Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES....

APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged thc distrirt court diil~lnys fnr pze-awards. and gave his decision as follou-s (the highest )ossiblr number of mnrks was 270) :- South Canterb~q. IM pints (Em) . . . . .. .. 1 Au~lrland, 1-57 ., (S31 109). . . . .. .. 2 North Canterbury, 151 , (f 10 109) . . . . .. .. 3 The details in respect to the pints mred by the romlating displaps were.- -- - - -- . -. - - (kern1 appearan* and nrtistir nmnpmeurts 100 MI Dairy-1mUd11re .. . . .. .. 1.i i (:rain, seed. and pulw . . . . . . 15 12 Potatoes nnd mtn . . . . . . 10 10 Minerals .. . a . . .. 25 3 Timber . . . - -. .. 13 X il-001 . . . . . . . . . . 2; 10 \\%eat. oats.lmrie~ in sheaf. hay. r h d . rm<ilnge 1tt 5 Fmh and prwer\.tvl fniits . . .. 3 4 Honey .. . . . . .. 8 4 Flax-fibre . . . . , 1 10 cud and tannixtiins . . . . .. 5 3 Sundries not nt hew;.- enlimerated .. 10 7 Phntogrnl~hs . . . - . . . . 10 li Kine .. . . .. . . .. i~ .. -- Tntnl . . .. .. .. 270 IIi i 40; 65 Iil 40 2. 5 5 .. N 1.5; 5 ti .. !, 11.--0FF'ICIAL LIST OF AWARDS. SSCTIOK l.-ROClCS, m, AXD &XIXC ~ODUCIS. SwMilrieion 1.--Samples oj Rnf and dilvviol Gdd ad ammialcd Ra& and dliuaals. Kame. Exhibit. Award. E Adams. Thames . . Reef gold cut and polished . . Wd medal. fiiotahi ~old-mhing ~ornp&, ~hames ~eef gold . . bder-Secretaq for Mmes. Sew Zenland Reef gdd, ~aarbjci, ~o'kdd . . Auriferous quartz. Komata Rafn . . Silver medal. Ditto, Talisman Mine .. .. Gdd medal .. ,, New Zealand Cmwm Xinen . . Silver medal.

Transcript of Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES....

Page 1: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged



Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged thc distrirt court diil~lnys fnr pze-awards. and gave his decision as follou-s (the highest )ossiblr number of mnrks was 270) :-

South Canterb~q. IM p in t s (Em) . . . . . . .. 1 Au~lrland, 1-57 ., (S31 109). . . . . . .. 2 North Canterbury, 151 , (f 10 109) . . . . .. .. 3

The details in respect to the pints mred by the romlating displaps were.- -- - - -- . -. - -

(kern1 appearan* and nrtistir nmnpmeurts 100 MI Dairy-1mUd11re . . . . . . .. 1.i i (:rain, seed. and pulw . . . . . . 15 12 Potatoes nnd m t n . . . . . . 10 10 Minerals .. . a . . .. 25 3 Timber . . . - -. .. 13 X il-001 . . . . . . . . . . 2; 10 \\%eat. oats.lmrie~ in sheaf. hay. r h d . rm<ilnge 1tt 5 Fmh and prwer\.tvl fniits . . .. 3 4 Honey . . . . . . .. 8 4 Flax-fibre . . . . , 1 10 c u d and tannixtiins . . . . .. 5 3 Sundries not nt hew;.- enlimerated .. 10 7 Phntogrnl~hs . . . - . . . . 10 li Kine . . . . . . . . .. i~ .. --

Tntnl . . . . . . . . 270 I I i

i 4 0 ; 65 I i l 40 2 . 5 5 .. N

1.5; 5 ti .. !,



SwMilrieion 1.--Samples oj Rnf and dilvviol Gdd a d ammialcd Ra& and dliuaals. Kame. Exhibit. Award.

E Adams. Thames . . Reef gold cut and polished . . W d medal. fiiotahi ~old-mhing ~ornp&, ~hames ~ e e f gold . . bder-Secretaq for Mmes. Sew Zenland Reef gdd, ~aarbjci, ~ o ' k d d . .

Auriferous quartz. Komata Rafn . . Silver medal. Ditto, Talisman Mine . . .. Gdd medal .. ,, New Zealand Cmwm Xinen . . Silver medal.

Page 2: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

CLASS 1.-GEOLOGICAL iLYD MDEZWXGICfi C O L L E C J X O ~ I I ~ ~ ~ . SEC~IOB l . -~~cgs , AHD -0 PBO~~CTS-mnfinucd.

SYbdithbn 1.4ampk.d of Beej cud A U d Gbld and assoGidsd Ro& and dfinaab-continned. Name. Exhibit. Award.

Under-Secretaq for Jries, Yew Z e a h d Aurikou~ quid^, Grand Jwtction Silver llsedsl - - Mine .. n Ditto, All Isveia, Waihi JGne . . Gold medaL

,, from thir ty- tv~ mines, H ~ u - 9,

raki Goldfields .. Reef quartz and siliceous auriferous ,, roeh of Hsoralri Goldfklds

3. RocksofCIpecolvaB - 1. ,. ARuvirl g o l d - n u g g e t s ~ 0 0 6 ' - m

light Representative samples of west 9,

Conat alluvial gold Samplesof aUuvidflfiumOtago

Ropes Mi& of New Zedand (b) Auriferous quartz, with OKE in various .. etPges of trestment

.J. EL Powell . . . . .. Auriffsrona sands . . . . 1.

Big River Gold-miPing Company, Redhm . quartz . . . . Consolidated Goldfields of New Zealand ,, ., . . . . ,.

(Limited), Resfton .lameson a d Co., Cspe Fowlwid . . ,, cements . . . . silver medal. (:olden Blocks, Taitapu (Limited) . . .. quartz . . . . Gold medal Murrav Creek Exhibition Committe, ,, rements . . . . Silver medal.

Reeiton Bolitho B m , Resfton . - . . ,. t. . . . . .. (:. Avery and partner, Uppsr Hokihmui .. quartz . . . . H. E Adnms .. .. . . Sectional re-tation ~f ei hteen Cold ~ I I L

9w& mf5, ~l..nld ~01dI1ds Auclrland Clmmber of Commerce . . Collection of quartz nnd rack speri- -9

mens fium ffiuraki (hldfields

SwMiui.&~ %--Ores of Copper, Silurr. Imn. &. R nncl W. .Tohason . . . . . . Complex ores-coppr. gold. a d (:old medal.

silver, from Mount RndiRut, Bammea

Minister for Northern Territory, South Collection of miner& . . . . Australis

F. Linstrom, Jlarlboroqh . . . . F. C. Tatham. Marlborough W. and G. Donaldson, a e ' g


IinderSecretnry for Xi, Sew Zealand

British ~ro?& Hill proprietary ~ d L ~ m n ~ , New South Wales

Ditto . . . .a . . Athemum Committee, I n r e r c d . . Irondale and Katoomba ~ i e & com- pany, New Sonth Wake

Under-Secretary for Uines, ,Yew Z e d 4 D. lh~fadane,Hokitika .. .. A E g g e l i i O h . . . . . . Peter Wilson, Seven-mile, Greymouth . . C. E. D o q l ~ , Hddtilrrr - . . .

Scbeelite . . . . . . Antimony . . . . . . Scheelite and tungstic mid Scheelite. Mount Lndnh, Lake Coun~;, Otago

,4ntimony-ore (stibnite) . . . . Native copper, Dun JIountain mine-

ral belt Collection of copprsres from New

Zealand Taramti imnsand .. . . Llay. iron-ore. J[aI\-enr Hills . . Silver-lead ores . . . . .. Cdlective exhibit of granulnted and

silver ores Stream-tin. Stewart Island -. Ironstone . . . . . .

Silver m&l. Gohi medaL

Gold medaL 9.

~ i l v e i ' d . Cold me&

Page 3: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

CLASS 1.--GEOLOGICAL AND bahCUULOGICAL COLTXCTIONS-mrtinnd. Shcrxos l.-Rexs, Mnmmu, AXD P B o ~ u ~ ~ ~ - - ~ 0 n t i R i u d .

SuMiukion 3.--0n~ of Copper, SSilnr, Iron, d%.--continued.

Peter ~ilkn, Seven-mile, Grapmouth . . West Coast Court Committee . . R. Farmer, Reefton . . Exhibition Committee, ~ e e f t k .. Maoriland Copper Company . . .. Ewing Phosphate Company, h e d i n . . Lloyd Coppr Company (Limited), Bm-

Illgas New Sooth Wale4 Great Cobar Copper-mining S-dca te ,

Sew S o d Wales Mines Department. Kew South Kales . . Intelligence Department . . Vnh-SeUetary for Yinea, Xew 7kalsdd Iee and Reid . . . . . . Under-Secretary for l I i , Kew Zraland

I. .. Llinister for & i t u r e . South ~ - & a l i a

Exhibit. Capper-pyrites .. . . . . . . ~ o l ~ d ; l e n i t e . . . . . . A b e d display . . .. Antimony (stitmite), ~uld-I C'reelr.. Silx-er-lead ore. Momt Owen . . Oxides, carbonates, and mtlphides of 'wT=

Wosphate rock - - . . Copper-ore . . . -

Tin-ore . . . . . . Tin ingots . . . . . . C%romate of iron . . . . Scheelite from Uo~tnt IndaP. Clen-

orohy, Lake hnnty , Otago Penem1 minernl disl~lny . . . . Caml~lex om. Sylvia Mine . . .- Yinc. ..

9. Pr~xervatiomm Inlrl . . .. Te Aroluc . . . . Phosphate rock . . . .

Award. Silver medal. .. Cflld &dale Silver d a L

Silver 4 : l l .

Special nwnnl gold &el.

Xiver meditl. (;old medal. Silver medal. (;old mnlitl.

SnMiriaion 3 . - J I i w d nyalttadirdy nrmrgd. .\Cines Deprttnent, Sew Snrtth Wales . . Collwtion of minrrals . . . . (;old n1&;11. .I. Hendemon. Reefton -. . . . . . . .. S. Fry. School of A I i \Testport . . .. Inmgnbun ('onntj Silver m ~ l i ~ l . .\Layor of \Vestport. and CI~sirnmn In- JIinerill d iqda~ . Bttller and 1nitag;l- Cold d a l .

angnh~ta County Ch~ncil hua C'onrt

SrUiri*inn 4 . 4 c n 1 ~ and Preeiow Storca. Flarelie. Rohrts, anrlS;tnkey (Limited). Gems in tltr mnplt, gem rttt and Sjwiid nwaml

Brisbitne ~mlished gola mnedel. .\lilford So~ind Crecnstone C'omlvn~ (1.i- TWwai penntone . . . . Silver medal.

mited) Con~mittee, West Coast Court . . ('ollwtion of Mocks of ~ n x t o n e . . (:old medill.

SaldiciainH B.--Coml~ud~7dc N i w d . &r. B. Gemrd . . . . . . Brown coal from Snowdun . . Westport Coal Comlntny (Limited) . . Cake from unwashed dack ro;ll . . . . (;as-coke . . . . . .

.. . . Biiemino~ts ronl . . . . Under-Secretaq- for Mines. Xrw Zealand Bituminous road from Poinr Eliza-

beth and cWdonville ,. Oil-shale from Orepuki . . . . ,. -4mberite from Ida Yalley . .

Xightcaps (ha1 Company. Inrereargill. . Brown coal . . . . . . Commonwealth Oil Corprntion (Umitd!, Oil-shale and its ~ROdttcts . .

New South Wales William Cower .. . . . . Lignite from Pine Bush . . . . Eon. J. HcGowan . . . . . . Anthncite from Fox River . . J. R. Ralph . . .. . . Lignite from Charleston . . Eon. E Mitchelson . . . . . . CQllection of different varieties bi

kauri-gum Uhiskr for -lbes, New South Wales . . Oil-shale and its l~rodncts . . Westport Stockton Coal Compan~ . . Coal . . .. -. . .

Silver mnednl. (hid ntdrl.

Silver medal. Gold medal.

Siver mednl. Gold medal.

speci; award gold medal.

Gold medal.


Page 4: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

J. Bonskiil, duckland . . . . RkBndem .. . . Technological Museum, s&eY, New

South Wales G E Crane and Sons . Intelligence Department. S-vdney, ~ e i

Sonth Wales Clark Brcs.. Oamarn Under-Secretary for JLinea, N& z e a l i F. L Cooper . . . . . . A. Hume, Inspector of Prisons, Wel- w? Exh~b~tion Committee, Reefton . . ivestprt Harbour B o d . . . . .a Pty. WaPtpOrt -. - - A. J. Wikes. ~~nck&h . . . . Exhihition Committee, Holiitika . .

. - Artht;; Hope. g u t h C u n b u & . .

Exhibii Building-usfreeatom,

from Castle Hill Coromandel granite . . M e , ocean h h BIG . .

traehyk, sandstone, &. .. .. Marble in slabs, polialsed, eoloured.. Collection of New South Wales

aurbles, coloured C.lcueoas fraeatone--Oamaru stone White Jbarble. Casaell Sound Momt Somere building-ston&-

careous freestone Building-stone-basalt, Mount Eden

Marble, Haraia, coloured . . B-4-te, cape F&

vina Rqatanes, Ngalrawaax . . . . Slate .. . . . . Granite, ~ e s t & d . . . . Building-stonecalcareous freestone Slab of c o l o a d marble, South

Csnterbury Timaru Mawtone--dolerite .. Building-stone4careous freestone,


~nldiria'oa i . ~ a a e n b , Crude Rmk, G r a d , Sand, &c. .1. .I. Chig (Limited), A o c b n d John Wilson and Oo. (Limited), ~ u c k l & l

New Zealand Portland Cement Company L~ckland

( 3 m m o n d t h Portland Cement Com- pany. New South Wales

Milburn Lime and Cement Company . . New Zedand Prisons Delmrtment . . h JLc.&thur, Koiterangi . . . -

9. 9. . - -. Exhibition Committee, Reefton . . .Jam- .Jamieson, Westport . . . . WesepOrt Harbour B o d . . . .

*. -. -. Glenmore Brick .and Tile Company . . G. Gerrard, Snowdon . . . . Mr. C o l h , Huntly, Waihto . . . . Drury C'oal and Pottery Company.

Auckland Ditto . . . . . . . . C. J. Roberts, HoldtiIra . . . . E W. Pilcher . . . . . . Hoa J. McCawan . . . . . . Cairn* and JKcLiver . . . . . . South Cimterbary Committee.. . .

A + u b Silver medal.

Gold medal. 1. ..

speci5 award and gold medal.

Gold medal

Silver medal. Gold medal.

Silver mednl. Cold mednl.


Hydraulic lime . . . . Gold mednl. Win's Portlnnd cemi; and hy- ,.

draulii lime Collectire exhibit - - - - Exhibit of cement

Portland cement . . . . Hydraulic and other cements . . .. Limestone . . . . . . ,, .. burnt . . . . Silver medal.

9. . . . . . - Cold medal. Lime . . - . . . . , . Limestone . . . . . . ..

Rrick-clay . . . . .. Fireclay . . . . . . Brick-clay . . . . . . pipeday . . . . samples of iimGY . . . . Fireclay . . . . . . Sample of 6rebrick subjected to

3.000" heat for eight dnys Steatite -. . . . ,

Fireday - - . . -. 1. . .

Littao ~ u r h G k piphay, Knlaha, Sonth Cant~rbnG

Gold n f d ~ l .

9. .. Silver medal. Goid m&L

,- Silver medal. CnM medal.

Page 5: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

X- Exhibit. G. O ' U e y , 0th Weatlrnd . . . . Graphite . . . . Award.

. . Gold medal.

Under-Seaetary for Xbes . . . . Lithographic stone, Kaitaia Valley Gold medal. ., . . . - Chatham Islands ., . . G ~ ~ ~ ~ & sands . . . .

T. R p a n , ~ ~ v e r , ~ r ~ a l ; '~dnmbia C-dum sharpener .. Highli commended. D. Kennedy, Wainui . . . . ~iatomaceous earth, Ba&peninsula Silver medal

8 l d b d m l l . - J h d adW8. ~d l%lh -Md l w e . be- Potash Syndicate, New South Wales . . Potash manures . . . . . . Special award and

gold mednl. Thomson and Ca, Ihedin . . . . Wsirosgos mineral-water .. Gold medal. West Coast Court Committee . . . . Uineral-waters . . . . . . Ewing Phas hnte Company, D&din . . Mineral fertilising snbstances . . , .. B. ~ o t l e y $eadows, -hurclr . . ~ n - w e l l waters from various ..

depths (anal@)

SB~XIOX ~ - ~ ~ L L c F ~ Q I C A L P R O ~ l l ~ r r r .

Suhdiekion 2.-Pig Iron and S b d , A. ?Jew Iron nnd Steel Syndicate . . Products of the JIoore-Heskett direct Gold mednl.

pees fmm T t d im-d

Snbdi+n 3.--Copper in C&. Tilrs. kc . : Specimens iB~&hnh~nq Furious Stage8 of Manufrrclurc. Minister for Sorthern Territory, South Colq~r matte . . . . .. Gold medal. . .

Austmh L!oyd Copper Company (Limited) Bur- .. mptx . .

-Vev South moles GGG -Cobar Copper-mininp Synriicatc, ., .. . . . .

New South Wdea SnWiriaioR &-Tin. SicM, h i d , Zinc, k.

Sulphide Corporation (Limited), New Zinc and lead concentrates, zinc and Gold medal. South Wdes lead metd

Locke. Lqncaqter. mtl \V. \V. Johnson Zmc antimonial lead and virgin and Sons (Limited!. Lonrlon rcplter

e % ~ b d i ~ ~ n ' ~ ~ .i.-UUloy and Combined LIeUJs, &+-

BaIlinger &oa, Wellington . . . . Bullet-win? mixture of lend .md .anti- Gold medal. m"nY


John Shaw (Limited). Shee ld . . Exhibit of Uexible steel-wire r01les.. Gold medal. ,. . . Styl- \~-ir~ m p s for mining and shill- ..

P W M~lnn and NcC'ullongh . . . . C'bld-sariug mtchine . . . . S.

Keep - It - Dart CmM-mining ('omplny, Cdd trophy . . . . . . Beefton

Westprt Stockton Coal Company (Li- h o m o t i r e model con1 area. kc. . . -. mited)

Westport Cod Company (Limited) . . Esample of worm-place in corn- -. pany's mines, model of bridp and crate

Stat&~chaol scholars, Blackbdl . . Case of minerals . . . . *, M- Ryan, C'obden . . . . . . Gold-snring cradle . . . . Silver medal. T. Jones, Gm-h . . . . ., table . . . . ,.

Page 6: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

Hont d'Or Gold-mining Company. Ross Ross rnited C & - m 5 i Company . . F. J. Harrop, Hokitika . . . .

Department of Wmes, Ertoria

Bendigo Sebool of %. . . . . Ballarat Srhool of Xnes . . . . Department of Nines, Tictoria - -

Exhibit A r u d . Phota of State Colliery work at Highly commended.

R-nnen Pyramid showing output of gold . . Silver medal. Yodel of shaft . . .. Man of the wst coast ' if Midi; ..

&dad. showing location of etono- mic minerals

Models of original and upto-date Gold medal. gold-m;king plant at Bendigo Vic- tor*

Models of nuggets . . . . . * . . ~ o d e h 2 nuggets found at Poseidon, ..

Tamagdh, l-ktoria


F. E Faulding and Co., Adelaide . . Eucalyptus-oil . . . . Colonial Oil Company, Christcharch . . White Rose kerosene . . Cbptal l and (lo., Clvistehurch . . Lubricating-oils . . Price's Patent Candle Comlmy (Lmited!, ,. . .

Battemea, London. S.W. J. C nnd J. Field (Limited), Lambeth, Perftames. scents. ri om ad en,

Londnn, K E other toilet gOM1-- Terhnolgicnl JIuueam. S~dney . . C'oUertion of eurnly11t lw-oiis F. S. Cleaver and ,Son5, London . . Scents a d prfiames . . L S. Pirer et Cie . . . . . . ,- . . Tarannki Oil ('oml~ny, Sea- Plymouth Petroleum-oil . . . . .. . . . . LuLwicnting-oils . . Eagrne Rimmel (Limited), London and .%ta and ~rrfam- . .

Paris l%urmnh Oil Company, Glaspri xrnd L~~bricatinp.niI*

R;mgoon C~nurelmrr Comlmny (Linlltcd), Calcutta J. R. Bruce and Co., Timnru . . . . J o l m JIarinn Fnrinr . - . - \\-31ngan11i Nent-freezing (brnlxlny . . Thr -411strnliim Eucalyl~t IL* ()il ('omlmny Patterson. SIac!k, and ( '0.. I\-eIILwon . . -4. Mordoch and (lo.. DIIII&I -. .I. Snthan and C'Q., \Vebngton -. (!;mtcrbuq- Frnmn - meat and Ki-

product. filmt ( ' o m y ~ y (Limitml). L'l~ristchurch

A. \Y. Coleaaine, wn, SewlSouth \Vales

Commonacnlt h Oil Corlmmtion (Li- mited). Xew S o ~ ~ t h Wales

Ditto .. . . .. . .


Linseed-oil* . . . . . . Shar~n-crean~. harness-coml~o. boot-

ldirh Enn4e-Colo.p. . . -. Xeatdoot-oil . . . . . . E~~calyl~ti~..-oil and ~ ~ ) m l ~ r t s . . Sterling eacalyl~t us-oil . . hvendcr-water . . - - h a oil and olivc-nil . . .. Xeatrdoot-oil . . . . . .

Euca1ypt11~-estract and ~ I I R rolnl ilr oil

Pure pra5n-was cnndles -. Pure mineml lubricntinp-oil . .

Gdd medal. 9.

Silver medal. Cold medal.

Gold m d l . Highly commended. Silver medal. Gold medd. Silver medal. (:old medal.

F. R Fnuldinp nnd C'o., Adelaide . . Nilk-emlllsion . . . . Gold medal. ClvJnrtall and (lo., C'hristrhnrch . . Admiral brand laun* bilk - . .. .. *. . . Panui washiiflc~id . . . . .. $9 . . Darkie store-paste . . . . Silver medal.

,. ., . . Iinorub linoleum-polish . . . . 9.

-. Abbey boot-plish .. . . ~ h r i s t c h k h Heat (Limited). . Artificial fertilisers . . . . old h a l . Shynol Company, Tauranga . . . . Powder for ltdishii, p d riolet- Silver medal.

Page 7: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

Name. Exhibit Award. Ando-Continental Guano-works, London The " Ohlendorft" brand of fertil- Gold medal.

Rice's Patent Candle Company (Limited), Betterseq London

Puldn. Nes~, and Co.. D s r m n , Eng- Lml

J. C. and J. Field (Limited), Lambeth, London

R. h Dutton, duckland ' . . . .

. - . . G* w:Wilton, we&on New Zeaiand Pmrisicm and P d u k

Company, Christebmeh S. J. Evans, Dnuedii . . . . QuibeU Brog (Limited) ~ c D o u g d Bron.. ~innchester,.&hnd '

9. .. - - 9, 7. . - .. . .-

.I. Riirkitt, Lin\vMwl. .

E .%hering, Bcrlill . . E G. Lane, Oamaru..

W. E. Wood. Well i ion . . -. W. G w and ('0.. Dimedin . . . . .I. R. Bnice and Co., Timnrn . . . . Kclrindalc Chemical C'omyclnp, Timrnl .. .Teves's Snnitary Componnd C'omlmny . . W. EKinney, Linwood . . . .

C'hristcbwch Gas. Coal. and Coke Com- p y (Limited)

Clvcle and Jlotor Sunnlies [Limited),

isem Glycerine . . . . . . Thymo-cresol disinfectant Buid . . Antiseptic ammonia . . Red h o w oiniment, &r- .. Dingo eucalyptus-oil, No. 1 . ,.

No. 9 . . Dingo re&eg


-. . . 9 ,

Hand emollient Soda-crystal, chemical &nure, ..

phuric acid Tussicura, Asthma Powder, Witch's 9,

oil. Bc. Disinfectants . . . . . . 10-percent. carbolic-soap sheets . . Carbolic tooth-powder . . . . Non-poisonous purifier . . . . Sanitary Boor-polish and cleaning-

paste Karbo disinfectant . . . . Solii ble carbolic - mil phurous dia'i-

fectnnt pwder Fluid carbolnte . . . . . . Kudo germieiie fluid . . . . Kudo bacteria-pwder . . . . Snnitary pine disinfectant pwder . . h t i c i d c fitmers m d insecticide

sheets Insecticide garden and tree wnsh . . So. 4 notent carbolic-acid Uuid di

infec'tmnt I) per cent. carbolic disinfectant

p w d e r White oil. DeLisle Li~ttrell'r ~mtcnt

branding .md dehorning comp.. JL~gnctic (Imtment

Photographic chemicnlu . . . . Lane's Emi~lsion . . . . Dnigs and medicines . . .rodn-mgntnl . . . . Dkinfectant . . . . Kelvin boiler-composition Ph.-~m weed-killer . . Disinfectants . . -. Poiiltry remedies . . Liquid ammonii~. S p C. -880

Gold mednl. Sprinl award and

gold medal. Ditto. Silver medal. Gold medal. Silver medal. Cold medal.

Solomon Soliltion . . . . .- . * s el ling ton

A. Newcomb and Co.. Auckland . . Spink's plate-pwder . . . . Silrer medal. Day, Son. and Hewitt . . . . Animal medicmes - - . . Gold mdrl. Fern Stoot Company, Wang6nni . . Fern Stoi~t Tonic . . . . 9,

Kem~thome. Prosser. and Co. (limited) SemtvaIlo's Tonic . . . . ., ~antirbury F.JL and D.E. ~ompany . . Artilkkl manures, bonednst . . McDougall Brcrs., Xmchester. Engiand Collective display . . . . sFiZ award and

gold medal. N. C. h i , C'hrktahurch . . . . Eshibit of medicines . . . . Gold mednl.

Page 8: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

CLASS 3.-CHENICAL U d S t 7 F A C T G R E S - c o n t i r d . SUBDIVISIOX %--Soaps, &PIES, STBAEXXZ, PSUFFIK.

Hame. F. & ~ h d i n g and Co., Adelaide . . Firth Pumice Company, Waihto . . pears011 and ~o. . 18i];at0 . . . . Prim's Patent Cl;ldle Company (Limited:,

Battersea, England Parkin, Ness, and C'o.. Darlington, Eng-

land J. C. and J. Field (Limited!. Lembeth,

London Xen- Zealand Prorision and Produce Corn-

~mny, Cbrietchmh

F. S. Cleaver and Sons, Jlondon The B-ah Oil Company. Glasgow and

-ngoon Eugene Rimmel (Limitrd). London and

Paris J. R. Bruce and C'o., Timarn Hapw.ard B- and ((0. (~imited). &-

church Ditto . . . . .. . . . . *.

A. Yurdoch and Co., Dtmdin . .

John XCU&I and Sons, \fellhgton J I C D O ~ ~ I ~ B-, ~anchestpr, England- -

ExilibiL Solyptol map . . . . . . Pumicine sand-soap . . . . Sand-soap . . .. . . Candles. t a p s , toilet-soap, &e. .. Thymo-cml soap and thymic soap

(Oberon) Candles, soap, &. .. . .

Foap .. . . -. Display of soaps. oil. and glycerine

Soaps .. . . . . . . Para5 candles nnd w-ax . .

Sanolenr (snnitnry lirl~tid mnp) . . Starch and cxtntct of ronp . . hlenu, estrnct of .WIP or wnlc

~ r n ~ d e r r 5-h .. . . . . Waller PrPrervntire ... . . Tinet~~res and bay-ntm . . . . Horlaehold soaps -. - . ,r;,ps. kc. .. . . . . Licjraid roa111 or washin~-oil .. Patent carlmlic~ do~-ma11 . . Patent carlmlic ro;111 (8 IICT cent.

acid) \\l i te ITindwr mion11 . - -. b r b l i r toilet-walv (4 ~ w r cent. RP.

acid), supda t t -d Trol~icd son11 (111 lwr cent. B.P.

acid), sinprrfatted

Awuli. Silver medal. Gold medal.

s p c i i a d and gold medal.

Gold medal.

Special a d nnd gold medal.

Silver medal.

Gold medal. Special and gold medal.

Gold medal. *.

Silver medal. (Gold mednL

.. Special a d and

gold medal. Gold medal.

S~-BDI\ISIOX ~ . - B - ~ K ~ ? F ~ : - P o ~ E R s . ~EAsT-I'o\~IJER%. $ELF-RAISC~(; FLOuEt. BTC. S. Kirkpatrick and C'o. (Limited). Xel- Baking-powder . . . . . . Gold medal.

son C'hrpta11 and ('o. (Lim3ed). (+rist; Chef B r d baking-lmu-der -. \\-. Leslie, Sew South Wales . . . . Emcolsior baking-powder . . .. \T. Gcegg and C'o. (Limited\, h u e d i n . . Crown Brand babring-,u-1mwder . . . . . . ,. Starch. white; purr rice-starch, .-

coloured T. J. Edmonds, Chrktchnrch . . . . Baking-powder, e ponder, cuntnrd-

powder, and sek%iing flour

J. C. nnd J. Field (Limited), Lambeth, Tarnishes, enamels. kc. .. London

Pulver Pnmt and Silicate Company, Kew Pulver paint preparations South Wdes

Atlantic Refining Company. Cleveland, Brroelastic carbon paint Ohio, US.&

Paraffine Paint C o m p p . San Francism, P. and B. peemative T.S. A.

. . Gold medal.

. . Silver medal.

. - 9.

Page 9: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

CLASS 3.-CHEXICAL XALYUPACTURES-aoWtid Sw~n-mox 5 . - P w OP ALL K n m s - m u f i n d .

Same. Exhibit. A d \V. W a n d and Sons, Smrey, England Varnishes for coachbuilders and Gold medal.

decorative work Farquhar and Gill, Aberdeen, S o o ~ &n h r d aed metaIlic pint , --

enamels, stains, and dry ~ ~ l o u r s Jenson and Xichohn, Stratford, England Pets, enamels, deematire vvef-

Illshes, coachbuilders' and cabl- net-makers' varnish

V d h e s for house-decorators . . Locke. &ter, d \L $ K ~oh;t,n. Genuine white-lead and white-zinc,

London, RC. p o n d in oil k r a r a Paint Company, Ohio, U.S.d . . Camam ready-mixed p in t s of all

ldnds Suter, Hartman, and Rnhtgens Cornpi- Hartman's " Lncvelva " japan en- ..

tion Company, bndon amel sanitary paint Ditto . . . . . . . . Antifouling paint for ship' bottoms .,

** . . . . . . -. . . For the general excellence of exhibit ,, . . .. ,. -. . . Hartmans anticorrosive paint . . ..

Biturine ~ u f a c t ~ Company (Li- Biturine solution and enamel for Siver medal. mited), New South Wale interior of ship, &a

Jenson and Xicholson. Stnrtford, England The best collective exhibit repre- Gold medal. senting one trade, one h

QUBDIVISIOY ~.-SHXUSP-DIP~. Parkin. Xes, and Co., D d q t o n , Eng- Poisonous powder dip . . + .

h£d Ditto . . . . QuibeU. B- ( ~ i m i t s ) . . . .

. . . . .. K~luindale C!bemicd C ~ m p u ~ y , Timaru .. .* .I . . Jeyes's Sanitary Compound Company . . J. T. Thomas. Victoria . . . . Thomna Bigga .. . . . . Tho Chemical C-nion Company (Limited),

Il1wich, E n g l d Ditto . . . . . . . .

Xon-lmisono~ls fluid sheeldip . . Cattle and sheep d i p . . . . Powder dip .. . . . . Poisono~ui arsenic-sdphur l w t s dip Son-poisonous lwte dip . . Ciubolie non-11oirionotcs Uuid dip . . Pharos licltiid dip . . . . Powderdip .. . . . . Fluid dip . . . . . . . . . . . * ~ o i - k r rlip - - . . . . Disinfectants . . . . . .

