App Use for Engagement

Rajan Sockman (ESU) & Whitman (NASD) – Mobile Summit, Fall 2014 1 App use for Engagement Title of App: Directions: First, determine if the app is a skill or creation app and select the corresponding engagement element on the checklist. Second, determine how the social – management feedback is used and select the corresponding engagement element. Overall Curriculum YES NO MAYBE Is there a curriculum connection? Is the app developmentally appropriate? Cognitive Domain Engagement Skills – App (Remembering, Understanding, Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating) Skills App should have at least 2 elements with a “yes.” YES NO MAYBE Targeted: Are the skills connected to targeted skills or concepts? Purposeful Justintime learning: Do the students need the skills to complete an immediate task? DifferentiationContent Skill Level: Are the students guided or given a choice based on individual skill level? Differentiation through Modalities: Are at least 2 modalities used (verbal, aural, visual, tactile/kinesthetic)? Diverse Perspectives: Are different perspectives used? Creation App (Applying, Analyzing, Evaluating, and mainly Creating) Creation App should have at least 1 element with a “yes.” YES NO MAYBE Authentic: Is use nested within a real world” task (problem or project based etc.) that is meaningful? Differentiation through Content Level: Are various levels of understanding accepted? Differentiation through Modalities: Are at least 2 modalities used when learning or creating (verbal, aural, visual, tactile/kinesthetic)? Diverse Perspectives: Can individuals be creative and individually design or express ideas/concepts?


This is a checklist for teachers that want to engage their students with the apps to use in the classroom. You want to decide if the app is a skill or creation app. Then, identify the ways you and the app can increase engagement.

Transcript of App Use for Engagement

Page 1: App Use for Engagement


Rajan  Sockman  (ESU)  &  Whitman  (NASD)  –  Mobile  Summit,  Fall  2014     1  

App  use  for  Engagement  Title  of  App:            Directions:  First,  determine  if  the  app  is  a  skill  or  creation  app  and  select  the  corresponding  engagement  element  on  the  checklist.  Second,  determine  how  the  social  –  management  feedback  is  used  and  select  the  corresponding  engagement  element.  

Overall  Curriculum   YES   NO   MAYBE  

Is  there  a  curriculum  connection?     ☐   ☐   ☐  Is  the  app  developmentally  appropriate?     ☐ ☐ ☐  Cognitive  Domain  -­‐  Engagement  

Skills  –  App  (Remembering,  Understanding,  Applying,  Analyzing,  Evaluating)  Skills  App-­‐  should  have  at  least  2  elements  with  a  “yes.”   YES   NO   MAYBE  

Targeted:  Are  the  skills  connected  to  targeted  skills  or  concepts?   ☐   ☐   ☐  Purposeful  –  Just-­‐in-­‐time  learning:  Do  the  students  need  the  skills  to  complete  an  immediate  task?   ☐   ☐   ☐  Differentiation-­‐Content  Skill  Level:  Are  the  students  guided  or  given  a  choice  based  on  individual  skill  level?   ☐   ☐   ☐  Differentiation  through  Modalities:    Are  at  least  2  modalities  used  (verbal,  aural,  visual,  tactile/kinesthetic)?   ☐   ☐   ☐  Diverse  Perspectives:  Are  different  perspectives  used?   ☐ ☐ ☐  Creation  App  (Applying,  Analyzing,  Evaluating,  and  mainly  à  Creating)  

Creation  App  -­‐  should  have  at  least  1  element  with  a  “yes.”   YES   NO   MAYBE  

Authentic:  Is  use  nested  within  a  “real  world”  task  (problem  or  project  based  etc.)  that  is  meaningful?   ☐   ☐   ☐  

Differentiation  through  Content  Level:  Are  various  levels  of  understanding  accepted?   ☐   ☐   ☐  

Differentiation  through  Modalities:  Are  at  least  2  modalities  used  when  learning  or  creating  (verbal,  aural,  visual,  tactile/kinesthetic)?  

☐   ☐   ☐  

Diverse  Perspectives:  Can  individuals  be  creative  and  individually  design  or  express  ideas/concepts?   ☐ ☐ ☐

Page 2: App Use for Engagement


Rajan  Sockman  (ESU)  &  Whitman  (NASD)  –  Mobile  Summit,  Fall  2014     2  

 SOCIAL  –  Management  Explanation:  Feedback  is  given  within  a  social  context.  The  instructor  needs  to  manage  how  feedback  is  given  and  how  often.  Feedback  should  be  appropriate  to  the  task,  learning  needs  and  doable  with  the  time  given.  Feedback  should  be  given  so  that  the  student  can  modify  or  reinforce  performance  as  needed.    


There  should  be  least  1  element  with  a  “yes.”     YES   NO   MAYBE  

Immediate  Feedback:  Is  feedback  immediate  so  that  the  student  can  improve  performance?   ☐   ☐   ☐  

Motivating  Feedback:  Is  the  feedback  interesting  to  the  student?  (visual  imagery,  audio,  animation  etc.)   ☐   ☐   ☐  

Peer  Timely  Feedback  -­‐  written/audio/video/face-­‐to-­‐face:  Can  peers  give  appropriate  feedback  the  same  day  or  within  1-­‐2  class  periods  or  days?  

☐   ☐   ☐  

Instructor  Timely  Feedback  -­‐  written/audio/video/face-­‐to-­‐face:  Can  the  instructor  give  individual  feedback  the  same  day  or  within  1-­‐2  class  periods  or  days?  

☐   ☐   ☐  

Assessment:  Do  assessment  measures  align  to  app  use  and  the  learning  goals  (curriculum,  rubric,  checklist  etc.)?   ☐ ☐ ☐

 Organization     YES   NO   MAYBE  

Distribution  &  Collection:  Are  the  digital  devices  distributive  in  a  time  efficient  &  effective  manor?   ☐   ☐   ☐  

Student  Involvement  -­‐  Ownership:  Do  the  students  have  explicit  responsibilities  that  instill  ownership  to  manage  the  digital  devices?  

☐ ☐ ☐ Reliability:  Is  the  app  reliable  to  use  productively?     ☐ ☐ ☐ Trouble  Shooting:  Is  there  support  for  troubleshooting?     ☐ ☐ ☐  
