Like so many partners, David E. is so beyond outraged at what the Bush and Obama White Houses did directly and indirectly he insists there be a kind of consequence no president of the United States has ever faced - prison.

American foreign policy has made for some strange bedfellows over the last fifty years. Some of the tyrants, totalitarians, dictators and depots turned out to be

serious threats to U.S. national security interests; others like of recent months fell to popular uprisings. It’s the latter that’s directed a laser focus on who is and ought to be called friend, ally or strategic partner; and in that new milieu of critical assessment Canada’s elite are ‘none of the above’. Sucking on the breast of the largest economy of the world, the Chinada High Command gained strength and momentum as the coalition’s public sector leadership appeared tenaciously resolved but in the back halls of international relations was acquiescing in what was going

and deriving a benefit of that which, like nukes, has no redeeming attribute (and except in the most narrow of circumstances). David E. contributed once again to the accountability initiative involving the malfeasant in September as documented; but not until his late November episode of ‘Harry’s Law’ did he weigh in on MK-Ultra Gate. The plot revolved around a middle aged woman who was foreclosed upon and engaged in vigilante justice by staging a bank robbery to make the point the U.S. government was responsible for

her family’s misfortune.

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Counsel: I understand why you blame [lawyer: Staul M.] the banks. But why the government?

Accused: The government enabled all of this. First by deregulating

the banks, giving them [lawyer: Bl.M.] carte blanche and then they gave them seven hundred billion dollars to do whatever they want with and they kept it. The government let this happen; and now all these rich bankers are buying bigger houses and people like me are losing ours? The government is complicit in all of this. Damn right, I blame them. Damn right.

Counsel: Thank-you. I have nothing more [lawyer David E. M.] Closing arguments are a platform to make the primary geo-case. David E. writes the prosecutor’s argument to include “we are on the [O-S M.] cusp of lawlessness getting just a little out of hand” - referring to the slippery slope of malfeasance in the White House - a place where not only that shouldn’t be the case but also requiring diligence to ensure it is the one environment where there is no criminality

and impropriety. And for the defense:

Not one, not one [Wall Streeter went to prison] …. Goldman Sachs deliberately duped clients, sold them lousy deals which their firm then profited from by betting against. That’s criminal fraud. Jail for

anybody? Nope. … [The prosecutor] says ‘watch out; we’ve got social unrest’. Is it any wonder? These lug nuts in Washington nearly shut down the government because they can’t pass a budget; millions of Americans are going belly up; what the hell do they expect? When a government acts to betray the interests of its constituents, civil disobedience isn’t just a right, but a duty. [The accused] was making a point that day [she robbed the bank]. She didn’t wear a mask. She knew she’d get caught. She was in that bank to make a point. She’s

not a criminal; she’s a hero. The Outrageous Government Conduct Defense is pretty simple. It applies with a government’s conduct is so outrageous that it violates fundamental principles of fairness to prosecute a defendant. If not now, when? [NBC M.]

A sub-plot involves a junior lawyer getting permission to hire an old flame even though Harry predicted it would cause complications in the office. After a senior

partner puts the moves on her the junior to whom she’s assigned as an assistant confronts her in order to offer caution about ulterior motives; stating with an O-S M. “ I don’t want you around dangerous snakes and Richard is a dangerous snake … He’s a disgusting human being”.

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David E Kelley Weighs in on MK-Ultra Gate Again and Enters Overt v Covert Arena to Recommend What the Former's Approach Should Comprise

The oscillation between whether to go public or stay confidential

continues. But that perception only exists in the diplomacy documentarian’s mind and within the collective consciousness of the Chinada High Command; and of course at the White House, Pentagon and CIA. Those within the partnership who’ve decided there’s more to be gained with nominal downside by full exposure have been strategizing their whistleblowing approach and refusing to give any of them a heads-up except to hint at it enough times to maintain that threat in the hopes it will bring them to their senses

David E.’s genus was observed again during the January 11th episode of ‘Harry’s Law’ with a story line about a gorilla kept by a church zoo faced with litigation seeking the status personhood for the simian. There was just enough use of the lexicon to be an initiative in the lab monkey category of condemnation. The following week, on the 18th, he weighed in on MK-Ultra Gate. Observing the

current White House occupant cringe and grimace throughout 2011 that delivered an answer to the late October posted question President Obama's Leno Interview: Is Political Embarrassment Still an Efficacious Accountability Device?, he scripted two scenes. The first was at the beginning of the show in which a Wolf Grazer Kelley torture identifier is inserted to recommend that Congress act to amend the current human rights regulatory regime to outlaw what the Obama and Bush administrations were discovered to have done.

Client: I’m dying. Acute kidney failure. We got about 6 months. Harry: What’s the catch? Client: Wow, I like you. The good news is I have a kidney all

lined up for transplant. But no hospital will perform the operation.

Harry: Why not? Client: I bought it. Harry: You bought the kidney?

Client: 70 grand - all my poker winnings. Harry: Buying organs is illegal. Client: This I know. There’s a reason I crashed the poker game

last night, Harry. It was to meet you. I need a favour.

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[honk] Harry: And this is how you ask me: cracks like ‘orthopaedic’,

‘old’, ‘moms’?

Client: You won’t forget me. Admit it. Please. I need to get the

law changed; preferably within 6 months. Will you help me?

The second was to choreograph one of the actors, Tommy, to grimace the same way as the President did so many times when faced with MK-Ultra Gate culpability and underscore the need for the Custodian to appear before Congress and give

testimony that will support the call for new legislation. Tommy: It’s all circumstantial. Oliver: Yea, but it’s good circumstantial. We have no way to

prove anybody else was there. They have motive, opportunity. We gotta put Leila up there.

Tommy: Leila? What about Nicole? Oliver: Nicole has a felony record which is admissible if she

testifies. I’m putting Leila on the stand [quantum; Cl.M.].

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In that same category of back-channel activity the Canadian-broadcast May 4th

episode of ‘Harry’s Law’ concluded with confirmation of the Custodian’s success in resolving his civil claim against the U.S. government. Two principal characters are sitting in a courtroom hallway waiting to hear from a judge who adjudicated a

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deportation issue whether closing arguments were effective in persuading him to ignore the extradition treaty between the U.S. and Britain. David E. et al. first draw on one of the contributions of Aaron Sorkin, inserting a coalition identifying three geo-gestures bearing his name as scripted lines are about to be and are delivered.

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The judge appears and walks towards an elevator. They approach him with the intention of finding out when the verdict might be announced.

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He says he’s going home and they’ll have to wait ‘til morning. They politely pester the jurist, who accommodates them with the answer they were seeking. “You’ve

won”, he mutedly exclaims. They, naturally, are beside themselves with the news. And so is the Custodian when he sees how the rest of the scene is scripted for he’s just been told that he need not worry because what he’s been on a quest for with the assistance of the coalition has been achieved.

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When the lift doors close they high five each other. That gesture becomes a Custodian identifier both because of the reference to and condemnation of the ‘elevator incident’ and the addition of one more Sorkin M. as they do so as the scene ends.

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