Fertilkra . . . . Fison's pwcler dip . . . . Cdlecti\-e exhibit, slrecldila . .

W- Cooper and Nephews . . . . Poudcr dip . . . .

Gold medal.

~ ~ r c i i ~ sad gold lIl&ll.

Gold m+l.

Scaorvrsros 7.-Pmm-c, \ Tmxc , .rao C~IPITSG ISW. P. amI J. h o l d , London . . . . \ i i t e - i n k . liquid gum. office- Gold mnlill.

paste, sealing-war, Bc.

John Dznns. Glentrmnel . . . . Bricks, &in tilea end pipes, paving Cold ~uedaL and roofing tiles, pots, Sc.

Glenmore Brick and T i e Company. &kk-chy . . . . . . Christchmeh

Drnry Cod a d Pottery Company, A d - Fireclay beich, tiles, pots, rases, Cc .. bnd

Southland Brick Company, Invereargl Sand hricb . . Ilonlton and Co. (Limited), Larnbeth, Stoneware and ljbulton i r e

London .


Page 10: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

CLASS 4-GLASSWw POTTERY, ETC.-mdind SUBDIVISIOX Z.-Wolrcr, WEDCUOOD, Pumr IT- Brscar Warrmr, Eshibit. Doulton and CQ (Limited), h b e t h , Group of rases by 3Iias E Simmanee

h d o n Ditto . . . . . . .. G r o u p d v ~ b y F . k B u .. ., . . . . .. . . Group of rases, L'drt Nouveaa :

d e d p by F. C. Pope . . . . . . ~ m n p of c-, a[o.-esq~e, by ai. v. a f d . . . . Group of vases by F. E. Barlow . . . . .. . . Group of vases and bowls by Bfias H. B. Barlow . . . . Terra-cotta paneb by G. Tmworth

a& ~ u n d l ~ h , &A-y . . . . Plumbago crucibles . . . . Fresmsn Hines (Limited) . . Drainpipes with bituminous joints. . Bakewen B-, New South Gies . . Tiles, aanitsq ware, stonensre J. J. Creig (Limited). Aucklsnd . . Bricks. drain-tiles, va-, rooling-tilk;, W. ~~ Huntly, Waikato . . . . k h y . bricks. tiles. Cc. . . R 0. Clark, Auclrland . . . . Tiles. earthenware pipes, pot-stancls,

dic. Wunderlich Patent Ceiling and Roo- Rook-tiles, kc. ..

Cam y (Limited). Xea- &nth Wales ChrktcL Gas, Coal, and Cob Corn- Brrese bricks . .

F Y C-mh Brick Campaw (Limitd) Concrete draiul~illes . . . . H. B. lCirk, South Cante rb~h . . Drainpipes . - . . Oreymouth-Point Elizabeth Railway and Fireclay manuia%u- . . -. Coal bmpsny (Limited). Eellington

Inspeator of Risow Wellinptqn . . Bricks. terra-cotta flower-pts, 6gures Wm. Neighborn and Sons, \Valmangamn Red and white brieb . . . .

~~:.-m&inucd A d

Gold medal.

S~BDIVL~~OX ~.-XAJOUCA. \\'Eoc\wu. Pawvsr IilBE, BISCL'IT BE. Pm \ V m , C ~ Y I L J . PoEuXulX.

\V. L Baron, Devon, E n g b d . . Barnstaide wim -. . . Silver medal. Friedrich Goldwoheider. \*irnnn . . -4rt statuary and v- . . . . (;old ~nedal. Doulton and Co., hmbeth, Lodon . . Eshibit of chinil and tine eurthwwan: Slleckri a d and

gold maid. 7. . . &rie of rwe in ~ ~ l i r ' i i~nd cws- (;old medal.

hllinc. cffeets. )IF C'crtltbrt Bail$ 9, . . Gro~clh of II~~II~IICS, C. J. Koke unci

bV. G. H * b n .. . . CI-OII~I of vasm and plates, by D. Dcwlibluy

1. . . TIN Dank Vase and grot~l~ of v ~ , with painted kg, by Leslie J ohon

. . Groul~ of Royiti Do~ilto~t vases, landscape, b_r C H. Hoj~kins

.. . . Ditto, 1)s George I'hitc . . . . . . Xer W a n d vases and FmojD of

vases, by F. Haneoct . Alesandm vases and group of vases,

by E. Raby . . Tases. conventional, by F. A. Butler . . Enterprise &played in development award and

of cernmic art gold medal. Worcester Royd Porcelain Compnn>- (Li- Exhibit of china, fine earthenwarn, Gold medal

mited), Wmaster, Enpland and ritreous ware - Ditto . . . . . - . . Imperial vase . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . Figure, "Bather ~uqn&d," by

8 Thomas Brock .. . . . . of V W 6 by John S v . . . . . . - . Taws by H. Daris and \Y. Hawagins

Page 11: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

CLASS 4.4LASSWARE. POTTERY, ETt,-zoidimed. S U B D ~ ~ ~ I O X 2cJLuo~1ca. WEDGWOOD, P-r WARE, B m WARE, mc.--eolstinued

Name. Worcester Royal PorceIaii Company (Li-

mitted), Worcester, England W d e and Co., Hsnley, E n g l ~ d . . Tooth and Co., Woodviile, England . . Jasiah W e d g w d d Sons, Stoke-on-

Trent, IkIand William Ault, &nton-on-Trent, England

Eshibit. Sct of three vases

W. Hawkins

Wedpood ware

Art pottery . .

Award. Gold m&L

SiIver medal.

Gold Gedal.

Silrer medal.

B a k e d Bms., New South \\'am . . Domestic earthen- . . .. Sirer medal. Borgess and high, England . . . . TJseful and ornamental earthenware 9.

Re& Faugier snd Co., Limoges, Fraace Unminite ware . . . . .. S U B D ~ X O X t - J I x u ~ o ~ . Pum, AXD WIYDOW G u s . TOUGBEYED G u s .

Lyon. Cottier, aad Co., New South Wdea Stsined -glass windows, decorative Cold medal. tr'PQ-h

F. Ahwin and Co., New South'ITale . . S M - g l a s s window . . . . It

Smith and Smith, Christehurch . . Stained-@WE windows, eelesiastid 19

a d domestic deeigns Bradley Bros., Christehurch . . . . Stained - glrrss windows, leadlights, ,.

glass-emlmssii KayU and CO., ducldand . . . . Stained-glass window . . . . 9 ,

SCBDX\~~IUY %-- AXD GLASSU'AFUL V.ncs LUrd R w , New South \Tales . . Fruit-preserving jars, ner~tcd-water Silrer medal.

bottles. and others A. 3. Zcch, Sydney, New South \Tales.. Actiitic Bohemian glass . . . . Special award

gold medal. Herbert Seaton, W e l l i n . . . . Cilwngm\-ing . . . . Silt-er medal. Uellin's Food Comp~ny. London, Eyland Feeding-bottles . . . . . . Carl Schappell, Germany . . . . Glassware .. . . . . (hld medal.


T. Lowes. -bhhurst, 3[anawatu . . Three inlaid tablatop and tray . . Silver medal. Jlillar's \Vest Austmlinn Hamla-4 C'om- Patent casy-chair of jamh . .

lwny (Limited), C%ristchun.h Shal11;mnd atul Petter (Limited), Barn- Sideboards, wbinetr . . . . Gold mcdzkl.

staple, Englzd C. and R Light, London . . . . Dining-room furniture . . . . Silrer medal. Alfred Goslett and Co., London . . Writing-tables,, and P

sideboard Smith and Cirnghey (Limited), duclrlanl Easychsirs . . . . . . A. J. \\%ite, ~hristchurch \va~nut s i ~ ~ . - . . C O I ~ ;6&~ \V. Sttr- and Co. (~imit&), L . - Complete bedroom in oak, at+ new

church - Ditto . . . - . .

The England Works, L d s . England H. 3. W e e h (Limited), Chistchurch W. Birch (Limiw, England . .

quiimt a g ~ Drawinp-room complete, Lou& S V

style - Set e a s y - s ~ ~ chairs . . . . complete bedroom, mabogmy inlaid

with satinwood style Sheraton Dining-mom complete, walnut. style

English Renammnce Hsll furniture, styIe Old English . . Dining-mom complete, fumed oak,

old Dutch JIetdic hat and cont mck . . ow-furniture . . . . . . S r n 0 t e - c ~ .. . . . .


Page 12: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged


Same. Dannevirke Co-opmative hmiation . . Fleming and Son. Nelson Drapery and General ~mpo&Cornp""~,

Chrbtchnrch J. Ra&litT, Sonth Cante rbq W. strange and CO. (Limited), d

church Dim .. . . . . . .

.. -. \V- S t ~ w w d CO. (IinlitA),

chnrch Ditto .. . . . . . .

ErbiW. Wardrobe .. .. Inbid table-top and tray Collective display, furnitwe

Bedroom suite in oak . . Nantelpiece. .. . . Dining-room suite . . . .

cabinet a d cosy comer (:& i i e b n r d . . . . . . Complete dining-room . . .. IAUisXTfmnitme .. . . Settee and arm-chnir . . . . C'oll~cti\-e disphy of high-class furn:.

tnm Artistic di?il~lax of furniture . .

A d . Highly commended.

Gold & Silver medal.

Gold medal

Gold Gedal Silver medal Special award and

gold medal. Gold medal

A h k and Co., Wellington . . . . t a b l e . . . . . . Slmial award and gold m d d . . . . Dining-room Iiillinrtl-table . . Gold medaL

Heiron and Smith. Srw Sonth 1 V b . . Rlackr-ood Lianl-table . . . . 1Tright. Ranish. and C'o.. 1Vclliqton . . Klli.d-tnble . . . . . . Silver medal.

. . Patent dining-room hlliad-tnblc . . ~ u t i h p n n k d ~ u . . * ~ ~ t r h u ~ h . . l<illinrd-table . . . . . . ., n . . Patent dining-room billiard-table . . Ciuld n~rd:~l.

('. \\'hitfield, ('luistchurch . Hamilton and Co.. Lomlou . .

Honting and Co. (Limited), Mnncbarter, England

Ditto . . . - -. -. Hidmll and lSdmlI, -Asminster. England Knpai Corn Broom ('ornltuny (Limid).

Aucbnd Su-eelnll Broom Conlppmr . . . .

Piltrat floor-cleaner . . B ~ s h ~ m fur bonrjc and

painters, artists, and decorators

Corn h m r . . , . Honwhold hshwmw . . High-clan toilet hsl~tr i l rc Corn brooms . . . .

Cummcndd Special a w n 1 and

gold tu'dul.

. . Gold medill.


C. 11-hittield, Chrk-%chnrch . . .. Stcam cooker .. . . . . Highly commended. C'. Clark, G%ristchuwl~ . . . . Copper register grates .. . . S 8. 11-hite Dentill Jlwufacturing Com- Hamnlond's lmrcelain furnace, with Gold m&

piin?'. Philadelphia, U.S.A. attached ~ v m e t e r Cbudios .Ash, Sons, and b. (Iimited). Platachnk prcelaii fnrnacc., and ..

London, England other denral aplf nnoes H. E. Shacklock (Limited). Dunedin . . High-class ranges . . . . Colonial Oil Company, Christchurch . . Heating and cooliin? stoves . . Beetall h u f a c t o ~ Company, \Vest Crownallgs-heatedlanndry-iron . .

Bromwich. Englad Ditto .. Gesfler .. . . . . Silver medal. ~hhristchnrch~as, C&l, snd Chic ('om- Y, . . . . . . 93

paw (LimiM) Ditto .. . . . . . . The Perfection vater-heat gas cook- Cold medal.

S Luke and Co., \Vebgton . . Brinsley and Co., Drmedin . .

i n p - q . . C o o ~ - r a ~ . . :? . . - - Champion- . . . . ~il,-er"rn~

Page 13: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

CL.- 6.-HEATLXG AND LlGH!JX-Y(i A P P ~ T U S - - c o n f i n d

xuoe. Exhibit hdmw Ja& and Son, Palmerston Xorth Campletems of plant and lighting

eEckney of the Jack gaslight Donald and Soas ( X ~ t e d ) , Nnstertan.. Simplicity of design of the Standard

hollow-nire lighting s-pte n New Zealand Kitson and Cleneral Eghting Simplicity of appmratns and e5cienq

Company (Limited), \Velhgton of light New Zealand Tventieth C'entw Gaslight Compkteness of design and efficiency

Company (Limited). Wellington of light The General Gaslight Company, Michigau, Superior quality of workmanship, ex-

C S A . callent desigs and peat. lighting &ciency of the Humphrey d e s - - are gas-lamp

The Christahmch Gas, Cod, and Coke Escellent general ay of light- Company (Iimitd) ing, cooting, and "%' eating app-

Arud. spscia c r w d a d

gold mdd. .Silver medal.

Gold medal.

Specid award and gold ImxLlL

Edhburgb Hoprie and Sailcloth Vom- Sail-canvas, binder-covers, u-ater- Gold nl&L lranp (Limited), Leith, ~Swtland proof corers, tarpaulins, chemical

raterproof Samuel Peach md Sons, Sottkhnm, Lace curtains . . . . 9.

England Fergw"on Bnx (Limited), Cadisle. Erg- bngcloths, calicoes, I t a h cloths, lsnd cotton d r e ~ ~ - h h p , tailors' h h g

Pnlleson a d Co., Timaru . . S r q u e e garden tent, llell tent . . Highly cornn~ended. John S. Brown md Sow ~ e & , Ireland Iinen cLamrurks, taw-cloth-s Gold m d . . . " , Eand-dram m d embroidered limn **

tea - cloths, sideboard - cloths, Dachesse covers, tmy-cloths .. Shamrock linen hemstitched and Commmded. fringed huchback towels .. .. Hand-dram and embroidered linen Highly commended and lam handkerchiefs ,. .. .. Fine and medium linens, dirpcrs, Commended. hmc

Pallesun atrd ('0.. limaru . . . . Xodel tents, horsecovers . . Highly eom~ucndcd. Jlorgan and Po., Damcirkc . . . . Hay and stma stack covers . . Commcndd Yidland Shad and Hosiery Cornlay, Shnwls and hosiery . . . . Highly commended.

SCBD~~SIOS 2-T-s AXD Wo~srnrr Kair~mi \\-oollen Manufacturing Com. \ \ -ooh yams . . . .

pans, Christchnrch South h t e r b u r y Woollen-mills . . 9. . . . .

. . Gold mcdaL

. . Silver medal

SFBDI~IOS ~ . - \ V ~ ~ L L E K S , T\vmws. SEBOES, BISBETS, RUGS. RC tiaiapoi \\'wllen Manufacturing Company Blanket woven by Mr. Xatthew Gold medal.

(Limited), ~ n r c h Fowlds, of Iiilrnnmock, in his hundredth year

Ditto . . . . . . . . WooJlen dresF-@ .. . . $I

9. . . . . . . . . \rorst.ed suithp . . . . Silver medal .. . . . . . . . . Rugs and mauds . . . . Special award and gold medal.

. . . . . . .. All-woolshirtinp . . . . Gold medal -. . . .. . a .. flannels . . .. Silver medal .. . . . . . . . . .. blankets . . .. Special a d and gold medal.

. . Tweed-mannfadure .. . . Ditto. &th ~anterurg when-mi i i . .. w o o k drpos gwds .. .. ~ i l v e r medal. .. .. All -dsht ings - - - . Highly commended.

Page 14: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

a-0. ~ t n t . Wellington Woollen-man- Corn- Worsted dress goods P Y ( U t e 4

Ditto . . . . . . . . . eth@ .. . . . . . . .. Rugs and ma& .. . . . . . . -. m-ml danga 9. - * . . . . . . .. lhmels ,, . . . . . . -. blanketsts .. -. . - . - .. ~&--afactm

Aw6d. .. special award gold medal

. . Ditto.

. . Gold rnedaL . . Siiwx medal . . Gold medal . -

. . silver'*meaa


SUBDIVISIO~~ &am. ~ O L E U X S , AND O D . Parnffine Paint Company, Ssn Franch, Excellent wearing @ties, malthid Gold m e w

U.SA floorcloth B-, Odere, and Shepherd (Limited), Linoleums . . . . . . ..

Iirrkcddy, Scotlend Norton and Soas, KidaP ' ' , Eng- Carpets, mgs . . . . ..

laad Thomas Bond, Worth, and Co., fitompart, . . . . . . . . . . Highly commencled.

J k w d \V. Strange and Co. (Limited). C'hrist- For excellent wearing qualities of oak Gold medal.

church floor-aovering


J. R. Gaunt ;mndSum (Limited), Birming- Cup, helmets, buttom, hdgw, kc. Gold medal. hmb Enslond

P. Robert. Pdmerston North . . David Jones (Limited), Sew Sonth Rde~ JIabel Beatrice Moore. ,Yew .South \Tides

I iqiapi \Vwllen Cornpay (Limited), C'luiatchmh

Ditto . . ArcMlu~ld 'i'lark and ~onr"(Limitccij,

AucMiwd Jcimcky, Low Caldw~U, and Uu., Auck-

Embroidery nnd reg*lii . . . . Embroidemd qa l i i r . . . . Am~stnIi~m coat-of-arms, gold-bullion

emllroidery Rcndy-mndc clothing, mimilitary cloth-

ing Shirts, ppj;itnns, colLlrs . . . . White and falncy ahirtr, cullurn and

pylamas Shirts, white tennis It)rlng, kc. ..

Special o u r d iu~d gold medal

Gold 1ndi1. S l~c ia l sward ;mud

gold n ~ d e l . C:oId metlal.

l*lnY. Ii;~iitln~ \ V w h Company (Limitd). Tweed c;lp and hats . .

Clvistchurch S U B D I ~ O X 1-\\'ATBRPSUOF CLVIWSC.

~luloaial Jkuufactmuing COUI~U~II~, Clwkt - Oilskin clothi~tg - . church

SUB~IVISIO~ 3.-IAaorsa Cto~ursc.

. . Cold m d t L

. . Silver medd.


Jnmes Cun~n~inri, Aahb~utou . . . . Ladies' o d d tidoring . . . . Gold medal. X i .I. :mud E Charles, Cluistchwh . . Garments (drwscs) miide IJF 11ul1ila of Silver m&l.

the Lnger School of Dress-cutting 'rhc Kaiipoi \Vooll~m C'ornpny (Limited), La&' caatumcs and jackets . . Gold medd

Cldstchurch London md American Tidoring Compmy, Tdor - made ladies' garments (be- Highly commet~detl

AucWand spke) U Leah Roberts, Christchurch . . Specimen of work by pupils of the tt

Imperial School of Dress-cutting Maeky, Logan, Caldwell, and Co. .. Ladies' underclothing .. .. Gold medd. IVell i ion Woollen-manufachuing Corn- ,, coatumea nnd jackets . . Silver medal.

1-Y W. Stnng and Co (Limited), C'hrist- Three tailor-made costumes


Page 15: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

S U B D ~ O E ~.--C~BSFZS, llmasm~, HOBEBT, m Nune. -bit Award.

Broderick and Ca, Wellington .. P.D. corsets . . Gold medal Helvetia Ostrich Company, AucUand . . ostrich-featks~madc nl;j . . R o b e r t E l s t o n , ~ a r c h .. . . Brasene and he-silt work .. Co-endd C. A d a m W- . . . q .. . . . . Gold medd Kaiapoi \TooUen - manufacturing Com- Hosiery . . . . . . .I

pany (Limited), Ciuistchurch W d h g t m \Voollen-manufacturing Com- ,, . . . . .. Silver medaL PY

Sw~nnsxox ~.-L-XBBELLS, SZTSSHADES EX G. C. Vear and Sons, Chriskhurch . . P-Is and umlnenas . . . . Gold medal.


Ronald Badger, Chrktahorch . . British-made diilries as advertising Sivm medal. utilities

G and C. Merriam Compan J , New South IFebaer's International Dictionary Gold m d . wslss

C'hriachurch Press Company (Limited) Specimens of grinted boob nnd Silver medal. p"F Whitcornbe and Tomb (Limited), Christ- Sllectmens of ltrintcxl books and Gold meiltl.

church palms and S c o Zdmd di&es Raplure1 Tuck ancl Sons (Limited), Juvenile gift-books, kc. . . . . ,.

London Ditto . . . . . . .. P o s t 4 imd C ~ ~ c a F d s . . ..

S U B D I ~ ~ ~ O S 2 S m m - s OF RVLLVG ASD RISDIXG. H. I. Jones and .Son (Limited). \Vmganai Ruling ilnd bi-ndlng . . . . Silmr d n l . Whitrombe a d Tomb (Limited), C'hrist- . . . . Ould mdal. '

church Christchurch Press Corulmy (Limited) .. . . . . Silver mcdal.

S U B D ~ I O X Q.-~ETs OF AL~UL-ST-~OOKS. H. I, Jones and Sow (Limited). W v u i Sctr of n t . c o a n t - h . . . . Silver mc&l. \i~l~itcombe and Tomla: (Limited), C ! i Account-books . . . . . . Gold mdal.

church Christchurch F h s ('omlmq- (Limitcd) . . -. . . Silver m c d d

Sew Zealnnd Paper-mills, Matanra . . \Vn1lq6tg-lmlm and paper Imp . . Cald m d d . Horacc J. \Vw:b (Limited), Clrriclt.chmch Palm bags . . . . . . Silver medal. .. I, <'ad- hscs -. . . Gold medill.

SGBD~SIOS 5.-hlXTlX~, \\--c, AXD DEAY\TSC PAPERS ; T u c ~ l r - c - ~ ~ ~ i ~ h ' ; TISSIIE-PAPE~, ETC

John Sands. New South \Vales . . Tin and metal printing . . . . Gold medad. \k%iitcombc cmd Tomb (Limited). C'kr ' i Lithgral~hir. a ~ ~ d I c t t q ~ ]Hinting ..

church and coplrqdate engraving


J. C. nnd J. Field (Limited), Lamb& Sdiugwrts . . . . . . Silver medal. London

Son - smut Carbon Mannfacturing Com- Son-smut c n r h papers. . .. pany, Rocbesku, Sew Pork, U . S k

S t o h b e r g Patent File Company (Li- S t o h b e r g i i h g system.. .. - - - - - mited), fandon

Whitambe and Tombs (Limited)..Chr'i Fountain-pens, " The Swan " . . Gold medal. e h h

Terex, Barker, and E"mlay (Limited!, Filing and record qmtems . . .. Wellington

Ditta . . eum~ roll-top and flat-top &esl;s . . D. Craig and Co., &ureh' . . ChmmerciaI stationery . . . . ~ilve;'meaal

Page 16: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

CLASS 9.-PBLYTLNG, STATIONERY, En'.-wwtincrcb S C B D ~ O N 7--;lansrs' HATEEIALS, Comws, BBCSSES, m. Name. Exhibit. Awud.

Winsor and Xewton (Limited), Lo~ldon Artists' materials, colours, brushes, Gold medal. crayons, ke.

Hemilton and Cam, London . . . . Mts' materials and brushes . . SpeciPl award a d gold medal.

J. R Gaunt and Son (Limited), B i i - Swords of all kinds . . . . Gold W. ham

\Viiam Cashmox, Birmingham . . Double-bamned breech-loadingshot- .. - v

Birmingham Small-arms Company (Li- &-rifles . . . . . mited)

Ahcoa Committee, X.Z.LE. .. . . Exhibit of ey,uipment of B X S . " Britomart

Colonial Ammunition Company (Limited), Eshibit of complete process of manu- Anchlsnd facture of shot-catdge

Eley Bros. (Limited), London . . Soliddrawn cartridges . . . .

k A. Jfivks. Xew Ymk, USA. ' . . Artitkin1 limbs . . . . . . Gold medal. S. S White Dental Manufacturing Corn- Dental a p p l i . . . . .,

p n y , Phihddphia. US.& Ditto . . .. instruments . . . . .. claudius -bh. ~ons.'jnd CO.' iLimited; ., .. . . . . ..

London, Englsnd Ditto . . . . -. . . . . forceps and accessories ..

~ U B D I \ % ~ V S ~-P~UR~LICELTICAL ~ S R L C Y ~ T Y .

Ceocgw \V. \Vilton a d Co. (Limitd), Phumlilceuticd instruments ad Gold medal. Wellington balances


Richalnl Hay, Sddon, JIadbocolyh . . Patent ;ranger for bciq Ld rlay Silver medal. and papr cock

. . Model ~ i lo~yh , dccomted home-shoes (;old md;~l. T. R. hli, ~he&ld .. .. .ktirranx' took .. . . . . 19

ELut JIanufRcturing C'ampny. Cleve- Staarliud duplex stocks ;and dies . . .. land, U.Sd.

Simons IXadwant Company, St. Iauis, American exhibit, artisam' tools . . Silver medal. U.S.A.

\CCC tiilpin. .sen.. and C'o. (Limited), Can- Engliih exhibit. artisans' tools . . Special award and nock. E n g h d gold medal

Domild imd Sons (Limited). Masterton.. Eshilit of hzrk-eyc nmncl~ . . SilvePmectzl. Alldnys and Onions, Biminp;h..m, England Enpineem' smirll tools. kc. . . Cold medal. Pentridge Penal Establishment, Victmia Took r d ironwork made by prison .,

labour Jonns and b lver (Limited), SheBjeId. Enginecnr' tools and tool-steel . . Silver medid. w

C. \Yh:-tchouae und Co.. Cmmock, England. Exhibit of a r t W tools. . . . Gold d t L Spear and J a c k She5e4d. England . . ,. . . . . ,. William Marples a d Ca, Shefikl, Eng- . . . . ..

land Wells Bras Companp, Uass, U.S.A. .. . . .. L S. Starrett and C'o., Aahd. U-LA. .. .. . . T

Rrowne and Sharlle llanufactucbg Com- . . . . p y , Rovidonee. RL. U S A G W. hymond, \TiCrn~ . . . . t V d and steel boot-lasts, and cutters Silver medal.

Page 17: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

S U B D ~ O S ~A~TL~BY. Xuoe Exbibit. A r r r d .

Seedham. reall, and Tpu& SIreffield, Cutlery . . . . .. Goldmedal England

T. R Ellin SheUield, England . . Cutlery for painters and fnrriers . . Silver medal. Raason Bms.. &&Id. w a n d . . Cntlery . . . . . . ,. G. T. Smith, Dawerirke . . . . Cheesecutters and delirev-boxes.. .-

SL-BDI~XSXOX ~.-HOLLOK-W~BX AXD T o r w a s Morgan and C'o., Dannevirke . . . . Milk-cans . . . - . . Priest and Holdgte. Ti- . . . . Tinware and ropper-ware . . Taylor and Onklrr, C'hristchurch . . Galranised-steei hollow-ware . .

S ~ B D I ~ O J ; 1 - ~ X A J I E S T A L (:AsTISGS.

H. h l i e Friend, AucHanrl . . . . Steelonite embossed steel for decora- t ion

ChUett and Son, Dannerkke . . . . 1-arioas designs oi ornamental cnst- inps .. . . . . Double-hinge snatch-blocks for log- hauling pur~wrse~

The lr~mderlich Patent C'eilinp and Roof- Embossed steel and zinc plates for ing C o r n p n ~ (Limited). X.S.T. Irousedecoration

Silver medal

spcisj' a d gold medal.

Gold medal

Silrer medal.

Gold medal.

Special a d gold medal.

S~BDIWXOX S.-Smm. KALS. S m m . LOCIZS, PTLLE~B. ETC. The Patent Indmtcd Steel Bnr ('ompiing Indented ntwl k s allldicablc to all Cold med;rl.

(Limited!, London. England y t e m a of reinfomd-concrete ron- strurtjon

C. Bergemon. Palmerston Xorth . . Patent nash-fastener . . . . New Eslmnded Metal ('omlmny (Limited) Exlnrnded stiterl for roncwtr nnd 11Ins-

ter wort Robert McEhn and Co.. Lolldon . . Mortise la-ks and door finger-l~lntcs ,.

and handles J. ('. Daridaon. hnnerirke . . . . Snatch-Mwb for log-hauling pur- Silver mrdnl.

1- R~iller and Inangahua Court ('ommittm Patent sash-fastener. cupboad-turn, .,

door-fastener. snfe-latch Edward Showell and Sons (Limitd), Exhibit of I~mra-formdry used in Special award

Biiminyhnm ronntnrrt ion gold mcdal. Rradlry Hros.. C'hristchurch . . . . Mt~ltifiex reinforced window-lead Gold medaL

calmer Saqood. Son. .and Ewen, Chistchurch.. Lorie's patent window-fastener . . .. Exr~~nded Metal Engineering Con~pnny, Expnded steel for concrete and Silver medal.

Xew Tor& C.S.S. plaster work Imlmrial Bedstead Company, Smeth- Bedsteads . . -. . . ..

Englmd SCBDX~SIOS ~.-PL~-XBEB.S* =D ~ ~ ~ F ~ T T E U . ' HARDWARE. SHIPS' H ~ R D w A B H , S~DDLPBS'

HARDWARE. ETC. T. R. Ellin. Shefiield . . . . Kits of tools for motors and cycles.. <;old medal. Blockley and Liiington, Palmerston Improved ventilator and rhimney- ,.

North lmt James Holms. jun, InremmgiM . . Patent spreader clasp . . . . S-vdney Technical ('allege. S.S.K. . . Students' wort in plrimbing nnd en- Special award

gineering classes- G. E. Crane and Sons, X.S.T. . . Sheet lead, lead pipes, and stamped

steel sheets for ceilings and rans Locke, Lancaster. and IT. IT- R. Johnson Sheet and plate lead and zinc stencil-

and Sons (Limited), London metal William Cook and Co. (Limited!, ,She&Id Machine-made horse-shoes . . BaUiwr Bros., Welington . . . . Wade's patent skylights, spouting,

lead &rip, and plumbers' fittings . . . . Lead pipes in lengths and coils . .

MO& and Co., ~a-virke . . . . Beaten lead-work . . . . Penders. Tictoria . . . . . . Horse-shoes and horse-nails . .

gold medal. Cold medal.





Page 18: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

S W D I ~ N ?.-G~GVL- IROS. Name. Exhibit.

Humphreys Limited. London.. . . Corrngpited iron . - John Summers and Sons (Limited) . . Gelvanbed iron . .

A 4 . . Gold medal. . . Sivor medal.

F. W. Bursill, S d d 1 . . Pstmt gate, fencing - posts, and Gold m d . svinsers

Jamcs Hamilton. Wi ton . . . . Mid didkg sheep-fence . . S i medal. J. X a t h and Co. (Limited) . . . . l?encing-Vire and staples. . . . Gold medal R. Johnson and Xephew (Limited) . . ,. I, . . . . ,,

S~~DIVJSIOX ~ . - W U ~ V O B X OP ALL m a Von Sienkowsti and Co. . . . . Wirework of all kinds . . . . Gold meda.


W i n and Stockall. Bury, Englrrnd . . Brongham ambulaaeo . . . . Gold medal-

Prkm Department, New Zealand . . --cut mado in Lyttelton Gsol . . Commedd W. Bath, InveTcsigill . . . . Gqg, ronnd-aorncred body, potent Gold medal.

d c . nibbur ticc Triggs and Denton, Christcharch . . M c M n m y ' s m c i n g ~ e s , dog-arts, ..

LC S i n s Deprtnlent, Xew Zerlsnd . . Two-whce1c.d vehicles . . .. Commendd


E. Repoldti and Co. (Limited), \Veiling- H u b and bb . . . . . . Cold nredal. ton

Ditto . . . . . . Budge-Whitworth bicyc.lts Swift Cyclt Company (Limitd). Coventry, Swia bicycles . . . .

E n g h d Adam (Limited). Christch~mh . . Collectim cshibit, bicycles Hnmber (Li~i~tcd), Notts, England . . H~~ulber bicyrlw . . Trininph -10 Coinpcmy (Limited), Bicycles a d motor @CY

Coventry. England Endie J L a u ~ r f ~ h ~ Com1mp (Limitrd), Star bicyclur . . . .

