API Design for Mobile Applications · API Design for Mobile Applications Murali Natarajan/John...

Think 2018 / DOC ID / March 22, 2018 / © 2018 IBM Corporation API Design for Mobile Applications Murali Natarajan/John Mutter Mobile Architecture – Apple CoC

Transcript of API Design for Mobile Applications · API Design for Mobile Applications Murali Natarajan/John...

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API Design for Mobile ApplicationsMurali Natarajan/John MutterMobile Architecture – Apple CoC

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Types of API designs 06App-design based API model 07Canonical API model 08Micro-services based model 09API design guidelines 10A hybrid approach 11Closing guidelines 12

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“Design is a plan for arranging elements in such a way as best to accomplish a particular purpose.”

Charles EamesThe Information Machine, 1964

In this presentation, we explore the best practices to consider while designing the backend apis for mobile apps

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Types of API designs

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§ App design driven

§ Canonical apis

§ Microservices

§ A hybrid approach

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App-design based API model

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• App design drives the app data model which in turn drives the apis needed

• Api design tightly coupled to screen design and its fields –response structure is custom and could be complex

• Api design cannot start until screens and the app data model are designed

• If a different channel uses (e.g. Web) a different design for the same screen, the api designed for Mobile may or may not fit –i.e. a variant of the same api for the other channel is often created

• Screen design changes – i.e. addition of new and/or removal of existing fields - leads to backend api redesigns

• Might be suited if the number of apps is just 1 or 2 and there are no other channel apps with similar functionalities.

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Canonical API model

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• Approach based on a canonical business data model that is a virtual and normalized representation of the enterprise data

• APIs are simple http operations on the normalized data entities in the canonical business data model

• Canonical data model will map to actual data from the underlying business systems using some integration solution

• App data model is often independent of the canonical data model; canonical data model and api designs can occur independent of the app development cycle

• Apps use a combination of the required apis to obtain data and processing logic to populate their screens

• Screen design changes have no impact since the apis are decoupled from the consuming apps

• Apps may become chatty in some use contexts resulting in performance concerns

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Micro-services based model

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• Makes use of micro services apis to the backend

• Very granular and purpose oriented

• Backend data model is not relevant

• Apps use multiple calls to gather and compose data for the UI

• Could become chatty depending on the use context

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API design guidelines

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• Is there a requirement to continually build multiple different functional apps on multiple platforms (android, iOS, Windows) and on multiple channels for your business?

Ø Canonical data model based apis offer a solution that can be consumed by all apps

Ø Creating a Micro services model for the backend to service multiple apps

• Is there a requirement to be able to work with multiple tools providing similar services that complement each other? For example, an app may tap into more than one Analytics tool or may want to switch easily from one to another type of Analytics tool withoutmaking too much coding changes in the app. Using a centralized analytics data model for the backend with a set of generic apisthereof, the app can work with them without tied to a specific analytics tool. Another example is content management systems. Ifthe app is required to switch seamlessly among different content management solutions in the backend, a canonical api solution might be appropriate

• Is this a stable one-off app or a very specific purpose app with unique data needs? App design driven apis might be a good approach to keep the apis simple as well as intuitive

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A hybrid approach is more practical

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• Experience has shown that usually there is no clear cut answer to one or the other api approach to take

• Key considerations are driven by the app performance NFRs required for its various use cases

• Goal is to minimize the number of backend api calls while at the same time minimize the impact on the apis due to any potential app design and data model changes

• Where possible, fetch data ahead of time and cache any static data locally. This can help where multiple api calls are required to render a UI screen

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Closing guidelines

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• Evaluate and decide the best approach. Conducting client workshops early on will help decide how to decide on the api design approach

• Start the api design ahead of app development time if canonical apis will be used.

• If micro-services are used, evaluate the existing services for potential reuse and create new ones as needed

• Resist the temptation to look at the screen design to decide on the design of the apis for the screen fields. Think of the enterprise-wide app ecosystem instead of jumping to provide a one-off solution for this app

• Implementing virtual data model and the apis thereof and/or micro services have middle layer architecture implications. Factor them into consideration before treading down this path

• Validate and refine the api designs/micro-services to come up with best designs as to serve up the apps using minimal api calls

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Thank you

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Murali NatarajanSr. Mobile Architect – Apple+IBM program—[email protected]

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