Birmingham, Englnnd Birmingham Snlal le~ns Cun~pny (Li- Parts of cp lm . . -.

mit~xl), England Ditto . . . . - - . . Bicyclcs . . Cpelct sncl Jlotor S~tpplir* Cbnaliany Rover bicycles . . . .

(Lisiitnl). il'ellington

. . Silver nudid,

. . Gold mt&

.. Slrnid aaard gold mc*.

. . Cold medd.

. . Silver nmkL

S w ~ n - ~ s r o s ~ . -PSXW~B~L~TOB~. BATH =D OTHER IS\-NJD C m m s James Cles, C!ritiichureh . . .. Pcrambiilatotlr . . . . . . Gull d L - - . . bA Limited. lGnodin . .

- h s Motor - manilfaaturiq Compnp JIotor-cam . . . . . . Gold mrdal. (Lin~ited), Coventry. Eughnd

Adnm L i m i t 4 C m h u r c h . . . . Collective esbibit, motor-cern . . Special award and gold medal.

Hnmbor Limited, Xotts, England . . Hnmber motor-cars . . . . Gold medal. Swift Motor Comnanv lLi~nitnll Coven- Swift motor-cers . . . . ,. . . -

try, England A d a m Liluited, Cluiatchurch.. . . Collective cshibit, Ta lb t motor-can, Special award and

gold d

Page 19: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

Nuna Erhibit. Clement Tabot (Idmited),LanQn .. Yotor-crrr~ .. . . Mbems Yotors (Limited). h t w e r ~ and ?kkerva motorcars . . J. b (Limited), B ' i h a m , England Allby end Onions, B i i m . England &ott Motor m d Cvcle Compsny (Li-

mited). Wellhgtm- Rangor Notor Company, C h r i h m c h . . BLaycs and Lmgdown, Chr:stchurc:h . . Cycle and Motm Snpplies (Limited),

Wellington Dexter and Ckozier (Limited). Aucklad Jones and Sons, Haniings . . . .

h m p . &., for motor-cars AbtOrcaTs .. . .

99 . - . . Dcnnisluotor- .. .. &lid tires for motor-cars end )ilmrc

WJle@ls for motorears Motor-awoebe . . . . . .

G. W. Wihon md Ca (Limited). Wel- lington

X(tw South Wdm h n d s Dqartment . . E J. F o r k . We11ington . . . . C. I% Gilby, Christchureh . . Internationd Com1wndencr Schooi;


A n u d . . Gold medal. . . 9,

3Iotoroam .. . . . . WoLelsy-Siddt*Jp motor-ears . .

Ditto - .. .. . .

k Hmking. Mount Eden . . .. Stim- &611d Eduo;ltio~~ Dqtsrtment . .

., . - h'orth Csnterbnq- mueation Board . .

Apparat~m for ncienae d~<ses . . B E s p and dicagm~ . . . . Sehod-firmitnre sul~plic-s . . System of corresporlclenw 1enrion.s . . Ttdmical iavtrndion by cnrmlwnd-

me0 Sy.*om of wll~ation for w~gc.-eerncrs System of teaching forcign l a n p ~ a p

by phonogral~h Technicad 1111Miaatiom. kc. . . Whole display . . . . . . S-wtcm of teaching the art of admr-

tising Tellurian showing 1 1 h w of moon.. Photygq~hs of ducation el>pliances

in Gcrnlany Pl1otogra1~hg, cdneation al~l~liancen in

J ~ F Photcqpl~lw. cdncation al~l~liancen in

Fnited States of dnlcrira FAurntional nppliinees, d s b , hkklr-

IIoarcLv. h. G e n d . . -. . .

Gold medal. High@ commend&

Silver n~clsl.

Gold m d d Specirl award and

gold medal.

Klghly commended.

sl&k award and gold nli.dal.


Highly conmcdd.

CLASS 1;3.-SCIEXXIFIC mSTRL31ESTS, G. EL Zeal, Lnndrtn . . . . .. " Repello " clinical themlon~cter, Sjwid a m r d a d

"Ascetic " clinical thermomctar, gold rnw rcgiqtered index prlidr

G. Pi'. Wilton nncl Co. (Limited), Wel- Acid-pipette for Bsbcoek tr-st . . Gold m d l i q o n

Ditto . . . . . . . . ,411alyticsl balsnws and apllsrrtnrs ,. for chemicd investigation find resesrch .. . . . . . . . . Pharmaceutical instrnments and balances

El&& and Ordnanec Accmimies Shortdistance telg,hones . . Cbmpony (Limited), Birmingham

Roils Limited, London . . Optical @, &. Mines Department, Xew &d . . Metallnrgicel laboratory 'shd equip-


Page 20: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

Name. John Brimmed and Sons, Loadon . . Miher and Thompson. chistchurch . .

Beale and''&. (Limited). N ~ W Sou; W h

lhmden Piano Company, C!hxistehnrch 9. .. .* . .

Be~g and Co.. Dunedin 7 2 .. 7.

Karl Eaake concert p n d . . Bliithner pianos. . Pleyel boudoir grand, -Louis

stple Collective exhibit . . . . Beale-Vsder patent iron wrest-pled

Two-nand reed orgcn . . Collective exhibit of pianos and

Mgans Schiedmayer boudoir j p n d . . Colonial-made pisnos . . Couective aispby of musical inst;

menu Chappull &by p n d .. . - Apllo grand-piano pls y(tr . . Cruson p i p organ . . . .

A d . Special award and

gold medal Gold 4 Giver medal. Gold medad.

Silver m e w ,, ?,

Hawkes and Sons, Engknd . . . . Collection of brass and wood wind- Goid medal. instrurnelIt5

b y and Co., Londnn . . Collcetion of wood and brass instm- .- merits used in band snd orchestra

s, . . fiaallence of individd b~ i m - ments

. . Escellence of individual wood wind- ,, iwtnlments

. . In~l~rove~ucnts in the by-action of Slwcial award m~d clkionettes gold ~nedsL

. . Cor~~pensation-vel\rcn of bras9 instru- Ditto. nlent-. . . &nd-instrutncnts . . . . Gold medal.


J. Williamson, Wilding . . . . Violii and case . . . . Silvcr medal. J. C Cameron and Sons, Clmistch-h. . One violin hand-carwd' b3ck oil- Cold medal.

rarnished 1. .. . . For tone of four violins, hand-made ,,

mud oil-varni.'ihed 9. .. . . For best collective display of string Special award and

in.stn~menhu gold ~uudal " . . Fur one 'cello, oil--rni*hrd . . Silvw medal.

E b w b and'bn . - . . String in.*~~ments . . . . Highly commendd. egg and CO., on& . . . . \~oloncello by ~egsni . . . . old mcdel .. .* . . . . K o h by Deguzi . . . . Silver medal. .. .. . . . . T m violins by Whitmarsh . .

n . . .. S r r o f t u b ~ l a r b e ~ .. . . G o l i ' 4 .. . . . . Four violins by W n i . . . . S i l m me&. .. .. . . . . \Beidlicrh'r hprc i s accurdcwm and .. conemtinas

9. . . . . De 3kglio mandolins . . . . Gold medal. .. .. . - . . P. D'krsnto mandola . . . . 9. .. - - . . .. mandolin . . . . si4 medal. . . . . Hunphton's banjos . . . . Gold m a

l3oomG~nd ~ o . , ~&d00 .. . . ~uning-forks, h. . . . . W. J. IMwadx, WeIEqton . . . . Two violin9 . . . . sit& m a

Page 21: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

SUBDI~~IOS I . - E m W 4 - m ~ =D OTRPR VLOSILTS Xame. Exbibit. .*wad.

Doulton and Co.. London . . . . Thne rrterclonets . . . . Gold ntedrrl. Duckntt and Snn (Limited). Burnley. Water-closet and latrine range . . ..


W. S. Howard, Gore.. . . . . Century thermal-bath arbiner . . Silver me&d 1)oulton and Ca, London . . . . it-hitc citrenns-enamd bath . . Cold medal.

SFBDI~SIIJJ % - ~ A ~ A B Y ~'PLTAXCES IS CO-XSICIIOJ WITH DRAIYAGIL 'Phe Septic Tank Company (Limited), &bibit as a whole . . . . Slwhl award and

Weatminster. London gold medal. Ditto . . . . . . . . SIf-eontrined she1 septic tank . . Gold medal. .. . . . . . . . . Automatie altornati~q-gear for .*I>- ..

tic-tank instabtion .- . . . . . . . . Intermitting valve. equilibriuu~ for .. septic U&

The 3Glbum Lime and &nlent.Contpany, Drainpip-Uouier pipes Dunedin

Doulton and Cn.. London . . . . Hospital s i u b . . Taylor and Oakley, ?r.ri&humh . . Sanit.rp wwv . .


Sydney Technical G~llere . . . . Students' mnrk in n~cwkllinv and Slmei;~l ;~u;tnl : I I I I ~

china-painting zolcl a~culi~l.


Robert Logan, AncHand . . . . Painting of yachts in c~ih . . Hinhly cnn~~vr~wkul. Ellen vnn lleyen~. .iuckland . . . . Paint* in oils, lhnri aol+=ct. . . .. .. . . . . \Yew of d ~ ~ c t l n n d Harbour . . ( ;~nla~cnclcrL JLiax J. Burgess. Palmemton Sorth . . Oil pintinn . . . . . . t :c~ld I I I ~ ; I ~ .

Ed Britt. Christeherch . . . . Paintings in o h ;1n11 r;~ter-rnb~nrs. fiom photograph

. . Paintings in oils . . . . Wlver n~wE~l. ~rs."T. D. A. ~10"tett. 1nverc&l . . oil 1-ting . . . . . . Highly mmn~nulc 11. Sydney Technical fidlepe Art C1am-s . . Paintings and dmwinp . . . . c;olcl nd11.

. . Painting in oil of A~~stnli;rn dnr;~ . . Silver n~ed;~l. Rnller C ~ l u t Comn~ittee . . . . Tuvnty-fire pictr~rcs in nil and w;rrer- 1 f)n~n~endnL

mlours J. E JIoultmy, D~lmedin . . . . oil ~"inting. Lake Pnhen~;~ . . Hizhly Hiss C.. HcCill. Westport . . . . Painting. Buller m e ~ . . .. S Goynor Clayton. C%rintrhnmh . . Oil paintings . . . . . . Silver rnd.11. Credgington and Co.. Victoria . . (Y1 painting, City of Jlelbnurne . . t:nlcl mnli~l. Rallarat School of Nines. I'ietnria . . .km p i c t ~ u ~ r r of Ballant . . R Presn. Vietoria . . . . . . Tuv seascapes. nil paintins* . .

. . t)ne river m e . ditto . . . . h"E. R. ~ ~ i h e r f n k l . Wain;- . . Two nil ~nintinrr. 1;lkc;c~to.

-\meri &ti . ?

Jlr. Harry White. Christtrhurcl~ . . I p a t . I a m r i k . . Sam E. Wek. Xew South \Vales . . Oil painting. -41utralian Bowers . . Siirer nmlnl

Sritorrtsrox 4.- L .I. J k t , Palmerrton Snrth \Vest Coast Cbnlmittee . . (:. S. Sturterant. Hokititra . . H a m \in=, duckland . . C. N." W h y . S h n . . G. W. Bennett. Clhrirrchurrh . . .I. Martin, dockland. . . . C. S. \ioisley, Xelson ..

-DR.\\S-ISGS PES. PESCII, .\XD ('RAI-ox. . . .hhitwtr~ral c h w + . . . . (:old nitd~l. . . Scenic &play of Grey and \l*estland . . Dnwinp of rario~cs parts \Vestlanil Silver mptlal. . . Pen-and-ink drawing . . . . . . Water-colour, C a p Fnolwind . . Gold medal. .. Phompraphp .. . . . . Rlrer mednl. -. Photos . - . . . . . . IVaterdour. Mwnt Cook from Gdd medal.


Page 22: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

Xuue. Enion Steamship Compan~. Dunedin . . Kinmy: Baras. and ?a. for HOII~&

Bma Fedsrcrl and Shire Lines Orient Royal Bail Line of Steamers . .

Enddart, Park. and ('0. . . G. Dame. Aucldnnd . . H d d e r Federal and Shire I,& New Zedand Shipping Compan~ Won8teemshipComp~ny ..

Exhibit. 31odel of ss '* JLaheno " . . . . Half-model of as. '* Atua " . - Model of as -- Dra.+n Gmnge " . . Full model of ss. -- O m b " twin

screw. 8 S 2 tms register. 10~000 h-p.

Half-model of ss. - ' n m k " . . Nodel of dinge.r . . . - Fitted cnbnvi . . -. . .

S C B D ~ O X 1 A. JIcCSdcw. Rlenheim . . . . Sort11 Canterlbl~v Committee, S.%LF.

n n

['hamher of Commerce. Snpier -1. Henderson, l)annrrirlre . . .Uicc. Rr~tseaite. Selrion . . . . H~dler ('n~lrt ('ontmittw . . . . (hnatiinn Pacific Hnilway ('nmlx~ny . . 1111ir nnrl 3lcndir. lhnedin . . . .

. - ~ S D S C A P E 4SD OTHER TIEWS. Landxcapes and other r i m . . Collection of ~jhotopq)h% . . oil pint* Lfltelton Harbour . . Co1lectii-c. esblrit of pictures . . Photopnldw of Salrier and. &stria Phnton~lrhs of Dnnnrrirke and

dirz'ict Landscap .. . . Twenty-thn*. lrictnrcs, hn&callez. . LnnrL.enle nrld other views . . Phot~pw~yrhh l d w n p . . . .

Takakn Cnnntr Cannril . . Photopnlh of district . . . . H. T. h k . \Tmr~~t. - . . . I'oUeetion of rims. W11Icr dixtrint . . 3tia A. Lick Westlrat - . . . Scmic lihnt~gmldr . . . . S. $. .lnrd:~u, Granit~ -. . . I. . - . . 1 . H I . \ . - . . CmII~ctivc exhibit, ~ilroto,maphs . . \rinldemann, J n c b n d . . . . LnnrLreqler: and nther r i e w . . Intchencc Iklr~rtment, Sen- S o ~ ~ t h P h o t o ~ , ~ l h - of picttimcjttr =men- \i-&

Raphnel Tuck ;mncl Sow (Limited), Engravit~%. ~ ~ l o : o ~ i r n r e s . raldm- London tyw* . facsinlilea nnd arl 11lro?o-


_$lice Bn~sewitz. Seisou . . . . Portmits . . . . . . Unller C'OIR~ (hnlmittrt. . . . . Portrnh of Maori ,@l . . . . H . 111id . t . A d . . . . C'olkctivr eshibil of I>l~otugra~B>- . .

3. . . . . EnLugwl lmrtn~itz and special art-

portrait ~ t l n r o p l ~ h s n*. H. firtlett, Auckland . . . . Portrnita b~ ~rlrotopnl~hy . . f& Gapnor-Clayton. C'hristchnrch . . Cokt ive exhibit, p~rtmits m oils . . H. J. ,%hmidt. Aucbrland . . . . Poatrnita ~rhoto:al)h> . .

. . Repmd~~ction of oil pinting of Maori chief 1r.c Cl~nriec F. Goklie

Arud. Cmld medal.

s l d award gold me&L

Gold medal.

Silvk'medal. Gdd medal.

Gold medd Silver mednL Gold medal

Highlv cun~~nendptl. f;ilvci mr dnl. (;OM ntculnl. Slwciill au-anl ;1nr1

gdd m&I. (:old n~ednl. Silrer n1di11.

Gold medal. Silver metM.

C:dd medal.

Specid award and gold medaL

silver mednL H i r w commmdrui. (;old m*L .. s i k d ' d ~ Special alrard and

@Id medill. Silver medal

+~~~BDTTISIOS 3 . - E ~ o ~ kxn O T H ~ ~ P B C L ~ ~ ; PHOTOS. InteUigenoe Department, Sew South Photographs of lrictnresque ~ c e n ~ S i medal w&

Mtto .. . . . . . Four photopralds, panels of pastoral Gold mednl. industries

E h n nnd Co.. Webgton . . . . Carbon photographs . . . . . a t

Page 23: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

Xame. F. J. Denton, Kauganui . . . . Herman Schmidt. Anckland . . . . Rev. E E Sewton, Ckkfxhmch . . A. P. Harper. Grerewouth . . . . J. Ring, Greymouth . . . . Dr. Teichelmam, Holdtika . . . . Jirs G. J. Roberts, Hokitiks . . . . Richards and Co., Balkat, Titoria . . H. J. Schmidt, luc- . . .. Depdment of Tourist and Health Re-


ELTvePLbii bf p h o t ~ & ~ h s ad* - P b t q r a p a s .. . - . .

.. . - . . . . -. . - . - . . . . . .

p h o t d b p h of g'a;dens . . Collective exhibit, p h o t a g m p ~ ~

F b c0laectlr-e display nf photogfnphs . .

Award. Gold medal. Special a d and

gold XnedaL Silver medal Gold medal

Gold ~~ sbrra, Wellington

Proprietors of the Toam a d C'nnntry CoUective exhibit of photographs . . Silver medal JourmrI, Sew Soutll Wales

J. R i i , Greymouth . . : -. - .. Photos, StPtecoUieri~fl . . . . Highly commended.


Thomas R o h n and Son (Limited). \Vooclworking machiwry.. .. Special award and ,Yea Sonth Wales p l d m e d d

Collett and Son, Dannerirke . . . . Friction f e d for mwndhg ma- Highly mmmen~led. chiaery

.J. Sutolifie and Sona Englad . . \roodworking machinery . . Cold m d i L h i g h and Ca . . . . . . .. . .

.. Clements . . . . . . .111tomntic hck-knife wood-workin% Silver n l~la l . lnthe and attachments

Fox >Inchine C'omp~ny, G.S.A. . . \Vdn-orlring m:tchiiery . . (:old r n d ~ l - .J. S n g m and Co., T" -. . . .. . . Silver medatl. Kircher and la, Lon n . . . . . . (:old medal.

Mqe Shipley Machine Tuol C ; )mpn~ . U.S-4.

Austin Eddy . . . . - - \V. .Lsqnith (Limited), E q h n t l . . Senecn F& C o m l ~ n y . . -. Champion Blom-er and F o ~ e Company,

U.Sd .I Fautier and Cn.. Paris . . . . Hudson a d Griftitl~ England. . . . Candy Otto Comlmny, CS.-1. . . W- \\'hitel> En&d . . . . Ckmpion Man116acnuing C o m p n ~ . .

Electrici~lly clrivm hiih-s+ lnthe

Enter@*e s;lxh-~~ullt.p mortiser . . wh-sld rnrlinl clrilhq-machine Star high-grade ~~c.rctssnion ironwork- @ b the .. . . Drilling-machines, forges, and blowers

Drilling-machines d tire- benders. . Treadle ironworkin:; lnthe . . Forges and Mower . . . .

machine . . t&a& ~~r tlri&- Four iron-workiug lathes . . . .

S i \ - ~ r n~edn l Righly cnmniendecL Siver m&l. Gold me&[-

S i g J[nnnfuctruin,ff Comlmny . . titi-1 Domestic sewing-machine . . Special r a d and gold mednl.

. . Geneml exhibit, sewing-machines . . Ditto.

. . 3Lnnufact1uiug-machine .. . . Gold d l &head ~imited.~bnnedin . . . . \Tertheirn family sewing-machine . . Wver mednl. Singer hnfnc tu r ing Comnpan~ . . Family sewing-machine . . . . Vfild medal. Wheeler and \ T i n . . . . Imlmved rotnryahuttle lockstitch S'ivcr medal.


Page 24: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

CLASS 51.-SE\TLYG, mITTWG. AND PRmTIKG ~ ( ~ E s - ~ n d . S o r t o m o x 3 - ~ ~ l e ; ~ c - ~ ~ r r ~ h u r c h Press Compn,r (Limited)

C e and Gotch Pmpriaaq (M). ~ U r c h


S. Peach and Sons. h'ot&ghm. Engkad J. S. Schnartz and h.. C ! h d . . John Haves. W e l L q p n . . Donald A d Sons (Luaitedl. 3&ermn.. Ashby, Betph, and Co. (Limited). U d L

c h d H. Seaton. Wellington s. s. \mite Dental 3hn11faa;;ing Corn: poqv. U.S.A.

Oliver Tppsnritu h m p m y (Limited) . . >loen~la Machine-worh (Limited). (k-

-P H. J. Weeks (Limited). Ckistchareh . . Gkudius A s l ~ Sons. and Co.. London . . New 7 a h n d 'J! nnd Supplies

h m p n y . Chrktehurch I#t.tO .- . . . . . .

E and C!. .Tohanm. D i n s t o m . . L C Knight and b.. Chriwchurch Yerex. Barker, and Finlay (Limiti):

Wellingson Addressograph Limited. London . . -4uhmatie Fim ('omlmny (Limitwl) . . F. Lucas. Christchurch . . . .

>ladel of lace-curtain machine . . hdp- f loes machines . . \-=--fan for coa~niihe . . P i t t s b u r g v i s i b l e ~ t e l a .. Rbd's cupet-sweeping machine . . Polrr rater-motors . . Dentlrl foot-lath and . .

\Vekeewer, channelk. and mle- mo*

Light nuchines for o fke une Lathe-motor and dental foot-htb; ' >Ionarch t y p n i t e r and R~~r011ehk'h

adding.machine (herd exhihir . . . . . .

- - . l"*

EUl0t.t Fbbm book trlleariter . . . . Tost typeariters -. . . Eta* roller lettercopier ~ i ~ e wonder pumping plant

domestic water-supply Patent bearing for vehirler; . . '- Dey " time-recorder . . . . Eational rash-registers . . . . Addmmop!~h machine . . . . Patent fillingmaohme . . . . .\lachine far making ppr tubes for

cigamttes from r coil of pper

A d . Gold m d a L

Special a n d and gold medal.

Cmld mdnL

Special nwml u~atl gold medal.

(hhl nlrcial.

('ommended. Gold medal. Special award :IIII~

gold medal. Chid medal.

.I. Foa.lcr and Cd. (Linritrd) England . . Tractionagine

.J. and H. McL~ren. England . . . - Sidney. Straker. and Squire. En+d . . Traction-wagon St. Pan- Iron ('ompany. England . . ..

. . . . (:old medal. . . Special award :and

gold medal. . . . . Ditto. . . . . (h ld medal.


Gloueeater ca- and Wagon Vompsny. Photographs, Technical Science k- Highly wnamendt~l. England tion

Tulcan Foundry Company. England . . P-phs and drawings, Technical Sohcr Section

Metmplitan Carriage and Wagon Cam- Ditto . . . . .. P Y . J w - d

North British Locomotive Company. . . . . . . . . . . Silver medal. England

Cape C'hvernment R P i l w a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Page 25: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

Xuna. Eshibir A d . Suuth-w- Railway ( 'ompany . . P b o w p h awl drawings, Technical Silver medal.

Smence seekion ~ l e t i u n i a n Railway (*'ompamy . . Ditto . . . . . . ~euge C-IU, . . s~odek for tec& instmotion . . (;OM &a1. Turnbull and Jones (Limitrd), Chris& J k y - Otvay pteat electric fira

church rhrm

pump Greenlie! and Kennedy (Limited), &I- Water-works appliancar . . ..

Thomsa Robinaoa itnd Sona (Limited), Flour-milling machinery . . Esslend

J. E. Hall (Limited). ~ b h . England Rehigerat' machinery . . . . A n b s Limited, Christchmh . . cd1eotivc %bit nf machinery . . X- W e y and Sons (Limited), D u d l e ~ Lucu Bnrr (Limited). thriwcharrhh . .

Smith. London. per E. \V. Y i . . J. iincl \V. '.lcc,Ywcght. England . . i;eorge Hvdpm (Limited). E a g h ~ d . . C t -4. >h~donald . . . . . .

.. . . . . . . b~~th. $a~&naId, C.O.. (.6;iteh& The British Lin& Refrigemting('0rnpny

(Limited). England t:w-~ne. per J. .I. Sivm nnd ( ' a . . . E. Arnodin. Frenm . . . .

Forgings . . . . Collective exhibit'of mauhinery . . JIodel of sprocket and chain for bur11

mQii+W@ Strat-sraping machine . . . . Wml+wouring machines . . . . Fast loom for woollen-weavi~~g . . Hercules ice-macbme . . -. -rtic cream-cooler . . . . Fairbanb M o m steam-parnlr . . Lhrnicnl-engine . . . . Freezing-machines . . .. ('mtrifugal !rump . . Hand rivetinq-machine . .

Highly commended.

S ~ E C & ~ sward and gold medal.

(Add medal. Special awonl and

gold mednl. Chid mednl.

S& award and gold medal.

Ditto. Gold medal. Highly mmmemletl. Silver medal CLId mdsL Special award and

gold d l . 4 hrld medal.

Turnbull anti .Jones (Limitnl). (briut- StPam-engine coupled to &wneratr~r. . 'Solcl narlitl. cht~mh

Thomea Falvey. C'hrlitchurvh.. . . Reversible steam-engine . . . . .. \Verctinyhouau Bralie ( bmlwny. London (~lu.-enyineJ . . . .

.blemotu l imi ted ('hrirtch~~mh . . T. H. Cavehill, C t d h u r c h . . . . ( Lmphell GAw-enpinr Comyaov, Ea~gland L (:. Knight and C'o.. ikktehureh . . Blackstone and C'o.. England . . .. Homby, England . . . . . . Ryan nnd ('0.. A ~ w b d . . . . Dudbridge. England . . (;lobe Ironworks. V.S.-A. . . F. ~ A Y . Chrbtrhctrrh . .

Double-cylinder oilsngine . . 4 hlene-engine . . . . oil-engine . . . . . . Collective exhibit. uil-mgincr . .

. . IM4Ilgiw .. . . . . C ' o M v e exhibit of rurio~ur vil-

Tm oil-mgkw . . . . Oaeportableoil-mgine .. Oil- d for launcbts and stirtiwnrvuas

-\'tion;rl I~tent oil-aginc

S1yc:ial awivtl .inti gold medal.

(;old mnedal. Highly wmmen&L &Id medal. -.

Highly commended. Gold mcdsl.

Page 26: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

game. Exhibit. A d C'ampklL Gas-producer Plant, England Suction-gas plant and engine complete Gold medd Sational C;as-en@e Comlmy (Limited) Special a u d auld

- gold medal.


John Shuu- (Limited), Sheffield . . .. ., . . Fleming, Birkby, and <;oodall (Iimited).

Halifax, England I\-*am Cable and Co., Wellington . . Singer Uwnufact~lring Clompany, Christ-



I\'ire-rolle block* and fittings . . Gold medal. Plough - steel ro1m for traction - -?"?

" Teon . belting for machinery . . Highly commended.

S t e l split pulleys for transmitting Gold medal. P-

Xethad of dri+ sewing-machines 9 )

on power-benches . . S C B D ~ S O X I~.-HoT-AIB ESG~BS.

Rider-Eri~sou Engine Comluny, Xew Hot-& &e . . . . . . Gold m a Solath Wales

C L X S S . -FORmRY PRODUCTS. Srsv~\ l s ros I.-TRTsIs ASV S E ~ O S S OF TREES.

.luh lJi.;111.. K i ~ ~ a r t o n . . . . Blue-pni md oak . . . . (:011d mr*lul -1. H. Diiriddn. Cidvenlc~~ . . . . Pinwa iu+iguis and Lomhrdy l~oj~lilr Highly 'ornrueudc~l. K. 0. C l ~ i ~ f f q . \\-aii111 . . . . Red, black. and white pine . . 1-icrorii~u Govenunent . . . . Slab red-gum . . . . . . Silver medal. Four-mile Si~nplilling ('orn~mny, Chrles- Seven sl~etimem timber . . . . Highly ~ ~ m m e n d d .

ton (;riflitlh Brcn.. BiwhIieId . . .. Three .. . . -. .. J. Hobb. Xokihin~li . . .. Two . . G. C;. Jlcliay. Cape Foulwild . . Three II+= fip:rcd red-]line . J I k * Bm.. 1Testl~n.t . . . . Large fl~tch red-line . . . . .. H. Pam. Westport . . . . . . Yellow-pine cur fortr -mars ago . . .. I\-at*on Bms. Westprt . . .. Half-round rdar log . . . . n

PI. A. Young. Kmprt . . . . Ceneml timber-disldi~y . . . . SCBDI\-ISIOS ?.-TI~BER ~XIPLES. Rar~a -II ~ I J L I S H E ~ .

BmuPlec* iind ('o., R%celocli . . . . Matai, rimu. white-pine . . . . Silver ~ i ~ c d d . d. \ \ 'hi;r . Gisborne . . %~mlde of rim11 . . . . EIiglIy comme~~drd. h i ley and Bollad. ~ i l m i l t k ' . . Swamph~ir i . . . . . . .. due-lrlaild Veneer and Timber ('ompiny Collection of Sew Zei~land u , d . . Special award iu~d

(Limited) gold medal. Piirkr-Lamb Timlar <'oml&~ny, A~~cUind PofisW wood* . . . . . . Silver medal. J. (:. JIc-Intprc. OIPp~ilki . . . . Figured rim11 . . . . . . C:old medal. Sydnry Technological 311~seom . . Exhibit timber saml,les . . -. Land* Department. Sew Sojuath \Vitlcs. ('ommemial timbers. Seu- Sol1t11 9.

Forestrr Branch \Tales. d d and in the rough Huller Court C'omnlitree . . . . Thirty sample of timtar . . Silver medal. Victorian Cktremment . . . . Twelve kin& of wood . . . . Gold medal. J. JIarshall. Kotaku . . . . . . Panel, silver-pine . . . . Commended. A. C'umm;np. Iianieri - . . . Totnra plant . . . - . . J. Hornby, Hohritika . . . . . . Red-pine plank . . . . . . G. Head. Kanieri . . . . . . Totara block . . . . . . Inslmtor \I-ilson. Greymouth. . . . Silver-pine and totara . . . . Silver medal, \Test Coast ('ommittee . . Relnwientative collection . . Gold medd. B. Bremond. BlackM . . Beech-knots . . . . . . Highly commended. J. Ritchie. Bmce Bay . . Totara . . . . . . L Zala. The Forks . . . . . . Silver-pine . . . . . . J. JIaIfroy and Co.. HokitELur . . . . Plank red-piw . . . . . - R ~ c B-. Holiitika . . . . . . . . . . J. C'. Jlalfroy and CQ., Holritiko . . ~k &-pine . . - - . - . . Siver medd.

Page 27: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

S r ~ u r JZxhibit. L &la. The Fork3 . . . . . . Ritk rimier . .

4 . . M i l e y . . . . Exhibit of rim& . . .I. .UuIliuan. L* Creek . . . . Mottled iilser-I& . .

A u n l . . . Siker medal. . . Highly commcudeci.

S r t l u ~ v m , r :{.-BARK. J. Reid imd Sous (Limht), Adelwide . . 11-atrle-lmrk (dmciu p p x d h ) . . (;old n ~ d l .

.lau~es FilIrlH and Sun*. Srtv S I I I I ~ ~ \\;tIt-s

.L Roln.rtson. \\-it~gantti . . . . 1liIli1r.s \Vest .411strnli;u1 H;~nlwml 4 '0111-

ystny. ('11rrLtc.lrureh Dittn . . . . -. . .

I). .\it-Lt.;~n. Grtymo~~th . . . . .J. Park. H o k i t h . . . . . . ErIrkan and Son. Ilwunr . . . - Hukltikt Rcmttzh ( ('I)IIIB.II . . . . Ye\\- P l ~ n ~ u u t h S;tsh ;anti D w ( 'u~nlc~n>- H. Hairstor. -4sl1lurto1l . . - -

B~lrgL~r-frmof .self-lwkiug x;ul~ i~ud frame

Students' work-doors. I-IIII~M, till~lc-. Sil~tlr?;. &F.

Dwn . . . . . . . . ( ' i~rrrtl I I I ; I I I ~ ~ ~ and ~vern~itl t t t l . . .linhr \r-hecl . . . . . . \ \~ei t t lwrln:~d~~ t i m . stitirs, ht111s-

tn~dinc (hllmtive exhibit . . . . Ln~itzrtion inli~M tirldt--top. + ~ I I U I C ~

lunel*. frieze. ;~nd wiling 4 I k - I . . . . . . \Vudrork ant1 c-:tbimtn~nlrig (rt~t-

olents- \va~rk) Huttc-r-lu~scs . . . . . . h;o:lt . - . . . - -. P:trin?r-l;oI~*.k* . . . . . . P~111t-llt4 wall, S c r Zeidin~cl tin11n.r F:~n(-y \-rr;tnclaI~ . . . . D I I S ~ i;ual dr;tu~ht erel~alcr fn )n~

door 1nl;tid f ~ 1 J e - t o l ~ :and tray . . I:ullrcti\-e dislllny d j i t m ~ l ~ tiruln-r . .

Silver nitdnl. ( :ole1 lllt~l~ll. Si1vt.r n~crlitl.

\Vales I?. -1. u e t i . . . . \V:~lMng-.iti~. Sew Zeitlilnd \vmls Highly comn~e~dcd. A. \ViILwroft. \Vitil~t~knrnu - . . . I t l t . . . . Silver 111dd.

SCBDI~L+LUS ~.--C'W,PE~~C:E. \V. Couk. Palmerston Surtl~ . . . . T;~llou- - mslm. beer - kegs. hntter- Highl\- n u m e n d d .

boxes S. Yal* and Cb. (L i~u i td ) , Cl~rist- Beer-maslir . . . . . . (:old medal.


Page 28: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

Sew Zcalancl fiutncm' ( 'v-vlmtire ..-4s- Beekeeping a l q d i a n . . .. Guld d m i a t ion. ~ l~ r i s t chuwh


\-irturim Go\-ernn~eut . . .. Tuscan wheat .. - - . . . . F 'u rpk tmw T-an wheat

R. GaAer . Ctwt .. . . .. Toscur &eat .. . . . . .. Hunter's white . .

.lob &hnar. boFles&l . . . . Pead wheat . . . .

.I. T. Blackmore. S p r i v . . .. .. . . . . L Mehchlan. Leeston . . . . . . .. .. . . . . Tuac~n wllrat . . . .

.. . . H~mnter'n White . - 1'. ~'ha';nberlaia &to11 . . . . Yelvet-chnft r r b t . . Sow Zealand Laan and Jlercantilc -.\&.CI~CJ- \\beat . . . .

C'omlany (Limitd). Christeharrh Jloir and t '0.. C'lIri*tchun.lI . . . . . . . . . . S c a k and had do^ Sebon . . . . ,- .. . . . . . . \I-. Sl~el~herd. South ('anterh~ry . . . . h \\-. Jackson, Blenheim . . -. ,, . , . . JCeCnllum R m . Blml~eim . . . . . . . . . . 1). Bihell. Bleuheim . . . . . . . . . . (;. (;. Stead and ('0.. C?~ristcl~~~n.h . . Paart u-l~ecbt . . . . .. . . Tt~uuilll u-heat . . . .

9- - . . \-dvet w k t . . . . .. . . Hunter-s u-hitc . . drn tb~ \ -~s~ t#s f -HMw?I- (&I.=(;).

H. Sen\-e nnll (b.. b t o n . . . . t hcralier hr lcy . . \V. Watson. S~uthhridge . . . - .. . . .I. Parkinwn liaitnm . . -. . . .I. 0. C'nol~. Little River . . . . . . (:. (;. Stead and ('0.. C!hri%chnn.L . . Jlt~lting turlt~>- . . . . Sew Zealand Loan and .\lemantilc ,+nc.y . .

t 'onqwny (Limited), C'hristchurch ('antcrbur?. Xew &land Stwl\., 9, . . . .

Cllristchurch Sapier Chamber vf Crutwurm. . . Skinless h r h r . . . . S& and Haddvw. S e b n . . . . Barlq-. . . . . . H. I). \ i r rwur . Blcnhrin~ . . . . . . (nulting) C'hrrdier -. ..

11 .. rind-resisting 11. UishelL Hlenl~eio~ -. . . . . (malting) . . - l r t h ~ r \\3ff.-a. Bl&i~n . . . . . . .. C'uel ier

. . . . -. .. wind-minting s e w Zkud h r n a~yd 31;reantih- ~~~y - [~ndting, . .

Gorupxny. Chriatc1111n-h Sr;mnl\z~lus ~.-BAIILEY (Care).

Svrth Canterbury (lu-operative Aswcia- C.lw b.rlr?;r .. . . tion, E m p o i

-Vsa Zedand Loan and Jimcantik Agenry ,. . . Corn- (Limited), Christeburuh

Sapk Chamber of Commcrce .. .- . - \'ietmian Uovernment - - .. Srrltiog . . .. . . . . Caw Lult-r . . I). BishclL ~ % I c I I ~ ~ * ~ I I I . . . . 9. . .

Gold m d .

~ilver'kedal. K hlg commended. O& mectd. Silver medal. .. (;old medal.

(;old medal. H i l y c.ommrndcxl. Silver medal.

(:old ;;l*l. *.

Silver mdai.

Silver n1eda1.

Silver d. K i h l y ~omtmtwlc-tl. C-ld n w d d

Highly a v n ~ ~ u e n d d . ~ Silver medal.

Page 29: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

Xuur.. Exhibit. A d . R Evans, YF.ilrui . . . . . . Witer b k Tartpri.U . . . . Highly no~~m~NtrluL d N c I s c : h b u . ~ ~ - . .. Danish 08ts .. . . . . Fleming and Cb., I n ~ m f l . . .. chhneal . . . . . . Silver ~ucdrl. G. G. &,ad and Co.. Ch. i s teh~h . . Dnn long oab . . . . . . Gold medal. .. . . Garton long oats . - . . Silver medal.

.. . . Long o&s (Stanr Ki) . . . . God ~ u d . SOW Zabutl Lmu a d Yrtmt.ilc -Ig.c~~r~- Usta (Tnrtarhu) . . . . Silver N&L

~ m p m u ~ (Limited), Clvistcl~~~rrh Napicr Chamher of Commerce . . -4lgeri.n oats . . . . . . .. Nede curd -or. XeL- . . .. Oats .. . . - - . . .. Victorian Government. . . . . . . (Tmtarian) . . . . 19

S C B U I \ Z ! ~ 5.-( ).aW (nW0BT).

D. B i l . Blailheir~ . . . . t a n N I ) . . . . Ould u~vdsl .&cUll~~n~ Brw., B1cnhci111 . . . . . . ( l b e b s ~ and -Ugwia11) .. KqMy cruuuuendtd. T h o m IUl, Blenheim . . .- .. (ahort) .. . . . . Gold IU& T. Lcvemo~l. Cheviot . - .. <brtomostrr .. . . .. medal. D. MeGirern Hmonta . . -. ,. . . . . . . Highly e o r n ~ w n ~ D. Lot. Clleviot . . . . . . Ru8ai.n King wts . . . . .- FL E m . \Vaikari . . . . .. C I u t o n c M t s .. . . . . Silver nlcdal. .. .. . - . . . . Spamowbill cmtx . . . . ..

liaiapoi . . . . .. IhnW . . . . . . .. J. GiwnIc. ~)@c?wtun . . . . cmmdii oats . . -. . . ~ i i h ~ y co~~~~~teuclwt. \V. Rn~cc. L'hrriot . . . . .. Storm Ziby -1s . . . . Silvor ~ n d . Surth b m e r b u v &-ollc!mtivr . h w i w - .. . . . . ..

tion ..I .\LoPLerum h~cthbr idp .. .. b ~ d i a ~ ~ w t s .. . . . . .- .I JlcPhsr*o~~. EUesmerr . . . . Ilun oats . . -. . . .. Titurn1 Villiug Co1111mng . . . . C:nrtun oats . . . . . . .. C. C. Stead ahd Cu.. C?lristc-l~~~rrI~ . . Chadian *hurl oat* . . . . .. .. - . . Spamrwlrill short awls . . .. I:uldsmW. Sew W a n d ~ I I uld .Xenrnt ilr -4rrt.11~~ Oats (short) . . . . .. ..

( b t n p y (Limited). Christchuwil Jluir u ~ d &.. Chrktchllrrh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1-ictorian Goremnlent , . . . . . (short) .. . . . . .- J q d o m ~ a d &XI. ~i~ridchumfi . . Shmt wts. hnsdirnl anti cart011 . . Silver 11lrdal. J. Patchett and Snlul, Ilenheinl . . Oat-shd chaff.. . . . . G ~ l d ~undal.

SrsmvxsIvs &-Krx~

(;. C;. S t d aud C4r.. Cldh~chnn.l~ . . Rvr . . -. . . Cwld medal. Sal~iiw <!hamher of Cotun~emc. . . . . cum . - . . Silver medal.

. . . . . . 1). Bishell. I l l e d ~ ~ i n ~ . . . . . . Gold nardal.

S~BIDIV~SIOS ;.--3Lazr Agricult~~rul Soeiet.~ uf Olmril;i . . (!wu-erib of maim . . . . Gold 111edd. S e a %&nd Lwrl and llercant iir .+zrnr~ . . . . . . . . Silver medal.

C'umpany (Limitmi) %pier CbPmbcr of ~ ~ n i n u r c r . . . . . . . . . . . . ,+ . . . . . . \Tictoriau Government . . . . . . . . CkJd ~nt.clnl.

. . . . . . T. F. Bunless. Fiji . . . . . . . . . . -. t Uouial Sugar Refinkg Cutuluny. Fiji.. . . . . . . . . . . Silvrr ~llrclsl. h u g d t ~ ~ l a d &II. Chri~t~hllf%h . . . . . . . . . . . . .-

SUBDWIS~OX ~.-PUS- R Evam. lhiilwi . . . . . . Bllr peas . . . . . . Silver medal. . . . . . . . . Partridge pew . . . . . . F. &h. Flaxton . . . . . . Ivory-white peas . . . . cold b ;eb~ .

. . .. M d g e .. . . . . Silvet medal. A. &.aehlau:'~l&n- . . .. Ivap-whib pas . . . . .. O. G. S t c d a ~ d a).. C'hristrl~urcl~ . . --&Id a d @C~I . . . . C:tld I I U ~ ~ I .

Page 30: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

Salue. Eruibit. Awdrd. New Ztdaud h a n d 3Itwcwtik +my Peas . . . . . . . . C:ultl nuqlaL

Compsuy (Limited) \ii~toriau C v ~ ~ r n m e n t -. . . . . whitu &M.. . . .. . . . . .. . .

Prlwiau-ldw ~ M x s .. Dun pesri .. . . Pas . . . . . . .- (w.-hklt-ll) . - . . ,. (blno snd w.%liELid). . .. . . .. ( Y o r ~ u ~ u ~ k r o ) . . ,. (Mtce sud wrinkled). .

F. Jrd%ue. ElltYnllprc. . . . . North G~nte-ei.b~~y Co-ulwratirtt hweia-

Uon, Jinialwi Save a d Co., LL'~'rit0n . . . . G. G Stead and Co.. . . . New 2i?aleucl ha11 aud J h w u ~ l e Agc~lcy

Colupauy (Limited) Victorian Gowmment . - . .

sin; '-ii,L Gold lurrlirl. .. ..

-. .- .-

Scuurv~slos 1 2 4 ~ s s r WYEU. G. LC. Stc+aal slul ('u., C'hristchurel~ . . C'n~l*ry .YYYL . . . . . . (:ul11 111tvld.

SKBUIVL~UX ~~.-~~;BICGLTWILUI SEEUS. hvi b w e . Rullextu~l . . . . \f%itc.+lu\vr .set& . . . . .. U. Parki~tsv~~. Kilitu~ch . . . - slvcl . . . . -L J I t .Lwl~br~~ Im.*fv~l . . . . 1tdia11 rye-glilts .it& . . . . J u l ~ Oshonu., Ellts~uuru . . . . .. . . . . E B. (Zuway, Ay1mbt1~ . . . . I%-munial rq.c.-g'lat* . . . - \%nt sucl J. H. J[oc~*qw~uury. Little Cwk~fuot . . . . . .

River \V. & P.ukiusmn. K%ita~lrr . . . . -. . . . . S. Hausis, Littli. Riwr .. . . -. . - J. 3LPi~t.mo1~. C'lti+vio~t . . . . PI-.I.IIII~PI r p - - ~ . r a ~ . . - -4. >[~.Phc.rso~~l. S ~ ~ ~ t h l ) r i ~ . - A . - -. - - J. 0. Uool~, Lttlv R ~ I I - ~ . . . . t i x*bfw~t . - . . . .

9 , 9. . . . . Yam~w . . . . . . Sttttoll awl SUIL*, E I I ~ L L I I ~ . . .. I'~~llrc-tio~l uf iyriic111t11r;rl rtrul... &I.. .. Sout hlslul Esa;~~ii\-t~ (h~nluittcu: . . Ifi~llection of rain . . . . Agcic;~~l tn~d Dvlwrt~~le~lt . Sew tSollth Cul1tx;tiol~ of grawcts in rht-d irlul

\Vdw tbmhwi Ditto .. - - . - . . Cullmtion tlf grziu in ai~t+af zncl

t l m h a l C. G. St& nu1 CO., C.ltristcIturc11 . . C'ullrutiun vf p i - agrir~~it~mrl. vma-

table, slltl twa m d ~ ; also :;11a\?s of grain

-, . . AL4il;p-clover -1 . . . . .. .. . . \vhitr-clover xeed .. 9, n . . RWI-~OVOC .M . .

H i d ? co~suurtaM. Si1b.c.r n~tul:L Highly ru~~l l~~c.nchL Cun~n~n~cltrl. Uvlcl nlc-lld. ( 'vm~ucndt~L Uvld 1uetlsl. FIigllly eutunlvncttuL c:wlC1 l l l d .

Sire*. 1urcIill..

Page 31: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged


ZTuue. G. G, S t ad and &I., Chrhrtchureh . . I). B. ~ d m e u (C/O S t d and (3.) . .


if,.,,. ~eelsnd I'uu mi 31ureautiiu &&i; c-mch ICsw and &nei, G h r k t ~ h ~ h . . D. '~ho-, Ashburton . . . . ?ow Zedand Fanners' O'-opersti~~* dS-

socktion, Christchmeh Sapier Ghsn~ber of Comuerac, Cauterb- Seed Camlmny. Christch-h Xnirrter oi Agricultwro, Victoria -. Conrad lplwl, Darmstadt . . . . Friodlrmdcr BIWL, M b ~ ~ r t o n . . T. F. Barness Fiji . . . . . . alonial Snpr Oo~llpsny, Fiji . . . . Thum~~as Horton, Hastiup . . . . JLi~~irnt~r for Apricldttllrc. &111th .411wtdia H. D. &dio~id. Sgarunwahi . . . .

Exhibit. of @c?ldtd wed . .

dried gmRsw . . root- .. . . v e p ~ b l e - d s .. t r e e d . . . . agricultnral 4 . . fpsscs 8nd p-4- -4 and a p i c u l t d

reedn aggclllursl #eedK .. phBnclgra9l ld5. .

A d . Guld 1 1 1 d . Silver ~uedd. Gold medal. Silver m d

L i d -. . . . . Highly eo~~u~~e~ultrl. Clu~fndiou of agricultural s(y.rLs .. Gold 111la1.

,- 1. . . Silver u ~ d d Fort*. grass and agriai&ural wd:. .. Collectio~l d pain . . +- .. agrienltnrd ' A s (tuu- ..

?dm. Bemwker. Anclrlaud . . . . New-Zeahcl-gruau arrowroot . . S ~ r ~ i d award uric1 gold UICW.

T. F. B I ~ I ~ s ! ~ , Fiji . . . a . . A . - r m t . . . . . . Gc11d I I I ~ ~ .

X ~ t i v w o f S o c l r ~ F i j i .. . . .. -. . . . . I. SOBI#I\'ISIOS 21 .-POTATOES

K \VitheU, fiaialr)i . . . . Twenty-turu varieties of potatues . . Guld ~uttclal. H. E JIuGuffa~ k%~th Grutc-rln~ry . . bllrrticn~ of w o e . . . . ..

. . Gold ~ t ~ d n l .

SuBDmIsolT m-oTmB FIELD ItOOlS PomU Bm., Fiji . . . . G i i . . . . . . Guld U I ~

Brodzink and Co.. Fiji . . . . V d . . . . . . 99

T. E Hartley and Son. T r a d . . IJmu- led tobxco . . S i r luedd. Xativea of Xadroga. F'iji . . . . . . Highb c o ~ c ~ ~ ~ S

Page 32: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

Xame. Exhibiit. H. G. Holland. XeLso~l . . .. Hops .. . . . . . . . . b Jkstsns, RiveE3iea . . . . J. Kihimter, Nelson .. .. ., .. . . E. Burton a d Co., Nelriou . . .. ,, .. tC Holland, Neboa . . -. . . . . . .

S U ~ U ~ V L ~ W S 3 0 . 4 ~ ~ ~ OF O~LUBES. Strttorl a ~ d Sow, England . . . . Collection of modeLv of vegetables and

f m roots 7. . . . . Collection of dried grasms and grass-

assds \V. Seecornbe. Xew South Wale* . . Pucrpelam diluhfrrrnt seeds.. . . lmesmere Gniu Agemy . . .. Itdin rye-gnav seed . . . . w- PdChSOn,mtlUla .. . . cow-gr8mi . . . - -. L Irowe, Rorleaton . . . . . . 7. . - . . . . F. Stev011~)n. cheviot . - . . *. . . . . . . J. Porkinson. Kaituna . - -. .. . . . - . . J. 0. Coop Little River . . .. ,. . . . - . .

. . .. f ' e ~ l ~ - ~ .. . . H. ~i;Ictson, d n . . . . COW-gruw . . . . G. C. Stead d Co., ~kristeh&h . . ~rr*iteddogstail'-1 . . . . .. -. . . &wing's fmun . . . .

3. .. - . . hksfoot .. . . . . ., . . W i a n rye-pus d . . . . .. . . R r e d rye-fpsa Ysecl . . . . .. . . C o k t i o n of agricttlt~trrl b ~ m - d .. .. cow-grw .. . . . .

Sow W a u d Luea and Jhrosntilr Agvirq Collection uf &pw-wmd- . . . - C o ~ u p ~ t y (Limited)

Xapier Cha~nber of Coout~eretc . . ., . . -. N d e aud &&low, Xebn . . . . UJW-pxs .. . . . .

.\Iitcl~c+ke~~ a ~ a l Co.. Attclihud

Lintcln Hutchiwu. j fa~ni l to~~ . . .. ~~x . . . . Sew Zealsnd Fart~lrm' Co-clpmti\-u A-3- .. -. . .

cistion, C'hdstehurch t.!. Shearor, Jlikonui . . . . . . ,, . . . .

Silver medal. Gold medal. ..


Silver rucnLL 1,

(;old &dd. Silver ntedel.

. . Special a d am1 gold medal.

t:oltl n~wlal.



Te lI*-ta Viieprd, Hadock Sorth. Claret . . -. . . . . Gold malaL =- Ditto . . . . . . . . Hmk . . . . . . . . ..

t. . . . . . . .. Jla* . . . . ~~uwtrrur JLixrciun, ?inpier . . . . B I I I ~ I I J ~ (dry):A . . . . ..

.* .. . . . . ,, &--thnd .. . .

Page 33: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

CLA$fj %.-\VINES, SPIRITS, BEER!& CORDINS, AERATED WATERS-eontind. SXIBDIVIS~X I.-NATURAL \Vmss, rim Prsonvcr rn TBB GWE. m . - - ~ ~ l t i n d .

N8ma Exbibit Anud. Meeum &&on, Napier .. . . Port, red . . . . Gold medal. .. . . . - -Utu-"ine -white . . . . .. .. . . .. JI.rJr (sweet), white .. . .

. . . . \7ermonth (me&), white . . .. ~ e ~ ' ? i n e p d s , & . . . . Claret @lended). . . . . .

. . . . (light dinner) . . B. S&U, ~ua&le:'~awke'o Ba?- . . Ghibits of Xew Zealand'& . . G. h t h , Koro*, 31adborough . . White nine . . . . . .

.. . . . . Greenmeadnwa Vinepard, Hnwke'r Bap

cluraut-wine .. . . . . Xpwine .. . . .. Bemy-wine .. . . . . Rue-wine .. . . . . c€#mtantia .. -. . . Port .. . . . . . . C w t i a .. . . . -

. . . . . .

. . . . . . JIu~cat . . . . . . Light o h t . . . . . . Hock .. . . . . . . Light Bmgzmd~ . . . . chaw . . . . . . yo'armg red wine. IWi vintagc . . Sweet led wine (lmrt) . . . . .. red wine (eonstnniio) . . .. white wine (Madeire) . . Special Pedro Ximen~t. winv . . S p i a l muscatel . . . . Olomp she- . . . . . . ;\montilladn x1wn-v . . . . .\@ux claret t&) . . . . ('llateau Idlrome(d) .. . * .Saint Entephe (red) . . <IhaLeau Mouton ~ o t h r a i i d (red) . . .. Yargaus (red) .. . . .. Tiiraron (red) . .

,, ~ r b o n n i e ~ ~ z ( w i i e ) . . Hxrx~c (white) . . , . . .

SGRD~TISIOS ~.-BSERS IS HcL& BTC. Beck and h., Brenien . . . . Key brand Piliiner lager-beer . . RPad B r a (Limited) . . . . Hottlinp of r w s Head brand ale

and stout . . . . Bass's ale and fioinneaa's rhniit . .

.\I. B. Fcwtrr and Sons (Limited) . . Bugle brand alr and rrtorlt . . . . Haw's and Ouinneweur;s ale and atuiit

in bottle \Vhite Swan Brewery Chrnpny . . dk in bottle (coionial . . . .

.. . . Stout in bottle (colonial). . . . E. and .I. Burke . . . . .. .Ale and stout (bottled) English ..

.. Haneock and Co. . - . . B~i l t ale not exceedin? 30 11. gravity

. . . - . . . %I Ib. pav i t r -. . . .. lager-& . . . . -. . . *. (eolokd) . . . . . . . . . . & in bottle . . . . . . . . . . Light ale in bottle . . .. . . . . .. Stontin bottle .. . . . . . . . . . . Imperial stout in bottle . . . .

., . . . . -. ale in bottle (colonial) . . .S. Manning and Cn. (Limitel) . . BIG ale not ex- 2li lb. grority .. . . .. not exmdhg 30 lb. p v i t y

(;old medal. Special awonl and

p l d nmedrl. (bid mtdal. .Silver medal. (:old n~&l.

Silver nlednL

Page 34: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged


Xunp. S. Msming and C'o. (Limited) . .

-. W. 8&han d Co. " . . -

. - . - Nahr a n d k n s . . . . . . S. Jlonteith . . . . staples and CO. (~irdi;ed) . . . .

.. \ V d and Co. . . . .

Exhibit. A d . Bulk stout not esceedhg 2.5 lb. Silver m a P*

Stmng ale in bottle . . . . Gold mednl. Light$embottle .. . . Stout m bottle . . .. ~ i l v e r " m ~ ~ B* ale not exmeding %*ib. gra"ty Ale in bottle (wlonial) . . Gold &dal. Stmt in bulk not excee@ng % i b .,

gravity Ale in bulk not exceeding 20 lb. Silver mednL


S C B D ~ I O X ~.&BDW &urn W ~ m m , m. Chcystall and Ca, Christch~mh . . Ship brand d a l s . . . . ~8ilw-r medaL Thomson nnd Co.. Duedin . . . . Lemonade . . . . . . Gold medal. .. . . . . Soda-water . . - - .. .. . . .. ~ i I q % - a ~ e (in quarts) . . . . s i l r e i " 4 . . .. ckdlals . . . . . . Gold medal. .. . . . . Orange-bit- . . . . . . Silver medal.

. . . . Fletcher, Harnl>lwgr, rind Co., Christ-

chural~ Ditto . . . . . - . . " . - . . . . -.

Hi~milton and Gey. P;~llnerston Xorth. . K Mace :lnd C'n., (.'hci.tcli~~rcl~ . . -1. Tenneut . . . . . . Rohert Clent-e, In r rkrg i l l . . . . Lane ;mntl Cn.. D~mnedh . . . . (:. \\'nrd d Cn.. Cluistch~arch . . Thomson, Leuriv and Co.. \\'ellington . .

F. \\%it loclc'ilncl h-. \'anga&i Tho~nson and Co.. Dunedin . . S h i u p Brm., Christchurch . .

9. . . . . Shnrpe Brna . . . - Phomix Aerated Water C'onil~oy (Li-

mited), Wellington \V. -A. Ross and Sons (Limited), Belfast,

h h n d Phrcnix Aernted Water Company (Li-


Qainim . . . - carbonated cider' . - . . Ginger-& -. . . . . Golden-apple c h a m m e cider . . Colden-apple cider in draught . . For escdlence in bottlino . . CordialY . . . . . . Aerated waters and eordinlr . . Te h h a mineral waters. . . . Pure apple-cider . . . . Collection of wnlinls nncl aerated

waters CordiaLz . . . . . . =--a non-~leoholic cnncentrntd cordin1

SprHing B i i . . . - . . Bilz Punch, non-alcolmlic . - ...p llinaeis water, best cnllcctire

exhibit Ditto, special bottling . . . . Apollinnris water . . . . A p t n water .. . . -. Co* . . -. . . \';li-rongoa natural mineral water B r e d b e w r a p (non-alcoholic) . . cordids -. . . . .

. . . * . . &*lit . . . . . . Lemon quash . . . . . . Aernted waters . . . . . .

.. Cdkwtive exhibit, corclinls, Bc. Codit&. nernted u-nter?;, minenl

waters, ginger-alc G i & .. . . . . Corncob Punch . .

~ighl;: commended. Silver medaL Spciitl a d and

gold medal. Ditto. Gold medaL

Silver mt&L Gold-mdtL

Special a\twrl m d gold med;~L


h i d Ledn~. Silrer mnedal.

Cold m d ~ l .

A. E. &mP, Gore . . . . -. Lime-juice, ginger-wine, hopbeer . .

Page 35: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged


S w ~ r n s ~ o ~ ~.---COBDI~IS, -TED WATERS, =.---cmtinud Same. Exhibit. Arard.

He& Pain. West* . . Cordislrs, &a, incl~~ding lemonade Cornmendeb R W i i m e and Co., ~estpo* . . 9. 9.

Mrs. D a m , Reefton .. ~a.-rd ~ros. and &. ( ~ i m i i i ) , &: &la . . .. Silvecmeda~ &arch

Suecesnor to Ludwig Buff, Germanr . . Bitters.. . . . . . . Gold medal Xra W. P m . Sonth Canterbury . . Home-ma& mine . . . . Highl~ commended W a Hibbane ,- . . . . . . . . ,. Nrs. Dwand .. . . . . .. . . . . . . 9,

Liebii's Gnda~turing Cblupntly, U.G.4. Dr. Liebig's -parills . . . . Gold I U ~ . Csntrell and Coohrenr, Belfm. . . Dry Imperial ~ ~ r - a l e - . . ..


Xrtsc* atlci, Co., Adelside . . . . Spiritp of \Yic . . . . . . Hurnendco.. *hide .. . . .. . . . . . . Brow1 ruld Psnk (1~1. G r i m n and 1)sm) bngenek brandr . . . . Greenlees B r a , G h p r (per G l i ~ Scotch bulk n-hisky . . . . and DariY)

J. Lgom and Ca. (huited). (per Grier- Thmgmurton Seotch d~inb . . son and Dark)

Craipllachin Glenlimt D i i i l l q Chnl- Gselir Old S1i1i11r 0 . . psny (LiiGtt<I), (prr Dalgetp and C'o.)

.J. X Famrin. Trinidnd . . . . C&mtq dn \ranilia . . . . . . . . GSkn~r de Cacao . . . . .. .. ,. . . Crkmc. dn h i s . . . - . . .. . . . . M i a n Tonic- Ritm . . . . .. . . .. orange M i l .. . . . . .. . . . . Ia M i a Cordid . . . . .. . . . . h n q w ~ ~ n d Bit tm . . . . .. .. . . . . \'i'ornkmd Bittern . . . . .. 9. . - . . Irr India &it+- nlal . . . . .. . . . . .. .. (8avound) . . . . . . .. .. (fifteen g15ars) . . . * .. (extra hpecinl

matnd) Fn-nt~?- fils. Francn . . . . Cherry x r h i k b and W n ~ c da Yentk Boutcllva~~ and Cu. (I'M C; I -%IW~ an11 Wdk tmndy, C.CP. .. . . Dnvis)

Ditto . . .. . . . . G w bandy, CT.P. . t 'a~qhan Ju~lc*. and Co.. Loirdu~~ (per Old T~EII . .

Grierson an11 Davis) Ditto . . . . . . . . D q gill . . . . J. S b x r sons i~imitr;lj. ~ v n d c i

(per J. Shand and b.) Difto . . . . . . Mitchell ~ r o s . (~lllii~d). GI-ow (1m

J. Shand and C'.) -A. and B. Xwkay (per Powby and Keaa,

Dl1ntdin) Ditto . . . . . . . . \T. Twcher nntl Sons, Glasgun . .

Liqneum . . . . Special Kilmamcwli whisky

Silmarnoek a-his& Heather Dc<w Spcisl ~i&cur

seal whise Bulk whisky . . . . cast! whic;kp . . ~ n n d Liqueur G i s b Highland Cream bltk wh&

eane a** .. R. FL ~ h l m w n (UL~ ~ ~ . , ~ i R i t h ( p r F. O I ~ ~ g j j s n d liqueur whisky . .

Cross and Som) Ditto .. -. . - . . Robbie Bums blik whisky . .

. . 9. case whisky .. @&oz Borbolla and&., s l m k . . '- Thm Cro- '- brandy . . . .

,. .. . . -' h l r s u Cognac " brandy . .

Gold mdd. *. *.

.. Sin- 111e dal. Gold n11daL


Page 36: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged


CL-LSS 25.-\VINES, SPIRITS. BEERS, C O R D U 9 , AER-ITED WATERS-mntinrrrd. WUBDIVISIOX S . ~ r t i n u e d .

Xulte. Exhibit. Award. Crernlees Bros., Glsspow ( p r Griorso~~. CasPr WWC (G.B., special Scotch Cold medal.

and Davis) *b) 3. Jameson and Son. Ireland (wr Griemn Irish esae whisky . . ,. .. and Dsris)

The Cook and Bernheimer Compsnp, Xew American cotlrtsils . . Tork ( p r Grimn a d Davis)

Ditto . . . . .. T nhielry -. -. Prter Damon. Glasgow (per ~ Z e r s o n al;d EPrfWion Old Scotch caw whisky

Dm-is) Ditto . . . . -. . . .. b r a whisky

C%ri~zehwh Ueat CUIII\~SII~ . . .. tEsms -0nd bacon . . ~IeChl111m Bros. .. . . . . Baaon . . . . . . Gold la&

9 ,

C1vistch1rc.h Meat (!uu~pa~~y (Limited). . T i d muttoa . . .. . . . . Tinned or-tongues .. . . . . .. Shwp's tongues in glParr jam .. ., . . For excellence of eshibit

Cold medal. 9,

sp& avod gold mrurdal.

Gold medal. Sivnr udl. sold mtdal.

. . . . Poultry in glass jam ..

. . . . Pn&rred m a t s in ghs jntx 'Pubrcm C'~mli~y C U I I L ~ I ~ , . ~ r t r ~ ~ ~ c l . . T i d ahell-tish . . New ZeslantL CJ~II~IIY Cbmpny (Litritrtl). Tinned mullet ... . .

Tinned o m d bmef . . . . Braan . . . . Tia~vd whiteboi't- , . . . ,. . - . . Ox-tongnes in glass jars . . . . Bed and chicken emmcw. beef-teq

meat-juic*c?. and meat-tabloid% &ups in tuw and glass jars . . Potted meats . . . . . . Tiruled corned niuttart~ . . . .

. - . . d l . ~V~MII'. ~ o h t i l m . . . . .. \Y8stpon . . . . RI~IIJ. om1 en. (Limited). l u ~ d o n . .

-. .. beef . . . . -. xhe6pPs tollgllm . . . . .. ox-to~wrn . . . . Sheep's tongues in g b jars . . Purlr a d bmm . . . . Poultry in* jars . . . . Resewed meats in g b jars . . Collective exhibit of preserved meats d table dalicawies m glass jrvs aodtilm

Xraw in glass jua . . . . Exmct of meat . .

Cold Id Silver mrdal.

Cold '&I. S i r nt&.

.%at Cumpny (Limited). . pns~rvinp; Company (Li- Silwr mn&l.

Tinned potted meats . . . . ,, cOrned brrf . . . .

Sheep's tongua. . . . * Blaan . . . . . . Cumed ehopn .. . . . .

Gold :cdal. Silver medal. P*ld nmlal.

Page 37: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

C L A S S 26.-A9131-IL F O O D - P R O D G C T S - W n d . SUBD~VISIOX k - w AXD k ~~E PBXPABW.

Name. B&~ibit. Award. Christchnrch &at Company . . . . Extxac6 of meat . . .. Goidmedal. A. Uoritrmn and Co.. Dnnedin .. F ~ p o u i t r y . . .. Sikermedal.

SUBD~~~SIOJ I.-- CHnri~ Cmr.0~. Hendsrson and Co., Ceylon . . Fancy Golden Tips by1011 taa . . Silver medal. Rid19 and Son, ~ h r h t ~ h u r c h ' . . Sample colLeocion of 200 varieties of 2,

tas . . .. Tea+dtibit . . . . .. Gold d

~i~ton ' i imited, ~ o l o m ' b . . .. F8nq Ceylon tea . . .. Special award gold medal.

Eastam Tea Company. C h r i a t c h . . Tesarhibit, Amber tipn.. . . Gold medal. ,Yelsoa Ifate , and a. (Limited), Wel- Tsa-ezhibit . . . . . . ..

lingon Captain Bobbie, Fiji . .. - - .. Fijian tesa . . . . Lipton Limited, Colombo ' . . . . Tee-ezhibit .. . .


S. Kirkpatrick and Co. (Limited), X e b n CofFee . . . - . . T. J. GW and pa. m q n i .. &lko coffee .. . . D. St- and C'o.. Invercargill .. C O W . . . . . . Symington and C'o. Edinburgh . . Essence of co£fee and chicory ti'. Gmgg and Co. (Limited). Dunedin . . Cliib brand cotiee . .

,, . . Chicory, masted and qrocmnd . . . . Rue co&. roasted and gmnnd Ridle y an; Son, ~hristthmch. . . . C'osta Ri cotFea . . .. 9,

. . .. Pure Mocha mtiee . . 11 . . . . Enst India cow . .

W. J. ~wim, ~ i . i . . C'ofFee-benns . . . . Himrnpluey nnd L h h . ~ i j i ' . . .. . . . .

. . Silver medal. . . Gold medal.

. . Siver medal. . .

. . Gold

. - . . Silver m&l.

. . . . Gold *&I . . . . Hiihly commen

Sworvrsros 3.-S~xcm, h ~ g a s , J1rs - r~~~ . S, Kirkpatrick and Co. (Limited), Selson Spices . . . . . . . . Silver medal. D. Strang and Co.. Inwmmgill . - Spices and pepper . . . . Gold mednl.

.. W. Gregg and Co. (Limited). Dunedin.. Peppr, spices, kc. .. 9

S~BDIVISIOS LJ&\ls *D PEE~EBVED FRTITS. PEELS. S. Kirkptrick and Co. (Limited)? ScLm Collective exhibit . . . .

T. ~nirbro;her. Adelaide *' J i ' i t e r for Agriculture. ~ d e i i d e

J. S. Levesque. Biikenhenrl . . Frimley Canning Company, Napier

F. G. Parsonson and Sons, Dallingt .T. H. Hinton . . . . on.. . .

G e d display .. . . Jams and jellies -. . . Collection of dried fn~its, oils. m d

nuts Display of canned fn~its, pie-fn~its, and vegetables

C m e d apples . . . . . . Display of canned fruits, vegetables,

i- Jams. conned frnitr and preserves.. Jams and preserved frruts . .

SCBD~~SIOS ~ . - b C U l T S OF Bn-DS. Aulsebmok and Sons, Christchurch . . Collective display . .

. . Biscuits of all kinds ~oitthern'bom Biscuit and ~ k e c t i o n e r y .,

Company. \V-nui Aulsebrook and Sons. New &tith ‘~irlds~ .,

Slmi;ll oannl golcl medal

Cold medal.

Gold medal.

Commended. Silver mednl.



. . Special award and @medal. . . Cold medal . . Silver medal.

Page 38: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged



Name. Erhibit. Anard. Aulmbrook and Co., Christchureh . . Dry confectionery . . . . Gold medal.

S ~ B D ~ O S R Kirkpatrick and Co. (Limited)? Selson

7 . 4 ~ - LXD P r ~ s l ~ s . Eshibit of sauces and picklea Display of sauces a d pickles Collective exbibit .. Globe sauces . . . . LShip kand pickles . . Pickles and sauces . . \\-orester sauce . . Indian condiments . .

Cbld medal.

-tall did Co.. ~'hristchukh . . t. . - 9, . -

Hamilton and Goy. Palmerston Swrh . . UeUor and Co.. Toreester. Eqlnnd . . Turner and Co., Bombay. India . - E. 'i. &tty and Sons, Madras. India . . \Thitlock and Sons, \\hnnan~~i . . (;re= and CQ. (Limited),'~unedin . . Frimley Canning C'omlmny, Sapicr . . Brand and Co.. London . . a y a n r d and CO., cluistthlueh . .

(;old medal.

siire;-meda~. Gold medal. Commended. Silrer medal.


. . Pic& &id sauces . . Chutney sauce . . . . Tomato ketchup . . Sallces . . . . Collectire exhibit of saucer: Sances and pickles . . Cold ~ ~ ~ e d a l .

-. Timed fiPh .. .. Shields Ice and Cold-storage Comlmny

(Limited) Hayward and C'o.. Cltristch~~wl~ . - Pl~re malt-rinepnr . .

Chllectire exhibit . .

Penanp Sugar Estate. Fiji . . . . S n p r . . . . . . . . Silrcr tn~dnl. \*anco;ver Fiji S n p r Cbmp*n;r. F:j: . . . . . . . . . . . . C'olonial Sugar-refining Conrlmny. Fiji . . . . . . . . . . . . I ;o!cl 1ntrli11.

Srenr\?s~trs !I.- The Xe?rtli.'s ;n~d Anylo-S\r-is ( b n d e n d

Milk Comlmny Gerstenn F d r - m ; ~ n ~ ~ f ; ~ r t ~ ~ r i t m ~ ( 'nnml~nr.

Rwlston Ditto . . . - . . -.

-Fw.rrceors FOOD. FLOG=. ETC.

SwtlPs milk food . . . .

Slwiill i~wi~rd and :dcl ~aedal.

(:old loedl\l. Si1vc.r n~wliml. c ;illcl 11lwl;ll.

.. Pomdw-nttrill . . . - .. Inrailid+- and infants' foot1 Diamond brztnd oatn~r;ll . . . . Exhibit of fl011r , . . . Flour. wheatn~ri~l. Heri~ntlinc mt.;il.

pearl-hdey Peerlm fl01u . . . . . - Blue nncl roll& oats . . . . ('ornflonr. starch . . Exhibit of flour . .

.- . . D. H. Brown and Son. ~'hristitd~~rrcl~ . .

.. Fleming and ('0. (Liu~itcdL In\-ereargill. . Sonthern C b Biscuit C'ompny. \\-a-

ngmui G. Tnll>nell. Selson . . . . . -

Special award and cold nmedal.

(;old medal. Silrer medal.

\\batmeal . . . . . . Flour . . .. . . . .

. . . a . . . . . . . .

J. ~ d i ; and ('0:: &chnrch' ' . . Ireland nnd Co.. Oaman~ . . . . Clark Bros.. Oamaru -. Rood Brm. (Limited). Christkhamh . . Slmial award and

gold medal. (;old medal. Moir and Co.. Christchmh . . . .

Mellm's Food Company. London . . Wood Bros. (Limited), Christchmh . .

Rolled oats . . . . 3Iellin's Food for infants and invalid% Supreme brand flour. oatmeal. wheat -

medl. &. n'hestmeal, Oatinr. rolkd oats .

. . . . . Flour . . . . Langdom and Son, Christchurch . . Evans, Timaru (Atlab: Roller-mills) . .

Page 39: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

Nama The NestlC's and Aq$o-SrisS C o n d d

?&ilk Company Ditto . . . . . . . .

1. . . . - . - . .

W. P. Auld and Sons, Adelaide . . 9, . .

F. W. ~il;, Adelaide . . G. F. Cleland and Co., Adelaide T. Hardy and Sons (Limited), ~ d e h i d , ' White. Tomlrins, and Courage U t i n e Jianufacturhg Company ( ~ i :

mited), h d o n . . Camrick and Co. (Limited). &on ,YastllO's and Anglo-Swiss coIdfm3ed Milk

Company Ditto . . .. . . . . . . $ i s FA ~oml#my, ~a& . . W. T. JErvray and Co. (Limited), Inrer-

eargill Wickes Limited, Greymouth . . Laqdown nnd Son, Christchureh . . -4. 3Iurdoch and Co.. Dunedin . -

Chrystall and C'o.. Christchurch . . C. E Savage. duckland . . . . L i t o n Hutchiin, Hamilton . . . . W. 0. Taylor, Hastings . . . . . . . . ~ e w &land ~-er(l' Co-operative Asso-

ciation, Christchurch Ditto . . . . . - . . C. Sheiuer, JIikormi . . . . Jks. Damnd, South Canterbu& . . Colonel C. S. Bailey, Timam . . -.

'+i= A- Milkmaid SWISS and Engbh m i b . . Gold medal

Ideal and Gdd-medal, milk . . Swiss, Viking, and Nomegh

minu Superb milk and Superb evaporated

cream .. Pure olive-d . . -. Firginolivsail .. . - -. Salad and alive oils . . . . Pure olive-oil . . . . . . Olive-oil . . . . . . Jelly-powders . . . . . . Maltine preparations .. . . Liquid peptonoida, solnhle foods . . Cocoa and milk . . . .

spec& award and gold medal.

Gold medal.

Coffee and milk . . . . Chocolate and milk . . . - X e W s La-Glyeose .. Highlander brand condensed milk : : .-

foods for stock and poultry 7x4 chickem-food, cattle-condi- Siivermedal. ments

J e U y - c y s t . . ..

Estracted honey in glass. . . . Honey in tins . . . . . . Earacted honey in tin . . . . .. in glass.. . . Comb-honey in sections . . . .


Wnitohi Co-oprative Dairy Factory Corn- Cheese.. .. . . pany (Limited). 3Iadborough

J. K. Saxelby. Southland . . . . Stilton cheese . . .. Okam's Bay Dairy Company . . .. Largecheese .. . .

.* . . .. Mediumcheese .. . . I&'-ui airy Factory Company . . Larga cheese . . . .

. . Xedium cheese . . . . Little U o a Dairy Company . - . . , .

9. . . ~6af-ch';ese . . . . Barry's Bay Dairy Factory Company . . L w cheese . . . .

.. ,. . . Medium cheese . . . . German Bay Dairy Factory Company . .

. . ~ u : = : : . . South CanGrbtq ~ a i r ~ ' k m ~ a n ~ . . Large, medium, and loaf Ronpkokako D+y Factory . . .. M . . . .

Gold medal. Silver medal Gold medal


Special award and gold medal.

Gold medal

Highly commended

Gold medal. Highly commended. ..


.. 9.

Page 40: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

x- T.i Tap Dairy Company . .

Setton D& Company (~imited) Canterbury Dairp Company . . . . Sefton Dairy '&mpy (~im.i&k)

9, 9.

c.nterb&* ht rd coo&tive Company. Limited

Ditto . . . . . .

Exhibit B u t t e r m l l b p a t s .. . . 5Glb.exportbntter .. . . Bdter in 9 lh jars . . . . 56 1b. butter (export) . . .. Buttu m 9 lb. jars . . . . S l b . export bo t te~ .. . . Butter m 1 lb. pats . . . . . . . . Butter in"9 lb. jars . . 56lb.eqo~tbutter .. Butter m 1 lb. pats . . 56 1b. export butter . . . . Butter in 9 lb jars . . . .

Sw~msmr 14.-Coco~ LSD C~OCOLATP.

The NestU'e and Anplo-Swks Condensed Kobler's Swiss milt-chocolate . . Milk Company

Ditto . . . . . . .. i h o a .. .. -. 9. . . . . . . . . a d milk:: . . . . .. . . . . .. . . ~ e 3 e e ~ n a milk.. . . . .

. . - - . . Chocolate and milt . . . . &her ~im%d, Switzerland . . . . Swiss milk and vanilla eatinp-chn-

d a t e . . . . Hib-dm chocolate d e c t i o n s . . ~ensrlo;~ and Po.. ~&erdam . . C'dlectivc display of hi$-elass choeo-

late and confedion- not made in Ken- Zealand

IS Y* . . High& chocolate ronfections not made in Sew Zealand

** 1, - . .. coma .. . . . . . . *I -. . . C'hocolate neat work anti cwoa-

butter . . . . . . For whole eshibit . . . .

Ridley &d Sons, ~2uist'Ehurch'

~dseb&k and Co., c'&stclnmh

Powen Bm., Fiji .. Captain Robbie. Fiji j;' . .

. . DQ- eonfectionc~ and boded sugars

. . s.yhs pare ~ollllle cocoa . . . . Solable chocolate . . . . . . Chocolate confertiom made m Ken. Zealand . . ('ocma-heam . . . . . .

A d Gold medd.


s i l v e r " m e ~ Gold medal.

Gold medal.

~ ~ m i a award and gold lnedal

nitto. (:old medal.

Special a d and gold medal.

Gold m&l.

.- Commended.


W. JEcJIillan, PalmexatonNorth .. Leather . . . . . . Gold medal. . . specialla prepared . . Silvu medal. & ima b& Invermrgill. . DA leather-of ~II kinds

Lane and Ca, Chistchurch . . . . Kip and sole leather, harness-leath'k Gold medal.

Stephen Tapp, Blenheim . . .. T d s l t i n s . . . . Silver medal. -9 .. . . 4 . . Gold medal.

P. Laarena, New L u t h Wales . . deet ion of Xew Sooth fmzl M. Kettleberg, Bitais . . . . Aostxalian and Tssmanian-fm rugs s&.oward and

andmats gold-medal.

Page 41: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged


9-e &rh i Award. J. Hunter and Sons (Limited), Sew South Collective exhibit of boots and shoes Special a d ilnrl

Wales gcld medal. P. J. de la Cour. C'hristohurch . . Boots and shoes -. . . Silver medal IFhybrow and Co., Victoria . . . . ,, . . Gold medal. W. Henderson, Dunsdin . . and-made boots and ah'& . . silver medal. Shlton, FmaticIr, aud Co., christchmh Boots and shoes . . . . Special a d and

gold medal. Smith and Sons, Chrktch~mh . . . . . . Silver medal. & Perry and Co., Melbourne. . . - . . . . Gold medal.

S c s ~ r m r o x -~ .~ADDLEsY &XD Ha-. Trkt and Small, Chritchurch . - Trotting-gear and saddlery . . Gold medal. W. Patchem. Ashburton . . . . Set Scotch cart-harness, by F. J.

Butler ; set gig-harness (Mack and brown), by J. Miller and K Suther-

M Y E. and A. Ransom, Dannevirke . . Trim and Denton, Clvistchureb . .

.Yew Zedand Furmen' C'o-operative AM ciation, Clvistchrneeh

\V. Wade, Sor~th Canterbury . . . . B. 3L Bird, Wellington . . . . . W. F.Idadilae. South Canterl~t~rj? . . F. J. Butler, Ashburton . . . .

land. hiiburton Leather suitable for bridles, neek-

shapb* girths, whip Horse-covers .. . . . . Foursaddles .. . . . . Trotting-gear, by Tuttle and Clark,

Detroit -hericnn and English harness and

SlIddleY Light hamew and set double harness,

ladies' saddles, and home-co~em Set dq-eart harness and small saddle t\'hipthongs . . . . . . One stoekwhip made in 1 W . . Srateh cart-hamess . . . .

Highly commended,

C :old medal.

C'ommended. W d me& Commended. Gold medal.

Srsvrrzslos ~-TBCSKS, P O B T ~ T M U X , ETC

Triggs d Denton, C%ristchureh . . Tnrnb. portmante;kttz, and t~r re l - I.:old mednL Ik:-hRps

P. I\: Lilmbert and Co., G K h . . High-pde leather novelties . . Slmi;~l aw.anl and rold medal.

J. Kingsland m d Ca . . . . Stair-tread made. from leather . . Silver md-L

CLASS ?S.-\000L ;LYD FIBRES. Scs~n-IsIoS l . - W o o ~

Be&v 6. Horomta " .. P. C. -~hrelkeld, Flaxton . . Xorth Canterbury Cot& . . The warren9 Eakte. otfd . . D. G. Greenwand, Teviotddc. . James l t t l e , E a r w d e n . . A. D. Stttlmhnd. Otap . . Watson Sheanan. Obgo . . Nelson h, Hawk's Bay . . J. \T. Earding, Hawke's Bar Te date Station, Hawke'e Bay Hw. J. D. b o n d . HawWs Be Douglas Mehim, Hawke's Bay R D. D. 3 l c h Eawke's &ly EI. -Uan Cunie, Victoria . .

. . For indiridual wooi-collection . . Spcill a w d and mid mednl.

For collective exhibit of wool L'dlectix-e rshibit of wool


Four IIeeces merino wool..

~ i i \ & ' n d t ~ C;okd medal Silver medal.

. &Id &'I& Silver medal Gold medal.

Page 42: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

xlune. ExhiExhibit. Pow Bms.. Vhxia.. -. .. Foarfleew pure hwlo wool .. A. 3. Awstkl, Titoria .. .. R o 0 e e c e s k i n o d . . James Zkrssell, V i .. Ninetleaxsmainonool.. A. B. m d G. F. ~ ~ n i n g , ~ i c & . . ~ a o fl- merino -1 . . Robext C. Evans . . . . J O I ~ ~ h h t i i e and & .. . . L ~ ~ C Q I ~ -': . . T. JrcDonaLd and SOM .. .. Three &mxs meria0 wool Phillip Rnseell . . .. .. Fourfkecesmerinoarool.. J. C. M o l d . . . . Sir &eeces merino wool . . J. StringEellow, ~antk;bnry . . . . Colleotive exhibit of woo1 . . . . .. ~nsca&,BOLCdrhl;T . . . . A. W. Rutherford, Waian . . . - .. C Reid, Canterbury. . . . . - .. W. &demon, Centerbury .. .. J. Bonifmt. Can- . . . . 9,

C. J. Peter, Cmt0sbury . . . . .. James hr. Canterbury . . . . .- D. G. m*, -lug .. . . R. Tarbottom, hnterbury . . . . Nelson Bros, H a h ' r Bay . . . .

s* n . . . . Canter"amS Frozen 'heat a& D.P.E. ..

Campany (Limited) 3L E %her, Kew South Wales .. \Tool fleece Southland Executive Committee, K Z L E Wle&ive erhii i of wooi '

SCBDIVISIOX 9-Fux (PAormimm tenor) HEJ~P, IT. Adams, JIarlhorough .. . . Flaz hemp . . . . J. Poole and Co., Blenheim . . . . . . . . Caner's 3Zarlborough . . . . . . R. F. Gvulter. Blenheim . . . . . . . . Isaac Coatea. Hamilton . . .. D& flax . . ~ a l ~ i s ~ros, ~ q ~ m . . . . one ~e d kar . . . . . . . . . . D. J. 'Jzc~aen, $e m e .. -ti;= .. .. . . ~ ; e r ~ealand ,Gociation, , in MS . . . .

Palmerston Sorth R JLaddren. Soutb Canterbuq . . Flax . . . . . - C. Leech, Fkqiora . . . . . . ~ressedf las . . . - . - h e h ? Bros, Greymouth . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. &fibre .. . - . . X. F. iarnh, ~ a p i e r .. FI&~ .. . . . . -. D. JIcKemie, ~011th ~ h t e r b ; j . . . ,, . . . . . . . .

SLWU~TSIOS 8-Jfahm~ LXD FLAX ROPE. S. Holtze, South Australia . . . . Pisang, Xauritius, skid, and ha--

string hemp .. Cotton . . . . . . GI~FL- Rope ~ m p a n y , ~;'clrland . . Flar rope . . . . . .

~ d i n h h Roperie Company (Limited). Coir rope . . . . . . London

Ditto .. . . . . . . Hemp rope .. . . . - . . . . . . .. Manilarope .. . . . .

. . Yacht manila . . . . . . J:L JI~& ClG&hnrch' ' .. Flrurope .. . . . .

.. &nilamp .. . . . . ~ a e G- ~ o p a comby (Iimited) . . " . . . . . . . . . . .. .. 11 Coir rope . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 1 9 Hemp mpe

A d . Gold mew. ..



silvk'medaL Gold medal

Gold ;cxld.

Gold medal. C o m n d e d . Gold medul.

~ b m n k d e d . Highl~ commended hid medad Highly commended Silver m&L

silver"meda~ Highly commended. Silver medaL

Gold m&L

vf oommandcxL Gold medal.

~4 award and gold medal.

Ditto. Gold medal.

Page 43: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

CL4W 28.- WOOL AND FIBRES - coutinrud. SCBDIWIOX + . - B I X D I & ~ -.-

Xame. ExhibU. A&. Edinburgh Roperie Company and Sail- Binder-twine . . . . . . CMd medal.

cloth Company (Limited), London James Ma&,- C h r i s t c h d . -

Edinburgh Roperie Company and Sail- Shop - twines, fishing -tines, and all Gold medal cloth Company (Limited), Iandon other tniws and cords

CLASS m . - s r L m -L\mias, INSECrs, ETt,

EIugh W. C W i , South A u s h h . . Turtle and tortoise she& diga:or skulk and she&

Rev. W. C. Oliver. C%cktchurch . . Stags' heads . . . . . . E Hardcastle, C h r ' i n r e h . . . . . . . . . . The Nelson Stag-head Committee . . . . F. E ~ o r n b , ~ u c k ~ a m l - - . . ~ o ~ e e z o n fa~~owiieer ha% . . otago ~eelimatisation ' . . I* . . T. E. Donue, Wellington . . . . St*' heads . . . . . . E J. Itiddiford, Wellington . . . . . . H. A. and C D. Hodgkimon, Oamwn . . ColIec*%m red&& heads-' . . Exhibition Trustees, Xelbourne . . Collectire exhibit of Attstmlian

snakes A. SherKV . . -. . . Trout caught in Ashburton County

rirers Sew Zealand Government Tourist e ~ d Collection n€agat h d . . -.

Hedth Resorts Deprtment

Siver medal.

Gold medal.

Special a w d and gold medRL

Siver medal.

Special ;&ward imd gold medal.


Ifanly Bras., -llnwick, Eughnd . . Cdleotira exhibit . . . . Slmial uw;rrd aud goid ~ n ~ l . .. . . X?rhinwods .. - - . . (;old medal. . . Fishing-reels . . . . . . 9,


T. EL Carerhill. C'llristch~uch.. . . Cooler-srhezuing-machines (frictinn- Gold III&L

Sutton and Sons, EnnJrtnd . . C!. Dahl, P;llmen+on North . . . . G. C!nmmin.. Jlartou . - . . Crown Separator C o m p y ~ S d u . . ., - - T ~ C \Valter 2. i\-ood ~ o w i n q a id ~ e a ;

i rq Jhchine C'ompnp, New York Bicbford and Huffman Company, Sew

York Richard Stevens, Christchurch . . .A. Storrie (Limited). In- . .

.. . . ~ea&arbanh: hu£acturing Company,

Xew South W h Ditto . . . . . . . .

leistype) - (foo~mr'n " Little woncler '' lmnable

~Laring-ontfit, with en6e, kc. Specimens of horticuitural recl~liuites,

cntlerv, Bc. Perfect .GFtor, chum, milli-citn.. iV1m1-1~~sa . . . . LXX mi~lc-~uriti& . . . . h m cnnms .. . . . . (Irown cream-separators . . . . Collective exhibit of rgcicultural ma-

chinery Farmers' Fsrourite drill . . . . Jlik-aerator nnd Shield cream-cooler Double-breast ridger, with patent

attachment Xmbl Samson windmill . . .. Stumpjump plough . . . . Set-plougfi nndearthaeoop combined

sped award and gold medal.

Gold medal.

Sirer medal

Page 44: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged


Name. IMt. Anma. B ~ a n d ~ m ~ ~ t o n .. . . Drain-plough .. Goldmedal.

,, , .. .. ~ d s h o e s , a n d s p e e ~ d ~ o e b-d=d. ing

E Reece and Sons, C3uisbhnrch .. Bean spray-pumps . . .. (;old medal. . . Keen Kutter lawn-mowers .. ~ I L s&thers, and ~'o.~~luistehmcfich Reliabh incubator a d brooder . . ~ i v e ~ m e d a l . Bateman b u f - Company, ORn- Iron Age fann and garden implements ,,

loch. KJ. Suudee Hardware Company. Phils- Great American Pe~~~~ylvanian lawn- Gold medal. - -

&phis mower &son, Struthers, and Co. (Limited), Exhibit of dairy mchineg . . Special a w d iuul

Quistchnrch gold medal. Ditto . . . . . . . . Alpha-Laval improved model ereanl- Ditto.

Domld and Sons (Limited), h t e r t r m . . 1. tt - -

uoota, iiLc~~arrld. &I (ro. (Limited): Christchmch

John Vorbsch. W b o m u g h . . -. il'ickes Limited (Greymonth) . -

Patterson, Slacli. and CO., Wellin M - - Bustin. Proctor. nnd Co. (Limit$, By-

land Hutchison Xltii-machine C'omlmny,

Cbristchurch Ditto .. . . . . . . -I. E. Lowe, Tai T~IIDII . . . . W. G. Rarpr* mctoria . . . . H. V. &by. V i ~ w i r . . . - Bamford a d Sons. Enri;~nd . . . .

., . . .- . . . . E. H. Ben& auld ('0.. Ihgl*d Hutchinson X i Company, c&:

ehumh llitto .. . . . . . . Tracles Gnionist S h e e l d a r n Can~l-y

(Limited), Emgland \\'. Cable and Cu.. iVeUington . . k Sewcomb and Co., ,~uckland . .

s e p ~ t o r ~ Davidson's Tulcan auto skim-milk

=@herher Federal wre-strajner . . . . Lifting-jacb . . . . . . ibl-yrescr . . . . . . Collective machiiery exhibit (a@-

cul tml) Pot.atQdigger . . . * . . bllective dialday of Jubilee incu-

baton. bmode1~. and poultry m- qllisites

Incubators .. -. ~breshing-rnac&& .. . .

Uold medal.

~ i ~ v e r k x l a ~ . Gold medal.

Silver medal. Special award H I I ~

gold m&l.

Cold m d d . .*

Two-minute chum . . . . Silver medal.

Son-suction milking-machine . . Patent flower-pot . . . . Hibide disc plough . . . . Sunflower & ~>lougll . - . . Collective exhibit of grinding and

r-m-cnuwhmg machinery Cniversal wed-cleaner . . . . Cellular neprator cleaner . . Xo. 44 pin-crusher . . . - Zerlandia c M c u t t e r . . . . Empire chaffcutter . . . . (W-cutters and milk . . . . Scott patent milkfcver-curc itl>lm-

Slwxial urard aud p l d medal

Highly commended Gold medal. Highly commendal. Uold medal.

Special awad and gold medal.

Silver medal. Gold medal.

ratui Collective exhibit . . . . Slmial award and -

gold medsL Sheepheivs . . . . . . Gold medal.

nPr&plte~ . . -. . . Silver medal G h chums and Dome separators 9.

Tamber's inmlbator and p t ~ l t v alc Gold medal. ldianw

Levin and Co. (Limited), W e U i . o a . . \i'olaelep shear@-machine . . J. Elliot, Easthp . . . . . . Drenching-maehine . . ~&'meaal. Reid and Gray, Christchurch . . . . Collective exhibit of agricbitural ma- Gold medal.

ehinery P. and D. Dunean. CIuhtchurch . . Apknltltral implements . . . . I.

David J I ~ ~ I u v and b. .. Improved -1-pres .. . . Silver medal. P o d B- *and Whitalrer, G a p & . . Cambrian potstodigger . . . . . . Gold medal. James Hamiltan, Wmton . . . . Patent sectional sliding sheepfence. . Silver medal

Page 45: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged



xsma Fahibit. Sten.& D~WBOII and Co., chriskhmh.. \Vatches . . Smith and Sons, London and . . spohr~nome ~lectri~al cAFy 2 EILL ~lh . .

SIlstdia Stewast Dawson and Co. .. -. Colaective display . .

J. R. Gaunt and Son (Limited), En,g W and silver badges . . .. Stewart D~WSOII and CO. . .

Smith and Sons, London . . . . 6 G. Younes, Melbourne Flavelle, R o k k , and &;, Q-L

land M. U. BL Salie. JIelbonmcr . . JL Papworth, rjew south \T& . . E Spath, Germany . . .. . . b Zansmen, Germany . . . . Jones and Son, Christchurch . . . .

. . d t a l j e d & - . . Jewel lq and gems . . Gem and jewellerg . . W-wire brooches m c ~ mount2

cats'-eyea, &c. Gold-mounted bsetle jewellery . . dmbex jewellery . . . . Collective eshibit of penstone . .

Slmid an-ad and gold medaL

Special a w d n11d gold medal.

Gold medal.

silve;'m&l. Special a n a d aud

gold medal. Ditto. Silver medal.

Highly commet~ct~d. Gold medal.


.. Stewart Dawaon and Ca. . . Sterliug silver and electro-1di1te . . (;old 111da1. Jones and Son, ciuiatchmh . . . . Silversmiths' work . . ..

9. . . . . mie em in silver and Inom . . -. -. ~~ .. . . . .

J. ~ o $ d and Son, &&el& Ehglnnd .. Electru-plate hives. riponti, kc. .. Ogie and Leach, C%rktchurch . . Silver and art metal-u.arc . . -.


Camam Ceiliug Uompan y, \ W i o n . . h m t i v e idaster . . .. Special a n d and gold md11.

G. Xaidment, Sydney . . .. hesdress ing . . . . (;old medal. -, . . Black dye for leather .. .. . . Watarpmuf blacking for k t h e r . . ~i1ver';neda~ -. .. . . . . S i i i n g for leather . . . . ., .. . - . . Indelible marking-ink . . . .

A. Simlrson and ,%n. Adelaide . . \Titreoas enamelled-iron n i p . . Gold ~ e d d . Government of South -41letralia . . Trophy of n n t i d ~~roductr of the ,. t

state H. Iesli Friend, AucMand . . .. Endem enamelled einc .. .. -, S. C. Farr, Christchurch . . . . Relief model of Bunks Penimillir and ,.

A h a a Flarbour Lyttelton Earboor Board . . . . Relief model of Port ELilLi . . .. EL Gpmann and Co., Havana.. . . Havana cigPrs . . . . . . -. L WolE, Hamburg . . .- Germancigars .. . . . . ,, Suckland Nuseum Committee' ' . . Cdeetion of Maori curiox .. Specid an.& aud

gold medal. Bq -: -: X. ; !Limited), London . . Patent safety m a t c h , non-lmhouli Gold medal.

wax vesta;s Cifuentea F e d and Co., Cub. .. H e v m c+ .. . . .. Special a d and

gold medaL aka G. Witon, Palmemton Korth . . Artiicial flowers . . Commended. A. Abe- New Pork . . . . s-es, eyeglasses, &id-@asses, hid d.

d ~p&ade-leneee . . . . E. Dotton, Auckland .. Cdomedknri-gum .. . . Silver medal. Uangata Coal and Oil ~omi& . . Model -ning plant for coal . . Ciold medal

Page 46: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

CLASS 33.--1LL ARTICLES NOT OTHERWISE CUSSIF'IED. ETC.-coda~wzlcd. Xwe. Efhibik Award.

James HolmY, jam., h v e ~ . . Patent intedockmg " S -at coup Gold medal.

. - petex 2 BI*, Giiton " . . . - George Ramage, Centre Bwh. . . . . Technological Museum, Sydney Department of Public b t m c t i o ~

S+Y &&th Tobacco Company, London . .

.. stokes and $118, elb bourne . :' . . X Kennington. New Plymouth . . A. G. Younes, Melbourne . . . . Ronald Bsdger, Christchurch.. . . ParafFuro Paint Company, U.Sk . . Standanl Peiut & m y '3er York . . XWOU, Struthers, and &.: Christahtlreh

Xulml'x Eqlmive Compsuy, Glurgow . . Xugget Polish Comnl~suy (Limited). CZuit- - .

~ l r n ~ l ~ C. -3, Julius. Lluktelrurch . . . -

Uritiih F~ibro-cwnlent Syndiuatc ( L i ~ ~ u t d ) .J. P. KC- Chriitcl~urcl~ . . . . I!. Reineluslm. Germany . . . - Isis \Verb Company. Bavaria . . T. NchuaId. Marlborough . . . . Taus Rulra.. . . . - . . H r a k R o r o . - . . . . Hare Rum .. . . . . . . S. S. \\'hitat lh*~~to l JIaul~facturiug CVIIL-

IUlly. U.S.A.

F. H. H-m.lvy a1u1 Son. T m d . . Harny Dam1 and Ca, Victoria . . Crisp Athill, a d Co. (Limited) . .

D a m n Patent Egg-carrier Comlmnp (Limited). Christohurch

Wanganui X m t i - W Compnp . .

ling Patent interlocking block-coupling fo~

&pping, qinging &- Patent intedoekmg bndle . . Rabbit-fumigator . . . . Patenttrolly-brake .. . . Hand-made horse-shoes . . . . Models of skps' mouths Exhibit of work of pupils attend&

New South Wales public schools.. T i cigarettes . . . . Turkishcigawttes .. . . Smoking-mirhue tobacco . . British cigars . . Xedah, dies, and stamp&-m& h r i curios . . . . 0.ient4 fancy iAs . . Exhibit of advertising-utilities P. and B. buildiug-pper, mlthoid rooEng, mslthoid d a m p - c m

R u W d d n g , insulating-ppnr General eshibit of hardware, sport-

i n g - g d . imnmongerp.. &. High o~$wtoaa, anuuumt~ot~ . . Various Yugget poliihes . . . . votiug-luachino.. . - . . Fabrikons wuvwn wall-covsriug . . JlOael plant d by the Jioorc-

H&tt d i d proms for thu nuu~idaehue of iron and steel

Turkish h a n d - d e goods --carved mottmr-of-pearl goo;l; Patent window-fastener . . . - Patent safety lift *,i~1 readingorest anri ' invalici'i

ovorhed table Fibre-cement linings and dates . . Lightning eradicator . . . . Bavarian beaten-cqpr art object* AI% v a s a in tin and lwwtur . . JIaoriourim .. . . . .

9. . . -. . - . . . . . .

9, . - . . . . CI~lhtive exhibit of dental rppli-

aces. furniture. material. and teeth

Boer tobeceo . . . . Corn* fodlidz . . . . Wwbsr l a h e r - lrrw8rving bout -

l d i h CoUective exhibit. ta1l;iq-tr~hines

POW-grit .. . . . . Animal manures . - . . V i i n o i g a r e t * .. . . Turkish cigarettes . . . .

Silver medal. 9,



award and gold-medal.

Ditto. Gold medal. Special award snd

gold m d . Gold medal.


Gold &&I.

~ ~ m i . 2 r w d s n ~ gold medaL

Goid ~tredaL 3.

~ g ~ f eotummdal. Silver mdaL RighIy comtuendd

&id ~ l l c d d Highly coma~~e~&xL Silver m&L Cold uwbL Highly co~u~nend~HL

S i r d Special n d a ~ d

*m€daL Gnld ~nedd.

Special awed a m gold mcdaL

Gold medaL

S i m r medal.

Page 47: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

SEW ZEAGAhm -0s.


Sme. Exhibit. d m . Bulhm Limited, Euglmd .. . . Telegraph % i i n d a t o ~ ~ , electric- Gold nredsl.

light. Wings J. a ~rnoe urd ~ i . . . . Shshg-aresm. hamst+com1mition, Siver medal.

B h k d son's boot-~lif+h Colonid drmurmitiou Compimy (Limited), Eshibit showing -303 c k 5 d g m in Gold medal.

buckland comld&e proatsg of the mana- f.ctnre

CIlarlea Qdi, Chris t~hmh . . . . Repou& copper-work . . .. S11~inl a w i m l awl gold medaL

Buscott Bost-manubturbg Company Notm-bch . . . . . . Gold mrdaL - - - U.S.A.

Richsrdson and Blair, adlington ~ s p e d~brrtos ampany ( ~ i ) , LO;;-

don A. W. Buston (Limited). Cluistehurch.. Xi J. Demiston, Christehurab . . \Vdkm. -&n, and Co., m'&laton, Ch&

c h m h Ridley and Sons, Christchurch . . T d Exhibition Conuuittw . .

Iavc~rBros.,Fiji .. . - . . R C Tartc, Fiji -. . . l i n m ~a;;d . . . .

South Canterbury Co~u~uittcr.. . 9. .. - .

T. \\'. Fowler, Kctoris . . B d o y B r a , CHristch~~rch . .

F. E Hartler and Son, Tmrmaal . . A. Kohn, Ai~clCbnd . . . . . . A. Xmis, Otago . . . . . . Dye, - . . . . . . Chamber of Commercet Sapioi . . Ian Sipson T. Hmton . .

F. id^ New s6dth ~aldB' Van Hoaten and 7h-m. H o h d (;4mtmbmy ~nvmon a t ~ n d ~ j i r y Prb:

dace Export Campsnp (Limited)

Sectional edge-grip cold tire-setter Blue .sbestos remowbh coverhp

for b o i 6GG. Horticultural exhibit . . . . Fireddcrrring .. . . Gtttle in relief cuving . . . . Boot-polish and hrun-g . . h s h i b i t , consisting of kjeeliug,

Omqp Pekoe, Ceylon, and Chins tcas

Tools 8nd horne-shas tunclv fro111 Tamad5 ironsand

Proems of a;ltetchi~~ from lifw . . Graining mid l w b l i i . . . . Diplay exhibit . . -. Collective cxhibit uf ~JwreLi trf

w r i m r x kin& Sarnltles of c o p . . . . . . Xdt*l 2 !lhm" Hail,"&- Dkpby 0f briebi, fi9ttStstu-, &.;

aomprhi i wall Disltlay ss a d o l o . . . . D~q~lay repraenting ulnntiugwp-

city of D i i c t of South W r - bnw

Grsin OWT TI or s~~tmrei-ho~lli~ . . Display of grain-wtk on walls end * Patent h l d w covms, and valm G e d orhibit of rrtained-ghss win-

dows, I d g h t and plumb ' i ap- 1-

3Ianufso& tobacco . . . . Guneral display, an t i - rhe~~u~t ic rings \v8teqx00f prosematiit dubbing . . hi mts ~o~crotion of prGucti &ti tb

trint Maori mstx and fpm . . Collection of conifm~lfi t;xws shi 'ug and other plants

Co11eEtion of New Zeelend f h i i . . Swim ohoaolata chalets .. . . D i l a y of Vsn Houten cocoa . . CoUectim eshibit of pmmmed meat^

and table delicacies in glass jars end tina

Complete exbibit of plumbii and gaswing wort

SiiVrr'-,l& Gold medal.

Highly c o w n d t 6 (~olllnlclldcd. Gold ult*&L Silver n d .

Cold mcrlsl Highly comuwnrltd.

Gold n l c u . ,. Silver ~uedaL Special a n d ;urd

gold luedal.

Silver n&l. Gold medal.

Hiphl;r cn~uuwnW. Gold lucdaL

Page 48: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged


(;ownuuent of Fiji .. . . . . Dmpley of products from Fiji IS- h h l medal. lands

RsggandCa, Fiji .. -. Natives of &lo North, Fiji . . J. P. Burness, Fiji . . . . W. JIcJ?hexson, Fiji . . La Yebans Cigar Comp:uy, l&ih ., J. P. KeepL cllrii;EhUN:h .:* Griemn and Davis, C h r i s t c h d

Jokn Tam . . . . .. JZ A. Ustcdfs. ~l&&urch . . . . Cook Islands Admhbtmtion . . . . Claudius Ash, Son% a d a. (Limited),

En*d Mrs. & Cohmr, C'hriikhurch . . .. .. Prisons Department, New ZeslauJ.

Xorth Gttrtnan Lloyd Steamhip Cutu- P ' Y . .

h e .. -,. . . . . . .

Walker, Son. 4 Cu., \V~wlstou . .

Alldays and Chuon. BuruiughYln Cfmnl&ud and Son. JLelbournu E J. Bettany . . ..

Balllers Li~nited. Enghd .. John Shew (Limited), . . JhImt~e \Ye+@ . . . . - .

,, . . . - . .

T. hard^ a d Son Adchide . . . . H. J. Scott and Sons . . . . Robert EMOW Cbrktchurch . . . . D d Reid and Ca, Dunedin ..

3, . . M k JI~K-~, Dunedin . . . .

Essanceofwnills . . . * sample of rubber -. .. I&@; co-A Cotton.. . . . . Sivar medd, sample af copra' - . . .. ~ommended. m F . . . . 8 i ~ ~ 1 l medal.

c w . . . . . . Gold meds). &d*vins .. .. Commended. CoIleetive display of wines, syiria, Gold medal.

ales, &5. Hrs- and burglar-proof safes h l ~ y '101fs painting. h. . . Highly aommended. Compreheusiva collect.ion of Cook Gold medal.

Island products and curios Colleotive exhibit of dental applimnces. ,,

furniture, material. an dteeth Embroidering names on handkerchiefs Highly mlumended. Jirorifisrkitsandmsta,modelsof S i r m e d a l .

buildings, i l l a m i d writings, fender-kerb

M l of lighthouse with revolving ~3

light, and photogrsphs JZsori curio8 stdl . . Highly commeudd Collective exhibit slul %sl,hy of Cold medal.

Native work and Maori curion Sizeme~u~~~ing, -tar- ., 31auufwtured articles . . .. Speaial a d end

gold 1ned&L &Uriaultural l~roducts-fruit. rlmple- Ditto. sager. honey

General scheme of installation . . I"stra special awanl and gold medal.

Cou~~~mhensive exhibit of mic~rnlri Special award and gold medal.

Fancy beIIom . . . - . . Silver medal. Baci i outrigger . . .. Gold m&L Soale-drawing, patent Incplo . . S i r medal. Automatic wind@-line . . .. .. &ti-' todu and biqele-tubes . . Klgldy com~~e~uled. Pataat widow-fastener . . . . Aerated-&a m h i n e r y .. ~oldmecibL Collective dispby of art-jewehry, Specid award awl

h a a d - d e w o r k gold med&L Chiae, mortise furniture . . .. Cokl medai. Lightning-conductors . . . - P q m patterns . . . . Cdleotive exhibit 0' dreyklmtternu spapi; sward slul

gola m d . Pauline pqmr pat tea . . . . Gold medsl. Wection of Xew-Zealand-go- ,.

ezporting varieties of apples lisppy's tutm and Fricke's studies ,.

for dl lnilitary insm~ments Display of bottk of wine . . .. .. . . ** %-needle . - . . .. ReEd's patent Triples wire-stxsiaei- ,. Reid's ptmt T i wire-skdaer . . .. D i i b y of works of art aud fancy .. e Hmenrc wd-Bock .. . ,

Page 49: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged


J. R. Bsrter d a, ~~ . . Prtent aahm&c sashes ad self- Gold medal. a&im bmelaa-DPOO~ snsh-fssteam6

Cantopbury Xed and Dairp Re d m Compsny (Limited)

Ditto .. . . . . . . Littlejohn and Son, \Fdlb@w . . W. &Tieholls, Canterbnrg . . . . Bew Z e d a d Education Del- . . Bumham Industrid School, CMtabnry

9. .9

James HePitt. . . -. . . . - . .

B. DU& . . . . . J. Neil. Daasdin . . a w. wi- &mh ' . . Piea South \Vale Lends Deprrtment . . A. E Mar, Auctland . . . . Lee anrl Sow$, Xen Sonth Wales p d i w ~ u b b e r company (Limited),

Kew Sonth Wales Cliff&. Lime, and and, Ken South Wales

Government Life Insmanre Department. xea Zesland

DsvidSeiid,TIFellington .. . . K. G. Wright Bt. Clair, Sgaruawdlia . .

J. E a r r i i Christchmh . . -. W. F. Short. Sen P l ~ o u t h . . . . W. Si~uons ud Ca (Limited) . . G. L H- Auckland . . -. Clare and Corn. h~cliland . . T. R. Iiirk F-LS.. Government ~iol*;,

Department of -Agriculture Ditto . . . . . . -.

G - ~ G mi sheep . . . .

.Manufactured greenstone. . . . sconred wool and dmmed skins . . Brunh.m School eshibit . . Eshibii of cnrpeutry and joinery . . Eshibit of saddlery and harness- * Two rioli .. . . . . emrth . . . . Fossil froitr; . . . . . . Cagefuel-economizers .. . . B+c medicines . . . .

'r modeb =exhibit of magand P-t window-tilting for m i b l e

s1shm Hair -far upholstery .. Rubber-specimens . . . . Uanufactured prduatn fro11 ?ien

South Wales weals Collectire eshibit . . . . k a l ' s w e n t mnetdlir packing . . llalels of &ori war-eanoe md lllsori

F~olin and case.. . . . . Egg-pmwvative eshibii . . Eshibit of shield xilitary bridge ad po2om ea6:

stmetian Lily washiug-fluid . . . . IIonnmentd ma~mry-work . . I Ide l dredgex, " Rnbi W o n " . . Steel and capper plate emgraving . . T d t photon 8nd diqrams . . Wection Wedweeds .. -. Colktion of literature relating t o Xew Z e a l ~ d hemp (Phormium h a 2 1

Collection of dried pmm . . Collection d publieatio~lli of Sea

Zdyd Department of Agriculture Collechon of natmal phqhates far

ase88maIlmes Collection of ostrich-feathers Collection of models of hem& and m8ehillen 8pplianrr~

Cdiectiao af s& of farm-auimds, showing di8tinction at differmt .eas

lualelsoffrnit .. . Collection d wattle-kk' - coudm af frait and

preserved in Exhibition Cannery Generd eollectim of preswed fn&v Eshibit of-frozenfar export

Special award gola

Gold medal.

siBBf)rnedal, Gold medal. S i v a medd.

Gold Id.

Gold ~ledsl 1.

Highly comma

Gold medal. 9.


~ivBh'metlsl. Cold medal.



Page 50: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

Nune. New Zesland Department of ;S%ridture

L Hopkins. G o v s ~ t ~ ~ t A M & . De- partment of .4griedture

Xew Zsaland Government Biologist . . E Makin. ZTev So11tl1 Wales . . . . New Zealand Colonid Museum . .

GUAT aniI Co., Wanganui . . . . Fletcher, H u ~ ~ ~ p h r e p , and Co., Christ-

church Gallagher and Co. (Limited), London . . Tad~ly and Co.. London . . . . ,. 1. . . . . Alxlulla d Co.. London . .

*. .. . . . - . .

m ~ + r ~ n d ~ o . , 6 1 n h . . . . W. Strange and Co.. Cbristehurch . . ah001 of Electrical Engineering and

Tochnii Science Eitto .. . . . . . .

Bxhibit. Model fruit canning and preserving

plMt (working) Plots of agrieuHrnaa gresae~ and

forsge plants Collection of beekeaping appliances Collection of honey made a% Exhibi-

tion Apiary Collection of farm seeds . . . . Collection of potatoes . . Collection of pooltry applknees with

working incubators, brooders, and ~'=+Qg-peps

Cdleehon of of mops . . Collection of win= from Govanment

Eqeuimental Vinepsrdg Wserenga Collectian of s p r a ~ - l ~ h i l l e s . . CoUection of grain in shed and

tbrethd cdlection of xfsv Zealand hemp and

t ~ w , grded C o l l d o n of wool, with Bradford

.pinning-quality of eaoh Collection of mohair . . . . Wective displays .. . . Model apiary (working) . .

A& Gold medal.


.. .. *. .. ..

S ~ G I award medal.

Gold medal.

Collective eshibit . . Nodel ot nmtorear in h&rk . . S i i v e ~ t n e b ~ M p a .. . . . . Special a d

qold medal. W b i t oi aqnai~ini . . . . ~ i t . t a P~tblisher'n &play . . . . Gold lrd.

Comprehensive collection d talking- 9.

machi- and record i XUW-Zealand-de cigars . . Silrer mdsL Red Fcnnel tobacco . . . . Gold medal.

Uenufactnmd t o l ~ o of variol~s hd.9

V i a n cigarettes Yr)llufactured t o b o 2 -01;

lrindY V i o-@mttes . . . . T~wkish and m t i a n cigarettw . . Smoking-mixture tobacco . . Rob Roy howe . . . . Exhibit of oel-ftoor par&et . . Appamtus for teaching mechanics

Samples of tested materids . . ,ippwatus for teaching electrical

'==Q-F' Students o @ d drawings d dm*

Co11eotlon of bailding-stones . . Vetdmrymedicines .. . . Santuvin . - -. . . Hotair fan Hawk's Bay ~okrt, and &virb,

d o n

sDeci2 award gold medaL

Gold medal. .. .-



Page 51: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged


Grant and Cocks, Xew South Kales . . Govarnment of Xeu- South Wales . .

Tourist xcw Zeaiand Dr. L L Smith, victoria . . 6- Zealand Rnilweys Dttpartmt IhmainY- . . Tkpmnn ~ l d c a l ' ~ 0 r b . . Ssmuel Aitchhn . . . . ELMOlGLydCo. .. Ridlcrp and Son. Chistchurch' ' W. R Storey, Wanpnui . . G. Tmpnell, Selson . . a S. ~ohtm (Limited), ~ondolr

31sna'Ltla lcourt" . . Hawke'r; Bsy Conrt . . Auctland (%,UI% . . Waiksto Coilrt Soiitl~ Cmtarbury &i;rt jlarlh>unyh Cbiut . . Sort11 Cant~rbnry b i i r t W& coast Court .. Southland Cola . . b l ~ b u r t u ~ i bnrt. .. P m f m r W. B. B-nlkm~

Dr. L Cockayne . . Edgar R. Waitc.. F-LS.. Curator, Canter-

bury 3Lusenni Ditto .. . . . . -. A. Ward. Hokianga . . . . . . Sew Z d a ~ u l Touris? nnil Hvsltk fkwn::

hlmrtsloilt Ditto . . . . . . . .

-. . . . - . .

. . ~i;ile.v alld tills. clvistChmci ' Fnrquhnr nud Gill. dberdeen. h t l i n d : L. F. Ayou. Inspector of Fiherirs.

Marine Deplrtment. X e a Zealand

E Jliddlemiss. Blenheim J. Rose, 3,

Eshibit. Arch and aolonnacle m Hew Sonth

wa~s conrt Colloetion of publiGsohoo1 eshibits

General dmlar of Kew South Wales - - Oomt.

GRpder ashibit . . . . . . Colleetiw exhibit. oil paintings . . Bniiway exhibit . . . . X a t d =oq section . . . . Electrical &tiup . . . . H a d - d e ~ I t 0 0 f 1 . . . . Sll l rhi hsrvester . . . . General diplay . . . - -. Fansr panels, aowl framing . . Collective eshibit . . Eshibit of pencils d c t ' h o n l Sew

Z e s l a n d w Eshibit of varieties of PC& . . General display of court . . . .

1. . . *. . . *. . . . . . . . * m . .- . . . .

. . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . .

.. s*.; amland ~ r i ~ ar~cl Ges. slic~<

tom. &e. Enlarged l~hotopajh. of K v a Zrr

lend l~lantx Frrsk-water aqnarii~m . . . . For s e h illustrating methwk of attack and defence among anin~als

Evaporatcd al~l~les . . Di:qilr;r of fRUw-deer hA . .

.. %mi cimiw . . . .

.. ksuri-ptm . . . .

.. tront . . . . Cullwtion of +m of S e a Zdancl. . Display of &-deer Iwads . . Teis: Da~rjlj~elin~. orav P e w . . Exrellener of exhibig . . . . Fih, kc., contained in qaarium . .


Awud. Spdal award and

gold mdaL Ditto.

d i d d Siver medal. GolG m d .

9, .. t.

Special aranl and pokl mwlal.

Gohl medal

-wrinkled.. . . . . . * . .

P- &I1 bllw . . . - U'hite clover . . -. . .

-. . . . . R B ~ iiover . . . . . . COW-^ . . . * . . Rye-corn . . . . oatn,. storm IG& . . . . 3 bushels peas, wrinkled . . . .

Silver medal. Gold medal.

f3iver';nedal. Gold medal.

Page 52: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

AGRICWLTUW AND PASTORAL CO33PETIT1Oi\--amfind C1lLu.x. src.--~~ntiauai.

Xame. Bxhibic. A w u d . E D. Vavasom, Blenheim . . .. Wind-lvE5dqbarley -. .. %Id medal. Otago Malting Co., .. . . . . ,. . . . . FQhIy c o ~ .. .. . . .. .. Silver medal.

9. *. .. ( 2 h d i e r k .. . . E D. Vavasour. . . . . COM h a l . .. D. Biihell, .. White &&,-&; .. ..

9. . . .. Horn-beens . . . . .. .. . . . . P- ~orhrblre-km . . . . .. . . . . Cape barley. . . ,) .. . . . . 3 bhts --&sting Grley . . SibTmecla~ H. D. V a m u r , ,,, ,. .. Goldmedal. D. ish he^, .. . ~ h e r s l i e r ' k e ~ . . Epgldy aommended. I. D. Vavamnr. .. .. .. . . Sdver medal. .. .. . . .* .. . . Gold medal.

G. D. G w n d . . James Strongfenow . . G. D. Greenwood . . Bealey Broa, Hororata P. C. Threlkeld, W o n

.lames Little . . . . G. D. Greanwoorl. g b r k ? . - . . J. Strongfellow, Ckrtsey . . . . William Bell, Blenhe'i . . . . James Thompson, Bknhe'i . - . . R and J. Reid. Rivexsleii, Darfield . . .J. X. XevilIe, Blenheim . . . . Cr. Gaultier * . . . . .

Carter's Tmstees, Blenheii . . . . C. Gaultier . - . . . .

.* . . . . . . F. C r ~ l ~ e , W o r d . . C. Gaultier . . G. D. Greenwood James Little, H a m i k e n

Y* w i ~hompeoa;. . James T h o m p n . - W i m Fkll . . P. C. Threlkeld . . R and& Reid .. C. Goaltier . . Carter's Tm- . .

WOOL 2 fleeces from hoggets, Comedvle . . .. 0- .. . .

9 - ,* . . ,, hcggets, Romney .. ,. hoggets, Isicestar .. 7. " . . .. easa, &omney . . .. ram. .. hoggets, ing menno &mg-comC

.. evp% ditto . . .. raWA.. . . cvwea, 6ne-combhg

merino , hoegee4 Comedale . .

ewes, . . rtUNL 9 - . . .. ewes. Romney .. .. ram8. 9. . . .. we% .. . - .. rams. Leicester . . bets. strong-mmb-

ing merino ewes, dittn . . ram4 9,

hoggets, h e - c o m b i i merino

ewes. ditto .. ram, 7 , *.

hoggets, Corriedolc . . cares, . . ram% . . hoggets, a ~ g n e y .. ewes. ., . . lams. . . .. haggeta, Ieiceater ..

9. . . ewes. strong-combing


Gold medal


.. .. 9.

Siver medal.




Eighli commended. . --



hoggets, ditto . . n

rsma .. . . .* e m .. . . .*

Page 53: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged


SECROI 1.-W~msa. S ~ O H 2 . - - C o m n C~BSBSWIPDP,VCE-.~~~~~, ma88 1. Ckrss 4.

Name. Asud. Nuae. Agnes Blaok, Tira Ora . . Gold medal. V. G. Campbell, duckland . . Gold medal. Raymond Knight, Spre don.. S i n r medal. I Nellie D wyer, Cluistehurch . . Silver medal. . Chas. E. White, Christefmrch Bronze medaL Annie Weir. Heathcote Bronze medal. Im Pointon, Christchurch . . Certificate. 3Iillicent Jennings. Chris;: CertiGeate. Ethel Haldaue, New Plymouth .&&Ihlr commended. church Myrtle Rowan, New Plymouth Elizabeth Callins, Waiomngo- 9 I Ssmox ~ . - J L L ~ A T M Q .

mai Elsie Gilbert, ?Jew Plymouth.. Commended. Ivy Thornpeon, New Plymouth Robert Campbell, Kingsdoan

1 Class la. Lizzii Nelson. Napier . . Silver m u . May Jt Salmon& Miltan . . &OI~LB medal.

: Ethel Dunnicombe. ti ma^ . . Certificate.

ma882 Clam lb. Alexander Black, Tira h . . Gold medal. \V. P. \ V i b m s . \\hnganoi . . Silver medal. JImle Rethey. New Plymouth Silrar m d . Emmrr Jrurtagh. Hawent . . Bronze medal. Dorothy T h p e . Marlborough Bronze medal. JCarjorie HcGahey, Sew Ply- Certificate. C l w 20.

mouth Florence 3Ioscrop, Onmaru . . Silver medal. Brtha Hannam. -1ddiwon - - Highly commended. I G , ~ Riphadon. Pa lme~ton Bronze medal. Joseph Knock Napier . . Sort h Hilda m v e . Mdineon ('ommendd. morn U. -\llan. Snrth-east Val- ('ertiticste. E v r Slarkie, Giiborne . . ley IInheI Baty. Cisborne . . .. Class fb.

Florence 3foscrop. Oamara . . Silver medal. C14~8.9 3. Flora 11. -4llnn. Xorth-eaut FTal- Bronze medal.

J . R. \Firit, Christch~~rclr . . ( hld n ~ d i ~ l . ley John R. Wait. ('hristchurrh . . Sil\-er n~edal. S m c bs l - T r c r ~ ~ - \ v ~ r r r s a . Henry V. Fwter. Christrhumh Rmnze nletlctl. Freds Tooman. ;Suckland . . ('ertitic~~te. Chrss 2. H. -4. Bishop, Auckland . . Commended. \Villiam B m d w e L i d . . Highly commended.

-Unk 1.. IThlott. Dnllington . . S ~ m s L - A ' a ~ u l c ~ a c m C~RRP~AIJDEJCE. Sscrrox .i.-C)~.u.ur~r.r~ \\'our. EW.

c l l u x 1. (hiweld Birrell. f:ish)me . . (:old ~nedi~l. Clam I .

Birrban Clemenr. Sydenhm . . Silver medal. B. (:. Stanton. C'hristch~~rrh . . Silrer medal.

Irene Bosomworth. Cheviot . . Bronze md;ii. Gwen Digby, C'hristchllrch . . ('ertitivate. C'IIW ?.

.le;~neie . l ow. Tinwrli . . Gold medal. C'lrrss 2. B. Browdie. Dunedin . . Sil\-er medal.

Harry Ftitch. Christchnrch . . (:old medal. \\'. d. - 4 t t k i n . ('hrixtch~irch Bronze medal. Nellie Dwyer. Cluistchurrh . . Silver 1ndi11. ( '. D. (Lipen. 1lnt11elr;c . . Certificate. Annie \lreir. Heathcote \-alley Rrnnze n1d:rl. Hilda Archey. Rurnhsm . . ('ertitici~te. SBCTIIIY ti.-C'OLLECTI~ISS.

C'lrw I. C71w 3. 11. 4:rrnnderson Riccarton . . C'ertific:~te.

Eunice P. smith. (Ihristcharrh Iiuld tninl. Gwen Digby. Christc'I11~(1h . . Silver rnd;tl. C' I tw 2. Freda Jenning. ('hristch~~rch Bronze medal. Riehirrrl Steven*. Chriztch~~rch Silver medal. Gordon -l Sandenna Tinraru C'ertiticate. John Spiller. -Iddington . . Certificate.


Page 54: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged


-OX 6 . 4 h ~ ~ ~ m x o x ~ n t i n u c d . Class 5.

N u u a Arurl B. Allen. Picton . . . . Gold medal.

Clc~s 10. Elsie Eoldsworth. Heathcote (;old nledal. Elsie Wilkinson. Heathcote . . Silver medal.

C h 16. E. G. Anderson, \Vellington . . Ch-tiiirnte.

aa88 241. F. J. Wesney. InvercargiU . . R. S Brooke, Cluistchurch . . A S. Carroll, Lyttelton . . -U D a d , Springston . .

CIw 9". S. k Radger. Christchureh . . I q Foster, Chriaehureh . . .%muel Togan. S-denham . . Lilian Cooke. Christrh~~rch . .

Bronze medal. Certificate. Highly commended. ('ommended.

tiold mdal. Silver medal. Bronze medal. ('ertiticate.

aa88 s. Florence Orchard. Ckistchtuch B r o w medal. H. R. \F I~o. Christchurch . . I'ertitirate. H. -4. Zeinmina. Sew ,%ut11 ( ' o n ~ m d d .

Wales .J. Garrett. A~wkland . .

$BI.?I?os ;.-DIUWIX~: A S l r PAI%TIS(:. C I w 1.

C.. F. Penlington. Spmydon . . [;old medal. Nuriel F i i i s . Xapier . . Silver medal. Laurn &nnett. Chriztcl~u~h Bronze- d n l . .\I. E. Tnrman. \Tonlaon . . ('ertific~~te.

(!/as* 2. Hilda Oriinwald. A11cMand . . B r o w medal. Leah J h i t l m d \\-oodlad~ . . Certificate. \Vellington Tahnirnl School ('ertifirate.

p11pi1. IVellinpton C' INU 3.

H. A. Southern. H o h r ~ . . (;old medal. F. Priqle. ti an^ . . Silver medal. J . Cooder. \iielbgton . . R m w mdnl.

C I w 4. H. A. Southern. Hohrt . . Bronze medal.

L1aa kr. H. A. Southern, Hobart . . Gold medal. E. F. E v w . \Wingion . . Silver medal.

&y C'aens. Auckland . . Silver medal. T. L Gittos, Aucklsnd . . Bronze medal. C. A. Lee, Auckland . . Certificate.

Name. A r u d E Daridson, Welhqton . . Gold medal. Y. E Cawlev. A d a n d . . Silver medal. James Dm&. Inrereargill . . &nze medal C -4. k. -4uckland . . Certificate.

C b X. C. F. Kelly, Christehurch . . Sil~er medal. I?. Harris, Sydenham . . Bronze medal. D. B- Wickham. A~~ckland . . Certificate.

a38 loa. SeKe O'Brien. D3nnerirke . . G. Smith. Feudalton . . M. Ries. D m v i r b . . D. Yonteith, Dnnnevirke . .

claw lob. E Wright. \Vewon . . L 3Iace. WeUington . . D. \Yakelin. \VeUington . . Sellie O'Brien, Dannaoirke . . all hker. Dannerirke . .

Bronze medal. Certificate.

Gold medal. Silver medal. Bronze medal.

Cbss luc. E. Raeren. Wellington . . Gold medal. I. Cooder. Wellington . . Silver medal. H. C Ashwell. Temuka . . Bronze medal. E. Rnker. Daxmerirke . . C'srtihate.

Clam 1(Y. 1 S. oxh-ien. Dannevirke . . Gold medal. . E Baker- Dannevirke . . Silver medal. D. JIonteith Dnnnerirke . . Bronze medal.

J I . R k Dannerirke . . ('ertificate.

C l m I In. E b r , Dannevirke . . Bronze medal

: C JL. Allen. Picton . . Certificate. I I ClodJ l lb.

C. M. Allen. Picton . . Certihte.

I C'h.S3 llc. : JL -4. JIarshiU. WeUington . . Gold medal.

B. JIcKenzie. n-ellington . . Silver medal C. 11. Alleu. Picton .. Brollpp medal .

cbmti. , J. L Bradshaw- Timaru . . Gold medal. . K Parker, Gisborne . . Silver medal. I. h d e ~ s o n , I n r e m q i i . . Bronze medal. L Kcoughton, Timan~ . . Certificate. F. B. Kay, St. Alhans . . very highly com-

mend&. C. Smith. Palmerston h'orth. . Ditto.

; c. 8. Ba.igent, Nelson . . Commended,

clam 7. Robert Ferguson. Qwensland Gold medal. Leslie (haen, New 311th Wales Silver medal.

Page 55: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

ClcMs 7-ntinued. m c . - - a ~ J i n d

Xnme. Award Name. A d CIosa 4.

D. lC Cothbertm InvercargiU Bronze medal. D. Ewen, Welbgton . . Gold medal, with E J. k. Cisborne . . CertScate. special mention R. J. Still, O p d - Paul, Wellington . . Silver medal.

mended. Mrs. Reich, Wel l i ion . . Bronze medal ZS. W. Dearsley, R i o n . . Commended. C- F. Kellv. Christchurch . .

Cla8rllo. Hardd -4. Southern. Hobart . . Gold medal. L Cooder. Wellinqton . . Bronze medal. M. L XamW \Vellb@on . . Ceditieate.

Ckus 86. E. k Southern, Hobart . . Gold medal. -J C. Sit, Auckland . . Bronze medal.

Claae8c. & k Southern, Hobart - . Silver medal. D. X e h Gisbonw . . CertiPcate.

C h !In. C P: Kelly. Christchrtrch . . Guld medill. Amy Cole=, duckland . . Silver meflal. h Houston. \Vellington . . Rmnze mmli~l. I. M Copelaand. -\ucHand . .

Claw '$I. F~HeC:mlren .\r~rlrland . . Bronze medsl. . . Certificntc. E ~uc ' i r l i . inw wood . . R. & Billens. Palmemton ,,

North C*w lld.

Ivy Gooder. \Vellington . . d ;old medal. Rex hidry. \Vaq;ln~ri . . Silver medal. C: l[. Allen. Picton . . CIertificatc.

G R. ~ e g b e r . duckland . . CertiGate. . . 3L ~nti'er. ~eUin@in . . .. D. Ewen. Wellington . . -,

C h 5. B. A. St. Clair TisdaU. duck- Gold medal.

l a d Ditto . . . . . . Silver d. It lImters, Aucliland . . Bronze medal. E. 8. Jones, Christchurch . . Certificate. B. d St. Clair T i a , ducli- Very highly wm -

land mended. Ckres 6.

-4. E. dbbott, Chrintchurch . . Gold medal. E Yeaten. Dal~lin. Irelnnd . . Silver medal. 31. lIwre. .\urtlnncl . . Rronxe med:ll. 1, Smith, Blethein~ . . Certificate. E. G. Freemaa Linwmd . .

Chss 3. Sf. -4. Ev~~ur , \VeUington . . Silver medal. .. Bronze medal.

CIw 3. Rase Lewis. ~~htistc~lrt~rclt . . Gold medal. Xellie (ireen. St. .~IJlirns . . Certificate.

C k 6. S I B ~ O S S.--DRA\YIS~: A B D P.\ISTISC: FROJI ~~~~~~RE. F. Lmy. Dlwdin . . Gold medal.

m. d. D. Watt, \Velliru?on . . Certificate. Glow 1. - ~~ ~

F. A. Roda-,ry. Hobart . . Gold mdaL .. .. . . Sirer medal. E. G. ~kem;ln. L i n w d . . Certificate. .J. JL Dze, \\-ellington . .

CIIW 2. C. F. Kelly, C'hristehrlrrh . . (;old ~treclaL E. G. Freeman L i n w d . . Sil-r mdtf. L Lee. \VeUinggon . . Certificate- 3liss Gvles. \TeUiqton . . E L ~~n. Christchtrrrl~ . .

. .. .

A. F. X~cd. Spmydon . . Gold medal. Jiiss Clark Wellington . . Silver medal.

S r m s II~.-SIODELLISG. CkW.9 I.

L Lee. \Vslbgton . . Bronze medal. JL Butler. \Veb@on . . Certificate. R. H m . P;~lmerritun Xorth . . -.

Clnss 2. H. .J. C'. ~ ~ y d . \VeJh@on.. Bronze medal. D. h e y , Wellington . . Certificate.

aau 3. A. E. dbbott, Chriatchmh . . Silver medal.

h 1 e l . Bronze meda I. 32. - n d t , Wellington . . Bronze medal. D. Radger. Christe urch . Certificate. I?. Caddy, Wiraganui -.

Page 56: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged


S m o x ~ ~ . - - M O D ~ G ~ ~ R U ~ ~ . CloM5.

Nune. A d . G-h, Wellington . . Silrer medal.

I. Taylor. Anctland . . Certificate. C Grimmett, Wellington - .

Clrcw ti. E Abbott. Christchurrh . . Silver medal.

E J. Clarke. Cbristohurchh . . Certificate.

S ~ c r r 0 s I ~ . - ~ R A R ~ . Ckrss 1.

Ethel .\I. Lorie. Dunedin . . (&Id medal. h u r a JIorrixon. Auckland . . Silrer medal. .J&e Abernethy, S l d q t o n Bronze medal. dessie Baday. Dunedin . . Certificate. F d Bodle. A u . . Commended. Rupert Moors, Rotonla . . .,

C I m 2. Jessie Muctay. Wstchnrch Gold medal. K. H. Elsum. Meltmame . . Silver medal. H. T. G i k -Ian .. Bronze medal. ~Lks Phillrot. Perth . . C e r t h t e . A. H. Barkla. T v .. C'ommended. I. Y. CaoIr, New Plymolltb . .

Closr 3. F. H. Choat, Ashburton . . (&Id medal. S G. Baker, Palmerston Sorth Silver medal. A. 1. Kitehinghan~. Christ- Bronze medal.

church A. A. Dunne, Aucklnnd . . Certificate.

. Slllld AFud. - Sellie DT-er. Chistchurch . . Silver medal. S. C G. Dounard, Wellington Bronze medal. -4. Sawford, Christchureh . . Certificate. L Ldhner9--4sbbnrton . . .. JL Stevens. -Ashburton . . ..

Gloss 4. \S. A. Tanner. Wel l i ion . . Gold nledal. M. adii. Auckland . - Silver mednl. R. Fequwn. D d i n . . Bronze medal. G. .l Crouch, Chrintchurch . . Certificate.

clam 1. C. &mmonc/ ~ b r i s t c h ~ ~ m h . . W d medal. with

s~lecid mention. G. _\L E Osborne, Christchurh B& medal.

CbssK A. Dnwson, .&ariceville . . Silver medal.

Claw 6. JL E. Power, Manricerille . . Oold medal. R. R. Xadden. Christcb~uch Silver medal. \\-. Traoey, Sydenham . . Bronze medal.

Semor 1 3 . - T r P ~ a . clam 1.

U. R I W ~ . C'hristchurch Gold medal. A. V. Salmford. ~~r i s tchurch ' ' Silver medal. M. Camlrbell. Cluistchureh . . Bronze medal. E 45 Fussell, T i m n ~ . . Cbrtificate.

6lasc 2. .\I. E Kent, Linwood . . Gold m&. Gwen Digbr. Ckistchurch . . Rronze medal. L %pford. Cluistchurch . . ,.

Clura 3. JL L Hancock. Slueydon . . Silver medal. JL Raseell, Christchmch .. .. D. H. Bii Ckistchan?h . . Bronze medal. Sellii D m , Ckktchurch . . Certificate.

C h 2 Francis Hannibd, Leeston . . Silver medal. L C. Cooke. C h r i s t c h d . . Bronze medal.

Close 3. R. R. Madden. Christehurcl~ Gold medal. .\L E. Kent, Christchnrch . . Silver medal. Sellie Dwyer, Christchurch . . Gwen Digby, Cbrbtchurch . . B ~ K & medal. May Stevens, bhbUrt(81 . . Llertaicate.

i3.u~ 1. C. Ha-on& W t c h r u e h . . Gold medal. n: T. ReUhgton . . Saver medal.


C'lnu 1. A. &ward. \I-eUingtul~ . . (;old medal. with

sprial mcnt ion. A. T. Sapsford, Crvistchurch Silver medal. G. .\L E. Osborne, ChrLstchurch Bmnze medaL

Class 2 .\I. E Kent, Christchmh . . Siver medal. Eunice Smith, Ckistch~irch . . ., F. Hannibal, Imeston .. Bronze medaL

Ckrw I. 1. JL Gould, Hobart .. Gold medal. Gilbert Thmp, Danedin . . &a medal. h G. Duncan, W- . . Bmme medal.

chw2 E h d e n o , Dunedin . . Gold nsedaL

Page 57: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

-. -

Xau18. A d -A. Gibb. Sydenham . . Gold d. C. Crimmett, KeUington . . Silver medal. G. R. Desmond. Riccarton . . Bronze medal E L Gordon. Palmerston Sortb ('ertikak.

4. c;. R mood, Riccarton . .

Crlnsr ri. H. Jlc-mld. Cluistchurch . . E Edwards. \\-ellington . . IT. R. Lennie, \ V e b p o n . .

G h 7. S. V. ElmIey. Sydnlhanl . . H. McDonald. Cluistchurch . .

mw !t. \\'. Hradwell, L i n r d . .

high^ commended.

Brow medal.

(:old n d a l . S i e r medal. h n t p medal.

so ld m&L Silver m d t l .

Silver nwdnl.

C'luss kr C C;rifitha; A u c h n d . . Gold medal. J. IViliiams, Auckland . . Silver medaL T. J. Cbrin, Auckland . . ,f

C&sa 4b. C. Gmitl~. A~lekland . . Silver m&l. J. I). (~mbani, \Tw~qtirncti . . Bronze .. .. CbmmcnderL

( .YIIW k. A. P~IIU. A~tcUnnd.. . . (hid mwdal. T. C'onrtenar. A11cUamt1 . . Sib-er mednl. H. Indim, ~;acklend . . a. G&th. AncHmd . . Hrunze n141l. R. C. fitness. d~~ct lancl . . (hmmmdrd. EL Schotield. Attcklnnd . .

C&un 10. ('hw 4.

3. YcDoagall, Linnood . . Gold nwdal. H. \\-itkrlui and H. R ~ b n d . ( b i d medal, uith T. \I-. Owen. Opm-a . , Slver d l . Auctland ~ @ a l mention. R. A. Simpon. Splenlwm . . FRonw mednl- \T. Evans, Wellington . . Certificate. JIETAL\YOHK.

C&IM 13. E. Bolton. R ' e l i i o n . . (;old medal G. Fisher, Linrood . . Silver medal. E Thornton. \Telimgton . . 19

E Appleyard. (rhristchurch . . Bronze medal. f;. F. S t a y . ('hrisrcharch . . 1 - e ~ hiihly

m a d

S~crros BASKETWORK. WORK. C1h88 1.

G Burson, Linrood . . Silver medal. C. M. Tison, Testland . . ('nmmended.

Chss 2. W. a. Heaett. St. -Ubans . . E. Heu-ett, Chr i~toh~~rch . .

Clnss 4. S. Wallis, Spdenham . .

FL Tapping, Christchumh . .

Lloss 3. J. Bellitmy, C'hristchurch . . Xi]\-er medal.

Cllaur !I. : A. -1. Day. (!hriskhtucli . . Silver medal.

I Closa 13. , L JIarson. Pa lmui . . Silver medal H. F. Buroft. Ancklancl . . R r o m medal. P. England. Wellington . . ('ertificate.

(!lusx 14. ' C. El. Stoneho~~se. (rhristch~~rch Gold medal. 1

Silver medal I ~ h m la Bronze m d . j J. E l)r@eld, duckland.. (;old medal.

; L B. Cooper, Spdenhnm . . Silver m d .

Silver 4. Cluw lin. ! Jlavmnl Foster. Petone . . ] H. 'IT- Dallison. C'hriatchi~rch

(;old medal. ! G. I-. Judkins, Sydenham . . iitgrriy ~ v m m d e d . ! O. Cllristiansen, Dannerirke . .

.* 1 Ckrs l7b- H. A. Davison, A u c b n d . .

Cmld medal, with ' E F. Roberts, Christchnrch. . speoial mention. . H. J. Gardiner. Chri.stch~trch

Sirer medal. a C. People, Welhgton . .

(;old medal. Silver medal. Bronze medaL 1-ev highly corn-


Gold medal Silver medal.

r commended. F H . Commended.

Page 58: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

HOME INDGSTRDB E 2 i H I B I T I O N 4 n u c d .

class 21. E. C Cole, Christchurch . . Gold n&L Mrs. Hay, Ihmedin . . Silver medal. -A. W. Parton, Wellington . . Bronze medaL K Coombe, Welhqton . . JL A. Evans. Wellington . . C e a c a t e .

C h " H. G. Coker, Ricearton . . Silver n d a l .


Ghss 1. Suua Awud.

F. &worth, Linwood . . Eghly oommended.

Ckrss 2. \V. A. \Vihn, \Vellington Gold medaL T. L Gainsford, East oxford' Siver medaL

Lrcrss 3. E J. C. Dalziell, Linwood . . Gold medaL J. E Dangerfield. Aucf ind . . A. L Torsop, Wanpnnui . . Highli commended

CLrldd ?.in. CkMa la R-. A. Eggleston, St. -Ubans.. CWd medaL

V. Hau~ghton, \ V e l l i o n . . Gold medal. EL Kircher, Opawa. . . . Silver medaL \V. King, W e l l w o n . . Silver medal R .Teakins, Wellington . . Bronze medal. C. Swain, Wehwton . . Bronze medal.

Cluas 2.-*. R. IT. Binnu, Dunedin . . Gold medal. -1. G. T o d e s , Westprt . . Silver medai. J. J. Furlong. .~ucliland . . Bmnze medaL E. R. \ViIlinmr. Dunedin . . Commend4

C'lw 26u. 4:. Harte, Wellington . - Pfild mwlal. H. A. Soathem. Hobart . . Siver medai.

c:ll188 ail. S. H. Hi%*. \Vellington . . Silver mdcl. J. Dunbar, Inremrgill . . Bronze medal.

Cll1.s 27. \V. Foster, Attckhnd . . Gold ni&L G. Harte, \Vellingeon . . Silver medal. S. H. H&+, \Vebgtun . . (: X. Turner, Thmes . .

L'hdd a. .J. Dunbar, Invereargill . . 4 blcl ni&l. W. A. W. X~coll. Christchurch Silver metial. L Xielsen, Dsnncvirke . . I.

\V. A. W. Zr'icoll, Christehorch Bronze mednL -. .. Very highlv com- m e n a -

A. .J. Lowden, Hataura . . ('ommended.

n b ~ ) m n - =D RAT\\-ABU'S SPKU PBUHS NK ME


J. Donub. Wellington . . Gold m&L -A. Johnaon. Cbktchurch . . I\?. T. Fostuzy, -luckland . . Silver medal.

Clnas %. \V. Ban, L i w d . . . . Silver medal.

C h I. H. X, .Johnstone, Sydenham.. Silver medal.

Cksas %. \V. Bridge, Tinwood . . Silver medaL

CIuss %c. J. R .Johnson, \ellington . . Gold medd. F. Hotchinu, Sydenham . . Silver medal

C&ua k. I\'. Bridge, Linwood . . Bronze medal. k Turnhull, Dunedin . . Highly commended.

Chss 4u. R. hnbdord, Richnlond . . mhly commended.

Class 4c. W. Bridge, cinwnod . . Chid medal

CZass 52.

A. E JIarsden. Rimarton . . CAld medal. 9. I, . . Bronze medal.

CInas rx. J. Hay. C'bri?stchureh . . E .I. Chapmnn. Addington . . .I D. Spiers. Foston . . d. E Hodson. S e b n . .

&Id medai. Highly commended. I'ommended.

E W. Dallison, Christchurch Firat. R. W. Binns. Danedin . . k d . Foster Jiaynard, Petone . . Third. G- U. Judkim, Sydcnham . . Fourth.

C h 4. W. Brown, Dunedin . . HigPly commended. .T. Dn- Christchurch . . Commended.

Nelson . . ..

Page 59: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged


Nsma Arud. W. Bridge, L i n d . . Gold medal.

1. 9 . . ,Silver medal

Ckrssa -I F. Ray, Spreydon . . Silver medal. -I E. Hooper, Christchnreh . . Bronze medal

Class 10. E W. Webb. C'hristchurcn . . Gold medaL - Swinbumr, Anckland . . Silver medal.


LTcMs 11. A. S. Grigg, Mornington . . Gold medal.

C h 12. D. Kean, W e b g t o n . . C-Id medaL IT. Ftaser, Invercargill . . Silver medaL .. . . B~uuze medal. R Boyd, \\kneanni . . Commended. C Osbome. Great Bamer . . A. &borne, Great Barrier . .

CI4IM 13. \T. A. Jndlrinw, Sydenbam . . (;old medal

- . Silver n1ed111. A a HUM, ~e lwm' . . . C. P. .Vnnnhardt, ihrintcharch Bronr; medal.

C ' l t l~ 14. J. G Henderwu. Duntdin . . R W. Fairbrotlrer, Ckrterton .I. J. Blaclie, InvercargiU R. Sims, Invercnrgill . . H. Dunlop, 1 n v e n : n ~ ~ U . . F. S. Jones, Selaun . . I. C'. Hendersnn, I)IIIIWL~II . . F. S. Jones, Sclron

Gold n1ednL Silver nwdnL

Bronze mrdnl.

\‘cry highly ~ I ~ I I I -

mended. Hiphly m m m e u d d

. . 1.

C IT. Ackerley, St. A l h s . . S. H. Hymaa. Sydenhalu . . H. C. Watson, AVerlboro~~gL . . E T. Ayers, Rnngiora . . 6 H. H-vman, Sydenha~n . . A. Mmore, Palmmton So11t.11 Con~nwnded.

S m u x ~~.-CAR\-IS<:. claw 1.

J. L Carroll, Lfitelton . . Gold mrd;lL -, Napier . . . . Silver medal. C. %dire, Hornby . . B r o w medal. EL I. Haden, Prebbleton . . (rertificate.

C h 2. L Philpot. Okuku . . Gold medal.

C. J. Webb, Chriatchurch . . Silver medaL .. Bronze medal.

J. S. weston, ~ ! & h u r c h . . Commended

...~ - - Nuns. Avard.

\V. S. Smythe. Christchnrch . . ,Silver medal. E Ripbv. G%ristchurch . . Bronze medal. A. ha. I k v o n p r t . . Certificate.

., .. Commended.

C ~ M ti. k Drnnsfield, Christchlvrh . . Silver nledal. 11. (kard, C!ristchurch . . Bronze medal. S. Hordield, Addington . . (krtificate. B. R. .%nrerrilk. Deronlnn Highly rom~nended. \V- (;. Hamson, St. -4lhns .. Commendd

f-!h*r 5. -4. H. \Vaters. IVellington . . (;old nledul. J. Flanigan, Wellington . . Silver medal. S. McIvor. IVellington . . Bronze mednl. - Wheeler. . . ('enifirate. S McIvor. Wellii@on . . Fighly romlnrnded. J im J, Hny. 1 ) a n d n . . onrrnmclrtl.

Ch*r 10. A. R. JiarrhnlL \Vellington . . (;uld n~c-&I. F. F. C'. Haddestonr, Selson Silver 111eda1. H. Rqrnoltk Sew Hrighton . . Hronzr n1ed111. --- . . . . . . ( 'enibatr. I.:. Themes . . . . < h m n ~ e n d d

S~cr111x ~ ~ . - - S n ~ s ~ \ v c r P ~ . f %tw 2.

\\'. d. Howell, Xew Plymont~~ ;;;I . I: mrd~l .

C ~ I M 3. ( '. 1.: &rr~-. Mdingtm . . Bronze medal. 11. .I. 1114 'arthy, -4ddington . .

S n o s "2.-PLASTER-\\-ORK. i % t e B.

D. Tonb, \ V R I W ~ ~ I I ~ . . Bronze medal.

S m o s ?:~.-.JE~-ELLER~' WORK. ('ittw It!.

P. R. .Miles, Linwood . . Cald medal. . . Bronze medal. F. Stock. Xnpier . . . . Highly commendd

\ C l ~ 8 . 11. S.11. Tonmans, \Tellington . . Very QhIy com.

mended. L'I<l88 Ic.

P. R. Miles, h w o o d .. Silver medal

Page 60: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged


Close -4. 0. H. Partridge, Linwood . . Commended


Spcllox 2 3 . 4 ~ ' W o ~ ~ ~ n w d , S m o x ~ ~ . - T ~ C ~ G S C E O O L CLIssrs Gloss lg. First Orda of Jfmcnt.

Name. A d Name. Award.

S m o s lZi.-Mrsrca~ Ixsmnu~ars. .J. Hewitt. Rongahere . . W d medal.

I i " (;. Duke. \Vaianiwa . . Silver medal. .T. Whitehouse. Thamw . . Bronze medal. .I. Hewitt, Rongahere . . Very highly con- ,


R F. JIartin, CfiriBtcharch . . ~ d u r t e . W. C. Miller. FVdhgtm . . commended.

CDass 2.

I. . . Ditto.

W. J. Bowman, Temukii . . H i h l y commended. ' -9

Wenington Technical School. . Plumbing. n ., .. c ~ t r y . .. ., .. Eykmhg d r a w -

\V. Cooper, Heathcote . . E. B. Howell, Dnnedin . .

0. E Partridge, Linwood . . Very highly corn- , l u g s , S+P mended. meptioned.

I 3, . . Modelofcharch.

ClU8a B. R. S. 3LcLt?an, Wellington . . Bronze medal.

> ~ u & d .. .. c!ar@entr~- ,. ., .. Carpentrj-, f i r s t

.. ! i h t o n and ~ 0 v 1 G o n


R. Jenki i , Tellington . . Gold mednl. \V. -4. \fibon, Welliryfon . . J . Rmel l , \Tellimpon . . ,A. H. \Vatem, \Tellinqon . . .r. C'OO~, ~ h ~ t c h o r c h . . .. \V. E .Jon% Chriatcharch . . J . D. ikaharn. \Vanganl~i . . Silver medal. \V. Richnntsnn, Sew Rrighton .\. Sinlmnncl*. Addington . . R. Bnldry, n'itnganlli . . Bronze medal. I. (:. P. Kirkwood, \\-eh&*on R. k Simlrron, Sydmhnm . . C'. Y. Buy, \Tellington . . Certifi~~te- L Pnw-drell. Patea . . .-

.I arnmea E P; t~nr , K. k- . . 1. . : I I I ~ n n i . . (hmmenclml. .\I. .\rnclt. \Vrllinetnl~ . .

I ) r r~ r r ,nnP iq SCudruts. i'. lmke, A~~ckliind H. Alkin. Allcklatnd .I. \Vilcock, d~~ck land 11. H. Renmlon. -%~~ckl:~t~cl JI. \\-. .k~hnrton, Ancidanrl -9. JL ibldie. Attckhnd h Fletcher, -\rcckland X. Barr, Ooehlmp. . E Stnnton, Remuera JL Allen, Ailckland D. Hardcastle, Timani E. Jam-, Anckland

Gold medal.

,. Bmnm medid.

Certificate. ,. Highly oomnlended.

. - : cal School School of Art. Chrixtchurrh . . Bumham. .*hool . . . . School of Art. i'l~rixtchurrh . . Wellington Technicnl .School. . c k g o GiuL9' High School . .

' Elnm School of Art . . \Vellington Technirnl %hool. . . . . .

.Yecand Order nf

Otago (:irLs' High .School . .




Auckland h t o n

Tbid Order nf

Technical School. .

year's Course. Machine wnatrnc-

tion and drawing. Technical art. Buildbg - ~111Btruc-

tion. Rombing, specially

mentioned. Joinery. Carpentry, t h i r d

year's course. >letat, e v e n i n g

classes. nnoodwork teachems

cla£s. Xechanicol dmwing,

day %yn. Coachbnddmg. JIiicellaneow work.

Special mention. Snddleq. Group of bwin ,gs

from life. Group, still life. Dnwineg from czst.

Jimm$. G ~ I I I I of drawinp

from life. (:ronl'. still life. Llndscalw. Dressma king.

-1Ier it; C a r ~ n t n . , .seconci

war. ~Amet r i ca l dmw*-

ing, m n d year. Painting and deco-

rating. Wood -carving and

pinters. - Cabinetmaking. Woodwork.

Page 61: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

.C(BCTIO~P %.-TZCS.SICAL-SCHMIL C'IISPBP---U)&. S-ox ? ~ . - S X ~ D I E \ F O B ~ - C ~ U ~ ~ R ~ ~ ~ . Third Order of Jfmt--cmtinned. C h 7.

X~me. Award. Nuna Arrrd st. stepha's School of Maori Carpe?try, first-year T- Hetarild, Wbaaga~e . - Silver medal.

OF pupils Jd. Forsgth, Cheviot . . .* Ditto .. . . . . Ditto, -nd - pear lf. Gill, Christchurch .. Bronze medaL

pn* Canterbury School of Art . . Landscapes. CCoss 8. We.hgton Technical School. . Grnupn. still lie. R- Reading, Bromley Silver medal.

4~ Livingstone, m b o r o u & ' Fourth Order of Xed- X. Thew. Xapier . . .. ~ r o t d m e d a l .

F e m n Technical School. . ELectrical a p p 1 i- Jf. Smith. =dborough . . Cert.ifieate. ancea h t year.

. . Ditto, second pc?u. ClaM 9. JL Tbew, Xapier . . .. Rmnm medal.

S r m o s %.-as C'M. F. W. Sandford, Christch~lmh - Dickson. Westport . . \V. Bmphy, AacLland . . E J. Coldbeck, Sydenham . . J. Matthew, Lyttelton . . J. Ballantyne, Wailtaka . . E 6 Yeats, Dublin De G m y , ~Iuistchurch : :

L P. Back, Eokitika . - T. J. Woonan, Christchurch . . 5, Simpon. Christchwh . . EL Thorn. Sydenham . . D. Biggins, Greedale . . S. Hyman. S-vdenham . . K&a E Bock. H o k i t h . . I. R W. Wright. Christchurch .L J. Osborne. Great Barrier E \Villiams. Lyttelton . . L H. Evans, C'hristcharch . . L Prudhoe. Christchurch . . W. H. Dougnll, Christchurch - Sime, C%ristchurch . . M. D. Carter. (Jhriritchurch . . C F. Ward. Christrh~rrch . . L P. Bock Hokitih . .

Geld medal

Bronze medal1

Class 11. , C. Craw, Chodton . . . . Silver medaL A Heaby, FairbaU.. . . qP

I D. Boyce, Fairhall . . . . . A. Batchelor. Sefton . . Bronze medal. U. I L m n , Sefton . . Certificate. D. Smith, Khangape . . Very highly wm -

mended. clcles In

by. Fairweathw, Kennington Silver medal. .I. Dagg; Queenstown . . Bronze medal.

, C I w 13. L Ademon, Sefton . . Silver medal M. Hemmond, Fairhall . . 8. irery, Fairhall . . . - I, \Volferston. Fairhall . . .r. Batchelor. .Sefton . . B r o w medal. F. Topp, Seftan . . . . 9,

.Y. Batcholor. Sefton . . Certificate.

Clws 13. k C'uok, Elst Ysitlaud. Sen- Gold m&l. with

South \\'ides special mention. I. Lambly. Yolyunui . . Silver medal. R. Rlack. Sew Plvmoi~th . . --

Sscnos ?!.-~BBDLE~VOBL Elsie J[slcdonnld. bannerirb

CIaar 1. Class 1!L E JL Harris. Sydenham .. Gdd medal. sit11 (X \\-. (:ma. ICailiotw ..

special mention D. \Vilson. CZlristcherch . . L Sharp. Wellington . . B r o m medal. & JCcDon.ild. Christchurch . . G. .liken. Linwood . . Cmitieate. F. Ritchie, Cluistchurch . .

JL JId;leUlmd, Christchurch.. Gloss 2. Forburp School PepBs. Dun-

H. .J. N e i k . Linwood . . Very com- d in mended. I

Class 3. Gloss 3. : .I Healey, Fairhall.. ..

D. Schmidt. Ti-1 .. Gdd medal. with D. Boyce, Fairhall .. . . specid mention. I L JL Rhodes. Christchurch . .

E. 0. Bond. Hamilton . . Higbly commended. 1 S. Oshorne, Linwood I

. .

Sirer medal.

~ r o & medal. C e r t h t e . Special prize. framed


Silver medal.

Bronze medal. Certificate.

CbaI ciaad 21 T. Walker. Dunedin . . Certificate. . . . . With ~lpmal meu. .J. Butler, Pieasant Point . . tioa

Page 62: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged


SECTIOS B.-NEEDLB~POBK-COR~'~U~~ S ~ c n o s 3 l . - W o ~ ~ OX LLPm, MVSLR?, BTC.

clasa 22. Class 1. ?Came. A t r r d

Sistezs of Conrent of Good- Framed certificate, shepherd, Spresdop with spcial m a - - -

tion Siterr of Mercy. Cl~ristchurch Framed cartifhate.

,. Lytteltm . . .. ch.9 23.

Girls' Friendly Soeiet.y, Syden- Framed cartificate. ham

Ditto .. . - . . ., Class 23.

E. H. Carpenter. Saldhurst. . . Gold medal. .U D. .\iatthews. Kookton . . Silver medal.


L Prietor. Dunedin .. Branze m&L E C. Loder. St. Albam . . Cert ihte . S. P. H. Easton, Olraaa . . Highly commended L Team, \\-ellington .. Commended.

a4488 2. G. U. Twmcy. Lfitelton . . Gold medal. B. Rankin. Kimee.. . . Bmnxe medal. L Lamen. 1nrere.usill . . Highlr commended

Clnm 3. Sisters of the Mission. Christ- Framed certificnte.

Same. R B. hisbet, W p i . . k E Barker, chrisrchristehureb . . A. G u n d m Riccarton . . D. Jags. Queenstown . . A. E Bark. Christchurch . . J. Walker. Ihmedin . . J,JLN&owan. Ross .. E Freeman, Sydenhaln . . M. Maclal-. Christchnrch . . L peer; Christchmeh . . 0. A 3L Tipping, Cost . .

Clcrss 2. S i e r s of the Mission, K a t i ~ e

pupils, Chittag E H. Fllintt. ~ 6 3 ' s at . . (3; Gundersen, Ricearton . .

cluaa 3. S. B. 3lacdonald. Dunedin . . W. Sbarp. Palmerston Sorth B. YrFia~. Timarn. . . . E Morris. Gainpi . . . .

Clear 3. D. Cnrdale, Caversham . . T. J. Steele. Hamilton . . R. Schmidt, Timan1 . .

Arard, Gold medal. Silver medad.

~ r n - medal

verb' highly com- mended

Higvy commended. Cemficate.


Framed certificate.

Silver medal. Bronze mednl.

Gold medal.

~ilveFmedal. Rronre medal.

Silver medal. Certificnte.

*, church C h ti.

N. C. C;ilkrt. \\-elli~~gton . . Silver medd. 1. Henton R~lmerston Sorth Bronze medal.

L Lnraen. Invercnr*,.ill . . (;old medal. G. Pillmmer. ('llristcllumh . . Silver medal.

F. Cooler. Christeharch . . Highly cornn~c.ndd. I. K. Thomas. \\'hangarci . . CommenJed. Clrux S.

-.. - K E. Hall. Pl~lrrtc. . . . Silver medal. C'lW 5. F. Ho1s1c.c. o1mn-a. .

Sistem I& ('onreat of C h d Framecl rertificnte. x. , ~ h r i ~ ~ c ~ l l l w ~ l SI~?~~laenl. S~~wydvtl .\L Cnrlry. Hokit iLt

14irlz' Friendly .%wiety. Syden- hum

6. Rulras. Christchorch . . D. \-. P\ne. St. ;\lbnns . . L ~ e a t l - . DuIJin . . . . D. Srott. Hedgehvlr. . . B. Sariaty. (;r~ymo~ath . . R. Batten. haw en^. . . .

elam 6. L. S\r.anston. C'hristchurch . . S. Hutchison D~lncdiu . . E S. Jliiller, Timaa . . L &cl\Iillan. S,pnurwnhia . .

Gloss 7. K. O'lIally. Christehurcb . .

Ckrss 8. E. O'Nally. Christchurch . . A. Dramfield. Christch~uch . . G. Seon Auckland . . . . E. Cock, Selson . . -.

Cold medal. Silver medal.

Silver medal.

~ r o & medal. Certificate.

Rronze medal.

Silver medal.

. . 9. . . Bronze mednl.


C b I. T. H;~rrin-?on C'hristrlruml~. . Silrer medal. R. Koinnmopolos. -4hroa - . A. Glpn. Oamanl . . . . Bronze medal.

ci%am 1. H. Koinomoplos, Aliaroa . . Silver me&L . . 9.

H. X \ I ! ~unedi6 ' . . Bronze medal.

Gloss 1. E Friiander. Ashburton . . . Gold medal. XIS. Inman Tod. Wel l i ion Silver medal. I. R o b i i Cheviot . . B- medal. 6. Hearn. n'aqmnui . . .. E H. Cholmondeley, Port *I

hv R. Kelly* Xub~ta . . . . Certificate. k G. Kemp, Gre-ylpouth - . ,I

Page 63: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

s ~ ~ n o 1 P 33.-Lac~--coll t id CladeI

Name. A r m 3 H. F d e d l d r , Ashburton . . Gold mediiL

C b 3. H. X. M a p , St. Albans . . Gold medal. S i m of the Jiission-Xative

pup&. Wtmgong . . Pnuned certificate.

Ckrss a s t e m , D- M. J. Roche, Bluespur L Pegler. Christchurch x. Scott, Waitehuri k A t Barnett, Dunedin R. Hutcbgs, Napier R G. Wim. Oarnaru L Smith, W a h r a p ~ A. M. Barnett. Dunadin R. G. Williams, Oamaru J. Peat, W q n i . . JL J, Roche, Bluespur

Gdd medal. Silver medal.


Certificate. . .

M. Gzmmond, R&s . . L b g h n i t y , Wellington . . JL J. Rochs, Bluespur . . Commended. k G. Ross. Wellington . . L Taylor. Christchurch . . .. L Hopldns . . .. . f. . . . . . . . .

. . C'ertikate. h'k E. ! l S u t o n , ' ~ ~ o u t h ,

w a n d . . . . Gdd medal. - .. . . . . Silver medal.

Clnssi F. Iveas, C'hritchnrch . . Bronze medal.

ClaM 7. D. Pmst. Rimarton . . Gold medal. L 0. Shepheard, Lyttelton . . Bronze medal. W. W. Williams, Robinson's


Clclss 8. B. Dolores. Victoria . . Silrer medal. W. W. Williams, Robinson's C'e&ificate.

Cbsc 9. U A. Metcaife, Chrmtchurch.. Silver medal. \V. W. Wiiams, R o b i n ' s Certificate.

czUa.9 10. D. M, Riccarton . . Gold medaL W. W. Williams. Robinson's Commended.


Name. Auud. B. 3LcD. Cox, Sydenham . . Silver medaL H B. Wilsw, Christchr~rch . . ,. H Robertson, Wellington . . Bronze medal.

.. E L Ltt. Gimrndiburn . . ~ertifiiite. E. Duckworth. Stirling . . C'ommended.

CIaes 2. E M. Warkins. Holritih . . Silver medal. 469JicHerriS. nestport .. A. Bruce, Waimate.. .. Bronze medal. E Shepherd, Invercargill . . Grtificate. M m J. Carroll, Lyttelton .. 0. L V. Rasmt-n. Kaikoura ~om&ended. JIrs. A Sorrall, St. -Uhans . .

Claw 3. M. B. Bruce. W-aimate . . Silver m&L E Slater, Dunedm . . . . Mrs. J. Cox. Eltham . . JLra J. Carroll. Lyttelton . . B r o w medal.

s- Yra . . Certiseate. J. Ryan. Chstc turh . . Highly commended.

C h 4. 4 JIrs. K. ..Wen, Picton . . Silver medal. d Chatfield, Barry's Bay . . -. JL Simlxon. Avonside . . Bronze medal. B. IL Lockley, luckland . . Certificate. JIn; R. J. Holden. Te - h h a Very highly ronl-

mended N. Htachirion. Dtinedii . . Highlr cxmtnlenderl.

Cltm 1. P. E. Hdmes, J h e r t o n . . Gold mehL E JL Holmes, Masterton . . Silver medal. E. Webb, Christchtuch . . X EUiott. \Fa l l i on . . Bronze medal. M. Tmaki, mhnngnpe . . Certitit ate.

Claes 3. Mrs. E J. Paul. Ashburton . . Silver medal. U. Gibb. New Brighton . . L Lgnnebeg, Kaia-nm . . Bronze me&:.

C h 4. X. Ellis. Linwood -2-f . . Silver medal. C!. Ro- Wel l i ion . . .,

oa88 a. Jh. W. D. Johnston, Raqiora Silver m d d . Five FairhaU pupils, Fairhall Framed certificate.

czUa.9 6. A h R Schmidt, Timaru . . Gold medal. M. H a h , New Brighton . . Silver medal. E L Bnrscr. T I m w .. Bronze medal. M. dmuketi. Khangap . . Certi6cate.

Page 64: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged
Page 65: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

HOME DID~STRIES E X H I B I T I O S ~ ~ n w d .

Sscrrox 38.-&0~1 XEEDIPWOBK. SECIIOS %.-MAOEZ Xm~~wowc+ntinllCd.

CIoss 1. CIase i-continued. Name. Award. Xsme. Aru&

Isabel Rauniti, Jiatata . . Gold medal T. 0. T. \Vko . . . . Certificate. Te Ha Hirini, Xatata . . Silrer medal. Dorothy D o m y . . Tma mharepapa, Yatata . . Bronze medal. Hannah UcXamara. Kaikouk Hig& commended. Te mhaki h m i n a Certificate. Wahia JIawaki, Te Kotuk;: Hihly commended.

tulm cla.Su 10. Emnnnel Agnes. Hularere . . Silver medal. Te Fhki Kuti . . . .

C& + Wai-tan@ . . . . ~ r - medai. Mary Savage. Matatcr . . S i r e r medal. hi a t e r a , Te ~o ; ;ku tuku . . Certificate. M e Uatchitt . . . . Bronze medaL LoaissAgas~tiz .. . . &&ate.


JIeriana h u k e t i . \-pe -!;Old m&l. C b 2.

3Ieriann Tamati, \hangape . . 'Silver medal. .J. H. Hcberley. Richmond . . Bronze medal. Three pupils (combined work), Certificate.

W-P swrrros U . - ~ l z a t - ~ a d ~ w o CLASSES.

Closs.5. C l w IPork. Te Kiri Hetariki. l \hngape. . Gold medaL Bo>-s' High School. Christ- First Order of Merit. Kira Keene. Te Kot~~kutuku S i l ~ e r medal. ch~lrrh T. \FhaRpalm. Yatata . . B- medal. Seafon School . . . . Isabel Rauniti, Matrcta . . Certihate. Sewmarket School . . . .

Ponsonby &hod . . C l m 6. 3Inrlboroogh ~ehoo i - .. S e c o n d Order nf

Ueriam~ Tamati. \\%amcape . . Silver medal. Merit. Mary -h Kahi. \ l l a n & e . . .- Br~rnham Schd . . . . Ditto. '& Rehu Kaiti . . ,. ~ l d d i q t o n School . . . . Third Order of Merit. hi Ueten, Te ICo&h~tuku. . Bronze m d d . Fendidton .%ha01 . . . . Ditto. Jiaringi Rewi . . . . Matiu Harata . . . . Certificate.

d l r r r 1 ~ ~ A~.-~~\TAL---LVG CLASS=-

Clnss 7. I~dic idnd Work. Dorothy Douaey. Hiruhanma Silver medal. Leah C'halmers. \VooI~ton . . Silver medal. JlarJr Te Iri . . . . Katie Ayln-ard. \\-ookton . . Ed. Harrison . . . . Bronze medal. Xathnn Hall. l\-oolston . .

Page 66: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged



List of Wintam of Co~npetitioM. .%pmso Saa-1. Xis J. L C'rswky, Ravensbomne, Dunedin. t Miss O. C. Tolputt. &-

Victoria. 3. A h H. Sehober. Jhzo-so~llarro Son-1. JLiss A. King, ?u'apier- 2. C. Gardner. 3. M i s ~ I Hard;\-. COXTRALTCI So~).-l. X i F. Xorrisan, St. J1-l~ Conrent, Wellington. I. Iiing, Sal~ier.

3. ~ S o m m e r s . TEJ;OR SOLO.-1. a. J. PuscheU, Domett. 9 Yessrs. --I Moore and J. W. Rose. 3. Nr. W. J.

..ULan. BARITUSE SOU).-1. Mr. R D. Adat~w. 1. Mr. W. -4. UHF. BASS %LO.-I. ,V- C. E hdrpsl?;. 2. Mr. Hawker. 3. 3Ir. 3. h C'. G 9?" T om- Soscs. \VITHOrT XmC, ~ S D ~CCVXPAXIED Br SsLP.-l. Ifis Eag. 9. .hTolput t . 8. &* Jhjur. P~AICOFORTE So~o.--4~ahr.-l. Y. Paton. 1 Mr. A. Pacey. 3. Mi% B. Stcwk Pro-

fmiomL-1. Mia* L (bm-. Dunedim. Z - I h . 3. Ni Hood. VIOLIS SOU.-1. 3Iku )I. K. \Taker. 2. Miss M~lnt~yre. 3. Xr. R Y. Morgan. R ~ c x ~ ~ ~ r o s s . ~ h u k ~ s p r k ~ - h d i e s : 1. Miss Cbwan ?. &tie Butler. 3. JLiu D. 31. (;ad-

ner. Gentlemen: 1. JIr. A. C h e . 2 JIr. F. McCarthy. 3. Mr. J. Mitchell. Ordi~o?y.- Ladies: 1. J f i s D. JI. Gardner. 2. M k Cbu-an. 3. .U*n U Tonks. Gentlemen : 1. Nr. A. Coe. 2. Mr. J. Mitchell. 3. Mr. F. S. Tates. H ~ ~ u 8 . - l a d i e s : 1. Uku Gardner. 4. JIk C'omn 3. X i B~mdaL (kntkmen: I. ,Mr. J. JIi~helL 1. Me~rrrs. ilrnstrong and John- son. 5 Mesrs. Bailey and Tat-.


The Sew 1~aland Athletic 'nion ('lraml~iol~shil~ Contests were held on t L Exhillition C;roun&. C'hristchnrch, on the 14th and 3itli J a n u n ~ . I!%- The ~~rizr-money w.u; voted by tln. (;orernmcnt. The con~lwtitions inclt~ded IXI ,?J~I~- ] I I~~~II~ and other Hipbland contests. The 11rincilril melts were,-

Pip-n~usic ~ T ; I I I ~ champion*hil~. n ~ m k : \Von 11y H. Thon1l~11. wit11 A. S. 1)unriui WLWII~.

and \V. denliiu~s thirii. Pi!*-mesir ch;~mpionshil~. 1ri)~roch- : \\'on I,?. A. I)IIIIC;III ; R. T l i o m ~ ~ ~ second: .J. ('ntneron third Pilx-m~~dc cheml~ionship, reels and ntr;~tl~sl~(.cr : \\'OIL 1 1 ~ A. S. 1)ene;m : - Jlc(:rerror second : IT. dtlllrin?; third

(:ran& chilm~~ioml~il~ Highland fling : C'. Smith. 1 : \V. H. Kiigo~~r. 2 : J. YcKrchnie. 3. (.IIJIIII- pionship Hichliurd fling. for girLs ond b-w 11nclc.r sirtwn fin costume). rhiim~donshil~ of Sew h l a n d : C Banks. I : 6. (:lennie. 4 ; d. (kmpb-U. 3. (;rand Highland reels competition : J . Ncfiechnis. 1 : C: Smith. 1 ; I\-. H. l i i lp~ir . 3. Sheantre~cs for girls. chaml~ionshil~ of Sew Zealand : Jliss -1. ('ame. 1 : X i s J. Hnl~ping. 4 ; JIiri. (I. Ranks. 3. Sword dance. h y s and ?@rls : S. Glennie. 1. Grand champion- ship Highland datncinp. Sheantress : <'. Sn~ith. 1 : R. JIehenzie, 4 : -1. Frgtsrr. :{. Ladies. Hirchhad fling : Jean Hoj111in~ 1.

Jump champio~~shi], : G. Campbell. I : E Ryan. 2. Uhamj~ionshil~ arestling. Cumberland s ty l~ : \\-- Forde. 1 : Y. F. ( k ~ r e ~ . 1 : 11. d. Scott. 3.

C'hnmpionship .arecitling. catch-as-catchan : F. Forde, 1 : R. J. Scott. 1 : .1. Jlackenzie. 3. Cham- lionshil~ wres21ing. collar-and-elbow style : F. Forde. I : R. J. LSOOtt. 1 : \\.. Forde. 3.

100 ~ a r d s chwn1pion&i11 : C'. J. 3Iorris. 1 : L Y ~ ~ c l ~ l a n . 2 : - Sicholls. 3. %?O yard* chiln~l~ion- dlil~. flat race: L Mchchlan. 1 : J. Shirat. f : IT. C'olrin. 3. Sew Zcalnnd Exhibition Shefild Handicap 1:s vards : ('. d. Yorri~ and J. Shirn* divided timt and wond prizes. t o t a l l i fj(r : and J . O'Brien imd :-I. Hancock the third and fonnh luim Quarter-mile flat, ehampionrhil) of Sew &I- land : L 3IcLachlan. 1 : \T. H. MeEwen. 1 : \\'. Colrin. 3. Half-mile championshil) : L JZcLachlon, 1 ; J. F. Spring, 4 ; J. Amst, 3. Sew Zenland Exhibition one-mile ahnmpionship : L \\-ard 1 : A. L Tobb. 4 : C:. Sntarc. 3.

~!am~~ionsh ip lriYh jig : H. \'id. 1 : J. Watt. 4 : \V. H. Kilgour. 3. ( ' h a n ~ ) ~ i o ~ h i l ~ hmn~mer-throwing (16 l b Ililn~rner) : F. Forde. 1 : n. h u . 4 : \I-. Skinner, 3.

Petting the ball ohnmpionshil~. Scotcl~ style : F. Fordc. 1 : J. ('un~ernn, 1 : \V. Skinner. 3.

Page 67: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged


The results of the Test Selection competition at tha New &&nd Eshibition Brass Bands contest -9-

Kangsnui Garrison Band (first prize f 150, special gold medal to coadurtor. and gold medals to band members) . . . . . . . . .. 1

gaikorai Band (f100) . . I - - . . . . . . . - .. - XeYencastle (n5) . . . . - . . . .. 3 Auckland Garrison and (f35) : . . . . . . . . . . 4 Wellington G d n B a d (as) . . . . . - . . . . .. 5

The Quickstepyh@g competition resulted as follows:- Wmgmw Gamson Band (-) . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 Xasterton Xnnicipsl Band (fa) . . . - . . . . . . .. 2 hckk@ Fhat Band (SO) . . . . . . . . .. 3 ~~ Band (f.20) -. - * . . . . . . .. 4 Sucklad Gurison Bad if 10) . . . . . . . . . .. 5

1 special gold medal was also given to the drum-mjm of the band gaining most ints in the m i l i w department, and r )mn by --mior Mar- of the Wanganui Garrison

G. Bncldey. Bandmaster of the Wanganui Garrison Band. won the B-tlnt cornet solo. Lieut. W. G. Bentley, of Sydney. judged the full-band evenu, in the contest.

Page 68: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

0 ~ C ' I A . L RECORD


The follow@ are the principal rule and regulations dm- up for the control and managemt of the Exhibition :-

PRO~BII~OS OF STB~E~X-C- Exhibit- d not be pem~itted to mblet the whole or any portion of the space allotted to them.

Prorision will be made where weticable (at exhibitor's risk and ex-) for s o p p l p b power for exhibits to be shown in motion and for the s u p p l ~ of electric current, or water, if required, if d* e n t d on the application for space. Exhibitors must indicate a = applia*. fm .pa the probable extent of electric p w w they will require. The charges for eleatrieity must be t h as correct, and paid for b r the exhibitor* week!\. E r h i b i t o ~ d l not be prmitted to interfere in an\- war with the gas or water fittings or electric light mitbo~n an a p r a l in writing from the ~xeut.iv;. m-hhocce reqnirements must in all reyjrct* be complied mth.

i f any dnmage or injury shall k occasioned during the p g r e s of the Exhibition by m y exhibit4 machinery. implement, or article to an?- visitor or other person (or to any oflicer. aen-ant. or other Ierron them and then emp1o.d b~ the Exhibition Esecntim). then the exhibitor to whom such n~nchinev-. imlkment. or article ma>- helong shall he r ~ ; l m ~ i b k . for such damage or injuv in the t i ~ t instunce. and shall k-id* indemnif~ and hold I~anulesr the said Executive from i~nd against a11 actions, snita. exlmses. and clai~nb nn account und in reslwt of an- rnch &map or inju? which m y bc. callsed.

F ~ ~ R F B I T ~ H E (It. UEWSIT. In case the htluna d ~ ~ e on ~ ~ Y ( C T i- mot lsqicl on tlw d11e dnte, t l ~ r fimt de~mi l of ;io 1rt.r m t . rill

Irr fnrfr i td und t l r sluice rraillottcrl

AIIJIIS..IVS FVK EXHIBI~IKY Aslr ASSISTASTS. ( I I ~ I - t n m s f e r t ~ k ) to admit c-xhibitor-. uttentianta. and u+orkmen will Iw. s111113ied f w of

m t to the exhibitors ; atul no exhibitor. attendant. or n-orkn~im will IK admitted witholct such ticket being prod~~cwl to an otIicii~l on c.nrering the poland*. In the event of sny s11cl1 ticket being trans- f w d or othcmiw disis)m.d of. tllr r;ilnle nil1 Ix- immediatel- cancellrd and nu further ticket will hr ixs~~cul Tlw n~tn~lwr of lwsw L w ~ d tn wvorlinlen and nttmciitnt-. uill be l i n ~ i t d at the dixretion nf thr Exrc~~ti\-c. of the Exhibition.

All ytuwl* nllrst cnter untl Iew\-r on!\- at the gudr rnrnlt1rx-s. th . location of which will Lw dul? notilid.

-111 goods alust Ix. foraurded con.i(med to "The Sew Ylxaland Internutionul Exhibition. C'luiat- chrtrch. Xi-n- 7ki11am4" and in everv instuner earriace ntus be 11repicL otherwisr the c-xhibits cannot tw mix-rd. All goo&% uill be rpehivrnl at thr Exhibition ;lad delmsited on thr s1v;la taken by the exhibitor at a rea.wnnble ehqrgc. bnt rrit11011t reslmnsihility on the part of the Fahibition Esrcotive or any of itr oflicialh -MI c h u r p for trimslmn to tlw Exhibition p u n & must be borne 1~ the - rshit~itor. The tntal charge for manxlun from the ahili* dings. L-yttelton. to the Exhibition pun&-. incll~ding \\-hurf;~ge, railap. m i r i n g . nncl deliverins. r i l l not esceed 8s. (id p r ton on ordina~ry :dr. char@ on the same hilais a* the freight. Henry lifts will lw transported nt sl~eiul rates.

Exhibitors. in fitting 1111 their %%ancb. mnbt o:oml~ly with tlrc ordeb I I U ~ re~dations of t h ~ . C'hrist cl~rlrch ('ity C:o~tncil or other local anthorit>


Sune-bods. show-mdi. ~ b k t a . or the like. or any p r t thereof, will not be allowed to be of greater lenmh than th frontage of space allotted tn the exhibitor. nor w be placed at II greater he+t than 1 ft. fmn~ the top of k t ~ U (exoeptinp onlv in special psitione where perminsion in arritinp has bm ki t obtained), nor in an^ wa? to i n t e d e ~ with or be a nr~iv~noe to other exhibitors. Thc decision of the Execntiw in t h i respect shau be final Rlul binding. -.

Page 69: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

mben to the floor is n-, no nails, but aasrs anly, msy be wed, and exhibitam of t.ating up the floor, or m any way altering tbe struotan, must obtain the n e e a s q per-

from, and comply with the m t s of, the Executive, and must employ the Exhibition workmen. Eshibitms are respnsibk md most pay for all damage =used by their erhibitiug.

RKSIOVAL or Emmms. s o exhibitor dl be permitted to remove his exhibit until the close of the Exhibiion, and not

then without the consent in writing of the Executive being preriousl~ obtained, and nntil all charges due are paid The Exhibition Executive shall have a lien u p all goods exhibited for any moneys due by exhibitors, and shall be entitled to di such lien by sale, public or prirate, or by forfeiture.

X~K-OBSTBU~~~OX or GLTQWAPS Gangways must at all times be kept clear and free, and fully available for passage.

ISV~TATIOX !I!ICERS Eshibitors will be entitled to inritation dmhion-tickets, available for any dar, for the purl)(y*)(~*

of inviting their customerr to vieit the Exhibition and rim their exhibits- Such t iabts will be supplied at sprcial rates and under eeruin aditions determined lg the Executive.

Even- article exhibited r i l l be at the rw,k risk cmd responsibility of the exhibitor, but every l-ritioh and care will be taken the Executive for the plevention of or damage to any exhibit or exhibits Exhibitors are mmmended to insure theu exhibits againa? fire. In the event of the build- being cmnnrailable in consequence of firp or other agencies orer which the Executive have no control, all contracts are null and void from the date of such orcumence.

S o pamiaglar lmition wn Iw guaranteed. but the Executive will tlldeavulir to nieet t l r m-kher of exhibitors in respect thereto as f u 3 l d b l e . Spaam ~lected will be :dlotted imnlew ~~reviouaiy let, or r m k s tbe exhibit is imnsnitabk for svcb position.

Exhibitors reqtmiring plants or shrubs for adorning theiu stands mar obtain the same for a mode- nate fee on alq~lication to the mauilpment, who reserve to themael\-es the right to alpply or withhold the SIII~I?\' of such article^

S~A??u-su~nlUts. Each exhibitor must 1hce laominently upon hi position the numkr of his stand.

Exhibitors shou-ing hearr nlachmery or machinery in motion must only do rw, in special building set aside for that purpose. Sotice should be given in writing when engaging space where an exhibit IS likely to be nf exception all^ h e a v character. -U1 risk in connection therewith must be taken by exhibitors.

1hsF-U~ OF ExmEarm. ere^ eshibit must be olen to the public view from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. on all the days the Exhibi-

tion is open to the peblic : and in the event of anr exhibitor failing to complr with this nlk the Executive are herebv authorised and empowered to remove any covering and expose the exhibit. at the r i sk and cost of the exhibitor, who shall, in a d d i i be liable for El0 pr day as liquidam1 dam-

KAKBD LIOHTG Under no circlmmshncPa must naked lights or dangerous oil-lamps be wed within the buildin-

All such lamps or lights wi l l be removed by the Exhibition o w

Speoial mpdations will be made in cases where fin m d gas is need by exhibitom and a responsible officer d be appointed to oarry out the injunctions of the Executive in this reapeat. A deposit m i l l he r e q u i d in all cnseri where gas or electricity is required.

Page 70: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged


Xo explosives or m y substance which, inrthe-wdgme& of the Exeautive, is dangerous, will be admitted, but may he repcesmted by models. .

- .

Spirits. oils, corrosive suhstames. and generally SU* which might spoil other dies or inconve~ence the public, and any other articles, which, in the opinion of the Executive, .re obi* tionarbIe, can only be permitted to be esbibited in solid and suitable vessels.

C A T A ~ G ~ = The Executive reserve to itself the & right of compiling and printing a catalogue of exhibits,

tcuder regulations whioh wil l be duly notified

U1 who become exhibitors shall be held by RO doing to signify their compliance, and -y to subseribe to the whole of these regulations, together with such other regulations as the Executive may issue from time to time.

SPACE. Al>pIicntiona for space may be lodged with the Agent-General for ,Vea Zealnnd, Weetmiaster

Chnmbers, 13 Victoria Street, London. EC, or with the Secretary, New Zedand International Exhibition. Clwistahumh, Sew Zealand, on the ofEoi.1 printed.form attached hereto, and notice of allotment (if s p is allotted) will be vmptly mailed to the 8'Ppkmt.

The latest date for receiving appliiations may be determined earlier if the number of applicatiw promise to e d the acaommadation provided.

C'aa8or ma SPA- The ordinary c h i r p for space will be from %. per square foot, the minimum charge b e i i El la.

-95 per cent. payable on application. 2.5 per oent. on allotment, and the balance one month before the olmingdqte of tlte Exhibition. E d spaces, &a, a t Byedal rates.

Wg*1 ATE VIEW. Press pritate \-iew will take place. if desired on the day before the opening. when it is rec~uested

t.lect ~ r l l l i b i t 0 ~ wiU be p-t to supply full part kc^ and so help the memhers of the Press.

Exhibitom occupying stands with two or more frontages must arrange their exhibits on each frontage- iilnd :iny bitre w d ~ v o r k and backs of r ignhd*. kc., must be covered.


-411 c a m tttust be t~~tptcked on arrival, and emptie~ rc~rtoted i t t the cxlubitor's expense to t b s1mce ~mvided by the Executive.

hrOT%lCBAPEUc &~tlzs.

30 articles or buildings may be phobgmphed, drawn, copied, or reproduced without the permis- sion of the Executive.

AD\-BBTISBUE~~TS ASD HAIDBILLS Exhil>itors will a13t iK illlowed to exhibit advertisement* in m y pnrt of the Eshibition, or to give

away or ciluse to Ix girm awtcy itny Ikcndbills, &., except a t their own respective st~mds.

R~uu~anors FOR STLYDS LXD S E L ~ O . Exhibitors must liet.11 their exhibits and stands in good order and we11 displayed during the

I~ours of tlte Exhibition Wig o p . Eshibitom shill be permitted to have attendants, and m ~ h ;~ttendcmts may take orders. but shn11 not be permitted to mnov the publicjor other exhibiton, by solicitittions : and nny exhibitor or assistant baking tbme rules may be expelled by the Executive, and not allowed to resnter the Exhibition without the written -on of the Executive.

Those desirous of g i v e away samples or s i n g samples must. have the written m w n of the ( 'ns%oms Department. nnd adhere to its nab, a d such permission must be indomed by the Erecntive.

The Executive may, without giving any rwrson for doing so, remove any person m p e a d ing improperly or annoying the publio, and may prevent my suah person or FIIS from again en*g the grpun&.

Special tcrnls nnd co~lditiou?; tor rctitiling cam bc made with the Esecutive-

Page 71: Appendices - Official record of the New Zealand International … · 2006. 7. 4. · APPENDICES. I.-DISTBIm COURT DISPLATS. Mu. G. BISSETT, of the Agrkillt~lral Department, judged

Po- TO lhm h ~ r m o s a RUL~LS Should anr question arise not pvided foz in the above mles, rrgnlatians, and conditions, the

d-on of the" Exmutive shall be iind !J!k right to alter, amend, add to, or cancel any of t k roles, to grant relaxation from them in indiridaal en- is reserved to the Executive, who also

to themselves the right of postponing or abandon@ the Exhibition, provided that d w notice be given to all intending exhibitors not later than the 6th Jan-, 1906. If any dbp* or diikence ahdl arise betweem any exhibitor, whether a *vate indiridnal, campy, -ration, or Gormment. and the Commission for the Exhibition, con- an? mnt t s or t h g m any way connected with t h &ides and regulations of the right& duties, or Ilebll~ties of the exhibitors and the Commission renpeetireb, under or in connection therewith. or the Eshibition, t h and in ev such case the

or difF-ce shall be referred to a single arbitrator to be nominated by the& for the time being of the (3istchurch Chmber of C'omm- in aceordance with and subject to the prorisionrj of the Arbitration Act in force in the Colony of ?Sew Zealand.

OESERAL JC'DGwG REC;LUTIOX& 1. JLI* mill IR appointed the ( ;ommeat in any division, or r p , or departn~emt in

which a clear majoritr of the exhibitors hare notilied the Superimtendent o A w e 2. S o 1-n sm be eli@ble for appointment as a judge in any class in which he exhibits, ar is

m~ way connected with an exhibitor. rs agent or othen-ise, ~ r n b he or the exhibitor with d ~ o m he i+ connected withdram- from the coml~tition.

3. -4 Lir;t of the jaldges in each class rill br U ~ I outside the office of the Snperintende~~t of Awards.

4. &ch judge ahdl receive r p a s that m i l l admit him1 to the Exhibition buildings, and r badge t,n be worn while he is adjudicnting.

3 In the rrent of non-attendance of any judge at two n~eetings in succession, or of any judp deelini* to act. the $uprint#uleut of Awardx ahPn appoint a substitute

ci Sotice of the ti- of meeting of the -era1 judges will be posted o~itside the office of the Sltlrrintendent of Awards at leaut one day in advance. Exhibitom are mvited to n t k d the judeinp in their o m classes for the j n l q w of giriry! infom~ntion as to t b e i exhibits. If they omit to do SO the^ must hnr the conveynlenee of uny u-ant of exlrlanation to tk ju+ regard'ine; any article.

7. J u w shd have the lmnw to invite the eo-olmtion of judges from other alases, and to a l l in the a ~ d of ex* : but such persons shall hare no ~oting-power.

8. The names of all persons called in to act as er-s shall be recorded bp the judge% and the evidence of such expert d1n11 be rttbmitted by the judge to the Snperintendent of Awards,

9. J e d p may. if they consider it n-wy. mldiride clus~eci into qwcial dirisions, and makc i~wnrdz: in each of the suldirisions thus created.

10. Cbllectire exhibits shall a5 a rule, 1- juclFl as one exhibit. ShoukI, however, an e&bitor sn clc-sire. a ~ u l wlqdx the judge with duv noticc. and the nw-ry informat.ion, his exhibits shall be ciiricted and parts judged selm~atrly: but no exhibit to any part or parhi of which an am-& of merit may IJC- nircm shall inelig4ble for an am-arc1 a% a collect-ivc exhibit.

11. Each jnclge shall submit to the Sulwrmtcuclent of Awards a signed report embodGng ~e renultti of their examination of exhibits and stating the specific reasons for .which each A d if macle.

11. Thc m p r t s of juclges shall name the exhibitors who deserve recognition, srwl shall mom- mend whether the a r m 1 made to them shell be of the first or wwmd class

13. -In exhibitor may appeal against any a r d made by the judge in his class. Such appeal to be lalged with the Superinternlent of Anads within twenty-four hours of the publieation of the judpe's a w d . and to be accomlmnkl b?- a sum of f2, which ghaU be returned if the appeal k mcccs-ful. These payments will fonn a special fund for the remunerating of ex@* called in to gjre rriclem to the Superintenclent of ; \wads

I h When an exhibitor ha* made out a pitnu jncir case for the re9xSminat.ion of hLr exhibits. the Euperinte~wlent of Aranls may onler such examination to be made bc an expert, and u p a rel~ort being reccix-nl from such mpcrt the Supcrintmntlent of -%wards may. if he sees fit. alter the awanl appealed against. The drvi.sion of the Superintendent of Awards on any question cmnectccl with awanls shall be final.

15. Certificates of merit. in acconlance with the awards made by ju* will be furnishul to exhibitore by the Government. In the case of exhibits of special merit, the Government W be at 1iW.y. on the recommendation of any jud . to award slwial certiiicuteg

16. If any question shall arise as to t& interpretation of any of these +tiom, the dm- of such question shall rest s o k l ~ with the Superintendent of Awuda

17. The Suprintenclent of Awards shall hare power to amend or add to thew regulation shoukl uuc-ity arise.